HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-11, Page 56 3 $. U tf l.- rf" "High Grade" Training payee and ri 41 that ie the kind the famous EL ..tOTT TORONTO, 0N1 Oivoo to his Students. Recent ohul- Q j, mite leave taken positions at salaries dk from $OU Por mouth to 51000 l01 a0- onm, .1013 a well known 1001 that our a Sohool In the best of Be kind hr 0011. yp ado. TLIe nl(otn 1s a splendid time aY to enter. All graduates sot positions. The demand le nearly twenty limos / the suplll Write today for i weenie. OOn1 0eOolyd881lo W.. J. ELLIOTT, Prinolpal, A➢ Don. YON211 Arm •ALn1ANDH0 818. 9ibV MEDICAL CARDS. BR. 1. A. BURNS— Successor to Jir. J. A. McNaughton Brussels, Ontario Graduate of Polyollnlo 23002 Graduate Sohool of Medicine and Surgery, Now York. Member of 0011ege of Pliysiohme and Sur- goons umgoons of Ontario. Office and roeidenoe same as formerly 00 - copied by Dr• MoNaughtou, Ateesees of women a epeoialty, 'Phone No• 00. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoCRACI{EN— • Inener of Marriage Llleueaa. Of. flee at Gr000ry, Turnberry street, Brussels, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANOER AND ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Cines In the Pont Mee, Ethel. 20.11 BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG Ie prepared to give lemmas ou Piano or Reed Orgau. Tonne 011 application. Posbolloe address—Brussels. Redd elm— Lot 8, Oou. 10, Grey. Pupils may have their lessons at their own homes 11 preferred. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howiok Mutual Fire Insurance Company Ofilce and Rosldence— WALTON, ONT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI INOn2013014, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 11 •S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- • 11112, will sell for better prioee, to better men, In lose time and less (horses thou any other Aaotioneer In East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this °TToe or by personal application, ROBT. H. GARN/SS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Enron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the o81oe of Tan Poem, Brussels. 220f VETERINARY. • A. CUNNINGHAM— NJ'Bouor l;raduare of the Ontario Vet - ...emery College, Is preparedto treat all die• eases of domeotivated animals an a compet- ent manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary P00018try and Milk .Favor, bane promptly attended to. Mae and infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, Turnborry et„ Unseals. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MA.ODONALD— Barxister, Solicitor, Notary, Rte. buaoeeeor to G, F, Blair, Otlioe over Stan- dard Bunk, Bruoeole. Solicitor for Metro- politan etro- polltan Bank, IAT M. SINCLAIR— V V • Barrister, Solleit0r, 1000veyan00r, lv u0ary Public, &o, 0lf1oe-8towart'e Block 1 door North of Central Rotel. Solfpitorior the Standard Bonk, 1,liOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BAR1RISTERS sOLI01TOR8, NOTARIES P'UBLIO, era. W. PnotnlraoT, It, 0. R. 0. EAU G. F. BLAID. Oilloee—Those formerly ouoopied by Messrs Cameron & nolo- GODEM01±, 013'1'000. DENTISTRY DR. R. P, FE/LD, IIF)N1r18'r Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and First,olaes Honor Graduate of ,Toronto University. (Moe next to Brewer's Photograph Galleey, BRUSSELS. d,D 1. A Famous School CENT .CSL STRATFORD. ONT, eP This School is recognised to bo one rt of LI the hoot OommeroialSchools in the yQ (18 ProVtnoe. Our courses are thorough p 9S anti up -t0 -date, we give It practioel .D treini0g and assist our graduate° to g pB 0, It is impossible nod o itiou for us ,othe be demand mate on 110 s'rfooer office help holio tr thole Mini welfare soaldwrie for our 11 dqpi f catalogue. ELLIOTT LLIOTI & YdoLAOkILAN, Principals, ett`41fifltaflt= Walton JEWELRY STORE I Have opened a Jewelry Store in the McKim Building, and ley stock is new and well varied. Special attention paid to Repairing. Yon will find my prices moderate. D. BLAKE 3 stx xt I03s. faro rclw lela. Wm. MOLonghli0 is erecting a new driving shed and hue lately made some improvements me his stable. Bible Society meeting in the Motho. diet ohuroh Sunday evening. Addressee were givers by the Rave. J. Hueter and A. B, Dobson. Louie Oriet hes sold out his bemoan bunkmate to Wm. Radford of Dnngauuou, who will take poeeeoaiou about October 16112, Louie tae dooldod to settle iu Gerrie. Rev. Jae. Hauer, M. A., B. D., return- ed home on Tuesday night of last week from his trip to Ohioogoand Bloomiogton, While away he took kis Sued examination at the Illinois Wealeyou University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, and was anooes0f11. 1Vlolee4wortit. Reginald Wood and 'Phos. Irwiu have gone to Manitoha. Mre. Sangster 1e spending a few weeks with Mre. Curtis, of Atwood. Dauiol Berlesl hoc returned from Ed• mouton after epanniog three days in the Meat. Mrs. Cummings it; very Wok at present hue we hope to see her arouud in a few days. Jaime Sangster, of Tara, is visiting friends in and arouud k'lotesworth for atone time. Our V. B. has removed his drop to Palmerston as' Molesworth waa not large enough for him. The eiloe are filled and threshing is the order of the day. Grain is turning out very good. The rain was a great bleesiug to this section of the oo0ntry. Wells were giving out and the ['reeks going dry; fire was do - lug ooueiderable damage In some sectiooe. Mre, George Spence returned from the Northwest, Although she did not enjoy very good health while she was away, she nod a pleasant journey and is im. proving eine° her return. Pile° quiokly and positively oared with Dr. Shoop'e Magic Ointment, It's made for Piles alone—and it does the work surely and with oatiefaotiou. Itching, painful, protruding or blind. piles disappear like magic by ate use. Large, Nlokle Oltpped glae0 jars, 50 cents. Sold and recommended by F. R. Smith. lilyLdt. Joe 13011 left for Toronto to enter the Medina) College. E. 0. Wilford hoe gone to Toronto to take up hie 3rd year In friedioine, Mies Rena Bennett left for Brussels where she will assist the Mimes Habkirk in their millinery store. The people of the Methodist ohuroh have engaged Harold Jarvlo to give o 0000ert on the evening of November the 28th. J. W. Sellars, who has been oougned to the A. I. I. F., Aospite' at Topeka. 1au00e, has so far reoovered to be able to return to his home in Newton, Tian. sae. The little friends of Emma Murray will be pleased to learn that she captured the silver medal at a day school in Wel. verhampton, England, for having the highest marks eta,, for the first month at school. The Ontario Gazette announoed that Charlet] Hamittou, a former well known resident of Blyth, and now of Brute Mines, euoceede the late Thomas Knight, as a bailiff of the seoond Division Court of Algoma, The only daughter of Fred. and Mre. Haggitt passed away after a long illusee. The child was aged 1 year and 21 days. The parents buried their little boy about the first of last month, The funeral touts plaoe on Sunday afternoon to the Union oemetery Itnd the aervi0e eras conducted by Rev. Mr, Anderson, The people of Blyth will be sorry to bear that A. H. Plummer has sold hie property and he and his family will move to the West, to the vicinity of Swan River, Mr. Plummer boa lived in Blyih for R good many years, he being priooipal of Blyth Public Sohool, He resins' and beoame artner with Mr. d gp McNally in the cement block machine mauutaet1100. He has beau a member of the Sohool Board and ie now Beotetory• Troaoarer. We wish him and his family anomie in the West, GOLDEN WNDDINQ.—A moat' enjoyable afternoon and evening wee spent by the children, grandchildren and a few old triende at the home of Robt. and Mre. Johnston on Monday, Sept. 241h, when they celebrated the :fiftieth anniveroary of their wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were married Sept. 24011, 1856, by Rev. Mr. Campbell, Methodist minis ter than stationed at 011,10011, Their wedding trip was taken from the home of Mie. Jehnelou'e father, Mr. Brown, to Olinton and bulk to the Ilttle bark• covered log cabin in the 'nail in a lumber wagon, with the mod MOO deep. The pathway through life, hoWevor, did not oontinne eo mitt nod many are the hard and rugged roads over whiOb they have passed during there 50 years.. they have enjoyed muoh of life's genial 0au0hin8 mud it hem by the we were Go Judge a baalth and wtreng thtbeY atilt e uJoYs we moat nay d the e Jo g well. Mr I t l n s, they hove elan E w ' r J ohnetou a bridesromtd be ou n amt Y g 91grWas not able -tor, though still linin w s g to be present, The following friends of their childhood were preoent to oxprees thole heartiest greetings, namely, Mre. Boyd and Mro, irlotrieon of k'f01011op, I) ;,;; 1 and Mro, Miller, of Clinton, who wore also primal, at their werlding, and kir. Jobueiub, u brrthor, and hie wife, of 0lfntml, Probably the moot to Line thing it t ole t roe with thin golden wedding m, is the taut that not break had yet been ! made In the family and all Wm olliidreo were present, ane—lire. Black borough— having mine all the' way from Mon• Gantt The 0tl1Ora are Nothauiel, of Hallett ; Joeoph, Mrs, W, J. Parka, Robert, and Mrs, W. Farrow, of Boat Wawauoeh ; Mre, ()has, Armstrong, of Shelburne ; Mrs, Brown, of Morrie, and Wm,, ot Blyth. A very dainty repeal woo spread on the lawn, when their ptsetor, Rev, 5• Anderson, and wife had the pimiento 0f laking tea with Mr, and 51re. Johuelon on the old home made table from wbioh 60 years ago they par took of their wedding breakfast. A delightful program waa rendered by the ohildreu Sud graudobildren daring the evening, and the preeenc0 were most nub. stoutish Uliul'ou, Dr, Will. Holloway lett for Petetboro' where he hoe deoided to locate, Rev, Mr, Joiliffs goes to Blyth on the 14th to preach anniversary eervioes. 11. and Mrs. Rumford, who have been upending the Summer at Bayfield, have returued to town, Mr. Ranoford being oonsiderably improved he health. A. and Mre. Mollnrray, of Stapleton, and Stewart and Mre. Seymour on Toss day evening of last week aolobra1ed the "wooden" anniversary ot their wed• ding day. The many friends, both in town and country, of Norman Fair (of Fair Bros.) will regret exceedingly to learn that be is suffering from a serious Moen— enlargement of the liver H. Bartliff has removed hie bakery and - restaurant into the new store erected for him by Mr. Johnston, and has a very oommodione and attractive store, where be should be able to do an enlarged business, Anniversary Heroines in Ontario Street Methodist (Thumb will be held on. Sunday October, 28th. The oatetanding debt on oharoh property ie only $800 and interest and an effort will be mode to wipe this out at the anniversary. Mr. Graham says the shipping of sugar beets commenced last week to Ber. lin Sugar Faotory. He expects to have five bundrrd oar loads from this dietriot this Fall, mud is ebipping 35 oar loads a week until they are ail out. The crop may not be a0 heavy on the whole Ise last year, but he testing higher in anger. The youthful members of Mre. Ed. Oantolon's Sunday Sohool olase, made hera surprise party and the reaiphent of a beautiful pearl•handled silver oaks knife. BIisha Townsend read the address, the presentation being made by Oar! Baste. Foffy.pulling was indulged in and the evening waa spent most enjoyably. H. Beattie intimated to the Oounoil that hie client, Oliver Grigg, had been thrown from his boggy beoaues of an obetruotioo left on Marie street by an employee of the corporation, and had suffered injuries'. Mr. Beattie did not state that damages were asked for and the Council not being in any mood for looking between the hoes ordered the oommauioaticn to be d=ed. A letter woe received by town Connell from F, H. McGuigan, 4sb vise president of the Grand Trouts Railway. It was addreaeed to the Mayor who had written to the Company urging the building of a new station here, Mr. McGuigan admit ted that the passenger station end other faoilitiea were not nearly a0 good as they ought to be but the diffionity has been that other places were so moots worse off than Clinton that they were forced to give their 0tlen• tion first. "We have had the molter in view for emus time," oonoluded Mr. Mo Goigou, and while we will not be able to ergot a new Station thio Fall, we will do 0o early next Spring. Mr. Brownlee, Superintendent Of our Middle Division, will be in 0liuto0 in the near fat0re and will endeavor to arrange a meeting to disown the question." ;Looeictao vv. D. D. Gillies has seoured a good poei- tion with Gonne Bros., of Wiugham. Wilbur Bryan has gone to London to learn the jewellery bosinese in Diamond Hall. Thomas Watson hoe removed hie bar- ber chop to his now premises in the Davison block, Abe MoLollnud has been oboeen as the Conservative 00ndidate in North Bynoe, to oppose Join) 'Tolmi8. James mud Mre. Gordon and Mre. Frank Gordon lett un Wednesday of last week for Winnipeg, where they will make their future home, A. T. Davison, & Son have removed their furniture and undertaking business to their handsome new block on the North side ot ()amplest! street. The many triende of the family will regret to learn of the aerioue illness of Peter Molntooh, of Widen who wee found`tyiug In the field unooueulouo, The death 000urred in London on Sunday, September, 80th, of 11ev. John Learteyd, m former pastor of the Metlh°. dint ohuroh in Luoknow, iu hie 77th year. Angus MoObarles, brother of Mre, Jno. Pot0her, of Luokuow, was a olounoh and true Canadian and showed it in the terms of hie will. The $10,000 which he offers me a prize for dfeooveries in eleo• trioity or in the treatment of ores and minerals fe eoufiued to Canadians. Hie will provides bequests for his nephew° and Seises. Some of these live in the United States. They will only got $500 emelt unless they 001M0 to reside in Oou• ado within the next two v0nre, in whioh ease they will get is $1,000 each. PnssoNTATIor,—The Lnoknow Sentinel of laid week nye of people well known in Braeeels:—Oa Saturday evening a dap. utaliou 10001 tile Ladies Aid of the Methodist ohuroh %visited, ou Mrs. .(Jor- don add preeoutod tier with a large piotnre handsornely framed, of the mem- here of that) Society and the following address :—To Mra. James Gordon :—We the member° of the Ladies Aid Sooiety of the Methodist ohuroh of the town are encoding sorry to learn you have de- oided to leave us, and move to Winnipeg, iu order to be in olo0er proximity to your ebildren, that in your declining and In. °teasin 1 Mutated yearn n have gy y you may the comfort and fathom nI: your own dear tinnily, Though rah have been deprived tor many years from taking ani' 00tiv0 part in 0ttr iodise' roe0ting m yet 31 have t you nom withdrawn your iutereot or your financial aid. We deem it our privilege and duty to proem you .pith, ibis p2011100 HELP . WANTED Yonne Millen and xon110inen Tho are Mistretta of moldier a 1,000rd, (100 wanted al the B Ingham COLLEGE UszNEss (Alit hated with Gunton Bodeen College) to prepare for Bookkeepers, SGen- ographera and Telegraphers. During July and Align eta we ecoid only 1111 will -TENTH of the poet - tions offered our graduates. Catalogue free. GEO. SPOTTON, Principal of your sisters, oomprioing the Ladies Aid of the Methodist ohuroh, Wishing you in the evening of your life the riohaet of God's comforts with your kind hus— band and family. Signed0n behalf of the Ladies' Aid, Mre. J. T. Smith, Oar. Beo'y, Mre. (Rev.) Millyard, Mrs. Ger. don in a few well ohoeen words expreeeed her sorrow at the thought of breaking the ties of friendship so °lonely woven, but looked leeward to the onion where partings never oome, An address from the W, F. M. S. was also presented to Mrs, Frank Gordon :—We the membere of the W. M. B, of Lnoknow Methodist uboroh deplore very much that in the Providenoe of God, we are compelled to say farewell to a beloved member, one who has token an active part in every good work of the Society, praying that the ohmage may prove condnaive to your peace and joy, and that you may unite yourself with some similar society, and let your influence be felt in this good work, Is the prayer mid wish of the Mende you leave behind, On behalf of the Society we eubauribe ourselves, Mre. J. T. Smith, Cor. Seo'y ; Mre. Ham, President. When the tip of a dog's nose ie °old and moist, that dog ie not eiok. A fever. fab dry nose means eioknese with a dog. And s0 with human lips. Dry, cranked and oolorleso lips mean feveriehneae, and are as well ill appearing. To have beautiful, pink, velvet like lips, apply at bedtime a mating of Dr. Shoop's Salve. it will soften and heal any skin ailment. Get a free trial box at our More and be oonvinoed. Large nickel oapped glans jars, 26 ciente. F. R. Smith, Goderioh. Mre. E. Downing left on a visit to relatives at Bowmanville. The 33rd Regiment Band played a a good program at the Bayfield Fall Show, The last of thedefendants in the Ash- field charivari oa0e will appear before Hie Honor Judge Doyle on Monday, the 22nd inst. Mies Mina Leckie lett for Pongh keepeie, where she baa a poeition of head nurse. She had been visiting her brother, T. T. Leokie. J. R , son of John Platt, wag atrnok in the eye with a oheetnut, by a playmate at the Collegiate and at present is eon. fined in a darty room hi the hope of pre- earving the eight, W. 0. Goode, who has oondnoted the Red Oroes drug store in Goderiob for matey years, hoe diepooed of hie business to H. 0. Dunlop, Phm. B„ a native of Godorioh. J, 13. Hawking left to resume the work in wbioh he was engaged before mom mooing business in Goderioh, as' travel• ling salesman for Rochester firm. He baa Quobeo and New Bruuewiok as his territory. J. B. Carrie, who has been oondnoting 008810esin a ohuroh near Winnipeg dor- lug the Summer months, arrived from there to spend 0 few days at the motern• al reetdenoe. He left for Toronto to take his final year in Arta at the Mil• varsity of Toronto. The Oollegi0te Institute board have appointed Mies' Amy J. Kerr, B. A,, of Balmy Beach, Toronto, to the position of Resistant teacher at the G. O. L, in place of Miss Saner, who has left to take a position at Peterboro, N. J. lMorriaey hoe game proliflo game boutamo with a r000rd. One hen is now at her third setting, and the first batch of chickens have been laying for some time and one of them will have a brood in a few days. Three generations in one 9eaeo0 looks like working over time, Tenders are nailed for piling the o0teide breakwater all round the orib work with pile0 40 feet long, to be driven 10 feet io the ground, and finishing -the work already retorted. The pile driving 10 feet, it is said, will be en exoeedingly difhoult job, as it is olaimed that most of the bed of the lake ou wbioh the cribs aro plaoed is the hardest of hard pan. A Dane tinder the Fruit Inspection AM was tried before P. M. Humber, A. Gifford, Dom, Ioopeotor, being the eons• plainant, and Robert 'Elliott the defend. ant, the abarge being falsely marking a shipment of 15 barrels of apples not• signed to Winnipeg. It was shown that Mr. Elliott bad not peeked the fruit, but had bought and shipped it, but be paid a penalty of 50 Dante per barrel and $2 wets, MORE LAW 8111130,—The action of the G, & G, By. officiate in °aaaing the arrest of the G.'1', R, steam shovel orew a week ago last Monday, has lead to the 10000noe of three write in the names of Messrs, Hanna, Parcell and Conway, of the G, T. R. staff, who claim demagog from the 0, & G. By. 00., and ohiet Euginoer Peterson and Assistant Roberts lu the writ issued for Me. Benno nom - plaint 10 made of moult, tales imprison, Ment and malioious proeeontion, boo no amount i0 epeoifled, and in the Poroell and Conway writs a claim of $5,000 damages in made, ;1'ho girder() for the 0, P, R. bridge aortae the trooke at the foot of the hay her hill have been placed in postilion, but the fioOr has not yet been laid. The approaches to iho bridgo are being travelled. A carload of Mono for the rimmings of the elation hoe arrived and aan of a oueubtere are at work. g g .o t ilia hill hook of the station, round house, eto,r i0 being smoothed off pre- paratory pr -pa atory to re -sodding, The cement piers and foundations for the Bound• hoagie aro being pat in and quite a bit Slgauot pAs 4rft t4 d Brussels Daylight Store 17, G. N. McLaren In, - , , I p't- a lralprt'4"b"t't,7r'li't'arll.'a11,.'I,,gl,'tA1,Al,dt dl el,'a, q,'a''1 h,^'tip'h, I Y' q, I, •I,r'4' L'1 4'4,'lli IU'le'erl,'9d9,'ll, lli Iii t4'4,'lli Ilr'lli 1141,'1,'91'41 Il,q,rtPl,^li'I '4 ' li Il, lp't,l'1,17 New Fall and Winter Goods Now in Stock This is a prosperous year—Top prices for big crops—which. should make this one of the "good years" We have prepared for a good Fall and Winter business with a big stock of strictly new goods, and they are bought Right. Both Wool and Cotton are higher priced, but we are here with bright new goods in many cases at less than you would expect to pay for them, -Ladies' and Girls' New Coats—Canadian, English and German makes. —Ladies' and Girls' New Rain Coats. —New Dress Goods and Trimmings. — New Mantle Clothe and Ladies' Furnishings. —Ladies' and Children's New Union and Wool Under- clothing. — New Towelis, Towellings and Table Linens. —Men's and Boys' New Furnishings and Undercloth- ing. —A complete assortment in the Staple Department. —All Wool, Union and Cotton Blankets. —New Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. — New Overcoats, Suits and Odd Pieces for Men and Boys. Sflk In fact yon will find here one of the best stocks within your reach and we Always Pay the Highest Prices for Produce. HAVE YOU SEEN THE SAMPLE' COATS ? We purchased a set of Traveller's Sample Coats for Ladies', Misses and Children. These are all this season's new styles. We have some specially good things left for Misses and Children. These we sell at actual Wholesale Prices—of course we got a discount on them. They are in perfect condition and you would not know by the appearance of the Ooats that they had been carried by a Traveller. Goods Right or Your Money Back. Yours for Mutual Benefit G. N McLaren Next Door to American House of work will have to be done in filling around them with earth. A couple of drains, one the outlet of a sewer and the other as the outlet for the stream flowing from the mineral spring, are being pot in through the new land that was raised as the alta of the station buildings. Gorrie. Andrew Doig retained from his trip to the Prairie Province. Wesley Montgomery lett for Toronto to attend bee Medical oollege. Will Earogey, jr., has taken a poeition to W. H. Litt's general entre. Martin Eagleson left tor Toronto where he will attend the School of Prootioal Soienoa, Walter Simpson ban been:appointed tax Oolleotor for the W00tern division ; and Wm. Wade, jr., for the Eastern division of Howiok. L. 0. Orlet, who has carried on a bar. nese business in Fordwioh for number of years hag deoided to move to Gorrie and has rented Mre. Horton's v0o0n0 store next door to the post offioe and will move in about the 15th. Auoording to 0caou0ts from the West• ern proviuoee much fever be raging there at. present. Word has been reoeived from T. D. Edgar, of Edmonton, that his four children are all down with it as well as Wm. Wileon, sou of J, L. Wilton, of the 9th non., who he in the hospital there at present with typhoid. Word was received in town on Monday of last week of the sad death of John Mo. Kee, of Fordwioh, brother of Wm. Mo• Kee, of town, whish took place near Neepawa, Man., the previous Friday, where he and his family had gone to look after their interest in deeoated's farm. The funeral took plaoe on Sunday bo the Neepawa °amatory where his remains were iuterred beside those of hie first wile who predeoeaeed him some time ago. The following account of a sad death refers 1t a eon of Wm. Leech, formerly of. Gorrie :—A bright young fellow just enteringt, his manhood was called endden- ly to hie reward under oironmetanoee sad and painful. Buoyant in spirit and foil of lite and ambition, Milton Leeob, of the Government road, e0arted morose the fields shoat eight o'clock to return a gun he had borrowed from a neighbor Mr, Desobampo, wh011,'in arming s feriae it in presumed the weapon was discharged the obarge entering his forehead with au upward tendency and lifting the entire eoalp nutting instantaneous death. Mr, Leech and °there heard the report of the gun lent thatught little of it as the time, Even when ten o'clock had passed and, the young man bad not returned home the family did not feel greatly alarmed as deoeooed arae in the habit of spending man of hie leisure hears with a friend and companion, Harry Boyd ; but when 1Mr. Leath awoke 08 2 o'olook in the morning and found hie eon's bed still nn• occupied he beoome noway and iintned' iatoly started in melt, with the result that he found the body of the unfortunate young man lying oold in death by the try. lanae already mentioned. It arae a aYY ins moment for the gttel.atriaken tether, who with the oeol01ance of Joseph Webb, p removed th0 corpse to the family resides- Ilton Leech a a quiet uneaten. as'. M Wan 0 q 0 yoting waa tela od ilia arent0 t tion n v b a Y k , Y p , popular among his companions and re. specified by the whole oOmmunity. Caneracliun 12 ewe,. John J. Billings, a London teamster, area run over and killed. Ieaao Friar wag atruok by a train at Pluton and fatally injured. David Marshall, Conservative, was eleoted to the Commons' in East Elgin. Robert Simpson, of Owen Sound, stepped off a yacht end was drowned. The Trail smelter may alone an the re. snit of the Crow's Nast Ooal miners' strike. Fire lo the business section of Arm- strong, 13. 0., caused a lose of $20,000 to $40,000. Peray Hill, a laborer, was killed by an elevator weight in the new Traders' Bank building. Tbo Methodist General Board appro- priated $151,000 for the gnpport of home mission work. Fire at Fraser Bros' mill, Deaehenee, destroyed 20,000,000 feet lumber, causing a lose of $400,000. Robert Raioie, formerly of Perth, who has been miesing for 12 years, has been heard from in California, The plant of the Ontario Grape & Wine Co. at Bt. Catharines' woe destroyed by fire. ,Loss abont $150,000. Tom Lewis, the London hotelkeeper, in whose house it is charged money was paid for votes, surrendered bimselt to the polioe. A report of Montreal schools allows them to be in a very insanitary condition and the children suffering from diseases of varione nide, Mre, Jae. Haply, of Maidstone, was given is verdict against the M. 0. R. for $3,950 damages for the death of her hue- band who Pas killed at a crossing. LANDS FOR SALE FOR TAXES. Notice is hereby given that and of the lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared and that ooniee thereof may be had at nue ofloe, and that the List is being published in the Ontario Gazette, in the issues of August 18th and 26th, and Septem- ber let and 8th, 10013. And that in default of payment of the taxes and (mate the lands will be sold at the Court Holm ,i8 the Town of Goderioh, on Tuesday, the 4th day o1 De- cember, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. 8.8m WM. HOLMES, Gouty of Heron, Treasurer. Treasurer's OMoe, Goderioh, fAug, 16,1905• ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMEFIS Montreal to Liverpool Ionian Oot. 10 Nov. 18 Virginian net. 25 Tubieian Nov. d Victorian Nov 8 Rates 08 Passage First Cabin -870 and upwards, a000rdiog to steamer. Second Oabin-842,320 and up- wards. 'Third Clime— OM 80 and upwards. Reduced Winter rates in effect beginning November 1st. Montreal to Glasgow Sloilian Oct. 12 Nov 22 Pretorian Oot. 25 Numidiau . Nov. 1 Second ohms 340; Third class $20;90 For further partfoulare, rates and tiokete apply t0 W. IT. AIEHR, Agent Allan Line, Broseels, FALL MILLINEY READY Pattern Hats and Millinery Novelties HE invitation is yours to come and see gcor- rect thin that is y and new in Fall Millinery. Nothing that has been accepted by the Fashionable of New York and Paris has been neglected in our Styles. No formal opening this Season— just drop in any time. Girls wanted to learn the Millinery. UsesHabkirk j