HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-11, Page 41e zlol etz .set, THURSDAY, OCT. 11, 1906, TfletNuaiMetee Day will be observed on Tttaraday of noxi week,. OwwNe to the resignation of Lieut, OoI, McGillivray, through ill health, R, Matheson, who has been $nperintendeut and Prinoipal of the lnentute for the deaf and dumb at Belleville tor the past 27 years; Maeda hire u9 Supreme Sem retery of the Independent Order of For. esters. The eatery is $7,000 per annum. Col, McGillivray has tilled the office for over 20 years. He will take a trip. TUE tretfioker in political rascality should be made safer (or his crooked. nese but it is a canna to ne how neer eighted some people are when tbeir own p6rtioalar patty le doing the "wallowing•' and what a telescopic vision they possess when the other party le at it. There are no divisional lines of thie oharaoter that au be fairly drawn and the more these matters are winked at to shield one's party the wider the door is opened for increased dirtluese of tbia kind. We believe many a public man is clean hand' ed who has to bear the brant through the folly of some overzealous supporter or committee and often thoee who stigmatism eleotloo impurity under very blaok names an ebeteaat eanehine from a blacker eky because tbe committal waa on their side of polttioe. Let ne stand up for purity and rigbteousneae bat let us do it on all 000aaione and no matter who may tuffor, By, ,the investigations London le the storm centre now not. withetanding that the election is long by, We einoarely belhve the pot oannot call the kettle blaok in that pity and poet history hes proven this. No doubt crooked thioge should have beeu straight- teoed out long ago but it was winked at in some oases, we have heard, and de- spite the fact that many good men are in• terested in polities they have not always had their way. We,hope the present case will be probed to the bottom no matter who it pinohea and the true inwardness arrived at. It strikes us, however, as rather peculiar that the "revelations" should be made public immediately be. tore a bye election. The informer mast have suddenly bad his 000Boien08 terribly burdened. Clear up and Olean up would be a good motto for everybody. FALL ASSIZE COURT. The Fall term of the High Coat of Justine opened on Tueedsy afternoon of lest week, in Goderioh before the Honor. able Juenioe Britton. A Grand Jury had beau summoned heoanoe one of the de- fendants iu the Ashfield charivari cage bed been oommitted, but a few daps since he claimed bis right to elect, and elected to be tried without a jury, so the grand panel was notified not to. attend. Tbe oivil list 000tained six mimes, three of which were down for jury trial, but at the opening of the Court Hie Lordabip decided that these be tried without a jnry, so the petit jurymen were disaharg• ed. Of the six oases on the docket :— Farmer vs. Kuntz, an action to recover bateau of salary for services fie brewer at $altford brewery, wee, by anima, Battled in favor of plaiutiff, judgment ,for 2615 without oats being entered in his favor. Smith & Britton appeared for plaintiff, and Diokinsoo & Garrow for defendants. Brune ve The Dominion Fish Oo, was, by mamma, puotponed till the next maize oourt for Enron, making the third poet. p0888ment of the trial. The action is for $1,000 'damages for Meese, blood poieon• tug, claimed by plaintiff to have been caused by being lodged in a hams infect• ed by vermin: Prondfoot, Hays & Blair for plaintiff ; A, D, Oreaeor for defend• ant. Pigott ve Riley et al, en anon for damages for obviated breach of '0ontra08 ou a sob contrast, and far injury to tools need in R R work, was, by consent, adjourned to the next sitting of the court. Proudfoot, Bays & Blair for plaintiffs } F. W. Griffiths for:detendante.. Pigott vs The Imperial Oo., an action to recover $631, interest and costs, olaim ed to be due for empty cement bags ree tamed to the defendant Co. by plaintiff, was by oaneent, postponed to the next non;•jory Bitting oe the High Court of Jana for the County, Cameron & Kn. loranior plaintiff, McKay, Sampeon & Telford for defendant. Tbe melees left for trial were Wilkin• eon ie. The ' Grey Branch Agrioultaral Sodiety, an action to recover $1,000 damages fon Masa and injariee, claimed -to have been eaueed by felling into a'hola on the ao8iety'e lair grounds fn Ootober, 1905. W. M. Sluolalr, for plaintiff; A. B. ManDonald for the defendant, The Goderiob Engine and Biayole Co. vg. Menziee, Tbeiaotton was tried at thie court in the Spring, lasting over two days at the conclusion . of which Judge Ma. Gee, who presided, gave judgment for the engine Co. for their fall claim with 80888, and for defendant for $400 for delay in delivery, without 00018, the verdict for plai.ntiffe being $4,920, with interest. The defendant appealed the case ; it ;Rag sent up again for trial, and was oomin80. sed at 3 p. m. on Tneeday and oloeed at 12 30, on Wednesday, and fie the defence, through 141r. Tilley, one of the counsel, saving to leave town, the argemo08 waa • iedjodrned till Tbntedey 90 Toronto. In the (second) trial all the evid8nle taken at the Ara went in, and for plain- tiff Oo., m80'iger'Thomson, Data, end Inglie were re examined, and president Clark wag examined for the first time, Otte of the pleat (Or a new trial being that Mr. Clark, though in wart at the first ural, Wag not nailed to give evidence. For tbe dalenoe, four or Ave witoesees • were examined, Wm. Prondfoot K. 0., for plaintiff 00„ and Moser&. 3ohn060n and Tilley for the detain. ' Wilkiheoo ea, The Grey Agrioaltnrel So8iety waa not ailed, se the court clots. td, only the one data having been tried.. ra.r^..."" School Reports. Satan eteem e.—'deport for S• S. No.. 0, Morrie, for Sept, Blending is booed Un 8698nda8988 anti ell the 1111bjeote taken in Oa088 close,—$r, IV• --Vote Bowmen, 320 ; Frank Bryaoe, 240. Jr, IV -- Margie Yelll, 658 ; T'eua Ygall, 859. Sr. III—Ethel Believe, 839. Jr, III— Mabel Bone, 830, Russel Currie, 281 ; Hervey Heudereon, 147 ; Roy Sellers, 82. Jr. 1I—John Riney, 212 ; Ruteel Boue, 1,91, Se. pt II—ladle liiley, 891 ; Lila Wilkinson, 297. Br. pt. 1—Harold Our• ria, 361 ; Ward Sellers, 265. Jr. pt I— Ireue Wilkinson, 809 ; Joins Youth, 272 ; Ohariie Senora, 211. 0.11101.111 Mn,LIoot, Tetoher. S0000n %P.oiw.—Following le the re• port of S, S. No. 8, Grey, for September. Names in order of merit. Jr. IV— H. Smith, 11. Wilbee. dr. III -3, Taylor, 0. MoKiunou, L. MoDonald, E. Cardiff, B, Smith, M, Abbey, A. Lowe. jr. I1I— J. Smith, 0, Doll, 61, Lowe, M. Edwards. Jr. II -3. Oliver, K. MoDouald, F, Oole, S. Lattimore. Pt. II—E. Lattimore, B. Smith, G, Shaw, J, Smith, M. Snaith, M, McFarlane. Sr. pt I.—S. Grant, E• Biebop, Jr. pt. I,—I. Shaw, J. Meer. lane. M, Zltltrzn, Teaoher, Sauooa REPORT of S. S. No. 10 Grey for months of August and September, Names in order of merit based oe weekly exams and general protioieuoy :—Sr, IV.— Eve Rathwell. Jr, II,—Katie Denman, Alma Speiran, Pearl Oxloby, Ivah Speiran, George Evans. Sr. III.—Mer• gurette Heti:421mn, Mary •Machan, Myrtle Speiran, Lily Evens, Wilfrid Wbitfleld, James Doan, Jr. III.—Della Wbitfleld, Herman Ptukrell, Peroy Ward. Sr, II. Hart Speiran, Minnie Hannah, Lucy Taylor, Gordon Whitfield, Stamey Machan, Freddie Oox, Wille Werd. Jr. II.—Henrietta Denman, Maggie Love, Gertie Speirao, Millie Cox, Edith Ptak. rell, Milton Ostoby, Freddie Hollenbeok, Earl Eathwell. Pt. II.—Emma Taylor, Lorne Pratt, Bennie Hollenbeok, Carrie Ward, Jeouie Ward. Iet, Olaee Br.— Glydus Hollenbeok, John Inglis, May Inglis, Eric Hntohineon, Stanley Speir. ao, Jr. Iet,—Ruby Bernath, Lane Lake Eddie Ward, S, 0. Lle0911nnlvans, Teaober. The following is the report of standing of pupils' of 8. 13. No. 4, Elm, and Grey for month of September. Sr. IV— Daiay Vine, 649 ; Ray Hamilton, 600, Jr. IV—Jean Hamilton, 585 ; W11iie Stevenson, 450 ; Olere008 Netberoott, 311 ; Fred Lucas, 186. Sr. III—Boesela Wilson, 707 ; Tommy Vine, 689: Walter Thomson 319 ; Sam. Rattan, 233. Jr. III—Margaret Steveueon, 717 ; Elsie Hall, 506 ; Jessie Steveueon, 428 ; Al. bert Aonett, 887 ; Oarrie Hamm, 90. Sr. II—Willie Brant, 398 ; Nelson Aunett, 878 ; Pearl Brant, 822. Jr, II—Mand Luaae, 810, Sr. Pt. II—May Johnson, 618; Site Wilson, 534, Jr. Pt. II— Lillie Beirnee, 906 ; Minnie Marten, 847 ; Dianetta Selena, 661. ; Glen Vine, 587 ; Lottie Thameon, 525 ; Reay Montgomery, 499 ; Clifford Rowteod, 245 ; Gladys Rowland, 206. Sr, pt. I—Artbur Ham• ilton, 638 ; Obarley Muir, 552 ; Milton Brent, 544 ; Edna Stewart, 405 1 Tummy Toreman,287; Wil'ie 8000808088, 280; Mary Holt, 40. Jr, Pt.I—Lewie Marten, 430 ; Harvey Beirnee, 427 ; Part Vine, 130, T. T. Swlxzan, Teaober. 13,tvv 00(1. W. J. Daoklow is having his home on King et. veneered wits umlaut. He first lathed the building and then plaetered it with oement. George Carrie ie improving bit real. denoe by veneering it with oement Meeks. ele is manataoturing the biooke himself by me60e of a moaning machine He and Dao Blrtou turned ant as many me 120 io a day, We regret to report the illness of Jno. G. Diakeoo, Blind Line. Mr, Diokean was threatened with typhoid fever but we understand the danger from this source ie removed and that he ie grat— uity improving. The Aunivereary Services in oonneo. tion with the Methodist auras, Atwood, will be bend me Sunday, 149h, when the pastor,.Rev. Mr. Bond at tbe request of hie people will preach. Bpeoial lree•will offering at eaoh service in aid of the oharah funds. On Monday evening following the Rev, Wm, Harvey, of Brantford, will deliver a lecture. Special munio by the choir. THANE ()grannie Mt1rTINo.— The annual Thark•Offeriog meeting of the W. F. M. S. of the Atwood Proabyterian church was bald in the Melhodfet•' boee- .menton Thnreday evening Sept. 27th Leben a large number listened to an ex. anent address on Missions from the Bev. A, 0. Wisbart, the newly iudneted pastors of , Melville 43 obutch, Brunets. Mr, W isbart bad to return to Brueeele on the evening train, ea that hie remarks were briefer than wee expeo1ed. But in the abort time at bie disposal be gave his hearers may valuable tboaghte and im. pressed ell by his 8000848 manner of ad- dress, The report of the Society showed a total offering of about $188, inoludieg clothing sent to the Weet and the $80 special collection of that night. This amonot will likely be 100088 sed to $200 when all the envelopes are in, The Minion Band, under the able' guidance of Mrs. (Jurrie, raised $46 during the Yea. , V it inzlawn.. Postmaster Father le able to be out 8.19810, The first coat of plaster was applied to the new High Sobool building last week. 11,..A. Hutchison has purchased . the Alex. Ritchie reeidentel property . on 0e1110e street. Dr. and Mre. Towler left Toronto for Preens, California, where they. will spend the Winter mouths. Carroll Bele, :formerly of Wingblem, ie now Seoretery tiJae. E. Thompson, Oommiesiouer of Indnetriee for the oily of Toronto. • Thos. 3. and Mre, Watt left for Mio, Miob., where Mr. Watt, has secured a luorative position as manager of a large general store business. Mr. McGregor has returned to town after en absentia of 22 years in Soot. tend. For five years previous to that ,time he was employed as clerk in the More of John Hanna. A Piero Movement Bible Claes woe organized in the Wingbam Methodist church with the following offioera 1— Pres., 1. A. Morton ; Viee•Pree., Mrs, Brook; Teaoher, Job. Kerr ; Sea„ 8, A, Maguire ; Treas., P. Boobanan. There were 68 preeent,,dl of whom join. ed the eln;ee, W. H, Bele, formerly of *Ingham, eaye that he is genus to Calgary.. He says they gave jest tiutehed 8 xoek 18819 eeveu.milee long, on the James Bay, railway, about 46 tuna from Modbury. J. E, Swats has pnrobaeed a let from I3, Ooobraue, between the Marble Werke and Bell's Laotory, and ie preparing . to bode a large brier )ivory stable. In the Divleioual Com't at Toronto E. L. Dnokins00, for defendant in the action of F.euty vs. Orr, appealed front the judgment of the puler judge of this county in an action iu the (knotty Court, eaid judgment being iu favor of the plaintiff for 8198 damagee. Jadg. went w6e reserved. Uolieoter Paterson pep that up to the 2901 of September over $6,000 of the 1906 18x88 have beau paid, The total taxes on the roll le $18,642.91, divided into wards as follow# :—Werd 1, $3,462 26 ; ward 2, $3,685 50 ; ward 3, $4,988 07 ; ward 4, $5,412.10, 1':x a ]Cel•. The juveniles of the Weet beet those of the East, snore 26-7, The lioee•Taylor Om ere hastening an 018080io dynamo to light their footory so Ba to run full time. Jae. Oreeob, jr., has taken a poeitnon with Welter Hern to look after hie store at Whalen Corners. Friday, October 26th, bee been selected es the date to hold the field day ep0rt8 of the Exeter High and public sohool. Frauk Delbridge, who wee with the Sovereign Beek branch at London, wee transferred to the Amheretburg brendh, his position being that of teller, The injuries enetaiued by Wm. Creech through a fall from a house are more severe that at $ret eaepooted. and while he is reoovering it ie very slowly. The Government Milk Inepeotor reported to the Advocate that the milk teats made here on Tuesday were :—Mr. Rivera' milk 3:6 and Mr. Day 4:2, Mrs. Hiller, au old time resident of Exeter, bot for the leaf twenty yearn of Oregon, wee in town calling ou oid friends. She is visiting beg brother in Dashwood. After a two month's etay al hie home here Lorne Fear left for Toronto where be has been appointed Waller in the Sabool of Soienae. He will teach electrical engineering. Gerald, a young eon of N. D. Burdon, was prostrated from an affeitnea of the heart while at eohool. He managed to get home but was taken more severely later on and for a time hie condition were serious. He ie now weft again.. John Brooke, of Oswego, Mieb., ie the gnat of his brother, O. T. Brooks. Mr. Brooke left Exeter 42 years ego and has only been a visitor here a taw times eiuce. He finds great improvements in our town eines he lived here, and is pleas. ed to agaiu be among the scenes of 'hie young days. Lirgtovvel. Herb Hicks arrived home after spend ing the Stammer with L, Bolton's survey• ing party in Manitoba. Geo. 81119'x, of Orangeville, wag in town. Dire. Zither is also making a short visit in town, the guest of Mayor and Mre. Watson. F. Kibler, boot end shoe merchant, has leased the vacant store in Mr. $ohinbein'e bleak, and intends moving soma the street. A new front is being put in the store. Mervyn Hay, Winnipeg, hag been re. oovered sufficiently from she attack of typhoid to be bronght home, and Miss Minnie Hay left for Winuipeg to acorn - pally him on the trip book. L. Bolton, D. L. S., returned home after spending the Summer in Algoma, where he was surveying four townships near the Manitoba boundary. The land there, Mr. Bolton Bays fa not of much value for farming, beiug prinoipelty muskeg. Among those more particularly inter. Bated at the pregeutation of diplomas and medale to the graduates of the General Hospital Guelph, wee Mies' Bennett, of Listowel. a graduate of 1902, who with her father, has just returned from a trip 00 the Old Country, At the thorn meeting of the Medal Board of the Oboroh of the United. Brethren in Christ there were repotted 57 membere, a gain of 14 daring the year, and of 23 ennui June, 1906, when the preee01 pastor took oharge. 37 membere of tbe Y. P. 0. U , 44 of the Junior, and 88 in the Sunday School are also record• ed. Tbe General Steward, John A. Kilgore, has paid Pester St. Clair $31.02 in excess of salary. A meeting was held in the Qnden'e Hotel to re•orgaoize the Beaver Hockey Olob of Listowel, It wee decided to e0• ter the junior 0. H. A. The oMaere elected were : Hon. Pres., Wm. Ram. say ; Hoa Iet Vice, Geo. Bray ; Hon. 2nd Viae, Joe. Boehmer, god Vioe, A. Hermiston ; 3rd Viae, Ed. Stewart ; Manager, Elwin Banking ; Seo,•Treee., Bert. Hooking ; Captain, 'Charism Rocher Managing Committee, Blwin Hacking, Marla goober, and Beverly Bamford. At tbe regular October meetiug of the town council oa Monday night of lest week a petition wee presented requesting the oouuail to submit a local opli00 byelaw to a vote of the ratepayers at the next January eleotion. . Un. der the present law, it a petition for this purpose is presented eon. tainibg the names of one quarter of those entitled to vote at a mannoipal election the eounoil is required 90 comply with their regimes). There "were 186 names on the petition and -tine would be one quarter of 744 names, whioh ie probubly more than the Number of manio,pal voters on the laet revised list, that he for 1905 So that on the face of it the 'petition would seem to be euttloiently signed and if the report of the clerk le to this effect the vote will tante place et the next January election. THE LATE GEorge B, BAllard,—Thr death on Sunday, Sept. 80th at 011n• ton, where he has of late made his home, of George B. Ballard, eon of Mrs. Jno. Ballard, of this town, was en event which not only brought deep regret to hie tum• ily bere, but a very general feeling of Borrow and regret among our 90wn8p00389e to whom be wee ea well known, Mr. Ballard contracted a very Severe attar* of typhoid fever, his temperature Tieing and remaining very high during the Beige. After four weeks of this& be seem• ad to bo in a gond way to recover, but two weeks afterwards oentraoted p000. mo0ia. leis naturally very strong Doti, etitut'on enabled bim to seemingly weath• er the se6ond attack and good Impel; Were again entertained for hie. reeOvery When 1 he took a alight hemorrhage 01 the lunge. I' The strain wan 401deutly too geeftt, and ,., „, roi,oc. dais woo followed by heart tailors and oolrnpee IST t21.1C99140n isi and after so long and brave a tight for v ate he aaooumbed on Sunday evening, The deooeeed, George Barclay Ballard, wee the #eeond son et the late John Bal- lard, erne wee born 68 Hawksville Water- loo county, on the 25th of April, 1874, He was a child wben hie fattier came to 'hie neighborhood, purobaeiu9 u Aaron adjoining the aorpuration, af'evwerde moving into town, The deceased resale ed hie oduoatiou'j at tiro Public and High Schools in town, and eptered busi- ness ea a boot and shoe mere))au,t, carry lug on a bneinete In Kincardine and at Listowel, He wee married on May 28th 1902, to Tllla, a daughter of the Rev. D. B. McRae, of Cranbrook. A ample of yeore ago be bougbt oat a shoe bueinees in 031010n, and wee doing a good trade with exaellent prospects wben he wee taken ill. The remains were brought home and buried from hie mother's real, denoe on Tueedsy afternoon in Fairview cemetery, the funeral service being con. dueled by the Rev. Mr, Ma0amae and the Rev, Mr. Hardie, Tbe general feel. ing of sympathy for the bereaved family was ebown by the Targe attendance at the ,nnerel. Bathes hie wile, his mother and a aieter, Mints, survive in Listowel and a brother, Frank, at Didebnry, Alta., and a sister Annie, at Kermra, Ont, Mies Maggie Copeland died suddenly at her residence, 6 Sutton avenue, Tor. unto. The Provinoial Government will in• veetigate the obargee ,of vies in local option toweehipe of Elgin county. Alfred Corrigan was baling out hie boat near Rainy River, when a gnu ou the seat dieobarged killing Corrigan in a few minutes. Public Notice. PUBLIC NOTICE ie hereby glean of the eltting of the Court of Revision at the Conn- ell Chamber, B rowels, ou Monday, the 061, day of November, 1906, at the hour of eight p m., for the hearing of appeals pursuant to the Statutes In that behalf respecting the sidewalke eat at in schedule following : and the special: assessment of the fractional part of the total coat thereof upon the laude immediately beue0tto0pursuant to the re- port of the Eugiueer now on file in the Clerk's office and dated as set out hereafter. That the estimated coat of the said -im- provements are Bet out in said schedule a ud are payable In fifteen ognat annual inata]- mente of priucipai and interest combined, interest bearing ;at four and one half per cent per annum, and the laude proposed to beeepeatedly-Amassed therefor consists of the laude set out in the schedule following. 2 hat the following petitions bye been received for sidewalks as set out under the respective petitions as followo:— Petition No. 40—e'er a 4.10ot cement side- walk on the West side 01 Alexander street between Thomas and,Flora streets in said Village of Breesels; Petition No. 60—For a 4 -toot oement ;side- walk on the North aide of Queen street be- tween Albert and Walnut streets in the said Village ; Petition No. 51—For a 4 -foot oement side- walk on the West aide of Alexander street between Fiore street and the Southerly boundary of lot 800 in the amid Village • PetitiOn 110. 62—For a 4 -foot oement side•. walk on the South side of Queen street be- tween Turnberry streetaud _Easterly bound- ary of the Village of Brussels. Petition No. 68—For a 4 -tout cement side- walk on the West aide of Albert stieet. be- tween Queen streetaud the Northerly boun- dary at village Lot ete.267 in said V'Uage ; Petition No. 64—For a 4•foot oement side- walk on the West aide of James street be- tween Ring street and Market street in said Village, That the os. 40 o0 the Engineer's are repodtfor Petitions Nos. 48, 50,51 and 62 are dated the 10th day of September, 1906, and for Pett Moue Nos, 58 and 64 are dated the 28th day of September, 1006, and the 1st day of 00• lobar, 1908, respectively, SOH EDU LE g cd hg OWNER °Gw 0,,,1 t`y t..iyF 941., 40 892 Thomson, T I 23ft 6 fu 01/1587 Walker, GL 890159 Batemau, J 142 (t g in 171//657 0uunmgham,J 89468¢909 &matey, A Al 124 ft 908/1697 906 Holntet,Robt 84ft 0 i 398/1087 Corporation Brussels 122 ft 488/1687 _latitnated total cost, 3188 90 50 281 McNabb, Alex 67 ft 280/2888 282 Heist, David 00 Jt 6 in 206/0438 289 Hoist, Wm 001t in 260/2388 284 Oakley, Eug.) .0711 206/0068 Tait, John f 2866280 Netvsom,8ge. E 188 ft 563/2988 287 McGregor, 181ia 71 t 284/2808 Corporation Broesela 113 ft 6 in 464/46/8 • Eettmated total oust, $27006 51 1190 Martin, Wm 22 ft 010 00/080 Corporation Brussels - 7010 - 208/090 Estimated total coat, $42 48 52 195 MoLeuohnn, E 22 ft 0 in 90/0400 WptlOO nayorott, 10 881t Din 154/5400 Epti90 Backer, 4.11 40 ft bin 180/5400 200 201 Blimp, Jae 107 it 0 i0 480/6400 200, . Grewar, Annie 82 ft pin 086/0400 000 Wilbon,J J es ft 032/5400 216 218 EIIIe Atex age, 100 It 424/6400 217 Lowry, Dan 7960 Din 294/6400 218 Hewlett, ohms 73 It - 1100/6400 210 Haist; Henry 74 ft 290/0400 200 221 Campbell; Mary '160 ft 000/5400 Corporation Brunetti 460 f0 1630/5400 Estimated total cost, $629 00 03 284- Currie, Tboa 74 ft • 206/1980 220 Hoist, Sarah J OO ft bin 266/1880 26O Heist, John 87 ft 208/1080 257 Mallwan, Wm 081t bin 254/1980 Corporation Brussels 74 ft ' 296/1880 Estimated total most, $157 00 04 Ept180.7 Newsom, T 77 ft - 80/3/1480 Pt 157.0 Muldoon, G 78 ft • 202/1480 Pt 158 0. Stewart, W F l OU ft 240/1480 Stewart, W H Corporation Brueeele 100 ft 840/1480 Estimated total coat, 6100 00 Dated at Brunetti tills 8th day of October, 1900, F. 8. SCOTT, Clerk: STOCK FOR SERVICED BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned wilt keep for eervine at Lot 6, Con. 12 Grey, the thorn' -bred Berk- shire hog, "Staining r -0m." Torres -441 for gr6dee and $2' for - thoro'-bred eowe to he paid at time of service withrivilegge 01 re- turniuO if neooe06ry, DANIEL BRINE, 12.4. Proprietor. IMPORTANT NOTICES YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE ALSO purebred Leioeater 11am Lambs. 4.61 N. A. k1ILNE, Ethal. .pARM TO RENT—TRE UN. 011900141111 will x800 fora 68,80 of 6,0 yearn Nortn flak 1ro6 :Mg floreu 5 Towne obit) et Morris, ndntafaing 105 Beres• tPartlee Wanting cu a can w Ging tote kindly call at ', 0, 0 i . d0 Pall work. F, 8, SCOTT. C. 0. 1S'. Court Prlooese Alexandria, No, 24, 0, Brussels meets in their Lodge Room Sias - hill Blood on the end and Inst 'retailers of ach emnth, at 8 o'elook, Visiting brethren always Velemme, 01501tGE ICE)Itlt, 0. 19. '44.78, LEATH2IEDALE, B, 8, FRO ED TO END OF THE STORE Stooks are fairly bristling with Newness: It would be unfair of us to point to any one department an the peer of the rest. What we attempted to do we have accomplished—fixed it that no matter what line of goods you are interested in, that section answers "Ready" with confidence. Lady shoppers will find much in Dress Goods and Mantles to interest them. We've been particularly particular to assure ourselves that every weave and pat- tern is what will be the exactly correct thing for the coming season, There's a pleasing diversity of Fashionableness among all that pertains to Ladies' Wear. Will you try and find time to give these goods a portion of your attention ? Then the men folk haven't been neglected—not the least danger of that.' Fall and Winter Clothing, from Sox to Overcoats and from Mitts to New Suits are inviting an examination with all the enthusiasm that should attach to these important lines. 'Read the List Visit the Departments —Beautiful Wide -wale Drees Goods in suit lengths, the very lat- est, at $1.00 and $1.25 per yard. — Grey Overehecked Tweeds, 45c, 50c, 75c, and $1.00. --All Wool Amazons, made from pure Botany Wool, very special values, in an immense color range, at 75c and $1.00. —Special All Wool Henrietta, in splendid range of shades, at 50c. —Silk and Wool Henrietta at $1.00. —All Wool Clan Tartans at 50c. —Beautiful "Satin Cloth at 50c, 75e and $1.00. —Black Taffetta Silks at 50c, 65e, 75e and $1.00. —3 pieces 60 in. Table Linen, real value 85e, extra special at 25o. —2 pieces only 72 inch Unbleached Table Linen, worth regular 50e, special at 85c. —10 dozen only Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Stockings, real value 85c, special price 25o. —8 dozen Men's Wool Socks, ribbed tops, worth regular 15e each, special at 14e per pair. —2 pieces 18 in. Linen Toweling, regular 8c, special at 50 per yd. — 12 only Ladies' Black Satin Underskirts, lined througbout with heavy Flannelette, worth reg. $1.85, while they last at $1. - 15 only Heavy Comforters, size 60x72, worth $1.75, on sale at $1.25. — 8 dozen only Ladies' Flannelette Gowns, in plain pink, also white, worth 75c, on sale at 50c. FERGUS OSS Dry Goods, Mantles, Furs, Carpets, Men's Furnishings, Dress -making & Tailoring 'WARM ARM FOR SALE -75 ACRES 14th 00m, Grey. Apply 60 M118, A. SINCLAIR, Brimful% DROPERTY FOR SALE -10;H E undersigned offers tor sale an one of land upon whien is a emnforteblo dwelling bones, slab le, fruit trees good aver•flowing well, &o. • Property ie located 2 of a mile Ene1 of Cranbrook and convenient to school, rhumb, neatol6oe, 60. Poeseasiou at any time. For price, tartan, &a, apply On the promises to M, RAYO0ANN. 0.11 or Oraubrook P.O. ARM FOR SALE—THE UN- tEnstaxmn offers for sale a good 100 acre tarns, beteg Ni Lot 21, Con, 9, Morrie, All in grave or under Drop. Brick veneered house, bank barn with atone wall, sheep house, 60. Good orchard ; well fenced ; near Helmet andohureb. Possession eau be given next Mouth, For furtberpartionlare apply to G. W. TURVEY, proprietor, or ,lluevale P. 0. 8.01 A. ,i 0R SALE OR TO RENT.— The underefgued offers hex 100 acre farm, being Lot 20, Oon, 7, Grey, for Bele or to rent. Comfortable house, bank bare, orchard, wells, tee. Farm is only 3 of a mile from the etlrring village of Ethel, For fur- ther particulars apply to F, S. Soott, Brus- sels, or MRS, HATE HOLLAND, 70 sinter street, Toronto, 87.8m • ^IOMFORTABLE RESIDENCE J and 2 earn of land for sale on Walnut street,. Brunetti. Brick house, good stable, hard and soft water, small orchard, 60. Property in good shape. Immediate posaet- Bion can 6e - given. Also a cement brook making rano nine for sale. For further par - Montan apply oJ011 pr1a 2IDN81E, -- Proprietor, Brussels. FARM 1'UR SALE.—THE UN- mnsl0Nn0 offers his fine 100 sore farm, beteg Lot 15, Con. 19, Grey, for Bale. Oomfortable houe°,bank barn, orobaxd,&a, Farm is in a good state of oultivetlon and adjoin the village of Qranbrook, where are etoreo, churches, shops, the. Poeseaelou given next Pall. 002 furrier particulars as to price, towns,&a., only on the premises or Cranbrook l. U. G1ORGE 8PARL1110, 1-41 Proprietor. R01'ERTY FOR SALE—THE • undersigned offers hie house and lot, eltuate on lulu street, Brussels, for sale. It as well located, a Convenient and cornier,' table. home. Possession can. be giyen at one%1 Will oleo Bell the yaaaut lot, cornet of Mill and Elisabeth streets, wbioh would make a fine building site. For further par. Oculars an to .prfoe,"'terms,, &o„ apply to 018E0. ADAMS, Hardwato Dealer, Ford- wloh. 809 • LIiARM •P0R SALE. -•--THE UN-- 1Lbun02UNE0 offers his 100 afire farm, Wing Bi Lot 15, Coil. 4, Morrie, for ease, 76 nixes cleared and ell under ,grace excepting 0 nares. Farm well adapted for pastor°, a never failing spring creek rune through lt.. There is a comfortable frame house 000 bank barn 80 feet equate, pig pen and ben hoose 20x60, and shed 90x40.1 tuna orchard, Povoeeeeion given any time. For further pABA.41 our apply on the promise0 orad. cress Brussel,' P, 0, 12002, 5HEDDEN, Proprietor, 15.61 E A.ItM FOR SALE: —BEING Lot 22, 0611.9, Gray, containing 00 torte all cleared except 2 acres of hardwood bush, and is in a good stats of ouitivation, ' There ie a gond brisk been and kitaben • bank barn Seen with stone sti,.bllng • straw lfou0ei drive house and other oat buildings; good ordhard, 00014 drilled well with w90404111, Tho farm le well eltnrato4 adjoining .the vii• lane 016.tb01, where there is all koros of aou'6on(e11e80, The ;arm will be golden e asy terms. • For further partianlar0 a'op4 4 to WILLIAM 8LEMMON,l,lthol P. 0, 1 Bank of -Hamilton Capitol, Yale up, $2,000,000 Reserve Fund. 812.601,000 Total Assets, $129,000,000 80. BRANCHES IN CANADA 80 ('(y President, - • HON. WM. 0113SON Vice President & General Manager, ti JA10158 TUR(NBULL ETHEL ' AGENCY ti Sayings Department—Ample security for Depositors, Oepoeits of $1,00 and upwards received, 1 Interest allowed at current rates and compounded half yearly. ADVANCES made to Farmers for feeding stook. Sale Notes collected and adyan000 made thereon, Drafts bought and sold, W. N. Mo]LAY, 8us-A0ENx. GRAIN CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming community that they are now ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and Crushing at lowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended. to.. Manitoba and Ontario Flour; Bran, Shorts, &e., always in stock and sold at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. o Mill at Electric Light Building, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest' HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even numbered mention of Dominion Lauda in Manitoba, Saakatohewan alt Alberta, excepting 8 and 28, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any omen who ie the sole bead of a family, or any male 0001' 18 years of ,we, to the 0xteut of cue -quarter 0eet4On of 18O aorta mere or leen. Entry may bo made personally at the local land t oleos for the dietrtnt in which the laud is eituato. The homesteader to required to perform the oondttione connected therewith under one of the following plana : and oultivetion of011018nd in each neo upon three Years, year for (2) If tbe father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the bomosteader reeideo upon a farm In the - vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to regi- denoe may be satisfied by nth person re- eding with the father ox mother. (8) It the settler hes hie permanent rind - deuce upon farming land owned by bioi. in the vicinity o1 bit homeotoad, tbo re- quireme0te at to residence may be gatie-, lied by reniden00 up00 the sold laud. Sfxmo:41 m' notion in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W.W,00RY, Deputy of the -Minister of Liberia. N. P. Unauthorisedoast ub p 0 ou1 this ad• verttsement w111 not be paid for., Toronto nap; and Metal Co'y PAYS CASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, horse Clair,' Hides, &c , &c, Highest Prices for All K. LABEL Mill St. West, Brussels • 010 p.Wnpf pb g 'C re 0 a a 0111.1111 0 rem Olt a co 'dee •Vc