HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-4, Page 8Picture o Cards A large and new line received for Fair Week, Our stook includes —Several Beautiful Colored Views of Brussels. —Views of Canada. —European Scenery. —Comic Cards in Black and White and the new Brown Colorings. —Semi -comic Cards. —Leather Post Cards. —jewelled Poet Cards with pictures of Largo Boats, Trains, &c. You are welcome to come in and look over the assortment. We keep Extract of Wild Strawberry. No better remedy for Dysen- try. Yon should keep a bottle on hand this time of year. R. SMITH DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. B00T0EBN EXTENSION W. G. & B, Traineleave Brnseele Station, North and South, as follows: Boma ammo Boma Sown. Mail 7:05 a,m I Mixed 0;15 0,01 Mixed 11•_5 a,m I Mail 1.44 p.m Express 3:02p.m Express 8:51 p.m 'Arai cIttlys stents A ohiel's among ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent it, OCTOBER. HEAVE frost Sunday night. MARKET your grain at Brunets, Smoot, Board Friday evening of next week, Beeriness ie beetling at the Apple Evap- orator, THE tax rate in Bruaeels thio year le 21 mills, TOEeDAY and Wednesday W. H. Mc. Cranium took iu she Atwood Fair, THE Poor is en A. 1 advertising medium. Try it and prove our state- ment. Go to the Fall Fair Concert and have the wrinkles taken out of your faoe by beving a good laugh. Lase Saturday the Directors of the Howiok Mutual Imorance Co. met in regular session at Gorrie. R. LEAT0ERDALE captured the gold locket in the bowling competition and will no doubt wear it with oorreopondiug dignity. A Nuvnolt of Brnaeelitee attended the Wtnghem Nair last Friday. The, Gal- braith took 2nd money In the speeding event open to farmers. Tao residence of Jno, Cardiff, Prin. oe00 street, ie being veneered with cement and will be much improved both as to comfort and appeerenoe. A LETTER from an Old eubeoriber in Peoria, Ill„ ()aye we are always glad to get Tao PosT. It 'mea ea a weekly message from out n the land and we very mach appreciate it. It is newsy and interesting. Wishing yon continued prosperity. RIFLE OLon.—The matches in aoueee. Lion with the Ride Assooiation of Bras. eels will aommeaoe test Monday. Four prizes will be offered to both nervier and junior membere SO n0 to add to the interest. Prizes will be on exhibition at THE PoeT Pabliehing Hoose. New cement waike hove been pot down or are now being oonetrnoted on sea- tione o1 Queen, William, Maple and Alexander streets. Numerous private waike to reofdenoee have also been laid. It le expected that the work will be well an to completion by the oloae of this week. Da. Ovens, M. D„ London, Eye and Ear Sergeon, will be at Smith's Drug Store, Braesele, on the first Tuesday in each month. Hours, 8 a. m, to 1.30 p. m. Oataraot, squint, failing eyesight, deafness and nasal catarrh treated and glaseee properly fitted, Nest visit, Tues- day, November 6111. N. B.—Dr. Ovens makes no calls, BRIDLING NoTes.—The shipments from the G. T. R. this week were as follows A. 0. Damee, oar of bogs to Coliingwood, and oar of cattle to Toronto ; McDonald Bros., oar of lumber to Loodoo ; R. Graham, car of wheat oaoh to Guelph and Preston ; Alf. Backer, oar of baled hay to Toronto ; G. A. Beet, oar of hogs to Palmerston, ramose IN HAIR,—Ladies who wish to petteettheir appearance and learn ell about hair ebould oall on Prof, Doren• wend, of Toronto, who will be at the Amerionu Hotel on Friday October 5th with a big stook of hie famous Hair goods, styles, wigs, switches, pampa. doors, traoeformationo, wavy fronts &o all the latest from Paris, Boston, Lora don and other plaoes, A visit ie ante t0 prove profitable, OBIT.—We regret to learn that Mrs. Jae.Gray, formerly Mise Maggie Marray, of Seaforth, died at Elgin, Manitoba, teat Saturday. Although not very rugged for some time ebe wag only real ill for a week. Deceased was married 6 or 6 years ago and removed with her haebaod to the West. Funeral was on Tuesday. Mrs, Gray had vieleted on different 00000ione in .Brueeele, Her demise ie deeply re- gretted, 80I ,8 DoiNG HER DuTs,—Newton Mo. Oanlay, Thomas street, Brussels, ie the owner of e. hen whose name hue a right to go down to poaterity, She is no Spring (thicken as she hue seen 16 Seamen" and about en many Winton. Daring one of the latter Jaok Fra:t got busy reealtieg in the lose of a foot but deepite this die• advantage Mrs, lien retained her desire to live and with true maternal inetinote hatched out and atilt mothers 8 able bodied obiolte twine ae big ae heeeelt at the present. Beoh a hen deserves a cosy plane in Winter and when through with hopping about on onefootitt this world we have no worse wish than that Some. body beside an editor will be the pnr• chaser if she ehoeld be pat 0n the market. We would not have the heart (nor the teeth either) to eat that hen. Mr. Mo. 0enlay eertainly eboafd pla0e this poultry wonder on exhibition at Brueeele Fall Fait 101 a feathered anrioeity, FOURTH Division Court ;Thursday of this week, );-asap Din you reserve your seat yet) for the Fall Fair Oouoert Friday evening 2 140 seats are already taken, AT the Seaforth Fall Fair, deepite a bad start, Peter Soott took 2nd place in a 100 yard foot race, Mr, Scott meet surely be -renewing his youth. Goon progress is being made with the new Butter factory. The frame factory North of town bee been taken down and Me material is being utilized in the new buildings being erected by Mr. Harrie, It will be a oommodioae and ap•to•dete factory when oompleted, Amu BROKEN,—Cue day recently James Maxwell jun, had the misfortune to break a bone in his left arm while working about a threshing maohioe in Manitoba. He is home now and consequently taking undesired holidays bet will soon be able to ree0me work we hope, BALD HEADED MEN.—It is wrong to endanger your health and eoarifioe your appearance when you know that Prof. Dorenweod'e toupees and wigs anally re. plane the loot hair—featherweight—stay on securely, are protection to the bead and add to health and appearance. Yon are invited to pall et American Hotel on Friday Oct. 5th. PaaoHasED a Boenoeee.—Jno. Donald. eon, who Bold out hie harness shop in Brussels to George Stemn, has pnr• abased the hueineee of A. J. Paltridge, Goderioh, and hen taken poeeeesion. He is a firet•olaee mechauio and enjoyed a large trade in the ten years he spout here. The many friends of Mr. and Mre• Donaldson here will be glad to know they have located so oouveoieotly to their old home in Brueeele. We wish Mr. Donaldson onaoeee, He was a member of the town Council while here. TENNIs.—Thareday afternoon represen• tativee of the Listowel Tennis Club, accompanied by lady Weeds, made a visit to Bruaeels and spent a0 eojoyeble afternoon on the Teonie Lawn. The result of the match was a win for the home team, the acorea being as follows • —Sinolair (B) beat day (L) 6-3, 4-6, 6-2 ; Cameron and Fox (B) beat Brooke and Myers (L) 6-3, 6-2 ; Cameron (8) beat Brooke (L) 5-7, 6-3, 6-1. Hay and Soott (L) beat Stoolair and Powell (B) 6-3, 2-6, 7-5. A tasty tea was served on the lawn and a eooial evening spent, How THE BEMsIGET ie INJURED.—Bead- ing, eewieg, sketching, painting, or other like work, wherein a oloee use of the eye - eight ie made, if done faring a window, unshaded lamp or electric light, impaire vielon and injures the eye. In a similar manner the eye is injured by glare from the reflected sunlight on snow, Dement eidewalka, pavement, and the like, and if not protected by colored glasses retinibie may result. Many iofiammatory diseasee of the eye are caused by working in dark, close, or ill ventilated rooms, ae well as by dusty oaoopatione snob as threehing, flax mill work, &o. In all mob oases the eyes should have proper protection and the lighting and ventilation of rooms im- proved. But the most widespread oan8e of injury to the eyeeight ie the neglect of wearing glaesee when required or the wearing of improperly fitted or nnoaitable o0ee, Glaesee which do not properly correct the errors of refraction always injure the eye . as well as the eyeeight, The eyeeight of multi- tudes today is being eerionely impared by wearing improperly fitted glossae. Thie is obiefiy due to the "free-eye•teot fake" whish is worked to perfection by the tramp honee•to•boase opeotaole pedlar. Going tip and down every oonoeoeion, line and sideroad in this Province pro• claiming themselves "professore," "doctors of option," "neurologist opti- cians," "manufacturers of gleam," etc„ promising a cure for all ilia by means of their wares, these tramp, house-to-honse epeotaole pedlars encased not only in filch- ing the money from the people, but, whish is of far greater moment, injuring their eyesight by their cheap, 0000itable glaseee. These epeotoole pedlars seem to be past masters of the "free•eye•test" fake. The ordinary tramp who is going about looking for something to eat or a night', lodging is a nuisance, bot harm• lees, on the other hand hie brother, tithe epeobaole pedlar.tramp, ie not only a nuisance but in a position to do the gravest harm to the public, Next to the lose of life the lose or impairment of the eyeeight is the greatest misfortune. Bot what oare these tramp hawkers of glaseee Bo long a0 they can filch the money from the people in return tor their goods 7 Here today, gone tomorrow, ever seeking psetttree new, especially among the farm• ing community, these birds of prey are ever seeking new victims, ever making new dupe. It is well to remember that whenever it ie deemed expedient tbeee tramp epectaole pedlars do not hesitate to mamma the name and dogreee of any ootillet or surgeon who may have a looal repute in that locality. Themeelvee nameless their location unknown, never. theleee through eheer impertine00e they inlrudo into the homes ot the people. Their 0001080 in imposing their ware on the public ie a commentary on the credulity of human nature and a 080818 - cute to the extent to which the "free•ey8' test" fake to need for the public to defend itself wetting them to by no means easy, bat if it be remembered that these un. lioeneod pedlar() as loon as they enter a farmhouse are troepa00era and the proper Standard Bank of Canada mis'r.eteatzzsmsr» e.e'7a SUBPL316, 085 ItIISERVE FOND 8 1,000,600 TOTAL ASSETS OVER 16,000,000 A General BaAaleing' rheletinewaa Ta•ftusieteted "�C?SAV/NGS BANK'''•' interest paid from date of deposit to date of withdrawalat highest current rates and 0001000nded half•yearly, Joint Deposit Acvollnte—A SPECIAL CONVENIENCE in use in our Savings De- partment 1e the "Joint Deposit" aeoount. Money may be deposited or withdrawn ty either of the two members of the household, This system 10 a great 000800- ienee to many residing Intown, but more particularly so to farmers, as in the latter male whether manor wild oomee to town either oan attend to the Banking, An- other feature of the system is that in ease of the death of either party the money oan be withdrawn by the survivor without cost. We will tell you more about our methods 11 you will kindly call or write, Married Women and Anton may make and withdraw deposits without the in• terventiou of any person, BALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED Or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only for whioh no ohargo ie made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar oarefal and ooarteone attention. G, P. BOHOLFLELD, GRN, MAN0000. J. F. ROW LAND, MANAGER, cation be taken against them as snob and in the meantime the door slammed in their fawn' and the dog called it is beltev• ed these meamre0 will mitigate the nai8ana0 and lessen the risk to eye - eight. In all oases of persietant heed• aohee, dizziness, tailing eyeeight, Squint, consult the family physician or an oouliet. An oculist ie a 0argeon who hoe made a special study of the eye and who ie competent to preeeribe glaseee or any other treatment deemed advisable in each case. Neither the family physician nor an mullet will advise glaseee or any other treatment unless they areaonvinoed It is required. BETTER THAN EvRR.—The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal grows better year after year. It to truly marvellone what an immense circulation it hes. Very few homee in this neighbor. hood are without it and those do not know what they are miesing. The Family Herald's new piotare thio 000000 is entitled "A Tag of War," one of those beautiful subjects which brighten(' one'a home. To give the family Herald and Weekly Star along with each a picture for only one dollar man only be done by e paper with the Family Bersld'e oironla• lion, No other Canadian paper man at. tempt it, THE Guelph Mercury of Got. let, speaks as follows of a former Brne• Balite :—An intereeting little story with a moral etteohed, appears in the October issue of the Children's Papers, published by the D. C. Cook Pabliehing Go., Chi- cago and Elgin, from the pen of Mies Jeseie M. Boca, Dublin street. It ie well depioted, oonoiae, bright end apposite, and exhibits more than an ordinary 11. luetrative ability on the part of the writer in presenting a tenth to the mind of a child, as well as marked literary genius. In extending oongratalationo, we voice the sentiment of her many friends in wishing ber still greatereaocess. TENNIS TOURNAMENT.—Handicaps were a0 follows :—Fax, Powell, Sinolair, Cern• eros —40 ; Barna, Norman, McKelvey, Feild —15 ; Smith, Zimmer, Boott, Roes, Little, Craigia, e0. 1 .Elliott, Work, Dun - ford, Richards, +30. Preliminary round Burne beat Work ; McKelvey beat Dan. ford. let round—Zimmer beat Scott ; 1 Borne beat MoKelvey ; Cameron beat Roes ; Powell beat Feild ; Fox beat i Smith ; Elliott beat Richards ; Little beat Sinclair (default) ; Norman beat Oraigie (default). lad round—Zimmer beat Burne ; Cameron beat Powell ; Fox beat Elliott ; Little beat Norman, 3rd round—Cameron beat Zimmer ; Fox beat Little. 4th round—Cameron beat Fox. let prize, looket, J, H. Cameron ; and prize, soar! pin, Jae. Fox, The prizes were pre00nt00 by Dr. R. P. Feild, the President of the Club. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mies Grace Stewart is vioitiog in De. troit. Mies Fannie Rogers ie visiting in Tor. onto. Mrs. Matheson is the guest of Mrs. D. 0. Rose, Browatt Brom, aro visiting at G. A. Deadman'('. Milton MoArter ie home for a brief holiday from Brampton. Mies Josie Baobanan was visiting in Lnoknow for a few days. Percy 8peiran, of Goderioh, is here on a holiday visit with hie temente. George Dark has taken a situation ae barber in Minnedoea, Manitoba, Mrs. Brown, of Gerrie, i0 visiting with her eon, Geo. Srowo, of Bruaeels, Duncan and Colin MoArthar are beak from a trip aoroee the briny. Dr. T. T. McRae, of Clinton, wag in town for a short time on Tuesday, Mrs. Jae, Fos has been on the sick list. Her mother and Sister are visiting her. Misses Advonie and Lizzie Longfoot, of Stratford, are visitors at Geo. Edwards'. Mrs. Joseph Bogh, of Blnevale, 1800 visiting at Alm, Paul's for a while this week. • R. Crone, who wax at Fargam, bee resumed work for Geo. Stemn as harneoe maker. Robt. and Mrs. McAlpine are moving to 8t. Catharines where the former has eeonred a position. Wm. Turnbull and daughter are ex. peoted home this week from their visit to the Old Country. Mile Wiebart arrived in town loot week to preside over Melville Manse. We weloome her to Brussels. Mrs. 0. G. Martin, of Niagara Falle, and 'Mrs. B. Day, of Luoknow, are visitors with Mrs, Leokie. Dress Goods Department Our Dress Goods Department is now very com- plete and comprises all the newest Fall and Winter Shades—Materials and Trimmings, that go to make up a First-class Dress Goods stock. Dress -making Rooms upstairs where you may have Dresses well made up in the latest Fashion and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Oar large and well assorted Stook throughout the Store is at your Service NO FANCY PRICES. EVERYTHING CHEAP. GIVE US A TRIAL. A. STRACHAN T=LE METROPOLITAN BANK UAP)TAL—Antllerizedl 62,000.000 CAPITAL—Pall tip 1,000,000 1BESERYG ilIlII 3itrping:Profts: 1,100,180 Directors S, d, 05001537, D.17, THOMPSON, R. 0.^ President, Vice•President, 71x08, B1RADSHAW, 8,8,8, AIR notion stn, 08. MOnTIMnn MAIM, 8,0, J10, nY0100 Jong rrnernnoolt W. D. ROSS, - General Manager THE METROPOLITAN DANK 1e open to remove the aoocunte of Farmers, Merchants and Bueluoee Community generally and to give careful ermaideration to all propoeule submitted to. it. It relies upon fie past 0eeord for eourte0ua treatment of its Cus- tomers, and will extend every consideration consistent with soaud banking to those who may desire to traneaet business with it, & wx 0s AWE Dareswim? Iatereat at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all 00030 of 61 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANCH W. J, FAWCETT, Manager. Mies Barbara and Alex. McKelvey have returned to Toronto to resume their reepeotive coarses of study. , oMieeee Frank Brieu and Aileen Soott, and Ellsworth McLean, ofeafortb, were viei0ore at P. Boott'e loot 'Sunday, Ad. Somers. has been on the Wok list but we hope he will soon be o. k. He does not lose mush time through filmes fortunately. B. W. and Mrs. Chapman and child- ren, of British Columbia, have been visiting I. 0. and hire. Richards daring the past week, Geo. and hire, English and eon and daughter of Detroit, are visiting relativee iu Braesele and vicinity. They are tray• tilling fu an automobile. Leake Callan leaves town to mamma a poeitio0 in the atom of R. A. Brieooe, of Galt. We are (lorry to have he and Mrs. Callan remove from Brnseele bat wish them well. J. Ferguson and Mime Mina Moltae at. tended the funeral of the late Geo. Bal. lard at Lietowet on Taeeday afternoon. Service was conducted by Rev. Mr. hie. ()emus aeeieted by Rev. Mr. Hardy. We are pleased to notice in the Gaelpb Meruory the uame and photogravure of 111iee Olive Bailey, daughter of S. and Mae. Bailey, of Braesele, in the gradual. ing class of Nurses in the Guelph Hoe. pital. We wish her great mimeos in Resisting iu the healing art. Wednesday afternoon W, H. and Mrs. Maunder(' and daughters left Brueeele for Ohoehone, Idaho, where they purpose residing for a time. They carry with them many good wishes for a happy and prosperous stay fu Uncle Same land and a safe return bye and bye to the banner province of this Dominion, Barrister Moses McFadden who was 0. N. Smith's opponent in the Provincial election, at Sault Ste. Marie, will be ap- pointed Crown Attorney for the distriot t Algoma, to suaoeed the late Nelsou Sitnpeon. Mr. MoFaddea, ie a brother to Joe. McFadden and Mrs. D. Walker, of Brunets, Mre. Thos. McGregor made a flying visit to Trout Creek, to visit her sister, Mrs. McIntosh, who baa been serio0elyilt Ou Sunday tie Mrs. McGregor and her nephew were going to viett another slater a few miles distant they were oo0lranted by an enormous bear by the roadside. A hasty retreat was made by the predee- triane to a neighboring farm house and the story told. A hot pursuit wait made by the man of the hoose with a gen but his bearehip had disappeared. Dr. J. L. Turnbull bob deoided to leave Listowel and bee eold ont to Dr. J. 1M. Moore, who takes posseselon ot the former's offices, whish have re• (tautly been fitted up over F. Howe's hardware store. Dr. Turnbull will re. main in town for a week or two, not halving deoided Re yet aa to hie future location, Dr. Moore has removed hie offlaee acmes the street t0 those of Dr. Turnbull, where he will to fature be located. Dr. Moore was a former Brno. Mite and a brother to M. H. Moore, V. le., of town, Business Local's. MRs. KIRK will serve an extra ten oent lanoh dinner Fair Day. 10800 miloh sow for sale. Apply to ALF, Banana, Brameolo, TO RENT —Two upotair rooms. Apply at Smith's Drug Store. 14 YEABLINO cattle for eale. Moses DOLL, Lot 6, Cou. 6, Grey, A FOIL somnolent of Listowel yarns on hand and bo arrive at Max's. Custom knitting a epeoialty. WANTEn boy, to learn blaokemithing. First claim encouragement, and bigheet wages paid, Apply at once to D. Elute & Co, LINEN duster lost between Brussels and Eli Smith's, The owner will greatly oblige by leaving 11 at THE Poem. W. B. K. is worked o0 she centre of it. BOARD WANTED.—Lady and two children want oomtortahle rooms for Winter. Give full partioalars and prion. Drawer 31, Brunets. To ANY ONE UaINe SAW0,—As I Maim to have expert practice and have invented and am using the latest new and improved saw toole I oau give fine advantage to oar ao0bnmere both in prices and quality of work. Call early and yon will not need to rush, T. Mo. Gregor, Mill St„ Brueeele, The new Pure Food and Drug Law will mark it on the label of every Cough Cure oontaioing Opiaw, Chloroform, or any other etapitying or poisano0e drag. But it passes Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure as made for 20 years, entirely free. Dr, Shoop all along has bitterly NOW IS PICKLINC TIME for which we are fully prepared with a nice fresh stook of Spices of the very Best Quality at FOX'S Drug Store oppooed the nee of opiates or narootie, Dr. Bboop'e Cough Gare is abeolately safe even for the yo0ngeet babe—and it aurae it does not simply eupprese. Get a eats and reliable Cough Care, by simply ineiebiug on having Dr, Stoop's. Let the Law be your protection. We cheerfully recommend and sell it, F. R. Smith. 731'07'SSE•77�5 AShR �7T'Ei, Fall Wheat 68 69 Barley 40 41 Peas 70 70 Cate 29 30 Butter, tube and rolls17 18 Eggs per dozen 17 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Floor, per bbl 4 50 5 20 Hoge, Live 6 40 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. T CLEGG HAS 40 HEAD OF • g00 feeders for sale ; mostly 2 -year- olds: weighing about 1,100. Terms to suit purchasers. 12.2 Cider Making. The undersigned will ran his Cider 01111 Thursday, Friday and Saturday while the season lasts, Lot 1, 5111 Line, Morrie. 13-1 JOHN T. BELL. 11ARL.1 FOR SALE.—THE UN- DoitsmNED offers 1118 100 acre 00.8111, being St Lot 10, Con. 4, Morrie, for sale. 70 acres cleared and 1,11 under erase excepting 0 acres. Farm well adapted for pasture, a never failing spring creek rune through it. There is a comfortable frame house, flue bank barn 00 feet square, pig pen and lien house 20x50, sod shed 20E40 ; small orchard. Poseeeeion, given any time. For further partioulors apply on the premises or ad- dress Brussels 2, 0. R0B'T, 081100EN, Proprietor, 18-tf Brussels Daylight Store. z G. N. McLaren 'Ib4U'ar't1Nd1t'e,.„,„„,,„„„,,'W'W'trWrydV1W'ti,,,,dlU'te111 a rt a '1 , n rl , r 3, , (4(F}S , t t t e u'4 6 L e b t, 4, le lu'Iu9J4J't ""IdO,h,'tOtre"Id'tI; 0; itsi; it'It'ti le'Is'Iq'tIW'tAu4,rtP1,"I,'h01b'8,9u'trhi'IJ4 New Fall and Winter Goods Now in Stock This is a prosperous year—Top prices for big crops—which should make this one of the "good years." We have prepared for a good Fall and 'Winter business with a big stock of strictly new goods, and they are bought Right. Both Wool and Cotton are higher priced, but we are here with bright new goods in many cases at less than you would expect to pay for them• —Ladies' and Girls' New Coate -Canadian, English and German makes. —Ladies' and Girls' New Rain Coats. —New Drees Goods and Trimmings. —New Mantle Cloths and Ladies' Furnishings. —Ladies' and Children's New Union and Wool Under- clothing. —New Towel's, Towellings and Table Linens. —Men's and Boys' New Furnishings and Undercloth- ing. —A complete assortment in the Staple Department. —All Wool, Union and Cotton Blankets. —New Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. —New Overcoats, Suits and Odd Pieces for Men and Boys. In fact yon will find here one of the best stocks within . your reach and we A ways Pay the Highest Prices for Produce. HAVE YOU SEEN, THE SAMPLE COATS ? Wo purchased a set of Traveller's Sample Coats for Ladies', Misses and Children. These are all this season's new styles. We have some specially good things left for Misses and Children. These we sell at actual Wholesale Prices—of course we got a discount on them. They are in perfect condition and you would not know by the appearance of the Coats that they had been carried by a Traveller. Goods Right or Your Money Back. Yours for CNext Door to Mutual Reneat g Laren ,American House