HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-10-4, Page 5W "WOW r
4" (P's Get a Photo taken at .ASuperior School in Query rrspact �� Bs + war01E111jflgJ1y
J�� and get Satisfaction I
During July we had fifty timoe as
1,1 Many mile for tan help es we had
gruduatea going out, mid daring Aug-
ust we Me sixty.ecvon, duos ns moot'
This Is the school that 1s enuetautl
going ahead" and not "standing still"
or hooking up," Write for beautiful
catalogue. Now is the .tline to enter.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,
0011. YON01d AND ALEXANnita STH.
for ? =$t € g4
6iincessor to Dr. J. A. McNaughton
urnosole, Ontario
Graduate of Polyclinic Poet Graduate
School of Medicine and Surgery, New York.
Moocher of College of Physiolaua and Bur.
geous of Ontario.
lance and residence same ea formerly oc-
cupied by Dr. MoNaughtou.
1)iseuoee of women a specialty,
'Phone No. 21.
1� • leaner. of Marriage Licenses. Of.
Coe at Grocery, Turnberry street, brussels.
Wilco to the rest OYlao, Ethel. 30.4
Is prepared to give lessons on Piano
or Reed Organ. Terme on applloatlon.
Peekaboo address—Brussels. Besidouue—
Lot 9, Uon, 10, Grey, Pupils may have their
lessons at their own homes if preferred.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
011leo and Rasldenea—
bettuEEE, will soil for better prices, to
rmen, in lees time and lees Marne
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
110 won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this olnoe or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Bales arranged for
at the Woe of THE POO, Brussels. 22ti
• Honor Oradua.0 of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, ,is prepared to treat all Ma-
mmas of domesticated animals 10 a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever. Calls
promptly attended to. UWoe and infirmary
Four doors North of bridge, Taruberry st.,.
.. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta,
buo0eeeor to G. F. Blair. Mee over Shat•
dard Sank. Brawls, Solicitor !or Aletro-
poti.tan Bank.
VV • Barrister, SolIoitor,,Conveyancer,
Notary Publish &o, silica—Stewart's) Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
NV. FEMME/EEO, IL 0. E. 0. Heys
G. F. Bran.
Offices—Those formerly °coupled by Masers
Cameron as 11010,
Gonn1lon, On1AEro.
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Piret-close Boner
Graduate. of Toronto Univoraity, Office
next to Brower'o Photograph gallery,
A Failing 8011001
'This Scheel Is reoognizod to be one
t o1 the beet 0omrooroiai Moran in the: t
Province, Oar °purees aro thorough
and up•to-date. Wn give It prantioal
11 training and assist our graduates to
good positions, i1 is impossible for 00
to satisfy the, demand made on us for
n111oe help, Those interested in their ,g
awn Welfare should write for our frog
— Our Studio will be open on Fall Fair
— While in town don't fail to give us a
—Oome prepared to get a Photo, taken.
—Come earlyand avoid the rush
— Crayon and Water Color Portraits) a
—Stook of Frames and Mouldings,
—Bring us your Pictures to Frame.
—Alwaye welcome.
The Morrie Fall Fair was hold on
September 18th and 19th, both days
being fine, but 10100001y hot Ind dry.
The inside exhibib was inferior to last
year, so far as g0antity was oonoeraed,
due enppoeedly to the toot that the fair
was three weeks earlier than tonal,,
The outside exhibit wee up to previous
years), except in sheep and hog classes,
The crowd appeared to he ate large au
usual, the gate receipts being only about
$8 lees than last year. The 38rd Bette]
iion band (Goderiob) • was preseut on
Wednesday. The prize list is as fol.
lows :
Heavy Draught.—Brood mare, A.
Knight, 0 Ruddell ; foal, M Armstrong,
A Knight ; Two year old gelding or filly,
Robert Reed, 0 13 Wilkinson ; year old
gelding or filly, James) Van Egmon
Jn Scott ; team rster,
o, $ , J l.'o Jno. Den•
halm ; tour Dolts, D W Hamilton, Robt
Roh"rton, W Oollineou, G. D. Howatt,
E MoVittie.
Agricultural—Brood mare, E MoVittie
0 Ruddell ; foal, E MoVittie, 0 Ruddell;
team, J Forster, W J Hemingway.
General Purpose—Brood mare, W
Collinson, A Speir ; foal, W Collinson,
0 Rnddell ; two year old gelding or filly,
M. Lockhart, Jos. Ooloiougb 1 year old
gelding or filly, W Sholdioe ; team, 0 W
Taylor, Mies Noll.
Oarriage—Brood mare, J11f Armotrono
0 W Taylor : foal, J 61 Armstrong, 0 W
Taylor ; two year old gelding or filly J
M Armstrong, Evans Bros., year old
gelding or filly. M Lookhart.
Roadsters—Brood mare, A Speir, foal,
Jae VaoEgmond, A Speir ; two year old
gelding or filly, Ernest Resell, Hugh
Onmpbell ; year old gelding or filly, A
Speir, J M Armstrong ; einele driver in
buggy, Robert Klne,•Lot & King ; team,
Lot & King, 3 W Elliott ; eaddle horse,
A Speir, J B Tierney ; Sweepstakes,
Robt Reid.
2 40 Speed Test—let, Topsy, Gal-
braith, Brneeele ; 2nd, Texas )3. T. Oar.
bet, Teeawater ; 3rd, Teddy, G. John-
eton; Blaevale.
2.19 Speed Test—let, Col. Hunter, T
Murdock • 2ud, Little Harry Oudmore &
Pure-bred Durham—Miloh cow, R
Oorley, T. H. Taylor ; two year old
heifer, Jae Peter ; year old heifer, Jno
Barr, R Corley ; heifer coif, T H Taylor,
aged boll, Jno Barr ; ball 8 year's, Joe
Barr, T H Taylor ; bull oalt, J S Booth,
A W Sloan ; herd, Jno Barr.
Aberdeen Angue—Milch cow, W Col-
linson ; heifer oaff, A Elliott.
Hereford—Milch Oow, 13 T Perdue,
E L Farnham ; heifer oaff, boll, 2 years
E L Farnham 1-2 ; bard. 13 T Perdue.
Grade—Milob cow, R B Laidlaw, 1-2 ;
two year old heifer'
Jae Doming, R B
Laidlaw ; year old heifer, R 13 Laidlaw,
1-2 ; bettor. R. 13. Laidlaw, J 13 Tierney ;
steer Dalt, Jno Barr, J B Tierney ; two
year old steer, D Laidlaw, 1-2 ; year
old steer, A W Sloan, R B Laidlaw
herd, Jno Barr ; fat ox or steer, Jno Barr
R 13 Laidlaw ; fat cow or heifer, R B
Laidlaw. •
Ootewold—Aged ram, Jae Potter,
ebearling ram, Jae Potter ; ram lamb,
Jae Potter ; aged ewee, Jae Potter Jno
Barr; ewe lambs, Jae Potter, Jno Barr ;
Mewling ewes, Jae Potter E L Fern
ham. . ,
Leicester—Shearling ram, ram lamb,
ehearling ewes, aged ewes, Jno Barr,
Shropehiredown— Aged ram, James
Any Other Breed—Aged ram, Jae,
Chisholm ; ehearling ram, Jae Chisholm
ram lamb, Jos Obieholm, R Corley ; ewe
lambe, R Corley ; fat ebeep, JIM Barr, R
Yorkshire—Aged boar, A Elliott Jae
Alton; brood sow, Joe Alt, n, A E,liott ;
boar, J Alton 1-2; sow, Janne Alton, Jno
Tamworth—Sow, Jae Alton 1-2.
Improved Berkshire—Aged boar, J.
Haggitt ; boar, A H Plummer 1-2 ; stow,
Jae Potter.
Bronze turkeys, Jno Barr, R Corley ;
geode, J. Haggitt, J. Alton ; Rosen dnohe
J Haggit, J Barr; any dunks, J Alton ;
orpingtone, Mre Howrie ; leghoene, white
and brown, John Fairservioe, J Haggitt ;
dorkinge, John Fairservioe ; silver Wy.
andottee, J Haggitt, J Fairservioe ; any
Wyandottee, Mra Howrie, J Haggitt ;
barred plymonth rooks, J Alton, Mre
Howrie ; white plymoath rooks, J Fair.
eerolee ; guinea fowl, A W Sloan; pigeons
Veeber Bell, J Haggitt.
Speelel rrizoe
By Wan Hngill for beet onit sired by
.Haokherd—F Haggitt. By Howson,
Beadle & Oo, for the beet oolte aired by
Derry Down—E MoVittie, W Ootlinaon,
R Roberton. By 0 H Beide for beet
bread—W Plunkett, A Elliott..
White Fall wheat, Six rowed barley, 0
W Taylor ; white oats, Jae Alton, 0 W
Taylor ; email peas, 0 W Taylor ;
timothy seed, Jae Alton, Adam 171nott ;
red olovor, Jas Alton.
Collection garden prodnoe, W H Mo.
Oraolce'', W J li'enwiolc ; early potatoes,
late potatoes, P Willows, Jno Haggitt';
oolleotion potatoes, P Willowe W H
MgOraolcen ; field meads, A 13 Plummer
W H MoUraolion ; garden rad carrots,'
P Willows Jim Barr ; Swede turnips,
l` 1=81: lli i W $ 11xoaraoken, Juo Barr ; turnips,
De wish to announce to our Cnstomers
that we are again prepared to show you the
Newest Styles in all classes of Millinery, pro.
cured from the most up-to-date warehouses.
We follow the Fashions very closely, and
you may procure the same styles as are being
worn in Toronto, Obieago and Detroit.
We thank you for past patronage, and are
hotter prepared this season than ever to give
satisfaction. Cali and see us.
iss t,, r1rachan
,VA 147
beets, J Barr, W H MOOraokan ; sugar
beets, W 13 MoOreoken, M Lookhart;
long mangel wnrtzale, W H MoOraoken,
R B Laidlaw ; globe maugel wnrtzale, W
MoOraoken ; yellow mange' wurtze's,
W H MoOaaoken, A H Plummer ; pomp -
kin. J Haggitt, W H McCracken ; squash
W 13 MoOraoken, W J Fenwick ; red
onions, Mre Howrie, W R McCracken ;
yellow, onions, W H McCracken Mre
Howrie ; silver pickling onions, W H
MoOraoken, W J I'enwiak ; white field
beano, A 13 Carr, A W Sloan ; field oorn
Jae Potter D W Hamilton ; citrons,
watermelons, W H MoUraoken Jae Alton
cabbage, P Willows, W H MoOraoken ;
red pickling cabbage, W FI MaCraoken,
W J Fenwiok 1 cauliflower, celery, W H
Italry and rrovislons
Tub Butter, W Plunkett ; Croak
butter, W Plunkett, D W Hamilton
Batter in rolls, W Plunkett, 1) W Hardt.
ton ; Butter in prints, W Plunkett, W J
Fenwiok ; extracted honey, A 13 Oarr, A
W Sloan ; hooey in oomb, A B Carr,
h .me made bread, D W Hamilton, W
Plunkett ; plain ten biscuits, Joe Potter,
A Elliott ; maple syrup, Jno MoDowell,
G Powell ; canned or preeerved fruit, W
H McCracken ; Grape wine, Mre W
Campbell, W H MoOraoken ; catsup, W
Plunkett, Jno McDowell I pioklee, Miee
Symington, D W Hamilton ; pioklee, W
Plunkett, W 13 MoOraoken.
Winter apples, A W Sloan, Jae Potter ;
fall apples, Jae Potter, A W Sloan ; Bald-
win, Jae Potter, Mee W Oampbell ; King
of Tompkins, Jae Potter, John McDowell;
Northern Spy, Jno Berr, A W Sloan
Rhode Island Greening, A W Sloan, Jno
MoDowell ; Ribeton Pippin, Jae Potter,
A W Sloan ; Buena Golden, R B Laid-
law, John MoDuwell ; Rudest .Roxboro, M
Looked, Jae Alton, Seek No Further, A
W Sloan, R 13 Laidlaw 1 Gideon Duncan
Laidlaw ; Wagner, A W Sloan, Jae
Potter ; en Davie, A W Sheen, Jno Mo -
Dowell Gravenstein,; M Lockhart, Mre W
Campbell ; Mammoth Pippins, A W
Sloan ; Tatman Sweet, A W Sloan, Jae
Alton ; Mann, A W Sloan ; Maiden
B aeb, Joe Alton, R G MoGowan ; Snow
Geo Powell, Jae Allan ; Ontario, Geo
Powell, John McDowell ; Pewoukee, R G
McGowan, A H Plummer ; Wealthy, A
W Sloan, R G MoGowan ; Canada Red,
Jae Potter, James Aston ; Oolverte, A, W
B'oan Jno McDowell 1 Alexander, Sae
Potter, Jno I.NoDovyell, 20 -oz Pippins,
A W Sloan, Geo Powell any other
variety, R G McGowan, A W Sloan ;
Crab Apples, Mise P Nott, Geo Powell ;
oolleotion at apples, A W Sloan.
It titer Fruits
Winter peare, A W Sloan, Jno Haggit:
Fall peare, Jae Alton, A W Sloan ;
plums, W H MoOraoken, 1r Metcalf ;
oolleotion of plume, re Metcalf, W H Mo -
()realm ; tomatoes, Jno Barr, W 13 Mo•
Oraoken'; peaches, A H Plummer, Mies
P Nott.
Ladies' Work.
Looe haudkorohief, Mre Bele, Mre
Haneon ; button holes, Mre Hanson, W
Plnukett ; petohing, D W Hamilton ;
gent's Mite, Mien Symington, W H
Mo0raoken ; pillow shame, G M Stewart,
Mre Hole ; notton patch gala, Mrs
Hele, Mies Nott ; cloth petal) quilt, G
M Stowe. t, W 13 McCracken ; Bilk crazy
quilt, Mre Hole, G M Stewart ; oroobet
quilt, W 13 -MoOraoken, Mre J Howrie ;
knitted quilts, Mrs Hale, Mrs E Duffield :
woollen eootce, Mre Hele, W H Maw
Oradell ; orations work, Miee Nott, Mre
Duffield ; embroidery on bolting cloth,
Mre. Bele, Miss Symington ; embroidery
on sink or Betio, Mies Symington, G M
Stewart ; koneington embroidery, G M
Stewart, Mre, Howrie ; Roman em•
broidery, Mies Livingetone, Mre Dub
told ; parlor einem, Miee Nott ; eofe
ouehion, Mise Symington, Mre. Hansom,
panel, Mrs Deffield Mice Symington ;
scarf, Mre Duffield, Midi Nott ; drawn
work, Mre Hanson, Mre Howrie ; honiton,
Mrs Dnftield, Mies Livingetone ; novelty,
Mrs Hele, G M Stewart ; ailk oroohet
work, Mrs Haneon, Mrs Bele ; ootton
oroobet G M Stewart Mrs I
ell era Mies)
pp Nett, Mre Duffield ; toilet
set, Miee Nott, Mrs Howrie ; foot stool
end applique, G M Stewart, Mise Nott;
pinonebion, Mies Symington, G M
Stewart ; handkerchief ossa, Miee
Symington, Mre Howrie ; mould work,
Mies Symington; knitted ootton lace, G
M Stewart, Mies Nott ; wool shawl, W
H McCracken, Mies Nott I table mate,
Mrs Bele, Mre Howrie ; doylies, G M
Stewart. W H MoOraoken ; battenburg
leas, Mre Henson, Mre Livingetone ;
glove one, Mre Duffield, Miee Living-
stone ; tatting, Mre Hele, Miee Nobb ;
netting, Mre Howrie, Mre Hele ; Queen
Aun darning, Mies Symington, Mre
Duffield; dollar and oaff case, Miee
Symington ; oentrepieoe, Mre Hele, Miee
Livingetone ; table cover, Mre Howie, M
M Stewart ; tray cloth, Mre Duffield,
Miee Symington ; tea cosy, Mre Duffield,
Mre Howrie ; picture throw, Mre Dui -
field, Mise Symington ; lamp screen,
Miee Symington, Mies Livingetone 1
laundry bag, Mies Symington, Mre
Howrie ; shopping bag, Mre Duffield,
Mre Hele ; etching, Miee Nott, Mre Hele I
knotted bed spread, M M Stewart, Miee
Symington ; drape, Mies Symington,
Mre Duffield 1 elamber robe, and teaeriffe
lane, Mre Duffield, Mies Symington •
pyrography, Mrs J G Moser ; braiding, M
M Stewart, Mise Symington; couching,
Mre Dnflicid Mre Rowrie ; oolleetioo of
work, Miee Livingetone, Mre Ranson.
Wooden pomp, P Willows ; wool flan•
cel, Jro Alton, Mies Nott ; union flan•
nel, J Alton, Jae Potter ; wool blankets,
G M Stewart ; anion blankets, J Alton ;
bores blankets, G M Stewart, Jae Potter ;
ooverlet, Mre Haneon, Miee Nott ; rag
mat, M M Stewart, Miee Nott ; yarn
mat, Mre Haneon, Miee Nott,
School Children's Competition
Writing, Flossie Brown, Della Mo.
Cool, Gertie Vodden.
Fine Arts
Ornament and plaque in oil, Mre Haneon,
Mre Duffield ; burnt work, leather, Mre
Hale, Mre Duffield ; on wood, Mre Han.
eon, Miee Livingetone ; picture, Huron
misery, Mre Haneon, Mre Duffield ;
painting on bolting oloth, Mre Haneon,
lolre Duffield l Dupe and saucers; Mre
Hanson ; plates, Mre Haneon, M M
Stewart ; oil' paintings, M M Mewed;
water odors, M M Stewart, Mre Howrie ;
figure in oil, Mre Duffield, M Howrie ;
figure in water oolor, M Livingtone, Mre
Howrie ; animals in oil, Mre Hannon,
Mre Howrie ; animals in water Dolor, M
Livingetone, Mre Howrie ; landscape in
oil, McDowell, litre .Duffield ; landscape
in water colors, Mre Donald, Mre
Howrie ; penoil drawing, M Livingetone,
Mre Duffield ; pen sketches and china
painting, M Livingetone,- Mre Haneon ;
painting on silk or plush, M Livingstone,
Mrs Haneon 1 painting on glass fie oil,
Mre Duffield, Mrs Howrie.
MEIN and Flowers
Foliage and faohela, W J Fedwiok ;
hanging haeket, F Metoalf ; table
bogaet, Mre J J Moser, Mre W Oamp•
bell ; band bognet, G Powel, Mrs W
Pattern Hats and Millinery Novelties
HE invitation is yours to come
A. and see everything that is cor-
rect and now in Fall Millinery.
Nothilig that has been accepted by
the Fashionable of New York and Paris
bas been neglected in our Styles.
No formal opening this Season ---
just drop in any time.
Girls wanted to learn the Millinery.
b ii:
NO W OPEN laRnaa a > colic, GnaR iR:
Enter any time. Twenty teaohere
and one hundred and twenty Type.
writing Maohlnee, Unexcelled facil-
ities for assisting graduates to poet -
tions. Write for new Weeder.
W. 13. SHAW, Principal,
Yongo& Gerrard at e„ Toronto.
Campbell ; dohliae, W H MoOraoken,
Heavy horeoe—Robt MoLean, Godo.
rloh ; light horeee—G Graham, Gode•
riob ; oattle—Jae Connolly, Holmeeville ;
P Lamont, Zurich ; roote—Jno Stafford,
Walton ; dairy—D E Mucro, Auburn,
M L Green, Oorlow ; trait- -A Asquith,
Auburn ; neanafaetnree—B Gerry, Brne•
eels ; ladies work—Mrs W A Carter,
Mre W J Fyle, Blyth ; fine arta and
plants—Mies McInnes, Ripley ; poultry
—G Swallow, Holmeeville ; pigs—Levi
Trick, Olinton ; Speeding—G Render.
eon, Seaforth ; J E Blaokell, Handl.
Piles goiokly and positively oared with
Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. It'e made
for Piles alone—and it does the
work direly and with eatiofaotion.
Itobing, painful, protruding or blind
pilee disappear like magio by its nee
Large, Niokle Gapped glace jars, 50
cents, Sold and recommended by F. R.
[Intended for last week,)
T. T. and Mre. Smith and eon are
visitingGordon ln Jas. o
G r oD and w'
Norman Yeilowleeo, of Toronto, le
visiting hie friend, W. T. McLean.
Mr, and Mre. MoMorran and daughter,
of Somerset, Man., are the guests of D.
0. and Mre. MoMorran,
Brace E. Oomeron returned to New
York, after spending a week with hie
grandmother, Mre. Whitely.
Peter Corrigan ' left on Thursday
last on a vieit to hie meny friends
in Chicago. He will be mimed here dor•
ing his absence.
Norman Robertson is patting the
finishing benches en hie history of the
County of Bruce, and he will have it in
the hands of the printer next month.
The writing of this book bee bean a ten
year's task, sad had not Mr. Robertson
been poaeeseed of an indomitable tenacity
of purpose, he would have given it up
long ago.
[Intended for last week.]
W. J. Andiron hoe diepoeed of the
livery bnoineee here to R. Wallace who
now has possession.
Miee Nellie Lowieh left on Monday of
last week to etudy shorthand in the
Wingbam Bueineee College.
W. J. MoLaaghlio, of Winnipeg, wee
in town shaking bande with old. friends.
He and Mre. McLaughlin left for home
on Thursday last.
On Tuesday Mies Kate Earngy loco
3116 in bills on the street near Wm.
Evans', fortunately it was pioked op by
Robt,Wellaoe and returned to the owner,
Miee Jennie Montgomery left on Mon-
day morning for Haileybary to attend
the bedside of her ;deter in law, Mre. J. J,
Montgomery, who is eerionely ill with
typhoid fever.
Misses Annie and Bessie Strong lett on
Wednesday morning for their new home
in Brantford. A large number of "their
young friends were at the depot to bid
them farewell.
L. 0. Armetrong, of 'Toronto, and hie
brother Garnet have poroheeed the drug
bneineee of their unole, the late Harry
Days, of Laoknow, and are going to take
poeeeesion shortly.
When the tip of a dog's nose hi cold
and moist, that dog ie not eiok. A fever-
ish dry nose means sickness with a dog:
And so with human lips. Dry, cracked
and oolorlese lips mean feverishness,
and are s)0 well i11 appearing. To have
beautiful, pink, velvet like lipe, apply at
bedtime a coating of Dr. Snoop's Salve.
It will soften and heal any skin ailment.
Get a free trial boa at our store and be
nonviuoed. Large niokel capped glass
jars, 25 oente. F. R. Smith.
Although we call thee home no more,
Thou lone log cabin on the lee,
Yet memorise sweet from days of yore,
Oome backward as I gaze on thee.
When from the overcrowded Beet,
We Bought a home in Western wild,
Thou wart our shelter from the blast,
Wbea many a Winter's enowe lay
And Summer enobenme on thy floor
Orme dancing in on every aide,
And thunder, rain with deafening roar,
Thy rade oak roof had oft defied.
And elms and maples towering far
In pride above thy green roof tree,
Were felled with many an 0naione care,
Leet falling they should fall on thee.
By thee we watched the log heaps blaze,
Whence fields are won from forest glade,
And saw those coming plenteous days
Filled with the good things God broth
Thy floor re dobood to the donee,
Thy rafters rang with gleeful song
And what was joy and plea§are Daae,
Hatt had Haley and passed along.
Thou witness Ot a mother'e toil
A father's even and morning prayer,
Good honest tillers of the ;oil,
Now meting in their Savionr'e okra.
Why do we pall the days thot'e past
Far better than the days that's now y
Though penury with °billing blast,
Tbeb wrote hie farrows on nor broW.
For ills of life that'; long gone by,
Get ant of sight and fade away.
While eunny memorise ea they fly
Grow big and bigger every day,
God ;pare our lone log arabin then
And grant fie eight may ever be
A hallowed spot to Doming men,
That own 1be "olearfu" after me.
WS, tat12 si
A Large, Fashionable and well assorted stock of
Fall Millinery is now on display at my Show Room
and the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity are cordially
invited to call and examine the same.
MISS MASON, who has had a wide experience in
City Millinery, has been engaged for the Season.
The undersigned is grateful for past patronage and
asks for a continuance.
Prices moderate and Satisfaction assured.
' 7 ■ I `)1(
cKlfJlkY $
have formed a co -partnership, to be
known as Walker & Black, and will carry
On al0
Their stock of Furniture, Undertaking
Goode and Musical Instruments is new from
the Factories ; has been bought for cash and
will be sold at Reasonable Prices.
MR. CHAS. FORSTER, an experienced
Undertaker and Upholsterer, will assist in the
Picture Framing a Specialty.
They hope by strict attention to business,
square and honorable dealing with their Cus-
tomers to merit a share of the public patron-
Night and Sunday calls will be promptly
attended at David Walker's residence, North of
bridge, Turnberry street.
On and after the 6th of Septem-
ber 20 cents per bag 'will be paid
for all good paring Apples deliv-
ered at the Factory, No Small
or Soft Apples will be taken.
J CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor