The Brussels Post, 1906-10-4, Page 1Vol.. 38. No. 13
New Advertisements.
Lout -Mons Doll.
Drees Goode -A, etraehan.
Clothes -R, 0. Davies & 0o,
Older making -Jolie T. Bell.
Farm for Bale -Robs. Shedden,
Deters Poet Oarde-F. R. Smith,
Help wonted-Wingham Bus, College.
CBIxi t 1163$.
t It tole.
The new railway depot will Boon be
A. new plate glace front bee been plead
in the Bank hero.
Dr. and Mre. Neal have returned to
their home in the Eaet,
A now fire alarm hue been planed o0
the Town Hall.
Dr. Brawn bad a oement floor placed
in hie citable thie week.
Mre. Perrin and daughter, May, are
visiting relatives in Detroit.
John Bray, of Hamilton, nulled on hie
many friende in the village on Monday.
Mrs. Penmen, of Beaforth, le the
guest of her eieter, Mre. Jno. Hamilton.
Work on the new bridge on the gravel
road, known as Day's, will he completed
thio week.
Rev. L. Perrin hell a ohildren'e ser•
vice is the Presbyterian church Sunday
The annual meeting of the Canadian
Drench of the Bible Society will be held
ie the Epieoopal oltaroh next Snudt.y
evening et 7 p. m. The reeideut minis•
ten will give addreeeee.
I have opened a Jewelry
Store in the McKim
Building, and my stock
is new and well varied.
Special attention paid
to Repairing.
You will find my prices
Edward Hazelwood, of Trail, B. 0., is
epending a week with hie parents, W. 0.
and Mre. Hazelwood.
The monthly meeting of the W. F. M.
S. of the Preebyleriau church will be
held at the home of Mre. R. 13. Barris,
Crean brook.
The telephone line is about ready.
Brueeele Fair is the magnet for Friday
of thie week.
Joie. MaNeb had a ehalte•up from a
runaway but ie able to be about,
In the abeenoe of Rev, D. B. MaRne
W. H, Kerr, of Brueeele, took the eervioe
in the Presbyterian church here Int
Sabbath morning.
Rev. Mr. Armstrong, of Ethel, was the
preacher in the Methodist church here
Int Sunday afternoon. The pater, Rev.
E. G. Powell, will preaoh next Sunday,
Mies Etta McNair ie nursing the
Porter family through their typhoid fever
experience. Three of the family are ill,
father, mother and eon, Russell. Hope
they will Boon be tally metered,
DIItD IN OLINTON.-Last Saturday Rey.
D. 13. McRae wag summoned to Clinton
owingto a change for the worse in the
oouditiou of hie eon in•law, Geo. Ballard,
who hag been i11 with typhoid fever with
other oomplioatione. He paused away on
Bentley evening in hie lard year. The
deoeaeed wee united in marriage to eine-
Tillie McRae some 4 years ago and lived
in Lietowel before taking up reeidenoo at
Oltnton. They bad no family. The
remains were taken to Lietowel for in•
ternmeut, the toneret taking place Toes
day afternoon. Mr, Ballard was engaged
In the boot and shoe business. The
bereaved will ebare lergely In the
sympathy of a wide circle of friende.
Young ladles and gentlemen who
ora desirous of making a record,
are wanted at the
Will alll COL EGE
to prepare for Bookkeepers, Sten-
ographers and Telegraphers.
During July and Auguetewe could
only all ONE-TENTu of the posi-
tions offered our graduates.
Catalogue free.
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
Clothes I
for Men
and Boys
UST a few weeks ago we had
theP leasure of announcing
to ;you the arrival of our new
range of Clothing for Fall. Have
you been introduced to the
Good Values which we
have placed on these Cloth-
ing Tables ? If not, why
not ?
Our time is at your disposal
and we will take pleasure in mak-
ing you acquainted with the Best
Clothing Values which we
have ever had the pleasure of
Don't put off till To -mor-
row. Buy your Silit right
Ilow and buy at a store that offers
you just a Little better Clothing
Value than you can get elsewhere.
6. C. CAVIES & Co.
111111111111.111•11111111111111111111111111111111la 1111111111111111.111111111111111.1111111
W. H. KER.R, Prop
Bolton RaPORT,-Following le Orem
brook eobool report for August and Sept.
Names ere in order of merit ;-Sr. 41b -
Emma Hunter. Jr. 40t -Harold Small -
don, Mary MoNiohol, Victor Spatting,
David Perris, Alex, Dark, Mina Fox,
Sr. 3rd -Beatrice MoQuarrle and Jessie
Menzies (equal), Violt Long, Lillian Dark,
Lula Sperling, Russell Alderson, Muriel
Sperling, Julia linker, Jr, 3rd -Bessie
Alderson, Lulu MoDonnld, Arthur Fox,
Orme Stein, George Smalldon, Christine
Fischer. Sr. 2nd- Retie Fox, Leslie
Perris, Nettie Reymann, Christian Fie.
cher. Jr. 2ud-Luoy Aldereon, Mamie
Oamerou, Hazel McDonald, May Hunter,
Gordon °mmeron, Maggie MONabb, Russel
Knight, Addie Sperling, Lola Steiee,
Edward Smalldon. Part II- Evelyn
MoNiohol, Eric Pennington, Elgin Por.
tor, Fred. Fischer. Br, let -Gordon
Knight, Arnold Fteeber, Elate Sperling,
Earl Reymann, Charlie Morrow, 'Thelma
Smalldon, Oscar Gorsalilz. Jr. lab -
Maggie Petrie, Robbie Fox, Alvin Hunter,
Lily Raddatz. Primary -hilly Aldereon,
Madeline Baker, Barbara Fieoher.
L. A. Mao:Kee, Teacher.
Z3e 1 =reeve.
Mre. Percy 8ouudrett ie very fit at
menet with typhoid fever, but we hope
she will sown be better.
Mre, MoDoneld, who has been vieiting
Mre. W. K. Whaley, left Tneeday more.
ing for her home ill Newark, N. J.
Obarlee and Mre. Bell, of Durham,
have moved baok to Belgrave and Ore
living in the hones lately otanpled by
Mr. and Moe, David.
The Sunday School Anniversary ser.
vioee of Belgrave Methodist ohurah will
be held on Sunday next, Oot, 7th, Rev.
E. F. Armstrong, B. A., B. D., of Libel,
to to oonduet the services at 10.30 a, m.
and 7 p. m. Bpeoial mueie by the choir
and also by the timidity School scholars,
A liberal offering on behalf of the S, S.
will be taken. All are invited to attend.
r e .
Union church will hold ite Thank
offering services next Sunday. Rev. G.
W. Rivera, 13. A„ B. D., of Belgrave, will
preaoh at 10,30 a. m. and 7 p. m.
B. R. Creme, who woe in Northern
Ontario for eeveral mouths with a sur.
veyiug party, was home on a brief visit
before leaving for the School of Baieuce,
Toronto, where he resumes his duties on
the teaching staff.
Last week Jno. Orerar, 9th con., pur•
ohaeed the fine young Durham bull
"Scottish ?mots" from Jae. Orerar,
Shakeepeere, Out., paying a good price.
The animal is bred from imported stook
on both sides and took prizee this year at
Toronto, Loudon end Tavietook Fall
Faire. Mr. Crerar will show bim at
Brussels Fair.
Ou Thursday Oot. 11th, a grand Snored
concert will he given by the Robert
Biokle Conoert 00. in the Union Metho.
diet oliarob Ethel Circuit. The Com.
piny consists of trained artiste. Mise
Powell, Soprano ; Lykes Irwin, Dramatio
Reader, and Robert Biokle Tenor. The
Prete notioee and personaloommeudatione
are moat appreciative. Don't mise this
opportunity of hearing this great treat on
Out, 11th.
BOHOOL RRPORT.-The following ie the
report of pupils in B. S. No. 1, Grey, for
the month of September. Names are
arranged in order of merit ;-Sr. IV -
Addie Grant, Lizzie Hoover, Bert Garter,
Willie Hoover. Jr. IV -Hervey Hoover,
John MoOelium. Br. III -Lizzie Glas-
sier. Jr III -Ida Rands, Jeeete. Al000k,
John Al000k. Br, II-Reaeel Carter,
Jamie Stevenson, Archie Engle. Jr. II
-Oura &loock, Willie Grant, Willie
Hollinger, Stewart Miller. Pt. 1 Br. -
Willie Al000k, Mervin Miller. Pt.1 Jr. -
Ella Rands, Minerva Hollinger, Malcolm
Engle, R. LANODON,
ORIT.-Thnredey morning, Sept. 20th
Joseph Barry, the beloved huebaud of
Katie Blake, eldest daughter of the lobe
Patrick Blake, formerly of Grey Town.
ship died at Minueepolie. He had been
ailing since last November, but was able
to attend to his duties until a few months
before his death, His ilium was a very
trying one being a oomplioation of die.
eaeee, He bee left to mourn hie untime.
ly death a loving wife and three daugh-
ters. The funeral wee Saturday morn-
ing from the Holy Rosary obureb, where
High Mase was held, after which the
cortege lett for St. Mary's oemetery
whirs be was laid to rest. The funeral
was a large one, all Mre. Berry's entero
and brothers who could attend being
there, Mies Lizzie Blake came from
Antic], Minnesota, to attend the funeral
and wilt remain tor some time with her
sister. Mise Blake likes Alieneeota quite
well but has not, yet forgotten her old
home, and aoutetnpletee taking 11104 next
Spring 10 visit her friende in Grey.
P. G. Baker, of Granton, was calling
on an ofd friend on the was
line last
Everett Walker, 0th lino, has gone to
Hamllton where he le attending the Nor.
mal College for a term, We wish bim
Mre. Edward Niohol,•5th line, has re•
turned from a visit of a couple of weeks
to Iugeraoll, Woodstock and Norwich,
An enjoyable time was spent.
MTB. Dobeon, who visited here for the
past few months, left for her home in
Herniate, Manitoba, on ,Friday of Inst
week. She to greatly made up with the
West end ie a good mdvertieing agent,
TheJohnetou farm, 6th line, has been
leveed to George Stevens for a term of
G yeare, The now tetlO;ut hag taken
poseeeeion moving [rem the 8th line.
Orttig Broth have been the tenants prior
to Mr. Stevens.
As Mre, 8, Fear, Silo line, wag driving
to Bennett' last Monday morning with
u tare 6e horse took fright a
herdaughters the
bloyole and whirling round in the road
threw Mae, Fear out. The hind wheels
ran over her head anti the had some
genre bruises but fortunately eio honoe
were broken. The girie pawkily hell on
to the linee and stopped the horse before
norther damage watt done, It wag a Won
Mise Hood and her mother will move
to Blyth next week where they will reside.
They will be very muoh missed by all in
the community. alga
Mies Lizzie Andereo0, of the 3rd line,
has returned from her visit to friends in
Ohemay, She mortis baying bad a•good
time with her many friends there,
Mrs. Janet Hood and Mrs. Jno. Clegg
represented Senehine at the W, F. M.
Anneal Oouvootiou held in Wingham
end report a very profitable and interest.
Oottage prayer meeting wan held at the
home of Mre,•Hood, Sunshine, on Tan -
day evening. There was a very large
attendance of friends and neighbors. At
the close of the eervioe, oonduoted by the
pastor, Rev. G. W. Rivera, Mies Hood
tvae walled upon and Mre, Kerr read the
following addreee and Mies M. Reese!
presented her with a beautiful gold watch
cud guard :-
DEAR FnmNn,-It wan with eineere re-
gret that we learned some little time ago
of your intention to leave the neighbor-
hood in whtoh you mud your mother have
lived for so long a time. We have been
ao eoaustomed to see you at oburoh and
in the home ot the vicinity that we can
eoaroely realize that you are about to
leave urn We the congregation of Sun-
shine ohurah have telt that we oould not
let you go without expressing in some
way, oar appreciation of your life and
labore amouget us. Yon have been so
active he oharob work, in all its braeohee
that we feel we are coffering a great lose
in your removal. In the Sunday School
ohoir, and prayer meetings you will be
greatly miaeed. You have indeed been
"in labors abundant" and we treat the
fruits of your eervioe will be seen in
tuture dive. We are glad that you are
not going very far from ne and will hope
to see you very often in our midrib. We
wish you to aooept this watch ae a token
of oar esteem and love for you trusting
that ae you nee it you will often think of
your friende at Sunshine. We trnet
that yon end your mother will be spared
tor many years to enjoy your new home
and that you will alwmyt find some work
to do in the Master's vineyard anti!
He calla you to the nobler eervioe.
Signed in behalf of the congregation and
friende of Sunshine.
MRs, Joe. CLEOG,
Mise Hood wee oompletely taken by sur-
prise bot in a few ohoaen words thaoked
the donors for the useful and beautiful
gift, also for their atwaye kindly apirit
manifested toward her.
John Bargees has been 111 during the
past week.
Aroh. and Mre, Patereon, of Wiugbam,
visited friends here this week. •
Lorne Myers, of New York, le renew-
ing old aequaiobenoee here,
Mies Minnie Paul, hoe returned from a
visit with relatives at Thedford,
Minn Ida and Berea Bryane, of
Jameebewo, visited at R, N. Duff's last
Joseph Burgess and little son, Herold,
of Woodntook, were over Sunday visitors
at John Bargees'
Quite a number from Bluevale attend.
ed a party given by the bachelors of
Jamestown, feet Tuesday evenlug,
Ohildren'e Day eervioee were held in
the Presbyterian church on Bentley.
The ohurah was prettily deoorated with
flowere and the children sang very alertly.
A. Porteous and bride, of Brantford,
are visitors at G. and Mre. Addy'e tbie
N. A. Milne is away rendering eervioe
as an expert judge et various Western
Ontario Fall Faire.
It ie rumored that a eon of the late G.
T. R. station agent may be appointed
to ennead his father.
Rev. E. F. Armstrong, B. D., will
preaoh Sabbath School Aonivereary Ser.
mons at Belgrave next Sunday.
Joseph Hemsworth will officiate ae
judge of carriages, oabtere, implements,
eto., at Brueeele Fair on Friday.
The next meeting of the Women's In•
etitute will be held at Mre. Jno,
Eakmiet's on Thnreday, Oot. 11th.
Mise Spence and Miee Hall, of Mon.
treat, were visitors with friende in Bros.
eels for a few daye Matte the past week.
A Ribbon Drill will be preeentod by
24 pupils of Ethel Publio Sobool at Brett.
eels Fall Fair on. Friday afternoon of
thio' week.
Mae. Jno. McDonald and Mre. E. F.
Armstrong were in attendance at the
Womene' Mieeionary Society Oonvention
at Wingham ae delegate from the Ethel
Methodist church,
Leet Sabbath evening James Pearson
preached in the Methodist oharoh and
rendered efficient eervioe. He also took
the service at Union. The pastor was
preaching at Brueeele.
A mast interesting Bible Contest was
held in the Epwoath League last Wednee•
day, The aides came out even in their
marks. The next contest will be on the
Institutions of the Bible.
Next Monday evening the Ethel Male
Quartette will, Bing at the Methodist
(March Anniversary at Brueeele. R. 0.
Davies will render a couple of Bolos and
Rev, Mr. Armstrong will give au addreee,
Geo. Addy, who enakee epeoialty of
growing Imperial amber wheat, bee
made shipment of some to the Bonn
African Government. Mr. Addy has also
Bent this went to many parte of the
Last Sunday afternoon W. H. Kerr,
of THE PoaT, tools the eervioe in the
Presbyterian ohurah here me the pastor,
Rev. D. B. McRae was oalled to Clinton
owing to the ill and subsequent demise
of hieeon•iu•law, Geo. Ballard.
A very intereeting time wee e
e 1
n the reeb tar•
4 ieai unY Meeting iP
the i[ o y gy
fon oburoh here ea Tuesday evening
undet the awing of the W. F. M. 8.
Rev, Mr. Wtohert, 33, A., of Brueeele,
gave a fine addreee. Speolal mueioal
numbers were oleo rendered. The ohoir
wee 000upied by 3. E. Bt wn in the
Osceola of the peeler. lx
Oo Thnreday Cot. 11th, a grand Snored
Concert will be given by the Robert
Bickle Concert Co, in the Union Metho-
dist church, Ethel Circuit. The Com-
pany eooelete of trained artiste. Mies
Powell, Soprano ; Miss Irwin, Dramatic
Header, and Robert Bickle, Tenor, The
beet notioee and pereonal oommendatione
are meet appreciative. Don't mise the
opportunity of hearing this great treat
on Oot. 1lth.
A Temperance meeting was held in
the Towuehip Hall in Ethel, Monday,
Oct, let, to arrange for a Temperance
Campaign, It was moved and aeaouded
that a Local Option Campaign for the
township of Grey be entered upon.
Severalspeeobee were made expressive
of loyalty to the nese and the neoeeeity
of doing our utmost to secure the ad•
vantages of Local Option. Mr. Buch-
Anan, of Wingham, gave a moat help.
ful addreee, encouraging the workers and
giving time good praolioal advice.
Every voter ie urged to note the greet
privilege of the present opportunity of
securing an advanced position in the
great Temperance Campaign,
ANNIVERSARY. -The Auuivereary 000-
vioes in oouueotion with Roe's ohnroh
were very sonnet al. Rev. E. G. Powell,
of Brueeele, delighted the large oon•
gregation on Sunday with hie practical
and inspiring die000reee. Speoielly
good moth wee rendered by the ornate.
On Monday evening a eplendid program
was presented oonsieling of a ohorne by
the ohoir ; a recitation by Miee Al. Jobu•
sten ; two eoleotione by the Male Quite.
tette of Ethel ; n reoftation by Mr. Riob•
ardeon, of Brussels, all of which were
well rendered end appreciated, aleo a
lecture by Mr. Powell on "The Man the
Age demands," We cannot speak too
highly of tbie lecture. It is moat pm.
Boal, humorous, iuetreative and inspir-
ing. The oongregatiou were delighted
and Rev. Mr. Powell will ever be a wet.
oomed visitor at Roe's. The prooeede
amounted to about 530.00.
Dept. of Ethel Public Sohoal. plass V. -
B. Bateman, 95 ; M. MoOallnm, 88 ; E.
Hemsworth, 88 ; R. Love, 80, E. Dunbar,
81 ; S. McIntosh, 71 ; *K. McLeod, 55 ;
E. McKee, 52 ; •L, Cooper, 44 ; R. Engler
99. IV Olaee.-I. Heath, 90 ; R. Fraser,
89 ; J. Bremner, 82 ; 0. Hanseld, 79 ; 0.
Dane, 75 ; *R. Eokmier. 72 ; *A. Cooper,
67 1 *L• MoLeod, 59 ; •E. Thompson, 51;
H, Eokmier, 51. Sr. III Claes.-A,
Barr, 94 ; F. lOreemao, 84 ; L. Henry,
80 ; W. Eokmier, 73 ; F. Mo0allam, 72 ;
V. McCall, 67 ; *Engler, 66 ; L. Molotoeh
61. Jr. III Glees. -H. Smith, 76 ; B.
Hemeworth, 74; 0. Dunbar, 721 P.
McKee, 69 ; °J. Cooper, 60 ; R. Thomp.
sou, 48 i E. Maybury, 40 ; *R. Lune, 36 ;
•E McLeod, 82. *Absent from one or
more exams. L. A. SHANNON, Prinorpal.
Report of Jr, Dept. -Br. 1I. -V. Pollard,
0. Cooper, M. Hunter, U. Engler, P.
Bateman, L. Hunter, E. Dobson, N.
Addy, S. Straobao, N. McKee, 0. Eok.
mier. Jr. II. -R. Eokmier, R. Goatee,
E. Heath, et. Eokmier, W. Thompson,
R. Hemsworth, L. MaNeeland, G. Dole,
W. Yeo, A. Ward. Pt. II, -D. MoOee,
P. Dobson, R. Dunbar, AI.Ooatee. Br. -
L. H. Freeman, L. r a an L. Dane,S.
g Y,
MoDonald, F. Bandere, 0. MoOallu, B.
Gill, K. Thibidean, H. Love, G. Pollard,
Jr. I. -L. Hemsworth, E. Eokmier, A.
Longeway, R. Yeo, L, Ward, J. Heath,
W. Cole, B. Thebideeu, P. Love. Aver.
age attondanoe, 39. A. G. SWITZER,
following clipping from the Ogden, Utah,
papers, of Sept. 24th, will be of interee►
to many of the older residents of Ethel
who Aviil remember the portion mention•
ed ;-Normae Robertson, Professor of
Mathemetioe ill the Ogden High School
died at Ogden, Utah, last Batnrday even•
ing about 9.30 o'olook of aoebe diabetes.
Prof. Robertson, first became noticeably
01 Tuesday. Hie complaint was thought+
to be a alight attnok of the grip, so maob
of whiob is prevalent in the city, Dar-
ing the week hie condition became worse
but he refused to give up hie work in
the High Sohoot and he stunk bo his poet
until Friday noon when he was powerless
to beer up under hie sickness and wag
compelled to go to his room in the
Bachelor's Olub on Madison avenue.
Hie condition became alarming that
night and despite Roberteon'e protests
hie friende summoned Dr. Joyce. Rob.
ertson began to gradually .sink and he.
oame unconscious remaining in that
condition until the end Saturday night.
While none of the young mania family
were at the bedside when the final sum.
mope oome yet he was enrronnded by hie
many friende from the Olub mod fellow
teachers. When the deoeaeed first be.
name ill hie friende tried to get, the ad•
drew of his mother but these be would
not divulge Baying he did not want to
worry his mother about a alight Minn.
HIS friende however learned the address
of hie'relativee from eome old correepon.
dente end telegrams were then sent to
his br(there,ip Chicago, and his parents
in Ontario, 'Canada. Supt. Allison, of
eoh0ole received a telegram from Mr.
Robertson Burford, Ontario, to • have
the body Bent home. Mr. Allison con•
suited with the Board of Education and
they decided that it would be better for
bim to acoompany the body East ae re.
quested by his relatives. Coneegbeently
he will leave on the Los Angeles Limited
for (Mingo where a brother of deoeaged
will take charge. Prof. Robertson was
one of the moat popular and beet teaohere
at the High School where his death Mil
be dietinot toes. Oat of retpeot for hie
memory the High Sobool will oloee at
noon today (Monday). Memorial ger.
vioee will be held in the High Belled
audit0rum when brief addressee will be
given by Rev, J. E. Oanerw and members
of the faculty. The body will be in etate
from 3 to 6 o'olook. At 7 it will start on
its long journey Emit. The High 'School
students will a000mpany the body to the
depot.of Other clue esae well as thee
eeniore e have soured bean►ifs1 floral
offerings some of which will undoubtedly
a000mpany the remains. Since the
arrivalen the city Ptof. Robertson has
made many Wanda by hie eteeling traits
of Ohmmeter, He wag loved by the mem-
berg of hie olaeeea at the high School
because of the kindly interest he took in
their welfare and by hie aeeooiate teach.
ere who will mise his hearty biendolaep
and emiliog face. The death of thle
promising young teacher has oast a gloom
over the school.
The Anneal Fall Exhibition of the
East Heron Agriooltaral Society opened
on the Grey Agricultural Perk, Brussels,
Thnreday morning of this week, with the
largest list of entries in the history of the
A large sum of moneybag been expend
ed In the new Agriouilural Hall recently
completed but there ie eoneiderable satia-
feotion in snob expenditure when the
Hall is seen ao it has ample epaoe, well
laid out and ie neat and modern fn all
its appointments. There is no reason
why exhibitors should not take pride in
filling the new building to overflowing as
ie the one !hie year. It will take a
season or two to decide on the beet ar-
rangement of exhibits in the new Hall.
Ladies' work is a epeoially large entry
ibis year and is a moat worthy display.
Roots, vegetables, fruit, &c., are on band
in large gnaotitiea and of a moat eatie-
faotory character. The judges are busy
ae we go to press.
Thursday evening, the Hall will be
open at 8 o'olook when the interior de.
partment of the Fair will be on exhibi.
tion. Inoandeeoent temps will illamin•
ate the Hall,
A program of piano solos and duets
will be rendered by young ladies, also
several pianola selections by Mre. (Dr.)
The Town (toenail will attend and
present Hon. Wm, Patterson, Minieter of
Oaetome, Ottawa, who is to open the
Fair with an addreee, to which he will
re Perth Co. Infantry Band of Stratford,
will give a abort 000060t. They oome
highly recommended.
The admission fee to the Hall Thurs-
day evening is only 10 Dente.
Hall will open at 0 a. en. At 1 p. m.
Hoo. Mr. Patterson will reoeive an ad•
dims from the Agrioultaral Scofety Dir•
eotore and formally open the Fair, speak -
trace the balcony of the new Hall.
Tboro' bred oattle will be judged by
b oye.
Two speeding events at 2 o'olook.
Foot raoee and Public School Pupils'
Drill at 3 p. m.
Highland piping and dancing.
Farmers' speeding event in roadster
Perth Infantry Baud, of Stratford, will
,supply the mush) for the day.
No one will be allowed 00 the treok ex.
netting aompetersiu the varioen events.
man 00000000.
The Fall Fair Concert Friday evening,
is always a clones and a crowded borne
is txpeoted as anal. Reserved Beate
should be secured atDra ox's at nce
o F g
stare. Program will oomein of instru-
mental by the Stratford Band t hnmerone
songs by Eddie Piggott ; Baritone solos
by Hartwell De Mille ; dramatic read-
ings by Mies. Irene Sheehan ; Highland
dattoing by blies Mabel MacDonald,
Piper MacDonald aoocmpanying. Mise
Jean MoLaaohlin will be the pianist.
Reeerved Beat tioket holders will be ad.
mitted at the aide entrance to the Town
The Preeton Progress, of Sept. 210,
speaks as foliates of a former motor of
Bt. John's church, Brueeele :-Moab regret
was expressed by the members and stiller.
ante of the Anglioaa church when it be-
oame evident a tow weeks ago that their
peter Rev. G. J. Abey, had tendered hie
resignation and wag about to take up
labor in Maideon, Ind, Daring hie four
years tenure of reotorehip the rev.
gentleman has shown exemplary opti•
miem in his duties, and hie many friends
are loath to part with his eervioee, Mr.
Abey has always taken particular inter.
est in the futberanoe of the young, and
hoe been instrumental in organizing not
a few (moieties in connection with the.
church. On Tuesday evening the Young
Peoples' Sooiety, feeling that they ooald
not let their reobor'o many valuable
serving pain without recognition, enter-
tained him, along with Mre. Abey, in a
social opacity at the reeidenoe ot Mr.
and Mre. Walker. Over fifty members
of the Sooiety and friende took part in
the funotion, which et the oateet was
preeided over by Rural Dean Ridley, of
Galt. After some time had been (pent
in aooial interoonrse, bliss Millie Sable.
Ater, on behalf of the Sooiety, made the
gents the reoipienta of a handeome
rocking ohair nod an illomed address,
Miee Sohleater read the addroee to
the company, wbiah was in the following
,lerme :-
Den Ma. AND Um. Anwo.-It le with
feeling° of sorrow that we, the Angtioan
Young Peoplee' Aesooiatioo, have esteem.
bled here to say farewell to you, our
kind and loving motor and oar friend.
Yon were the organizer of our Sooiety,
have^alwayo made its interests yours,
and labored earnestly for the promotion
of ite welfare in every poeeible way, and
we realize that we suffer in losing you.
But we know that where we lose othete
will gain and we all join is wishing you
God's richest bleseing is your new
field 61 labor and that you may be long
apaeed to work for Hie honor and glory,
We elnaerely thank you for the many
delightful evenings we (Tent at the dear
motor), and for all your thoughtful kind-
nesses in every way,
Regretting that we can show env
g B
app reoiation eo ivadeq natalyi we ash you
to aooept this obeli as A alight token of
our love and esteem, hoping that ae often
es you rest in it, you will think kindly 01
US and ot the many happy and profitable
evenings we have spent together.
Signed on behalf of the Soolety,
Mr. Abey, being taken completely by
earpriee, in a few well ohoaen words
feelingly replied. He said hie oonneotion
with the Young Peoples' Sooiety bed
been an exceptionally pleasant ono, el.
though short, and that be was not de.
serving of Boob a handeome gift for any
little eervioe lie bad rendered. When be
looked roved and saw bis many friends
that night he was indeed extremely sorry
that the time had come wine we must
part. The chair, he said, would always
remind bim of the many pleeeant hours
he spent while with the Preston Anglican
young people. He thanked every one
for their uulooked for generosity, and
expreeoed the hope teat some day he
might be able to return and visit them.
Rural Dean Ridley also spoke, and in
ealogietio terms referred to the exoellonb
qualiSoatioue of Mr. Abey, oonoluding
by wielding bim every semen in hie new
sphere of labor,
Refreshments were then served in ex.
oallent etyle by the ladle° and at intervele
mice were rendered by Miesee Malloy,
Wyllie, Wattere, Kirkwood and Moeere.
Abey, Williams and Warners. A very
enjoyable funution terminated with the
company singing "Auld Lang Syne"
Mr. Abey was then escorted to the
reotory where obeere were again given
before the oompauy broke up,
Brussels Council.
The regular meeting of Brueeele
Ooanoil wee held on Monday eveoiog.
Present, the Reeve end Oouooillore
Becker, Jones mud Ballantyne.
Minatee of last meeting read and pose.
Aocounte were presented ae follows; -
R. Henderson, streets. 9 1 76
R. Oliver, salary 33 83
Thuell Bros., Eleotrio light 97 88
P. Tarr, Dement tile . 23 60
0. H. Conary, on eidewalke 500 00
Moved by A. Barker, seconded by Jae.
Jones that the foregoing aliments be
paid. parried.
Sidewalk petitions Noe. 53 and 54 and
Clerk's eertilioate and Engineer's report
on mune were read.
Moved by A. Baeker, seconded by Jae.
Ballantyne that the Court of Revision
on petitions be held on Monday, Nov.
6th, at 8 p. to. parried,
Bylaw striking the several rates was
read fust, second and third time and
paeeed, ae follows :-
County 1 6/10 mills
Local , 5 1/10 "
Lookridge 3/10 "
Ooneolidated 6
Frontage 9/10 '
School Loan , 1 1/10 '
School 6
A total of 21 mille 00 oompared with 20
mine last year, the increase being in the
Uo. rate and school rate.
By•Lew, No, 3, 1906, for borrowing
money was read three tunes and passed.
Moved by Jae, Jones, seconded by Jae.
Ballantyne that an addreee be presented
by the O000ail to Hou, Wm. Patterson,
Minister of Oaetome, on Thursday eveu-
bug in oo0ne0tio0 with hie Doming to
the Fan Fair. parried.
1 .30 wee reported ae the reoei to f
9 w o
# p p
the eoalee for the month of September.
J. T. Wood was preeeat and addressed
the 0oonoil relative to the knitting feta
tory payments.
Oonnoil then adjourned, ace
Rally Day program in the Methodist
sabbath School, Brueeele, next Sunday
Mre. W. F. Stewart and Mre. Watson
Ainley represented Brueeele Branch of
the W. M. S., at the Annual Convention
of Wingham District, on Tuesday, in
Rev. E. F. Armstrong, B. D., of Ethel,
000upied the pulpit of the Methodist
ehurob here lost Sabbath and gave two
interesting and profitable discourses. He
will be welcome book. The pastor woe
preaching aunivoreary eermooe at Roe's
tyNext Sabbath morning will be the
regular communion cervine in Melville
oharoh. The pastor will preaoh on
Saturday afternoun at 2.90 o'olook, also
on Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Perrin, B. A., of
Wroxeter will occupy the pulpit Monday
morning at 10.30 o'clock.
Ohildrene' eervioe woe held in Mel.
villa ohurah last Sabbath morning the
pastor preaobing. He gave a very suit-
able dimness on "Looking unto Jesus."
The regular Benton of the school was
cancelled. Ill the evening the text was
"Ponder the pathe of toy feet,"
Thq,Harveet Home internee in St.
John's oharob Inst Sunday were marked
by good congregations, excellent tousle,
and well prepared disoouroee by Rev.
Mr. Farr, of Gerrie. Appropriate
deboratioes lent attractiveness to -the in.
terior of the edifice. Rev. Mr. Lang.
Ford supplied Rev. Mr. Farre pulpits
but wee home for the evening eervioe.
The Thaok•offeriug meeting of the W.
F. M. S. of Melville church, Brueeele,
will be held on Thursday evening, Oob.
llth, ill the ohurob. Mise Ratite, of
Teeewater, formerly of Qaebeo, is expect-
ed to give an addreee on "French Evan.
golizatiOn Work," All are cordially
invited. A Thauk•offering oolleotion will
be token.
NNIVERSARY:Sunday October, the 7th, will be the
Anniversary day in oonneotion with the
Metbodiet oharob. Rev. W. Smyth, of
Wiartoh, a former highly esteemed
pastor, will weepy the pulpit. In the
afternoon a Rally Day eervioe Will bo
held in Sabbath School, Monday even.
ing a moot interesting musical and liter.
cry program will be presented. Addreoe.
es are expeoted from Rev. D. F. Arm•
etrong, B. D,, of DM! ; Rae, 11.. 0.
Wishart, B. A. of Brussels I and Rev, W.
m to of iarton• reeitatione byMiner;
. Meanders and Minnie Mo a bion
N Na t
muetoal eelactioneMynate Male Quer.
tette, R. 0. Davies and the church ohoir.
No admission fee will be (Merged as it le
expelled that °vete, member of the Oen.
gregation will be a cheerful contributor
to the 91,200 to wipe ant the oMurbh
debt on November 16th,