HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-9-27, Page 8SOAP MAKING- TIM Now is the season when the thrifty housekeeper makes her half -yearly supply of Soap for cleaning and laundry purposes. We are ready for it and have on hand asupply spply of ' w Pry ' d Put up in G pound Tins, only 40c This is the very finest grade of Caustic Soda, and in granular form, which ie much more convenient for handling than the old kind in large bard lumps. You will be surprised at what a small cost a Large supply of Soap can be made. N. B,—We are agents for Ganong's G. B. Ch000latee. Have you tried them ? DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN ronattius it,C1U A ohiel's amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. DON'T mise Brueeele Fair, WEDNESDAY evening's rain Was most welcome. MONDAY evening next the regular meet- ing of the Lady Maccabees will be held in their Lodge room. SEVERAL interesting matters are un- avoidably orowded out this week but will appear in our next week's liege. S. BEATTIE, of Barrie, has purchased the Dexter House, Welland, for 614,000 and took poesessiou September 15th. Do you want to have a real good laugh 7 If so hear Eddie Pigott at the Fall Fair Concert Friday evening of next week. THE fine new hearse for R. Leather. dale et Son oama to hand from the mann. factored; at Ingersoll last week.. It is an A 1 vebiole. Rat utmER the date Friday, Sept 28th and consult with J. J. Allen at the Arnett can Hotel, Brueeele, for any eye trouble or headaches. BEenevno Beat tickets for the Fall Fair Concert, on Friday October 6th will be on sale at Foxe drag store Friday noon of thie week. Seonre your seat early. The co0oert will be A 1. THE new Dement sidewalks are well on to oampietioo and will be a decided ice. provement bo the town, A good job has been done by Oontraotor Oonery. This contract oompleted practically supplies the town fairly well with sidewalks barr- ing one to tho G. T. R. depot trona Main street. Gorwomnon BALLANTYNE has purchased the commodious and comfortable reel. donee of Mies Oampbell, Queen street, and will get possession next month, the present teuant being station Agent Henry. Tan Poen wishes Mr. Bsilan• tyne and family many happy years in their new home. FALL FAIR DIRECTORO.—A meeting of the joint Board of East Huron and Grey Branch Agrionitnral Booiety Direatore will be held Saturday afternoon of this week 9,68 o'clock. Every Director is asked to be present as a nombee of matters of importance will be discussed preparatory to the Fair next week. BALD BEADED 81E0.—It is wroug to endanger your health and sacrifice your appearance when you know that Prof. Doreowend'e toupees and wipe easily re. place the loet hair—featherweight—stay on securely, are protection to the bead and add to heaah and appearance. Yoq are invited to oell at Amerioen Hotel on Friday 001. 6th. Fax Poen WONDER Box.—We wonder why the Grand Truck does not bnild the sidewalk to their depot from Turnberry street 7—Who owns the doge that are often a down right nuisance on the street 7—Why business men sweep or throw refuse on the etreet0 or leave it in their yards to hlow all over 7—Where you will find a better Fall Fair than that held at Brq.:eels 7 Doi. Ovens, M. D„ London, Eye and Ear Sorgeo¢, will be at Smith'e Drug Store, Brussels, on the first Tuesday in eaoh mouth. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1.80 p. m, Ontaraot, egnint, failing eyesight, deafness and nasal catarrh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next visit, T¢ee. deg, October 2nd. N. B,—Dr. Ovens makes no calls. (NAME or PR0061,O .—Jobn MoFad. den has exchanged his comfortable briok residence and 5 aoree on John street, Braedele, with Ends Criob, for his 100 sore .farm, 2 miles South of Brus- sele, paying the difference, The farm is a good one being conveniently located. The exobange of residencies will take place before the close of the year, Mr. Mo. Fadden and family have been residents of Brueeele for the past two years, Mr, Orioh's health has not been very robust hence his desire to be relieved of the fartn work. HEARING POSTPONED.— Owing to the fact that the Huron Aesizes oome on next week, at the time of East Huron Fall Fair, application was made for the pootponment of the Wtlkineon ve. Agri cabaret Sooiety edit for damages ae several material witueeses would be nn• able to attend as they are officials of the Fair, The motion wee granted and the ode will be heard on Nov, 5th at the non -jury sitting's. In the opinion of Tun POST it would be a very nine thing if it were Settled so that there would be no neoeeeity of going to the Go, town with it. ED. NIOaoteoN Won.—In a local tournament on the bowling lawn here, for the ownerehip of a petit of bowlee donated by President A, 13. MaoDoaald, Ed. Nicholson was the winner playing, 6 games to win. Hie 880088 were as fol. lowsNioboleon vs, Norman, 18— 4 " Farrow, 14-18 " Fergoeo0, 9— 8 " Downing 18-11 " Kerley, 15— 9 This ie a creditable showing for Mr. Nioholeon,who is among the younger members of the club, The second prize to a gold locket presented by J. F. Row. laud, The, contest le not completed all we go 10 press. There bite been some rare sport on the bowling green hers thie season, AT Blyth Fall Fair Ino. Galbraitb's "Topsy" won let money in the 2 40 speeding event. W. 11: McOadoxsa look in Blyth Fair last week and is at Listowel and Milver• ton thie week. BEND your entries for the Fall Fair to the Seoretary as early as possible. Al. ready a goodly number are to hand. Tam Voted' Liet Oonrt for the Muni- cipality of Brueeele will be held in the Oonnail Chamber on Friday, Ootober 12th, at 10 o'olook in the forenoon. BnoseELnxms should make a point to see the exhibits in the new Agricultural Hall Thursday evening and at the same time enjoy the Band Concert and other parts of the program. Sontxxolls is going to land in Goderioh jail if they do not cease their thieving. Mre. D. Heist had a quantity of soap stolen recently, Snepicion reste on certain quarters and if verified the guilty parties may have some quiet hours for meditation in the 00. town. I. J. ALLEN, optician of Elora, e000ee- sor to the late T. P. Smith will be at the American Hotel, Brueeele, on Friday, Sept. 28th, prepared to examine and preeoribe glasses for all errors of refrao Mon. Mies Allan isa graduate of New York and Rochester Optioal Oollegee and guarantees her work. See circulars, FASHIONS rN Hexa.—Ladies who wish to perfect their appeara0oe and learn all abort hair ebould call on Prof. Doren• wend, of Toronto, who will be at the American Hotel on Friday October 6th with a big stook of hie famone Hair goods, styles, wigs, switches, pompe. doers, transformations, wavy fronts &o all the latest from Paris, Boston, Lon- don and other plaoee. A visit is eure to prove profitable. RECENTLY Dr. Frank Lambie, Of Mid. land, Michigan, formerly of Brueeele, lead to the hymeneal altar one of Mid lend'e fairest daughters. He has ae- oepted the position of lecturer on Disease and Treatment at the Ontario Veterinary Oollege, Toronto, of whioh be is a medalist, and will go to the Queen city in the near future to Dom• mend bis duties. May he and his bride be sharers in many joys. SILVER WEDDING.—I, 0. and Mre. Richards, well known reeideote of Brue• Bele, oelebrated the 26th annivereay of their marriage on Wednesday evening of last week by a eooial gathering at "Tallahassee," their comfortable home, ou Turnberry street. In addition to hearty congratulations on so important an ocoaslo¢ nameroue valuable pieces of silver were presented ae more tangible evidences of esteem to the hoot and hostess. Mr, nod Mre. Richards start out from this silver anniversay with many good wishes for the coming years and THE POOT expreeeea the hope of many that the golden wedding may find them in health and strength, ADDIS—ANDERSON. — The Stratford Beacon of Sept 17th speaks ae follows of a wedding of ooneiderable interest to Brueeelitee 1—The marriage of Lawreooe Addie to Mise Agnes Andereon took pleas this afternoon, Rev. Robt, Martin of Knox church, performing the ceremony, Mr, and Mre. Addie leave on the even. 100 train for Brussels, their future home, Mr, Addie having parohaeed his grand father's farm, three miles from Bruesele. The young couple will be greatly missed in the city, they being two of Stretford's most popular 70005 people. The groom is partienlarly well known, he having lived here almost ail his life. He has always taken an active port in promot. Mg various social interests about the pity. For a number of years be has been prominently oonoeoted with the I, 0. 0. F. and A, 1'. and A. M., and during the past two or three years hue done mush to keep the 28th re. giment band together, aotiog as its secretary and drum major. He was alae a popular member of the Ot'eeoeot olab, Mr. and Mrs. Addict will oarry with them to their new home the heartiest good wiehee of a host of friends for their future happiness, Business Locals. KEYS loot, will hinder please leave at THE Nay. MRs, Kum will serve an extra ten Dent Innob dinner Fair Day. FRESH miloh oow for Bale, Apply to ALF, BARRER, Brussels. To RRNT —Two upstair rooms. Apply at Smith's Drug Store, A FULL assortment of Listowel yens on hand and to arrive at Ruth's Coelom knitting a epeoialty, To LET,—Dwelling rooms above store 1 soft water and other 000Veoienoes. Im. mediate pos0eeeion. I, 0, Rloaean, WANT= boy, to learn blaoksmithing. Piret.oless enoo0ragemont, and highest wages paid, Apply at once to D. Ewa de Co. LINEN dtater loot between Brussels and Eli Smith'e, The oweer will greatly oblige by leaving it at Tun Poen, W. 13. ie worked on the oentre of it. Fon BALE,—Comfortable dwelling, a• aoree of land, choice fruits and bard and soft water and situation aoavenient to eobool. I, 0. BIOHARDa. GOLD open faced watch lost on Mon. day. Suitable reward will be paid for its recovery. Finder will please leave it at THE Pot es early ae possible. HENRY KEYS, Standard Bank of Canada =B'S$7irmapn ciozz 1672 0 TOTAL ASSETS OY0501 SERVE FUND $161,00,0 e 4 General Basking YiusiOSCMfa Trr dkattCt.ecl "'"VSA VINGS BANKY"a'-• Interest paid fromdate of deposit to date of withdrawal at highest ourreut rates and oompou¢ded bait -yearly, Joint Deposit Accounts—A SPECIAL OONVENIENOE io use in our Savings De- partment le the "Joint Deposit" account. Money may be deposited or withdrawn by either of the two members of the household, This system le a great 880V80- Janee to many residing in town, but wore particularly so t0 farmers, as in the latter ease whether man or wife comes to town either can attend to the Banking. An- other feature of the system le that in ease o1 the death of either party bhe money eau be withdrawn by the survivor without east, Wo will tell you more about our methods 1f you will kindly call or write. Slurried Women and (liners may make and withdraw deposits without the in- terveutiou of any person. SALE NOTES CASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be lett for SAFEKEEPING only for wbioh no oharge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oaretul and courteous attention. G. P. SOHOLFLELD, GEN. Matinees. J. F. ROWLAND, Mamma. BOARD WANTED,—Lady and two children want comfortable rooms for Winter. Give full partionlare end prioe, Drawer 31, Bandits, To ANY ONE USING BAwe.—As I olaim to have expert practice and have fuveuted and am using the latest new and improved saw tome I oats give fine advantage to our ooetamers both in prides and goelity of work. Cell early and you wilt not Deed to rush, T. Mc• Gregor, Mill St., Brunets. CHURCH 11HhtlII. Annual Rally day in Brussels Metho. diet Sabbath Sohool on Sunday afternoon Dot, 7th. Rev, Mr. Lang -Ford will oondnot eervioee at Gerrie and Wroxeter next Sunday. Last Sonday afternoon W. H. Kerr, addressed the St. Henri Methodist Sab- bath School, Montreal. Children's Day Service will be held in Melville church next Sabbath morning. Thelollowiog Sabbath Communion will be observed. The regular monthly meeting of the W. 0, T. U. will be held at the borne of Mrs R. Leatherdale on Friday afternoon of this week oommenotog at three o'olook. Rev. Mr, Wiehart'e die000ree last Sabbath morning in Melville oharoh was along the line of the certainty of the encoess of Chriete' power. Io the even• ing he dwelt on Oharsoter building, his topio being "God's plumb line. Rev. E. G. Powell was in hie own pulpit lust Sunday. The morning text was "My yoke is easy, &c." He eat out (1) The work, (2) Oo•operation, (3) The reward, The evening topic was "The fiery furnace." The Rev. T. H. Farr, 13. A., of Gerrie, will conduct the annual Thankegiving services in 8t. John's church on Sunday next. The ohnroh is being eailably deoorated for the occasion. Harvest Home hymns and notheme will be eeleot- ed and appropriate sermons will be preached. METHODIST OBERON ANNIVERSARY.— Sunday Ootober, the 7th, will be the aonivereary day in 000neotion with the Methodist chords. Rev. W. Smyth, of Wiarton, a former highly esteemed pastor, will 000apyetbe pulpit, In the afternoon a Rally Day service will be held in Sabbath School. Monday even- ing a moil interesting musical and liter- ary program will be presented. Address- es are expeoted from Rev. E. F. Arm- strong, S, D., of Ethel ; Rev. A. 0, Wiehart, B. A.. of Brussels ; and Rev. W. Smyth, of Wiarton; reoitetione by Misses Maunders and Minnie McNaughton i musical selections by Ethel Male Quer. tette, R. 0. Davies and the oburoh choir. No admission fee will be charged se it is expected that every member of the eon. gregation will be a cheerful oontributor to the 61,200 to wipe out the church debt on November 16th. —e— Brussele Scheel Board. Regular meeting of the Brueeele Poblio School Board wee held in the Board Room on Friday Sept. 14111. Members present, W. M. Sinolair, T. Farrow, R. Leatberdale and J, G. Skene, Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Moved by R. Leatherdale, eeoonded by W. M. Sinolair that a cupboard be fitted up to hold the Continuation Claes eoppliee.—Carried. Moved by J. G. Skene, eeoonded by R. Leatherdale, that u special meeting be on led for Friday, Sept. 21st. Carried. J. G. BRUNE, Seo. Special meeting of the Public Bohool Board was held on Sept. 21st, in the Board Room. Members present, T, Farrow, D. 0. Rose, W. M. Sinolair, Jae. Elliott sod J. G. Skene. The gnee. tion of reprimanding Ronald Binolair by J. H. Oameroo was taken up. W. M. Sinclair gave his side of the question in regard to Ronald Sinclair being repri- manded by Mr. Cameron. Prinoipal Cameron then stated his aide of the ease. Roved by J. 0, Skene, seconded by Jae. Elliott, that this board sustain the aolion of J. H. Cameron in reprimaadiog Repaid Sinolair for ineubordlnation in the eohool.—Carried. Board then ad. foamed. J. G. BRENE, Seo. EAST HURON FALL FAIR. TIIIIRSDAY AND FRIDAY OF HENT WEEK. Preparations on a more elaborate goal° than ever are being made for the East Huron Fall Fair, to be bell at Brnesele, Thursday and Friday of next week. Always good it promises to be better than ever, On page 4 of thie issue may be read an. extended amount of the attractions, special prizes and interesting features a eammery of wbioh is ae follows ;— The fine new Agrionitnral Hall will be opened Thursday evening by a Band Gonoert i0 the new hall by Perth Oo. Infantry Band w well known mueioal organization well worth hearing. Hon. Wm. Patterson, Minister of Ouetome, will be present and deliver a Short epeeoh in 08epenee to an addreee from the town Connell, Pianola seleotione will be ran. dered by Mrs. (Dr,) Graham and piano eoloe and dnete by various well known performers. As the admieeioa fee ie only 10 ate there should be a big attend - ads, Hall will be lighted by inoandee• cent lamps, Tell your friend's about this entertainment and attend. Friday afternoon at 1 0'0100k Hon, Mr, Patterson will formally open the Fair, is Music by Perth Go. Infantry Band. Two speeding evente. Foot races for men, women and child. ren. Judging thoro' bred cattle by boyo. Fanny drills by wheel obildren. Oompetitione for special prizes for buggy horses owned by farmere. Highland piping by Piper McDonald. Highland denoing by Mies Mabel Mo• Donald. Friday evening the annual big Oouoert will be given in the Town Hall. Plan of reserved eeate now open at Foxe Drug Store. Talent consist° of Eddie Piggot, the homoroue vocalist ; Hartwell De Mille, Baritone soloist ; Mies Irene Shea ban, dramatic reader and impersonator ; Highland piping and dancing by Mr. end Mies McDonald ; pianola eeleotio05 by Dire. (Dr.) Graham ; Mise Jean Mo. Laaphlin, pianist. The Perth Infantry Band will also oontribute to the•program, making in all an A 1 entertainment that nobody ehoald mite. moRN. HtsTiz.—In Howiok, on Sept. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hestia, a eon. MODowdm —In Brueeele, ou Sept. 2611,, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McDowell, a son. MARRI>r70. OAOIPBELL—DIINO8NeoN.—At the manse, Seaforth, on Sept. 19th, by Rev. Mr, Larkin,Mr, R. 0. Campbell to Mies Jennie Pie Dunaansoo, both of Grey township, COLDHIe—MONEffi.—In Toronto, on Sept. 12th, at the residence of Mr. D. Gar• mibbael, 21 Denison Ave., by Rev. Dr, Tnrnbnll, Mr, Wallace Oolline, of Olarkeou, to Mise Annie McNeil, neige of John D. and Peter McNeil, of Grey township. MIIRRAY — STEIBB. — At the rnanee, Mitchell, on Sept. 10th, by Rev. James W. Molotoeh, Mr. Samuel Murray, V. S., of Dublin, to Mid Lyda Lenora, Steles, only daughter •Mr. of John V. Steles, of Oranbrook. area. HAST.—In Hullett, on Sept. 22,1d, George Arklees Hart, formerly of Grey, aged 85 years, 10 months and 17 days. LINToa.—In Turnberry, on Sept. 11th, James William. Linton, youngest eon of the late Robb. Linton, aged 42 years, 11 months and 16 days. SMITH,—At Ethel, on Sept. 24th, Jno. Smith, Agent G. T. R., in his 66th year. Looknow .. Oot, 2-8 Teeewater Oot, 8-5 Brussels Oat. 4-4 Fordwiah. Oot, 6 7n7ti7..Tss3x7+s SSARg2Si Ea, Fall Wheat 68 69 Barley 38 40 Peas 69 70 Oats 29 80 Butter, tube and rolls17 18 Eggs per dozen 16 17 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Flour, per bbl 4 60 6 20 Hogs, Live 6 25 Wool 24 25 Potatoee par bue 60 80 Apples (per bbl.) 1 00 1 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. i ARM FOR SALE -75 ACRES 14111 Oon., Grey, Apply to MRS. A. SINCLAIR, Brussels. 10.11 Tr CLEGG HAS 40 READ OF •. good leaders for sale; mostly 2 -year. olds ' weighing about 1,100. Terms to suit purchasers, 12.2 • THORO' BREI) BULL FOR SEnvxao.—The undersigned will keen for service on Lot 8, Oon. 9, Grey, the well known thoro' bred ball, "Merry Archer," Terms—$200 for grades and $5 for there' breda to be paid Jan. let, 1007,_ with privil- ege of returning if necessary. 12.2 D. ROBERTSON, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service at Lot 6, Con, 12 Grey, the thoro'-tired Berk- shire hog, "Shining Tom." Terme—$1 for grades and 82 for thorn' -bred sows to be paid at time of service with privilege 61 re- turning if neseaeary. DANIEL SHINE, 12.40 Proprietor, IPARM FOR SALE.—BEING Lot 22, Con. 0, Grey, eontaini ug 90 acres all cleared except 2 sores of hard Wo od bush, and is in a good state of oniti vatfon, There le a good brick house and kitebon ; bank barn 40x00 with stone stabling; straw bond,drive house and other out buildings; good orchard,ood drilled well with windmill. The farm ie well situated adjoinin the vil- lage of Ethel, where there is all aorta of convenieaeee. The farm will be Sold on easy terms. For further Dartionlare apply to WILLIAM SUMMON, Ethel P, 0, '12.4 Voters' List Court. Notloe is hereby given that a court will be held, pinthant to "The Voters' Lists dot," by Hie Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Oeelt House, Blyth, ou the 0611 day of October, 190x, at 11 o'clock a, m„ to bear and deter- mine the eeveral complaints of errors and omieefohe in the Vetere' List of the Mnnici- pullty of Morris for 1000. All perfume having 'bueineee at the Court are required to attend at the said limo and place Dated September 20111, 1000, Clerk of the ewwla LARK, • THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL—Authorized! $2,000.000 CAPI'PAL—raw lip 1,000,000 RESEIIYE and Surplus:Profits: 1,180,1811 Directors 8, J, MOORE. D, E, THOMPSON', 00. 0, President, Viee•President. THOe, BRADSHAW, P.L.A. 1Ia 1006018 RHR, W. a 010011IER GLARE, 00,O, JA6, RYRIE JOHN PIlerren00R W, D, 100e8, - General Manager THE METROPOLITAN BANK ie open to receive the accounts of Farmers, Merchants and Buslneee Community generally and to give oaretul consideration to all proposals eabmltted to it. I1 rend upon its past reeord for 0ourteoue treatment of its One- tomere, and will extend every consideration consistent with sound banking to those who may desire to traneaet bueinese with it, & craws ihems Aerrefinurigwr Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed oD all same of 31 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANOH W. J. FAWCETT, Manager, 'ARM TO RENT—THE UN- nansIONED will rent for a term of live years North Half Lot 24,Oooeeesion 6' Tows - ship of Morris. containing 100 acres, 'Parties wanting this kindly pall at epee so they San do Fall work. F. S. SOOTT. Voters' List Court. Notice le hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to The Ontario Voters' Lista ids, by Hie Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County o1 Huron at the council Chamber, Brueeele, on the 1211, day of October, 1900, at the hour of 10 a. m. to bear and determine the eeveral complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' Liet of the Mnnioi alit of the Village p y Ingo oY Bilis- sale for 1900. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated at Brussels, Sept. 16 1900. F. 8. SOOTT,Clerk, SEALED TENDERS addreeeed to 'the un- dersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Completion of Goderioh Breakwater," will be received at this office until Saturday, Oetnber 20111,1900, inolusively, for the corn. pletion of Breakwater at Godorteb, Huron County, Ontario, according to a plan and epeeifloation to he seen at the (Moe of J. G. Sing, KIM., Resident Engineer, Confedera- tion Life Building, Toronto; 8.3. Lamb, Eeq..Reeideut Engineer, London, Ont. ; on applioation to the Postmaster at Goderioh, and at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the nuted form supplied, lied and signed with the actual signatures of tbader- ere. An accepted ohegne on a chartered bank, provable to the order of the Honourable the afiuieter of Public Works, for six thousand 1170 hundred dollars ($0,500.00) must a000m- Pany eaeb teoeler. The ohegue will be for- feited if the party tendering decline the con - [rooted et or fait to complete the work a of traotad for, and will be returned to Dasa o! non-aooeptanoe of tender, Tho Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, FRED. GELINAS, Seoretary. Newspapers inserting this advertreement without authority from the Department will not be paid for it. 12.2 TO WHOM IT MAY 00NOERN. In the prosecution of Samuel B. Swale for theft by Thomas Orutleodeu, the County Judge of the County of York the the ease without palling on the defence on the ground that there was no evidence to show that any goods whatever had been stolon by Mr, OBINETTE, GODFREY & PHALEN Barristers, Toronto. NOW I8 PICKLING TIME for which we aro fully prepared with a nice fresh stock of Spices of the very Best Quality at A 1^ F,., Drug Store kAo/4Pt,/,/kf'+Rz>W5t'Ett m•tl'tIIccVll•.tYIH.W'liaEt'Y•-W"79YIDdi'rl✓4 YwU'..tl.VzctD'LLeglod'Y •It"*7;, , BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY G�1 A Large, Fashionable and well assorted stock of Fall Millinery is now on display at my Show Room and the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity are cordially invited to call and examine the same. MISS MASON, who has had a wide experience in City Millinery, has been engaged for the Season. The undersigned is grateful for past patronage and asks for a continuance. Prices moderate and Satisfaction assured. MRS, MoKI?LAY A Y 7,5 ottecuezpuziezletoezifuuuebiuldit: FROM END TO END OF THE STORE Stocks are fairly bristling with Newness. It would be unfair of us to point to any one department as the peer of the rest. What we attempted to do we have accomplished—fixed it that no matter what line of goods you are interested in, that section answers "Ready" with confidence. Lady shoppers will find much in Dress Goods and Mantles to interest them. We've been particularly particular to assure ourselves that every weave and pat- tern is what will be the exactly correct thing for the coming season. There's a pleasing diversity of Fashionableness among all that pertains to Ladies' Wear. Will you try and find time to give these goods a portion of your attention ? Then the men folk haven't been neglected—not the least danger of that. Fall and Winter Clothing, from Sox to Overcoats and from Mitts to New Suits are inviting an examination with all the enthusiasm that should attachto these important lines. Read the List_. Visit the Departments —Beautiful Wide -wale Dress Goods in suit lengths, the very lat- est, at $1.00 and $1.25 per yard. —Grey Overchecked Tweeds, 450, 500, 75c, and $1.00. --All Wool Amazons, made from pure Botany Wool, very special values, in an immense color range, at 75c and $1.00. —Special All Wool Henrietta, in splendid range of shades, at 50c. — Silk and Wool Henrietta at $1.00. —All Wool Clan Tartans at 50c. —Beautiful Satin Cloth at 50e, 75c and $1.00. — Black Taffetta Silks at 50; 65c, 75c and $1.00. — 8 pieces 60 in. Table Linen, real value 85e, extra special at 25c. —2 pieces only 72 inch Unbleached Table Linen, worth regular 50c, special at 850. —10 dozen only Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Stockings, real value 85; special price 25c. —8 dozen Men's Wool Socks, ribbed tops, worth regular 15c each, special at 12io per pair. —2 pieces 18 in. Linen Toweling, regular 8e, special at 5c per yd. —12 only Ladies' Black Satin Underskirts, lined throughout with heavy Flannelette, worth reg. $1.85, while they last at $1. —15 only Heavy Comforters, size 60172, worth $1.75, on sale at $1.25. —8 dozen only Ladies' Flannelette Clowns, in plain pink, also white, worth 75e, on sale at 50o, FERGUSON Dry Goods, Mantles, Furs, Carpets, Men's Furnishings, Dress -making & Tailoring 1 bg