HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-9-27, Page 64-*+ E+ 4 -K -E+3 + +*+iz+ i+a+*4-*+? +? +ilk -4-o+ t+? ¢*+ E+ E A TALE OF SOUTHERN CHINA. When doubt gave way to cr r hthrty, runt' this in Inrn was ah5!'0t 1!!1 by 115w, Warming leers, 1.n1 r t remembered red w hn was ut his elite, and he turned to ewer - nisi how Ave, (nee; it, The slu)• k had been a severe one, but, even under sueli a sh.ain. Lha( brave • heart no% r ha -night 1f gn nig way. 1 ar'ry saw a Nee that, do pdc 1110 0l - low pigment • used lo rive )t the true t Ima'se lint, wile transformed with rave - delight; a .sudden radient joy lla.hed -0• from dazzling !ryes, and she r1'tu•Ind out tier fetid to Kai 1\'nng, "Give it to rue, !,lease- •11 belonged In my lad(." and as the belt bell into her 31 hands she pressed it to ),'r lips will) 17, holiest emotions, +' •C•'ff+l 1+10+3 +)~t•4 f+A+'*-1- +3 +) +c?-f.Li+#+A+#+o.. 7•Itel•eupnu, l.'ai \Yang uu�l Larry' es- j�+,L'E+�i+3? tt changed glnuces, old nodded ihrir wise 11)IAPTER XXX)V.—irontiuued), .. Fortunately for WA peace of mind. the door of the dungeon upeled ju,t then, and Kai Wang appeurcd, lantern In hand. " the macer of graven images showed no sign of undue excitement, but Alis was no reason to believe be had not been tinder an unusual Strain, fur, like the nojority of his countrymen(, 1301 Wang possessed the power of a sphinx 'when it carne to disguising ins real feel- ings. They saw him calmly lock the door again and retain the great key, as though of Lhe opinion that 11 might Come in handy on other occasions. Which Flympton agreed was "rat- tling good politics" an Kai Wang's part, and proved him to be the possessor cf what he styled a "level head." Surely, it would be most. difficult to • rattle such a cool customer. Lary believed it the part of wisdom to acquaint their leader with the lithe incident that had occurred while he was absent. The tact that some one had looked upon them, some one who had deemed discretion the better pant of valor, and lied incontinently, was a matter which Kai Wang should know, as the know- ledge night have a bearing upon his plans. 110 seemed quite unmoved—indeed, 11 looked as though nothing could cause him to lose that calor and confident demeanor. Larry remembered that on the 0000- sion when they were so' desperately as- saulted by the Thugs of China, those dare -devil Black Flags. this strange num had gone through the fight with a cool- ness that was simply amazing, and had dragged him away at the proper time, without an atom of excitement. AL least Larry felt easier when. as a result of his warning. the old Chinese compatriot of General Charles Gordon vouchsafed the simple words: "We catch him if we Cant him." They were nil this while on the move. on the keen lookout for more world's to conquer. other doors that might yield a better harvest. Whether or not the richlyclad pri- soner of the first dungeon were the Emperor; temporarily there until he could be taken to some distad) place et exile, a Chinese Island of SI, Melena, mattered very little to them: they were -only grieved to think he had not been the mysterious foreign prisoner who was known to be kept under the impala! palace, and to whose rescue they had committed their fortunes. Kai Wang might keep his profound becr'et closely locked in Ids own bosom until doomsday, it he could only con - •:jure the god of good luck, causing him to guide then t0 where the object it their bold search might be found, and so orange matters that this lone prisoner of line Chinese Basile might lune out Lo be Dr. Jack, "'leaven speer( Them In I14((ie design," said Larry, as he followed deeper Into the recesses of the labyrinth, where Other strange adventures that would possibly exceed their wiliest dreams awaited then. CHAPTER NXXV. For one, Larry was glad to know the crisis must be close at hand—whether ler gond or ill, they couid 1101 long be prevented from knowing what the result el their mission' was In be. His hopes still ran high, int his fears mainged to keop on a leve) with them, so that much of the time he was en- gaged with an unruly leant, first one and then line other plunging ahead. He could not gel quite nut of his mind Ile man whom' Avis had discovered In the act of spying anon them. Tho bet that Nal Wang considered the mater so trilling went tar toward valeting any fears he »light have felt on this score, Having passed through one exper- ience, however, Larry telt es though acne similar calamity was impending. The conditions seemed favorable, just as on that other occasion. Then It had been Dr. Tack who had suffered; now the rest of then might bo in line to receive the flings of out- rageous fortune, As the little man was something of a •phtlosopher in his way, he could 0ceppt 'even the roughest decrees of fele with a degree of patience; besides, bravry and coolness entered into Ilie deal to s considerable extent. Avis had (hold of his arm, and he be- lieved he fell her hand tremble. which would 1)01. hove been ill MI singular loder the p41ru1104' conditions governing the rase. in millet' the supposed Emperor was c'unlined. Thus far, hnw,•ver, 110 door had been found that eouid not be readily opened. upon the exercise of a little muscular power. end, as each was passed In turn, poor Larry's hopes, which at tate start had been ..so high. began to sink lower, ee he realized how notch smaller their chances becume. What if. after all the risks they had assumed(, the rimier turned out to be wlihout foundation. This he could not believe, since Kai Wang had it on the best of authority, and he was nut the one to make a mis- take on this 510!0. Of course, there was always a possi- bility that the prisoner of the palace might turn out to be some other than the friend they yearned to find—o, stron- ger, perhaps, \who had fallen into the (lands of the Chinese authorities, and for certain political reasons was treated with this severity, 11 now began to look very serious, for they must be near the end of the passage, and unless something turned up speedily, disappointment would over- whelm (iters. Kai Wrung showed no sign of weaken- ing. ' Ile strode over to another grim look- ing door that was closed, and tried it to find whether any resistance would indi- cate the need of that wonderful key, When Larry saw 111111 push in vain lie felt a sudden thrill. Had..the critical moment come? Unc0nsclou8ly he put out his Ilene] and caught the arm of 111.5 cousin. Not a word did he say, but there was something in Iris manner end his eager look. that must have warned her, for she drew a long breath. and the glow of resolution appeared in her clear eyes. 1ielulwhile the good ICal Wang swung his big key forward and thrust it into the lock. It roust have been a plaster key, for it speared to 1)1 any door equally as well. tin 4)414111, in the average Chinese mind. a key was a key, and they saw no reason wiry it should not do double duly. As ICa) Wang pushed the door open there was a general advance ail along the line, each o1 them, having a desire to enter the chamber first. On the part of Larry and Avis the reason would Dei be hard to find, since the deeper emotions of the heart entered into it, \\'ilh Lord Beckett IL was simply a desire to meet any danger that might by chance lie beyond, Thus the whole four pushed in. And Hai Wang forgot to remove that enchuited key from the lock, Perhaps he hacl good and sufficient reasons—perhaps he had grown weary of the manual labor involved In carry- ing IL around; or it might be the blessed thing slipped entirely from his mind. This lust was more than likely the ease, for Ks( Wang was almost as eager with regard to the identity of the pri- soner under the inlpeeial palace as Lorry himself. and now that Itne time seemed at hand when this enigma was about 10 be solved, it 50148 perhaps ex- cusable In 11110 to forget such a smell thing. Upon such minor matters great events often turn, however. When the light of the lantern dis- pelled lihe darkness Mal land hung like a pall upon the cell, eager eyes ranged around. searelhhhg every Inch of space. looking for smile sign. A great wave of disappointment rolled over the )!rave heart of Larry when his vision failed to connect twll11 any moving figure. Them was a rude pallet, at one end of the grim dungeon, and an earthenware bowl 01' two near by, but no human be- ing. Had the authorities, in some secret manner, learned of this contemplated rald on the palace, and removed the mysterious prlsouer either temporarily. or permanently? The 111.10 thought gave him n chill. On his part ford Rackoff, expe'lenced a feeling of keen chagrin and disap- pointment, but he would not give up so easily. These Englishmen can be stubborn when they choose, and dislike exec'ee- ingly to yield to Unpleasant conditions. As for Kul Wang, he did what was uttered/1m object above then; a human each Individual cote. '('lu1 record should the proper thing! tinder the cu'Cm°' form dese,•ndecl the rude Inddrr in Ile Ine1u11,4 not only the dairy performance, stnnres--w111ked dlreeilY Iorward 1° the well and lauded with a bound just in Jrul u concise 11(5(0)7 and ((1400ip( 4111 rf In make un examination, cotront of them. each animal. The former requires a The rdller.e clustered 5(101)1 Ilial. Tager (To be c011111Iued)• da(1y 1.0e1)41 Of 1110 111111( yield of 0t e'y 10 learn 5541111. the si a11ou9 n10uuu111 r cote 114(41 o fel 14451 mf ,4.511)11 (1ml8(011- nfghl 11110". 10 5413' cowarriring mull"!:. Dos! Moo love. 1ifr? '('hen der 1101 live mil)(ings, (1 t(001(1n(0 records ore Io iiui \Yang mule a husly examilne- )limit(! time, .1h, m111. 18 the sluff ore be senneed. Samples for 1111; lest may lion. isl m ede oL—Ren Franklin. he mixed and this conmpo.site sample It dal tel lake (filer keen,. slanting heads afh•r the manner of men wile 141105' 11 011, ..illlmlgll it afforded great pleasure In discover in Illi: (4lshio1) that the men Tiley sought had at least survived (bit affutr of that drendfui night in the For- bidden City, still (bore wore other prob- lems yet to solve chat needed their im- mediate attention. Where 40014 he now? \\'brit 0050 and terrible disaster had befallen higl? Had the change of rulere, supposing such to have taken place in the Alutl- chu dynasty, made any difference with regard to the (ate of this mysterious prisoner? " 11 was always possible. So lung as LI Hung Chang rewined in power there existed a friendly feeling toward foreigners, but now that 1)e was virtually exiled; from Peking, and his Influence at a low ebb, IL was reason- able to suppose this bitter animosity on the. part of the Dowager Empress 10wa'd the lanquey, or 'foreign devils." would make itself felt in every way possible, The prisoner of the pnloce 50x0 nue (.f whorl the party in power stood in more' or less awe—his boldness in seeking an audience with lh0 Empress dazed them, and so long as the signer( papers had Meyer been discovered they had evident-' they ore thoroughly rested after Melt, ly feared to 055000inale him. I journey, The 1001(1(1es for wasldng, in - Now that the resolute woman bobble j chiding song, brushes, buckets and the throne had shown her true colors, i plenty of fresh water. it is important and her o,u-lime pansy upon' political j that this work he pushed rapidly. AM - affairs had been resumed, 1i. Wright 1'e 1 m0ls u'' taken to the fair for shote put, expected That same 111000 would be 1(10d4l poses and the oftener they are in Ilse toward cutting the Gordian knot, either' show ring (ate better for the individual by re:lensiltg the 10lnmus prisoner, with! who shows them. After the animals 11 severe 0(tnionilimtr (n mercer again en- have been thoroughly washed they ter the sacred 8100010 0f the Forbidden should be groomed carefully daily, the C(1 -v, or else dispusin5 of hint after some more the better. usual cruel Chinese fashion, probably The character of the stalls and pens the latter, rests Oanally with the management. Lord Ilaeke(t was n01 satisfied. The exhibitor should he careful not to Things lucked toe natural In suit him, unduly expose a valuable animal to be- lie did not believe Dr. Jack would! clement W011lher, Frequodtly the stalls eubfer (heal In drag len from his cell to ore open and valuable animals are sub - execution 5•itheul a most desperate re- jerl In drafts and healing rains during heavy storms. Frequently blankets can sistance. q 3 Ilene was n bit of wood lying by the b0 tacked up affording altpte protection. pallet that might have served In lieu of - There should be more individuai exhi- bitsa cudgel, and in the hands of one entire- of first-class pure-bred stock from iy great, wand have proven mightier forms. Frequently stock of Ibis sort lhnn a sword. take the ribbons away from profession- \•ce, l..ord Racket). 1014 Inclined to be. a sba mon. 11 Is competition like his liet0 that had suari n tragedy nrcurred� that odds interests to the jive stock dc - on Ibis night (here would be 01(10) pertinent of an agricultural fair. evidence of it lin the immediate vicinity. A few dead Chinamen and gore ga- lore would be the natural indication (1141 Dr. lack had boon overwhelmed. Nothing of the kind greeted their seruliny, And, more than this, the door had been looked. Had 11107 drugged the inmate of the dungeon oft to decepitation, in order lo thus celobrele to new regime inaugur- ated 11110 night, IL did not. seen likely that any one would hove token the trouble to lock the door upon an empty cell. l.od Hackett was by nature of an in• vcslig1liug disposition. Many of his countrymen are, and this peculiar nil- Lure a Lure bus led them to all corners of the nigh worth possessing, After they invesligule they conclude In settle down. send fn' their cousins, and grow' 11)) 51111 the country. 11 runs i11 Ilio: Mood, Investigation is the avant courier at civilization. Piynplol had walked over to the MI, 11100 mall, where something itad at- tracted his etten(ion, and the others speedily' hurried to his side when they head hint 411(er an exclamation Thal anununced n (Recovery. 115x, they found evidences of tabor. 111 the wall wits a series of 1101011 one above, the other. and lending upward, like the successive rounds of a rudder. Only n persistent nature could have dreg (hese out, haul' by hour, during the ,Weeks Ihel had elapsed since the prison- er was thrown into the dungeon, P13'ntelon snatched th0 teflon from Lorry and held it atoll, blit its light was treble and failed to disetose what he sought. SI111 he (1i(1 not lose hope. and fancied he saw en indistinct object clinging 041 beyeml. "Ili'. hick, ere you there? We are friends, come to reb(1u0 you!" he bawled, ('hen those below heard a voice ex - eight] : "Thank God I" There on8 a distinct mnvemttt of (he. F •'°ee3s"v�Rd� �rRgLeiveVed 9 501 o T 9E V ('RCl'ARING LIVE 3TOtie Fent '1')(11 111N0, In the 4ae'inu lac stook d4lrnrInlcu(s Ihere is a certain eines , f profeesinlutl 0Ihibi(ore who need no Instruction re- garding the preparation of animals for (Ie atm ring. :3.1111 of therm have c41(11(n method,' of feeding and one's of handling live 11,1(4 for ['sending o 1115111 off for exhddhrm purpose,. 11 is 1111• )'o.:,ib1!' ler :0cenre a detailed description of their methods. As a rule, runny (seeders tulle their cattle direct Iroln 111e pasture ler 1110 fair, A fele weeks befo'e the fair the cattle ore brought 111 daily and ked up for a short time they Income accustomed to (heir feeds, In Ode way they are not dlslurbed or affect- ed by the sudden change when trans- ferred from the p11stu'11 t0 the fair grouulis stall. With plenty of gond chopped hay' 111 sacks, flee exhibitor will be able ler adjust the men( and cul feeds In sacks to the needs of the ani- mals so that they may be kept on their proper feed and in good tete. Good alfalfa and clover well cut makes one of the most satisfactory cut feeds. Cave should be taken not, to overcrowd the animals with food 011 The way to the fain'.. Frequently the appetite slack- ens 111 t'ansportaUon and expo rience shows that It is better to keep Ihe,n under, rather than overfed. I'he feed given them during transit should be dry 051)151' than possessing too 111ue11 succulence, 1l is a well-known fact that some nolo-ails will not take much wale' when Oil 1114) road, hence the necessity of care I1 this respect.. The individuals should be hatched. The more nearly 11107 can be kept and fed as they were when at home the better. Animals should not be washed until HINTS FOR THE PRUDENT FARAf11R. Oc(obe'—Sow cover crops, rye and' buckwheat, on .ground that would otherwise be bare during winter. Late 111 the month harvest rootS and sore in pts or root cellar. Finish harvest- ing a11(1 sieving apples, pears and gripes. Leave only hardy vegetables such ns_porsnips, Jerusalem artichokes, horse -radish in the field. These may be dug as needed through the winter or in early spring. Fill cold 1101100,0 with let- tuce, radish end onion sets for winter use. Sow spinach for spring culling. Transplant all flowers for house use be- fore Post. Dig and start In a dry place cantles, gladioli and similar bulbs and 00015. \\'hen temperature goes below 50 degrees at night start Ore In the greenhouses. Plant last settings of strawberries In pots early in the 0100111. Celery must have 1110411 earthing up. As - magus and rhubarb for forcing (lust be dug and allowed to freeze before re- moval In cellar. Nosemher--Final harvesting of cab- bage, celery, roots, etc., end 111101 plant- ing of spinach. \lake cuttings end sci- ons of grapes, currants. gooseberries and tree fruits, tie in bundles and bury butt end upward. Stratify seeds of peaches, plums and other stone fruits and store wieere they will not freeze. Spread nineties on bulb beds, around shrubs, upon herbaceous borders, and when the groom(' is frozen herd, upon strawberry beds, Prune grape vines and niter trees. Plow or dig 1101(4')' soil and leave in loose condition to 140000. Cover cold fames with straw vials or shutters on cold nights. Tidy up the place for winter. Review 50011014'5 prac- tice and improve plats for next year. DAIRY RECORDS ESSi:N'TIAi.. 'rhe daily record of the herd Is a mallet. of the 111081 importance, says Prof C. 13. Lune. The highest degree sf 5000.0:4 ('011001 he attained unless dairy- men know the productive onpacll,y of , tested, thus obtaining the average. So Lary for (he lhtrd Ifn10 4511(:1»4.;.(1 eyes +;f (15 long ler disenvs' celInin mets,} So he 511(41 1 1055 n polislhrd gentle• file word "0,01(41(410" in 1444 eat; - (1nd, \\'(1511 000 hes educated himself 111 owdid her' "Well. yes. II was Ifo u- - p..- —• tsus strengthened. 5)141 again bleed the ((((4 line, sn4(4(1 things become potent sante 111111g. .\111 whit was aha 0x001 »certeili future, 1104. might ensiiy 1•.se5410 the 0)514111 4,14n, word ?•' Ile said yu5 yore, a slippery peeee IiANT P reelep, Other dn0)•11 geeeted their vision, the oielhot'3' beholders. !fellow." Some were ajar and received no con- sideration, fleet, again. they hold come b. 4140 the 1111d the Uppelf'anec of being (0-.1. Larry 1u04111,1 01 11, and h'r. l.•atrl seen! fL01 Wong evidently 41s1 00) Innen In ed 10 11101 ,sl cense herding: Ili.' article r s' i>' rd's r, . I b [Left I ,/ tea, n )4 al ow n11v and thing L , .. h 1 his melee: ih 1 1 t bell • 1 g f be rias 11 num 4t11( Iul'e, j!r1;j. n11•1.14 in I f,' front. a I aha tvo'lit of his money (glee he Ind b rd,b• prul"u h Kyo 1,101 14 111111 by matte an 1necs1nuul. and 1111.•: 4(1(1(115 1111, 10 0414a, 0:•11 iucihe, in d 0010(er'. could .,01001y 1,0 Looked upon in ,tic) 'u composed of 1,1 011/.1. repre.eulillg in 0 ilgitl. Otte does net always (rove to 1((14 ln04407-in snail a ease--Ihe'e ole other Shriners lo lee b(ken; and when )(6' self 15 the :duke.. surely 1110 inre.t e 111 heroines worthy of the name. 'At (1117 rate; 1,01'11" unlleed 1 Iry their ruhi0 had taken 11(0 heavy key; If might a'erve to open 01h0r floors besides )hot I lue man wt'0.k was Isere con - flood.' declared tai Wang,. holding <r)ue•111in4 (110(1, rude 10111 n u' so111• Cast if 1) steno st1r14 14s nightbe r•olornan e11 mph In llindnslnn, I a •ry' (1(4 5. 111111 heckle ,; ,,,d1 a.4 ter' a n 1.5 1' x11(1 ld• own iltceo. ud (' n Irl ere I1nd set (yes upon 11 Ihr bed 40118 1)11011 11111 4114.011 err ill" 1,111‘"',1 111.111,1:- 1 110(1( other (ban Dr. hied himself. :Ind, even in Hutt dreadful irtome11, F4lifflp Bak SCOTT'S IMUIS)ON won't make 5 hemp heck straight, neither will haulm a long, short leg but It feeds soft bone els ed ono and s among end he disens I f o 1 S the few genuine mesas of rCC6Ve1' It P rickets end bone consumption, Y Sand nor bee II, Ch1 C()a 80,00T080,00Tgre(1WNla, miou, Toronto, 0,41,50. pc nod 51.004 lilt dru0tet,. '((.,X4e0'5 @1'1`10'1•)( eltrwle (ins• ninny (4(011 would lie needed lo pull 11 weight hauled by nn 01e1,110111 Fifty. Cho anstver Is Ilse result of re- cent investigation made to dclernlllte" the 1'lspeetit(' palling power of horses, r(,and elephants. u)I 'Iwn hosts N 1fI- Mg L,Il 1' l ear .In together pulled n 150 110111111s„0 4 )o pnnnrls rnorr. Iha( Ihr,! 001111 nrrl 5eighl. One (+ileums weighing 12,u,u pounds, pulled 8,730 pounds, er 11,250 )genets less than his h('ifl 111(11 0 +"re'11(it(' ala ml waked. . f,. 1. 3 h 300 pounds In w50!114. pulled 8.750 pounds, or just as murk ns 1110 single 41epl1anl, Ili(, like the horses. they 1.(111011 more 111811 their own wcigl 1. Chun 111111(1 0011 111011 pulled 1..,00: li01111i s, It you nave the pleasure is all y0u1R1, nhiersa ck wedged L.W.i2S21-1'- ;+!Ai' rflrR'�e„�w1=11.7 1..ZONSSME/1.�k4 ln' 15 to be superior to the finest Japan grown, CEYLON GREEN TEA Get a Trial Packet to -day.. Lead packets only. 400, goc and doe per ib. At all Grocers BRITISH INDIFFEi�ENCE BIG BUSINESS WHICH 301111 BULL SCORNS. Merchants and Manufacturers are Los - jug Trade to Foreign Competitors. Some put it down to the British ma0- ler, some to the Iran. Some blame Free ('rade, and others the climate, But all are agreed upon( one point, which Is Mat British trade is not Increasing in anything lie an equal ratio to that of 0111' German,. American, Jnntylese, and other competitors, says -Pearson's Week- ly real fact of ilia natter seems to he that our merrhnl1Ls and manufac- turers -most of thein 111 least --are con- tent to rest on the laurels their fathers won. They won't go out and hunt for new fields fol' commerce, nor trouble to end out what new customers avant. To lance a ease in point. The Intuit], especially the educated o' half-educnlcd Bengali. has conceived such an affection ton' the umbrella 11101 he 45rould as soon Mink of leaving home without his clothes as without his gawp. Al one lime the Incite» umbrella Crede ons 'n BI•tkshl hands, and millions of British umhrellrl's were sent 10 India for rale o.' a rupee and a half apiece. Berl the wily German saw that an even cheaper article would find a (nor - 'lee. He makes an umbrella for sale ill eight eons (about eighteen cents), told r is culling out the British merchant. Re- member, the natives' umbrella 15 ONLY FOR S110',V, NOT USE; but ycl the British tna1fuaelure' has m11de no effort to compete with the (1e'- 110111 in the supply of a cheap article of this kind. A (:onsulnr report from Alexluh'le 1 has pointed out that the Egyptian egg is smaller that the English. Tllere is a gond opening in the land of the Nile for the rule of a smaller egg -cup than the 0,11(1ary. Yet our merchants con- tinue to send the stock size, nppnrenliy considering 811c11 a trifling alteration quite beneath their notice. Once we owned the South African ueedi0 trade. Our needles were excel- lent—none better. 13ut in spite of all protests to the conteary, we insisted up- on wrapping then) in black paper, which the supersliliou Spanish-Amei- can lower elassrs disliked. Along cnn1e the Germans with needles not half 511511 good steel es 000s, but wrapped daintily' in 0001(et paper. They very soon cap- tured the whole trade. I1 Soutl Russia the women wear red handkerchiefs as head-dresses. Matl- cliester used to supply them. They were oblong in shape, -and over and over again the women begged that they night be supplied with square ones, which were 11011E CONVENIENT TO TIE. But the Manchester makers only sneer- ed when (hair travellers told them this. "We enn't be bothered to put down a new plant MAL for the whirr of a parcel of women," said (hey. But it was not very long before a. Ger- man bagman nosing about in 511111 BUS - sip found out what was warted, and promptly supplied it. The Russian wo- 411011 81111 wend red handkerchiefs, but they do not, cone Igen Manchester. IC you go to a tailor for a 01111, of clothes he puts bundles of patterns be- fore you, and yott choose for yourself the color and texture which you prefer. He does not ialce one roll of cloth from the shelf rind say, "Thls Is the fashion. This Is what you rcqui'e. I w111 mea- sure you for a suit of this." Were the man of shears silly enough to do any- thing of lite kind he would very soon lose nil his custom, and appear in Ifo 13anlIouplcy Court. NW, o1 a larger sole, 1115 is exactly what the overage 13/111511 manufacturer Is doing. 110 80011(SDlo finey Ilial, be- muse a customer lives in Americo. or Melee, he does not know what he wa1t4, AND 11•IUST 1313 'TAUGH'17. That plat ons -ell very 1V0(1 in deys when Itrilufu had no serious, competitor as a nhanuflclurtn4 coon(')'. •l'o•dny. when Chantal, Atuel'lell French, and Japan- ese travellers ore, doing all they know la .1111 every customer, it no longer 1(1104001'0. Again, Tana)ea, \Odell had been us- ing Ameeienn l000lliOti•es, ordered 80111e ft 0111 a. 111411x1 firm. The hiller were to Cost nearly $20,000 11111001), while the A:lnericans only cost n 11111e over. $(0,00n1 but the .len(0(10 rei(way authorities 0011. sidered 1.1111. (111' sllperio' quality of the. Delilah engines would pay 1110111 in the long runt. One of the nolo engines eves 11±11ed with five loaded end Iw•n unloaded cars, and quile billed to pull them tai nl rn• client which the Alnarioan 511'1105 50 1; bill regularly e•n„rd 50l11 n sfn)iLn land, '1110 British 1110 10,1,4 had been instrnelod Ir.( build good hitteibnbe's, bill Instead loci sent 1110 nrdin5ry pattern, Such cases might he MI/14110d 1414(1li- nt011 Ono of our Infest losses is the minloh bade of Bhmrmnh. a smell thing, )•r. rinr)5, fent still worth slee,0101 n year. Rrn•nrrie is n damp ( roes% emit (110 (un4y lemplish 1110(!11 failed 10 keep rtiubl. Me wood collecting Inn 11meh mr110111re, 311pnn 0010 Wha' was needed, a smaller mulch With 64036 rester In the w"uul. Now Juliano: -1 matches are used ill through further Inion. '---^0 BATTLE FOR FREE GRIESS, Revolt in Nordhausen AfJninst Irfucs for Wearing Trains. The women of the little town of Nord- hnus14n, Germany, have risen fn revolt against the order of the municipal au- thorities forbidding them for sanitary reasons to )yea' dresses wills trains. A11 dresses which touch the gimped 001110 lvil11111 lhu dellnilion of "halos," and the police hove received orders strictly to enforce the new decree A 11ne of 162 is the penally for the first of- fence, $2.50 fur the second, and a day's imprisonment for the third. The evemen wile are resi1i1(11 the law have scored one point by obtaining the opinion of eminent legal authorities to the effect that the town council has par- tially exceeded its rights in issuing this ((rneo114 decree. 1t appears that the council Inas 10 right to prevent women from hailing their dresses along the ground, hal 014(111111 prever1 111e0 from heating dresses w'(1ieh 5.5111(1 101101 We ground if not ('011(ed in the hand. '1'110 01)1111011 Ilren replied that women cilia wear skills yar(ls in length if they like. but they must hold then up. One fuel of skirt trailing on the ground umkes Ibe eas'r Hanle to arrest and punlslnnenl.w A league of resistance has been form- ed, and the nl('mhors hove pledged them- selves to wear long skirls and to dory the authorities. They declare Mal, they 1111 pay Ihr nreessary Anes, nerd 0001 go 15 prison 4(11110)' 11)14(1 sacritco (heir naht of arraying themselves in the most becoming costumes. t. - NEWLY MARRIED. "Dearest." she said, and there was a slight tremor In her voice, "will you have a slice of bacon ?" Me would, ns he had been married only a week, and would hnve accepted a slice of sandstone or papyrus from her (lands with equal willingness. "I thought." he said, 418 11(11 dU)lculty he removed his eyes from the dafnlA morning jacket, surmounted by her lovely face, to the sordid bacon, "you said you would hove some of those meat- balls 1 lice so well for breakfast," , The lovely eyes filled with tears. "George," she said, with rising indig- nation subduing her gief, "it 1v14s that horrid, meat htltcher''s fault, and I want him never, never to dare to expect my patronage again," "Never mind, dear," he said, "it doesn't. matter. Forgot to send the meth, (lid lie?" "No; he sell the pleat. but not what I ordered. After .I. planned having this nice dish for you this morning; after 1 had taken the pains to go in per- son and explain carefully to him the kind 1 wonted; and 0110! 1 was so happy at the thought how you would enjoy the meat -balls, to have my whole plea- sure spoiled by that detestable but- cher's mistake ahnost breaks my hear" More tears, IIe went around the table and com- forted her. "1 ordered," she sobbed, 'sonde round steaks to make the balls with, and, George, the ones he sent were—as—flat —as—your hand:(". -SPANISH SHEEP. There are said to be 10,000,000 migra- tory sheep in Spain, which travel on occaSlols as much as 200 miles from the plains to the mountains. They are 1611011) 001 Ir0,humentes, and their march reeling -places and behavior ore gov01'n- cd by special regulations dating from the fourteenth century. Al certain lines no one may travel the seine )•utile ns the sheep, which have the right to graze on all open and common land 011 1110 way. h Or 1109 0.0•0 o•aao aotatvo cksao•apa•aa•c^o YOUNG FOLKS tr000 —Qo -o 6) 00-0-0-0-000,00 .00 '('111. 13(10\\'N1ti 110LeeliROY. "it's a pr17 there isn't 11 brownie in Dur' ol'tal' to d1(11(1 !hill Need I,Illllttlirl, 119 I103•014 rose Irani the afpper fable, leaving his glass half full of 11111k. "1)11 brownies like milk, mamma?" "1 110ve ahvays heard they du," snhl the mother, "All lite stories about them soy Ihat, if yuu'il put a :4111000 td milk 011 (he ('ether' direr every night. a fruwldo aril! rime and 1110 (hero and h11p to ala the 1luuscw irk,' "Help do the housework I" cried liar - "VOA, i1e'll Make I110 Keleher' flee and pal nn 11)11 kcllle, 14(1(1 11(10le lhhtgs rosy 011(1 mlro hefere ti's ((me to gel br,rtk- fas(. IIe 11118 to got up very early, be- caus0 it would not do fur him to let 410(1(0 8140 h(m," "f8 (I. really timer' asked Darold, his ryes round with wonder. "No, 111u'old. I wish 11 5.08, Then Fd put this milk in the cellar and get a brownie to Deno and bring in all that wood thieve papa cut," said mamma, as sho left (Re room. "Maybe !here really are brownies," thought 1larold, "and manillas just thinks there aren't because she never saw one. I believe I'll put this milk in the cellar and x00 if I can't catch one. ",\/on't rrlanmrn be surprised if she wakes up in We morning and finds the work done 111 the kitchen 1" So he crept 0111 into the hall and do a r •t the Ilc.s.lah's into lino dark cellar. It was a good thing lie 5.145 00011 a bravo boy, or he couldn't have clone it: 1L might have been the newness Of keeping a secret from his mother, 04' it might have been the excitement -1 eak'hieg a brownie; but something woke 13arold the nest morning lung before his usual time. Ile saw the faint. daylight through the :hullers and heard his mother's gentle breathing, and 11 seemed strange to bo awake all by himself. "1 5ondcr if the brownie hes come," 11e thought, and then he slipped out r f his little bel aud into his clothes as well as he could, Ile )mete mamma would 1100 like Win to ger out of the roam un- dressed. I1 anis still so dark in the cellar 111111 he had to put his linger into the 00110ed' to tinct out whether the brownie had drunk the mill(. Yes, it 11'U gone; the 5011101' was (mita dry. Upstairs hely Florid() and Mtn the (Mellen. Put dfsapnointment mot 11(m (here, Everything ,vas just as it had been left at right. "1110 Wean old brownie 1" thought Harold. "So selfish drinking the mill( ani Ihcn going away without doing 1)15 wart " Ile wouldn't have any surprise for mammal after 011. Then n quick thought 01(1110 to 111111. Sunrise the did the brownie's work himself ! She would be just as surprised to and It done, Iles couldn't light the ere, because mamma clld not allow hint to touch matches, end he stood a moment think - Ing w'hal Ile (103 \\'hy, bring in1141 thedm. wood, of course 1 And out he hurried, toboggan rap on his dead and coal bucket in his hand, to be- gin the Joh. It was 8urin'lshnq holy 4110011 fun there 5•ns in ea mying in load after load and piling (1 into the wood= box. He had just finished and was sweeping up the dirt he had made when ho hoard his minter coming and calling 11101. Herold ran through the outer door into (1e1' 1.00tl1. pullet( off his shoes and jumped into bed, clothes and all. "\fl'aul 1" he answered, w11011 he SOS safely in. .'Why. Ilnrold,'• said his mother, coin- ing back, "whe'o were you when 1 got up just now'? And what nee you doing with your 01011)es on ?" she added in 0111411150. "Aluni):" 05(d Ilnrold. "(1's n secret I'm haling. \\'0n'L you plcnse Id ma have 11 foe n secret?" "I will this lime," said his mother. "But you mustn't, get up so early again. Little boys need lots of sleep, so they can grow fig and strong, and They mustn't get up 1111 their mothers tell tberLo." - Vs'leein 11)03' opened the kitchen door,. Harold wateiled his mother's (ace as she caught sight of the 5000(1 -box, end laughed when he sow how astonished she looked "Who in. the world did thus? she ex- 01411)110(1. "Harold did you put mill( In the cellar and bring a broWnle?" 'oyes, ma'am, i did; but he W15 a horrid, greedy brownie. 1 -ie drank up the milk and didn't do his work 6111101'1" "'limn who did all this \vote(' 1" "011, a kind of n brownie, but not a, real one, replied 1)arald, I 'specs he'll do Ihhtgs for you every day if you don't 10ok." "\Yell, that w(i1 bo 11(00," s4nld his mother. "lo have a brownie househoy. Only lee mustn't, ley Oto de things toe etu'I3 111line orning. 'Amyl,) ih0m('s Ih0 reason brownie's aro so little," said (101'01(14 "'('liey get up so early that they don't get enough sleep (mel slop growls'. Mamma, tin you think It was a brownie Mai denote that 411'1'111)1(1):11, "11111)0"1'6 Ilse 1110• Ask anter member of 1110 fondly," replied )1151111(11, "But there isn't anybody else 'eep1 papa and tittle sister, and tittle sister 0114'1 tnU °Nephi'!." con the menthol, of 1110 !run- ny 1 mean," sold his 11rot1101', smiling. "Oh, WW1 is 11 ? • 1'1011:0 1011 1110, manl- nn):" ].).sten," sold ids mollies% "There- she k v I ins. i,l t ihr (,1(401(1 7 n -n • •' t o s" a (11 e \I) i w CI lit1 a to11 kitchen door. "Ml,'uw- meow " 1' 111'1• I .Ari' 1' l i i), \fr, Granby ' r 1 001 1! 1 s,l l.,t Y v , i; kind-hwl'ted, 4101 0 greet Inver if thtirh en, "(:01(10 bore. \label," he said to his 111110 111 ,'e one ,1113', "1}1!110 ed t 1 t n hnclu 0(1." el 014)'),' sale) Slated. eyeing him( 'Heal 1 Wonder whose indium ,bile Ilial 0x4tr rti3, "7011! 515111aeh'i( 111((:11;; on Was? it felt lilt) Jon Il'owns,"--Lifer y1,tu• huh" •