HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-9-27, Page 58,=C -,r tt t! iib A Suporio�rmopedT/D is ovary mopo JU' J.r�a`I 7//' ( v TORONTO, ONT. 11 During July we had fifty Minim as U many calla for oilloo help as wu had ggraduates going out, and dating Aug- yt ust we hall alxty.aevoui titans ad wetly. This Is the sobuoi that fa uopstttutl)' "golug ahead" and not "standing still' ,,jjlQQQ ur booking up." Write for beautiful ontulogue. Now lethe ALt, lropal. 0014. YoNON AND ALaxANDnit ti9'e. fIS!• Boq ntitf== ?. 1=33 MEDICAL CARDS. T)R. R. A. BURNS— Successor to Dr. J. A. McNaughton Brussels, Ontario Graduate of Polyclinic Poet Graduate School of Modiotne and Surgery, New York. Member of College of Phye oieus and aur - emit. of Ontario. Office and .resldenee same a0 formerly 00- oupted by Dr. efollaugntou. Dteousee of women a speoialby. Phone No, 21, BUSINESS CARDS. vv. H. MoORACItEN— V V • Sather of Marriage Licensee, 0I• lieu mt Grocery, Turnborry etreet, Brussels, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES OMee 61t the rest Office, Ethel. 80.1 C. 0. Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. 1., Bruesele, moots in their Lodge Room, Blas- hill Moak, on the 2ud mud last Tuesdays of each month, et8 o'clock. Visaing brethren always welcome. 0 90RGE KERB, 0. R. W. L, LSATBL+ISDALE, 1t. S. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Oflloe and Rosidence— WALTON. ONT. ROBERT CUNNING HAMI INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. .t S. SCOTT AS AN AUO'TION• A- • NEn, will sell for better prices, to ret! ,better men, 1n lose time and lose ch01000 than any other Auctioneer in East Baron or Le won't °barge anything. Dates and orders can always bo arranged at tile office or by personal applioation, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUhIVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for 01 the ofaoe of TEE PoeT, Brueaeie, 221f VETERINARY. G• A. CUNNINGHAM— Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, Is prepared to treat alt die - Laths of domesticated animals in a li mpet- nut wanner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Never. Calle promptly attended to, 011ioe aud Infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, 'Turnberry et„ hruasele. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MAODONALD— •Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. bucoee er to G. Ir. Blair. O111oe over Stan- dard Sauk. Bruseel0, Solioltor for Metro- politanSauk. • NvM. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, icouveyaneer, Notary Public, deo. Otho;+—Stewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the standard Bunk. phO JDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARLtIS'TERa, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, ETC, W. PnonD8oOT, K. O. R. 0. Han G, F. BLAIR. 011ioes—Those formerly 000upied by Messrs Qam0r0n Si Bolt. ONTARIO.11011n0108, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. DENTIST Graduate of We ,Royal Oollege of Dental Surgeoue of Ontario and Eirot•ola°o Honer Graduate of Toronto University. Moo next to Brewer's. Photograph tlallery, BRUSSELS. tai :s �r t t 1f11=;3t°T8` A Famous Bohm]. dBE%j%�i�TRA,///L // �i�%%7//L"J STRATFORD. ONT. This School la rocogulzed to bo one Id of the best Commercial Schools in the 1.1 Province. Our courses are thorough and up-to-date, We give a penotioal Ittraining and assist our graduates to good positions. Itis impos0ible for us to satiety the demand made on tutor Oilloo help, Those interested in their own welfare should write for our h'oe catalogue. ELLIOTT & MoLAOHLAN, Prluolpale, 0 •12:4i1Sf i e,$ 13.1e6P5Va-. Barr,& of Hamilton. i 00 Pod . 26too t , at u t Nt , {Caputo, l 1G. Tta G Asset fjt$*l0 0,000,0 Total assets, Nta9,oce,v,t9 80 BitANOE198 IN CANADA 80 President, • - HON. WM, GIBSON Vico President & Gouural Manager, JA AI '10210111000 ETHEL AGENCY Savings Department—Ample security for Depu01 tors, Depositaot $1.00 and opwartle roeolved. Interest allowed at current rates and compounded half yearly. / ADVANCES matte to farmers for t feeding stook. Salo Notes collooted and advances made thereon. Drafts bought and sold, W. N. hfoZAY, Sun-A0uu0. '4• a1 9 0Gr $.9kfGr29'ri t 3:'rztrict Ron, At W0041. Rime Fall Fair, Oot 2nd and 3rd. Joe MaFarten°, of Gerrie, bite beoome e. member of the Bauk of Hamilton here. Mien Ruth Knox and Mice Alioe Currie left for Listowel last Monday afternoon to attend High Bebop/. Wednesday evoning,Mies Maggie Gil. ohriet, of Newry, was united in marriage with Arthur Peebles, drover, of Atwood. The Council at their loot meeting pass- ed a ree01011en prohibiting partied dump- ing offensive material ill the alley West of Main etreet. J. 8. Tilley, of Toronto, Iuepeotor of Model 8ohoole, was in the village ls01 week ou a visit to hie old friend, J. W. MaBain, Main etreet. E. T. Greeneidee has improved the baolt part of hie property by pulling down the old toe house and patting up a very neat building, 30x12 Leet. Piles positively aurid with Dr. Shoop's Magid Ointment. It's made for pile° alone, and it does the work to perfeotion. Itching, painful, protruding or biiud piles disappear lilts magic). Sold by F. R. Smith. lekeoL* or Lit. Mrs, A. D. Sutherland has goue to Fort 8aekatohewau where she will visit. Arthur Broedfoot, who had taken ill at Mooeejaw Sask., arrived home the latter part of last week. He ie eofferiug from an attaek of fever. Mr. Middlemoet, of St. Catharines, has been engaged ae an assistant is the blacksmith department of the Robert Bell Engine and Thresher 0o. Mre. Murray, of Goderiob etreet, re• oeived word last week that her grand• daughter Jennie Murray was ill with typhoid fever in the Brandon hospital. James sod Mre. Miller, of Abilene, Kansas, have beun visiting at Dr. H. B. Rose'. Mrs. Miller ie a cousin of the dootor's and wee formerly Mies Annie Roes, of the Loudon rued. - Mre. Jno. 01uff, of Altura;, California, arrived in town atter an absence of 12 years. She 019010 to take care of her aged mother, Mrs. Rob). Frenoh, who has been very 111, Lttytowet. Listowel Fall Fair on 'Tuesday and Wednesday this week. F. and Mre. Wilson, of Chicago, who have been visiting with Mrs, J. Rodgers, have gone to Brussels. On Monday of last week the ant 0. P. R. 'theme reached Milverton, laying the ties end mile me it came, The town was considerably exoited over the event, Mre. Henry Beeooly, of Southern Alberta and Jonathan Maynard, of Weer Bey city, Mioh., are home 00 dee their mother, Mre, Thos. Mayuard, who, ie ill. Mrs. (Rev.) T. E. Harrison, of Lon. don, occupied the pulpit of the Listowel Methodist ohuroh in the ioterealo of the Women's Mieeionary• Auxiliary, morn• ing and evening, Sept. 23rd. Mier Sproule, who has boon in Tor- onto for the peat few weeks visiting the different hospitals, returned on Friday a000mpanied by Mre. (Dr,) Johnston, of that city, and will spend a week with Mre. J. P. Walters. S. J. Stevenson has Bold out hie butoh• er oud grooery bueineOe on Wallace etreeb to Mre. S. L. Kidd and sou. The latter have leased the premiee0 and will sou• Tone bttrfueae in the present stand, , Carr Harris, attaobed to the British Army Royal engineer°, has re001001y returned from Mind on a mouth's fur lough, and spent a day or two with hie father, )Engineer Harris of the G. & G. Ry. He left here on Salardny and will shortly proceed to•Iudia. Eheumatiem ie not incurable. Stub. born 7 Yee I But Dr. Shoop'° Rhouma• do Remedy will it faithfully used drive it out of the system. Its the blood that's at fault. Poioonone oryelala like sand get into the joints and tnasoleo, Dr. 8hoop'e Rheumatic, Remedy prevents this. It drivee Rhoumntiem from the blood and then Puheumatiem dies, We recommend Andean it. F. R. Smith. • caoeteriol.. • Tun KINTAIL OuARIVARI.—Eleven of the young men charged with unlawful lie•. aembly, in takiug part in the Ashfield oharivari case, were brought before Judge Doyle for election. As will be remember- ed, they had all been committed to bail, and while under bail oommitted to the next omit of competent jurisdiction they could not elect, so to remedy the defect they severally placed themselves in custody, and than overoame the difficulty and were enabled to elect, which they did by requesting to • be tried by His Honor without a jury, and to the indiotmeot as read they all by counsel, pleaded guilty. For the defends were Wm. Proudfoot, M. G. Cameron, G. F. Blair, M. 0. Johnston, and J. 3. Killoran, and Meseta. Proud• foot, Cameron and Johneten each ad. dressed Hie Honor on behalf of the defendants, asking the olemenoy of the court, Judge Doyle oddreeeed the defendants at some length, pointing out that our laws must bo obeyed, and if not obeyed they must be upheld by the law ;aware, and that oitixene dot Ing their duty to the state by marry - leg meet be protected from end) bru- tal outrages as obarivarie generally, lead to. After warning the defend• wee ante against coming before lam again for Roy nko offeooe, he relta"ed the four younger defendunte, John Still vuu, Gordon Dreuuen, EUiou Drennan and Marry Young and flood Jae, Kmaue, "J l t as. Farrell John 1n to r , Joeoph Griffin, Jas. Bowler Geor;;e Drennan mid Jae. Buckley, enoll our Sethi,, illathew MoUra:ght, the other defendant Watt not prevent to eloot, eo will kava 10 appear at the Fall ae• elm court, which opens ou the 2nd print. AN INTEEeeq'tNa CAstt.—The Mitch• ell Advocate lard :—Tito only outs of Intereet in Division Court woe an notion by John and Bartow/ Guitney, of Logan, ngoinet 13, T. Dean, of Goderiob, who k. pt a grooery store at Mitcbell early in the preeeut year, Ot of the plaiutiffe purehaeed from u alert{ in the defend• aul'a store throe potmde of what pur. ported to be rape Beed, for the purpose of raising a orop. Tho Beed wee sown on three aoree of land, but it turned out to bo a troublesome weed known as wild rudieb, The plaintiffs not ooly loot the eeaeon'e orop on the three mores bat were also put to oats• oiderable trouble in endeavoring to rid the laud of the weed, The defendant's clerk elated In ovidenoe that at the thne of gelling the Beed be avid that the Geed was not guaranteed. The plaintiff who paroltaeed the seed de. need this. Elia Honor held limb it made no difference whether this ebalement had been made or not, that the Beed bad been labelled and Bold as rape Geed, that the plaintiff did not know that it woe not rape oeed, and that the defend- ant wee liable. Jndgmeot wee entered for the plaintiffa for $80 damogee, with aoete. F. H. Thompson for plaintiffs, J. L. Killoran, Goderiob, for deteudaut. Mr. Dean will now prueeo0te the estate from which the seed wail bought and ie likely to r9oover. DISPUTE AT GODnRIou. Tb0 Guelph & Goderiob brooch, under aonetrnotion, and the Graud Trunk Railway are at it deadlock here at preeeut through. the alleged euoroaobmeut of the Graud Trunk on the lands of the Gnelph & Goderloh. Early •Tbureday morning the Grand Trunk Railway gent a epooial to Goderiob, and under instruction of Supt. Brownlee who was on the groond, commenced excavation for a new aiding along the water front directly beneath the main Otto of the Guelph & Goderiob, which it carried out, would undermine some parte of the letter's treolt and result ill a considerably greater expeediter° in ereoting r, tainiog walls to support the upper track. It appears that the Grand Trunk have for years been canning over certain lands along the waterfront which belonged to private parties. Therm lends along with other adjoining' property, have recently been acquired by the Guelph & Goderiob, but the foot that the disputed portions now in ase by the Grand Trunk have bean need by them ter a number of years without molests. lion would give them full rights. The oontentiun of the Grand Trunk is that when the Guelph & Goderiob made apptioatton to the Railway Oommieeion some months ago for pormieeiou to a0• quire oer1a10 lands of the Grand Trunk Railway for their use, the Graud Trunk Railway were to reserve enffioiont trout• age to permit of an additional track it regained. This ie the track ill question, whioh the Grand Trunk Railway leave oomtneneed to exeavato. The 10. 'r, It, 'trunk have 'mead with an injuuotion to restrain them Iran prooeedlog with the exottvation and tntfi an Agreement 19 r t eti 1 resulted the o h i0 at u s a d 1 Work n Grand Trunk Railway engineers and otlloiale are here to eabetaotieto their claim. It le unfortunate that further delay may eooue for with the °ompletion of the moderu oonorete elevator ae an eerie date the G•and Trunk Railway will be taxed to their atmos) to facilitate grain and flour shipments. Notes of a Trip to Montreal, The IntinerrhU and Cwumerclnl Metro. po11e et the Ivontlntuit. Thinking that a few jottings of a trip to the old historic oity of Montreal might be of interest to the readers of Tux Pose I will endeavor to give my impressions of eights and swum doming under my notice. I wao fortunate, along with many °there from the Loudon Oonterenoe, to be elected a delegate to the quadrennial seseioua of the General Conference of the Methodist Church, which opened Ito proosedinge in the apleodidly egnip• pod 61, James' Methodist Obaroh, Montreal, on Wednesday, 12th inet„ at 10,80 a. m. ;,,Leaving Brussel, et 8 p, m. ou Tees, day I arrived at Toronto about 8 o'clock and at 10,15 p, no. boarded the Bleeping ear Wiudemere for the East. There were scores of othere who lied set their Laces in the direction from which the wise men lama in the olden days, so numb was thio the ease that our power fel engine had all it could haul of living freight, every berth being taken. It seems to take moat people a good while to get used to this modern and comfortable mods of night travel, ee. peoially in disrobing and making your toilet io snail oireuntooribed goartere, The voyages of dieoovery ne0eseary to locate in a berth the varione etoetera0 That go to make up your workrobe re• lieve the monotony of a journey and ()acme you to breathe easier when you reach more oommodioue quarters. We reaobed Montreal about 8 o'olook Wednesday moruiug and after a good broakfaot at the Queen's hied to the Oonferenoe church where amines of re• newels of old aoquaiutaooeehip and in• trodnotioue were in order. All that would add to the oonvenienoe, comfort and diepatoh of Moines's was to be found at the (thumb. Telephone, tele- graph and poat•offfaoe, Missionary liter- ature, book room enppliee, tables with paper, envelopes, etc., tor oorreepond- euoe were there and two young lady stenographers and typewriters were at the command of the Oonfereaoe Offieiale and the delegates as well, The veteran Rev. Dr. Garman, Gen• era) Superintendent, occupies the chief ohair in the Conference and la methodi. oal, terse, good humored and quirk is hie derieione, ruling the targe body with a kindly aatbority to which all ap• pear to be willing to render obserful obedienoe. Rev. T. A. Moore wan elected Secretary by a large vote and fills the poet moat aooeptabiy. Every delegate ie on from 8 to 5 Com. mitteoo em that there is ample oppor• i Ready -#o - wear Hats for Fall N SATURDAY our showing of Ready-to-wear Hats will be placed on our Tables ready for your inspection. We will be pleased to wel- come you to this Department where we are showing a complete range of styles which represent the Very Newest Ideas for the Fall of 1906. R. C. DAVIES & Co. MT23EL, Come Early and make your Selection. AMIN NOW OPEN TS= A 1 it IN 0 Ir LL 1, M HI CENTRAL MINIS& HMO TORONTO, ONT, Enter any time. Twenty Emotion and one hundred and twenty Type• writing araobines, Unex.00lled /soil - !ties for aoatoting graduates to poet- tione, Write for new Calendar. W. H, Snow, Principal. Tonga & Gerrard eta., Toronto, ALLAN LINE ROYAL. MAIL STEAMERS To Liverpool From Montrent Ionian Sept. 21 Oct. 19 Nov.10 Virginian Sept. 28 Oot, 26 7'nnlelan Oot. 6 Nov, 2 Victorian Out, 11 Roy. 8 lotto; of l'aasage First Oabin-870 and upwards, aoeordtng to steamer. Second Oobiu-842.60 to 847.60, Third Close— 027 50 and 828.75. Montreal to Glasgow Vrotorian Sept. 20 Oct. 26 Numldlau• Sept. 27 Nov.1 Mongolian Oot. 4 Nov.8 For further particulars, rotes and Begets apply to W. 11. KFIlR, Agent Allan Line, Brussels. banity to be kept busy and at the same time to gain mooh helpful lnformatioa oonoerniog the redone deporlmente of church work. Lively debates and die. 00804000 are nommen in therm Commit• two which are more informal than the regular seoeioue of the Conference. The following etatietioe will prove of interest at this juncture (and will be the only etatietioe I will trouble you with) refer to the growth of Methodism in the pact 4 years Membership Ministers Probationers 388 Local Preachers, 2,416 Exhorters 1,190 Olaeo Leaders...,•, 5,611 No. of Sunday 8ohoole 3,522 127 No of Offices and Teaohere 34,558 1,162 No of Saholare 274,306 1,746 Total Force 823,729 13,030 Amount raised by Sunday 8aboola9222,434 930,077 No. of Leagues and Young People's Societies 1,864 55 Acute raised by same $313,179 966,162 Membership of sumo 75,845 6,448 Number of abnrob• ea 3,616 203 Number of Parson• ogee 1,322 114 Vain; of obnrohea,914,878,278 --- Total Value of charoh property,.$21,129,768 $4,327,380 Amount raised for Miniatere 4,033,629 756,968 Amount raised for (limit purposes.. 7,066,026 1,134,025 Amount raised for all pnrp0eee...... 13,720,650 2,809,879 Total debte on ohorobee and par. 0008900. .. '91,375 Amount raised for Oounexional par• poses 2,620,995 918,()86 Missionary Oontri• tuitions 848,180 •Deoreaee. Reporters are here galore and if "the axle tree of the world" does not supply interesting foots and figures to the pub lio it will not be because the pencil. poshero are not buoy and hot -footed after them, St. James' ehnrob is a magnificent structure with an Al auditorium and poseeeeiug large and well equipped emtee of parlors, olase rooms, toilet apartments, eta. They have an expel. lent choir in the ohuroh and ire eleotrie lighting *atom ie both unique and complete. Montreal Methodism hoe in its onnetitnen0y many of the best homes in the oity and their hospitality ie tie uegneetionod as it ie g008100e, Montreal, while linked with the hie. tory of the long ago and bearing many evidences of the petit, ie a hustling, up - to date city whose boundaries are broadening, etreet; being wonderfully improved and the ereotion of magnifi• cent blooke, sohoo'u, factories and reef denoee testify both to the wealth and the onward etridee of this great city with Hu mixed population of over 400,- 000 pouts, While the Freooh element predominates numerically the beet manotnotoriee and business places are in the hands of the English speaking people and a large measure of harmony appeare to prevail between the varione nationalities. Many of the old oaatomo prevail, how- ever, snob as the one horse carts, some of them carrying tremendous loads of hay, lumber and other balky oommodi• Lica, a 00191100 to lie Westerners aeon°. tented to see the teams and large wagouo need for each purposes. There is a good and wide reaching street rail• way electric system, but it does not op• pear to materially reduoe the number of cabbies, who with their horse and rubber tired outfit, plus a desire, with stentorian voice, to clear the way for the ooming of the passenger, and eapply information at to publio bufidings, eto„ en route. Many small but well kept parks add to the beauty of the oily and attest to the well played part tit the Civic Committee who have an eye to the eaehetio end beautiful. tWedneeday,1210 hot., from 4 30 to 6 p. m. the General Conference delegates were the guests of the well known Allan and Dominion line Steamship Oom• panics and were shown through We giant ocean liners with their palatial elegance and praetioal oomforts sup. plied to those who arose the Atlantic. Lanoh was served in She dining hall of the Victorian, of the Allan fleet, wboae 0anrt009 and kiodneoe were suitably acknowledged and heartily cheered. W. H. KM. Montreal, Sept, 18, 1906, Increase tor 1906 Quadreunlnm 817,717 25,822 1,811 19 150 168 1,119 •1,180 New Firm1 D. WALKER AND M. BLACK have formed a co -partnership, to be known as Walker & Black, and will carry an atew"' Furniture and—moor Undertaking Business iN THE LECKIE BLOCK Their stock of Furniture, Undertaking Goods and Musical Instruments is new from the Factories ; has been bought for cash and will be sold at Reasonable Prices. MR. CHAS. FORSTER, an experienced Undertaker and Upholsterer, will assist in the business. Picture Framing a Specialty. They hope by strict attention to business, square and honorable dealing with their Cus- tomers to merit a share of the public patron- age. Night and Sunday calls will be promptly attended at David Walker's residence, North of bridge, Turnberry street. WALKER & BLACK McKAY & SHAW'S BARGAIN LIST FOR SEPTEMBER Fence Wire: Wire Nails 3000 lbs. Diamond Brand, Cleve- land, High-oarbon, hard steel spring wire, at $2.50 for balance of September, A large and well assorted stook ranging from half inoh to seven inches. During the balance of Sept. these Nails will be offer- ed at a new Rook Bottom Price. Aluminum Cooking' Utensils the Best p 1—They are light, bright, pure and wboloemne. 2—No enamel i V 1 1 or plating to wear off. 3—'They will not burn nor scorch the food. 4—They do not contain the poisonous substances found in iron, copper and enameled ware. 5—No joints, seams or solder to leak and give trouble. ,OOME AND GET ONE ON TRIAL. (_ T7 N CI Better Value in Guns than ever. Prides away down Low. l� l 17 —Headquarters for Cartridges and Ammunition. 1VicKAY & SHAW NOMINMNIMON Applcs I Ip Wanted BRUSSELS EVAPORATOR On and after the 6th of Septem- ber 20 cents per bag will be paid for all good paring Apples deliv- ered at the Factory. No Small or Soft Apples will be taken. J a CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor