The Brussels Post, 1906-9-27, Page 4tb.e Vritostis THURSDAY, SEP. 27, 1906. °van 26,000 Odd FeRowe Resembled in Toronto loot week to attend the $2ud Sovereign Greed Lodge. They repro, eented one of the largest brotherhoods in the world with repreoeutativee in every land aid iu the grand reoord preeented show the incomparable work being done by the three•linkere in blessing the world in their wide and varied methods of helping humanity. The bolding of the Sovereign Lodge in Canada will do muoh to enthuse end encourage the members of the Order in Ontario and the ooming Fall and Winter oempafgn will no doubt bear evidenue to this in large aooeesione to the membership. Miaow Jews see in King Edward Vel au opportunity of securing hie good (Aaee tee the great intermediary power in putting a etop to the wholesale bloodshed ae unwarranted ae it ie devilish by the Russian power. They compliment Hie Majeoty by affirming that be ie a peace• meker and an exponent of Lair play and Justine to all. Russia ie drinking a bitter asp but it will not be sweetened anti! they purify their form of government, wipe off the laws that permit atrocities almost too terrible to describe and give to the subjects of that land at least a small meaenre of what is human as well ae divine. N'itione as well tee individuate must come to a day of settlement and it looks ae if Russia were ep agaiuet it now. Very little sympathy ie telt for people whose reoord ie es blaok as that actor. tnuale land. Orae more the peculiar traits of oharauterin the Donkhobore are to the fore. Now it mope op in their refusal to pay eobool tax at Langham, Sask., owing to the fact, tee they state it, that they do not believe in permitting their children to go to school for fear of them learning evil. While the notion is ridionloae in the extreme and the reasoning of the Douke, will not be taken in lien of the oath, it ie unfortunate that so narrow a horizon appears before any oleos of people who seek homes in tbie goodly land. "Death and the taxes" oannot be dodged and the ill advisors of the Donkbobore should revise their arced and let down their fenoee on the question of education, We do not advocate coercion but rather oenuiliation in the majority of inetaooee bat the majesty of the law has sometimes be aeeerted and the righteoueuese of legal e0aatmente taught thie way if the milder and usually better metbode do not obtain. Sonia 2,500 members of the Baildere' Association in the city of Wiunipeg went on strike the other day to add amplitude to the plumbers' call off iu the same city. In such a city and at this eeaeon of the year the strike means more than oan be easily estimated. There surely should be come better way of solviog labor problems than by this method. The history of etriltee and som• binee has mote than one dark chapter in ire category and yet the leeeone taught are very slowly put into praotiae. Tbie is nota one aided prop. oeition we are sore and the rights of both employers and employees should be Dare• fully and adequately considered aside from the strike, and legislation enaa bed aloug arbitration and oonferenee methods that would put past conditions out of repetition. If this is not brought about the fotare does nob present many indi• oatione that the olive branch will bold sway. Shorter boars, increased pay nett innumerable holidays have not aaoom- pliebed, in any appreciable measure, what the agitatore of the past seemed the pnblio they would. There should be some wise aoneummetion arrived at and thereby put an earl to the unrest. Gnrar progreee hae been made and on rnnoh improved methods in the question of the bringing in of deelrable population t1 the Dominion of Canada, especially to the Great West and in success is alt the more apparent by the ugly mood assumed by acme of the 0.d Country people who kink agaiuet the drainage of their laud of its beet bone and sinew. One labor agitator advocates that the Britieh authorities oat off the crusade by a vigor. oua effort to send to Canada imbeciles, or the acknowledged shiftless population. The "generosity" of this fellow i0 too pronounced but ehowe hie utter die regard of even the poeeeeeion of the first principles of mealiiee° or brotherliness. If Canada ovunat ligitimetely prove to the inoomer that else poeseeeee many ad• vaotagee over the Old Country for rapid and permanent promotion to the indust• Tial °leasee than the sequel will not be hard to foreeaet and it those desirous of securing homes on easy terms find that the truth has been told and the pledgee are realized the "tooting" of a eore bead here or there is nob going to endo a good and a great work. Away we go to Eaet Huron Fall Fair, whin)] will be held on the Agriealtaral Perls, Brueeele, on Thursday and Friday, October heh and 501. The euaoess of this Fain depends mneh more on the individ• nal effort of many than the super -human exploits of the few. An ounce of help to worth more than te pound of promise and n ready reeponoe with the general good in view more then the pereonel advantage, clan aoommpliet' wondere, Lot there be the maguetiern of united effort and a moles to do the very beet for the Fair of 1906, The Commander in Ohtet oan• not win bettlee without the reek end file neither van a Board of Dlreotore 00ore in the management of a Fall Feir anises they have good bricking. Are you a member 7 Did you ever lift your little finger to favor East Huron Fall Fair 7 It you enewer in the affirmative lend ue your ehoalder but it you are °till among the uninitiated delay no longer bat beetle, !matte, bustle, Morris Council Meeting. The Council met according to adjourn- ment in the Council Room, Morris, on Sept. 10tu, Members all preeeot, Reeve in the chair. Miuutee of last meeting read and passed. Oommunioatiou was received from Dudley Holmes reepeoting a pile of etonee thrown on the road ou let line by Chas. Turvey. Ou motion of Mr. Yount, seconded by Mr, Mooutoheou the Clerk was inetruoted to notify Mr. Turvey that he is required to remove the eaid stones before the let of Oatober next otherwise the same wilt be removed at hie expenee. A000aute were ordered to be paid as follows for gravel, Wm. Taylor 52 40 ; J. 11. Sellars 510 51 ; R. Cookerline, $6 40 ; D. Sommerville, 510. 41 ; Inc. tMoouey, 52.45 ; Geo. Kerr, 5189 Li. Craig, 91 eta ; H. Duncan, $2 10 ; D. Agar, 55 64 ; R. Jobnetou, 00 94 ; Jae. Golley, 51.24 ; Jae. Sherrie, 51 81 ; Joo. Barr, 52.82 I Eneae, Oriole, 51.92 ; Jae. Riobmuud putting in culvert $775; Isaac Brown, cement tile 5141 95 ; R. Richmond, patting in culvert 59.00 ; Geo. Jobneton, building guard feriae ,59.30 ; Duff & 8tewaet, lumber $17.73 ; W. H. Kerr, Ellison Drain By.lew, 526.00 ; W. Breokeuridge drawing tile and putting in calved 55.75 1 Wen. Taylor, putting in cement tile $12,00 ; A, Batton, repairing hilt 511.00 ; corporation of Grey Lamont drain sail $915 93 ; R. Sbeddeu, gravel ling on centre eideltne $20.00 ; E. Irvine, repairing culvert 52.00 ; E. MoLeuohlin, damages 51.00 ; 3, Smith, balance an gravel 75ote. On motion of Meseta, Kelly teed Cempbell the Reeve and Troco• arae were instructed to borrow 51000 to meet current expenses. The Council adjourned to meat again on 15th day of October next at 10 o'oloak a. m. W. Cnaax, Clerk. Wish=xn. Mies Little baa removed to the store next to Hanna & Co'e. S. W. Marshall has eold hie harness business to Thoe. Kew. ilea foot bridge over the river, near the salt block, ie being repaired. Juo. it Jae. H. Kerr anoounne that the firm ie dissolving partnership, to take effect on the let of ()etcher. Mre. (Rev.) Abey, of Preatoo, and Mr. Gooding, oil/Muth, were vieitore at W. F. Vane;one's last week. The Bonnie Briar Bash Co. have the Wingham Opera House engaged for the even1ng of November 27th. B. Greeey's family have arrived in Wingbam, and no doubt will Boon be comfortably settled in the old home on Patriok street, where they epent so many happy yeare. A petition ie now being oiroalated among the electric light ueere of the town end it ie being largely signed. The petition asks that all night electric light eervioe be given in the town. In connection with the Baeioeee and Literary meeting of the Epworth League Mouthy evening an "At Home" was given to the pupils of the High School, R. Vanetone hits received the cad news of the death of his brother Walter, (formerly of Wingleam), at Hnotiugdoe, Oregon, Particulars of the accident have not arrived. The cad event occurred on the 55th Met. Mre. Helps hae sold her reefdenoe on Alfred et., opposite the town park, 00 Fred. W. Stricker. G. P. and Mre, Wella intend leaving ebortly for Florida, where in fatare they intend liviog with their sone. Tuey Bold their property in Lower Wiugham to T. A. Calhoun. If all dyspepsia sufferers knew wb at Dr. Shoop'e Restorative would do tor them, Dyspepsia would preotioally be a thing of the pant. Dr. Bhoop'e Restore• tire reaches stomach troablee by its direct tonic action upon the inside nerves —the true stomach nerves. Stomach distress or weekneee, fullness bloating, belching, eta. Call for the Restorative. We recommend and Bell Dr, Shoop'e Restorative. F. R. Smith, 131'e a vat.I e. TORNB050a Cooxotn.—Mioulee of the Commit meeting held iu the Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Monday, Sept. 24th. Mem. here all preeeot, the Reeve iu the obair. Minutes at last meeting read and adopted on motion of Masers. Rutherford and MoMiohael. Moved by Mr, Kelly, neo• onded by Mr. Moffett that the Clerk be iustruated to outer on the Collector's roll all unpaid eeseeemenle of 12th Concession Municipal Drain and Branoh Drafm.— Carried. Moved by Mr. MoMiohael, seconded by Mr. Rutherford that the Clerk be inetraoted to prepare a By'Law before next meeting of Coaooil for the 'moon of taking a vote of the eleotore at next municipal eteobiou as to whether the term for Reeve and Council shall be for two yeare or ane.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Rutherford, emended by Mr. Mo• Michael that the Clark be !eetrooted to notify Henry Godkin, jr., to clean out the Government Drain on his place before the 15th day of Oot, next ae complainants will not wait tenger and any failure will compel Coaooil to get the work done at his expense,—Carried, Following ao oonote were passed and cheques issued:— John W. King, gravel and damages, 54 20 ; John S. MoTavieb, gravel and damages, 54 60 ; J. W. Pearen, gravel and damages, 51,98 ; Amoe Gofton, gravel and damages, $8.50 ; Motor McKay, gravel and damages, 51.06 ; E, W. Orvie, gravel and damages, 52.40 ; John Mo. Burney, gravel and damages, 51 00; Geo. Gannett, repairing onlvert, 52 25 ; Doff & Stewart, tile for drain, 5214.00 ; Duff & Stewart, drain 0000ant, $18000 ; Jae. Powell, cleaning out drain oulvert, $3 50 ; Wm. H. Mundell, Turnberry share, filo and nuivert on boundary, $17.50. Moved by Deir. Kelly, wended by Mr. Moffatt that We meeting do now adjourn to meet in the Clorlf'a office, Bluevale, on Monday, 22nd Oob„ at 10 O'olook a. to. JOAN Bananas, Clerk. EAST HURON FALL FAIR Bigger, Brighter and Better than Every Thursday Friday, Oot..1,th & $thr East Huron Fall Fair will be held at Brueeele on Thursday and Friday, Oot- ober 4th and Otis, and promisee to eolipeo all ire predecessors, The splendid new Hall will he completed and lion. Wm. Pattereou, Minister of Cnetome, Ottawa, will open the Fair. Prize list was always good but it has been extended and prizes increased iu a number of olueeee, The well known Perth Infantry Band from Stratford has been engaged and will give an opening Concert iu the Exhibition Hall on the first evening of the Fair. Speeding events will be put on OE Friday afternoon to latitude a Green Trot or Pace with three awards -525, 516 end 510 ; and a 52.50 Trot or Pace for similar aunts, Piper MacDonald and daughter will give Highland solections and dances during the afternoon, Following are some of the other interesting features of the Fair that no visitor should miss. FOOT RACES, &c. FOOT RACE, t mile, boys Ruder 18 yeare. let, 52,00 ; 2nd, 51.00 ; 3rd, 750 ; 4th, 50o. BOYS' RACE, under 14 yeare, 100 yards. let, 75o ; 2nd, 50o ; Srd, 25o ; dile, 25o. BOYS' RACE, under 10 years, 60 yards. let, 50e ; 2nd, 250 ; 3rd, 25o; 4013, 250. GIRLS' RAOE, under 10 yeare, 60 yards. let, 5001 and, 25o ; 3rd, 25o ; 401, 25o. OBSTACLE RACE, 200 yards, for boye under 18 years, 1st, 51.00 ; 2nd, 75c ; Brd, 50o ; 401, 25o. FAT WOMAN'S RACE, 50 yards, contestants mast weigh at least 200 ibe, let, 52.00 ; 2nd, 51.00 ; 9rd, 50e. DRILL.—For the best Drilled Squad, of 12 Pupils or upwards from any School. let, $3.00 ; and, 59.00 ; 3rd, 52.00. CLUB SWINGING.—For the best Exhibition of Club Swinging of not less than 12 Pupils from any School. let, 53.00 ; 2nd, 52.00 ; Brd, $1.00. SPECIAL PRIZES. RYRIE BROS., the well known "Diamond Hall" Jewellers, of Toronto, generous- ly donate a tine Silver Medal, valued at 525.00, for the beet heavy keit team on the gonad. — The same firm also offer a choice Bronze Medal, valued at 510,00, for the beet pen of cheep. The Bank of Hamilton, Ethel, has donated 56.00 foe two prizes, viz.: -08.00 for best Shorthorn Cow and 3 of her progeny, 'Athol -sex, any age ; and 08.00 for lest Shorthorn Bull and 4 of hie progeny under 12 months. The Standard Bank offere $10,00 for the beat Roadster, horse or mare hitched to a buggy, owned and driven by a farmer, or a farmer's eon. Style and .peed to be taken into consideration. let., 56.00 ; and., $4.00. The Metropolitan Bank, Bruseele, will give three prizee, viz. let, 55.00 ; 2nd, 52.00 ; Ord, $1.00, for the three beet colleotione of Winter apples exhibited, five of each. George Thomson, grocer, offere 52.50 for the beet single baggy horse in road- ster elms, over 1571 hands ; and $2.60 for the beet single buggy horse under 16 j hands, roadster clave. J, Leckie, Brussels, offere $6.00 for the beet 25 pounds of tub bntter, and 52.00 for the beet 6 pounde table butter, the butter to - become the property of the donator. W. H. McCracken offere to purchasers of seed from him ae follows :-5 Swede Turnips, let, 50e ; 2nd, 250 ; 6 Long Red Mongols, let, 50o ; 2nd, 250 ; 5 Yellow Giant Intermediate Mangele, 1st, 60c ; 2nd, 25e. Oil Painting, Original Sketch, not lees than 16x20 in., from spot selected by the Secretary, to be limited by metes and bounds, Intending competitors may get full information from the Secretary. Ist, $3.00 ; 2nd, 52.00. W. H. Kerr will give Tres Pose for a year for the beet two loaves of home made bread ; THE Poem for a year for the beet 5 poande of butter, both articles to become hie property. Four prizes will be awarded by the Society to boys and girls under 16 yeare of age who oan name the largest number of varieties of apples on exhibition at the Fair. 1st, $1.50 ; 2nd, $1.00 ; Brd, 75o ; 4th, 50c. Competition takes place at 4.30 p. In. on the first afternoon of Fair. No entrance fee. Former prize winners barred. The following prizee will be offered to boys 16 years and under for beet judging of 2 year olds or yearlings in exhibit of thorobred cattle on grouude. Judging to be done at 1 p. m. sharp on Friday. No entrance fee. let, $2.00 ; and, 51.50 ; 3rd, 51.00. Competitors must baud in namoe to Seoretary before 10 a. m. THE CONCERT. Friday evening, October 5th, the annual big Oonoert will be given in the Town Hall.' An A 1 program will be rendered ioolnding such taleut Re Eddie Piggott, Humorist ; Hartwell De Mille, a splendid Baritone, from Toronto ; Miss Irene Sheehan, Dramatic Reader ; Mabel MacDonald, Highland Dancer ; Piper Mac- Donald and the Stratford Band. Mies Jean MoLanohlin, Pianist, This promises to be the Greatest Fair ever held in Brussels. Expert Judges will award the prizee and everybody will have a good time. Fordwlel k. W. A. Edwards hae the frame of his new house erected. Mre. Alfred Rogers left for ler borne in Denver, Colorado. Howiok Fall Fair, is bo be held in Fordwiob, on Saturday, Oct. 6th. Mies Evelyn Cook ie the guest of her eieter, Mre. Dr. Dunlop, in Shallow Lake, Mre. J. Mose, of New Liekeard, is visit• ing her mother, Mre. 2. Yo0ng, end other reletivee in tleee parte. Harvest Thanksgiving eervieee will be held in Gerrie pariah on Sunday, Sept. 30th. Rev, Mr. Langford, of Brunets, will be the preacher. Thee, McLaughlin lett 013 Wednesday avenins for Charlton, Nipieeing District, where be will epend the next two weeks on boeineee. W. J. Gilpin, of St. llderye, was spend. ing a fete days iu town attending to bneioeee and oalling on some old friende last week. Mr. Gilpin fe a former reef• dent of Howiok. Mr. and Mre. Mowat, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of R. S. and Mre. Cook. Mrs. Mowat will be remembered ae Mise Annie Brown. Mr. Mowat is engineer for the T. Eaton 0o. J. J. Gregg end Bert Laird were iu the wreak near Sudbury, but fortunately escaped unhurt, although their break. feet diebee were spattered. John end Mre. Porterfield, er., were in Owen Bound on Friday, the 14th, at. tending the funeral of their 000 in•law, Samuel Looking, who was instantly kill. ed by a torty•ponnd mase of rook while engaged in blasting a large rook in a sewer. Think of Dr. Bhoop'e Catarrh Dare if your nose and throat disehargea—if your breath is foal or feverish. Tbie snow white soothing balm contains Oil of Enualyptne, Thymol, Menthol, oto., ia- oorporated into an imported Dreamlike, velvety petrolatum. It soothes, heals, purifies, connote. Call et our note for free trial box. Sold by F. R. Smith. Six people were killed in railway aeai. dente in different parte of the Dominion Saturday. Roy Keyes, of St. Oetherinee, wag killed at Sudbury where he was acting tee fire ranger. The money stolen from the Bank of Cowmen's at Kinietino, Seek., was fantod ander the stairs in the bank building. 1 Coming! Prof.Dorenwend of Toronto, will be at the AMERICAN BRUSSELS HOTEL FRIDAY, OCT. sen '-� HAIR GOODS Ladies' Switches, Wige, Pompadour Bangs, Transformations, &o. Ladies' tall and eee bow quickly he oan provide you with beauty grape and a younger appearance, to say nothiug of the bene- fit to health. GENTLEMEN WHO ARE BALD should see his famous patent Toupees and Wigs, (over 75,000 is use), world renowned for their utility and durability. They proteot the head, aid health and give a young and pleasing expreseion to the taw. The Dorenwend Co., of Toronto, Limited 108 do 105 Yonge et. CONSULTATION FREE COME EARLY 1 Brussels Daylight Store - G. N. McLaren .II'ei y,'te'IJ4,'4,'4fudt1111'Y'4f10'ti lu4i'4i 4, la'1„'le'll'1,4r4r'IPlli 4i Ilill'll'II,'4'4i'i,'4, 4111;14 4:1�'lll't�'Iil1 4'41"b'Ie't,4u4, ll,'4i Ili'!,' I'Ii, Ili Ili II,'ll'll'll''I,'I,'g,11'I,1't''a"e'1114,'Ii, le'I,'I,I'i," New Fall and Winter Goods Now in Stock This is a prosperous year—Top prices for big crops—which should make this one of the "good years" We have prepared for a good Fall and Winter business with a big stock of strictly new goods, and they are bought Right. Both Wool and Cotton are higher priced, but we are here with bright new goods in many cases at less than you would expect to pay for them —Ladies' and Girls' New Coats—Canadian, English and German makes. —Ladies' and Girls' New Rain Coate. —New Dress Goods and Trimmings. —New Mantle Cloths and Ladies' Furnishings. — Ladies' and Children's New Union and Wool Under•- elothing. —New Towel's, Towellings and Table Linens. — Iolen's and Boys' New Furnishings and Undercloth- ing. —Acomplete assortment in the Staple Department. —All Wool, Union and Cotton Blankets. —New Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. — New Overcoats, Suits and Odd Pieces for Men and Boys. In fact yon will find here one of the best stocks within your reach and we A ways Pay the Highest Prices for Produce. HAVE YOU SEEN THE SAMPLE COATS ? We purchased a set of Traveller's Sample Coats for Ladies', Misses and Children. These are a]1 this season's new styles. We have some specially good things left for Misses and Children. These we sell at actual Wholesale Prices—of course we got a discount on them. They are in perfect condition and you would not know by the appearance of the Coats that they had been carried by a Traveller. Goods Right or Your Money Back. Yours for Mutual Benefit G. N. McLaren Next Door to American House IMPORTANT NOTICES VOUNG PIGS FOR SALE ALSO pure bred Leicester Ram Lambe. 0-tf N. A, MIME), Ethel. U ERTHA C. ARMSTRONG Ia prepared to give loosens on Piano or Reed Organ. Terme on application. P°Molfloe address—Bru seals. Resideuoe— Lot 8, Con. 10, Grey. Pupils may have their lessens at their own homes if preferred. MISS MARGARET M'LAUCIiLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. PROPERTY FOR SALE—THE undersigned e$ere for sale an wore of land upon which is a comfortable dwelling house, stable, ;fruit, trees, good over -Bowing well, Jto. Property is located 3 of a mile East of Oranbrook and convenient to eobool, church, poet5faoe, rte, Peeeeeeien at any time. Per prfoe, terms, &o., apply on the premises to M. RAYMANN, 0.01 or Oranbrook P. 0. FARM FOR SALE—THE UN– aEaeroxnn offere for e010 a good 100 Bore farm, being .Nt Lot 21, Con, 5, Morrie. All in grace or under prop. Brick veneered house, bank barn with stone waif, sheep house, &o. Good orchard ; well leaved ; near eobool and ohureb. Possession oan be given next Moron. For farther particulars apply to G. W. TUSIVEY, proprietor, or Bluevale P. 0. 8.01 -piFOR SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned offere her 100 aore farm, being Lot 20, Oon, 7, Grey, for Bale or to rent. Comfbrtable house, bank barn, orchard, wells, &o. Farm Is only 4 of a utile from the stirring village of Ethel, For fur- ther particulars (apply to F. S. Soot*, Brue- eele, or 1,1115. IIATit HOLLAND, 75 Shoter Street, Toronto. 37.3m COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE I and 2 aoree of land for eale on Walnut etr00t, Brunch'. Brink house, good stable, hard and soft water, small orchard, &o. Property la good shape. Immediate posses- sion can be given, Also a oemeut brick making maonine for sale. For further par- tioulare apply on Ole premises. JOHN MoKENZIO, Proprietor, Brueeele. FARM b'OR SALE.—THE UN- DERSIGNED offere hie Sue 100 sore farm, being Lot 15, Con. 12, Grey, for ealo. Comfortable house, bank barn, orchard, dm, Farm to in a good state of cultivation and adjoins the village of Oranbrook, whore are stores, churches, shops, &c. Possession given next Fall. For further partioularo tee to pride, forma, &o,, apply on the promisee or Oraubrook P. 0. GEORGE EWA 1.01 Proprietor. PROPERTY FOR SALE—'THE undersigned afore his house and lot,' situate o0 Mill street, Brussels, for Bale. It is well looated,a convenient and conifer. table home. Poeeeeelou can be given at 02206. Will also sell the vacant lot, corner of Mill and Elizabeth streets, which would make a 8136 building alto. For further par- ticulars tee to prise, terms, &a., apply to FRED, ADAMS; Hardware Dealer, Ford- widh. 00.4 LANDS FOR SALE FOR TABES. Notice is bereby given that a list of the lande for gale for arroure of taxes has boon prepared and that eonlee cheroot may bo Lad at tbie o1Soe, and that the flet is bod0g published In the Ontario Gazette, in the Issues of August 18th and 2501, and Septem- ber let and 8101, 1009, And that in default of payment of the taxes and costa the lands will bo sold at the Court House ,i0 the Town of GOdoriob, on Tuesday, the 400 day of De- cember, at 2 o'clock in the efteruo0n. 8-2m WOt, HOLIES, Couoty of Huron, Treasurer, 'O reakurer O Office, GOdeo'lale,?Aug, 18, 1803. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANT even numbered eeation of Dominion Laude in Manitoba, Saakatoltewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any pereoo who is the Bole head of a family, or any male over 18 yeare of age, to the extent of one-quarter eeetion o1160 aoree more or lege. Entry may be made personalty at the local land' °Mae for the district iu which the land is situate, The homesteader le required to perform the conditions oouneoted therewith under one of the following plane 0.1 At least six months' residence upon nod cultivation of the land in eaoh year for three yeare, (2) If the father (or mother, if the fatter le deaeaeed) of the homesteader residua upon 0, farm In the vicinity of the land entered for the requirements as to rest. donee may be satisfied by such person re- siding with the father or mother. (3) If the settler has hie permanent real- denue upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of bis homestead, the re- quirements as to reefdenoe may bo satis- fied by reeideeee upon the said land, Six months' notion in writing should be given to the Oommiesiouer of Domiuion Lando at O�,tawa of intention to apply for patent, W.W.00RY. Deputy of the Minister of Interior. N. B. Unauthorized publication of this ad.. vertieomeut will not be paid for. GRAIN CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming community that they are now ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and Crushing at lowest (rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, Bran, Shorts, &c., always in stock and sold at Market Pricee. Thuell Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building. Toronto stag and Metal Co'y PAYS CASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Hides, &c , &c. Highest Prices for All H. ROSEN K. LABEL Mill st. West, Brussels SMITH & STEWART House, Sign and Carriage Paint- ers. Ornamental and Scene Work and Paper Hang- ing a Specialty. Quotations Furnished on Application SHOP Turnberry St., Brussels SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can got any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. areinerzenermemencestoese 5. .0,411 cp as of ■' % w H i.r. 'o a • m g m, 0111 rto EL. VI i D .