HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-9-27, Page 3i 1 HEALTH 104'44444,040:04010144.414•48444446 111,01JD-POI SON INU, 13y the term blunt-pcll 0ning is meant the presence in the tunnel of the germs of rig f tell t suppuration, of f p 11 I li u the poisoanus products of lu'so germs. 1t Is neucs:d ry lo define the expression al the beginniug, for, strictly spoiling, every form of poisoning, including al- cullolIo Intoxlculieu. is blued -poisoning, There are three di, Una forms el blood-polsuulug. in 0110 the Willis al put'efeetiotl are (lreulating in the blond and manufaclut•iug then' p0lsun, upon wlriell the syn»plunls of the disease de- pend; in the second form the blood Con- tained germs are those Wt telt cause pus - formation, and they also uuuulfnclure a poison which produces the disease; In the third firm the beeleetal, either of putrefaction or of suppuration, are not in the blood but on the surface of the body, and the symptonie aredue to the absorption of the pnisun elaborated by them. The toxin, as this bacteria -produced poison is called, is In 11112 last instance imported, while In the first two cases mentioned It is, as (L were, of domestic manufacture -therefore obtained more easily and in greater quantity. These three forms are called in medi- cal language, septenhia , pyemia and saprentfa, respectively, meaning septic germs in the blood, pus in the blood, and the products of putrefaction in the blood. The pyemia form Is characterized by irregular chills, fever and sweating, and the formation of abcesses in Various parts of the body. 11 is very commonly faLnh Seplemia resembles pyemia in its symplonse, except that the fever is more continuous, not being interrupted by chills es 11 is in pyemia, and there is abscesses. The ver l' ti t abscl. h sa e no formation o forms of Septania r+) a most always fatal, but the discus° occurs 0Uen in milder type. in which the chief symp- toms Ore high fever, headache, and de- pression of the vital forces. S s s t is in its resembles rules a em ..a derma l n p p symptoms, as it naturally should. since both these forms of blood -poisoning aro caused by the same poison, In one case formed outside of the body and absorbed 'by the tissues, in the other produced by the bacteria in the blood and tissues. Sapremia any terminate fatally, but It yields more readily to treatment. This consists in umnngement of the wound, opening it up to the air, culling away the festering purls, cleansing the surface thoroughly, and treating it with anti- septics. DRY TOAST HEALTHFUL. A good many people would eat toast oftener than they now do if they were not under the impression that toasted bread [snot gond for the general health. From a leading medical journal cones the announcement that toasted breed is very wholesome even for invalids. One thing in Its favor Is the feet that it places a lighter tax on the digestive functions than ordinary bread, since during its preparation some of 'the starch grains of the flour are ruptured, while some are converted into dextrine, winch is easily soluble. Further, the crispness of toast neces- sitates its being completely moistened In the mouth before it eon be swallowed. As a rule, therefore, toast is thoroughly submitted to the action of the prelimin- ary digestive process in the mouth. iL is important, however, that toes) should be crisp all through, as otu'r- wise the internal portions tend to be- come, plastic and soft, like new bread, and like it, difficult of digestion If not thoroughly masticated. TACT AND GOOD CHEER. The restorative power of good cheer is far greater than 111edicin0, and men- tal depression is the true physician's worst enemy. It is the lane of u sick room and the shackle upon recovery. In fact, the menta attitude is • respon- sible for more ills than all other causes put together. If a nurse cannot control her feelings. or the exterior manifestations of therm, her usefulness is turned into useless- ness, and anything useless in 'a sick room is positively harmful. The jest has an important part to play in the sick room as a remedy for irritability, says "Woman's Life." Don't tell long stories, don't talk about some other person's triols, end don't think up miserable Possibilities, The keynote to successful nursling is order, observation and obedience,these qualities joined with Illat-the want of which is the base at nearly every silt welch a nurse may commit -make for the Ideal -sick room attendant. INSOMNIA CURE. An excellent way to cure insomnia is to bandage the eyes with 0 handker- chief before retil'hlg. , The compress seems to drive away 1110 blood from the eyes and so oure, 01' at leasttempor- arily relieve, that feeling so often ex- perienced by sufferers from sleepless- ness, see In the dark. ss o[ t to ne , trying PIAIPT.,ES. 11 requires 801f -denial to get rid of pimples, for persons troubled with them will persist, in eeting fat meats and other articles of food calculated to pro - deco them.' Avoid the use of rich gravies, oe pastry. er anything of the kind in excess. Take all the outdoor exeralse posslble, and novel' indulge in Waive o'clock suppers: rr wlNTY TFOUSATTD A01(1S IMP00 8D l and unimproved lauds, lu the I+oulield latt, wheat dislrlet; from olght to twenty dollars peel aide; eorroapondonoo Hellolted. A. J. STR601NG,. 1'onbold, AIborto, "T saw a queer thing the other (ley," said the story -taller ; "It was a duck Swimming across n pond end a oat sit- thlg on its l(:P.," "011, 0011senee," cried the audience. Incredulously. 'plow tenld • a deck swim 00('0115 a pond end a. net On its Intl?" "Nevertheless," solei the story -teller, "IL's Perfectly true. 1 81100111 explatl,however, that ('0 eat was site tial; on lis tall on u Were.' 11,1016 SALIC Muskoka district, Stoav000n, Il ' W sores, lets 51, gm good soil, Dr cleared, balance bnsb t 4121[ mile tram school, ehurele, P,o water, buildings '1eh'. dame e1 iu4,iiAllunsville Ont, Fruit Growers, Attention lrnvbng no commission to payy, and selling for oash,'1 h0 Ruston' '1'ownnhlp0 Nurseries are thus able In oiler you Standard Apple'1roec 4 to 6 foot high, geeWIl hero, Lardy and thrifty stork fur lieu and Serine delivery, for 111 5.0o par hundred. LOUIS 011LVAIS Prep„ L lllT0noaville,R10 11611MEN AND WOMEN want- eves ant- '28 •este ed at weal to nuhh'ess letters and postcards only at their 10V11 lasses; flu canvassing; send fifty cents (110 slumps) -and stamped nddl'cssCd en- velope tu•dtty fur full lestrrlcllons, and begin work at once at above salary. Ad- dress h. Van Alla», 50 Russell SL, Toronto, Lenude. DRUG BUSINESS FOR SALE-CEN- 'I'[IAL-good location; prosperous condition. Apply N. W. Emerson, Lan- don, Ont. Good reasons for selling. WANTED -RELIABLE PARTIES TO do machine knitting for us at home; $7 to $10 per week easily earned; wool, ole„ furnished free; distance no hlndranee. For full particulars address the Dominion lenlLling Co., Dept, M., Orillla, Ont. Dj®!ng ! Cleaning Forth. very tea .end yon, week to the "BRITISH AlICRICAII DYttIIIO 00." boon Mr wee 10 your torn, orclad .&Inle . Montreal/ Toronto, Ottarza, Quebss CRAIN LANDS We slake a specially of Farm Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Special bargains on the new G. T. P. Ry. in the greatest wheat country in the world. \VAUGII & BEATTIE, 42 Merchants haat Building, Winnipeg, Mao. l0 L6�C4'li� and Building d! Diamond 15a11 Promptly and well -and at reason- able prices -we attend to the repair- ing of Watches and Jewelry of all kinds. A special mailing box ;n which to forward your watch to us will be sent you free on request. We have unequalled facilities, too, for the designing and manufacturing of special articles in Jewelry, Silver. ware, Ledge Regalia, Insignia, Etc. We boy old Gold Jewelry at high• est prices, We send urian request free of charge our large illustrated rata?Quo. ALER7A LANDS Parties desirous of purchasing farm lands in Western Canada are invited to communicate with the undersigned, who have for sale 4209000 ACRES ExceIlenLWijeul Lans In all parts of Alberta. PRICES RANGE FROM $9 TO S12 PER ACRE per acre 1t time of purchase $3P and the balance spread over nine years if desired. Special rail Wily rates to pur- chasers. Correspondence solicited. ,hl0p� Sinclair & M sIall1 UIin\1 V P, 0. Dox 1,604. CALGARY, ALEFIT'I A, SUFFERING WOMEN. Need Just the Rich, Red Blood Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills Actually Mate. From girlhood to middle life the health and happiness of every wo10011 depends 1111'111 her blond. If her blood is poor and watery oho becomes weak, languid, pale and nervous, If her blood supply IS irregular she suffers !rem heodaehrs dt ar 11d buckhes, and other' unspeakable, ials a ss which only women know, At (wery singe of woman's Me Dr. Wil Iit1mi' l'Inlc Pills are her best friend because they noluaily male the rich, red blond wheel gives help and -strength end tone to (nror'y organ of the body. They help a woman just when nature m1(108 the greatest demand upon iter h1n011 supply. \urs, 11. Gagnon, who for twenty yetis has been one of the best known residinls of SI. Botts, Que., says; "Dl, \Vi1lfnuns' Piltic P111s Uave been a blessing to me. I was weals, wenn out and seneeely able to drug my- self about. I suffered frum headaches and dizziness, my appetite wits pool', old to attempt hausewerlc left me ut- terly worn out, 1 slept badly at night, and what strep 1 got did not refresh 010. For nearly three years I was in Illi) condition, and WS) constantly tak- ing medicine, but, found no 1)0115111 from it. One of my neighbors, who hedused De. \\'(llianls' 1'ink Pills with much benefit, advised me to try then). I did so, and the whole slo•y is told in the words '1 am well again,' There are times yet when I take the pills for they seem to me a guarantee against the troubles from which so many wo- men suffer." Dr, Williams' Pinlc Pills don't act on the bowels. They contain just the ele- ments that actually mance new blood, and strengthen the nerves, , That's why they cure anaemia, Indigestion, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago, head- aches, baekat'lres and heart palpitation, and skin diseases like pimples and ec- zema. That Is why they are the great - Os( help In the world for growing girls who nerd new blood and for w0111011 who are troubled with irregular health. Sold bya] me iris e 1 d ted absorb mall e Y from The Dr,0.Willimns' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., al 50 els. a box or six boxes tor 82.50. LUNATICS IN BIUTiSHI ISLES. The Number is Growing at an Alarming Rate. A most disquieting volume for the. Griti..h reader is the sixtieth report of the Commissioners in Lunacy. From this it would appear that lunacy is In- creasing In the British Isles in a most °terming fashion, while 111e cost of muinlniuing the pauper lunatics appears to be rapidly mounting out of all pro- portion to .the numerical increase. As showing what a burden they are to the British taxpayers, one finds from the report that 122,000 persons were detained last year at a cost of 15 shil- lings a week each, every penny of which had to be fuund by the efficient 7110111- kers- of the community. in less than fifty yea's the number of insane ]les more than trebled. From 30,000 in 1850 it has risen to .182,000, an increase which is parallel to the recent increase in the unemployed and pau Pers. .4n importent Becton of the report deals with the question how fa'fnsan- ity is due to heredity. The number of C2008 ol111011 can be definitely ascribed to this cause is given at about one- quarter of the total. One startling feature of the report Is that annually some 8,000 poisons are discharged from asylums as nominally recovered, such persons, as is known from experience, being a sourceof dan- ger of centime -when to Ole population, But over and above this is the large number of patents sent into freodofn every year "not recovered." Last year there were 1,972 of such end the report calculates hot "rather more than one-third of the discharged, including in this calculation those whc have nominally recovered, have to be sent beck to the asylums." There is, accordingly, a constant stream of lunatics flowing out of the various asylums as w011 as a huger flood (hut Is always flowing Inward, This, of course, helps the production of hereditary lunatics. One-sixth of the woolen more than 20 yeasts old admit- ted into asylums during the last four years were widows. Less than one- tenth of the men admitted were widow- ers. • AN INGENIOUS TRICK. Clever Woman Swindler With a Taste for Diamonds Secures Some. A story of an amazingly audacious swindle conies from Madrid, Spain. The heroine is a handsome, elegantly -dress- ed woman, who, the other day, visited a specialist In mongol diseases on be- half of her husband, w110, she said, was n sufferer from religious 1111111111. Hav- ing explained the case it was arranged Ilial she should return In about an hour with the afflicted husband. The next scene of action was a jeweller's shop in another part of the city, where she se- lected diamonds to the. value of $5,000 on the understanding that she would buy them If her :husband approved. Would someone accompany her hone In a cab, and the money would be paid Immediately? A trusted oleek wes sent, and with 111m the lady drove back to the doc- tor's house. In on ante -room she tools the stelae) "just to show then to her hit hand;" then, entering with sublime asserimee (lie ('lector's study, she In- formed the specialist that her husband wet ulnv in the mute -Poon and ready In be examine(. l.,enving a visiting card, the lady took her departure, and the doctor, bidding the supposed pati- ent enter, proceeded at his leisure to ask professional questions. Th., jewellers mel was puzzled at til Int anon ile realized that lie had 1•. v 1 made the victim of a clover fraud, The doctor, 110wc00, interpreted his agitation as caused by his Complaint, and when after Iwo hours maulers were 1111011yt explained the Indy impostor had voflishecl with her spoils without Wav- ing any trace, "If you were .in my 5haes, what is the first thing yon would do?" "Get 1110(» ((leaned!" FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NEWS DY MAIL P11051 IRELANDS SHORES, IlappenlnQs In the Emerald Isla el 10101'181 to Irish. Canadians. The cemetery adjoining St. Patrlek's Memorial church, Dublin, has been such beautified by a magnificent cross of Celtic design, erected by the family of the late Air. llugh Crickard, Down - P0 trlok. In the removal by death of the Rev. Thomas Cromie, of Bcssbrook, 113e Irish Presbyterian church Oleos one of its oldest and a11es1 meet ill the min- isterial rank. A year ago he resigner) from the active work el the ministry after fifty years' faithful service, In a case before the King's Bench in Dublin, it was declared that it had been found impossible to serve writs un live tenants for non-payment of rent, ami the process-server gave a vivid account of his experiences in the attempt. He was, lir said, 'moble to serve the ten- ants }a r,uually, owing to the presence of a n' nlber of people who appeared to be ho,oliie, and who followed end threat- ened him with violence, When he 0010. near the house of one of them about 800 men gathered on the hills adjoining. They began to beat drums and blow horns when he cane in sight, and about twenty of them ran to sleet him, and shouted that they would catch him and take hie writs from him. He was at the time riding a good horse and gaililped quickly away at about 15 miles an hour, the mob following him for the distance of about two miles and a hall. He believed he would have lost his life but for that fact. 1--- ---,ea A SPLENDID TRIP. fn i The way" aY ` to le a trip to the 6 Old World is to tithe the White Star Line steamers from New York or Bos- ton to the Mediterranean ports. For those who enjoy a sea voyage, this trip cannot be equalled in interest and va- riety and in the quality of the accom- modation afforded by the magnificent boats of this line. The inexpensiveness cf the trip when the above points are considered Is not the least interesting feature to be -considered in planning a European trip. The sunt of six dollars a day will pay -for every item on a III - teen day trip in the best. first -cabin ac- commodations. The meals provided are the equal of those to be had in the finest hotels in the world, and the service In every particular is absolutely beyond e! eleism. There are a thousand and one little kindnesses for 1110 passengers' com- fort. A line orchestra is on every steamer, and everything Is done to cater to the best class of passenger trade. The steamers themselves are all large, comfortable boats, with unusual deck room for promenading and exer- cise, and are particularly well ventilat- ed, and therefore suited to the warmer southern voyages. Passengers are afforded an opportun- ity of spending a day at the Azores, at Gibraltar, and at Palermo, and Naples, where they may disembark or continue on to Genoa. Even in the heated months this trip is most enjoyable. The weather 15 particularly pleasant and the sea always smooth in duly and' August, and no better way can be found of spending a month's vacation than just the trip over and back in one of these floating palaces. In the winter there Is no way the equal of this for reaching the heart of Europe or getting to Egypt or the Far East. Six young men went out for a sail or the River Shannon, near Limerick, on Sunday, the 15th ult, When three miles west of the city the boat was struck by a squall and capsized, with the result that five of the occupants were drowned. THEY MEAN iT. No one should suffer a mome'll longed' with Piles, for Dr. Leonberdt's Hem-Rold. will cure any case: No matter what kind you have, Blind, Bleeding, Internal, External, itching or Suppurating, Dr. Leonha'dt's Hem•Roid will cure you. This statement is supported by a thou- sand testimonials from those who have been permanently cured. ' If you aro not cured you get your money back. $1.00, All dealers, or The Wilson -Fyne Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. A memorial statute to the late Mar- quis of Dufferin was unveiled at Bel - fest by the Marquis of Londonderry. The figures on either side of the ped- estal represent India and Canada. A goad medicine requires little adver- Iising. Dr. Thomas' Ecleeh'ic Oil gain- ed the good name it now enjoys, not through elaborate advertising, but, on Its great merits as a remedy ter bodily pains and ailments of the respiratory organs. It hes serried its fame with it wherever it hits gone, and it is prized at iho antipodes as well as at home. Dose small, effect sure, In the Nist Prins Court, Dublin, an action was beard in w11ie1) Miss Ma- tilda McKinley sought to recover £300 damages from lnhn Pol'lerteld, farmer,, of Croghen, Lifford, Plah11111 alleged ttlat defendant assaulted and beat. her, and violently attempted to kiss her. De- fendant dented the charges. The al- leged 110sault took place in a grocery esl2hlfshmm)t al Strabane, Porterfield, it is staled, walked into the shop and told plaintiff that he would kiss her. The jury found a verdict for the plaintiff, With 12125 damages, A slay of execution was granted on the lodg- n(01(1 .2'0. Negolnoflio8»s ere proceeding between the lonenis of the Marquis of lely's Ver. rnnnnugh Neale end the landlord's wills for the pnrrhase. el their hold- ings. it Is stilled 111111 shoot seven htm- deed tennn1s 500 1(111g'to any't8% yeas' pul'rhnso, tett it mows a Mid bas 0^0urred regarding the sporting 01(11118 which the 'tenants refuse to con - Cede t.a'the alarquls et Ely. T2'• onri REWARD will W r be paid tib any person who proven that Sunlight Soap tontine any injurious chemicals or any form of adulteration. Strilht Sg o K_ v is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. Best for all household pur- poses, Sunlight Soap's super- iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy Y the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc- tions). Equally good with hard or soft water. Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you fired any cause for complaint. Lover Brothers Limited. Toronto ,s? HIS POSITION IN TI113 MATTER. "Gracious I" exclaimed the fond wife, coming in her husband's den and find- ing him smoking his pipe and reading. "This room Is thick with smoke. I don't see how you can stand to sit in here." "You can't ?" responded the brutal husband . "Well, I don't stand to sit in here; 1 sit to sit in here. Did you think you had marrled a freak?" ll is said that this was the first time in their married life that she slammed a door on leaving him. No person should go from home with- out' a bottle of Dr, 1. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial In their possession, as change of water, conking, onside, etc., frequently brings on summer complaint and there is nothing like being ready with a sure remedy nt hand, which of- tentimes saves great suffering and :fre- quently valuable lives. This Cordial has gained for itself a widespread repu- tation for affording prompt relief from all suliln»er complaints. "\(y wife was rather worried when I left her this morning:" "What was the malted?" ' "Well, slue had been worrying about something or other yesterday evening, and this morning she couldn't remember what it was." Regain Your Strength by taking'"8errodm," It's tl,e beat tonic over compounded. 1t nourtahon and strengthen the whole system,. "Tommy," said a father to his sol, "have you been at those six peaches 1 put in file cupboard?" Father," said Tonuny, looking into his eyes, 'I have not tousled one" "Then how is it your mother 101111(1 flvo peach stones In your bedroom, and them Is only one left on the plate?" "That," sat( Tommy, as he dashed wildly for the door, "Is the ono 1 didn't touch." Annlight Soap le better than other neaps, but id beet when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. "Do you know," remarked the mo- ther of thenew baby, thoughtfully, "1 believe he has his father's hat:" "1 wouldn't be surprised," c n replied the tsar did friend; "his father certainly hasn't got it now." "OSHAWA" Steel VJInd, Water, Stcrm and Fire Proof Shin,' les. NI iv••,y,"t�',Ua��•v�elaFi�sfal�t; Ot 1514i070,44„ .�� (. ,,,�yyy+�,r,. d�`�Sii[ 5 �y>i ,tw%/`:11=1"...7111.111r774:- ti'�w" 'iyYsrre lir-: u.vdrly d �Ad.o `. S. i3 + + { Odr1 .: yrs, ydp. I* .qty b,�y ' ' l fjt, �y .5 (1 f r,. oYtlLo.v tete%. ere .00.74r,a s +r �eteCv lever re; l .to v" vri�T" »r a- r ^ 1 r r 1 Looked 0(i All Four Sides Made from Painted or Ga1v0111zed Steel, at prices vary ng iron 02.85 to $5.10 per hundred square feet covering measurer This is the most durable cov- ering on the market, and Is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handymen can lay the "OSHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We are the largest and oldest ceompany of the hind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada, making then) FIRE, WATER AND LIGHTNING -PROOF. We rise manufacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets, Conductor Pipe and EAFESTROUGIi, Etc, Mi1TAL SiDING, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles, Write to -day. "3731E3C 7EP/EIX93I'a..t9..l?