HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-9-13, Page 8El assts; eateel. HOOLOPENING 7U4�SDAY, SF.Pr. 4 ruasOAV, SEPT, 4 Time yen aro thinking what uew things yon will noel, to be ready for the apeniug day. We slave an entirely new stook of Scribbler, Exercise Books, Pens, Pane118, Drawing Books, Note Books, Seliool Boxes, Crayons, Copy Books, and all School Requirements. The new Clovers ou the Scribblers and Bee&lee Boosts are ox- oeptionally pretty this year and will pleeso you. Public School Text Books High School Text Books We have been earefnl to note the changes in the High Sohool Books and have ou hand those new Books wiuub will be used in Brueeele School. Everything in School Supplies D DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN. Blotters given away DRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. 8OUTiISEN EXTENSION W. 9, 1$ B. Trains leave Bruosela Station, North and South, as follows; Goma SCUTS GO/Nei Molina. Mail 7:05 a,m 1 Mixed 8110 a,m Mix ed.........11:25 am.Mail ----tee p,m Express 8:02 p,m 1 Express ..... 8:61 p.m 'total et% Jtents A obiePe amang ye taklt' notes, An, faith he'll print is. READ the advertieemente, THE Pose gives the news, Ton POST telephone is No. 21. lean Renton Fall Fair Oot, 4and 6. Dm you see one of the Fall Fair litho bills 7 EoMMAse are over now surely, until Tbank.,giving. BER0HNUT8 will be plenti£nl this Fall in this vicinity. HAND THE POST the name and address of your visiting friend, REa1JLAR meeting of the A. 0. U. W. Friday evening 21st inst. Monnet. woe an uncommonly hot day for the month of September. BRwnsELs Salmi Bard will meet on Friday evening of this week. Tan Pose thanks a number of enbeorib. ere tor remittanoee to balance eobeorip• tions. How does your label read 7 THE Ladies of the Tennis club will give a "Tea" Thuroday a€tetnoon of this week to the members only, at the Tennis Conn. RESERVED seat tiokete for the grand apnoea iu oon080010n with the East Huron Fair will be ou sale at Fox's Drug Store Friday morning 28th inst. Tun thanks of THE Poor staff is dee to Oaunaillor Jno. Ontt, of Grey, who very generously remembered no Last week with a big basket of choice eating apples. THE Pose will take ibe annual holiday nest week. Next issue of THE Poor Will be on the 27113 ieet. Correepondeote and advertisers will govern themselves a0. oordingly. OVERoTOCItED WITH APPLES,—Owing t0 the extreme hot weather the undamped finds it impoeeible to handle the large quantity of apples Doming into the evap. orator before they spoil and will not addept of any more until atter Sept. 20th. Joint CuNNINauAM. Fou Been.—Tho ondereigned offers the following articles for Bale :-1 square piano, 1 bedroom suite, mattress sad springs, 2 sewing nesohines, 1 heating stove, 1sideboard, 2 mantra tables, and 1 extension table. Apply to Mies M. Gnr• WAR or Mee, J. D. WARWICE. EAeT HURON Fall Fair Concert talent will be fine. It will oonsiet of Eddie Piggott, the well known humorist ; Hartwell De Millie, Baritone ; Mies Irene Sheehan, dramatio Reader ; Mies nlabel McDonald in Stanch dances; and Piper McDonald. Everybody lays oat to get to the Fall Fair Concert. DR, Ovens, M. D., London, Eye and Ear Sorgeon, will be at Smith's Drug Store, Brueeele, on the first Taesday in esoh month. Hours, 8 a. m. to 1.80 p. no, ()Marmot, Squint, failing eyesight, deafness and nasal catarrh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tues- day, October 2nd. N. B.—Dr, Ovens makes no cella. A SPLENDID program of moeio will be rendered at the Fall Fair Braeeels, on Oat. 4 and 5, Tbe well known Perth Infantry Band, located et Stratford has been eagagod and they will open their program by a Baud 0000631 at the new Agricultural Hall on the first evening of the fair. Lay out to bear them as they play well,. MEoALe AliiIVEp.—Tlae Silver and Bronze Medals generously donated by Ryrie Bros„ the well known jewellers of Toronto, are at hand. They will be awarded for the beat Heavy draught t00fn exhibited at Beet Heron Fall Fair and for the beet pen of sheep, any breed, respectively. There was a lively star. mitt last year for these trophiee and this year a keen interest ie being dig. played. W. H. Met uen:me the Veteran Fall Show Exhibitor, of Brussels, ie getting Ilio "garden ease" in shape for a tour of Seven or eight Fairs. Mao. has been campaigning for le good many years bat always manages to oabbege a good many red tickets, It takes a good man to beet him and he le sure to turnip anneetly even if other fellows de oeoaeionaily Noun awerde that might have Dome hie way. Letteee hope for more exhibitors' of the McCraolton mould, Teta Termite News editorially nye :— The bowlers of Huron county have ground for satiofaa1ion in the stand they made agaiaet the Old Country. then. In the eigbt•ri0k motels, a0 ar. ran ed by the Weetorn Bowling Agee. eiation, and wbiols Coag played on the grating at Clinton and Goderiob they won by 16 shots. The Goderiob riuke, in thole eerier& games epee t the vieitore, were 6' ahead, Winghsm led by 2, S6aforth was 8 pp, Braseele 6 Op, and Clinton only 2 down. Altogether this 10 the beet rec° ord Mode against the vf0ttors by any group of aiub0 in the 0000027. EAST HU0ON Pair Oot. 4 and 5, APPLE buyers are loaning the oonntry Bide. TELL the public about your baeineee through the oolumne of Tan Pose. A NUMBER of local bowling matches have been on the program here in which no email interest wee manifested. A PARTY of four, young Ladiee and Gentlemen spent Sunday Met in Blyth, They had a pleasant time 0o Dan. says, ANOTHER oar of eggs was shipped on Tuesday by Robert T'ttomoon, Brussels, to Nelson, B. 0, They went through in cold storage. Beesexts Evaporator is at work. Fall apples are Doming in in a lively manner, 150 bees being delivered ou the opening day. If you have apples to disposed of take them to the Evaporator atter the 20th. No Poen Nese WEEx.---Io am:oedanoe with the neoal custom of weekly papers This POST etaff will holiday next week and no paper will be issued. Corree- pande0te will kindly send their news in early for the following week. The office will be open a0 usual for the doing of Job Work and the tranoaotion of bueineoe. NOTICE has been given that the snit Of Mre. Wm. Whkinoou, 4th line Morris townehip, against the Beet Huron and Grey Branch Agricultural Sooietiee, Maiming 01000 from each, for damages owing to injury to one of her limbs at loot Fall Fair at Braaeele is to be tried at Goderiob at the Aeeizes on October 3rd. The Sooietiee will defend the action, ATLMER oonnoil made a local bank its collector, and the Express has the tollowiug to say :—"The new plan of oolleating taxes, viz, by having them paid into the bank, which was tried for the first time this year, has worked oat beautifully, better in feet, than any cue dreamed of. It eaves a lot of work and ooneiderable expense, and the plan will probably be adopted penitently. STATISTICS.—The report of the births, marriages and deaths, 000aring in Ontario, for the year 1904 has just been published. In Harm there were 1121. births, a demean of 35 over the prevloae year. There were 428 0Orriagee, a de. crease of 0. There were 710 deaths, an inertia a of 19. The population of Huron is the 9th bigheet in the Pr0vinoe, but in the matter of births there are 18 wan. ties that stand higher ; in the number of marriages it is tne.l5tb, sad in deaths it staves 18th. Tbe average death rate per 1,000 in the county for the past ten years, was ten, NEW CEMENT Mtge —Tuesday morn. ing 0..H. Oouery's staff arrived in town and tbey are now bogy putting down the new walk. A ehort piece emus the block on Alexander street from Flora to Thomas and longer stretches on Queen street from Tornberty are in the coo. tract. A number of Italiana are in the company and they have taken up their quarter% at Mre. James Maxwsll'e vacant Ltoaee where they board them- e%Ives ou the European plan, Tbia is n good aeaeon for getting walks down and Mr. Oonery will no doubt do a good job toe he did on a former oontraot, Rev. Geo. 1. Abey, of Preston, will leave his present reetarship the end of this month, as be has been appointed to Christ Obureh Pauline'', Indiana, a very important pariah. Madison ie a oily on the Ohio river, with a population of 11, 000, a large church with pipe organ— obime of bells, large pariah bowie and rectory, The climate is all that aaaid be desired simply beautiful, no extreme heat or oold. Their old friends of town and of St. John's obiroh eepeoially wish Rev. and Mre. boy ttnd family many years of happiuese and usefulness in their um home, Mr. and Mre. Abey are packing at present. Boor Diem—Sanday afternoon 2nd Inst Verna Alberta, infant daogbter of Allen E. and Mre, Bergey, of Toronto Junolion died at the home of John Bateman, Alexander street, Braaoele, aged 2 mouths and 0 days, She had only been ill for to few days. Mre. Betsey and baby Cama here a mouth ago to visit Mre. 13atem00, her sister, Mr. Hersey mime here on Saturday. The funeral took plane on Monday afternoon, Rev, Mr, Armetrong, of Ethel, oondooted a imitable service after whioh the remains were interred in Brussels cemetery, The bereaved have the sympathy of the community in the loss of their little one. MAT MARK A TEST HERE.—W. O. Str'8tton, who ie an expert of oil and gas well drilling in Ohio, is of opinion that botb these commodities are obtainable M the lo0alfty of Breese's and ao thoro- ughly is he convinced that be offers to be one of a joint thock o0mpany to drill a teat well and test the matter. Hie home is in Lanoaater, Ohio, where they age natural gas for fuel, light and m0rc13ah• Mal puepo030 at it very l0W mots. This gentleman owes 160 acres on the 6th line of Morrie, of whiob Juo. IManuing it the tenant. In all probability a (Meng will 13e made to 080010x10 bow many are willing to join in what enfold prove a boon and boom to thin Io0alfty if it Dan be tenured. Mr. Stratton is a brother to James Stratton, Bengeels, and Mre, John Mooney, of Morrie, and le well posted on the botinees, fallowing drilling foe a number 01 yams. Brneaels an 'comity need all they Call get and it we never ventage we Will never win, Standard Bank of Canada nA Tecti.FtaZZeero 1"1',•.O 3 1137:6 sVRPLFB, OR RESERVE 1DN3 tt 1,000.000 TOTAle A88ET8 01775E 10,000,000 A. General 13slt.nl ing II3Italneeem rreetteistitt'teel "` C°SAVING.9 BANK --°)— Inter it paid from data of deposit to date of withdrawn' at highest current i'atae and o0mpoauded UnlfryaarlY: 40100 Denote Aecounts—A SP30OIAL 00411E14I101010 in vee in our 8avluao 110. 5900111001010 bhp "debit lsp os.lb" sou nt. 0us.Ya} be t 10af eor wlLndra u ry either of the methene the 0ub ayetem ohgreu0 cOnVen. enow to they ma0td w in town, but m0te partie o, ea the latter r ease whether mall or to town either can attend to the Banking, t¢- otbbr femme of the system, ie that in oaeo of the death of ostler party the mourn'can bo wittdruw /d em ny lila survivorwithout 8000, We will ten you more nb000 aur. 10101 methods If you e.dlycalt or write. 3lttrrIed \'onion and 311a0r0 may matte uud withdraw deposits without the In. 000000ttou of ally person, SALE NOTES OASHIiID, COLLECTED or may be lett for BAFE•KEEPING only for which no charge ie made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive one careful and oonrheons attention, G. P. SOHOLFIELD, GEN, MANAGER. 3, F. ROWLAND, Mennen. Business Locals. TlMaens seed at MoOraaken's, STOVE Woon taken in exchange for cedar poste. Amman Coon, Brunie. Semen hand rubber tire boggy, in good eouditiou, for Bole at a bergato. EWAN tC 00. WHEN saws are doll and out of true take them to Mailmeozo and he will renew, Mill St., Broesele, Ont. To LET.—DweIling rooms above store Bort water and other conveniences. Im mediate posee0eion. I. 0, RIOHARDB. Fos SALE, Comfortable dwelling, sores of laud, oboiae fruits and hard and soft wet0r and situation ooavenieut to soboo). I, 0. RICRARDe. BABOAINe.—A number of seooed band buggies, newly painted, and in good condition. Snaps for pnro130eere at the price. EwAN dt CO., Brussels, • People 'We Know. Alex, McKelvey ie - at Toronto tibia ween. L. Addie, of Stratford, wee iu town on Tuesday. J. H. Kerney is holidaying at London and Chatham, Geo. Brown attended the Fair e,0 Lon. don this week. Mee. E. 0. Lowry has returned from a visit t0 London. Peter Steviert and wife were visitors at Toronto fast week. Mies Maggie MaLauohlin is visiting with London friends. J. Leslie Kerr, of the Blyth Standard, was in town over Sunday. Mrs. John Broadfoot ie visiting rale - then at Ssafortb for a week. I. 0. and Mea. Riobarde attended a wedding near Olin0on last week. Mise Annie Sobawlm, of Mildmay, ie visiting with Miea Pearl Lowry. Mre. hoe. Sinclair ie epeodiug a few weeks at I4loleeworth with frieude. Mre. Casella and children, of Tees.• water, are visiting relatives in town, Thos. Snider, jr., of town, is visiting relatives in Loudon and seefog the Fair. Mrs. H. H. Matheson, of Telado, Ohio, is visitingher sister, Moe. Allan Lamont. Mre. Waugh, of Brantford, is vietting her daughter, Mre. (Dr.) Burne, of Bens. sole. Jno. Moray, of Newark, N. J., wag re• nevvin3 old friendships in B,reese's for a week. Mre. Harris or., was visiting her daughter, Mre. Green, at Cayuga, Heidi. mend 0o. Mise Carrie Edwards, who bee been viei0ing in Stratford and Berlin, has re. turned home, Dr. Graham purposes combining baei• nese and pleasure on a trip t0 the Great West this month. Mre, W.F. Stratton was holidaying at Toronto and other pointe and spent a most enjoyable time. Mre, A. E. Hersey, of Toronto Juno. floe, who was visiting here, returned to ber home too Monday, Hogb mud Mra. McMartin leave Hen• Ball for Hyde Park, where he has been stationed as section boas. Mre, W. J. Fawcett and Mies. Mary are vialting the former's mother at Ool. Ilugwood for a few weeks. Misses Margaret and Lizzie Brown spent a magpie of days in Wingham visit ing their Gaut, Mre. Reading. Mrs, Morrow, of Midland, is visiting her daughter, Mre. G. N. McLaren, Alexander street, Brussels. Frank Beau, of Port Huron, Utah., VMS visiting Mre, JohoHill, Brussels, and Harvey Bean, of Morrie, last week, D. J. MoLanohlin is home from (theca ley. He hat been on the olok :let and will holiday for a time to recuperate, The Olinton Record says :—Mise Mabel Danford left on Saturday for a mouth's visit in Stratford, Listowel and Beieeets: Cleve, Banker was off duty daring the past week tbreatened with Lever bat is eonsiderably better we are pleased to state, Editor Mitchell, of the Hanover Poet, and Mies lloweou, of Wingham, were visitors at A, 0. Damen' one day last weoh, Mre. Robert. MoLuooblin and eon have arrived beck to town after a vislt of several months at Bbekeepeare and other looaltties. Wm. Ellis, of Brueeele South, bite been off work with a ligbt at0a0k of pleurisy. We hope he will soon regain big usual eotivity, Dr,', T, McRae, of Clinton, a000m- penied by Dr. ManDonald, of Winnipeg, were ai0it0re at 3110. Ferguson's, Brae. eels, for a few days. Ivan Crooke, drsggieb, of Toronto, watt home for a brief holiday, He has not grown very corpulent yet but ie doiug testi in the Queen city. Will. Stoma and son wart here for a few days from London this week on a visit with the former'e brother, Harry James, of the American. George Whitely, ot hesforth,the well- koown horseman, died suddenly when preparing to sit deem to breekfas0. ear, Whitely Was well known ie Beueeels. W. 3. Plewa and W. H. Kerr are away to Montreal. where they are attend- ing the General Clontoreneo of the Metho. dist Miura, whfa13 meati every foot' ye0r0. Miss Pauline MoEwan, who .like been visiting her aunt, Mro, Leahy, for general menthe, left on t'iriday afternoon for Godeeieh trove which point she took'the Mteltmor to Theeealon, Algoma, het ho83e, We hope to See her back before long, Alfred and Walter Lowry were in Lon. don this week. A. M. McKay combined basinese and pleasure in a trip to London, Mime Gladys Dinsmore, of Greaten, is visiting Mre. H. L, Jaakeon. Mies Jain Kelly is at London Bele week attending the Western Fair. M. H. and Mre. Moore spent a few days 0O is week at London Fair. G. Ooatee, of Ketchum, Nebo, i0 visit. ing hie father. atm, Coates, 101i11 street. J. F. Rowland and A. B. MoDonaid 1 were seeing the eights et London Fair. • Provincial Oonetable, Geo. A, Phippen, of Winobam,wee in town on Wednesday, Joe Habkirk, of Blyth, was in time for few days vietting relatives and old friends. Mies Mabel Oolvin returned to her millinery position in Orediton, -Friday of last week. , John Wheatley and faintly, Brueeele South, moved to Strutterd hist week where they purpose making their home. Mre. Hamilton, of Shakespeare, and Mies Hamilton, of Detroit, are the guests. 01 Mre, S. Wilton, Flora street, Brie. 0619. Mre. Jno. Howard,; John street, is bothered with a felon on one of her Mande but ova hope fie ebsy will be of brief dura. tion. Rev. Will, Hinter, who wee renewing old friendships in Brunets and Motility, left Thursday of last iveelt for his home at Newark, N, J. A. E. Mel:ieh will take oharge of the Metropolitan Bank while Mr. Fawcett is io in 140003eal. Mt. Mellteh'o old friends welcome him baok to town. Mies Winnie MoGaire has been visit• ing at Toronto, Oarepbellford and other points. She will return to het millinery position at Londeeboro ebortly. 3, T. Wood loaves nn Friday for a beeineea trip to the Eastern =Meant. We hope he will be eaooeeetul in meter ing orders for the knitting factory, Mre. J. L, Kerr, and daogbter, Mre, 0. E. Tnrubull returned Tuesday from Owen Sound where they spent the paet two months with Kra. Oavonaugh. David and hire. Heist visited their eon, Wm., of Atwood, this week. Myrtle and Obarlie, who have been ependiag their holidays here returned with their grand. parents. Mre. Harold Croightou leaves for `her home in New Gratton early next week. Rev many friende here are sorry to see her go but hope she will return . nest SoAimf.mBaer. ester arrived home from an extended and enjoyable visit tbrougb Manitoba, the Nor0nweet Territorieo, British Oolumbie mud North Dakota. He gained about 20 pounds. We are sorry to bear that Mies Ida Bailey ie not enjoying her until good health, If the wtahea of her many friende will tend to her rapid recovery she should soon be as well as ever. Mies Nettie Kay and Dales Jessie Grant, of Winnipeg, formerly of Bras. eel%, are visiting at Stratford and will come to town Saturday and visit their sister, Mrs. W. H. Kerr, and other old friende. W. a. and 8. G., eons of Riobord Roe, Benteels Beetle, are making u visit hero. Their home is at Piokford, Mioh., where the former went 21 years ago and his reoidenoe there has evidently agreed well with him, Mrs. R. K. Rosa, of Listowel, former. ly of Broo0ela, had a serious operation performed at Guelph Hospital Tuesday of this week. Her many friends here hope the operation will be entirely atm - easeful and a speedy'recovery wilt totlow, Mre. Bailey and eon, Leslie, who have spent several mouths at Moosejaw, N. W. T., are expected home in the mune of a week. We are sorry to bear that the ohonge was not productive of the good expected to the latter'e health but we hope be will improve at home. Mre, F. M, Shiele and Mise Edna, of Brunets, and Mrs. Angus Carmichael, arrived home last week from an enjoy. able visit with Thos. E. Slab, Detroit, They attended the Stste Fair at which 115,000 were present, titbit in the sights of Belle Isle ika, The Mitobell paper Bays :—Adam Hoenig and Harvey Wilene, of Mitchell, Move purchased a hardware hyefneee in Paris and will move there with their families at au early date. Both'save been good oi0izens and their going away will be a distinct loos to the town. The following from the Senlorth Ex- potitot refers to a former Btneeelite :— We mentioned last week that Mre, Ooulter,who .had been teacher of the primary department of, the public eohool for neatly quarter of a century, had tendered bar reeiguation to take died immediately, Mrs. Coulter': many friende will regret to learn that continued il1.heal0h ie the chief canes for her resig- nation and all will hope thatthe net from motive labors will restore' her. In hoe letter of resignation to Otte board Mrs. Coulter says "I am now iu eny twenty fourth year in primary work on the Bea. forth public eohool. It Was my hope to have rounded out my gttarter of a. Cavalry but tee I previously taught two years and a half in Seaforth I have made the full quote. I have endeavored to .the beet of my ability to make the introdue. cion to school life both pleasant and pro00able, Whether I haveettooecded, I leave yon t0 fudge. My reoord is with yon, bat I van agmure you, it mete me eotrove to sever my eotMecti0ne with the Sealorth eohool;' In aeceptieg the 1 ee0ftea ti tlnt13e Boa paned aeted the [oliow • g fug resolution ;—"That Mrs, Ooulter'e. resignation be eeeepted, and that the 0eere0ary express to het the regtote of the Board that the hag been forced to 00901 09 METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITA 1'4—Authorized! 8;2,000,000 Coe ra(—Paid 0th 1,000.000 OIESERYL and Surp1us;Proille: 1,13:3,188 B, J, m00811,Direeture President, D, E, THOMPBUN, R. 0.-• Vico-Prank!ont, 03100, 111ADeHAw, tr,L,A. Hie HONOR Ara, w, AIOa't011iOR oLAD$, 4130, .100, 1070133 10'HN 0,000TDRQOR W, .0, BOBS, - General Manager THD METROPOLITAN 13A5I3 le open to rooeivo the 33OOount0 of Fat'mero, Morobanto apd Blueness Community generally and to give' careful eensideration to all propoaale submitted 00 it. It relies upon its past r000rd for OOOrto000 treatment 01 Me one- tamers, and will extend every eoneideratlou eon 0100ont wttb sound banking to those who may desire to trauoaot business with it, Interest at HIGHEST OUPBEN'. PATES allowed on all mune of 01 and upwards BRUSSELS BRA1.101i1 W. J. FAWCETT, Manager, her 0onue0tione with the Soator0h publio eohool, and that a euitable testimony be grouted to mark oar appreoiatton of her servioea as primary teacher for the path twenty, live yeare." The Board granted Mre, Coulter bee salary for the month of August, Samples of milk from Toronto aha• lyzed at Ottawa were more than halt adulterated or doubtful, William Atkineon, of Eramooa oar. rowly escaped fatal injury by the blow. ing up of hie thrashing engine. Dteocvery of silver on the farm of Mr. MoKuiff 1u Haliberton has oaneod much exeitement in the neighborhood. A jocular remark by a teamster aimed a ran on the Sovereign Bank at St. Catharines. The panic was soon allayed. Hon. J. S. Hendrie and Geo. M. Han• drie, of Hamilton have formed a part- uerehip and will Darty on a raoing stable. It ie stated that arrabgemenie for the trReefer of Halifax dockyards to Canada are practically completed, and that the Dominion Government will adenine con. Erol about the middle of October. Au agent for maps and other eohool euppliee has been visiting the echoole of tbfo vicinity and representing that he has received inatraooione from the Public Sohool Inspector to examine the equip- ment ot each eohool, in the comity and to fnrnieb all supplies neoeeeary. Teachers and Boards of Trustees are advised to deal directly with reliable firma and in ordering supplies it would be well to ooneult with the Inepeotor as to the requirements of the regulations,— Aurora Bawler, Joseph Harris, an Adelaide townehip Termer, was charged at Strabhroy reoent• ly with a peonliarly vioioae offense. Peter MoKenny, a neighbor, hod Harris enmmoned before P, M. Noble for veil - fully attempting to kill or maim a horse belonging to him. Molienny's horse had gone over to Harris' when the latter wee alleged to haveprocured a ehotgao and poured a charge of shot into the animal. duotber neighbor named MoIntyre swore that he had 4 oaths shot, one Dolt killed and another horse blinded by shooting bet he did not know by whom. Other wi0neeeee swore that Harris had threaten• ed to shoot certain of the neighbors" cattle. The ease was adjourned for a week. Over 18,000 immigrants arrived in Canada in July. The corn arop in the ooanty of Essex this year is immense. The nubbins are larger than last year's ears. There's no prop grown which gives as big returns as ooru, when the yield is good. Ito so aide you van feed ilio everything from a dog up. The oat crop is dieappointing. The yield is alright but the weight is not there. �O mar. MoLAREN.—In Brneaels, on Augnat BOth, to Mr. and Mrs, Geo. N. MoLar'eu, s daughter. 7t6A.1 R==17. LOVE—SHANNON—At Winthrop, on Wed. needey, Sept. 5013, Mr. George R. Love to Mies Martha, deoghter of Mr. and Mre. S. J. Shannon, of Winthrop. LAO1xIE—JOBB,—At the reeidenoe of the bride's penitent, on Sept. 6013, by Rev. 'C. S. Boyle, M. A., B. D„ Mr, John Croobie Laokie, of Wingham, to Mie& Emily Bertha Jobb, daughter of Mr. and Mre. Thos. L, Jobb, of Wingham. 4100110—MENztes—At the home of the bride's paren be, on - September 8113, 5 by Rev. J. 3. Haetia, of Belgrave, =Mr. Bobt. McGee to Mies. Lizzie ns Menzies, only deng13ter of Mr, and eye Mre. John Menzies, both of East :tea Wawanooh, SooTT—BROWN—A0 Knox nhurob manse, Goderioh, on Wedneeday, Augnat 29th, by Rev, Jae. A. Anderson, B. A., Mr. Riohard H. Soolt to Mise Jennie Brown, both of Morris town• ship. xia:rna: HEI3BEY,—In Brneaels, on September 2nd, Verna Alberta, infant daughter of Allan and Mre. Hersey, of 'Toronto Junction, aged 2 months and 6 days. SADmE.—At Otterville, on Ang. 30, Rev. T. J. Sabine, formerly of Walton oirouit, aged 98 years, A-17CTSOS7 TnpueDAr, SEPTEMBER 20T11.—Farm, farm stook, implements, eto., Lob 4, Oon. 13, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. David Ritohie, prop. F. S. Scott, ono. NOW Is PJCKUNC TIME for which we are fully prepared with a nine fresh stock of Spices of the very Best Quality at 0000Z.08 MA.RYO;TS, Fall Wheat 68. 68 Bexley 38 40 Peas 66 06 Cate 20 28 Butter, tubs and nolle:,., 16 16 Egge per dozen 15 16 Hay per ton 6 00 6 00 Flour, per bbl 4 60 6 20 Hoge, Liva 6 00 Wool 24 25 Potatoes per bus 60 80 Apples (per bbl,) 1 60 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. FARM O, GreyApply, SALE -76 ACRES 0 Dens. A. 8INOLA111, Brueeele. 10-hf GOOD THREE YEAR OLD General Parp000 0010 for sale. Has been worked, Lot 0, Oen. 10, Grey, 10.01 L. HOLLINGER, "YEARLING STEER STRAY— ED from the premises of the under- signed, Lot 18, Oon,14, Grey. Dare red in 0olor with white star on forehead and white • mark on side. Any information loading 00 the animal's recovery will be thankfully re- ceived. • SAWS ZIEGLER, 0.01 Oranbrook P.O. AUCTION BALE 01? FARM STOOL—'Phomas Brown has received instructions from Wm. A. Roes to soli by pnito auction on Lot 84,0ou.8, Mel-iillop 12 tulles West of Winthrop) on Thursday. Sept. 27013, 1000, the Iollowlog;—Horsed-8 heavy draught colts, 1biood volt aired- by Sidney. Oaths -5 thorn' -bred oowe nod heifers 0uppo004 to be With Dalt. Pigs -7 thorn' -brad Berkehiro 00190, b Mese mouths old. Sheep -100 well tired Leicester ewe&. Everything will be gold without reserve. Terms All sums of 80 and under oash, over that amount 12 months' oredlt will be given on herniahing approved joint no000; a Ms- eount of 0 per pout. will be allowed for cash on credit amounts, INK Brussels- Daylight Sure = G. N. McLaren '0,'iu•nrip'LPh'4,41PnAla4dt":dib'W'W'IdWN14it,'tr'h,'IA4,r�tahi4JUdei Ur'e,'Udhat'it!'0"0'ai W'eli W'hr'IJ9d't t.ydle'IINd„„,„,'t; W' 0, Eta; tr'W' „m „,„,, 01A N 40 4 9. P . L , bur , h New Fall and Winter Go Now in Stock This is a prosperous year—Top prices for big crops—which should make this one of the "good years.” We have prepared for a good Fall and Winter business with a big stock of strictly new goods, and they are bought Right. Both Wool and Cotton are higlier priced, but we are here with bright new goods in many eases at less than you would expect to pay for' thele 61416 —Ladies' and Girls' New Coats—Canadian, English and German .mattes: -Ladies' and Girls' New Rain Coats. ` —New Drees Goods and Trimmings. —New Mantle Clothe and Ladies' Furnishings. —Ladies' and Children's New Union and Wool Under- clothing. —New Towelis, Towellings and Table Linens. — Men's and Boys' New Furnishings and Undercloth- ing. —A complete assortment in the Staple Department. —All Wool, Union and Cotton Blankets. — New Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. —New Overcoats, Suits and Odd Pieces for Men and Boys. Aarnommom- In fact yon wi 1 find here one of the best stocks within your reach and we Always Pay the Highest Prices for Produce. HAVE YOU SEEN THE SAMPLE C: OATS ? We purchased a set of Traveller's Sample Coats for Ladies', Misses and Children. `Th are all this season's new styles. We have some specially good thins left for iase Children. These we sell at actual Wholesale Prices—of course we things Misses and They are hi perfect condition and you would not knowbyappearance a discount on them. the appearance of the Coats that they had been carried by a Traveller. Goods Right or Your Money Back. �'oYurstu]for MI a Be G. tee. fit lificLarert N. Next Door t0 American House