HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-9-13, Page 5fait. -2.3.=-14.%"1'-$41.1t. CBaa=ori` f` YA A Suporlar Sohool in ovory roopect /P 0B14..TOTT TORONTO, ONT. q'3 1111 100 July wo bad 0117 those ne ill 1b many mills for also help an wo had Li Yg1 1 1,1(. going sol, and during Aug - ,D Oat wo hall sixty-aavon; tbnos ae tunery rg i 1s the auhool that le wustanthV "going ahead" and not "eta01180 stir' pp I or "bunking up/' Write for beautiful oatalogua. Now Is the Ohne to enter, W. J. Ei.bL0'1'1 ; P1'10011)01 00n• YONO0 OM ALIXANnnn 800. MEDICAL CARDS. DR, R. A. BURNS- - Successor to. lir. J. A. McNaulflllou Muncie, Ontario Graduate of Polyollnle Post Graduate Sohool of Medicine and Surgery, New York. Member 01 Outage of Physioiaoo and Sur- gOone of Ontario. OIAeo and residence same ae formerlyoo- ounted by Dr. MoNoughton, 1)i0000(e of women a specialty. 'Phone No. 21, BUSINESS' CARDS. v/ H. MoORAO) EN - v v • Issuer of Marriage Licensor. Of. Ace 8! Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES Oelee In the Post Otlice, Ethel. 90-4 C. O, Coot Prinooe9 Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. F,, Brussels, meets In tholf Lodge Boum, Bias. hill Block, on the 2nd and last Tuesdays of wall month, at 8 O'0100k. Visiting brethren always welcome. ORGE KERB, 0, R. W. L. L11AT1141iDALlt, 14, 8. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howiok Mutual Fire Insurance Company Onion and Resldenoe- WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, IN0000808, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. IS. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION- • nun, will sell for bettor prides, to bettor mon, in lase time and less chargee than any other Anotloueer In But Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at Me office or by p 0080001 application. ROBT. H. GARN1SS BLUEVALI) - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Torun renewable. Salmi arranged for at the onloe of Tun Poem, Brussels, 22tf VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGHAM- • Honor Uraaoace of the Ontario Vet. 0(10000' College, ie preparedtotreat all die - eases of domesticated animals is a °meet• out manner. Particular attentionpaid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Fever. Calle promptly attended to, oliloo andlnermary -Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et„ Brussels, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. At B. MAODONALD- 11• Barrister, Solleitor, Notary, Etc, buooessor to G. F. Blair. Guice over Stan- dard Batik. B6508010. Solioltor for Metro- politan Book, ViT M. SINCLAIR- I • Barrister, Suholtor, 100008700oer, Notary 1'nblio, &u, 011loerBEewalt'a Block J fluor North of Central Hotel, Solicitor for the Btaudard B auk, • i]ItOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BARRIIITIIB , S LI101T0118, NOTARIES W. Pnotin000T, B, 0. R, 0, Mae G, F, Bram. Offices -Those formerly oaoupied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, 0onnnn7H, 08101,10. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeon0 of Ontario and 01001.01008 Boner Graduate of Toronto University. CBioe tort to Brower%Photograph 0aheev, BRUSSELS. .. j A Famous., Sohool CE ITHAL STRATFORD. ONT, This Sohool is recognised to be and U of the best Oommereial SollooIO in the ,dl Province. Our ooureos aro thorough d,r1,1 up•to•date.. Wo give a practical .t �p training and assist our graduates to 4bgood position8, It is impoesiblo for ue �p to Battery the demand made on hs fur tk office hole, Those interested In their 0wh welfare should write fol our fret catalogue.' ELLIOTT & MoLAOTILAN, Yrina pals, t lr•�- I mai= 1=Ing4 St44V-ry3 7 CAN YOU AFFORD t Ose the [Alamo at have o totting a oto o u you of g Photo of your lvamity. When they have separated and it la impossible to get them together you will be wiabing you lied one and would pay twice its value it yon could but get a Photo, of yunc'Family, '1)uu t forget we aro up -to -ditto and SVM guarantee you a Piret-olites Photo, Wo have at full line of Mouldings and will Frame your Platutus ata very aloes prise, Call and got our Prions. Visitors to tbo town aro invited to pall and see our worn. H. R. BREWER , ttlxls. Mensal'. Mrs, (Rev ) Henderson, of Weetroine ter, B. O. le vlsitng Henoall friends. Dr, Bell hoe the hest yield of wheat in Ole eeuticn, 400 buehele off 10 sores. A number from Herman attended the Foresters picnic at Kippon and report a good time. J. W. and Mre. 001008n wont to Detroit to attend the luueral of their eon, Alonza'einfant abild. Rev. Molt Smith's little daughter has gone to Luaan to reside with her grand mother and attend school. Misses Pio. Ondmore and Olive Cox worth left for Chatham, where they in tend taking a eommer0ial oonrse. Curtis Stoneman is attending Oolleg tate at Seaforth with the. intention of taking senior matrioulation next year. Mrs. J. Hobkirk and Wm. Bell were in Seaforth, visiting R P. Bell, who had his foot badly injured by a separator running over it, R. P. ie a eon of Wm. Bell. H. F. Johnston, son of W. H, Johne - bon, timber of Stanley, made a splendid record. Ho etoud etoond in the general profioienoy list ; let for Edward Blake scholarship ill met118mat1oe and olassioe; and for the earns in mathematics and eoienme. We oongratulete our young friend who ie only 17 years of age. The •a0Olarehip 10 worth $204. rxeter. Tom Carling bad a valuable hound killed by the section menu train. The Exeter Fall Show will be held on Monday and Tuesday, September 17th mad 18th. Dr. Rollins is now residing is Ray mood, Alberta, having moved there from Prince Albert. G. Manson had a basket of very large perfeotely ripe tomatoes. Three taken out and weighed went 81 Ibe, Davie Gardiner, of Kingston, arrived here and ie now engaged with Reeve Bobier in solioting stook for the mining factory. 3. G. Btanbary sent an exhibit of gladioli to the Seaforth Horticultural Sooiety'e Flower Show and carried off first -prize. Hermit," the black cooker apaniel Bold last year by W. H. Lovett[' to Geo. 10.8 DOO of Walde look has beaten ever • thing be has yet been shown against. At the Show in Toronto he carried off three first awards. Miens Annie Martin and Jessie Dow, went to Toronto to take 0006880 at the Conservatory of Mesio, the tormer taking apvooal and the later piano, Mies Martin will Ono take a nouns In the Normal Sohool while there. Kies Minora, who for some time bee been etenogtapher for Diokeon & Oar. ling, left. for Goderiob where she will at tend Model Sohool. Mise May Qoaooe, stenographer for A. Q. Bobier, has ao• oepted the position left vacant by Mies Mineral. Ohms. p now Birney 'ie the oeeeesor of an old make of violin whioh to day is very rare. He brought it home from Wiudeor the other day, having bad it lett tohim by an old friend, who died reoontly. The instrument le over 200 years of age. Mr. Birney is fond of the violin and plays well himself. Rheamstietn is not incurable. Stub. born ? Yea l Bat Dr. Shoop's Rheuma• do Remedy will if faithfully used drive it out of the oaten). Ito the blood that's at fault. Poieonone oryetals like sand get into the joints and maeolee. Dr. Shoop's Bbecmalid Remedy prevents Chia. It drives Rheumatism fromthe blood and then Rheumatism dies. We recommend moduli it. F. R. Smith. Winveham. Wioghum Fall Fair Sept. 27111 and 28.0. Special eervioen In progre8e in the Baptist ohoroh, F, Patterson ie getting the grounds around the new postoffioe building in good ehape. Dr. and Mrs. Towler left town and will visit at Toronto and other Ontario pointe torn few waste before leaving for Oali• tornfa. Rev. F. Shore, formerly of Wiogham, has been appointed to a larger charge by his Bishop, and ie now at Lisbon, North Dakota. The members of Collet Maitland, Canoe ditto Foremen, along with visiting"jmem• berg of the Order will attend rery oe in the Methodist church on Sunday mora• tog, -Septembe r 28od. The home of T. L. and Mee. Jobb was gay with festivity on Wednesday of last week, because of a happy event that transpired at 5 p, m., when their eldoet daughter, Mies Bertha Emily, 'beoahre the bride of John Oroobie. Laokte, alto of Winghem, Ae the wedding march wee being played by Mrs. John Hartley, of Blyth, the contenting parties took their eland under an aroh decorated with Bowers, while the interesting ceremony. wee performed by Rev. T. 8, Boyle, M. A,, B. D., Tlio bride wait attired in Freboh organdie, trimmed with Ian and intortion. Two little Bower girls, Versa Woods, niece of the bride, and Adeline Mooney, oo09ln of the bride nob carried a. boquet of flowers while 0larenee Leckie, nephew of the groom, dieobarged the duties of ring hearer.. Atter o0ngratula• tions a ah0100 wedding halation watt en. joyed. The presents were ninny and 9001 only useful but of 1701114, Among tboe8 WWI witneeoetl the pretty ceremony were, Rev. and Moe. Boyle, Gee. Brundage, Of Niagara, Jas,; and Mre; Sperling, of Moutord, Mr, and Mrs, Evan, Carrie, • Wm, and Al,o Wa•ir, llowitb, 0. 11. 6loonoy, Ripley, 0lrs. Laokte (mother of ' the groom) Gro. Londe, Wm. sod tare. !Leckie, of 1Vroxetert J, J, awl Mrs. 0111110, Wuwanueh, and it ianlber of Ohne. Both bride end groom are very highly reenacted, and they oornmenue married life with goal proepeote, and to. tended by many sincere wishes for their future prosperity, --- At wv Doti, Elmo Oounoil mrets Naturdny Septem• her 1010. Mies Ethel Ferguson left for Detroit where she will work et her trade as mIII insr, Mee. James Donaid800 epdnt the boli. day visiting lrieodu at Gayuga, She was aouompauiod by Mro. Harvie of Brueeelo. Tommy Foreman, Bib cop„ West who broke his oolar bond sometime ago by felling from an apple true has his arm Oat of the sling and uansequently Mania more freedom, Bampeon Bennett and daughter arrived home from the OM Oountryafter a pleas• sot sojourn there of two or three months, Mr. Bennett looks tittle and hearty and enjoyed the trip immoneely, The Bee nye ;-We bier quite o few statements made that 0000iuorable liquor is being sold illegally in several planes to our village. We hope the reports are untrue, bot, it the facts are as rumored, then it behoves the looal option people to get buoy and see that it stops, What is •the good of the law if it is not enlorood ? A few heavy lines might Bern to teeth the Minders Emma reepeo6 for the law. Mies Lena Treleaven left to attend eohool i0 Toronto. John Webster and hie son Will. left on alouday of last week with two hundred cattle for the London market. John bee crossed the nom several times with good reete. 0.ulW. Campbell, of Chicago shipped from this elation five oars this being the Int shipment of a lot of 1600 head he purohaeed from E. 8,•MoLean, they go to the B. and 8, people of New York in bond for the Eugleb markets, The tullowiog from the St. Thomas Journal in the report of the I. O. F. High Court meeting held in that oily refers to a well kuown oitizen of our village 'Trio to the closing . ceremonies R. D. Cameron Past High Chief Ranger, was called to the platform and presented with the Grand Oros of merit by Chief Oronhyatekha, The ohief spoke of the unfeigned oatiefaatioo and pleas. are it gave him to bestow this honor np• ou a worthy brother. The gift was one of the greatest of the gifts of the High 008rt-a gift that could only be wou by good deeds and good work, Bro, Oam Bron mode a suitablereply, and althea. queutly reoeived the applause of the High Court and the assurance that he was well worthy of the honor and a jolly good fellow. Piles positively anted with Dr. Shoop's Biagio Ointment. It's made for piles alone, and it does the work to perfection. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic. Bold by F. R. Smith, mea.1()rtil. Thomas Darwin, of this town, oelebrmt ed hie 07th birthday on Ane, 30111. B, and Mrs. Dickson have ; returned Prom their trip through the Cauadaan West. The wage pay roll at the Bell Engine Works, Seaforth, amoante to an average of about $29,000 per annum. Dr. and airs. Ommpbeal, who have been visiting Jas. and Mrs. Woodley, left for their home in Brooklyn, N. Y. Juo. and Mrs. Donaldson, late of Brunie, and former residents ot Sea. forth, visited over Labor Day with Wm. and Mrs. Gillespie, James Cowan, of McKillop, near Sea. forth, was awarded 3rd prize for hie two year old bull'oalf in the thoroughbred Shorthorn class at the Toronto Iudaotrial Fair. a Mies J. Olnff pioked a branoh off a raspberry broil in her garden. The brawn] woe heavily loaded with ripe fruit whioh were full sized berries and this years' eeoond growth.. The vacancy oauoed bythoanperannna• tion of John 0. Hemp, until lately manager of the Toronto branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, has been filled by the appointment of M. Morrie, the assistant manager. Mr. Morrie was for several yeer8 manager of the Seaforth branch. There will be a Harvest Supper in the eohool room of St. Tbomae' chetah, on Friday, Sept. 1410, irons 5 to 7,80 p. m., with addressee by Rev. Rural Dean Gonne, Rev. Wm. Hiode, Rev. D. W. Oolline and Rev. T. Hlok'e, A Harvest Thanksgiving Servide will be held in St. Thome' church et 8 0 0100lt the same evening, with eddreesea by 111ey. H. M, Langford, Rev. T. 13. Parr, and Rev W 11. Hartley. On H9nday, Sept 10th there will be harvest Bar71000 morning arid evening, aid opooial 80081000 for the vunng at 2 80 p, tin. The preacher will be limy. T. N. Boyle, II. A., 13. D , lteutor of Whlghern. A Toronto daily gave the following eoe:mot of the marriage ot n former reeidenb of l3oatorth is the person of Miee Lillian Grey, eeoond daughter of Wm. Grey :--A pretty wedding wee 0818. bratod at the home of the brlde'e parents, 060 Bathurst street, on Wednesday alter. moon, Aug. 29.0, when Min Lillian Gray, ae00(1d daughter of W. M, and Mro. Gray, was married to Harold W. ,Prion, B. A. Bo. Rev, Ebor Crummy, D, D., of Balhiret Street Methodist ahtarob, watt the officiating clergyman. The bride, who woo given away by her futber, was doused io euoplaited chiffon, trimmed with thee applique, over me08aline ollk, a prettily dropec telt° veil with a coronal of orange bloaoome, and wore a handsome pearl brooch, the gift of the groom. Her ohower boquet woe composed of bride roues, lines of the valley and ferns. The maid of honor was Mies Gertrude Gray Fred Edgar, cousin of the groom, was the beet man. Mr. and Mtn. Prior left for New York, Boston and other pointe ill New 13runewtolt. Think of Dr, Shoop's Catarrh oore if your n000 and throne dieobargee-it your breath is foul or feverish. This snow white soothing beim Oolltaine Oil of Eucalyptus, Thymol, Meulbol, eta„ in. oorporaled lute au imported oreamliko, velvety petrolatum. 11 nether!, heals, purifies, controls. Call at our store for tree trial box. Sold by F. 11. Bmitb. 13el rrtve. Mise Oora Brandon is spending her holidaye with friends hi Bohomberg and Toronto. 3. A and Mrs, Brandon are vialting at Tottenham, Beaton and .Toronto for a 000ple of weeks. Mrs. John Hopper, of Theoaalon, is at the bedside of her sick !deter, Mrs. Wm. Hopper, who is now somewhat improving. Walter 8300n, Mies Scott, and Min Harrielon returned a abort time ago from their trip to the Old Land. They visited Ireland and Scotland, walked around the walla of Derry, and gazed upon the Giant's canneway. They report a very enjoyable trip, although the voyage returning wart a little on the rough aide. The Epworth League of the Briok ohuroh, Belgrate Wreak', will bold Rally Day services on Sauday, Sept. 10th. Rev. G. Powell, of Bennie, will conduct the serving at 10.80 a. m. and 7. p. m. The ohoir of the ohuroh will render special mneio. On Monday evening, Sept. 17th, a Scored Couoert, oonannting of musical eoleolioas, readings and ad- dresses, will be given in the church. The choir of the Westfield Methodist church will furnish most of the mneio for the oonaert. Liberal offer. lugs are naked for at all the 8erviooe. LJl+to W 011 - Mies Dobson, from New Zealand, ie in Canada on a visit with relatives, and !peat a ample of days with her uncle, Dr. Turnbull. Robert Thompson has removed his !took to the store next door to the Bank of Hamilton, while the bailding whioh be oaoupied was undergoing repairs. A. B. Taesie, who has beau weaned to his room for several weeks withparae eie is making good progress toward recovery and hopes to be around again in e. short time. Rev. A. N. F. Bourse, M. A., of Mont• real, who has been appointed rector of Chetet Ohnooh, arrived in town with hie family on Wedaeeday of last week, and is taking up hie reeidenoe on Biamark street. W. 0. Kidd's string of trotters and peon, in (Marge 01 trainer Geo, MoPhor• eon, have been doing eame excellent work the past few weeks an Miobigan. At Grand River Jimmy 0. won in a $500 purse in 210i•. At Pontiac Berthenn Bare won the 2ud, 8rd and4th beats and the rune in the 2,26 anee are b00 time 2.14,2.14 and 215. At the Michigan 13tmte Farr at Detroit Berlbena Bare won the first rano, the 2,25 pane, puree, $500, making to new reoord for the treok of 2.09¢. Mr. Kidd has since ship. ped hie horses to Columbus, Ohio, where he baa entered them in the Grand ()intuit. The Listowel -Linwood branch of the G. & G. Ity, is now well underway. Oo06ra0tor Gibson bee several large gauge at work, and is putting more men on as feet as he ono eeoare them. He is paying $2 a day for laborers, and pro- portionately large wages for teams and drivers. The road is now graded for som0 two or three miles Weet of Lin. wood, and at present two large ganga with outfits are working near the Wel• lesley and Morniogton boundary and in Elms, the latter at the back end of Reeve Hamilton's farm. McKAY & SHAW'S BAG A IN L .:TT FOR ` SEPTEMBER Fence Wire War a Nails 3000 lbs. Diamond Brand, Cleve- land, Higll-oarbon, hard steal spring wire, at $2.50 for belaaoe of September. A large and well assorted stook ranging from half iuoh'to seven hushes. During the baleen of Sept. these Nails will be offer- ed at a new Book Bottom Price. Aluminum Cooking Utensils tbo Bo t WHY 1-They are light, bright, pure and wholesome. 2 -No enamel . 1 or plating to wear off, 3 -They will not burn nor scorch the food, 4 -They do not contain the poi8onoa8 80160tanaea f0r00d in iron, copper and enameled ware, 5 -No joints, mama or solder to leak and give trouble, COME' AND GET ONE ON TRIAL y �'V Better Value in Gone than ever. Prime away down LOW, GUNS -Headquarters for Cartridges and Ammunition. Mc AY SHAW Bl cad and Butter Education Rueiceee detinet have, this haat 1 Yoa1, mnaduep'85 'rlJ16Po ae many nomuuds Upon ue toe a 0101 adlee fwd runegentlemen who ore Ab0108011. ly grounded 1u buvfuese 910001- siples, as we haus hart etudsuto 10 0(1,, Wing . COLLEGE iiCEj "Allilistod wColith lege," 0110lon Bushmen OPENS SEPT. 3RD Write for particulars to GEO. SPOTTON, Principal \ The friends in town of A. 13. Vantreee, who some years ago wag towhee in the Listowel High Sohool, were pleased to meet him again, be having arrived In town and ['pent two days here renewing old aaguaintanoee, Mr. Ventress has been located at Kiegeton,Jamioa,for the past sixteen years, and 10 an influential citizen of the island. It was largely tbroogh his efforts that a eteamehip eervioe wee eetabliehed between Halifax, N.13., and the Jamaica oapital, and he is the oompanv's representative at King. ['ton. Mr, Vattrees he also extensively engaged in fruit outtnre in the trop ue. I3lvth. Mrs. Jae. Rath Tett Blyth for Griowold Southern Manitoba, to visit her daughter lire. John Grimoldby. Walter MOGowan, of East Wawanoeb, has rented the reeidenoe of Jae. Coulter on Queen atreet, lately occupied by John Bloor, and has moved into the same. The rate this year for Blytb will be 21 mills, quite an increase from last. year. The Comity rate, eohool rate and the new carriage taotory are the main causes for the rine. A eurpriee was in store for the people of Blytb and vioini3y when they beard tint Moser & Son had disposed of their hardware bast. nese to McPherson Bro., of London. J. G. Moser has been in Loudon in Blyth for the paet 82 years and ooly met Menlo took hie eon Will, in ae a partner. Mr. Moser will not remove from town for a while bat will continue his coal Magness. If all dyepepeia eofferero knew what Dr. Sboop's Restorative would do for them, Dyspepsia would practically be a thing of the past. Dr. Bhoop'e Reetora• tive reaches stomach troubles by its direot tonic notion upon the inside nerves - the true etomaoh nerves. Stomach distress or weakness, tallness bloating, belohing, ata. Oall for the Restorative We reoommend and sell Dr. Shoop's Restorative. F. R. Smith, to odex-iell. Good progress is now being made at the brick work of the Baptiet chorea, The man Williams, who wad eo 0001000. ly scalded and injured the past week, near Sharp's Creek has improved ell bt. pg ly, bat le still seriously ill. Mre. (Dr.) Swami, of Mexico, 80 visit. ins many relatives in town mod township. The lady who wag a Mise Swallows, of Colborne, ie having a pleasant time in the Old Country. Geo. Green, of Goderioh, has ieeaed a writ ageing the Oanadian Mail Order Company and J. T. Beoor for 8600 alleg• ed to he attained by fraudulent misrep- resentation, and oauoellation of his fifty eharee of stook. Dixie Watson, of Regina, one of the best known and most popular citizens of Goderioh 25 years ago, arrived in town last week and is a guest at the Park House. The old friends who survive willglad be to meet bim. Thieves entered the etable on the prop arty of G. M. Elliott, Dan St., Goderiob and after disarranging things in a way that would indicate an intoxicated person departed with a quantity of bonne. In a net that was leit behind was found a letter signed by 8. Gray &Son, Bowman. title, which will probably lead to the arrest ot the party or parties. An action brought by Wm. Patton, of Goderioh township, against Alex. (lox, of the same township, was tried at the September eoeeiou of the Division Court, G, F. Blair appearing for the plaintiff and Ohms. Marrow for the defendant. The union was for damages enetained to the plaintiff's buggy from a ow whioh was graziug on the road as Mr. Cox drove by. Judgment was reserved. While Ed. Beck woe working along the dook front, be notion a commotion in the harbor and seeing it woe caned by e Bah, he got into a boat and rowed to the spot, where he found a 4 pound pike making oirolee. He soon found that the pike could nob dive, so rowed up he gathered the fish In. It wee then aeon that a large rook bass erne fixed in the pike's throat and its being there had caused the pike, tronble. The bees was a large one, too large to swallow, bet when it woe in the mouth its bank fin prevented its being forced out, and tor onoo the pike found a fish it could not swallow, P.I. A. Pigott & Co., took action against the Guelph and Goderioh Railway Co. and the Weoteru Oenada Pima Mille Oo„ and got an interim injenation from the local judge at Goderioh to rennin the parrot mann of certain work at Goderiob by the Boor Mille 00., on the ground that it interfered with them in the per. formenoe of thole entrant. The matter dame up before Jnotioo McMahon, at Toronto, on Friday, when application was made to oontinne the injunotioo. Hie Lordship 60108014 to do so and die. missed the application with nen on the grounds that it was not it fit case for an inj nnat0n. Pun Moa0r1T6e,-Tho following le the fiat of etudente attending the Godgrich Model Sohool the toreeent term, It is the largest oleo that ever aseemblod in Goderioh, and he formation and training may help 1b make op for the many teaohere who have been induced to for- sake Ontario toe .Baokatobewon and Alberta through the high salaries offered in those provinces ••---Misses Annabel Sween, Holmetville ; Betsy Smith, Bt.. Augoetino ; Mona M, Walters, Saltforll Margaret Jackson, .Auburn 1 Enema New Firm D. WALKER AND M., BLACK have formed. a co -partnership, to be known as Walker & Black, and will carry 011 a Furniture and Undertaking Business IN THE LECKIE BLOCK Their stock of Furniture, Undertaking Goods and Musical Instruments is new from the Factories ; has been bought for cash and will be sold at Reasonable Prices. MR. CHAS. FORSTER, an experienced Undertaker and Upholsterer, will assist in the business. Picture Framing a Specialty. They hope by strict attention to business, square and honorable dealing with their Cus- tomers to merit a share of the public patron- age. Night and Sunday calls will be promptly attended at David Walker's residence, North of bridge, Turnberry street. \NALKE! & BLACK Johnston, Lanes ; Maymie Girvan, Nile ; Victoria Minere, Exeter ; Helen Drys- dale, Goderiob 1 Irene Mallough,Goderioh Freda Hese, Zurich ; Charlotte Stirling, Blake. Ba field ; Bede McDougall, Hnrondale - Janie Yg , Goldthorpe, Baa. Goderioh :Ella Go borp , Saltford ; Nellie Sullivan, Kintail ; Bogie Brimloombe, Goderiob ; Beatrice McNair, Goderiob ; Mary Culbert, Crewe ; Evelyn A. Horton, Bernell ; (Janie A. Flan, Goderioh ; Lillian Mo- Manue, Saltford ; Lottie Robinson, Goderioh ; Mabel Sparks, Henson ; Olive Foster, Sbeppardton ; Ethel Cap - ling, Blake ; Annie Law, Belmore ; Mary E. Barclay, Dungannon ; Martha John- ston, Lanes-; Mi -e Troy, Whiteaburoh Meters. Arthur Boyoe, Goderiob 1 Wm,. -I G!r1sall1e111111iw Good steady town or conn - try Girls wanted to•run Knitting Machines and learn other de- partments of work. Good wages can be made. Apply at once to the Excelsior Knitting Factory, Brussels Fioglond, Auburn ; Donald G. MoLean, Blyth; Alvin Brintnell, Exeter, Frank• Jlin S. Yeo, Staff% I Norman Boyoe, Bake; Clinton Hogarth, Exeter ; Stew. art Gordon, Ailsa Craig ; Alex, MoLean• an, Goderioh ; Edmond Robinson, Mar• noob ; Angus Mo Le od, Goderioh • Mr. BiddaI Atlee Craig. Middlesex county temperance workers' organized at London for a Waal option oampaigo. John Bird, a farmer of North Cayuga township, was found dead in a field from heart disease, GRAIN CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming community that they are now ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and Crushing at lowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, Bran, Shorts, &c., always in stock and sold at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building. Apples Wanted 11/1111111/1111M11111:11MICM=1111111IRSIMININtlee -at- BRUSSELS EVAPORATOR On and after the 6th of Septem- ber 20 cents per bag will be paid for all good paring Apples deliv- ered at the Factory. No Small or Soft Apples willbe taken. J. CUNNINGHAM, P opriotor