HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-9-13, Page 4..efrera...'verfreateerep.:ereptereatrarveIta.r.-"ereat!certaar•TPPrea....;*".erte***-....,".-eitare'Verre On the Weldon of life return from a ' pleasant holiday trip, the eougregation of Knox °buret), Stratford, preowned Rea. llobt. Martin with a alk °learnt] gown, Tae Myo e of Mitohell inetruoted Oon• etable Coeper to Attend the Laorottee gems Friday evening alai tribe note of the spectators who encourage fights, oto., by calling out "kill ilint," and "out him open." They will he prosecuted the next (ley. His Honor the Lo til Governor in Oonoail has been pleased to appoint W. B. Davie Pollee Magletrate ite and for the town of Mita -tell and iu and for the township of Logan, Hibbert and Fuller. ton, in the 00unty of Perth, without salary, J. J. Woolaoott, of Logan, who in a noted sheep breeder, did well at she big exhibition at Toronto. Although be ex. Intoned only a few animale he was award• ed 2ed prize for Leioester ram, two yeara ad over, and first for shouting ewe. Wm. Lawrence of the same township, got 511 prize for his Shorthorn ball. Geo. Sawyer, of the furniture store, Mitchell, was returning from delivering furniture iu the South Ward, and while ooming up St. Andrews at. the animals became frlehtened and in trying to hole' Mena one of the reins broke. thus giving the team a free bead, They turned the corner at Toronto St. and nearly went over Dr, Smith's team S. M. Edwards was on the wagon at tbe time, and when it °Waded with the high eidewelk, , was thrown heavily to the ground. He re. oeivad a bad ebaking up and a sprained ankle. The Mitchell Advocate Gaye t -At the 'foresee metal played on Monday be tween the Indiana and e. total team there is said to have been rough work hod at one time there came par being a general mix up. Aa it was, a aopple of men had their heads pretty badly out and it re. paired several stitches to bring the wound, to gather. Outsiders are blamed for moat of the trouble. Some of the boodlneas kept yelling, "sleuth him, lay him out, not hioo opeu," eta. This in• cited the players and crowd to be rough, and It was fortunate that !mitten ended no wens than they did. CIA tritootio Vzst, THURSDAY, 810,18, /006. Worn are you doing 10 hid East Huron Vali rail' 9 If you have not started yet itttime you got busy, Enema luta it that an effort writhe made to berm Port Stanley as a Summer resort etronger than ever next sewn. IT looks very numb IiIoa 110 itiorease of tram poorly all round, jurigiog by the rates already etruok by numerous meal. oipalitlee. Tusentruarfnes Day will oome.on Thum day, Ootober 18th this year. If ever a people had a right to (taproots thanagiving the inhabitante of this Dominion have, AT the Among,' meeting of the Liberal Assooiation of Ontario, held in Toronto Inst week, Hon. G. W. Ross stated the outlook for the Liberal party wee bright and be prediote an early return to power. AT the FarmereAssociation Gonven. tion, held in Toronto last week, the new Sobool Law name in for a lively skirmish that will not likely end there. One objection mind isits ettertalve clatter. es. FRIDAY of thie week the Liberals of North Brun will outlaw:to at Tara to nominate a oaudidate for the Commons, rendered ueoeseary by the demise of the Ill, P. It looks ee if Jao. Tohnie, of Kincardine, might be the ohoioe. GO= news oomes from Japan to the eclat that to spendid wheat harvest will be their's this seaeon. The crop is estimated at 98 million bushels which is paid to be 15% above the average yield. A good harvest means much to a °pantry whose population is as dense ae Japan and China. Tata Donkhobore in Regina jail were determined to starve themselves to death and therefore refused to dine on prieon fare. Possibly one of very few such in. etenoea was adopted viz three times a a day they are fed by 'compulsion. This proem is very rarely necessary where people enjoy a degree of good health and the Don'ts. meet be an odd lot to make each tactics necessary. Sosnt fakir has been doing hoedown through the oonntry in the name of Dr. Octet's, of London, and disposing of spectacles of little value. It does not aeem much use to warn people if they read it one day and deal with a fakir the next. These speoialiste do not send men out to peddle the concession lines and the story these bogus dealers tell (tarries a Ile on the faoe of it. The people are to blame for patronizing them as they would soon gait tbe job if they were not making 10 good fat living. Deal with dealers and professional men you are acquainted with, people of reputation and shim the fakirs. If you have a good dog see that hie front teeth are kept sharpened so that he May put a trade mark on the "sheeny" travellers of begets geode, speabaoles, jewelry, &o, especially. Look out for them and nine times ont of ten you will be the gainer. The neat sitting of the Division Ooort will be held on the llth of October. Oentelon Broe. shipped a carload of pears and ;arab applee to the Weet. Rev. 0. R. Gutme hart been nominated ae one of the representatives of Trinity College on tbe Senate of the Toronto University. G. W. Sheeley, meohanioal auperio. tendent at the knitting fluttery, has gone to Philadelphia to purchase more at the most modern machines that money can buy. On Tbtoreday night, Aug. 80th, the clothing store of the S. W. Newcombe Elo. was broken into and a complete oat - fit of (floating taken. The thief shed his own garments -which did not op pear to have been mock worn -and helped himself to naw ones -raincoat, eap, oast, trot:mere, eto, He even left his belt, one of the three buokle broad belts that are aometimea worn by labor. ing men. WEDD/NO 13 ient.s.-The home of 0, Hoare, near toWn, wee the vane of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday September 5th. The 000eeion being the marriage of hie nisoe, Miss Armanella Sophia Tindall, to Rev. A. J, 13owbriok, Baptist minister, of Glen Ewen, Seekat coewan, The ceremony was performed on the lawn beneath an evergreen arch by the Rev, S. Swann, of Elourneeville, in Oho preeenoe of about 80 friends and relatives. Alter the nuptial knot wee seourely tied the goons sat down to 10 anpper, whittle reffeoted great credit upon the hostese. The internal decorating of the house exhibited ramob tastefulnetts, being made of flamers and myrtle, After slipper an intereating Impromptu pro. gum wee rendered by eleoutionary and mastoid talent, oonsplanous among the !fingerer being Tindall Bros , of Carlow ; 9.'hoe. Radcliffe, of Auburn, Among the gueste were t Mr. and Mee, Chapman, of B. 0.1 I. C. and Mrs, Itieharda, of Bens. ee 1 Mr. and Miss Baker, of Ethel • Mr, 5 tell, of Elnaville ; 3. A.nelerson, of St. A agestine 1 G. Tindal, of Chatham Bibb. and .Mre, Salter, Mines Care, Mr. and Mrs, Wighttnan, from Blyth, and °thee friends from 'paring parte, A. epaelal feature of the Damien wag the playing of the wedding enteral by George Fiacker, Regina, The bride was daintily attired in 10 01081000 silk drape, trimmed .with point.de eprite and ribbon ; (tarried to boguet of whito aster& Little Moe a Oora Ethelwyn Mermen, eouein of the bride, wile a pieturesque fleeter girl. group photo was taken of the wedding party by W. Roberts, at town. About eleven o'olook on Saturday globe, let that., fire was discovered to the Galbraith Co'e. Mottling atcre• Wile" fleet notioed the ammo had made but hale beadwey and a couple of pails of water would have drowned them out, bat the patio with the meter were net forthoorning. The firemen soon up peered upon the aoana sod a line of hoe° woe laid to the Wm, bet those in charge of the engine found it difficult to get up steam ar tbe boiler leaked very badly, At last tired of delay the hose was attach. ed to the hydrant aud the big pump at Pair's ruill soon had the water playing on the fire whitth was speedily extinguish ed. The fire destroyed oansiderable of the etook, but the smelts and water did still enore damage, Mr, Galbraith ee. timates hie lose at about 51500, oovered by insurance. Aa soon as possible he will have has store open for bueineee again. MOM S01100r, STuousre.-The fol• lowing ie the fist of students attending Oliuton Model Sobool :- Female. Ansley, L. A. Barns, E. Oanaeton, E. Campbell, G. Govenlools, R. Mardook, J. 0. Marshall, K. McGregor, 101. Petrie, V. Rands, J. Sewers, L. Sorimgeonr, J. Sheriff, 0. Taylor, 33, Trick, E. Blake, N. °tuff, 1/1. Cowan, A. Davidson, E. Eleudereon, B. MoKinnon, E. MoCrataken O. Petrie, A. L Robb, E. Rosa, M. kicalee, K. Sheriff, I. Stewart, W. Toll, P. Male. Anderson, A. C. Bather, EL J. Ltherhart, F. L. Fraser, F. G. Forrest, R. Fowler, F. Gaediner, S. Grassiok, D. C. Hutton, J. C. Love, J. Purcell, J. Reynolds, J. J. Scott, F. MoD. Swan, W. D. Perth 00Unty. St. Mary's will pay at the rate of 24 1 2 mills as taxes this year. John A. Morrie, Elebbert, has sold his farm to F. L. Hamilton for the euro of 50,600, The township of Esat Niesouri carried the Railway bylaw in the voting held Ang. 28 by a majority of 106. There were 13 deaths, 24 biethe and 12 marriages registered with the eity Clerk Stratford during the month of August. Hon. Nelson Monteith, 'Minister of Agrioultare, was the recipient recently of a basket of lige growu in the Niagara diet riot. The marriage of lane Pauline Jean Dlowat, soloist, of London, to Rev. Joseph Jaynes. of St. Marys, is aunocine. ed for this month. Chas. Milner bee bonght out the livery of Thomas el. Murray, of St. Mary's, who le ging Weal. Mr. Milner ie ready in possession. The roadbuilding brigade have been at work ou Queen street West St. Mary'a and have put down several hundred yards of macadamized roadway. Richard Babb, [Mitchell, has sold out the business which he has been manag. nig in Millbank since the death of hie son tba late Albert Babb. He will probably go West in a short time. The citizens of Stratford will be highly pleased with tba very satisfactory statement of Oici Boy'e Reunion linanoee submitted to the executive oumtnittee. It shows a. eurplue of 5806 93. The list of oandidates nominated ae repreeentativas on the Senate of the University of Toronto in the different fannies has been announoed. Nation Monteith has bean elected for Agriculture and 0. A. Mayberry, ae high echoed representative. Wm.Dale, M. A., of St. Mary's, was nominated on the fortuity of arta. J. N. Grieve, ex- M. P., Dominion imi. potion offioer at Spokatte, Wash., hag been visiting his old home in Mornington township, and was warmly greeted by hie numerous friends. Mr. Grieve is making a marked auocess of kis imigra. bon work. Sinn !coating at Spokane be hoe ;sent over six thonsand emigrants from Washiugton Territory to the Can. adian Northwest Territories, Mies Mary Morrison, Newry, who her so often taken firaprizes for cheese at Toronto exhibition is again to the front this year having taken fleet prizes for white cheese, June and July, white August Battens and flats. R. A. Thomp• eon, Atwood, took third for colored cheese. James Paton, Atwood, took 3rd for white June and July and R. A, Thompson, fourth ; J. Onthberaton, Sebringville, 2uci for whits August. The instructors were, Lietowel group, J. R. Burgess ; Stratford group, A. MoKay. A. report le current about St. Mary's that tba G. T. R. will Boon build a new paaaenger station and that it will be toothed near the overhead bridge et the bead of Queen etreet, It will be etiolated ao the report my 8, on the resideutal eite of the Whyte Peaking Go., now occupied by tba local manager, Joseph Dragg, The railroad bridge will be widened to allow of a wide platform. The apptoaah will be made from Queen to James street. This will in all reepeote make it far enperior to the present site. The conked for the erection of the new government building on Water Street, St, Mary'e whit% will be centupled as a net aloe and customs efflee and worehouse bee beau let to Robert, Camer- on, of Almonte, Out. The oontraot price is 522,000. Looal oontraatore, it is en. derstood, tendered for the work, but the Eastern mania figures were lower. It is expected that work on the new building will be begun shortly, and 11 10 also en. tioipated that roost of the material will be furnished by local firms. St. Mery'e workmen, of 000ree, will be employed by the °On tractor. The usual mosso which attends metal gatheringe in Ottrinonnook, attended the "Honey grader at H. A. MoNaught's on Thnreday evening Aug. 80th, A large crowd was present from the surrounding neighborhood. Exoellent musio wae supplied by Murray Piper, from Motikion end delloieue honey was supplied free by Me. MoNaught. Aboat seven o'clock the crowd departed, all agreeing "that it wag well to be here." The proeeede will go toward& the debt of Knox ohtiroh at Monition. Quite an amount) of honey mnet have been need as it is wad most of the young men not only had all they could eat, but had "honey" tender their 10011. Crantadistaa New*. Arthur Hartle, of Oornwall, was scurf& ed to death, Fire in the Langevin block at Ottawa did about $500 damage. William Ooovey conanaltted auioide by drowning at Saskatoon. The 0. P. R. earnings for August amounted to 56,097,000. Mrs. Pratt, wife of Capt. Pratt, wag 'found drowned at Orillia. Seven oars were wreaked on the T. H. de 13. (tear Grassie's Station, George Porritt, aged 21 yeare, was Mond drowned at Rockwood. Five year old Maloolm Mollaohern was binned to death at Oarmaa, Man, WILIIMM,011•=0•1111•1•MIS Nelson Sirnpon, Crown Attorney for Algoma, died at Sault Ste. Marie, 3,19. MacDonald, fil, P., addressed te Labor Day gathering at Winnipeg. Mrs. Riddell, mother of W. 11. K. C., died near 0ohourg, egad 88 years. Ship linera employed by the 0. P. 11. at Montreal Went on strike for more pay. The new 0. 1,. R. etearner Prime:tea Royal Was 'entwined at Eegonnault 33,0. James 33. rairbairt), Poetmeeter at 130wmenville for forty Mlle yeare, is dead. Wm. Ball, of London, 0 0, wax hinny burned by pouring oil in the loitotteto Steve. At Port Perry William Tremeer °looked to death while eating a piece of meat, The Charlton Lumbar Company'e tug Balize ran aground and sank in the little Detroit passage. Wm, E. Hunt, of Fort Erie, was com• witted for trial on a oharge of eating lottery tiakete, Mrs. Shepley. of Weak Lorne, aged 75 yaare, was streak by a train on a railwey °roguing and killed. At the annual meeting of the Quebec Bridge Company Hon, S. N. Parent was re eleoted Preeident. John Metric), or Pilkington township, was found dead in the field where be had been ploughing. The eolmoner Cavalier was wreaked near the entranoe to Southampton bar. bor. The crew were eaved. Calhoun's sawmill at Jacquet River was wrecked by a boiler explosion, and Watchman DicEachren killed, Jecob Jebreleki, who jumped from a train and escaped on his way to Kiugaton Penitentiary, has been recaptured. 0. P. R. earveyore are in Belleville with the objeob, it ie stetted, of 'mating a new line between Toronto and Moetreal. John Morrison, 45 years old, of Sydney was eleotrotauted by a live eleotrio light wire falling on him during a heavy storm. A charge of extorting money by threat has been laid agaioet High County Con etable Oox by A, B. Davie, of Bayham, Elgin county. While playing with a kitten on the railway the eight•year•old daughter of A. T. Kranz, of Nelles' Corners, viae hill ed by a train. Exeter . Delitohell Myth Kincardine Zurich Seaforth Mildmay Listowel Wingbam Goderiob Luoknow Teeewater Brussels Fordwioh. Sept. 17-18 Sept. 18-19 Sept. 18-19 Sept. 19 Sept, 19-20 Sept. 20-21 Sept, 24-25 Sept. 25-26 Sept. 27-28 Sept. 26-27-28 .. Oct. 2-3 Oot. 8-4 000. 4-5 Oot. 6 EAST HURON FALL FAIR Bigger, Brighter and Better than Ever Thursday & Friday, Oct. alth & 5th East Huron Fall Fair will be held at Brussels on Thursday and Friday, Oct- ober 4th and 5th, and promises to eclipse all ite predecessors. The splendid new Hall will be completed and Hon. Wen. Patterson, Minister of Ouatome, Ottawa, will open the Fan. Prize list was always good but it has been extended and prizes increased in a number of classes. The well known Perth Infantry Band f com Stratford has been engaged and will give an opening Ooneert in the Exhibition Hall on the first evening of the Fair. Speeding events will be put 00 00 Friday afternoon to inolude a Greeu Trot or Pace with three awards -525, $15 and 510 ; and a $2.50 Trot or Perm for similar stuns. Piper MacDonald and daughter will give Highland ealeotione and dances during the afternoon. Following are some of the other interesting features of the Fair that no visitor should miss, FOOT RAOES, &a. FOOT RACE, mile, boys under 18 years. lat, 52.00 ; 2nd, 51.00 ; 8rd, 750 ; 4th, 500. BOYS' RACE, tinder 14 years, 100 yards. 1st, 76o ; 2nd, 50o ; 8rd, 25o ; 4th, 250. BOYS' RACE, under 10 years, 50 yards. let, 50c ; 2nd, 25o ; 3rd, 25o; 4th, 25o. GIRLS' RACE, under 10 years, 50 yards. let, 50o; 2nd, 25o ; 8rd, 250 ; 4th, 25o. OBSTACLE RACE, 200 yards, for boys under 18 yeara, 100, 51.00 ; 2nd, 750 ; 8rd, 50o ; 4th, 25o. FAT WOMAN'S RALE, 50 yards, contestants must weigh at least 200 lbs. lat, 52.00 ; 2nd, 51.00 ; 3rd, 500, DRILL. -For the beat Drilled Squad, of 12 Pupils or upwards from any School. let, 55.00 ; 2ud, 58.00 ; 13rd, 52.00. CLUB SWINGING. -For the beat Exhibition of Olub Swinging of not less than 12 Pupils from any School. let, 53,00; 2ud, 52.00 ; 8rd, 51.00. SPECIAL PRIZDS. ItYRIE BROS., the well known "Diamond Hall" Jewellere, of Toronto, generous. ly donate a fine Silver Medal, valued at 525.00, for the beet heavy draft team on the gronnd. -The same firm also offer a choice Bronze Medal, valned at 510.00, for the beat pen of sheep. The Bank of Hamilton, Ethel, has donated 50.00 for two prizes, viz. :-$3.00 for best Shorthorn Oow and 3 of her progeny, either aex, any age ; and 58.00 for best Shorthorn Bull and 4 of hie progeny under 12 mouths. The Standard Bank offers 510.00 for the best Roadeter, horse or mare hitched to a buggy, owned and driven by a farmer, or et farmer's son. Style and speed to be Olken into consideration. lat., 56.00; 2nd., 54.00, The Metropolitan Bank, Brussels, will give three prizes, viz. lab, 58.00 ; 2nd, 52.00 ; Ord, 51.00, for the three beet collections of Winter apples exhibited, live of eaoh. George Thomson, grocer, offers 52.50 for the beat single buggy horse in road- ster class, over 15i bands ; and 52.50 for the best single buggy horse under 15i hands, roadster clues. - J. Leckie, Brussels, offers 56.00 for the best 25 pounds of tub butter, and 52.00 for the best 5 pounds table butter, the butter to become the property of the donator, W. EL MoCeacken offers to purchasers of noel from him aa follows t-5 Swede Turnips, let, 600 ; and, 25o ; 5 Long Red Mange's, let, 50o; 2nd, 25o ; 5 Yellow Giant Intermediate Mangels, lab, 50o ; 2nd, 250. Oil Painting, Original Sketoh, not leas than 16x20 in., from spot selected by the Secretary, to be limited by mates and bounds. Intending competitors may get full information from the Seoretary. lst, 53,00 ; 2nd, 52,00. W. H. Kerr will give Tars POsT for a,year for the bertt two loaves of home made bread ; Tuts Pon fur a year for Ole beat 5 pounds of butter, both articles to become his property. Four prizes will be awarded by the Society to boys and girls under 16 years of age who can narde the largest number of varieties of apples on exhibition at tbe Fair, let, 51,50 ; 2nd, 51.00; ard, 75o ; 4th, 50o. Competition takes place at 4.80 p, m. on the first afternoon of Fair. No entrance fee. Former prize winners barred. The following prima will be offered to boys 16 yeare and under for beet judging of 2 year olds or yearlings in exhibit of there' bred cattle on groundet, Judging to be clone at 1 p. m. sharp en Friday. No entranoe fee. 100, 52.00; 2nti, 51.50 ; 8rd, 51.00. Oompetitore must hand it names to Secretary before 10 a. 00. THE CONOERT. Friday evening, ()Moho 5113, the annual big Concert will be given in the Town Hall, An A 1 program will be rendered including such talent ae Eddie Piggott, Humorist ; Hartwell De Mille, a splencad Baritone, from Toronto ; Miss Irene Sheehan, 3111romatio Reader klabel MacDonald, Highland Damage ; Piper Mao - Donald end the Stratford Band, Mies Jean MoLauohlin, Pianist, Thin prOtniaea to bo the Greatest Pair ever held irt BrilfleOle, EXpert judges Will Wad the prizes and everybody will have a good time. oresoossame...zannsoo.,4,0.10.1OOleert.,, Synopsisof Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD R EGU LATI ON S A NY even numbered section of Domiulon Lands in Manitoba, Saintetehewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, net reeerved, may be henneateittled ly taly minion who is the sole head of a family, 00 )009 male ever 18 yearn 00,00, 10 the extent of ono -gutter aol lot 01 100 items more or leee, Entry may he made perm eally at lila local hind otlloe for the diatelet lu which the land Is situate. The homesteader la required to perform the conditio tie oonneoted therewith under one of the following elites ; (1) At least aibr month& residence upon and cultivation of the laud in each year 1010 three years, (0) If the father (Cr mother, lf the father is deceased) of the _homesteader redden upon 10110000 In the vicinity of the land entered fpr the requirements as to resi- dence may be aabielled by 001010 person re- siding with the father or mother. (.31 If the neater has his permanent reel - demo upon farming land coined by him in the vicinity of ble homestead, the re- quire:note aa to residence may be satis- fied by resideuee upon the said land. Six moat's' antice in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa Of Intention to apply for patent. W.W.CORY. Deputy of the Minister of Interior. N.13.114authorized publioation 00 01010 ad- vertisement will not be paid for. IMPORTANT NOTICES VOUNG PIGS FOR SALE ALSO 1- pure bred Leleeeter Rain Lambe. 8,01 N, A. 11199,1110, 1601101. VORKSHIRE YOUNG SOW -I- vita a litter of 16 plea, beanttee, for sale. Also a few pure bred Yorke, both sex, 8 weelle old, from imported soW. 341 D. MILNE, Ethel. BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG Is prepared to give lessons on Piano or Reed Organ. Terms on aPpliOation• Postoillee addrese-13russels. Beeidenee- Lot 8, Cou.10, Grey. Penile may have their lessens at their own homes if preferred. GOOD TOWN PROPERTY FOR Sale on whieb is large brink house, la10tu1e, drilled well, cistern, fruit garden, r6,e.,59 mores of laud on John and James at., Brussels. Terms reasonable. Apply to JOHN MaFADDEN 011 promisee or F. S. 150 UTT, Brussels, MISS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. DROPERTY FOR SALE—THE undersigned offers for sale an acre ot land upon which Is a comfortable dwelling house, etable, .fruit trees, good over -Bowing well, Pm, Property is located 9 of a mile Beat of Orenbrook and convenient to [wheal, church, postai:Doe, Pm. Poselession at any time. For price, terms, cke., apply on the promisee to M. RAYAIANN, 0.10 or Oranbrook P.O. plARM FOR SALE—TIIE UN– A: Dammam offers for sale a good 100 acre farm, being iNg Lot 21, Con, 8, Morris. All in 90000 00 under orop. Brink veneered house, bank,barn with stone wall, sheep houee, Pre. Good orobard ; well fenced ; near echool and church. Possession eau be given next March. Igor !further particulars apply to G. W. TTJUVEY, proprietor, or Bluevale P. 0. 8.01 p1011 SALE OR TO RENT.— .a.2 The undersigned offers her 100 Imre farm, being 10,00 20, Con. 7, Grey, for sale or to rent. Comfortable bowie, bank barn, orchard, wells, Pge. Farm le only tof a mile from the stirring village of Ethel. 'For fur- ther partionlars !apply to 2,5, Soott'Brim- eels, or MBS, RAlhl HOLLAND, 78 Shuter Street, Toronto. 117.8m rIOMFORTABLE RESIDENCE and 2 aores of land for gale on Walnut street, Brune's. Brick bourse, good stable, hard and soft water, emall °milord, ege. Property in good shape. Immediate posses- sion can bo given. Also a oement brick making machine for eale. .For further par- ticulars apply 011 the promisee, JOHN MoKENZIE, Proprietor, Brussels, For Sale or to Rent. Royal Hotel, Walton Situated on corner of Main etreet ; largo brick building in drat -plass repair; large dining room, sample room, bar, kitehen, bedrooms, eto. ; good cellar with furnace. In thriving village with new railroad, Pos. session immediately. Apply to 0.1 MRS. GEO. Moffat, Walton. FARM l'OR SA.LE.—THE UN- DIABBIGNED often his fine 100 acre f arm , bailie Lot 10, 000. 82, Grey, for sale. Comfortable house, bank barn, orchard, Pse, Farm la in a good state of cultivation and adjoins the village of oranbrook, whore are stares, elnirelsee, shone, Joe, Poseeseion given next Peal. For further partloulare as to price, terms, &0,, apply on the promises or Oraubrook 1°.O. GEORGE SPARLING, 1.01 Proprietor. AbCeiRnisELFotAon 4,3R SALErsy 1,00 00oMF20 aoree °leered; comfortable brume 80x10 with kitchen 18)40 ; bank barn 5000 with stone stabling; orehard, wells, An. Well folioed and in good heart. Poaseesion given next Fall. Farm is nearly all in grass at potent. It is 89 miles from Brussels and in a good locality. For further particulars apply on the morning or Brunets P. Ole 61-t0 JOHN 1100.03011, Frei:Cater. pROPERTY FOR SALE—THE 1- undersigned offers hie home and lot, situate 00 klill street, Brussele, for sale. It is well Mooted, a convenient and comfor- table home, Poseeasion oan be given at onee, Will also 0011 the 1000000 100, eorner of Mill and Elizabeth streets, whieh would make a fine building site, For further par- ticulars as to prioe. toms, &O., aPPlY to Plum. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, EOM- tvich, 80-9 GOOD FARM FOR SA.LE.— The undersigned offers for gale hie 1111.03, being Lot 1, Oon. 18 Grey, It is alt - 015180 00 the gravel roa.d, 2 miles South of Brilseels and ciontalus 100 scree ol good laud, ail oleared but 12 aores. There is rfiret- ohm brick honae and kitchen, heated with furnaeo, woodshed, artialan Well with wiud- mill end water is pumped to barn, Barn is 80x68 feet, with atone stables, Hay barn 80x 00 feet. Good orchard ; farm well fended pleaaantly situated. Will be gold on easy terms. Apply on premises or Brussels 2.0,, )3INRAS ORIOLE, prop.; or to P. 8. goon. I ANDS FOR SALE FOR TAXES. Notice is hereby given that a list of the lands foe eau for arrears of tarot; has been prepared and that ;mien thereof may be had et this °Sloe, and that the list 10 being publiehed In the Ontario Gazette, in the Roues of August 18th and 25th, and Septem- ber 1st and 8013, 1000. And that iu default Of payment of the mime mid mate the lands Will he gold at tbe 0(1111.2 ilonoolO the Town of Gederfab, 030 Tuesdey, the 8030 day el De. Mather, at 2 0'01.00k115 the afternoon, 8-8M WM, HOLMES, &may al Huron, Tt0121111r01,6 Treaturstee Oftlee, GoduriehAng. 10,1005, NOW OPEN PALL Vella IN PHD estriate:S.V3467s64ieSeri CERBAII COWAN 429zilVteigifilt(V'Elqe0e-14 TORO/VTOs Rotor any time, Twenty Webers and one hundred and twenty Type, writing eteohines, Unereelled Iaelt- ltleo for mudding greileateu to post - Hone, Write for new Calendar, W, 10, Srlaw, Prinelpal. Youge le Gerrard as., Toronto. iftk..,stozeyta:c#4E.§E.-ksta:% Bank of Hamilton, Paid up, 8200000 Reserve Fund, $2,50,000 • Tafel Aseets, 829,000,000 80 BRAM:IES IN CANADA 80 Preeldent, HON. WM. 01138000 Vice President Pc General Malinger, JAMES TuaNeusa. ETHEL AGENCY Savings Departnieu • ▪ 0 -Ample eeourity for Depoaitora. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards reeelved. Intermit allowed at ourreut rates and cionipounded half yearly. ADVANCES made to Farman for feeding stook. Sale Notes collected and advances made thereon. Drafts bought and sold, W. N. MoBAY, EIIII•AGEN2. `sr•ragaQ9'areqe Drciagrzte%4 SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, Brussels. ALLAN LINE ROYAL. MAIL. STEAMERS - To Liverpool From Montreal Victorian Sept, 13 Oot, 12 Nov. 12 Ionia Sept. 21 Oat. 10 Nov,n3 Virgluian Sept, 281 Oet, 20 N.OY 20 Tanialan Oat. 0 Nov. Hates of Passage First Cablu-870 and upwarda, Record trig to telmeter. Second Oulau-342.00 to $47 AO. Third Close- $27 00 and 028.70. 30 totireat to ellaggew enoillau Sept. 18 Oot 18 Prelorlan 0091, 00 00.20 Nunadiau Sept, 07 Nov, I For further particulars, rates and ticketa apply 00 3Y. II. 6000130, Agent Allan Lino, Bruseela, SMITH & STEWART House, Sign and Carriage Paint- ers. Ornamental and Scene Work and Paper Hang- ing a Specialty. ' Quotations Furnished on Application SHOP l'arnberry SA., Brussels; Toronto Rag and Metal Oo'y PAYS CASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Hides, &o, Szc. Highest Prices for All H. ROSEN K. LABEL. Mill st. West, Brussels Along Ewan & Co. are busy these days pushing the Carriage butii- nese. In addition to our own make of Rigs, which are A 1, we handle Buggies manufactured by the Canada Carriage Co., Brookville, and the Brantford Carriage Company, Brantford. Wood Work and Jobbing a Specialty Painting and Repairing attended to with neatness and dispatch. The celebrated Harland English Varnish used in our paint rooms. If you want a new Rig call and see us as we have a large display and sell at close margins. We can save you money. EWAN & Co. BRUSSELS Seill.111111i211110•ISMAIS ,X4516.1E11.11•911111. HARVESTERS' EXCURSIONS TO THE NORTH-WEST GOING SEPT. 11, good 50 return until NOV.12. 2905 SEPT. 25, good to return wail NOV. 20, 1006 RETURN FARES FROM TOUR NEAREST STATION: Winnipeg . 532.00 Yankton - • Nass North Battleford 539,00 soma . a 33.50 Regina . 85.75 Macleod • 40.00 grandee • w 83.55 Moose Jaw 30,00 Calgary • • 40.60 Moosomin • • 84.20 Straesburg- • 30.26 fled Deer • e 41.60 Arcola . • 34.60 Saskatoon • • 37,26 Mettler Estevan • - 86.00 Mite() Albeit • 38.00 Edmonton,/ Ear rates to other patois. booklet and fun parelcuIarit, see nearest Canadian Pacific Agentor write c. to FOSTER. D.E.A.. C.P.A., 21 VONGE STREET, TORONTO. 45.50