HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-9-13, Page 1Vol. 86. No: 10
W. H, KERR, Prop
New Advertisements.
OptJoien—J. I. Allan.
Pickling time—Jae, Fox.
Local—Jelin Ounningham.
Foe sale—Mies M. Grewar.
Colt for eale—L Hollinger,
Auntion sale—sem. A, Rose.
Farm for Bale—Mrs. A. Siaalair.
Waibou JoweIry Store—D. Blake.
Now open—Central Business Oollege.
Golden opporinnity-13.0. Daviee &Oo.
New Fall and Winter Goods—Geo. N.
tistxi.ct gtbas,
.I memo*tO wee.
J. D. and Mre. Miller and obildren
arrived home lash week from it delightful
trip to the Northwest where they visited
relatives and friends.
A. Reymann is holidaying at London
and visiting the Fair.
A. McDonald took in the eights at the
London Fair ibis week,
Read the epeoial prizes &o., of Brussels
Fall Fair on page 4 of this leeoe.
Rev. D. B. Mollie is home from his
holiday jaunt end will resume his pulpit
next 8uuday.
Athol elnQuarrie wont to Goderieb
thie week where bite soared a position
ors the "Signal" staff as a typo.
AoornoNT.—We are sorry to etate that
Mre. John MoNab and her mother, Mre.
MoNair, were thrown oat of their boggy
last Monday evening while returning from
Ethel and both injured, the latter serious
ly so. We hope ebe will soon be all right.
I have opened a Jewelry
Store in the McKim
Building, and my stock
is new and well varied.
Special attention paid
to Repairing.
You will find my prices
Next Sabbelh Rev, Geo. W. Rivera, of
Belgrave, will preach in ,the 111ebbodiei
ohuroh here. It will be oonnexfonal Fund
Mite vale.
A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, wee here
Sonday speaking on Lona) Option. We
are working for that.
Rev. 0, le, Wells, B, A., B. D„ of
Gerrie, will preaoh on thie Bluevale
Circuit next Studley. It is to be sou.
uexional Fund Day, and Rev. Mr, Baker
will go to Gorrie to take bin work.
1.3e1 gave.
Mre, Win. Wray who baebeen very i11
is eomowbat improved,
Rev, Geo, and Mre. Rivers are attend.
ing London Fair this weak.
Forty tiokete were sold al Belgrave
Tuesday mooing for London Fair.
Mre. Gars Wray and obildren of
Chicago are visitors at Wm. Wray'e.
Mre. Anderson, er•, left Monday for a
mouth's visit with friends in Chicago.
Anniversary eervieeo will be held at
Brink Ohurob next Sabbath. Rev. Ezra
G. Powell, o! Brume's, will oondnot ger.
vioee morning and evening. Mr. Mason,
of Wingbam will conduct eervioee in
Belgrave io the abeenee of Bev. G.
J. Reed, of Laaknow, -peat Monday in
the village.
Mre. Kerr, of New Hamburg is the
greet of Mre. N. Allen.
Mies Sera Allen, of Cleveland le visit.
ing with her mother and other relativee
Mre, Irwin lett on Monday for New
Ontario where the will vieit al different
Wm. McLean lett for Yellow Grass
Beek. on Friday where he will spend two
Mre. Lewis has moved her millinery
stook to the office late 'y 000npied by W.
.0. MoKerobsr.
Mies Jean Davidson has returned from
a two weeks vi,•it with friends in Hamel.
toe and Toronto.
Johu and Mre. Bretbauer and daughter
May, ore vieitiug with friends in and
around Waterloo.
The Wroxeter Evaporator owned by
Reid Broe. will commence work on
Thursday Sept, 18th.
Misses Edith and Gerrie Harris
returned on Saturday from a trip
to Toronto and Orillia.
Mre. Harris who has spent some
months with her neioe Mrs. W. O.Oarrie
left for Mount Forest this week.
W. Lyntou, of Tnruberry had a very
serious operation performed last Wedoee•
day bat is now improving slowly.
Robert Lang left for Toronto on Fri.
day where be has a good position as
book keeper with Brown Broe. wholesale
Mr. Mitolteil, of Toronto, ie spending a
few days with hie Hon Dr. Mitchell.
Tho anniversary eervioee of the Salem
M'eibodist ohuroh will be hold Sunday
September 16th, The Rev. 8, Anderson,
of Blyth will preaoh at 11 a, m, and 7,p.
m. On Monday evening a foul sapper
will be served front 6 to 8 o'olook alter
whioh an expellent mutieal and literary
program will be given,
A number from here attended the
wedding in Wingbam, lset Wednesday
of Groseby Leckie, youngest eon of Mre.
J. Leckie, of Bowiok to Mies Jobe, of
Wingham. Owenby is well known here
having spent the greater pert of bie life
in this village, The meaty friends ex-
tend their beet wiehee and trust that hie
merried life will be a happy sue.
W lel tora.
A number of swamp fires are raging in
tbe big swamp Dot of Walton,
Melvin Mathewe, of ieliiverton, hue
opened a barber shop in Walton.
Mies S. Drienoll, of Leadbnry, bne
opened a dress making 'bop in Walton.
Dr, and Mre. F. 0. Neal, of Peterbbro,
are visiting at.Mrs. Neal's recruiting the
torment hesttb.
Rev. R. J. Currie preached in Seaforth
on Sunday. Hie pulpit was eapplied by
local preacher.
Miss Maud Forenoon has gone to Tor•
onto to take a farther course in the con.
eervatory of maeib. Mies Ferguson hue
developed high mneioal talent and is tgk•
lug the beet mean' of improving it.
Ae seen by advertieemeut in this
week's PoeT D. Blake hoe opened out
in the MoIIim building a new stook of
jewelery, °look', watohee end ell the
tansy goods penally ehowu iu a first
oleos jewelery store. We welcome him
to our busy little village and hope he
will prosper.
Tnenxe.—To the offioere and members
of the Moron Friesde, Walton : I desire
to aoltnowledge with thanks the receipt
01 $1,000 in fall settlement of benefit
oertifioase of my . late husband, George
McKim, also to elate that it epeake well
for tbe Order by the prompt manner in
which the claim was settled. I take this
opportunity idea of thanking all Chosen
Feiende far their kindness to me, Sin.
oerely yours, REBECCA Motilot.
DEATH of REV. Mn. SAnruE•—On
Thursday, August 80th, after au illness
extending over five yeare, Rev. T. J.
Sabine paned q'oietty away at hie home
in Otteeville. Deposed, who was in hie
6814 year, was born at Sturgeon, Primo
Edward Island, on June 7'h, 1889.
While quite yonng his father died, leay.
ing him the responsibility of oaring for
bie widowed mother and slater, This
duty he performed faithfully until the
death of bie mother, be being postmaster
at Sturgeon for a number of years dining
that time. At the age of 85 be married
Briery Jane Fox, of Charlottetown, Priam
Edward Island, who still survives bin,
end at that time entered the active wurir
These are days of Golden Opportunity
for you if you want a rea- -
fur Wall and Winter. Our new range for Fall has just
been placed in stook and to use a mild term we must say
that we are very proud of this new allowing. We
think if you will just give us the opportunity of submit-
ting to your judgment some of these New and Up-to-
date Clothing Ideas that you will be just as proud
of this. new showing as we are.
We do not pretend to say that we are offering to
you a line of Cheap Clothing. We are making a
showing of High Class
Clothing at Popular
Prices, and we take this
Liberty of urging you to take advantage of your
day of opportunity. To -day is your day of
opportunity — to -morrow may be some other
Do not allow the time to lapse without taking
advantage of your day of opportunity by making a
close inspection of our Clothing Department, where
we can Suit you with a Suit which is of high
class manufacture, and of material which we will
guarantee to give you entire satisfaction. We will
expect to suit you and your eons.
R. C. DAMES St Coil'
Of the ministry, under the Bible Obrie•
Men Brook' of the Methodist ohuroh, A
couple of yeare later he same to Ontario,
his ernt appointment in the provinoo be.
ing the Tweed oirouit, From there he
moved to Palmerebsn, then to Colbourn°.
At the time of the Union of the varione
branoheo of the Methodist obarob, ho
moved to the Walton oirouit and has
gime been stationed at Grand Valley,
litntore, Roots wood, Mount Forest and
0.terville. Jaat two weeks before the
aloes of hie pastorate 10 the letter plane,
while oonduoting service) at one of bleep.
poiolmeute, he was siristteu with
weever, on Jane 16th, 1901. and lige
been confined to hie bed ever since, eater -
log extremely ab times, and never out
of petu, bob bauriug his suffering with a
resignation that was an inepiratiou to
tboee who oats to aon1001 with him.
He loose to mourn bis toes besides a
widow, two daughters, Hattie and Mabel
at home ; and five Bone, Alden T., of
Hymen), New Ontario 1 Howard W., of
81. Marys ; ErmaL , of Sootland ; L.
Oooil, of Ramitton, end Morley 0., at
Township Council on Monday 24th
Mire May Hogg wars visiting friends In
Mise Aline Gaynor lett for ()Waage to
resume her duties.
Quite a number from here attended
Toronto Exhibition.
Will. and Mre. Whitfield are spending
a few days in London.
Wm. Armstrong, 8th con., was visit
ing London Fair thie week.
Misr Mamie Cardiff be enjoying a vieit
with relatives to Toronto.
Mre. H. Fogel was on the Mak list a
few days also Mrs, Gaynor.
Mine Belle Peareon ie visiting ber
sister, Sire. A. W. Bottom, of Harloak.
Joo. Ewan, 1511, eon., was taking in
the Western Fair at London Ibis week.
Mies Maggie Oampbell baa, gone to Tor•
onto to take a ooaree in Basineee Oollege.
Silo filling comae next on the program.
The corn Drop is exoellent in many
George Miobel and John Buttrey are
on the siok list. We hope for a speedy
Jamee and Mre, Armstrong, 10th eon.,
are bitch from a pleasant trip to Toronto
and the East.
Mre. W. Evans and Mre. Will. Robin.
eon spent Saturday evening with Mre.
J. Denman 12th son.
Leat Friday Arabia MoNair and
Samuel Dunn took in the exoureioo to the
West. We wish them well.
Jamee Denman, of Silver Corners
spent Saturday and Bendel with bie
Fstber and sister at Sarnia.
Miesee Christina and Sarah Buttrey
returned home Tuesday atter spending
a week with Toronto and Woodbridge
Thomas Doherty, Fred. Hanna and
Ieaao Rathwell wore in Toronto last
week, They were well pleased with
their outing.
Balinese is inoreasisg in the Bank of
Hamilton, Ethel, and on and after Sept.
10th they will be open in Ethel three
days a week, Monday, Wednesday and
Last week Dire. Greenway and son
left for Dorobeeter to vieit Rev. J.
Holmes and /amity preparatory to re.
turning to their tome in Crystal Oiby,
Among those who went to the Weet
last month were John Gaynor, Tom
Gaynor, John Fogal, John Hunter, John
Sperian, Ben Brandt, yearly all going to
Oarievale, Saekatohewan.
The infant daughter of Geo. and Mre.
Werner, died uear Saskatoon at the
home of her parents, aged 2 menthe and
s,ven days. Mrs. Werner is a daughter
of Thos. Strachan, formerly Mies Lizzie
Btraoban. We are sorry to bear of their
lose. Mre. Werner wee home afoot two
yeare ago.
Don't forget the Auotioo Sale, of farm,
farm stook, &a. at lob 4, oon. 18. Grey
Thursday afternoon of nest week. The
farm belongs to Jno. Rodderiok end ie a
good one. Stook, &a le the property of
David Ritchie who purposes removing to
the Northwest where be has taken np
laud. Sale without reserve oommenoing
et 1 o'oloek. F. 8. Scott will be the
Pastures are failing.
Mite Gortie Dnnoan returned on Toes.
day from Toronto.
Acthar Bayne, of Hamilton, is visit.
ing at Robt, Oriole's, 4th line.
There are 40 appeals in the townebip
Clerk's hands for changes and addition
to the voters' list.
Mre. John Mooney and Mre. W. 0.
Bbretton are holidaying with relatives
and Mode at Toronto and locality.
Mies Lizzie Anderson, Brd line, lett
Wedneeduy morning of het week on an
extended visit to friends in Maley and
Last week Dao. Denman, blh lino, was
palled to Sarnia to visit lite father, an
elderly gentleman who has been laid up
with a cancer.
D. Robb, Inepeoter of Pnblto Bahoote,
visited 8ohool No, 6 last week and Lound
eyerytbing eabiefaotary. The trustees
and others were present.
Mies Sheridan of Morrie presented
Tug Pose sluff with a basket of um -nm
apples Tuesday of this weolr for Which
we return our beet thanks.
80m5 of oar school toilers eboatd
take atter one of the prizes to be offered
al'Brnssele Fell Fele fur beet Fanny
Drill and beet club swinging.
Mre. Jae. Aedereou, of Obeeley, return.
ed horn after 14 pleaeent visit ab the
home of Q Anderson, Before returning
she oleo visited Mende in Toronto.
hearWm. Mocrooken
e rr 10 e
We are o,
W y
I n
4th lino, tae hardly
been as well ars natal.
He coffered from something like a eat
stroke but we hope be will soon be ell
We are pleased to state that Herb
Manning, Who has 0110 leg broken and
the other badly indeed, ie getting along
gaits 'Mealy and will probably make
tapir recovery,
The 100 sore farm 5th line belonging
Ing to Will. Lowry, of Loodoo, hoe beeu
aotd to Wilton Markt, of Wallace town.
ebip, Perth Oo., who will take poaeeseton
this Fall, Prloe le said to be in the
neighborhood of $4,000, Mr. Lowry had
the farm rented.
David Badgley, 60 line, diepoeed of a
15 months' old filly, aired by Baron Fife
owned by Robert Mo0onald to McDonald
brothers Grey, for the earn of $185, It
paye to keep a good brood mere.
Fres.--Last Friday, at noon, the home
of John Shortreed jr., 9th line, wee de.
etroyed by fire, enppoaed to have been
oaueed by a spark from the chimney. A
good portion of the household sifeote
were saved. We did not learn whether
there was insaranoe or not, Mr. Boort•
reed is unmarried but mode his home on
the farm,
A. H. Cochrane, of Waterloo, was here
for a weeks visit. Ha is aeeietant man•
ager of the Waterloo Mauutaoburing Co,
who run oat threshing machine outfits.
The arca employe 180 hands and their
annasl payment of wages will ran $70,
000. Mr. Ooobraus has been with tbem
4 yeare and bee a good grasp of the
John Wheeler, 4th line, wee recently
at Mt, Clemente, Miobigan, whither be
went to toot the eftiaaoy of the batbe for
hie rhenmatiem. He -aye there are 18
large bath house institutions there and
10,000 pahieute. The population of the
town is some 9,000. Mr. Wheeler's
type of rheumatism is not supposed to
be beeefitbed by bathe, se it is of a nerve
GOOD Hoae.—Last week Robert Niobol
Oh line, received a fine Yorkshire bog
from D. 0. Fleet & Son, of Millgrove,
Ont. The animal was a prize winner at
Toronto Fair in the class ander 6 montbe.
On the same day Jamee Nichol brought
home a silver medal imported Berkshire
hog, purchased from D, Thompson, of
Woodetaok. He is one year old, Tbie
ie the way to keep up end improve the
country by the importation of the sires.
The Nichol Broe. have owned some
dandies and deserve the soonest they
Miee Nellie Laird is visiting in London.
Township Coanoii on Monday, 24th
Carnal Gonley bad two horses die last
Silo filling ie on the program in this
This district is fairly well repreeentse
at London Fair.
Noble Milne took in the sights at Tor-
onto Pair last week.
Hemsworth as Eakmier ars bnilding a
silo for oounaillor Brown.
Wm. Eokmier and Meath] Hansard
visited friends in Fordwiob thio week.
Alvs Oloee is to beat the milk to Ethel
obeeme faotory for the remainder of the
. Mr. Eokmier er, has been visiting her
daughter, Mre. Geo. Heather, of Oran -
Mre. Jno. Imlay and daughter, Mine
Myrtle, of Winghem,are visiting friends
here this week.
Chris. Balmier has had lightning rode
pat on bie barn which gives it a , hand.
tome appenranoe.
Noble Milne lost a valuable three
months old dolt last week wbiob was only
tisk for a short time.
The Women' Institute meeting will be
betd at the borne of Mrs. John Ring on
Thureday September 201b.
Sam. Campbell left on Tuesday for a
trip to Sootland. We wish him an en-
joyable rioting and a Bate return.
Mre. Jae. Sharp, of Brneeele, and
eider, Mre. Toombs, of Toronto, were
visitors at I. M. Henry's last week.
Mies Emma Imlay left lest Saturday
for Pt. Edward where the will make her
home with her sister for some time.
J. W. Sanders hoe sold bie business
ant in Britton, aid we understand, in.
tendo to follow bie trade as acatpenter,
Remember the date, Wednesday, Sept,
19th, and it your eyes trouble you, con.
Balt with J. I. Alien at tbe Royal Hotel.
Alex. Walker, of Napanee, was visiting
hie slater, Mrs. R. oboes last week.
They visited triende a1 Belgrave on Fri.
Mrs. F. F. Freeman and Mre, Obrie.
Eokmler are away on a ten days visit to
the tormer's mother and other friende
in London.
M. J. Bmibh and Mise Lizzie McCarty,
of Etagere, N. Y., visited the latter'.
sister, Mies Longeway here for a few
days last week.
Prayer meetings will be held in the
Methodist obarob Friday eveniige for bbe
rest of the month preparatory to -bolding
revivals in the month of October.-
W. E. Sanders has engaged John 81.
Amour to drive Ills bus. Tile storehouse
requires all at Mr. Sanders' attention
these day° giving him no time for other
Bueineee ie Worming in the Bank of
Hamilton, Ethel, and on end after
Sept. 10th they will be open in Ethel
three days a week, Monday, Wedneeday
and Friday.
Mho Sarah Ransom left for her borne
in Detroit Inst Saturday atter a two
week's visit with her parenle, R. and Mre.
Ransom here. Mies Ransom, a grand•
daughter, of Montreal is on a visits here
IOW with Mr. and Mre, Ransom
J. I. Allan, Optician of Elora, emcee.or to the lithe T. P. Smith, will be at
the Royai Hotel, Ethel on Wednesday,
Sept. 19th. Mies Allan is a gradnabe
of New York and Rnobeeter Optical Col-
leges and guarantees ber work. See
Dime Fon Entwistle)) Fem.—Mime
Shannon dud. Switzer, teaoherein Ethel
public, Wheel, ere drilling a MAO of
pupils for the lenity drill competition to
be.kiv n at the ;Weir at Brunelle
There are three Crites]. Tsaobert and
pup110 will be edmitbed to Fair free who
are competing,
Mre. Stansel and daughter, Mise Nellie,
of Echo Grove, visited the ferneries
eider, Mrs, J. MoDonald, bare, for the
pant week, Mies Nellie holde a gold and
allot medal 8e an eloautioniet and the
kindly gave a aeleotiou in the Methodieb
Sabbath Bohoollast Bulldog wbiob was
maah appreciated by those who beard it.
The quadrennial sago of the General
Oootereuae of the Methodist Oburoh in
Canada opened on Wednesday, 12th inat.,
There will be 30.1 delegatee in ettendauee
repreeeuting the various) onferetion from
Newfoundland on the Haat to British
Colombia and Japan. The General
Oonterenoe ie the Legislative body of the
aharoh and 11 will have several very
important, gaeetioue belure it at the
coming tweeting.
'The sesaious will be bald in St. James'
Ouch, the Cathedral of Mathodiem, a
maguidoent edifice built in 1899 at a
coal of about $400,000. The session of
the General Oonterenoe of 1890 was
held here.
The Methodist Soolal Union of Mont-
real bee undertaken to give the pouter.
eooe delegates epeeist forme of entertain -
mote on the two Saturday afternoons
they will 'spend in the city during the
time of the Oouterenoe. On Saturday
Sept. 15, a reception will be given the
delegates at the Wesleyan Theologioal
College by the governors of the instttu•
time oommenoing at 8.30 o'olook. The
Wesleyan Oollege and the McGill Uni.
verltty buildings will be thrown open for
inspection by the delegates]. At 4 80
o'olook addressee will be delivered in
Oonvooetion Hall by Prinoipal Peterson,
0. Mr G., W. Haaeao, President of the
Methodist Uuion, and the Revs. Dr. Oar.
man and Potts, At 6 15 refreshments
On Saturday September 22nd, the
delegates will be given a ride down the
St. Lawrence in the palatial steamer
Montreal. Invitations will be iesned to
delegates and their wivee or daughters
to members of the Sooiai Union with
their wives; to the Probeslaot Minietetlal
Association and to the hoete and hostess
who will entertain delegates daring the
oonferenoe. Wm. Hanson, President of
Union, bat genetoasly offered to defray
the coat of the boat, and the Soots' Union
will provide refrenbmeues. Is is expect.
ed that about seven hundred persona
will swept the invitation.
The Oontereuoe duties will require
between Iwo and three weeks to one.
The fraternal representative of the
Bribieb Wesleyan ohnroh to the general
Oooferenes of the Methodist church in
Montreal will be Rev. Samuel F. Collier,
Mr. Collier has been in charge of the
Onto! Wesleyan Mission in Blanchester
Eng., for many 'years, where he has had
almost unparalleled soonest. Hie San -
day evening eerviae in tbe Free Trade
Hall ie attended by wont is olaimed to
be the largest Methodist congregation in
the world.
till U !teat CHIMES.
Revs A. 0. Wiebarb, B. A., will preach
in Melville Moroi] next Sunday.
Maitland Presbytery will be held at
Molesworth on Tuesday, 18th inst., Dom•
menaiug at 10 a, m.
A modern end interesting program of
topics has been isaoed by the 0., X. P. A.
of St. John's church, Bromide.
The animal Harvest Home eervioee in
connection with St. John's church will
be held Sunday, September SOtb.
There will be High Maes and sermon
in the Cathode church, Braeeele, next
Sunday, Bept.18th, at 10. S0 a. m.
A hale of clothing, quilts, &a..bae been
forwarded by the Woman's Miseionary
Society of Melville church to the'North.
west. This is an annual effort of theirs.
Rev. G. W. Rivera, B. D., of Belgrave,
will preaoh in the Methodist ohuroh here
next Sabbath morning and evening. It
will be Oonoexional Fond Day. The
pastor will preaoh anniversary sermons
on Belgrave oirouit,
Two fine sermons were delivered by
Rev. Ezra G, Powell, last Sunday. The
question of "(Annie Union" wee the
theme in the morning and Paat'e state-
ment "Thio one thing I do," was the
eabjoot in the evening.
Rev. Mr. Mellen, of Fergie, 000upied
the pulpit in Melville chetah last Bab.
bath and preached two good discourses.
The morning subject was "The Feast
made for Jesus." He dealt with it along
the line of an eoroetio. OUR thoald
be a tenet of
The evening topic was "Christ walking
in the midst of the golden oandleebioke."
journey was about twenty-three and one
fifth miles.—A Sabbath day's journey
was about au English mile.—A orbit was
nearly twenty-five inobee.—A hand's]
breath was equal to Ibree and Ave -
eighths inobae.—A finger's breadth is
equal to one inob.—A shekel of salver was
about SOB.—A shekel of gold was $8.—A
Went of eilver was $688,88.--A piece of
silver, or a penny, wall 13 Dente.—A
farthing wet three oente.—A mite was
lees then a quarter of a cent —A gersb
was a oent.—An epah, or bath contains
waver] gallons and five pinbe.—A bin was
one gallon and two pinte.—A firkin was
seven pinta,—An omen was six pinta.
Sunday Ootober the 7th will be one.
vernary .day in oonneotiou with the
Methodist obarob. Rev. W. Smyth, of
Wiarton, a former highly esteemed
pastor will oocnpy the pulpit. In the
afternoon a Bally Dey eervioe .will be
held in Sabbath School. Monday even.
ing a moat interesting mtraioal end
literary program will be presented.
Addreeeee are expeobed from Rev. E. F.
Armetreng, B. D., of Ethel ; Rev. A. 0.
t A. of rneeele ; and ev.
-star B.BR
wi ,
W. Smyth, of Matto ; recitations by
Miens Nora Maunders and Minnie Mo.
Naughton ; maeioal seleotione by Plthel
Male Quartette, R, O. Devise and the
nbutob choir. No admieeioa• fee ,will be
charged es it ie expeobed that every
member of the congregation will be a
obeettul ooutribubor to the $1,200 to
wipe oat the aharoh debt on November
Paeeneeane OFHAnoN.—The Presley.
Wry met at Oliaton on the 4th day of
September, Commissioners to tlee A.
eembly reported their ellendarboe et
the Meeting of that court in Lon.
don in Jaue Net. The shouter brine.
neibled by the Werke of Assembly bo
Presbyteries], spooirying mattere to
which early atbtention should be
given woe taken np. The standing
orders were revised and amended.
Standing committee were appointed.
Rev. Mr. Gamble, agent of 'silos Lord'e
Day Alltanoe, wee present and ad•
dratted the ooart showing the errors
of the Seventh Day Adventieti tad
the neoeeeity of guarding against
them. Me. Martin was appointed to
deolere the charge or St. Andrew's
ohurob, Blyth, vaoant on the 11th of
November. Rev. Mr. Fletcher and
Dr. Stator() were appointed to ad.
dreee the moot meeting of the Women's
Foreign Mieoionecy Society in Brune.
field in November.
MAIzr,aND I''aEenYTEyIAD,—The eleventh
oouventton of the Young People's Soo.
ieliee of Maitland Presbytery will be bald
in the Presbyterian ohuroh at Moles.
worth, on Toerday, Sept. 18th, After-
noon and evening sessions will be held.
A good program bee been prepared.
The afternoon program will inolode
a talk on "Triomphe of Obrielian•
My" and "Japan ae it to To•day." An
address by Rev. A. MacNab, M, A., on
"Are we as Yong People Meeeuringnp
to oar Obligaiione." The priooipai
speaker lot the evening will be Rev.
Alfred Gaudier, B. D., of Toronto.
Matto will be tarnished for both sessions
by the Molesworth °bolt. Minitbere and
delegates will be met at Ethel at 7.25 a,
m, and 12 50 p. m. : Ilea at Gorrie (0. P.
R.) on arrival of morning train from
Wingham. The officers are patting forth
every effort to make this convention a
suoceee and ask all the young people of
the Presbytery to atteud.
annual Convention of the Winghsm
District Epworth League will be held in
the Methodist obarob, Gerrie, on Ootober
9th and 10th. A good program dealing
with Sonday Sobool and League topics
will be dismissed as follows :—Toeeday
morning — Devotional exercises, John
$err, Pree.; "Sabbath Sohoole and Mice
alone,' Rev. E. G. Powell, Brussels ; dis-
cussion ; appoiutment of Nominating
Committe ; "Evangelistic' work in 000•
neotion with the Sunday Sobool," Rev. J.
0. Pomeroy ; dieoueeion. Tuesday after-
noon—Devotional exeroisee, Rev. G. W.
Rivera, B. A., B. D. ; "The Organization
and Equipment of the Bible Class," W.
H. Kerr i discussion ; "The Preparation
and Teaching of the Lesson," Rev. T. W.
Blatobfotd, B. A. ; business ; "How to
interest the League more thoroughly in
the Forward Movement," Mre. Ham,
Luoknow ; "Tbe Ooneeoration Service,"
Rev, W. A. Findlay ; discussion. Tues.
day evening—Ohairmsn, Rev. R. Millyard,
Chairman of Dietriob ; song Bookie ;
introdnation of new President and Ex-
eontive 1 sddreas, Rev, H. Locke, Rio-
oardine ; addreee, Rev. W. G. Howson,
Wingbam. Wednesday morning—De-
votional exeroieee, Rev. Jae. Hussar; ton
minute papers by Epworth Leaguers :—
Praying, Misseeelay Reid ; Testifying,
John Colwell ; Singing, Mies Staplee ;
Preparing, Mrs. Findlay ; dieeneeiou;
"Are the Epworth Leagaere accomplish.
lag their designed purpose," Rev, W. A.
Smith, B. D. ; dismission ; ten minute
papers :—"ThSocial Department of the
League," Walter T. Hall ; "Tbe League
es an Evaogalietio Agency,' Rev. E. F.
Armstrong, B. A., B. D. ; dieonseion ;
°losing exeraieee.
Mrs. Louisa Smitb, of Sb. Thomas, at -
rested on a charge of murdering her
daughter's infant admitted having given
the ohild poison.
Riobard Ford, a respectable meohanoie
of Bowmanville, was waylaid an hie way
home and robbed, beaten and had hot bar
poured over him.
Ernest Han000k, Beams vine, was sun -
struck Tuesday afternoon while attend-
ing the Son's of England decoration at
Hamilton cemetery.
Rev. Dr. Harvey C. Moyer, Kingevillb,
Oat., has accepted au invitation to be.
coma pastor of the Oentral Methodist
Qhurab, Bt. Stoma'.
Robert Oliver, a prominent farmer, re-
siding near Bright, Ont. was killed by a
kink from a horse. Deemed was well
known in Liberal oiroles.
It ie reported at Brantford that J.
Brune Walker, emigration agent at Glue
gow, will probably emceed W, T. R.
Preston as agent at London,
Sir Thomas Bbanghneeey, Senator For-
get, Metiers. Angus, Osier and Mathews
leave to.day on an iuepeolion trip over
the 0. P. R, to Victoria 13. 0.
A.H. W. Ono, who has been appoint•
Superintendent of the Coining Depart•
went, ()Mews, branch, Royal Mint, ar.
rived in Ottawa from England. .o„ is
Prof. Prince, of Ottawa, Commissioner
of Fieberiee, has gone to Georgian Bay to
resume the inquiry into the flatteries
West ars tar es Sault Ste. Marie,
J. P. Taylor, aSonth African mernbant
wee iu Ottawa lest week, obtaining from
the fruit divieiou, Department o! Agri.
oniture, the name of promuent apple
growers and deniers. Hs is engaged It
baying stooks of fruit for shipment to
South Atticaand is pnrabaetng all
suitable ebipping varieties of botb Fall
and Winter apples, Mr. Taylor is only
buying the beet of stook as the SOU@b
Africao law regeedlog the admission of
dimmed or wormy fruit is very atria.
Fortune iu seneabionel garb,hes ohm e
to Lafayetee Goodnow, a farmer of
Thatnestord. By the death, of 'a million.
airs New York Miele he comae into te
Om of money approximating a million
dollars. Ids. Goodnow bne boo a roti•
dent of North Dorchester for men years,
es a tiller of the soil, living plainly but
comfortably, and while aware of his
nnole'e imtnease weelbb, bee been oat of
touch with him for tame time, and did
not expect to be made am heir. It is
Understood that Creme) million dollars
will be divided bottom lel,. GoOdnew
and a brother who resided alsewhere,