The Brussels Post, 1906-9-6, Page 51. Eu=p4.1a0=zttat=l-r3=t;:*ttwi, 111 Superior Soho! in oval regoot eadfiS // ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. 11 During July we bud Afty t11.000 US g many ealle for oilleci help us We heti Sr10111,440010)1,110 0114, Anil during Aug,. yt il uat WA nun eiguyov nieu tlielieli 0.04 uey. a This le the sehool that le conatautly “golog ahead,' aud not “atuadlug still" or ..baoklug up." Write ter beautifill catalogue, Now is the time to enter, it W. J, IS 41.,IOTT, Principal, Con, YON011.AND ATAXA10311.1( 1300. li Vs4.,=;7=k;',1C4Vt =.4.C:ZSB;42=glil MEDICAL CARDS. DE. R. A. •BURNS— __ Stteeelleoe to ?)Y. J. A. Illeaughlon Benetton', Ontario Graduate of Polyellnic Post Graduate School of Medielne and Sorgery, New York. Member of ()allege of Physiolaus mat our- geoua of Coterie. Office and realdenee same as formerly oe- copied by Dr. Mellaugh ton. Diseases of women apeolalty. ,Ptione No, Al. BUSINESS CARDS. -ANT H. IfoaRA.OKEN— Jaratist,%Isilr,'11,7srttglgetrftert AiSs017.7. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER Arm ISSUER as. MARRIAGE LICENSES Office In The Post Office, Ethel. MA 0. 0. V. Court Prieeelis Alexandria, No.21, 0.0. F., Brussels, meets In their Lodge Rooto, Sirup hill Bleak, on the Sud and last Tneedays of oath month, at o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. GEORGE KERR, O. It W. L. LEIATIINICDALS, 10, 8, JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Ineurance Company Office and Residence- WALTON, ONT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM' ItistisNek, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 141 B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. .1... • Ban, will sell for better prices, to better men, In lees time and less charges than any other Auetioneor in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this ofliee or by personal applioation. ROST. H. GARNISS B.LUSIVALB - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the office of Tan l'OBT, Brunel% 22t1 VETERINARY. A. CUNNINGHAM— kA • Honor Greduace of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, la prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals in a commit - sot manner. Partionler attention paid to Veterinary Deutiatry end Milk Fever. Calls promptly ata ended to. OMeo and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, trarnberry at., Brunets. mu AND CONVEYANCING. A B. MACDONALD- -ca.. I3arrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta, Suceeesor to O. F. Blair. Ofithe over Sten - darn Sank. Brussels, Solloitor for Metro- politan Beak, WM. $INOLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, ;Conveyancer, 0.144(121' Publio, &o. Office -Stewart% Bleak 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Sauk. pROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- - BARRISTER% SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, 10170, W, P110IIDF00T. IL O. B, 0, Ran G. F. ELAM Offieee--Those formerly occupied by MOSSX11 Cauteron Holt, ODI01U011, 01100310, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. PEILD. bitteeetaT G ;Initiate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeon° of Ontario and Firemolaes Honor Graduate of Toronto University, 011lee next to Brewer's Photograph liabery, BRIM:HMIS. Fall Term Opens Sept. 4 ejiii?)4adiCENTRAI. STRATFORD. ONT. IT Those Intareeted In Business College 1.1 Work Omni* write for alit lurge catta- illogite. Thla is the largest and beet Ooremorolal and Shorthand Wheel lu Wetitern Ontario, We give apraot1o1 training and aBalat 0110 graduefes to O refiponsible positiotm. Many of the leading BUS/11bn Colleges (Manley onr graditatee00 teaehere. Write mew tor ., 1.1 a free eatategue, ELLIOTT Jo titerda.011/sAle, 13 ' Principala CAN YOU AFFORD to 10080 the 01107100 0U have of getting a Photo of your Faintly, When they have eeparated and 11 1(1 impoaoible to gab them together you will be Wiellin you had one arid would pay twice Value if yott tumid but got a Photo. of your Family. Don't forget we are up -to -dote and will guarantee you a Firet-olase Photo. We have a full line of Mouldings and will Frame your P144210770 at a very elm pries. Cell and get our Priam Visitors to the town are invited to oaLI and eee our (00011,(00011, H. R. BREWER ilf)xanct gam LSI v Lts. Council meeting lest Tuesday evening The Blyth evaporator opened on Sep. camber 4th. The 38rd regiment bend has been engaged to furnish the ususio for Blyth Fain Joseph Carter was at the Toronto ex. hibitiou, exhibiting the Carter Automatics Boiler Cleaner. The O. P. R. oement gang have finish. ed their work here and went to Auburn to lay the foandatton for the station there. W. J. and Mrs. Andrew have the sympathy of their many frieuds in the death of their 11, mouth old daughter 011 Monday. The steam shovel is now situated and ot work ou Borth oreek, and 6 few weeks hence we muy 01113001 10 see the steel laid 0211 11100 our village. 3. H. Cameron, 00010(11011, of Toronto, and klise Laura Hotnoth, aoprano, of Winghtun, are among the talent engaged to take part ito Blytlo Fair immerse. Dr. J. B. Chartesseorth happened with a, pantiel accident on Monday afternoon of teat weak. Ile with Me wile and °had were driving ou Queen attest when, for 000.10 unknown reason, the horse started to Molt and taterwarde got free of the buggy, The doctor in getting out of the ouggy, reoeived 18 uraok whiob broke hie right turn between the wrist and the elbow. Mrs. Obarleasvorth and ohild escaped uninjured. If oll dyspepsia sufferers knew what Dr. Sboop'o Reetorative would do for them, Dyepepeia would praotioally be a babe of the past. Dr. Shoop'e Restora- tive resobee stomach troubles by its direst tonio notion upon the inside varves -the true stomach nerves. Stomach distress or wealtnesa, fudnese bloating, bolobing, etc. Cull for the Restorative. We recommend and sell Dr. Shoop's Restorative. F. R. Smith. odeiricte Oamerou ffilloran have been appoint. ad stationer', for the Sovereign Bauk, faorrish, the grocer, fell off his bicycle, the nnfortheate accident resulting in e aislooated shoutder. L. Levis has &tweeted the agency as travelling ealeaMan for the MoCernalak kite. Co., and 14 01001013 up hie office here. The County Model Sohool opened on Wednesday with the largest clams of e(710101114 the school lure bud tor many years. The town grader was taketo the EX hibition grounde on Tuesday of last week weere it wag started putting the grounds in order for the (tumble Fall Show. The oarpeutere have pieced the joists for the floor of the Baptist (thumb, and as soon ne suffiaieut brioks are ou the grated, the brioklayera will Mart on the Mre. Colin Campbell was in Toronto acting ae judge et the National Exhibi bon. She will be the lady judge emit by the Fran' Assoaietion Boit' week to judge at the Port Arthur Fair. The now lumber mill ie roofed in and the machinery ie being fixed inside in trick etyle making it look ae if the loge In the harbor will nearly all be turned into boards before the bee cornea this Winter. The G. T. R. hes bought the lobe, °or. nee of Emit street and kIeitland Road, from Dr. W. 3, R. Holmee. The Co. has meds the pnrohaae for the purpose of using the lot ass a freight depot, which change will o tuse many a 1080110210around the elation. Part of the office of the Western Can- ede Flour Mills Cumpany has been pulled down and men are digging out the track for the care) Buie 0140477213 the lent ot the aeotione of the Guelph and Goderiob R. IL The cement abonseute along the Lighthouse hill are being puebed ahead, o ie alt the work on this 0031100 betweee the 000014003' and the lake, including the depot building. Goa rirl aes John Estee left on Tneeday for the Soot to routine his teaohing duties. Rich. tdearath Wag in Bt. 120111103 taut weak attending the High Clout of the I. O.F. Liveryman Audition lute had hie bus waggon reptauted and a new top 13717 on it whioh add moat to its appearame, Mint Jennie Montgomery left on Tues. day afternoen of last week for Toronto where she win (47671 for a few weeks be. fore leaving for au extended visit to her brother at Denver; Col, L. C. Armetrong left on Monday for Lnoknow where he will manage the drug businees of hie tote nnole Harry Daps. Luokoow people will liol Len, a very 0080100118 and obliging young Mau and we have no doubt but he Will make many warm frieude in their town. She POISON Fon Cow. -On Monday evening of loot week some entwine and brainleee 0801410(0 pnt a package of parte green on the grass to the pasture field where George TOW4 peeturee hie oow and hotter no doubt with the intention of do. hog away with one 00 both of these 9111011410 eboind they partake of the pots 011. Whoever the misoreant le that ie eo 010811 au to attempt to do mob a daatardly aot ou 01)0 07 hie (0110W 0443X0011 0110110 bo found and 08(700871'verely puniehed. As ter as we have betted we were unaware that Mr, Town had any 00001100 in the 40400 AS he is always very oonrteons and obliging to hie fellow (shm is rts well as , to the travelling puha°, and we see no liAlligliiit:1=3i=latAllAJWIllit4W4 teapots why ally one ehould attempt to •-"-eveveteseeseesseteseefeeseseeselaves've-vteeevetieeme"...,-ereevseeavele..a.- , poison hie peer 41111114 11.ninan10 to get lion of the late John Elliott of the 'i'"" 0(40)1, 042137)000 uul'Howu 14000042 bud 14 14th ommeseion of Beet Wawanoth, elute ogoinet inns. Oo v may wish 114 011247 where he wee born and spent (surly y080& I Jgr, Town they lend this gouty party or 1 of hie lite, The &seemed had been fail poi boa and gimbal them to the I uil extent 1 ing for the past two years. of low, Ranging le far MO gaud for auy 000 in their right mind who would etoop 00 law 00 40 (le 0 deed of age kind, vv Mrs, If', 0, Bennett ie upending this week with Mende 101 Loodon, Dr, B. B. Tighee le welting hie Mater, klre, G. W. Aneu, of Illoksou. Jobe MoNell, of Waltoo, opera Sunday With his Water, kire. Thou, Clerk, Mee. 3, EL 912isertism, of Wyandot, nailed on :Made here on Tuesday, Hugh MoRots, of Derhern, spent a eouple of days with reletivee here, Widdes Jaakeen mid Wm, Mates, jr,, left on Friday of last week for the Wine. Mrs. Farrel, of Detroit, wee vielting et the home of her brother, W. Mater - mink. Mrs. Nit:thole= and 1004711140, oZ Blue• vale, also lama Oceans, ot Stratford, epent Sunday at the bathe ot Omens. Mies Phoebe Code hae returned home after enjoying her Summer mention with her sister, Mrs. D. W. Curtia, of 4141. Ino, Allah. lease Omens, of ?Aadloine Hat, loom. panted by hie mother, Mrs, If.eisabluteur, of Berlin, left on Wednesday tater a short visit wah Wench and relatives here, Hr. Omens wile onset a Trowbridge boy, end his many frieuda were delighted to see his famiriar feee, and to learn that he hae been eo m00E014818 lance settling in the West. Think of Dr. Shoop's (laterite ours if your 110110 and throat dieohargns-il your breath ie foul or feverieb. Thie snow white soothing beim atentatue Oil of Eueetyptuel Thyme!, Menthol, ate., in. oorporitted Hite an imported creamlike, velvety petrolatum. It 'soothes, heals, pariliee, oontrols. Call at our store fOr tree trial box. Sold by F. R. Smith. tet.tovwoorti. E ma Fall Fair, Tuesday and Weduee. slay, October 2ud and 3rd, Fame Fall Fair Concert will be held tine year under the diraot anepleee 01 100 Agricultural Society, Si. Ailitehell ie the proad poseeeser of exueptionally fine peeing stallion par chased in Wingitain. The animal is is usanty and no mistake. Pilule Id. MoOamue, of the Toronto College of Music, announces that she will be open to 0600100 applications for lessons in piano and theory. Pupils prepared for either College or Cou. aervalory 0104010. Samuel Watson has sold hie grocery end oonfectionary business to L. D, Stanley, of St. Thotnae, and will give up poseeselort 10 0.0011100 month's time. Mr. Watson will still oontinne Inv livery basi• nees to whicob he will give hie undivided ettention. Ed. A. Hemeworth, principal of Nor. wood Pnblie Sehool, Winnipeg Man., vent Sunday and Monday of last Week with the editor of The Bee. Mr. Hems- worth was at one time teaoher of S. 8. 170. 4, 8113 000., West, Here be Sthe very suociessful as a teacher. For nine years sr more be hae tatight unseal saeoesafelly varime parte of Manitoba. Rig many friends were pleased to welanne him to sue midst once more. WItutertsam.. Wingbatu Baidueee College opened on Pueeday of this week. With last week's isime the Wiugbano Adavoce enters ite 34th year. Gny Brothers ttlinatrelej have engaged the Wiaghttm opera house for the evening of Ootobor 29th. The moment matte around and in front of the new postoffioe have been oompleted end are well built. Mrs. T. Hall and daughter, Mies Edith, are on a visit to relatives In Minneapolis, Minn., and Plyr000th, Wisoonsin, George A. Phippen reoeived word from the Provinoial Seeretary'n Department at Toronto butt be hod been appointed a Provincial (locatable. A. band composed of five sbudente of RoMaster University, are led by W. A. Cameree, B, .A.., holding services' in the Baptist church at 11 a. m,, 3 Red 7 p. tn., and snob week night at 7.30, The Wok work on the new high school was completed on Tuesday of teat week. Oonaiderable of the lathiug has been done trod wortunen are now buoy putting on the tool, The oontraatore ave pushing the work &mtg. The Bishop of Huron has appointed Rev. J. O. PdoOntaketo, of Thorndale, 00 rector of Trinity ohurob, Birr, and St. George's church, London township. The Rev, gentleman is a eon of kir. OloOrook. en, of Whogim. During the early hours of Sunday morning,.23th ult., there passed away at his reeidernie on Victoria street, Wing - ham, one of the beet known and moat highly esteemed residents of thin section, We refer to the demise of 3, J. Elliott, V. S. The eubjeot of this cotters 40100 10 Mrs, liaudereon, of New Zealand le the gueet of kirs. W. 0, Kidd, Beth Arnold, of Wittleoe, threshed 900 boahele of barley out of 14 aortae, Mine V. Clayton, 13, A., left for Bed Deer, 41Ga., to take oharge of the public eolund there. J. B. Coombes, late of this teem, has been Appointed prloolpal ot the High School at South Qu'Appelle, Seek, itHey proe. have purohased an elevator in Stratford. Jas. F. Smith, 01 71188 oity, has been engaged to bay grain there for them, While riding a hero Rawest Vandriolt, aeoond son of Joeeph Vandrick, fell off And braise hie arm between the wrist and elbow, Norman Bamford, of the Standard staff, left thio week for Toronto where he has taken a position with the fdoLean Publishing Oo. A, F. MaoLaren, M. P., has generonely donated a eilver trophy worth 1350.00 for the beat team of roadster horses owned in the County of Perth, to be shown at the Pall Fair here, on September 26, Robt, Hutehfson, Custome offioer, le now enjoying bis aeoond orop of green peaa from the same groand thio Summer. After the tiro orop was need be dog up the tend and planted A ettoond orop about live waeke ago, and the prodnot has matured nicely. The Epworth League of the Dlethodiat cherub held their anniversary last Son. day. Rev. J. C. Seed, of the Nile, preached at both aervicee. Speoial muaio was furnished by the obolr. On Mouday, Sept. 8rd, a Boolel evening was held, at which Mr. Reed gave an addreee, Alex. Oreelmen, formerly a member of the Imperial Bank staff of Listowal, died in the Guelph hospital on Monday of last week. His death WAS due to ottnoer of the stomach. He wee very popular when in Liatowel, being prominent in society and sporting °bole% He was 24 aompartively young man, Mervyn Hay, formerly of Listowel, la having rather a bard siege with typoid in the Winnipeg Hospital. Word le reoeiv. ed from him by wire, every morning. Hie fine physical condition has counted strongly in his favor, and the deletion' have every hope of bringing him through safely. The maeon-work has been practically oompleted 00 7120 public library bnitding, and the oarpenter work will now be push. ed forward as rapidly as preesible. It will take about two weeks to complete the wood work for the roof when lbs alatera will be got to work at once. Ili is intended to have the plastering inside clone before the floors are laid se other. wise the plastering would be apt to In. jure the hardwood doom Piles positively oared with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. It's made for piles &toile, and it does the work to perfection. Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic. Sold by F. R. Smith. Se tato r tt. • There is practically a house famine in Seitforth. The cement wall of the W. R. Willis shoe factory was completed last week. Dr. Leo Killoran, 31. Miehael's Roe. pitui staff, Toronto, is home for a short vacation. Miss MOM Govenlooli left on Wed- nesday of last weals to spend a few days in Toronto previous to aeatuning her duties as teaoher in Mt. Allison Ladiee' Collage, Saokville, N B. E. Barnett drove a load of flak to the Swarth mill, which weighed 10,448 pounds. When we ooneider that this amount of flax wag gathered up and pitched on the wagon by S. Neely, while "Teddy" built it, all in the apace of si home from the time they left the tia they returned again, the p80. 1000110080 Hems marvadoue, while it at the eame time thews Mr. Bornett to be a good load builder. There are 899 volare on the Seater* voters' list. Of these 484 are entitled to vote at both Parliament and munioi• pal eleotions ; 286 at munioipal oleo. bone only, end 90 at Parliamentary eleotione only. There are, there- fore, 749 munioipal °looters end 558 Parliamentary electors. There are 246 eligible to serve as jarorat There ore 127 female voters, as follows :- Polling ebb division No 1, 47 ; No. 2, 145; Not 8, 20 ; No. 4, 7 ; No. 5, 28. The host day for lodging appeale against the list was Monday, September 8rd. Owing to ill health, Mr& Coulter, teacher in the primary department of the public aohool, hes tendered her reeigne. tion to the Board of Trustees, and it hag, with regret, been sowed. She hew been a meet etunmeaful teacher and in point of years of 0000100 lute a reoord that probably cannot be equalled in the 1 ant aMailffiENEW2ENEMENNati —at— BRUSSELS EVAPORATOR On and after the 6th of Septem- ber 20 cents per bag will be paid for all good paring Apples deliv. ered at the Factory, No Small or Soft Apples will be taken. J. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor ill Bread and Butter 411 Education Bushman looneee have, tine pest Year, 10200,10 11313 TURES es many domande uncle us for Yining ladies and geotlemen who are thorough. ly grounded in buelnese elplee, Ian We have had students to Bend, Wmgham COLLEGE ''Affiliated with Clinton Business Oolloge," OPENS SEPT, am, Write for particulars to GEO. SPOTTON, Principal • • GRAIN CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming community that they are now ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and Crushing at lowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and. Ontario Flour, Bran, Shorts, &a., always in stock and sold at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. 14E11 at Electric Light Building. county, having taught in the Seaforth school for 25 continuous years. Miss Bethune hae been appointed Mre, Ooolter'e sucennwor in the primary de- partment and will be in *barge when 'Moot opens. Seaford] Collegiate Institute mile oaptured two sabolarshipe at the 060001 Matriculation Examinations, H. F. Johnston bad the unique distinotien of winning no lase than five scholarship. He stood first in Mathematics, first in tlathematios and Classics, mond in Soignee, second in Science and Matbema. ties and mond in General Profioienoy, ooming only a few marks ebort of 11 e Prince of Wales sehoiarehip in Generai Proficiency won by Mies Carrie Height in 1904. As only one of these five soholar. ehips ie tenable by the one ottedidate, Ur. Johoetoo was awarded the one of the highest merit, viz, the Edward Blake Sobolarehip in Mathematics and OlAssios, value $204. Mies Mary Gillespie won the second Edward Blake eoholarehip in Mathematics, value $188. Both these studeets will enter the Univeroily this Pall and their Seatorth friends coufidently exposit great things from them. Ithenmetiem is not inourable. Stub- born ? Yee 1 Bet Dr. Shoop's Rhenium tio Remedy will it faithfully used drive it 01113 of the system. Ito the blood thet's at fault. Poisonous crystals like ;nand get into the joints and emotes. Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy prevente this. It drives Rhenneetism from the blood and then Rheumatism diem. Wo recommend and aell it. F. R. Smith. 011utorte W. Graham starts this week to look after the beet root barveet. The annual tournament of the Clinton Dun Club, will be held on Ootober 9th and 10th. A. movement ia on foot for the forma. tion of &Poultry Association for Clinton and dietriat, Arthur Gandy, while playing football, fell down and out hie lett leg to the bone on a tin can. He had several etitohee put in. Dr. Agnew expecte to leave for the West this week, but will be home again before Christmas, as the family will remain here. The Home Oitole inenranee of $8000 on the life of the late Richard Irwin was paid within oue week efter the papers were completed. The time tor receiving appeale against the voters list expired ou Monday of last week and 81 wets entered by the Liberals and 29 by the Ooneervativee. Jamb Miller was lo Goderiob, London and other please repairing water tanks for the G. '2, R. kb e le not likely to retain the position AS he can do better at home. Mimi Dell O'Neil left for Pallysebou thin week, where she takes charge of the second department of the Publto &hoot, the salary indmement being greater than ebe was getting. The many friends of C. McKinnon will be glad to know that he ie recovering from his Moose, though not able yet to get 09, 18 may be some time before he can be able to take up hie Reboot work. J. E, Blaokall, of Hensall, formerly of Clinton, sold hie hotel to a Me. Fitz. patrioli, of London, He purposes going to Mimonton, He hae 11241 ao illberent 70 O hotel at Winnipeg slue the let of January hot, Thomas Warwiak died at the Home of Maga, on Tueeday ot last Week at the ago of 97, he WAS formerly a resident of town, but lived for many years in Iluliett before omaiug to town. Senile dutay or old lige as the muse of hie death. The cement walk in front of the Nor. mandie block hits been raided some six or eight inohes. Several of the blottlit whieh were broken during the fire whiob destroyed the 011 Clarendon, have had to be replaoed. The work bas ;reproved the appearonoe of the property. For Borne time negottatione have been going on between the Marion Manufaetrir. ing Co,, Of Marion Obio, and the Clinton Thresher Co„ Ltd., with the view of amalgamation and a large investment of oopital in the Clinton Threehee Co., by the Anterioane, Who wish to establish in Ottuada Jae, Beatable, of Marion, and tootoweetattoteww.OfeerhAtYWWW~O~AgeeA04 New Firm D. WALKER AND M.BLAOK have formed. a co -partnership, to be known as Walker & Black, and will:carry on &Mom' Furniture a n d --"6/8/ir Undertaking Business IN THE LECKIE BLOCK Their stock of Furniture, Undertaking Goods and Musical Instruments is new from the Factories; hae been bought for cash and will be sold at Reasonable Prices. MR. CHAS. FORSTER, an experienced Undertaker and Upholsterer, will ;mist in the business. Picture Framing a Specialty. They hope by strict attention to business, square and honorable dealing with their Cus- tomers to merit a share of the public patron- age. Night and Sunda; calls will be promptly attended at David Walker's residence, North of bridge, Turnberry etreet. MLR & , ,,, v1 I ,i ,r.' LICK Brisca, of Detroit, came here for the purpose of looking into the matter, and had a long interview with the manager and Dome of the Direotore of the Clinton Company. E. Adame, who baa been employed with Mr. Hanyar, Jeweller, for some time, hoe gone to spend a week at the home of his father, J. 0, Adams, Londee- bore, before going to Toronto. Be leavee for the city early in September, and will spend two mire in the Vilatehmakers' Training °oboe( in that (AV. LANDS FOR SALE FOR TAXES. Notice is hereby given that a list of the lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared and that oordea thereof may be had at this oMee, and that the list is being published in the Ontario Gasette, in tie iseuee at 11110080 18812 and 00012. and Septem- ber 10t and Sth, NOG. And that in default of payment of the taxes and sesta the lands will he sold at the Court House the Town of Goderiob,ou Tuesday, the ath day of De- cember, at 2 &Meek in the afternoon. 13-3m WM. HOLMES, County o/ Huron, Treaeurer. Treasurer's Office, Goderiob, Aug. 10,1900. summsonninems 1 The Exhibition That Made An ideal occasion for a family outing. Fall Fairs Famous Daily ascensions of a navigable airship, always under 1 perfect control. The most wonderful invention of the age. Royal Venetian Band, the most celebrated European musical organization, under the great leader, Victor, will give Concerts daily. girls.Fireworks on a more magnificent and imposing scale, picturing the great Carnival of Venice. Many splendid educational features for the boys and Western Fair {W. J.REID, President. For information write A.. M. HUNT, Secretary. LOND 1St SEPT. 7-15, 1906 11,1••••••••••• HARVEST in Manitoba $1 2 Gginog $1 8Reft°;11 t tr and GOING DATES— # Saskatchewan SEPTSEPl... including Termite. SEPTStations south of, but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia. Maio lino Toronto to Sarnia and Stations north, except north of Cardwell Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. SEPT. g From all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and aniCidngsmtoidnia,namdd Dnivoirstihonosf. Toronto and Cardwell junction on North Bay Onto way second clams tickets wilt be Bold to WINNIPEG only., • Representative ferment, appointed by Manitoba and Saidvatobowan Gevernmenta, *filmed 14,13007870 011 01101,0.1 at WitiDipeg _ Free trenspertation Will be turnitheent Winnipeg. to Pointe Where laborers twe needed. .6.0ertideitte 10 furnished when each tickatie pnrobased, and this tiertilloate, When fixes/Utast _ bzgyorfarrn. sotehr: elhaatoWinir that laborer has Worked thirty days 00 80000, will bo honored front thht point for a adcOnd class ticket back 1.0 starting point in °Morton at $18.00, prier to Teaketo wffi be hewed to wanton Se well all tO Men, but will not be lamed at half faro to ohildren. Tickets aro goo4 37817 0(1 apeetai Farm Labororo' mine. Por full partionlare 000 710080004 C.P.R. Helot &goat, er Write 0, 11, Poster, D.o',.&, 0,P.B., Toronto. ..,