The Brussels Post, 1906-9-6, Page 1Vol.. 38. No. 9
New Advertisements.
Purse foal—Tor, PONT,
Ten—R, 0. Davide & Go,
Steer strayed—Jacob Ziegler.
Bargain List—Molaity & Shaw,
Harvesters' exoureion-0, P. R.
Property for sale—M. Reymann,
A superior eohool—Elliott Bue.Oollege,
ipisfritt Rays.
Towifsnir Oouxom,—Oounail met at
Oommeroial Hotel, Seaforth, on August
21st with all the members peanut,
Minutes of previous meeting read and
aooepted. On petition of the Council the
Railway Municipal Board have given
liberty to the Oonnoil to use $3582.00 of
our Muninipai Loan Fend for building
bridges within the township. P, Pigeon
was notified to resume work on the Win•
throp drain on or before the•let Sept. or
the oontraot will be relet, Portree in,
terested io the Barron drain were notili
ed to meet at Winthrop on Sept. 4th. at
5 o'olook p, m, to settle the method of
raising the additional amount required
for oompletiog this drain. Aeaoaute to
the amount of 93489.42 were pneeed mud
ordered to bo paid, The Olerk was re
(paired to draft a By-law for levying and
oolleoting the different rotas of the totem
ehip, The County rate is 2 16 mills o0
the $, The Township rate and the
gooeral Public Sohool rale 1822 mille on
the 1, The notion ranee for Publio
Schools whit be less this year than ueual,
Tho total Townehip Aeoeeement is
92,234,450 and the Public Sobool Aeoose•
went is $1,877,200. The general Publio
School rate ie 83,420.23. Next meeting of
Council at Leadbury on Sept, 12th at 1
o'olook p. m. M. Murmra, Olerk,
Mrs. Rivera in at present vioiting her
sou, Rev. G. W. Rivers, 13, 0,
Master Stanley Olerke has gone to
Winabam to learn the upholstering in
Walker & Oiegg's factory.
Mise Mabel Taylor, of Paris, who has
been visiting her uncle, Reeve Taylor,
of Morrie, hue returned to her home.
On Saturday morning Tboe, Brydges'
barn, near Belgrave station, wan totally
destroyed by lire when just oommenoing
to thresh, The Douse of the &re is a
mystery as it was a calm morning. The
separator, owned by Mr. Shoebottone,
wan also burned. The whole season's
crop was burned and a few implements.
Fortunately there was no stook in the
stables excepting poultry. Fire went
Fence Wire Wire Nails
6000 lbs. Diamond Brand, Cleve-
land, High -carbon, hard steel
spring wire, at 92.50 for balance
of August.
A large and well assorted stook
ranging from half inch to seven
inches. During the balance of
August these Nails will be offer-
ed at a new Rook Bottom Price,
Aluminum Cooking 'Utensils the Bost
W' 1—They are light, bright, pure and wholesome. 2—No enamel
j Jl jr or plating to wear off, 3—They will not burn nor eooroh the
food. 4—They do not cootai0 the poieonoue substances fouud iu iron, copper and
enameled ware. 5—No joints, seams or solder to leak and give trouble,
GUNSf 1 NCI Better Valne in Guns than ever,
Do You Dri.n.k Tea P
We Have Exceptional Value
at 4 Lbs. for $1.00
or 10 Lbs. for 2.40
Ask for a Sample and be convinc-
ed that this is the
T VALUE that has ever
been i -
your home.
,a.a00,dnPUrt,yde,nt01,04 hN'N'ti0041III00004,01,01101,0lPhl11,01, sli
with a great sweep and otarted at the
Booth oorner of the barn. Tbo machine
had been threshing there tbe day before,
^t,#e•, Brydges had 91500 ineurenon we nn•
demand in the Howlett Mutual. It will
not any way nearly meet his lose. He
will not rebuild thio Fall but will fit up a
amall building for otabling purpose.
000, David, who hoe been section fore-
man ea Belgrave for a Dumber ot yeure,
ie removing to Beneall, Mr, and Mrs,
David have many friends in Belgrave
who will be Berry to hear of their re.
movah, Mr. Stonehenge le mentioned all
hie sooner here.
Ca- tan b ro olc,
The Mines Switzer visited with Ford
wish friends over Sunday,
Ras, Porter entertained a few of of hie
frionde at hie home Monday evening,
Mies Lib. McLachlan, of Sydney, 0,
B., ie home for a few months' botiday,
Athol McQnarrin was holidaying in
Kinaardiue vicinity during the past week.
Mies Tesobe Switzer has been re-engag.
ed all teacher in S. le. No„ 4, Mina, at a
eatery of 9500.
Bob. MoDonald and Will, Forrest en.
joyed their trip 'L'huroday oveuing. They
think it le a good bueineee.
Con, and Mre. Raddetz and family,
of Detroit, are here visiting the former'ai
mother, who is in poor health.
Rue. Porter, who has been clerking to
A. MaDanald'e store until recently, went
to Brueeele this week where be has
eeoured a position io A, Btraoha❑'s store.
We wish him success,
Jeeneetatowon .
The ride' ie
b tg finished and a
g good job
Walter McMillan, of Palmerston, i0
visiting at James Straohan'e,
Daum Kate lleudeeeon, of Galt, spent
Labor Day with her main, Min Jessie
Mies L. E. Strooban, a000mpanbed by
her brother, John T„ spent a few day!
last week visiting friends io Pine River
and Hinoardioo, Miee Strachan will
aontinue there for two or three weeks.
J. E. Ooombee, who recently sold his
grocery bueineee iu Lieiowel to Jamee
Turnbull, has gone to South Qui Appelle,
N. W. T., where he,hae accepted of an
eugegomeut an teaoher in the Public
Sohool• Mr. Ooombee hae had splendid
somas in teaching.
buccmeenoL.—A most pleasing and
profitable time was !pont at the Christ.
Jan Endeavor Social, at John Straohan'e
on Thnroday evening, Aug, 30th. The
large bones and commodious groonde
looked beautiful lit up with an excellent
display of Chinn Inoterne. The night
was ideal ; the loge audience orderly and
attentive. The abairmau, Rev. A. 0.
Wishart, along with Rev, Mr. Perrin, of
Wroxeter, gave most praotioal and in.
tereoting addreesea, while an excellent
program was presented. Amoug thine
contributing iu the instrumental line
were H. L. Jackeoo, W. Grifittb, Lorne
Danford, and Misses Jessie and Jean
MoLeuohlin. Pleasing reading. and
reoitatione were given by Blies McNaugh-
ton and Mine Buchanan. In the vocal
line, were Peroy Richards, J, lilabkirk and
John T. Strachan. G. A, Dendman gave
a abort address, after wbiob,the National
Anthem wan given, and the enjoyable
evening mane to a close, The proceeds 1
will be devoted to the intonate of the {
Wr(exec ee .
Mies May Perrin ie on the eiok flet this
N. 1. Robiueon ie a visitor in Oakville
and Toronto tale week,
Mre. Cooper, of Ielbngton, visited last
week with her father, John Gotten.
Min Lulu Rutherford left for Brussels
thie week where she will attend school.
Jae. and Mre. Ballantyne spent Sunday
with the latter's parents near Trowbridge.
Go, Oounoillor Robert Millar, of 'Toxon•
to Junction, wan iu the village Labor
Mre, Boehler, of Ayton, visited over the
holiday with her sister, Mrs. A. H.
Mee. Heine, of Gerrie, in a visitor at
the home of her daughter, Mre. W, I.
Mrs. W, S. Malieoeher returned from
it two months' visit to the West 00
Mies Beatrice Howe left for Mount
Forest ou Wednesday where she will
offend the Model oboe!.
There will be no Star published thin
week. Editor Carr is enjoying a few
holidays with Toronto relatives.
Principal Dobson and Mies Henry
returned from their holidays ou Monday,
for the re opening of eohool ou Tuesday,
The W. F. M.S., ot the Presbyterian
chnroh, will hold their auuaal tea in the
basement of the oburob on Tbureday,
Sept. 13th, Mies Bette, of Teeewaber,
will give au address,
Charles Ewing, of Teeewater, wan in
the village last week winning taking
stook for Munroe & Fr•enah who have
dieeolved parinorstep. Mr. Munroe will
continue the business,
Some of those who attended the Toros.
to exhibition during the past week are
D. Fieober, J. 32. Wendt, R. Harron, 0.
Beige, Ray Oarr, S, MoXernber, R.
Hamilton, Misaee 3, Miller, J. Davideon,
141. Pantie, L, Morrison and Ada Morri•
Mull nytnpathy ie extended to Scott
and Mre. Black in the death of their
infant eon which occurred in London on
Wednesday last, atter a few days' Kinase.
The funeral took place here on Friday
afternoon from the reeidonoe of Robert
Blank. Rev. L. Perrin aonduoted the
Rev, 0, V. Tine DnAD,—Tho following 1
natio refers to the Rev, Mr, Laine who
wan pastor of the Methodist oharob hero
a few pure ago .—E rl
y Monday neon.
t the ing of last weelr
a Toronto
Hospital, the Rev. 0, V. Lake, a super,
omitted mbnieter of the Loudon Confer.
eno0, passed over to the majority, Mr,
Inks had been in ill health for some
time, and had just returned from the
Went,whither a had b d gone in aeacoh of
healt. 00 wan seventy five years of age
For the pant Live yore be had resided at
Daveoporb, near Toronto, Mr, Lake en•
tared the ministry of the Methodist
Episcopal Churob in 1860, though he was
ordained by the Wesleyan body in 1871,
Since Union he hoe served io the 'noon.
to, the old Guelpb, mud the London Oen.
ferenoee. He accepted a eaperannuated
relation in 1001. Be wee an earueet
preacher, a epiritnally minded men, and
a ouaoeesful laborer in his Master's vine,
Molesworth locality hue been blessed
with a bountiful harvest this year and
the people are, or should be happy.
We are pleased to bear that the obnroh
work at Maxwell, Ont., under the eager•
intendenoy of Bev. George Ballantyne,
formerly Presbyterian mitioter in Moles-
worth, is making good progress. The
contributions to salary alone has increas-
ed 9140.09 in a little over a year, and the
additions to the church have been num•
Mies Mabel Stafford has returned home
trona St, Bleep,
Alex. Gardiner sailed last week for
Glasgow with two ear load of grass
A number from the Leadbury line
were taking in the Toronto Fair and
other sights in the city,
Jas. Mowbray has pawed one of hie
celebrated eelfteodere ou the separator
of Dennie Bro., and it is giving the
beet of natietaobion.
Jae. Brown, of Cromarty, was visit.
ing lot week in this vicinity• Mr.
Brown was a resident in this locality
but ie store keeping in his new home.
W al ton.
John Ryan i0 seriously ill with appen.
The frame of the ohopping mill wee
raised during the poet week.
The heading mill ie commencing the
turning of this season's stook,
The pine lumber for the new depot
wad bawled last week and oonetruotion
is in progree,
W. G. Neal has returned from an
enjoyable trip through the U. S. and
the Canadian West.
The Ladies' Guild of St. George'e
oharoh held their regular meeting at
W. 11. Sboldioe'e on Wedueaday.
The concrete work of E. MoLaaghlin'e
new etore is completed, and makes a
beautiful end imposing building.
J. W. Morrison has disposed of tie
hoagie and lot in the village to E. S.
Hoard, hilrnesemaker. It pays to ad.
vertise in THE POST,
Fred, Phillipe, who halt been on the
G. & G. R. rebuff, here, returned to Sea -
forth on Tuesday. The work on this
division of the line is almoat completed.
Mrs. Joseph Bennett wall the hostage
of a email At Home given at her reel.
donee on Friday evening, A moat enjoy.',
able time was spent byall in games mud
other eoobal amusements, but BLIT lays
the "Dutch aompanie was the beet nom.
• Ethel.
Houses are very scarce an tar ae rent.
fug is concerned.
The reoidenoe of D. Milne is being en.
larged and improved.
A large number from this looality are
attending Toronto Fair.
A large pinto party from Atwood was
in the grove here on Labor Day.
Mre. Wm, Slemmon and son, Melvin,
were visiting friends hi St. Marys Inst
Mies Alice Thomson, of Brueeele,
visited MISS Edith Freeman here for
eeveral days during the peat week.
Mine Lida MoOallam and Mise Sbao•
non spent last Sunday and Labor Day
with the former's relatives in Winthrop
and Seaforth,
A11 the township bridges, 7 in all,
built this year are oompleted and the ap.
proaohee to the teat tour will be flniehed
in a week or so.
Au operation was performed on David
Carson, lot 33, eon. 7, for appendioitie
recently be is making favorable progrees
we are pleased to state.
POM EES be inereaeing in the Bank of
Hamilton, Ethel, and on and after
Sept. 100h they will be open in Ethel
three days a week, Monday, Wedueaday
and Friday.
A good working horse belonging to
Peter Hefter, West of Ethel, had a hind
to broken eu
Deed byk'
a ink from
g PP
another beast. Mr. Hoffer, very
reluctantly, pot the animal out ot pain
by shooting it.
Last Mnndny afternoon Rev, Mr,
Armetrong in the abeenee of Rev. E, G,
Powell, took charge of the funeral of the
little grand-oh/1d of Wm. Hbog, who died
last Sunday at Brussels, Interment was
made at Brussels cemetery,
An arbitration dispute over the sale of
cheese will take plaoe under the rote of
the Lletowel Dairymen!' Exchange in
the board room at 9.30 a. m. next fair
day, Sept., 7th. The oomplaint was laid
by John Brown, of Ethel factory, elaim•
ing 930.81 against 0, W. Riley, of Ingot -
soil, for not taking delivery of some July
Miss Olive liayoard and Mise Mamie
Haneuld spent Labor Day in Belmore
tvhere Miee Raynard sang et a obnroh
entertainment held there. The above
youug lady is one of our oomiug elegem
having a beabiful soprano voice. She
aleo led the ohoir in the Melbodbet oharah
here toot Sunday evening in the absence
of the leader and sang a duet with Mise
Mason whish was well received by the
large nongregation prawn,
SAD Sb:onx,—The lame of the nee in
the recent fatal aooident whioh betel
Lawkon MoAllieter in their oewmili on
Oocltburn Island are earl in the extreme,
a rano.
It a en
rs he was substituting itatiu for a hand
who had gone ho the Fair and while at.
emptbng to pat It belt ou a pulley in the
basement it le supposed hie goat ought
and he woe whirled rotted the abaft with
imoet lightning speed, hie body being
errb Iy
Mutilated. ahed Death
no dna t
[most instantaneous. He wan alone in
and ie survived by it widow cad two eons, 1 that part of the mill at the time,
Boa or Haazro.rocr Booth Plazas.— Rothsay Prince, owned by F. Embnry to
The manager of the Bank of Hamilton E, Swbth, 881 line, Grey, for 984 00, It
here ham donated 96,00 for two prizes in pays to keep it good brood mare,
cnnnootion with East Huron Fell Fair,
$3,00 will go for beet Shorthorn ow, Dalt
yearling and 2 year old, either eex, and
the other $3 00 for beet Shorthorn ball
and 4 of hie progeny under 12 menthe,
This ie good and will stir op a lively in..
tercet among the etoakmen,
Mies Minuie 0ameron is holidaying in
Mre, Marsden Smith is visiting ber
dtughter in Toronto,
The next meeting of the townabip
Council will be held on Monday 2411
Owing to the dry spell Fall ploughing
tae beeu going rather tough in some
Io the Southerly section of the town•
ekip people begin to look for the Doming
of the new 0. P. R.
Moanrieff io looking toward the East
to oatah a glimpse of the headlight of
the new C. P, R. engine,
Mise 0, Milligan, teeoher of S. S. No.
3, Morrie, wan the guest of Miee Jean
Bawtiubireer over Sunday and Labor
Mise Martha Smith, aoaompaoied by
her cousin, Mre. Greenway, and eon were
vioiting relatives in Toronto during the
past week.
Mre. G. 0. Bawtinhimer returned
home last Monday from a two months'
trip visiting friends in Alberta, Manitoba
and Toronto,
Preparations are being made for the
Ha vest Dome anniversary in
animation with Rona oboreh ot which
Lull particulars will be given later.
David Shiel, merchant at Monorieff,
has been an the eiok lint with append/nine
and woe operated upon recently and le re.
covering nicely we are glad to know.
Bneioese ie inoreaeing in the Bank of
Hamilton, Ethel, and on and after Sept,
10th they will be open in Ethel tbree
days a week, Monday, Wednesday and
Friday of this week Geo, Willits, who
Ins been employed by Eli Smith this
Summer, intende leaving for the North.
west wbere he hopee to pada hie way.
Be io a steady young man and we wish
him enocese.
Monday of this week Mise Stella Mo.
Qoarrie left for Seafortb where she will
attend the Collegiate. Mina Stella is a
Meyer girl, who has swept all before her
in former examinations end she will give
a good account of herself at Seaforth.
Quite a number of Grey township
farmers bave their eyes on the Standard
Bank special prize for beet roadster,
We have also some who figure on tbat
Byrbe silver medal for beet heavy draft
team. nemesia Fall Fair will Bee a
bigger crowd than ever from Grey.
Watch out for no.
Joe Shaw had another operation on
kis left hand Tuesday afternoon when
pie disabled finger was taken off at the
second joint. The end of the finger was
practically useless Bo be decided to have
it removed. Joe ie good etmif and in
getting along all right and wilt soon be
an well as ever we trust.
Threehiog is going to be over early.
25o. in advance,eeoaree Tse POST for
the balance of 1906.
The Fall Faire are calling on the Wen.
tion of the pi ople of Morrie.
Township Council will meet for the
dispatab of bneinene next Monday in the
Looal Option oomoe in for a little die•
ouneion owing to a rumor that a vote will
be taken in Morrie.
Dr, Mary I, Findlater, of Boston,
Mass., ie visiting with her pante, W.
and Mre, Findlater, god line.
A noticeable improvement at the farm
of Chae. Taylor, 981 lice, is a new
wire fenoe aoroso the front of the pleas•
The Ellison Drelo By•Law will be
dealt with by the Township Connell on
October 15th it there are any appeals.
Mr, Taylor, of Hanna, accompanied by
hie wife and °hearse, is visiting at the
home of his brother, W, J. Taylor, in
John Ooloiongb, of Morrie, met with a
paiolul aooident recently. He jumped
off the beam of the barn on to a fork
handle, and will be laid tap for some
W. 0. and Mao. Stretbon, of Ohio, are
visiting relativee in Morrie and Brunetti.
Mr, Stratton is a brother to Mrs. Jo.
Mooney, 501 line, and Jas. Stratton, of
Mre. W. D. Coseley, late of Stratford,
is visiting under the parental roof. Mr,
Cooley has taken a position ae maohiniet
aE Medioine Hat, Man. Mrs. Coseley is
a daughter of John and Mre. Manning,
She will go West later.
The flue Prize list of East Huron
Fall Fair, 001. 4 and 5, le receiving
oensiderable attention by Morrieltea
and your correspondent loose bie geese
if a bigger erring of red tickets don't
dome Morrie way than aver,
Sunday evening au elm tree near
Frank Martin's residence, 501 line, wile
atraobe by lightning and the window
glass suffered in the booss by the !book.
Fortunately no oerione damage was done.
It was getting close enough however,
Miss Mary Kernaghan, formerly of
this township, who hae resided in Strat.
ford for some years, limo gone to Toronto
where the baertaken a situation as steno.
grapher with the Staunton firm. The
young Lady has become an expert at the
work and her old Mende here wiob her
great soon
Reeve Taylor will geek re•eleatbon et
the coming llfonioipel election and will
probably enure the seat by amolamation
after having fought it out last Jennary.
TIerobabilbt is the I o
P y
whole Connell will
go in without opposition as they ey are
managing the business carefully and
00onomioally as far ae the writer in
Ohne. Tnrvey, let line, disposed of hie
snaking Dolt, 8 months old aired by
Sunlight, to be delivered at live mouton
old to W. Silbib, of East Wawaaooh, for
$95.00, fie also sold into year's Bolt 10
months' old from the emu mare eared by
Mre. Walter Smith hon been quite i11,
W. H, McCracken is doing the Queen
forthMre,, A. T. Carrie is visiting at Sea.
George Brewer ie visiting relatives at
Alf, Denny has returned to hie home
at Buffalo,
Mies Bertha Sharp ie enjoying an out
Ing in Toronto,
Poetmttetee Farrow woe in Toronto
for a few dace.
Bmrrleter Sinclair wan in Goderioh
last Friday and Saturday,
Mrs. Wateou Ainlay is making a visit
in the Provincial capital.
W. M. Sinclair made a visit to Tor-
onto title week on legal business.
Homer Barrett, of Wingham, wan
holidaying in town with relatives.
Ira Parker. of Wingbam, was In town
for a few days calling on old friends.
B. and Mre. Gerry are taking a holiday
and are visiting relatives in Toronto.
Mise Hate Wilson spent Labor Day
with Moorefield and Drayton friends.
R. 3, Pollard and bride were visitors
with M, and Mre. Me0aalay in town.
Minn May sod Alberta $eonedy, of
Blyth, are visiting relatives in Brunie.
Joe, Hunter combined bueineee and
pleasure in a trip to Brantford and Tor•
Doa lee werevisiting g v ng at Guelph
and Mre, Douglas at Evora and Har•
S, T. Plum and family visited Blyth
and Goderioh during the Labor Day
Mise Elsie Strachan was the guest 01
Mrs, Walter Innen, at Moorefield on
DayJeoole Elliott, tae gone to Sem
forth where she will parole ber studies
at the Oollegiate.
Mre. A. Carrie, John street, goes to
London o0 Saturday to take in the Fair
and visit relativee,
Mrs. A. M, MoKey, Mise Olga and
Master Freddie were visitors with Ghee.
ley relatives this week.
W. J. Fawcett, Manager of the Me.
tropolitan Beek, Brussels, was in Tor•
onto thio week on a bueineso trip.
James Cooper and family, formerly of
Brunets, are now residents of Seaforth
having moved there from Wingbam.
Mies Flo. Baobanan left on Monday
to resume her donee as eohool teacher at
Winona, Out„ alter an enjoyable vacation
Rae. Brown went to Goderioh last
Monday to midst Blyth Baee Ball team
in a game with tae Co. town willow
S. Y. and Mre. Taylor, of Paris, were
visiting at the latter's parental home,
Geo, Crooke' Queen street, during the
past week.
Mae. J. 3, Gilpin arrived home last
week from an extended visit with her son
Dr. Gilpin and his wife at Michigan
Oity, Illinois.
Mre. Harold Creighton left Wednesday
morning far Toronto where the will
visit prior to returning to her home in
Mre. Wm, Cameron and daughter
bave returned home from an enjoyable
visit 'with relatives and Irieode at Toron•
o and locality.
Mrs• Patience and ber denghter, Mrs.
Smith, of Sparta, Elgin Go., were visitors
t John Hunter's. Min. Patience and
he hostess are eiders.
Fred. MoOrackon and Will. Griffith
were holidaying at Toronto and Rooh•
star, N. 7., during the past week.
They bad a tine time.
Mre. Jack, of Barton, and Mre. Neook•
r, of Drayton, and her daughters Eloise
nd Doris, bave been the gneete o! Mrs.
W. A. Grewar, Queen street.
J. F, Rowland, of the Standard Bank,
e home from a holiday trip Dot. Mre.
owlaod and daughter are extending
heir visit a few weeks longer.
Mica Mary Roes returned home Mon-
ey trona Mitchell, where she visited
fee Lottie Hoenig. Mr, Koenig hoe
ought a hardware stook in Paris and
he family will move there.
Walter Williamson gave one of hie
noes a bad wrench while playing football
t Blyth last Friday evening and walks
ith a well defined limp. We hope he
ill soon be as spry SS ever.
Mre. R. Toon
bas, of Toronto ; Mre,
ay, of Gerrie ; and Mre. L. Frain, of
ray, were visitors at Jae. Sharp's. The
rot and second are sisters of Mre. Sharp
nd the latter a eieler•in•law,
Mre. Fannon and Mine Ella, who have
eon at Bernie, purpose removing to
nettle, Washington, in the near feture.
heir old friends at Brunie and locality
bib them happiness and prosperity.
Mies Hattie Downing lett for Leaning.
n on Saturday morning where she has
ken a position on the teaching stuff of
e Publio School in tbat town. We
ieh her a pleasant May in the lakeside
w n.
Mrs. M. Dennioou, formerly of Bras.
Is, writing from Vancouver on Aag,
27 !n
!aye The weather Ina been grand
tely and givee the farmers golden
portanitiee as crepe are reported very
avy, especially oats.
Loot Monday Rev. A. 0. Wishart, B.
, drove to Fergus where he will spend a
eek with relativee and friends, He
11 visit Beaverton, we nnderotand, be.
re be rotates and make a young 06aple
ppy by tying the hymeneal bow.
Among those who left to attend the
odes Snap' this week.were Miens
Ile : Henderson, Carrie Mo0raoken,
anis Ranee, Eme
va Caron, Elba Mo•
nnon, They area bright lot of youngP
ople who should do wail and
we believe
e with
0. 0, Martin, of Niagara Falls, a one
time resident of Brunetti, wan in town
Inst week. He bad been attending the
funeral of bie, H. Day, of
Luottnew. Mr, Martin's mothee died in
the same village a the eel revi
g Week p Das, an
exemplitioatiot of the old saying that
"'Troubles never tome tingly,"
Rev. Geo, and Mrs. Reggie, of Sem
forth, were visitoro at Chao, Howlett's,
Queen St, this week while en route be.
tween Marledale and Seaforth. The
reverend gentleman, atter an aotive and
suooeeetul ministry in the Methodist
ahorob %eked fora superannuated relation
last Oonference and has built a residenoo'
at Seafortb where he purposes making
his home, Mre, Janne Beattie, of that
town, is a daughter.
The Record Herald Chicago Airship
Trip to tun Norti Polo Postponed
Until Next Summer,
To the Editorfof Tan POST :.
Dasa Sin. In our last letter we epoke
of the great enterprise of et leading
Chicago paper sending rte Washington
oorreepoudent in eearob of the North
Pula via air Ship belluoo, propelled by 3
gaeoli0e motor eegiuee at the rate of 20 to
20 miles an boor Carrying 5 men, with an
appearance of noose trona the thorough-
ly praotioal met aboard. Two weeks ago
he wired home that the building of the
balloon house, 179x60x80 feed, was taking
op uoexpeoted tune. A machine shop
and tome is to be erected and altogether
3 steamship loads of material landed in
=infusion ad to be put in order including
wireless telegraphy, station end rte
intricate delicate apparatus all to be
completed and leeredmight r prevent
departure this season. Yesterday's
Reoord•Herold annouuoee that the pro.
jeot hoe to be abandoned until next year,
m0 eeveral defeats in motor power have
been found that moat be remedied this
Winter. He returns home next week,
leaving 3 men in obarge until he goes
bank next year to renew this arduous
(fooliah7) doogeroue undertaking next
This same paper hart a epode] cores.
pendent in St. Petereburg writing daily
tong, ittereetiog lettere on the real :stats
of Rosena and showing the great power
the peasantry and revolutioniate are
acquiring over the beauroeraoy and go.
ting the sympathy of both the army and
navy. Be sends some of the earthen
appearing iu the comic editions of that
blood beapattered city on top of the
parliament baildb❑g be shown a tug of
war, the dogma and pea0aotry pulling on
one end of the ropeatd the beaorooraoy on
the other end with a weak-kneed appear•
anon. Trepoti is in front oarrying a large
cage enclosing Niohaloe II. One fellow
rubs oat Nicholas II and oabetitntes
Nicholas the last,
Chicago the last week or Iwo has been
greatly exulted over the failure of a large
bank to the Sweedieh quarters with
22,000 depoeitore, most of these working
people, in amount over two milllione in
small Bums bat causing great distress.
President Stoneland, a Swede living in
great style Wonted oat and $5,000 is offer-
ed for bie oaptnre, be is supposed to have
gone to South America, where no extra.
dition Wets, yet shadowed by Pinkerton
detectives. The clearing hone and
private banking interests are now arrang-
ing to take over assets of wrecked inetitua
tons and paying in full all depoeitore•
Than the Balt of the earth does pronounce
itselt in suet humane efforts.
This is really a land flowing with milk
and honey. gnat listen, 760 million
bashele of wheat Le now being harvested,
67 million over last year, Kansas alone
yielding 91 million, fully 00 much all
oar whale Canadian Northwest,
980,000,000 of Panama canal bonds
80 years at 2% interest were lately Bold at
43 premium and enbaaribed for ten times
over,ehowiog the great wealth of the
&nanoiol institutions, No tenders were
under par. -
The induotriab activity is up to the fell
limit, Iron and steel mills cannot supply
the home demand. San Franoieoo is
obliged to get their etraotnrai building
steel lromEnglnnd and Germany. Some
Home Insurance companies are fighting
the Mesas but Eoglieh companies general-
ly pay ap in full. On mount of the
earthquake olaase,first destroyed before
burned they hold their rine were Dan•
City authorities here are looking after
the people's interests better than ever.
12,000 Dane of preserved fruits and
vegetables were destroyed as unfit for
human food, found in
a wboleeale
grocery SS well ao others deetroyed and
decayed foods ; oearob inepeotar was in.
stalled. The paeb,ers mast brand each
can with actual entente or heavily fined.
Heretofore veal was canned and branded
ohbeken. Scrape ofrubbinh and ground
nine branded patted ham, ground pepper
was found to contain about 45% of greeted
0000a•unt !belle. Wine, hard cider
colored with 000hineel, Lamentable to
read over the wiley woeye of then
adnllerere, Tho big Book toile ns "there
was not a man to till the ground," we
aocopt as meaning not n human eonl to
do honest work, must bave had epeaial
referenoe to above crew.
Weather ww
days faeO weebask 90been to 93 0quite downarm, towfen
and many proetratbona. A large
teaming oonaern, running overallManned boron had 800 die on the
hotleet day and as many went to
hospitals. Now it is cool. A breeze
from the North down the lake canoes a
reduction of 20 to 80 o in a few minutes.
At times Exanreion steamers make daily
tripe heroes the, lake, all day sail 75o.
Obty anehoritieo have fined eeveral for
Must not fail to tell you bow sooty and
Smoky the atmosphere hs in the ebty,
oaueed by the numerous large
ariug plants, the of a
s and loco.
natives. Cue a nostrils gat well filled
after a few hours down town and white
collars suffer badly, benne the myriad
laundrioe do n roaring business, a
snap for the Chinamen. The smoke
nniennee law is not enforced.
Yore, &o,,
J. D. Eotmlbo.
4808 Greenwood ave., Obioago Aug, 3001,