HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-8-30, Page 8SCH—OOL OPENING / TUESDAY, SEPT, 4 TUESDAY, SEPT. 4 Time yon are thinking what new things you will need to be reedy for the opening day. We have au entirely new etook of Scribblers, Exercise Books, Penis, Pencils, Drawing Books, Note Books, School Boxes, Crayons, Copy Books, and all School Requirements, The new Covers ou the Soribblers and Exercise Books are ex- ceptionally pretty this year and will please you, Public School Text Hooks High School Text Books We have been careful to note the changes in the High School Books and have on hand thoee new Books which will be used in Bruesels School. Everything in School Supplies Blotters given away DRUGGIST AND OPTIOIAN. IIRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. eODTHBBN EXTENSION W. 0. & B. Trains leave Braeeele Station, North and South, as lollowe ; Germs Surma Gorse NORTH. Mail 7:05 aml Mixed 9:10 a,m Mixed... 11:25 a.m Ma41 ,. 1:44 p,m Ex -prase 8:02 p,m 1 Express .,,,.. 8:51 p,m rag tteths Items A ohiel's among ye takiz' notes, An' Laith he'll prent it. Tars is a dry moon. Lison Day next Monday. GILT a Fall Fair Prize liet, LooAL news on page 6. Read it. B. GERRY will eerve as a Judge at Blyth Fall Fair. THE rush to the Toronto Exhibition is already begun. BROBeELO Public School opens the Fall term Tneeday morning, MR. LEAVENS, of Owen Board, f0 Weir. ing relabivee in Braeeele, THE Bowiere are talking of taking a trip to Lietowel for the holiday. A oonPLE of runaways 'were on the program in town daring the week. No one was injured fortunately. WE are sorry to state that the infant eon of Samuel and Mre. Wilton died last Thursday. It only lived a day. THE Blyth Base Ball Teem i0 expected to play a match bene, ou Victoria Park on Labor Day A good game may be expected. $2,000 INBoRANOE was placed on the Grey Branch new Agricalbaral .Hall, last week, in the Howiok Mntaal Inenr• anoe Company, SIINDAY'e wind and rain storm whaled down a great many apples in the neigh- boring orchards. Many of them were Winter varieties. SEVERAL Brueeelitee will take part in the program at the garden party bo be bald at Elder lobo Sbrechan'e Sed Soo. Grey,Tbaroday evening of thie week. Resumes must be looking up at Fort William as we notice another member has been added to Gerry Bros, Hard- ware firm, The leteet addition's name,ie Gerry too, Oongratalatione. EVAPORATOR.—The Bruesels Evaporator will be open for the receipt of apples on and after Thoreday, September 6th, 20 cents a bag will be paid for good Fall and Winter paring apples. Machinery will be set in motion the following week. ROBERT THOMSON shipped the first oon• eignmeut of eggs to Vanoonver, B. 0., last week by cold storage oar. He had 400 oratite containing 12,000 dozen, Other ebipmente wilt follow. The freight was $480 00. Eggs retail there at from 48 to 50 Dente per dozen. Harvey Greeuway, principal of the pui,lic eohool in Crystal City, Man., and fifth son of Hon. Thomas Greenway, died on Ang. 10113, saooumbing to an at• taok of inflammation. Deaeaeed was a nephew of Mre, (Rev.) Sohn Holmes, of Dorchester, formerly of Brussels, Da, Ovens, M. D., Loudon, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drag Store, Brussels, on the first Tuesday in each mouth. Hours, 8 a. m, to 1.30 p. m. Oataraot, squint, failing eyesight, deafness and nasal oatarrb treated and grammes properly fitted, Next visit, Tues- day, September 4th, Down IN MCLEOD RIVER.—THE POST is eorry to hear that George Love, form- erly of Egmoudville locality, a nephew of Mrs. Jas. Shaw, of Brussels, wars drowned in the McLeod river N. W. F., last month, He was engaged with a Surveying party and in attempting to Swim acmes the river wee naught in an under oarrantit10eopposed and drow0• ed. The body wa0 not recovered at the time the sad news was Bent, Mr. Love was a bright young man of 20 years or '..hereabonte when demise will be sioaere- ly regretted. H. JAMES WILL 00 BACK.—The 3 year lease of the Amerloau Rotel in thin place to Meson, MtLennaa & Broadfoot expires on Sept, 71b and aa the present 0000pants are not porpoelag continuing, Harry James, the proprietor, who managed the home previous to the present lease, will take Charge again, Thie will necessitate 'err. James' retirement from the town Coattail to which be was elected last January. We have not learned what Mr. McLennan purposes doing but underetand Mr. Broadfoot will epend some time fn •Ahs West, The transfer will be made Friday, Sept. 7th. Brae Trtiee FOR THE 00,—At the meeting of the Howiok Mubtlai Fire In. earanoe 0o, at Wroxeter, on the 18th mob„ no lees than 107 applioatbone were inhered, covering about a quarter of a million dollars, 106 more applioatiooe were dealt with last Saturday at the Leet regular meeting. The new brfok calms at Wroxeter, built expressly for the Co. be completed and a good job done. It i0 fitted, out with an A 1 'melt, fur. nem, ate., and omit completed about 01,500. J. &dame built the brink work rood R. Farrell had the aliment foanda• tion and carpentering, The building is to Credit to t11em, Be0retary Mo$erober will be able to do hie Work more 0atie. fa0torily in the filing of dooamonts, iced the genera0 arrangement 00 the place, "TEN Nights in a Bar room" will be preeentedin the Towo Hall, Brussels, Thursday evening of this week, A MEETING of East linen Lineage Oommiseionere will he held at the Notre) Hotel, Brussels, on Friday, Sept. 7th, NoMEaoue regneebe are Doming t0 the BBeretery Of the Fall Fair for prize lista from persons who were never exhibitors. Thie is not a bad sign. FRIDAY afternoon of this week the regular monthly meeting of the W. 0. T. U. Brussels, will be held at the home of Mre, A, MoGuire, the Preeident, at 3 o'olook, A11 are welcome, ADVERTISING ie the beet touio for a business that bite got that tired feeling. Use it Winter, Spring and Summer and Fall, Use it ae a preventative and as a Onto, THR BilMenbe Peer is the news paper most people read, THE Farmers' Excursion to the Model Farm this year, Hiuoardine line, brought a total revenue of $933.75. Of thie amount the Farmers' Institutes and Agricultural Societies will divide $195 66 970 passengers were aboard. Ix epeaking of the preeeutation to Rev. D. B. MoRae, of Oraobrook, from 111el- ville oharoh for serving them ea well as Moderator daring their v0o0nay, the amount ehouid helve read $50.00 in the report in Ton Poor instead of $100. Taxa week the painters are at work on the new Agricultural Hall and the cement floor ie also being pat in. The building will look tine when completed. We expect a tremendous crowd to see it 001, on 4 and 5, the days of the Fall Fair, IELL DooE,—Brneeele Babool again did itself proud at the Departmental exams. Thirteen candidates wrote for Junior Teaohere certificates and thirteen paned eight of them taking honors or 75% ofthe aggregate marks. We heart- ily Congratulate Principal Cameron on lbs exoelleot work he 0 doing. At wood Bee. BmEwALRo.-0, H. Oonery and staff, of Guelph, will he here next week to pet down the new dement walk on Alexander and Queen 0100010 for which they con. tre.oted with the Council some time ago. They will be paid for by frontage tax the came as other walks were, Mr. Conery had the 000treat on the first walks that were laid in Brussels and did good work. QONGRATDLATIONs,—Tbe following kind- ly note from Woodetook was received by W. L. Leatherdaie, Secretary of Bruaeele Bowling Club, on Wednesday, and speaks for itself :—To the Secretary of Brnesele Bowling Club, Brussels, Ont. : DEAR Sin, —Permit as to extend to you oar Con• gratalabioos for the exoelient showing which your club made against the British on Monday. If our olub had averaged as well ae yonre the. British would have been defeated instead of being viotorione. Hoping that you had an enjoyable time, we are, yonre faithfully, OBEs. R, CLAPP, Secretary, Tam ALL LIVE Elnan,— There are about 8 classes of Towo• kiilere, and every town is af• dieted with one or more of them. Fleet those who go out of town to do trading ; second, thoee who are opposed to im• provemente ; third, those who prefer a quiet town to one of pooh and bueineee ; fourth, those who oppose movements not originating with themselves ; fifth, those who deride public spirited men ; sixth, chose who imagine they are the town ; seventh, those who oppose every move. meet that does not appear to benefit them eighth, those who seek to injure the credit or reputation of their neighbors. BASE BALD.—A team from town went to play a return match at Blytb Met Friday afternoon and Buffered Et defeat by a score of 29-14. The home team bad their bitting Baits on and kept the visitors busy. R. Brown and A. Herr were the pitohere for Brnesele team and between them etruok ont 11 men, while B. McArter bandied the sphere for Blyth, having 6 strike oats to hie, credit, Frank Stretton,jr„ caught a good game aoosidering hie youth and will be a "comer" in a few years. "Daddy" Raake, of Wroxeter, was umpire, Fob lowing ate the names of the players :— BL0TH R 0 BR090EL0 11 0 D 9omer0, o ..... 8 8 A Kerr, se 2 2 R McKay, lb 4 2 w IIanke, lb 2 2 B MoArter, p...... s 2 R Brown, p 2 2 E McMillan, of... 2 8 A Ourrie,7b 1 3 W Watson, lf.,,,,, 1 8 8 Little, of 0 4 H Gidloy, 2b 8 3 F ptrettou, a 3 8 M Begley, es 2 8 T Herr, 30 2 2 J Robinson, hn tot, 9U... 4 2 G Currie, 1 2 20 21 14 21 Blytb 0 6 3 6 4 2 8-29 Bruaeele 4 0 0 0 1 0 0--14 Lx0EN0E LAW.—We have been asked to etate the following stotione of the Lioenee law so that the public will be aware of its provisious 1—The bat•toom in which liquor le traifioed in, shall be kept closed against all pewee, excepting a member of the family or an employee doing domestic, OOrvi0e Within said bar. room, or attending to the 0took in trade, No sale or disposal of Minor shall take plane on lioenoed promisee between the nears, in cities, of eleven of the 0looll, and in other plaoee, of ten of bbe Clock in the evening of any day of the week ; and the hour of six of the olook in the forenoon Of the following day, except for medicinal pdrpoe00, andereigned order, and liquor ao 900003ed WWI 0 alt ease be drank on the premises, Neither shall sale be made between the boure of 00000 o'clock Bator day night and six O'olook a. m,—Bubb the Heller and the !Menne allowing the sale of Standard Bank of Canada 02T,P.,.Sr17,,Sf3710T9 1072 S171iI'LIIIi, OR RESERVE FOND 8 1,000,000 TOTAL A98ETIS OVER 10,000,000 A General BaAI do ' 13xarinewoa U.'x•txrxsxe.ctibeci CAU/NGS BANK1"" interest paid from date et deposit to date 91 withdrawal at highest 0103060/ rates and compounded hall•yearly. Joint Deposit Accounts—A SPECIAL CONVENIENOE in use in our Snvti me De- partment is the "Joint Deposit" ao00uut, Money may be deposited or withdrawn by either of the two members of the household. Th16 system 1e a great °etyma- ienee to many residing in town, but more parttoularly so to farmers, as in the latter ease whether man or wife comes to town either Con attend to the Ranking. An- other feature of 1130 'vat= to that in ease of the death of either party the money eau be withdrawn by the survivor without 0001. We will tell you more about our methods it you w111 kindly Call or write. Married Women and Miners may Mahe and withdraw deposite without the in. terventloo of any person. BALE NOTES GASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for 8AFE•EEEPING only for which no Charge is made. TOUR BUSINESS will receive our Careful and oourbeono attention. G. P. SOHOLFIELD, GaN, MANACan. J. F. ROW LAND, Diemen, ligaor to any one under 21 years of age ehall be liable to a penalty not lase than $10 and not exaeediug 950, besides mete, —Any hamlets permitting any minor, without proper Cause, una000mpanied by parent or guardian, and not being a mei. dent on the (teemed premieee, to linger 0r loiter in or about the har•room, shall incur a penalty of from $2 to $10 and 0000, and Me person so loitering shall be eobjeot to a like fine, t; Mill (llflltlly. Sabbath next Rev. Erueat Maunders will supply the pulpit of the Methodist Church here in the abeence of bbe pastor. A new coal Pease tentacle will be cob• atituted for the wood devourers in Mel - vine ohnrob and will be ionated at the rear instead of the front of the basement. Rev. 0. Rivera, B. D., of Belgrave, has been Chosen BeoretaryTreseurer of the Wingbam Dietriot Epworth League to oomplete term of Rev, Mr. Jones removed from the District. He will fill the bill all right. At the Epworth League eervioe last Sabbath evening the pastor gave au in. retesting and inetruolive address on "Oburob Vaion poet and present." Misees Tburee Gerry and Ethel Scott contributed a well rendered dnaG entitled "Somebody.". Rev. A. O. Wishart, B. A„ gave two good. discourses lase Sabbath in Mel- ville ohnrob. The text in the morning was "The hoar ie come. Save Me from this hoar, but for this Deese came I to this hour." At the evening eervioe the sermon was based on Eph. let and 7111, "Redemption through the blood, eta," Next Sunday Rev. H. M. Lang.Ford will Mite Charge of his regular services in St. John's chetah. Mr, Hartley'° occupancy iu the rector's abeetoe wee very satisfactory. He gave a practical discourse teat Sunday evening to the gentler sex in which malty good things were outlined. The subjeot wee the sisters at Bethany. This gentleman would fill the ministerial office most creditably end eaooeselally we believe. "Three elements to true religion," was Rev. Ezra G. Powell'° topic Met Sabbath morning in the Methodist church. The reverend gentleman handled the enbjeot well and dealt with theoretioal, experimental and practical religion. Masao Bertha and Pearl Sharpe sang "The Palms" with good effect. At the evening eervioe Rev. Will, Hunter, of Newark, N. J., 000npied the pulpit preaching from "The Ohriot- ian rare," He did well and has a bright outlook before him, "I owe to Jesse" was the title of a solo well sung by Chas. Richardson. Brussels Bowlers - Won Handily. Monday a quartette of bowlere from Brussels went to Woodstock and took a hand in the matohea with the Old Oountry sphere experts. Our contingent was pitted against a strong rink, J. S. McDougall, a fine bowler from London, Ont , implying so lead for the Britiebere. Brueools wait never headed from the 4 shots scoured at the Bret end and every player put up A 1 work. The eoore was ae follows ;— Enamels British Dr, Feild J. S. MoDougall A. B. Meadonaid P. Qompbell R. Downing J. P. Smith D. 0. Roes, skip 22 J. ?inane, skip 15 Brneeele-410002012014010004101-22 British —001220100200101220010-15 Tbetonriete won on the day's play with their eight rinks by 13 shots. Braeeele, one rink from Listowel and Tilsonbarg were viotore in their games. Our trendier° were warmly supported by Rev. G. H. Cobblediok, M. A,, J. T. Pepper and Dr. Davidson, of Woodstock, and Wm. A. Edgar, and Samuel Laird of Ingersoll, all former Bees- selites, The lawn wee a fine one ; the weather was beautiful and the Wood. stook Club bad everything in delightful order. Our 000tingent enjoyed the day immensely and Certainly deserve praise for their very Creditable adore. It may oot be uninteresting to give a summary of the regatta of the visit of the bowlers from amen the ilea who oanalnded their tour at Woodstock. They met 175 entre, the aggregate Bootee were British, 3,897 ; Canadian, 2,825, total British majority, 1,072, Only 12,Oaoadian rinks wou from the vieitore. A matter of surprise to many was the way the elderly members ALL RE'DY FOR FALL If you want a Suit to look right., feel right, to be right, it's imperative that you have it made by a Tailor FOR YOU. If you would like to pick a Suit from a really stylish pile of materials come here, That's an invitation. We will give you all the styles that distinguishes ; the work of the Tailor who knows well made Clothing for well dressed men, never too busy to show you what is beyond question the largest stock of high-class Suitings and Overcoatings that has ever been inside a Brussels Store. It is a collection that for exclusiveness of Styles, High Qualities and Great Variety would do credit to any First-class City Tailoring Establishment, and for this reason we would advise all our Customers to place their orders as Boon as possible. You have the advantage of selecting from a larger range than if you left it until October or November, and you do not have to have the Suit or Overcoat made up before you want it. Make your selection now and we will lay it aside until you are ready for it. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by doing so, FERGUSON & ROSS Clothiers and Furnishers Brussels THE METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL—Authorizodl $2,000.000 CAPITAL --Pall up 1,000,000 IRE5EiRVE and Jurplus;Proftls; 1.18$,188 Directors 0..1. MOORE, D. le, THOMPSON, K, eeb President, Vioe•Preeldent, TA00, IMADOSAw, p,L.A. 9010 HONOR era, w, 100RTI3IEA 00A108, 11,0, 040, x101901 JOaN rreoeTBltoeic W. D. ROSS, - General Manager THE METROPOLITAN BANK le open to receive the mounts of Farmers, Merchants and Business Community generally and to give careful conelderation to all proposals eubmlttod 10 it. It relies upon its poet record for courteous treatment of Its Cus- tomers, and will extend every 0onelderatlou oousistont with sound banking to those who may desire to transact business with it. St MVOS AVM Bli 'SSiraBPl%lJtt'r Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all earns of 91 and apwarde BRUSSELS BRANCH W. J. FAWCETT, Manager. of the British team etnok to the play day after day. Their visit will be a good advertieement for Canada in the Old Land, Business Locals. TIMOTHY seed at MoOraoken'e, STOVE WOAD taken M exchange for oedar poste. ABRAHAM 000E, Brussels. BBOOND band rubber tire buggy, in good condition, for sale at a bargain. Ewan & 0o. WHEN saws are dull and out of Doe take them to McGaneoo and he will renew. Mill St„ Brunets, Ont. To LET.—Dwelling rooms above store 1 soft water and other Conveniences. Im• mediate pooseeoion. I. 0. RIOHARD0. Fon BALs.—Oomtortable dwelling, acre° of laud, choice Melte and bard and soft water and situation oonvenient to sohool. I. 0. 51101ARDe, BAaoaxus,—A number of eeooed hand buggies, oewly painted, and in good ooudition. Snap for purohaaere at the pride. EwAN & Oo., Brussels. QUANTITY al mixed elabe for ease. Will Rho have a good supply of kindling by Sept. tat. $1.25 per Cord for either delivered in 2 Cord loads, Order early. P. AMENT, Brussels'. 6-8 Fox terrier female dog loot, White with a black :pot on ear. Lost on Oivio Holiday. Owner will be greatly obliged t0 receive informati,,o regarding the animal. GEO. MCNICHOL, Bruesels, 8afeblowere visited the Ridgeway poet• office and got away with $200 worth of stamps and some money, Mies Mary Limburger escaped from St. Joseph's Hospital at Chatham, and ten minutes Later her body was found in the river. It ie rumored at Ottawa that the Cab- inet le called to ooneider a proposal from the United States for a revival of the Joint High Commission. The C. P. R. decided not to run any more harvest exonreione from Cape Breton, as the coal companies are an. able to get men for their mines. At Winnipeg H. Duman wee Bent to the penitentiary for two years for horse. stealing. Before leaving the court room be declared pooitively be would kill the Magistrate when reissued, o3CR1V Dn0OAN.—At Poeque, N. W. T., o0 August 15011, to Mr. and hire. James 0. Darman a eon. GERRo,—At Fort William, on August 27th, to Mr, and Mre, Ira Gerry a eon. MoTavoen.—Iu Turnberry on Aug, 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. John M.oTavieh a eon. ]e6A.FvRIED- CoOPEa—Doto,—Ab the residence of the bride's father, on Atrgnel 22nd, by Rev. Mr. Burnett, Mr. Jno. Cooper, La Animus, Colorado, U. S. to Mise Jessie, eldest daughter of Mr, and Mre. Paul Doig, of Howiok. 9S}7D- BotT.—In Turnberry, on Ang. 24th 1906, Emmanuel Bolt, aged 87 Share. Ooox.—In Morrie, on Aageee 29th, John Edward Cook, aged 77 years and 5 months. Soaxoox.—In Grey, on August 24th, Catharine Roe, beloved wife of Charles Schnook, aged 76 years, 8 months and 4 days. BlnfrsoN.—In McKillop, on Aagnat 23rd, Jean, eldest daughter of Mre. A. Simpeou, aged 45 years, 7 moothe and 28 days. A17CTI01,7 SASE. THn eoDAy, SEPTEMBER 20tH.—Farm, farm stook, bmplemenbe, eta., Lot 4, Oom, 13, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. David Ritchie, prop. F. S. Scott, ono. mare U'sax-,El MARii='1$, Fall Wheat 68 68 Barley 88 40 Peas 65 65 Oats 28 80 Batter, tabs and nolle..,, 16 17 Eggs per dozen 15 16 Hay per ton 6 00 6 00 Flour, per bbl 4 60 5 20 Hogs, Live 6 60 Wool 24 25 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Potatoes per 75 Apples (per bbl.)a 80 1 60 E 9f We have made ample preparation 1'or4r..., SCHOOL OPENING on Tuesday Next We have many new lines of Scribblers, Exer- cises, Lock Boxes, PSDB, Pencils, &e., &c., and will be in good shape to supply the many articles required at that time. Come and see UB at Fox's Drug Store ArlrwaW �A VOUNG PIGS FOR SALE ALSO 8.t'ure bred Leicester A ana iMILIN1, Ethel. WANTED AT ONCE, AN experienced girl to do general house. work, Apply to MRS. JOHN lamas, Preemie, FARM FOR SALE—THE UN— nEaefaNED afore for sale a good 100 acre farm, being 1145 Lot 21, Oon, 3, Morels. All in grass or under crop. Brick veneered house, bankbarn with stone wall, sheep hones, lee, Good orcharrd; wolf fenced; neer school and church. Possession can bo given next March, For !further particulars aptly to G. W TII107167, proprietor, or Bluevalo P. 0. 8.01 LANDS FOR SALE FOR TAXES, Notice Is hereby given that a list of the lands for sale for arrears of taxes has been prepared and that ooniee thereof may be had at this o0loe, end that the list is being published in the Ontario Gazette, in the 100000 of August 18th and 20th, and Septem- ber let and 8th, 1008, And that in default of payment of 0130 taxes and costa the lands will be sold at the Court House ,111 the Town of 0060,1oh, on Tuesday, the 4th day of De. comber, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, 8.325 WM. HOLMMES, County of Huron, 'treasurer. T'reasurer's 011ioe, GoderIoh, Aug. 10, 2905, Ontario Liquor Liocnsc Act LICENSE DISTRICT OP EAST IIUROS. Notice ie hereby given that MoLennan & Broadfoot, of the village of Brussels, have made applioation for permission to traoefor their tavern license for the premises ou Turnberry street in the Village of Bruesels, known as the American Hotel, to Henry James, of the said Village of ilruaeele, and that said application will be considered at the meeting of the Board of Lfoense Com- missioners to be hold at the ,Oeotral Hotel, in the Village Of Brussels, on the 7113 day of September, 1906, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. All persons interested will govern thorn• salves accordingly. W, 0LE0G, 6 2 License Inspector. Dated at Morrie 24th day of August, 1900. Brussels Daylight Store - G. N. McLaren utorm'orld4Je,'4,' nraPlntl4,'a,'tP410.Wl4'Yi Ur'4r4.'1,rtrt'W'4,'WM,'4,soVu'bIWNJh,'4,'W IIlUi h.v,rtnt"Igal; Art,au'ndeh,'O,W'eFlilelt1111'e, lu'hl4d'Id't'0,'W'trt'4,at'It's,el,'lusu'la0d� mominisig Usually a quiet month in the Dry Goode 1 AUGUST Business, has been very satisfactory with us --the fact is, much better than we hail hoped for, and for which we thank our friends and Customers. We purpose mak- willmammommEmarammulmillmniummiwzoiam ing THE LAST WEEK IN AUGUST the banner week, from the amount of business done, if not from a money -making standpoint. We will lose many dollars on lines advertised. We will lose it cheerfully, for on business principles we do not carry goods over from one season to another. This is the way we are going to make the Last Week in August the Banner Week HERE'S A CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY From 5.00 to 3.50 Ladies' Grey Tweed Skirts for 2.50 —32 Ladies' Grey Tweed Skirts, all this season's correct styles, alI sizes in the lot. These are the lines we have sold all season (and our price was the Lowest) at 2.5O 8.50, 4.00, 4.50 and 5.00. Your choice of the lot, last week in August only at 4-1 vv —Ladies' Summer Vests, 5 different styles, our regular 25c qualities—the last 15e. week in August your choice for —Ladies' Summer Vests, regular 10c, for 5e, AA.ny White Shirt Waist at Exactly Tlalf Price White Wear at half price the Iasi week in August Ladies' White Gown, our regular 92.00, for $1 00 Ladies' White Drawers, our regular 75o, for Ladies' White Gown, our regular $1.60, for '75 Ladies' White Drawers, our regular 60c, for Ladish' White Gown, our regular $1.00, for 50 38 25 Children's Fancy Parasols, our regular 50a, for .... 25 Women's Panay Lisle Hose, Tan, regular 60a, for.. 25 Children's Fancy Tan Hose, regular 25o, for 1271 Men's and Boys' Straw Hate, regular 10o, for 6, Men's Wide Straw Hate, reg, 15 & 18, for 100 or 3 for 25 Men's Balbriggan Drawers with double seats, in small oboes only, regular 50o, for 20 Boys' Cotton Bweatere, fancy stripee, regular 460 & 60o, last week in Auguet your Choice for Men's and Boys' Fanoy Soft Front Shirts, regular 600 and 60o, last week in August your ohobee for Children's Brownie Belie, manufacturer's second,, at each Ladies' Embroidered Collars, Tabs, regular 10e, for 26 85 3 5 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Fall and Winter Coats at Wholesale Prices. We were fortunate in getting a Set of Travellere' Sample Coate for Ladies, Misses and Children. These we Can sell at Regular Wholesale Prices and have a little for ourselves. They aro all new—only ono of a kind. We would like you to see them, Always the Highest Prices for Produce. Goods Right or Your Money Back. Yours for Mutual Benefit GODI Next cLaren Amer canbHonse