HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-8-30, Page 5AldaalgoesoutuartsswatAa JSI t =v t3=fT itSf 11 PiILL TERM OPENS SEPTI 4th ' iiIn dookllugg to got'a bnsinuse odnoa• ff�� to ° oo sh orbh school tralnfug, it kl wino G,t to OIl0o o 11 sOhh°I Idiot is woll known TE6 for etrloliy high grad° work, The i. ELLIOTT •1I TORONTO, ONT. ''p is well 'Mown as olio of the beet Com v. - li morofal Schools in exietenee. Its re. Vi surd this year has , boon most remark yt - Lb able, None of our graduates are out LI aY of positions and the demand for them 1 is about twouty times the supply. g G Write today for our magnificent cute. 1k loom,.To p W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Q6 9J1l 1:/on.YONo-ada AND ALEXANDICR 8.1!S.'f s. �6 iPE..,-;-."=94.-=2 tilZtt'mr a ZI MEDICAL CARDS, 11R. R. A. BURNS— _ Successor to Dr. J. A. McNaughton I:russets, Ontario Graduate of Polyolluie Poet Graduate School of Medicine and Surgery, New York. Number of College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario, Uflloe and residence same as formerly 00. copied by Dr. McNaughton. Diseases of women u epeoialty, 'Phone Nu. kl. BUSINESS CARDS. WH. MoCRACKEN— • Ioouer of Marriage Liooneoe, Of. ecu 01 Gr000ry, Turnborry etroet, Brussels. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES ollloe 1n the Post (Office, mei. 80.4 C. 0. F. Court Princes° Alexandria, No, 24, 0, 0, F., Brussels, meets in their Lodge Boom, 81us- hill Block. on the 2nd and last Tuesdays of each mouth, at 8 °'alone. Visiting brethren always welcome. CGEO10010 10ERR, 0. R. W. L. LEA'I'HERDALE, 10. S. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Oliloe and Residence— WALTON, ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INennANOR,. FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION• 1.' • Bon, will Bell for better prices, to better men, In lees time and lees obargos than auy other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this 011100 or by personal application, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the oB10e of Tax 2o0T, Brussels, 2200 VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGHAM— • Honor 0001118 e of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, to prepared to trout all die - 08000 of domesticated animals 10 a oompe0- out manner. Partioalar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk P'evor. Calle promptly attended t0. Office and Infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. MACDONALD— . Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, pito. bueceeeor to G. F. Blair. 0011oe over 8tuu- dard Bunk, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro- politan Batik. W. M. SINCLAIR— • Barrloter, Solicitor, i0euveyaueer, Rotary Public, do. Oflloe—Btewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. plt0UDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BAR1tISTERS, 80LIOITOR8, NOTARIES PUBLIO, E10. W, PnoomrooT, li, O. R. 0. Eras G, 0.1300m, OMaee—Those formerly oeoupled by Meson Cameron do Holt, GODEI11013, ONTAmo, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, Isterrifilr Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and Fkret•elass Honor Graduate o1 Toronto Uulversl0y. O1loo next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, Fall Terin Opens Sept. 4 CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. Those interested In Business College i'' work should write for our large cath- jt loguo. Me is the largest and best (lommoroial and Shorthand School inaa� 1 �Y Waking 0000 assist s Weg1Ve a t1nates to Y. l it framing and alg100 011l' luny graduates to responsible positions. Many of t118 lharhug Business Oolleges employ our �� graduates as teachers. Write now for 00 a tree eag1e, 201,LI a ELOTT & MoLAOHLAN, g Principals, 1.1 ` f it:3=1 ii l i� CAN YOU AFFORD to loose the shouse you hey° of getting a Photo of your loantlly. When they have separated and it i4 impossible to get thorn together yon will be wishing you had one and would pay twice its value if you could but got it Photo. of your Fancily, Don't forget WO 0080 up-to-date and will guarantee you a Egret -ohms Photo. Wo have a full lino of Mouldings and will Franco your Picbureo ab a very oloso prion. Oall and get our Prices. Visitors to the town are invited to call and see our work. H. R. BREWER rfxlxl Itays Pin SATURDAY will be the let of September. (lemon, meeting next Monday evening. Days are tepidly shortening at both en Sodo.noon ro.opene on Tueedny of next week. Exounemee no the West on Friday, September 7t -h. Manuel your grain at Brussels. Quite a quantity has already 0om0 in. GET an exhibit retldy for Emit Huron Fail Fair. The dates are Oot. 4 and 5. Tao Poor i8 very grateful for numerous remittences from subscribers. We hope others will follow suit. JAS. B. STnoTTON hoe entered hie speedy pacer, "Dart," for the roue at Toronto Fair Friday of this week. Font dry, Bra0ked lips, or rough akin, use Dr. Shoup's Green Salve. It positive. ly makes the lips and skin like velvet, Sold by F. R. Smith. Swanton ie waning. It will be no time till tine paper is full of prize hate and the kitchen ie full of the emelt of green tomatoes being cooked for Chili sones. IV, H. HoOnaoxert received en order from Winnipeg lain week for plume. It ohne 52 50 per bushel to send them by express. Rather dear eating when they merles. Barons threshing begins make e thorough examination of your granary t0 08e that there are no leake. Mioe and rata can run away with a great deal be• fore Spring. Tam 'Toronto Fair is on. II opened on Tuesday. 52 60 is the lowest return fere and the days are Aug. 30th, and Sept. 1st, 6th and 7th. Other duye tare ie $3.50. All tiokete good to return up to Sept. 10th. GET a 5 cent box of Lax•ete at 008 etore please. We think they are great. Just beet these tootheome, aandy•like Laxative Tablete for constipation, sour etomaoh, bilioaeneee, bad breath, muddy complexion, eta. Risk 5 ceote and see. Sold by F. R. Smith. HURON OLn BOY'S Ae800IATI0N.—Tbe Huron Old Boy's Ae000ialiun, of Toron• to, will 00e usual, have a tent on the ex• hibition groontle daring the Great Fair, and all Hurooites are requested to visit the tent and make it their headquarters doriog their stay. It will be located on the West aide of the W. 0. T. U. A FARtrnn oanuot compel a Township Council to open a drain on the highway where his drains amply. If the owner of the fartn deeiree an outlet for his drain he should institute proceedings for the construction of a drain, under tbe provisions of the Ditches and Water 0oureee Aot, and in this way the rights and privilegee of all parties Ran be prop. erly adjusted, says the Municipal World. Mea`nne000AL.—The Democrat Chronicle of Rochester, N. Y., of August 161h, ooutaine the following note of interest to Bruseeliree as the groom was it one time resident :—Mies Bertha Sophia _Beath - ling, daughter of Mre. J. Beathliug, be. oame the bride of Jamee J. Driver, it, 81, John'e Lutheran ohnroh at 8 o'clook laet evening, Professor F. Betz, organ. let of the ohuroh, played the bridal ohorue from "Lonhengrio" as the wed ding party arrived, and Mendolseohn'e march while it retired. Rev, Wm. T. Janice, of New York, oon8f0 of the bride 8onnduuted the service. The bride's dress was of Parisian lawn trimmed with Valenciennes lane, with veil, and she parried a shower hotpot of bridal rosea, The bridesmaids were Mute Sadie Driver meter of the groom, and Miss Lizzie Kubitz, who wore white French lawn ornamented with insertion, with white ashes, and carried arm boquete of pink mese. John J. Driver and William B. Sordid attended the groom. The where were G. R, Koeppin and J. Vtuk. About twenty five gusts attended the reception t the bride's mother, at No• 17 Bellinger street. The dining room Was eoorated with smilax, rosea and ferns. Among the goeete from out of town were Rev. and Mro. W. T. Jaoge and Dr. and lira. B. W. J00ge, of New York ; A, and Mre, Binninglon, of Hamilton,aud G. W. tad Mre. Pollard, of Ethel, Oot. Mr. ad Mre. Driver will reside at No, 17 Olinger street, THE METRop0L1TAN.—Io a write tip of onkfog instibotions in loot Saturday's oront0 Newe the Metropolitan Book is salt with ae follows :—One of our manger monetary inetilotione which xamplee to the fullest degree the merit t modern banking methods ie the Metropolitan Bank, the head office of hioh is initiated at 40-46 King street Wed. With its paidup capitol of 0110 illion dollars, its reserve fund of imilar amount, and undivided profits mounting to 5133,183, the Metropolitan reeente a remarkable instance of solidity nd of enooeeeful finauoial management. he bank [tae taken a firm bold in any towns thromgbont Ontario and ice with fu Toronto is ebown by the tact hatt•beeidee the head aloe there re here five brandies, all carrying on u ell paying business. The profits of the etre ofiton forlaet year, alter dednot g chargee of management, Interest due epoeitore and nuking full provision for ad and doubtful debto, amounted to 20,086.58. During the year font latterly dividends of 520,000 oaoh were olared. In the hinds of moo of reoog- zed ability and exporieuoe ae finanniere, e Metropolitan's different departmenle id vigorous impulse. Its afftire are so Mooted ae to iuopir0 confidence in the nhing pnblio. The grommet poaeibto ffiaienuy le eonght in Staffs employed, 1 no point oontributing to the feeilita• on of baeineee along mud appreciated nes hae been over Welted, d a 8 b T d 0 0 w m 11 T m w M in b 51 qt u0 ni Ill fir 0o ba n an 11 It Gorr a Fall Fair prize list for ldaet Ilnrou fall Show. 1t 011000 never butter, Lamm Day ---Monday of nest week— will bo a statutory holiday, The Bunke will be °lotted and the poetollioe shut exeepting at lipoid onre0 t ol0a m. and from 6 to 0 30 p. n1. Renato' all items of interest to 'Tann PORT. They will be approoieted and each item will help to nuke the paper that moth more intoreeting. The Stuff cannot get all the Dewe but by your help they eau get the lion'0 share. Remember to telephone the office of the home paper when anything worthy of Publication 0000080. Di,, IIonoE'roe, rihairmao of the Pro• vinoial Board o[ lilealih, is eeriooely Don• oidering the impoe11ion of the penalty provided for by statute for failure to register births, Nnmerooe oases of negleot hay; al late been reported to him and the ueoeeslty of the law'e rigid en foroement begins l0 suggest iteelt to the Board. WHEN a woman nutters from depressing weakueeo,ehe thee keenly reolizee bow helpless—bow thoroughly worthless she festa. Dr. Shoop hue brought relief to thoueande of such women. He reaches diseases peouliar to women in two direab apeeifio ways—a local treatment known by Druggists everywhere ea Dr. Shoop's Night Cure, and a osnotit0lioual or in• tenial preeoriptiol called Dr. Shoop'° Reetorutive. Dr. Sboop'e Night Cure is applied locally, and at night. It worke while you Bleep, It reduoee the iafia. motion, it stops discharges, it heals it Boothes, it oomforto, it puree. Dr. Shoop's Restoratve (tablet or liquid form) ie a o0nutitutiouttl, nerve tissue tone!. It brings renewed strength, lasting ambition cud vigor to weak, life lees women. '!'hese two remedies, 'tingly or used together, have an irresistible, positive helpful power, Try them a month and Bee. Sold by F. 12. Smith. I3euegal1. Heneall Floor mill ie undergoing a thorough overhauling. T. Neelaode end son Douglas left for a 'visit to the brother of the former at the old farm near Mono Road. N. Ounbine was in town and drove to Bt. Joeepb. He is pushing his canal scheme despite the hot weather. T. Berry bee for years beau very for. tuusto with hie imported etook bat last ween he had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse owing to a rapture of the intestines brought about from the animal taking 100 vigorous exeraiee. Samuel White eon of Mre. J. White, of this village, who has beau in a hoepitul in Detroit fon some time eofferiug from lung trouble, started for Mexico on Wed- ueedey of last week, by odvioe of hie physioiau, for the benefit of hie health. A couple of nioe houses are likely to be erected in town this season, Ed. Howard, who sold hie property to Mr. Simon, has purchased a lot in the park West of W. Buohauan'o property and is digging a moiler with the intention of building e residence, Mr, Gould, foreman of the Rout Foundry, is also contemplating the erection of a house in the same 'motion, • u1 WtO wet. John Cain, of town, has bought out the general store at Britton, and will take pos869E1011 shortly. Jae. Montgomery, foreman in the Banner °ffiue, left for Detroit, where he has taken a eituatiou. Stanley Hardie, eon of Rev. J. S. Hardie, has gone to Proton to take obarge of a school there, Rev. 0.H. Buoklaud left to assume hie new appointment as rector of St. James' Church, Guelph. A ooneidorable number of hie friends were at the elation to see him off. The G, N. W. Telegraph 0o. base had their poles removed trona Walluoe etroet and Main street East, their linea now being planed along the Grand Trunk Railway where practicable. Six e0triee hav° been received from silver medalists in various parte of the country who will oompete fur the Gold Medal to be given by the Royal Templare of Tempermnoe on Sept. 10th, iu Lists. web. The final 0000001 for the vane present. ed by President R. A. Olimie in the aiugle oompotition wa8 played off on the bowling lawn between F. Kibler and W. R. Logie, Mr. Kibler whining int by 6 shots. The Biehop of Huron, to whom the appointment of a successor to Rev. 0. H. Buoklund was left by the vestry, has ap pointed Rev. N. A. F. Bourne, M. A., of Lougueuil, Que. to the rectorship of Ohriet Ohurou. Clinton. Mies Mary Turner underwent a slight operation at the hospital for the removal of a temp on one of her hands. Thou. Jackson, er. and wife leave oo a trip through different parte of the Statue, and expeot to be away several woeka. A lorry 000101000g some pioturee and other articles was eat too oloee to a trail and the engine struck it and made a smash. A J. Holloway hae rented one of J. Johnstone now stores Ella will open out with a etook of grooeriee iu aeon three weeke. A. H. Goodwill left on Friday for Mo. Taggart, Baek,, where he will visit bis eon Victor, who has a farm iu that province. There were three interments in Clinton °amatory on Monday afternoon of last weelt and all three funerals reaching there brought nearly 1500 people to. gather. Grant Beaton bas taken charge of the school North of Londoeboro and hie brother Alva hae resumed hie duties as principal of the eahool iu Baotiand near Brantford, S. H. Smith has 00 far recovered from hie Muerte that he was able on Monday of laet week to prooeed to Toronto, where he will remain for a ample of weeke, Uie sister, who line been here during hie i110ee0, went back with him. 0. MoKionoo, alaeeioal master at the Collegiate, is 111 with typhoid fever but hie condition is as tavertablo as oould be expected et this °taga of hie illoeee, Bti1l with the moat rapid recovery he will not be able to reams hie duties until some weeks after the opening of the O. I. Raney Fisher and wife were oo their Way to Oolborne in n covered boggy, when they encountered a separator and engine' on the Huron road, a couple of miles Weed of town. One of the 00par. ator mon took hold of the honed to lead it by, when it threw him over by the toner, wheeled sharp around and noes the buggy, Mr, and Mrs, Flatter were both ; badly bruised and out, but fortunately' had no hence broken. The buggy was! wreolted, _ VSrtx t x t x tr (rn. R. S. Hays, of Beaterth, solicitor for Molf:illop 0owushfp iu the county of Huron, made application to the Railway and Munloipal Board lain week for approval of a by-law giving the town• shop permission to two a portion of their menioipal loan fund for the purpose of building bridges within the muuioipality. The amount it ie deeired to nee ie $3,• 582, while the fond totals 514,582, Af- ter hearing the evidence submitted the Board granted the request. 0001A1.—'1'bo ladies of CavanMardi, Winthrop, Intend bolding a imolai on the beautiful lawn of Mre. A. Gove0lo018, of able village ou Wedneeday evening, Sept. 5th. A committee appoint, d to preparing a splendid random and lite. rary treat for the °°nasion. The Brod. Amgen Band will be in attendance to di800uree sweet music,. Teo served by the ladies and a refreshment booth with all the ooufeatione, ice cream, bananas, etc., as usual on suoh ooa00f000, will be on the grounds, Stiok a pin in the date and don't forget to give the ladies a oall on that evening. They assure you a pleasant time. Lu chino w. James Bryan ie on a two months' trip to the West. Dr. A, M. Bpeno° attended the Medical Connell iu Toronto, Mre. (Rev,) Millyard slid eon, De. Lemma, are milting friends in London. Mre. Bryan wile attending the Annual Convention of Bruce Oouuty W. 0. T. '0, in Walkerton. Mre. Martin, mother of Mre. Harry Days, died in Luoknow on Aagaet 16111, Silo use highly respected and in the 77th year of her age. The funeral took plane to Colborne cemetery. John Joynt and A. T. Davison's large blook of stores are nearing completion, and when finished will be an ornament to the village. J. G, Andereou'a blook ie going along nicely and the fine walls are the admiration of everybody, One of the strangest aonidente that hoe happened here for Kone time oaoorred Thursday evening, I0 appears that a young mon named Bowler was driving a team belonging to James Reid, of Ash. field, and bad gone up to T. H. Tre• leaven's mill for °hop, and ou returning the horses loot the road and fell into the mill race. The yOnug man did all in his power to rescue the horses but it WEe impossible to do etc ae the water was very deep. He gave the alarm but when attendance arrived one of the boroee was dead. After some hard work the dead horse woe lifted cot and soon after the live one was taken out. 131 v tla. Blyth Fall Fair—September 181,13 and 10th. Robert and Hugh Somers left for the West, where they may locate. Mies Nettie Stewart left to take charge of her aohool at Oruiekehaok. The work of building cement aide. walks and oro8000ge in the village hue been completed. The 0803001 work for the new 0. P. R. dation is now completed and the workmen are buoy at the water tank. Mies Alioe Trotter, of Bt. Joseph, hae been engaged to teach in II, S. S. No. 3, Morrie and East Wawanoeb, near the village. David Somers, who hae nominated a ouooeaefal barbering basinese here 'tor Boma time past, hae disposed of the game to Thomas Stewart, who hae eon. ducted a similar business in Anbarn, Jamee Mo0reigbt, eon of Alex, Mo. Oreigbt, ie visiting at his home here after an abeeuae of 10 years. He resided in Western Canada until five years ago tvheo be went to South Africa with Badou.Powell's mounted polios, and hae been on duty i0 the Northern Trans. veal eine° that time. He is on a eix menthe' leave of abeeuoe. .4. very interesting and instructive meeting of the Local Union of Chris. tiau Edeavor and Epworth League was held in the baeemeuent of the Presby• leri0n church on Tuesday evening, 21st inst. The topic wait '•Ohoroh Uoiou," and many good pointe were brought out both for and against the union. Moss King and Mise Elder brought oat many good arguments against the union, while air, MoTavish and Rev, W. H. Hartley gave eplendid addreeeee in favor of ib, Other short addressee were made by Rev, S. Aodereon, Rev. Dr. Mc- Lean and Mise Bentley. ((oderiota, The iron roof is being poi on the elevator. Fully thirty guests are staying out at Point Farm resort at preeeut. The girders for the 'wooed span of the Maitland bridge have been planed the past week. The frame work of the sawmill is being run up bot it will be eome few week° yet before the mill ie ready for ootting, Rev. W, H. Graham, peeler of Viotoria street Methodist ohuroh, was presented with a puree containing 580 meetly in gold from hie eougregotiuu. Margaret, the three•yeer•old daughter of Joseph Murray, swallowed a quantity of Gillett's lye and as a 000eegaeuce was in a very serious oonditlou for a time. T. Charlton, cue of the British bowl. ere, fell irito the harbor while eeeiog the gighte round the dooke. He was quickly helped out, seemingly 0o worse for the immersion, Brakeman Wiggins of the Grand Trunk, well known fo Goderioh, now of Stratford, lost his arm at Guelph lust Sunday night while ooupliog oars, Mr. Wiggins is now in Guelph hospital, Saturday afternoon, 18th Ind., was the 000aeion of the annual outing of the Signal at Point Farm. All the members of the staff were present and counting those of the tenantry oorreepondente who were able to be present and other 'meets about thirty look part in the affair. Joeepb Hussey, of Kingebridge, has returned from Chatham, where bo has been in the hospital for about five weeke, suffering from gunshot wounde at the oharivari affair some two monlbe ago. Re purpoees epending the Fall and Winter with hie brother, Rev. Father Hassey, at West Lorne, Ont. The Guelph Mercury eaye :—"At the meant time the haying of creak between Linwood and Millbank hag been one - pended until oertain 001011 bridges are completed. The beliading between Ooneetoge mud Linwood le being puehod THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA IS ABOUT TO ISSUE A. New Telephone Directory For the District n Western Ontario Including the Town of Brussels. Orders far new connections, changes of firm names, ohangea of street address. es or for duplicate entries should be hand- ed in to the Local Manager AT ONCE, James Fox, Local Manager. emmime WE INVITE every parent, 'young 0000 00 woman who is mtorosted iu auy way in Business Education to write for a copy of our Proepectuo. 1t tells you exactly what to do and why our students succeed so well. Write at once for It. Pall term from Sept. 4th. Address : W. H. SHAW, Prinolpal. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO. ONT. forward and an effort will be made to have the line ready for Toronto Exbibi• 110n." E0xetel'. R. G. Beldon bee engaged David Mack to bay and weigh grain on the Exeter market, Mies Vera Oobbledick left for Toronto, where she will remain until the family leaves for the Weeb. Earl Speakman is presiding at the organ in James street church in the absence of Mise Brawn, who is boliday• Ing at Toronto. Anniversary and Harveel Thanksgiving service In 00000010081 with the Trivitt Memorial ohureh will be held on Sept. 204. Rev, H. T. B. Boyle, M. A., B. D., rearm. of Wioghem, will be the epeeist preacher e,S both servioee, Exeter Bowling Club pnrobaeed tbe Oronioan lot, 50x150 feet, on Mein street, South of the reeidenoe of E. Christie. 11 will be put in shape for a Bowling green this Fall. A olnb house will be erected thereon and every aoovenienoe added thereto. Chicken thieves stole two fine pnllete from the hen bean of Jamee Gould on Wedoeeday night of last week. But for the timely arrival of Mr. Gould on the evens doubtless more would have been taken. Mr. Gould nearly oapbured one of them and he has a pretty fair idea of the identity of the parties. Ile alorttr. Robt. Strong, who bee been Wok with typhoid fever, is not improving very feet, W. J. Moffatt has purchased the reel. dance on Goderioh street wbioh be now occupies. The Public, Library will be aloeed from Ang. 27th to Sept. 10th for Lib- rarian's holidays. Jae. Dick bee pnrobaeed the brink blook, adjoining hie hotel property on Main street from Beattie Bros., 5800080. He paid 54,000 for it. Mnjor A. Wilson went bo Toronto on Monday of last week to ehoot in the Ontario Rifle Aeeooiabion matobee there last week. From Toronto he goes to Ottawa. Will. Bolster, who baa been oonneoted with the Beattie Bros. grocery for a number of yeare, ie retiring from the business, much to the regret of his unmerone friends. The direotore of the Hortionitnral Society are preparing for the flower show which is to be held in the Town Hall on the afternoons and evenings of the last day of August and the first of Septem• her. Keith Fear, Ryereon Hariry, Jamee Diokeon, Archie Scott and Scott Hayes, of the Seaforth Collegiate Cadet Corps, were last week competing in the Ontario Rifle Aeeooiation match at Long Branch. Mr. Brown of the Collegiate staff, mown. partied the boys on their trip. Officiate for the ensuing year for the Poultry Aesooiation resulted as fol. Iowa: Pres., P. Dill ; vice gree., Edward Daley : SeoretaryTreae,, R. G. Murdie ; aeeietant•eeorebary, J. F. Daley ; direct - tore, De, N. G. Boott, Wm. Harleye, George Irvin, P. Daley, F. L. Willie and J. Beet. Fire calmed a °arfone lose at Deseronto. Watson Hodgeon, aged 75 yeare, of Port Perry, wag killed while driving over a railway 080000ng. Bread and Butter f Education Rushton bonne hnvo, thle past year, made TEN TIMES as many demands upon us for young ladles and gentlemen who are thorough. ly grounded in bnainoae prin. eiploe, 10.8 w° have had students to send. Din ham Oogli GE "Affiliated with 0110tou Bedew' College." OPENS SEPT. 3R0 Write for partioulare to GEO. SPOTTON, Principal New Firm D. WALKER AND M, BLACK have formed a co -partnership, to be known as Walker & Black, and will carry on a�■"– Furniture and—ammor Undertaking Business IN THE LECKIE BLOCK Their stock of Furniture, Undertaking Goode and Musical Instruments is new from the Factories; has been bought for cash and will be sold at Reasonable Prices. MR. CHAS. FORSTER, an experienced Undertaker and Upholsterer, will assist in the business. Picture Framing a Specialty. They hope by strict attention to business, square and honorable dealing with their Cus- tomers to merit a share of the public patron- age. Night and Sunday calls will be promptly attended at .David Walker's residence, North of bridge, Turnberry street. WALKED & BLACK The Dominion Rifle meeting, which opened at Ottawa, will last eix days. The report le revived that the Feavy Company have aeonred control of the C. N. R. elevators at Port Arthur. Captain Koenig of the Government steamship Druid and Chief Engineer Roy of the Frontenao have left for New- oaetle•on-Tyne with a orew to navigate the Canadian icebreaker Lady Gray to this country. While bathing and peddling in a boat in Niagara River Martine Kane and H. L. MoGrath drifted out into the our. rent. $ane was carried into the rapids and drowned, but McGrath managed to save himself by strong swimming. McKAY & SHAW'S BARGAIN LIST FOR THE BALANCE OF AUGUST Fence Wire 6000 lbs. Diamond Brand, Cleve- land, High -carbon, hard steel spring wire, at 52.60 for balance of Angnet, Graniteware A new stook of the beet and lat- est brand of Graniteware f0 the market. A special sale of pre- serving kettles for August. Wire Nails A large and well assorted stook ranging from half inch to seven iuohes. During the balance of August these Nails will be offer- ed at a new Rook Bottom Price. Minila Rove A job lot to be sold at 18] °elate per pound. Now is the time to secure a Bargain. McgaY & SHAW HARVEST HELP WANTED 2 6oiit1 ng J Q Ufor Tr'Rotsrn GOING DATES— In Manitoba and Saskatchewan SEPT. 5 Stations south of, but not including main lino, Toronto to Sarnia. including Toronto. SEPT. Z Cardwell Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. Main lino Toronto toSarnia and Stations north, except north of SEPT. 0 From all points Toronto and cast to and including Sharbot Lake mut Kingston. an.d north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and Midland Divisions. Ono wap .econd claws tickoto wilt to sold to WINNIPEG only. Representative farmers, appointed by Manitoba and Saskatchewan Governmonte, will meet laboworo on arrival At Winnipeg lf'5ee transportation will be flarnlehod at Winnipeg to pointe where laborers are needed. Aeertffoato is fnrofehed whorl each tioketie purchased, and this certificate, when executed by farmer, showing that laborer ham worked thirty days or more, will bo honored trona Nutt point for a second class ticket book to starting point in Ontario, at 518.00, prior to Nov. cath,, 1906. Tfekote will bo homed to Iromon striven sg to mon but will not be homed at balf fare to children. Tlokete are agood only on special, Farm Laborers' trains. For fall pa'ticniare see nearcet O.P.R. ticket agent, or _ write 57, B. Foster,. P. P.A., C.P.R., Toronto .