HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-8-30, Page 1Vol. 86. No. 8
New Advertisements.
Looal—W, J, McCracken.
Sohool opening—jae. Fox.
Rannante—Ferguson eO Roes.
School opening—F. R. Smith,
Farm for sale—G, W. Turvey‘
Notice of tranefer—Wm. Clegg.
Apples wanted—j. Cunningham.
Ready for Fall—Ferguson & Ron.
Lunde for sale for taxia—Wat.Elolmee.
Mislaid gam
Heientroo — Wedneeday, evening of
lea week Cupid oared another eatery
when at the home of Paul Doig, the
britle'e father, 8rd. eon. of Howlett, Rev.
Mr, Burnett, of this place tied the meta.
menial isnot between Jno, Cooper, a
ehoep rancher, of Colorado, IL 8., end
Mie Jetaie, eldest daughter of the Lost.
wedding took plane in the parlor, the
bride being given away by bar brother
Andrew. The prInoipale were unite.
compenied excepting by little Mies
Adams, a nice°, who performed her part
as flower girl very nicely indeed. sou
gratulations over the goats eat down to
a splendid supper bo whieb ample joetioe
was done. The promote to the bride
were 'many, uoeful and veloble. After a
visit with relative(' and frieods Mr, and
Mee, Coopee will leave for their home
La Anima, Colorado, next Tuesday.
They tarry with them the best withal of
a wide oirole o! triode. The gneste
from Brumele were Reeve and Mre,
Headman and John and Mrs, Doig.
Mr, and tire, Wray have returned from
their trip to the Weet,
Mrs. Dan, Geddee ie taking in Tomato
Exhibition this week.
George Proctor, 5th line Morrie, oan
now write Proctor dr Son,
Mies Sara Clarke is vieiting Mies Belle
111oKiunon, of Gray, this week.
Rev. J. J, Hardie hee gone on a flying
trip to Toronto for a few days.
Mise Annie Oman, of Blyth, is visit.
ing the Misses Clark this week,
Mre. MoGregor and eon, of Paisley,
epent Sunday with D. McGregor,
George Jordanie eogaged for the
threebing Denson With Craig Bros.
ano. Cunningham bee aoeepted
position ns baggage man in Wfugharn,
Blies Gertrude Blotto' has returned to
her home after upending it week with the
Hines Clark,
On and after the 6th of Septem-
ber 20 cents per bag will be paid
for all good paring Apples deliv-
ered at the Factory. No Small
or Soft Apples will be taken.
J. CUNNINGHAM, Proprietor
at the
Half !'• rice
It is not the policy of this business to carry one season's
stock into another. New goods must come to each depart-
ment with the return of the season. That is the reason for
the many .Special Bargains you have found here the past
few weeks and for the announcement to -day of our Annual
Half Price Sale of Remnants. Stocks have been gone over
and every end has been measured up and placed on our
Bargain Table, and you ran take your choice, commencing
Friday, at exactly Half Price.
There are goods of all kinds and no matter what they
sold for One Half that price is all vfe ask. It will be well
worth your while to come.
A Corset Cover and Skirt Barsin
We are busy cleaning up the White Underwear Stock.
Boxes and Shelves must be emptied before the season is
over. Here are three Specials that will show you how cheap
We are selling at.
Skirt at $1.00
—10 Ladies' White Undetekirts
made from good quality English
Oottou, wide frill, trimmed with lace
and embroidery insertion ; regular
61.50 and $1,75, choice nil
of the lot at . . ...
Skirts at 66c.
—8 Ladies' White 'Underskirts,
made from Fine Quality English
Cotton, wide frill, trimmed with
Torchou Insertion ; real value
$1,00, your choice of the ps „
lob for ei 1.:( •
Corset Covers 25c.
—25 only Corea Coven', made
from good quality English Cambria,
Moly trimmed with laoee and in-
eertions ' • regular 85 to 50o, re
na „
'Moofthie lot st...... 4101.3
Wash Oollars 10c.
—A couple aeon Palmy Wash
Collars to sell, Odd ones left from
25o. and 50o lines; your choice
commencing Friday at 1
each ,LOC
0113•111$.11•••9 I WWW8A1
Deo, and Mre. Wheeler and 9 Joe
sineon are away on a trip ap the
Dam. and Mee, Geddes and Geo. and
Bite, Taylor are moue those who ere
etteuding Toronto Fair thie week.
We are sorry to report that Mrs Wm,
Hopper, who recently nuderwent an
operation for the removal of tumor, had
to undergo another on Tueedity morning
for appendieffie. We hope for her re.
Dr, ftleAsh has returned to Clinton
from London, Englend, where he ['pent
several roonthe attending the great
hospitals in that greateet of °Wee.
While there be pawed the examination
whioh entitles bim to add to hie name
the letters M. R. 0. P.—Member of the
Royal Council of Physioiane, The Dr,
will take a few deys rot before looting
again, but where that will be, he bee not
yet deoided.
Miss Minnie McNair is holidaying in
Hamilton and Torouto.
You oan get Tus Pose to Jan, let.
1907 for 250 in advance.
Mrs. Kehler and &ighters Della and
Ora, of Mount Forest, are vieitore With
A. and Mee. Helen.
Nab Sabbath afternoon Rev. B. Mann.
dere will take 'Marge of the Methodist
church service here.
We are eorry to hear that kin. Bio.
Quarrie inte been on the siok Bet but hope
she will soon be tte well as ever.
The poles ere in tor the new telephone
line and wire will (mon be struug. Line
comes here from the 8th con. (term the
side road.
The serviese in the Presbyterian
'thumb for the next two Sabbath will be
bold in the afternoon and Rev. A. Mae.
Nab, M. L., of Walton, will offioiate.
It ie hinted that tdesere, Reymann &
Oameron may remove their pump and
windmill business to Brunel', so as to be
more central to their work. 'They have
been very busy.
Tneeday Inepeotor Robb wan here and
gave an instruotive talk to the trasteee
and eome ratepayers et the sohool hone
on the new Sohool Law, whioh Owed np
several knotty pointe.
Last Sunday aiming a oow belonging
to Jamb Long was instantly killed by
lightning. She wee near a wire fence.
Oue side was blaokeued by the burn of
the eleotrio tolerant. Other cattle were
near but were not Minted. The ow wee
valued at 535,00 and was loured in the
Howlett Mutual.
W sal ton.
Mies 0. Neff, of Petrone, is vialting 01
W. 13, Humphries.
Mrs. 3, W. Morrison has been on the
siok list thie week.
Mies Maude Wiltee, of Clinton, le re.
cawing acquaintances in Walton this
W. H. and Mre. Sholdioe entertained a
number of young people on Tuesday
B. 3, Forest, ;Division at Engineer, bee
bean appointed Inspector at bridges on
the Gnelph—Goderioh railway
J. B. aud Mee. Morrison, who have
been visiting Mende in this vicinity, left
for their home in Napinke, Man, on
Monday of lard week.
Word was reeeived here that Dr. F. 0.
Neel was taken ill while attending Ibe
Medical Oonvention in Toronto and is
oow in the General Hospital,
ENTER= INTo REBT.—nureclay night
about 9 40 o'olook, the oall of the Pilaster
came to Jean, eldest daughter of Mee.
A. Simpeon, 00D, 14, Pdollillop, and rhe
pabeed pea0efillly 10 the Horne of the
redeemed in confident trust in the
promises es to the hereafter. Deoeased
bad been ill aloe lot Meath and despite
the best attention taberaolosis did its
fatal work, blies f3impeon was born in
McKillop township. end was held in high
eeteem by a wide -mole of relatives and
friends Be,. A. MacNab, M. A., con•
doted the funeral service on Sunday
afternoon, interment being made in Brus•
Bele oeneetery. The bereaved family have
the eympathy of the community in their
Harry Brawn is in Toronto this weak.
rraa. Vogt returned to Detroit on
16, and Mrs, Lewie ',hiked oven Suuday
in Teeswa ter.
Mre. Stewart, of Stratford, le the goat
of Mies A. Vosbarg.
John Gibson is enjoying a few holidays
with relativee at Niagara Falls.
Dr. Mitchell haft returned from Tor.
too where he 'meet e few days.
Bire. Bailey, of Listowel, le the goat
of her mother, Mrs, 5, Playford,
Mies Kaibileisoh, of Biiiverton, ie the
guest of he ulster, Mee. 0, Reis,
A. Hislop, M. P. P., of Walton, called
on friends in the village last week.
B. Oarr occupied the pulpit in the
MethodiSt church Gerrie on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Thglea, of New York, are
meta of John and Mrs. Seaderson,
Dr. J. L. Wilmot], of Palmerston, re.
newed acquaintances in the village on
.A, uember from this vioiniby attended
the roes in Beaseele last Wednesday and
David Mylee, a former resident of this
plata, was a heavy lone in the twain fire
in Gaileybory.
Wesley Sage and two tone, of Miohigan,
are visiting the forma's peeents, Thos,
and Dirs. Sage.
W. I., and Mat, Johneton left for
Toronto on Tuesday where they will
spend two MOW.
Mimi Elsie McMichael returned from
Stratford lest week where she has spent a
Month with mantas.
Mr. Reid, of Liu:anew, had his house.
hold effeets moved into A.. MoLean'e
residence, Ann area, last week,
Mader Smith returned from Oolpoy'e
Bay en Monday, where we understand
be bas not been enjoying the beet of
W. and Mrs. Adele have returned te
the village and have aka rooms in Alex.
BioDongall'e reeldenoe, Mr, Adair will
be employed With John Douglail,
Mr. Stevenson, of Diarriston, preaobed
in the Presbyterian Oburch on Elandil.
Somerville Hamilton, of Guelph, is
epending Iwo week(' at hie home near
4G -r tea'.
26 onto gets Too Posy to Jan. lea
Jae, Sharp and. wife spent Suuday at
L. Frain's.
25o, in Aotae, snares Tim Pose for
the balance of 1906.
Mho Soutnati, of Wingham, bee been
the guest of Mre. Jno, Lake.
A good area of Pall wheat will be pat
In this year in Gray townebip,
Jarnee and hire. Mann are away on a
holiday trip to Toronto, Barrie and
other poiute.
Tbe frame work for Peter Lamont's
naw house, Eith 000,, ie ap and ready for
briok veneering.
Mrs. Forenoon, of Olinton' and grand
obildren, were viaitore withMrs. John
Smith, 16th son,, this week.
It is Judd that a Local Option cane.
paten will be entered upon this Fall lo
Grey. Preliminary arrangements are
now being made,
R. Carr reoeived word that his ditemb.
ter, Mies Aggie, bas typhoid fever and
le in the Edmonton hopital. We hope
she will soon be better.
Mrs Wm. Smith, of Toronto, who was
vieitieg her eon 300, 16111 oon., left for
her home on Wednesday. She will visit
'mother eon in Palmerston en route.
At the Township Oonnoil meeting last
Mouday Jno. teloIntosh, the well known
Township Clerk, WAS appointed Treesurer
as enooessor to A. Reymann resigned.
kir. Mao, will receive $100 per year for
additional work, he to furnieh the name.
eary security.
Penal) AWAY,—After an illneee of
nearly five mouthe, from once; Oather.
ins Roe, beloved wife of Charles
Schnook. 12th eon., passed over to the
great majority on Parlay of lot week.
She was born in Germany and Mine 10
Canada when 18 years of age. The
family lived at Bayfield, Heron Co.
Deoeaeed was twice married and was
a resident of Grey since her marriage
to Me Soboock. In addition to her
husband she is survived by two sons,
Will. and Otto. A daughter (Ida) died
7 yeare ago. Mrs Bohuook passed peace-
fully away, She belonged to the Truth.
erao 'March. Funeral was held Sato.
day efternoon to Oranbrook cemetery.
In the ebonite of Rev. D. B. McRae the
eervioe was taken by Rev. R. F. (lamer.
on, of Georgetown. Mre. Sobnook was
in her 77th year. Be aged partner
will be 85 if epared to November 5th,
1906, The family share in the sympathy
of the neighborhood.
Fall wheat sowing ie et hand.
Croquet ie a popular game here.
25 ciente gate Tax Peso 10 Jen. let,
The township Connell met here last
Harold McAllister is a vieitor with his
grandma Ames.
A number from this locality are at.
tending Toronto Fair.
George Dobson and son Aubrey, of
Ionerkip, were vieitore here for a few
B. 0. Davies ie (=pealed home from
hie trip to Winnipeg aud the Weet this
The Mina Simpson have been enjoy.
ing a holiday with triode et Toronto and
Last Sunday Thoe. Watson. Windsor,
formerly of Brunetti, [Went the day at
Wm. Cook's.
Lot Saturday Rev. and &tem Arm.
strong and son arrived home after an
enjoyable outing for a few weeks.
Among old time residents who are
%dating here is George Dobson, son of
Oho. Dobson, formerly of Ethel.
It is said the new store for J. MaDon.
merohant, will be ready for °coupe.
tion about Oct, let. It will be en up -to.
date business plata.
Last Sabbath Rev, R. F. Cameron, of
Georgetown, preaobed a fine sermon
in the Preebyteriau church here. Rev.
Bir. McRae wee enjoying a well earned
The Ethel Male Quartette has been
invited to take part at the Methodiet
°hoofs anuivereary, Brussels, on' Oot.
8th. Rev. Mr. Armstrong is also asked
to give an addrees.
For the mat two Sabbath afternoons
Itev. Mr. Burnett, of Moleewortb, will
officiate in the Presbyterian 'thumb here
owing to Rev, Par. Mase, the pastor,
being off for a vacation,
Township Clark Bicantosh ie to be
Treaeurer as well, The salary for the
latter ie 5100 annually, $5000 in paean.
tee bonde lute to be supplied. Mr. Mao.
should fill the bill all right,
The moire and improvements to the
Bohol bona are about complete. They
congaed of it new shingle roof, the paint.
ing of interior and outside woodwork,
varnishing Make, putting on new storm
doors, &o, A good job west done by R,
Lang and the place looks about es god
as new. Ou the East side of the lot a
new "tire fence will be emoted,
A letter to Teat ,Pose from L. A.
Masonnow at Sbellbrook, Saek„ nye :—
"I am 'feeling very muoti better and hope
soon to he restored to usual health,
BarVest advanose and orope are meg.
nitioent, Wheat from 25 to 85 bushels
olds from 40 to 65 ; and barley 40 to 60
bushels per sore. Hay ia Mao a good
crop," The many old triode of Mr,
Mason in tine twenty Will be pleased
to loon of hie improved condition of
sup mum—Word wail monied here
that Lawson, 8rd eon of Robert MoAl.
hater, formerly of Grey township, wee
killed in the MoAllietee sittoreill on Mon.
day. No pertioulars were given. The
yonng man was about 20 yore of age and
beloved by a Wide circle of friends
Jno, BioAnister, Janne Elliott and J.
Fraser went to Oookbarn Wand on Tate.
day to attend the bimetal, The Sad news
muted deep regret in thie locality and
siooere gympethy Will be attended to the
W. H. KERR, Prop
Mrs, A. Manistee and eon Lyall, are
away to Toronto this week on a 'Welt
to the formats 'deter, MM. J. T. Durgin,
Edwin and Biro. Wilson and
daughter, of Brantford, are Oohing the
tormer'e eidter, Mrs, Hugh Addy, of this
10Pdor.s, Jas. Doratigiamerisrviiling at Khmer.
pay(' for Tint POST to Jan. let,
The three/ring machines are keeping
the farmere batty,
Next meeting of Morrie Council will be
hold on September 10th.
alinotes of the township Council may
bo read on page 4 of OMB Wee.
James E. Cook, of the Canadian
Westinghouse air brake Co„ Hamilton,
le here to attend the funeral of hie
father, the late Jobe E. Cook, 6t11 ecu.
As will be notioed aleewhere Jae. 0.
Duncan, of Poore, N. W. T., has added
a new farmer to hie liet. Thie ie very
essential as Mr. Duncan le now engaged
at terming 00 well se teaohing.
Last Sunday night the barn on the
50 sore farm on tbe eideroad, owned by
Peter tantalum 5th line, wee etraok by
ligraning and oneensed. The farm was
rented by Mr. Clark. Building was in•
eured in the Howlok Mato!.
Among those who went Weet reacostly
were Rai. ICellington, Jno. Little, A.
and George Rutledge, Geo. Garnies, Roy
Mason, Wrn. and Miee Annie Henderson,
Freon; Duncan and Geo. Manning.
Several of them have been oat before eo
will have a good idea of the beat tarn to
Geo. W. Tarvey is bone from a trip
to the Weet. He took up 480 acres of
land 90 miles from Saskatoon, township
82 mug() 17, The land is good and pros.
peat, very favorable for both orop and
new realways. Mr. Turvey was away 4
months and will reborn next Spring. By
advertieement in Tern POST he le offering
one of his tome in Morris for sale.
GOOD Bac N AND Goon PliTOES.—Leet
Friday James Dru3Bri, 4th line, disposed
of a three year old heavy dranght gelding
to Jas. Archibald, horse bnyer, Seatorth,
for the snug Bum 0( 5210. Chas, Tnryee,
let line, sold a Spriug filly Inc 595 to a
Mr. Sillips, of Wawaooeb. $110 was
refused by E. Bone for a filly 4 months
old. All these colts were sired by Sun-
light II, owned by Mr. Bone, and are
evidently in the public) eye,
• Bo AGOIDENT.—Tnesday morning of
this week Herb, Manning, eon of John
Manning, was undoing in taking Petah
Broe. separator into George Crooks'
barn. The rope broke and the machine
started to ran oat. Herb., who was on
top of the separator looking alter the
blower, jumped off to aid Jno. Petah
but unfortunately fell and the wheele ran
over hie limbs, breaking one at the ankle
and giving the other a bad MOIL He is
doing as well as could be expected but
will be laid up for some time,
Doman DEAD.—Wedneeday morn.
ing, about 8.30 o'olook, Jobu Cook, an
old and well known reeident of the eth
eon., dropped dead while going from the
house to the barn. Hort falters wee
the cause. He was np at his natal
time in the Morning, bad gone for the
cows to the peeture field and partaken
of hie breakfast, feeling as well as usual.
Bir. Cook was born in London, England,
and nine to Canada al an early age.
His noyhood days were spent at Mont.
real, and he afterward lived at Perla,
Brantford and Goderioh, eoming then
to Morris townebip and taking np the
farm on whites be died from the Orown
over 50 years ago, Mr. Cook was a oar.
panto by trade and spent part of hie
time building and for a few yeare was a
reeident of Brussels and Blyth. For
the past 25 yeare be has lived main.
mealy on the term, Be bad been a very
hearty man and was in hie 78111 year
at the time of his demise. Mr. Cook
was a widower being married twice.
He ie eurvived by a family of three
daughters and three sone. Deceased
was a member of Melville chetah, Bras -
eels, and an Independent Conservative
in politics. While in Blyth he sat at
the Council Board several years and wee
a trustee for various terms in the. home
section. Doomed was held in high
esteem and was a quiet unassuming mem.
The funeral will take plots from hie
late midwife), North lot 13, con. 6, on
Friday afternoon at 2.80 o'olook. Ser.
vioe will be eouduated a half hour earlier
by Rev. A, 0. P7lehart, B. A., of Mel-
ville 'thumb. Mr. Oook was one of the
few pioneers now remaining in Morrie.
ODITUANT.—Mre. W. A. J. Groan, died
at her home in 'Uxbridge Tusedey morn.
ing, 10th ult. after an illness extending
over three menthe from that dreaded
dismee—oancer. Her maiden name woe
Catherine Stratton, youngest dangbter of
the late Robert Stratton ibo mime from
Dublin, Ireland, in 1848, and settled in
Reach &tithe town lice of Uxbridge feom
whom Eittettonville takes its name. She
with her husband had lived in 'Uxbridge
tot the past 12 yeare eoming from Baal
Oro where they bad reeided for some
yeare. hire. Oroxall wag an active and
earneet umber of the Methodist dumb
for many years'her oonvereion taking
piece in the old frame Methodist oharoh,
Utica. In her painful Mune ebe wae
always cheerful, ebp knew her end on
earth was drawing Igh, but death had
no taros foe her. She knew in whom
ehe had believed anttt patiently waited
the oall to be reet and reined. The
funeral took place f4ht,raday from the
Methodist (thumb, and the large aesanbly
allowed the high esteem itt which ebe wee
held. Au appmpriete Benton tvae
preached by Rev. H. Harper, M. A, from
"There remaineth therefore a 05180 10 the
people of God," interplant taking plate
abridge oemeteey. Debetteed Was in
her 68ed year and involved by ballast:and
one daughter, Mre. Andrew Cottiter, of
Weston, and one eon, El, A. Drexel!, so
well and widely knoWn in rnueleal (Prelim.
He patient Buffeting and calm reeigne•
tioo ie a 1646011 10 MI all "Let me die the
death ot the righteoue end tel nty leet
end be like Hie."—Brotbere and Meters
of tho deoeseed are Jausee Strata', of
Betteeele ; Mee, Kirton, of NOW Market ;
Emory, of Von Perry; Mrs. Jan
Mooney, of Brook' • Robert Stretton, of
Toronto ; Abraham 'Stratton, reeidenee
not known ; and Wm. 0, Stratton,
Lanoaeter, Obio,
preefone one from 08 le gone,
A voice we loved 18 atill,
A place is vaoant bn oar home,
Whioh never tan be filled,
God in Hie wisdom has reoalled
The boon Elie love has given ;
And though the body moulders hers
Ser soul jesale 10 heaven.
People We Taik About.
Geo. Andrew(' is holidaying at Bayfield,
Mise Stolle Speiran is vieiting at Ethel,
Miee Sera Hetet is seating relatives at
J. H. Oameroo Wee in Toronto for a
few dap'.
Mee. A, Bbraahan and Min Label are
holidaying in 'Toronto.
Postmaster Farrow was a visitor In
Toronto for a few daye.
Mies Ida Bailey has taken a position in
Percy Raba& aura store.
Mimi Ella Kennedy, of Blyth, is vieit.
her °canine, the Misses Colvin.
Mine Mabel Colvin has been attending
the Millinery Openings ab Toronto,
Oarl Curry, of Woodstock, was a
visitor at Thos. Corry's, Queen street.
Jno. Long, emoompanied by hie eon,
Willie, are visitors at London.
Mrs. W. Moffatt viaited relativee 10
Bluevale for a few days this week.
Will. Clark, of Kineerdine, formerly
tailor in Breesele, was a caller in town.
Mira Olive Mooney has been attend-
ing the Millinery Openings at Toronto,
Mre. A. M. Kay and Blies Galen, of
Sttatford, are vieitore with Mrs W. H.
Mrs, W. F. Stewart and Mee. N. F.
Gerry are seeing the eights in the Queen
Mrs R. Paul and Miee Gordon are
beak from an enjoyable vieit et Orange-
Barrister McDonald wee under the
parental roof in Ashfield township for
Misses Dora and Kate Smith are en-
joying a visit with Wanda in Toronto
this week.
Blies Efeleo Paterson, nurse from St.
Theeph, Mo., is vieiting her cousin, Mee,
Jno. Doig.
Miss Caren' McCracken is holidaying
at Toronto with Mies Nellie Irwin and
other friends.
Eliseo Katie and Edith Deadman are
away to Toronto on a holiday outiog
with relatives,
ktissee Grace Stewart, Eva MoOrsoken
and Ella lliatater ware vieiting with
Wroxeter Mende.
Bits, McLean and son are vieiting ttt
P. Scott's. Mrs. Soott and Mrs. Bice
Lean are Waters.
Ides, D. 0, Roes ie the guest ot her
eieter, Odra, Durgin, of Toronto, going to
the city laet Tuesday.
Frank Grills, of Harrielon, and Nor-
man Watford, of Welkerton, are holiday•
ing at R. Leatherdale's.
Mrs. D. 13. Moore and. Kies Jennie are
in Toronto this week ?jolting relatives
and taking in the Fair.
Mise Carrie BloOraoken and Mine
Beale Bone spent a day with Mtge Nor.
me Lowiok at Fordwich,
D. Ewan is away to Toronto pioking 1m
pointere for 1907 carriage buetnese and
buying a few ohoioe outfits.
Mies Mary Goatee, who was laid aelde
by typhoid fever, is making good progress
toward complete recovery.
Misses Fannie and Myrtle Friendship
have returned from a visit with Wing -
ham and Teamster relatives.
Mauer, son of J. T. and Mo. Wood,
wee on the eiok list but is better
again we are pleieeed to state.
Wm. and Mre. Haiet and children, of
Atwood, were visiting ab the former'e
parental home here on Sunday.
James Jones and Mies Minerva
are guests of the former's eister, lare.
Humphries, in the Queen pity.
Mime Smith and McTavish, of Grey,
Were vieitore with Pare. John Doig in
Bruseele doing the paeb week.
David Cooper and bride and A, and
Mrs. Doig, from Bioleaworth, were call.
ing on Jno. and Biro. Doig Tneeday,
Minute Allis and Merton Smith were
visiting relatives and friends et Galt,
Hamilton and other placers of interest.
Wm. Sample, of the Soo, who has been
on the mak lit here, is recovering his
health all right 0,6 0.08 pleased to stens
Min Ida Olegborn, of Bluevale, and
Mies Jean Riahardeon, of Totonto, vieit.
ed their remain, Pare, W. Moffatt on Mon.
Bare. Bonner and Mise Ada, of New
York, have been the paste of Mee. D.
Ewan, Bilpees Holmes and Mee—Holmes
in town.
Bire. 14. L, Jaeltson, and Lloyd ao-
°pitapat:tied by Mrs. Harold Creighton, of
New Grafton, Mass, ere visiting relativee
at Greaten end locality.
Wm, Marra, ot Hamilton, was visiting
Root Zimmer daring the past week.
They ere roommates at Toronto where
they are attending pollee&
Air, Semis, of Pietism wee a 'Mita in
town. Es was formerly teller in the
Standard Bank here and has a warm
spot fn Me heart for Brunie.
Road Lowry, of St. Thomas, wee
home for a few daye thie week on a vial
with bis parade aud other old friende.
Tbe city appears to be agreeing with
Mrs. R, T. Hingeton is vieiting hue
eon in Wingham, She immompanied her
siker, Mre. Grundy, of Cleveland, whb
WKS going to Teamster to visit her eieter,
Bite, D. Forenoon, a former Brneselite.
Iffr, Hislop, grandfather to Mrs. Oho,
Ribehie, John area, has been Vatting
her. The old gentleman le 98 years of
age but is remarkably spry and Will walk
off floe Miles as agile as many men 25
yore hie junior,
D. A. Lowry arrived home frons the
Weet, whore he (Tent the past three
menthe, last Saturday. He was not very
Well the last pert of bis stay. Mr, Lowey
Wee as fee ite Prince Albert, lie came
home via Chicago.
Rev, Ezra G, Powell, Mrs. Powell and
tione and Mies Pearl Tuekey are away to
London locality for a visit, Air, Powell
has gone on to Lambbon county to viele
his mother,
The Goderioh Signal of lot week
epeeke as followe concerning a brother Of
Barrister PditoDonald, of Brook' :—M.
A. MaoDonald, who bas been praotieing
law ieb London, Ont., wall in town for it
few days thie week and ie now vielting
hie 016 home iu Aubfield. We are eorry
to learn that Mn, MacDonald is leaving
Ontarto. Be hoe /tempted a vary tempt.
ing offer to join a legal flan tol Orem.
brook, B. 0., and leaves next month foe
the Paofflo province. Wbile expreeeing
our regret that Bo clever a .young !Mari
ebonld leave hie native Promo we join
with "Mao's" many friends here Its wish.
ing him all meaner of enemas in hie new
location. If 111. 5., Bluedoneld le not be'
fora a great many yeare one of the /Pro-
minent barrister(' of Britieh Oolumbia
and a leader in politest life as well, thee
they have smarter mon out there than
We think they have.
Thnteday, the eeoond day of the Sum.
mer raoee, eaw a very much larger at.
tendanoe than on the opening day. The
three raoee were all good and hotly con -
Meted to the finish, four heats befog
name:wary in the 2.27 pace and five in the
2,40 trot. Summary ie AS follows :-
2,27 Pace—
Little Rergnoon, 9 Eiroith,Stratford...8 1 1
Little liarr9, Archibald & Oudmore
Seaforth 2 22 3
Topsy Dillard, Id 13 Gray, Barrio— ....... 3 3 3
Tirna-0261, 2:27,2289, 2:209
2:40 Trot—
Dr, Flower, J Coudray, itiontreal 3 1 I 4 I
Gertie P.,J D Skinner, Stratford 1 24 I
(Jerrie A., P Anient, Bruseels 24 3 8 2
Dan Bare, Archibald & Oudniore,
Eleaforthi 6 2 5 5
Daisy Bobo, Jas Beattie, Kirkton 6 6 2 6
Goorge .13.,eto Muldoon, ;Brussels5 6 5 6 4
Tiros -23313, 2316, 2:089, 2:15,2:88
0.18 Paoe—
Wiadona King,3 Itooke, •Alvineton 1 1 1
Oollingwood oy,P J Stone, Oolling'd 284
Minnie Keswick, G W Ourtis, Lindsay 8 8 13
Tarry S, 95 ltobson..Brampton 14 2
Tirae-2:211, 2:219, 2:2141
Tbe Association will be able to square
off all amounts but the balance will not
be large. One of the drivers wait fined
$10 in the 2,40 race for pulling bis horse,
although the plan laid for the heat did
not work oat, it is said.
Grey Council Meeting.
Connell met pursuant to order in • the
Township Hall, Ethel, Monday, August,
271h, at 10 a. m.
Reeve in the chair and other members
present. Minutee of last meetiog read
end passed.
Applications for Township Treasurer
monied irons Anthony McDonald,
Allan A. Lamont, and John McIntosh.
Moved by John Brown, seconded by
John Grant that the application of John
MoIntosh be tempted. Oarried.
On motion of Damen Johnetes,
eeoonded by John Cute, the following at-
°pante were paid ;—
S. B. Cole, payment Dilworth
bridge abate:mote $ 651 75
S. S. Cole, excavation Dilworth
bridge abutments 12 27
A. MaInnes, inepeotion Dilworth
abutmecte, Twp. and Oen
treatoe's portion 17 94
99000 Olark, shovelling gravel8 00
Wm. Lowe, shovelling gravel2 50
John Carlin, On 0ontra0t, Hall
Drain 345 00
Geo. Kreuter & 0o., spikes 80
A. Hill & Co., pe.yrneut Bremner
bridge 195 00
A. Hill & Co., payment Brown
Midge 427 50
A, Hill & 0o., payment Cum
mingle bridge 427 60
A. Hill dr Co, payment Moles
worth bridge 175 00
A. Hill & Om, payment Dilworth
bridge 1800 00
Wm. Steveneon, on oontraot,
Clos Drain 450 00
Richard Jaelelin, on oontraot
Balfour 125 00
S. 13, Cole, Molesworth bridge
abutments 828 13
S. S. Cole, excavation Moles
worth bridge abutments 14 93
Joseph Coombe, inspection
Molesworth abutmente, Twp,
and Conkraotor's portion 8 75
J. IL Baker, Weaning Award
Drain, lot 29, non. 9 3 48
John Gimblett, onlvert, Grey
and Elena bdy, at Elentryn. 5 50
John Biel:lash, nutting brush, S.
R. 6., oon, 8 5 00
fditobell Broe„ spikes25
George Coombe, coal Oil and
lantern 80
Thonae Chapman, repairs at
Twp. Hall 8 50
John Mamie, repairing culvert,
lot 20, oon. 13, 14th oon, draM 10 00
Andrew Bruce, °eget, lot 12,
con. 17 1 00
D. Johnston, drawing timber tor
culvert, Fraser man. Drain2 60
A. 3. Helm, axle grease and oil 35
Jim, W. Rose, farm bridge, 61b
ooti. drain 20 00
Wm. Bliehel, digging Twp. poi
tion, Michel Award Main5 00
Mak Cardiff, gravel,. , . . 6 82
David Milne, farm bridge, Love •
Blurs Drain......•... 15 00
Peter Tate, °swept pipes 10 60
Andrew Pollook, gravel.. .... 6 28
George MoDooald, gtavel 11 20
John Molilwan, gravel 4 40
John pact, inepating farm
bridge', Lemont 8 00
Wm. Commutation
Statute Labor 1905. 4 00
Peter Itiehop, digging drain, S.
R. 1, son. 6, ...... .. 10 00 •
Wm. Vetoer, rine day inspeoting •
Molowath bridge abatmeote 1 75
Mr, Holley, gravel . . . W1W.* 0,04
Mae Shinn, repairin
g °Invert,
B. rt. 1, 000. 2...... 4 • 1 00
0, Baynard, onivert, 1026, con,
7 .61.41,1,111.41,...044,066.00 2 60
Moved, futoonded and tarried that the
Cannon do now saloon to Meet on Sept.
24011 100 10 a, tn, 4o51rt kaottrosat Oterk,