HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-8-23, Page 5a^) 1►.. 441 .. y .0002000,00,00/0.000040, CAN YOLi g ?ALL TERM MN SUL 4th • In (Molding to gays huolooee odium. tion or khorthnud Braining, It la 0100 17 to them a school that le wolf known y0 for atrially Itlgll grade work, Tho el ELLIOTT ELLIOTT TOItONTO1 ONT. IT to well known as elle et the best Omu• Zb mental gobooloInaxistonoo. Ito ie. • 0e0d this year boo , been most qq remark• l able. None of our gratinuteo are out gn[ posltiune alit tea 4nmand tot thorn 7p is about Lwuuby twos the euplily, ai Write to -day for Der magutaoout oate- 'R loam,�t g ' ,1q W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal. OOlt Y00n10 A140 ALItXANn101 tyre. I1' Jlr��r`Iw�O-,�C�-�i+.,s�-a.:•��'`6.�"�Pb�i MEDICAL CARDS. SDR. It, A, BU1ZNS- 5nocessor to BY. J. A. Ho\aughton stru0ao's, Ontario Graduate of Polyaliulo Poet Graduate School of Medloine and Surgery, Now York. Member of Onllogo of Pbyeiclaue and 811r' 000110 of Ontario. Unlue and rosidenoo same as formerly oc- cupied by Dr. aloNawgbtou, Dtoeasoe of women a opeelalty, '('pone No, 21. BUSINESS CARDS. NIT MaORACICEN— V , Issuer of Marriage Lioeneus, 02 11 en et Grocery, TIuuberry street, Jlrn00ols. WM, SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER of MARRIAGE LIOENSES tonlee le the Post Office, Ethel. 10.4 0. O. F, Court Primmer; Alexandria, No. 24, 0.0, 1., Brussels, meets 10 their Lodge Room, Sloe - hut Bleak, 010 th0 Ind and last Tuesdays of each month, at 8 o'clock. Viettiug brethren always woloomo. GEORGE 1{831111, U, R. W. L, LEATHE1tDALE, R, 8. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company 00ioo and Resldence— WALTON, ONT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM3 I180081,1108, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 1.1 S. SCOTT AB AN AUCTION- • nen, wltl 0011 for batter prices, to hotter men, in lees time and less charges thou any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. nates and orders can always be arranged at We oflloe or by p oreonal epplioation, ROST. H. , GARNISS BLIJEVALE — ONT, Auctioneer for Huron Oounty. Terms reasonable, Sales arranged for at the oftiae lit Telt 1'Osm, Bruseele. 22tf VETERINARY. t_ A. CUNNINGHAM- 17 • Honor iiradeace o1 the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - 00000 of domesticated animals in a 00mp8t- ant manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Lover. Calla promptly attended to. (Mice audlndrmary Sour doom North of bridge, '1'Ornberry et., Bruoeelt. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB, MACDONALD— • Barrister, Bolioitor, Notary, Eta. buoa00oor to t#, 1. Blair. Office over Mau - demi Bunk, Bruesele, 8olieltor for Metro- politan B oak. NAT M. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, Solicitor, 10onveyauaor, Notary Publto, &o. Okloo—Stewart's Moak 1 door North of Oantral Hotel, 8011011er for the Standard Bank. p1iOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARItISTEItS, BOLIOITORB, NOTARIES Y0BLIO, -18T0. W. Paounaoow, R, 0. 11. 0, Hese G, 1. BLAIR. OSh000—Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron to Holt, Go01101000, ON0Am0. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, AIENT18T Orientate of the Royal College of Dental SurgouueofOntario and Pint•olass Honor Graduate at Toronto tniver0lty. Offoe next to Brewer'0 Photograph Denary, BRUSSELS. Fall T181777 Opens Sept. 4 CE RAL�!��G/ STRATFORD. ONT. Times interested in'neeinooe College ('f Li work should write for our large cats- 1G 11) logo°, 'Thio 18 thn largest and beet 46 Oornuooi,olo,1 (000(1 81,010111(0.0(1 &shoal tri. Western Ontario. o give a ricetioal 117 g p Wining and aH110 , 001' feH t0 II g 9p l • roup eneibh, poHi41ou8, Many of the yl leading Mistimes O011oges 0101(1010 our da graduates 100 tonobora, Write now for hI a moo 001010gao, ELLIOTT & MOLAOHLAr1, Principals. p sol dls, AFFORD to loose the 01110n0e yen have of getting a Photo of your Family, 1V110n they have a0peraled and it IN I111p00011)10 10 get them 101101/100 you will be wishing you had one and would pay twice ibs value if you oonld bot got a Photo, of your Family. Don't forget we are up-to-date and will guarantee you a First -0110x0 Photo, 1Ve havo a full flue of 1llouldiugs anti will Frame your Pieter 0 at a vory close price. Oall and get our Prices, Visitors to the town are invited to oall and see our work. H. R RE ER lStxTtx ft,tbas, 131 Pt1•. W. J. Pyle left on a tour months' business trip Le the West. 0. A, Howe is having a cement walk built armed hie property on Dlusloy street. Mre. F, E. Hassall, of Uxbridge, 10 visiting at the home of her permute, P. and Mre. Willows. An open meeting wag bold in the basement of the Presbyterian oburoh on Tuesday evening to disease ohereh union, Mr, and airs, Stephenson, of Cunning. ton, was looking up a Bite for the emotion of their newoarri0ge fnotery, and aleo a lot to build a dwelling 110400 on. ti od er.'ie tt . Jae. Black naught a blaok balm whioh weighed 4i poond0. J. W. Broderick has purchased an. other stook of boots and oboes in Exe- ter, The town has had three life preservers plaotd at convenient pointe around the dock. Gaon() Wilson has started a parcel delivery and hoe quite a number of regular patrnne. Gundry Brae. have added auothcr up.to.date rnbbnr•tired hack to their already complete equipment. Risen Sturdy has puohoaad from H. E. Hedger's theEgnorproperty, for whiob be paid $1,600, ao advanoo of 6100. Ohaa. Cook, Bayfield .Road, has a good held of yellow mttugolde, an ordivary sample of whioh pulled last week weighs 10 pounds. Tho public eohool board hae appointed Mica Waloon, of Seatorth, as the extra teacher on the Central school otaff for the Model school term. Mayor Tilt was served with a notice from the Maitland Power 0o.'a solfoilors, Meoore. Prondfoot, Hayti & Blair, that unleee he signed the by law by Thursday 28rd inst., they would apply to the °marts for a m0nd0mue to mammal him to do eo. The Cleveland Plain Dealer of Snuday August the 12th, bee the following an. uounoemeat whiob will beread with in- terest by Dr. Meldram'e many Mende Isere : "Tbe eugegemenb is announced of Rev. A. A. Meldrum, pastor of Old Stone oburoh, and Mies Ella H. Herrick, daughter of the late G. A. Herrick." . Waite it woman antlers from depressing weakness, the then keenly realizes how helpless—how thoroughly worbhlees she feels. Dr. Shoop has brought relief to thousands of slab women. He reaches diseases pe0diimr to women in two direct epeoiflc ways—a local treatment known by Druggiete'everywbere as Dr. Sboop'e Night Core, anti a constitutional or 111- ternel prescription called Dr. Shoop'e Restorative, Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is applied locally, and at night. It works while you Bleep. It reduces the infix• matio0, it scope discharges, it heals it soothes, it comforts; it nares, Dr. Shoop's Resboratve (tablet or liquid form) is a constitutional, nerve tissue tool°, It brings renewed otreugtll, lasting ambition and vigor to weak, life. less women. !.'hese two remedies, singly or need together, have an irresistible, positive helpful power, Try them a month and see. Sold by MIL Smith. iL•tee to v. . 0, V. Hayden, formerly of Forgae, h00 pnrobased the laundry heathen' of T. G. Amferaou. Johu Soon shipped eleven oars of cattle to Buffalo last week. They were prinoipally etookere. Geo, and Mre, Raines wore (tailed to Orilli0 to attend the funeral of Mea,. Reines' father, the late Major O'dell. Joseph Gibson hoe resigned from the North Perth lioenso oommieeiou board, He will leave shortly for the West, S, G. MoOormaok, M. A., of Lynn, Ont., has been appointed of of English and Moderne at the Listowel High Schooi. Ed, Hemewortb, pri0otpel of the Norwood Public Sohool, Wien ipeg, ie spending part of his variation in W.allaoe. He ie a000mpanied by Mre. Hemsworth and Mester Elliott; Dr. J. 3, Foster, secretary of Bernard lodge, A, F. & A. M., has been appointed an officer of the Masonic Greed Lodge of Canada by the newly elected Grand Master, J. H. Bonita, K. 0, V. W. Bro, Foster's ofioe 10 that of Grand Organist, Bert, Binning, of Oalgary, is making a short visit with hie pereute, W. E. and Mre. Binning, He is oh his an nual purehaeine trip East. Mr, Binning has oneet the handsomest Otoree in Calgary end 00rriee the finest stook of ladies' dress and furniehing goods in the Weet, Qandriok Bros. are building a stone foundation wall on their property on the Haat side of Wellaoe street, in front of their ealo Stables, and intend to erect it bushingbleak thereon textxt season They ileo have in view the ereotiou of a substantial building on the Wrtllaaa and letterman street mortar, on whish Mr, Sergioon'a blacksmith shop now etoudo. 'The Lawrence Palm in the lob 000. of Eima, Iota 55 and 50, was Aoki Iasi week to Chas, D. CeI; hlf11 of the With Isco boundary toe $0,000. The farm is a good one and edjeine Mr, Ooghlin's property i01 Emus 101r. Ooghlin and hie 00110 now OS1111 500 totes in the first eon- 0e0ei0ue of Waitrons and Elute, He is engaged exten0ively In dairying and hes found It a profitable bueineae i11 oouneo. tion with terming, A. S. Tamils Iced a stroke '0f parely018 on b'rl,Itty niabt, 10,1, font,, and lt,o silica Hurn confined to lied. lto fold the 0tr0110 corning dont blln as no waif rabbits for the night, and at up; re - 11 inion wee lrn moil tr.t aa0t a I rya it ntlntmouetl. Lia hae emulate( gotta uouaul0ue end hao,ao,ne nee of hie el• tooted side. Hie oonditinu 10 not 0011. Mitered very 00riune and hopes ase enter. tained for hie early rcoovery, A overeat rn00tlug of L. 0. L. 370 wee called on Wsdnsoday eventug of last week In the Omego hell for the par• 7000 of bidding farewell to 1tev, 0, 11. Jlaoltland, the Worehiplul Mauler of Ole lodge, and to pr0001,01 him Witt] e wean 0f their e0teern and regent, An ;Wheal wee read, tureen/peeled by tete pre0eutatl0n of a Peet 1Uaoter'o Jewel u a monism ease, The reverend gentleman aoknowiedgod the gift in suit. able terms, thoroughly appreciating the kindly and brotherly feeling which prompted it. Short addroseeo wore made by a number of the brethren pea. ant, all regretting the loss the Ledge and town were 0uetetuiug ill Mr. Beak. laud's departure, .13"0 re al vwleolt. Wm. Baird hoe started the °Notion of a 0000 bona°, Mime Nellie 000110 went to Toronto to attend the millinery openings. Howiok Fair will be held this year i0 Fordwich ou Saturday, Out. Otb, Jae, 01nIlend hate esonred m pueltion an fireman on the G. 1'. R. at PalnU•as stun. John Wilson, wbo received a severe loofa on the leg from a now, le able to move around ageiu, Fordwtob Ohe0ae Factory shipped their last July oilman on Friday. Tbe price was 11} Oen le per Ib. L. B. Coon has parohmeod the appeal. tion drug store in Tura 81111 will now have the drug bueineae 10 himself In that flourishing town. Dr. W. R. Cook has disposed of hie practice in Elmwood and 10 spending a a short venation WW1 his pare0te here before taking a poet graduate coarse in New York, Mien Bertha Johuetou, Will. Padfield, Arthur Spottou and Miee Edua Bushdeld were en00000lnl in p10eeiug the Junior Leaving examination, linea Jobnaton taking honors. A valuable brood sow belonging to A, 11. Rion, of Newbridge, aoetdsutally strayed auto the farm of Wm. Baird, 4th eon., Howlett, and was bond in hie bush wnh her Bead amoehed in with an axe or sledge. The clireotors of the Hawick Agrioul• (meal Society met in the Albion Hotel, fl"ordwioh, on Saturday evening at 0 o'olook to revise the plza Iles and to at. tend t0 Other matters nl Oonileat'On with the Fall Fair to be Held in Fordwioh on Saturday, October 6th. 1�..t W' to0(1. Rev, J. H. MOBaln, wife end daughter Dorothy, of Deauville, are holidaying at. the home of J. W. and Mre. MoBain. A. M. Sweeten (vas to Petorboro ao delegate from the local 1. 0. 0. Ie. lodge. t0 the Grand lodge meeting held 011 that pity, Robert Morrow, non of L. J. and Mrs. diuoloir, 11,110 St. wan 'uoormafnt in passing his matrio01011000 exam. at the recent Depatmeutal exams. Rob. wrote et the London Collegiate. W.11. Erskine has sold hie fine rest• denoe to Mrs, Wrn. Horn, 14th con, Elms. He (31000 poeeeeeion on Jan, let. rte parpoeee ere04iug another house and possibly two, if he eau secure the ueoeee• try land. Mrs, James Lineham and eon Tom, who have been vi0itiug for some time 0t the home of bet brother, George Leah- head, left on Mouday of last week for Woodstock prior to returning to her home in the Scam, The Oemeut factory is furning out cement and ready Bale is being found for ohe article. Barring it few aocideule to the mao11i0007, everything is running thong Bmoolly. Those tooidentte are liable to happen in troy mill where so (nub heavy machinery ie in use, The quality of Dement turned ono is said to us right up bo the mark in every reopen. Ata largely attended meeting of the Quarterly Board of the Methodist ohuroh .LLouittou, held 100001ly it woe decided to t00re1000 Rev. Mr. Fenhall'e salary by $50, thus malticg the stipend 6850. It was also 1100i11ed to matte provietone for (111 oonnexioual funds, The members of the Board made complimentary re. marks regtlydbug the work of their poetor, Spell tangible evideuoe of appreciation must be very gratifying tolllr. Penhait, 1.71 In tort. eiRev, W, E. Kerr and Rev, Mr. Brown, at Varna,exabauged palpate teat Sunday. D. Coutelon made hie area shipment of Fell apples do Saturday 111h. a our be. log sent to Begins. Mre, Filmore, of St. Oathorines, au aunt of Mre, R, Holmes, died enddeuly Saturday 11th in that any. The freight trafilo is so great on this branch of the Grand Trunk, that extra Braine are being run daily, A family named Pedriok, that reeehtly came here from the ()id Country, returned theeeto taut week, They did not like conditions here, al. though Home members of the family have beoome U0o0dittnized, name they have been here. 1 Owing to the 180oident whioh betel Minto 1014,, Copp, ebe will not be able 1,0 faire her euhuul on tun 16.11 non., Goderlon township for e. feta 000ak0 and her plana 10 dni;pltod by alias 011ie Oorper. 01,1111:01 hffllhiusrm,ucl gau4trhwho awwnn0el,tkt oee h0ofldRoy°,v. th30e10,puJlpoiit be supplied by Rev, , Mr. P1111070, of Dull, Loglend, who is el preterit visiting friends hi the vlolnity of Holmeoville, A few days ago Mrs, Bert Davit, daughter. in•law of S. Devil+, who bee been visiting here, lot( to e'en Mende in Wuodatook, oheo1blg her trunk and 011110,00 through via Stratford. When she get to her dostinetiou, the trunk and epitome failed t0 arrive, and invesbiga. Hon dieolo0ed the fact Out they had been gluten at Stratford by two men, who were subsequently arrested, The Oum' pony forwarded the arlioie0 to Mre, Carie, though both had been broken open and partially emanbed, and tame of the 0101(10010 stolen. She put in a claim lot damages of $27,50, the Com. pa0y fleetly aoudad with net for $14, When the moo ware brought up for trial they pleaded guilty, and were sentenced to two years io penitentiary. Fun dry, cracked lips, or rough akin, uoo Dr. Blloop'e Green Salve. It positive- ly makes the iipe and skin like velvet. Sold by F, R. Smith. Giro t•ri(0. Jae, and Mre, Leach entertained the choir of the Methodist oliurob at thee Pomo on Monday evening of last week. A Harvest 0100100 festival under the 000pie00 of the Methodist °enroll will be held at Orauge Hill on Monday evo010g, August 27th. A Thanksgiving service will be held on Sunday, Ang, 26th tend o0 Monday 0veniug a hob fowl sup- per will be served. WEnnoNo.—A quiet and pretty wedding tvae eoiemni'rud at the borne of Mre. H. H. Howard on 'Tuesday even. log of loot week at 6 o'clook, when her youngest daughter, Grace Alberta S., wee united in marriage,to J. George Galbraith, both of Orange Hill, The oeremony was performed by Rev. 0. P. Wells, B, A., B. D., of Gorrie, in the presence of immediate relatives. The weddiug march was played by Mies E. Sandereou, of Wroxeter. The bride unattended entered the drawing room leaning ori the arm of her uncle, D. Milne, Ethel, and was daintily gowned in white silk brimmed with chiffon em• broidered and raolting. She wore the traditional bridal veils The soft Colds of tulle fell over a tiara of orange blos- som', and ohs carried a bognet of flowers hound io white ribbon, Little Gladys Warrel, Sturgeon Fella, niece of the bride, made a sweat flower girl and ring boater, and was dreseed in white Swieo muslin mud carried pink flowers. The bridal party otood under a dome made of evergreens, ivy and ferns, from whiob hang a bell decked with a Amster briquet of white asters. Atter congratulations an exquisite luncheon wee served in the dining room, the ceiling of whioh was adorned by our national colors and from the centre of whioh hong ivy with white ribbon and met the wedding cake in the °entre of the table. The groom ably responded to the usual toasts proposed to him and bis bride. Many useful gifts were presented among whioh was a cheek from the bride's mother. Gin a 5 oeut box of Lax•ote at our store please. We think they are great. Just teat these toothoome, oandy•like Laxative Tablets for oouetipatioo, sour atomaoh, biliousness, bad breath, muddy oompleaion, etc. Risk 5 oeute and see. Bold by F. R. Smith, W9nag latltm. W. F. VanStoue has moved into hie new arum. also. S. Merrifield, of Meaford, was calling on old friends in Wingham. , Mies Hattie MoGraoken has returned home after several weeks visit with her brother and stater at Loudon, F. Patterson wee appointed to the position of Tax Oolle0lor at a eatery of 640 and to furnish the neoseeary bonds. The caretaker's tool home at the Wingham cemetery was burned to the ground on Monday evening of last week. Frank J. Hill, a former Wingham young man, 0000 married at Calumet, Miob„ on July filet to Miss Lena Loaiea Rodgers, of than plane. The exoaraion to Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday 11th hist,, under the misplace' of Minerva Encampment, 1, 0. 0. 14'. woe very well attended, ooneider• iug the many other exaureioho this season and the busy time for the farmers. Some forty tiokete were Bold at Wing - ham, Wingham'e tax rate for this year baa been placed at 24 mills. This to one mill higher than last year. Tbe tax tete halt year WAS PM made up of one mill for county rate, sixteen mills for town rate and 6 milli] for publio eohool nate. Thie year the weeny rate takes two mills, town rate fourteen mills, public school six and 11 halt miller high eohool one and a half milia. 8101100 0oNOERs,—The Snored Gordan held iu oo0neutron with Wingham Dis- tridb Summer School, on Friday evening woe the beet of the Mod it has been oar privilege to attend. After au 0nnoanoe. most by the President, John Kerr, that their would be no ebairmau necessary, and no enooree, the audience rose to sing the opening hymn—"Stand ap for Jeans" w Lame Zones P. FERGUSON, are Poor Travellers Did you ever try to drive a horse that Went hone easily 9 Or cue always afraid he wouldn't hear you say "whoa?" Some horses can't travel beoaaoe they are lame and others won't travel without a lot of urging, THEY All n ROY 0011E HORSES To BUY, It's just the Berne with Cream Separaboro. Some are always out of fix, and sofn0 turn like corn shelters. Such Separatmrs don't have the tip -to -date features found only in The Sharples Tubular Buy a Tubular. Ileus a Separator with waist low supply eau, simple bowl hung from single, friotlonleto bowleg and drivenon by wholly onolosed ealf-oiling soars -A SrwrAnnmoO A 01101,11 fan CARE 1000-0110 that will last a life time. I'll take at Tubular all apart and show yon ilow simple, Strong and eflloieut it ie, AGENT, ,BRUSSELS BELL 'TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Iii AB017T TO ISSUE A New T e1e phone DirecDirectory For the Diltriet of tor Western Ontario Including the Town of Brussels. Orders for new connections, ohangee of firm names, ohang00 of street address- ee or for duplicate entries should be hand- ed in to the Lariat Manager AT (MOE. James Fox, Local Manager, WE INVITE •••7110.rf 10 in g 004011 lu 1107 way roman Business Education to write far a cony' of our Praepeetne. It tells you exult!), what to go and why our 0tadant0 succeed so well. Write at once for it. Fall term from Beet, 4th, Address: W. H. Slew, Prinoipal• CLNTRAL NOM CGILSGE TORONTO, ONT, The program was a choice one. Newton Large, of Owen Sound, gave four eeleotions in excellent form. He Into a voice of wide aompaee, true and rich with a sweetness that is nob always found combined with strength ; hie renderings were appreciated. Mr. March, of Strat- ford, gams well, and hie seleotione were very aaoeptably rendered. He will be welcomed in Wingbam again, Hie pat. riotio piece was received with applauee, Wingbom's local talent was well repro. seated by Mies Homath in two of her beet eeleotione, both showing the oonepae0 of ber,really fine voice. In recitation, Mies A. Joynt, of Luokn°w,; appeared to good advantage. This w10a her first appearance 0e an elocutionist in Wing. ham, and her eeleotiooe were well re. aeived. She will be listened to with pleasure again. Wiugham'e loos! talent woe very aooepbable, for Mies Brook's recitations were given with her usual olearueee and force. Mies Brook never disappoints an audience and always en- tertmtue. 3, W. Duncan's cornet solos were well rendered, and enjoyed by the audienoe. Teeowaber'o exoellent talent was worthily represented by Mise Staples in solo, and also in it duet with Mr. Large, whioh showed happy blending of voices. A (Nanette by Mimics Johnston, Mann, Shilling and Howson, of Tees. water, was one of the beat number(' on the program. Teeewater hae more mneiool talent than any other place of the same size that we know of, and its singers are always welcome in Wiugbam. In a conoart, muoh of 0000080 of even the ventilate depends on the accompanist. In this respect, Mies B, Reynolds, the ohnrch organist, was most etHoient, and her services were appreciated, both by ei0gere and audience. The flnanolal re. sults of the concert were 671,80, which will pima the flnonoee of the Summer School on a good basis for 1906. Gree. Mre, James McNair 14th con„ has been on the sick flab bat we hope she will soon be as well as ever. People are wondering if Harry Mo - Mann, who is in charge of Thos. Williamson's "Woodmere" farm while the latter is in the West, is going to Don• tinne there .and take "Mre," MOMann to keep house. 01looke 0aepioioa0. Applioatione will be received by the Township Connell up to 4 p, m. on Mon• day, 27th Met., for the position of Treas. nrer for the Municipality of Grey. Tbe mem is canoed owing to the resigna- tion of Treasurer Reymann, Among those wbo went to the West from this township last week were 1 -- Donald and Robt. MoTaggart, Will. Harrison, Jno. Campbell, Bert, and Mies Lottie Campbell, Alex. D, Lamont, Thoe, Williamson, Jae. Shiele, P. MoDobald, Alex, Ooatte, S. B. Lemont, W. Laing, J. Oololough and Mies Mason. NIAGARA FALLS BY 0. 8110ILLI11 Ho 1 Ye who dwell by tiny streams Or fish in creeks of old Come here and view thio mighty foroe Reeietleee, florae and bold. Majestic), wonderful and grand Ye gods, oh gods unknown, What maeterpieoe can egnal thio Hae painter ever shown ? Oh Jupiter all words most fall Oh majesty of seas, What equals this by Nature flung To any floating breeze 2 Great tumbling, jumbling, foaming sight If from somewhere let down, I geese Veeuviue itself This mighty flood would drown. Vast, ewe inspiring, wonderful With ceaseless surging roar Ti mocks gigantic works of man, And shall for ever more. THE WESTERN FAIR LONDON) ) ON%, Will Bea (treat Success'l Tho Western Fair London, Ont., whioh le held Sept. 701,, to 15110 tike year remises to p re i so solip v all nae ea11ibi• p Hone, aithongb they havo been good, Fifteen Hundred Donate have been add. ed to the Prize Liei, Euteioe are coming in on all antes. Reserve seat plane have been adopted alio year far part of the grendetend, whiob will be n greet ao. 00mmodation to the public, 11011 every thing indicates a very eoocoeatnl exhibt• 4� a D. WALKER AND M. BLACK have formed a co-partnerbllip, to be known as Walker & Black, and will carry on a liew' Furniture ander Jndertaking Business IN THE LECKIE BLOCK Their stook of Furniture, Undertaking Goods and Musical Instruments is new from the Factories ; has been bought for cash and will be sold at Reasonable Prices. MR. CHAS. FORSTER, an experienced Undertaker and Upholsterer, will assist in the business. Picture Framing a Specialty. They hope by strict attention to business, square and honorable dealing with their Cus- tomers to merit a share of the public patron- age. Night and Sunday calls will be promptly attended at David Walker's residence, North of bridge, Turnberry street. WALI(ER &SLACK er"I41dVR9i'r1i^ad4Pwsvr-°SMt tion. The attractions thin year ere above the average, being both new and novel. The Royal Venetian Band originally from Venice, one of the beet magical organizations of the day are under en- gagement for the entire week. C. W. Williams with his airebip "America" making his daily flights through the clouds ; the Kite Bauzai Japanese troupe in their witobelfo rune and "elide for life" ; the Ronne in their high and fanny driving ; the Les Renner], or polite Bur- glars, trick house performers, slack wire and comedy ladder sate; Aldo and Amour 0/000/001100 bar comedians, in their comic ante, and many others. The fireworks this year, the leading feature of whioh will be the. Carnival of Veaioe, will surpass anything of the kind ever proeented at the West- ern Fair. Reduced rates on all railroads for whioh see time tables, and obm Sate trains for accommodation of those re. maining to the evening performance and fireworks. Programa and all information will be given on applioation to the Secre- tary, London, Ont. Take a holiday and visit the only WESTERN FAIR sometime between Sept. 7th and 15th. 001000111111001 ................ 1 ' Wester y'c ir The Exhibition That Made Fall Fairs Fameus An ideal occasion for a family outing. IDaily ascensions of a navigable airship, always under perfect control. The most wonderful invention of the age. Royal Venetian Band, the most celebrated European musical organization, under the great leader, Victor, will give Concerts daily. Fireworks on a more magnificent and imposing scale, picturing the great Carnival of Venice. Many splendid, educational features for the boys and girls, i For information write j W. J. REID, President. (A. 11:I. HUNT, Secretary. LON SEPT. 7-15, 1905 $1 2Goingip y1 $1 Roftuor Trma GOING DATES— in Manitoba and Saskatchewan SEPT. 5 Stations south of, but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia, includingToronto. SEPT, 7 Main line Toronto to Sarnia and Stations north, except north of Cardwell Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. SEPT, a From all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Late and Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and Midland. Divisions. One wry second eines tickets will be cold to WINNIPI'eq only. Representative p ntative fanners, appointed by Manitoba and 8nak atahow0agnvorn Governments, will meatlaborors on arrival at Winnipeg.Free transppoortation Wili be furnishedt Winnipeg to points whore laborers are needed. ,Acertificate is furnished when each bakotie 1nreh10od, and this certificate, when °seontod by farmer, showing' that laborer Ana worked thirty dive or more, will be honored front that point fora Lomond class tiokot beck to (darting point in Ontario, at $18.00, prior to Nov. Sots 1806. Tickets will be tented to women as well as to men, but will net be issued ab half fate ter ehildrea, Tlekp'te araltood Dally on special Form Laborers' trains. er , •• For full particulars 800 Dearest 0.p'.)), ticket agent, es write 0,33 row, 0, P. A.. 0,9,10,, Toronto.