HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-8-23, Page 1Vol.. 33. No, 7 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, New Advertisements. Puree lost -Tutt POST. Dog lost -Geo, McNichol, Pigo for sale -Alex, Lamont. Farm for ode -Emote Ortoh, Doming -Raymond Ss Poore. Aeguet Salo -G. N. McLoren. Girl wanted-Mre, John Lookle, Get rid of the Bine-I', R, Smith. New diroctory-Bell Telephone Go, Notion to Creditors -•W, M. Sinolair, Girls wanted-Exoeleior I uitliog Fao. tory. district 'Advs. WroxeLer. Jim. and Mrs. Orr, of Wingham, spout Sunday in the village. Mies M, Miller is spending a few weeks at her home in town. Fred. Vogt, of Detroit, is the guest of hie mother, Mrs, J. Vogt. Miss Cassie Harris hes returned from a monbb's visit at Hensel!. Mre. Scab Black and ohildren went to London on Saturday for is holiday. Mies Elsie Allan left for Louise on Saturday where she will teaoh (taboo!. Alex. Stewart, of Elmira, spent several days of last week with friends here. • igeee froma w on etand o cel a owe r Saturdayetureed holiday in Port Elgin. Mienen Edlbb and Gertte Harris loft last wooh for a visit with, ()011ie sad Toronto friends, Robert and Mrs. Gibson have returned to Illeioburg after spending some time with the former'e brother, T. A. Gibson, W. B. MoKeroher, of the Howlett Mutual, moved into hie fine new office Mut week, where we hope he will enjoy many happy and buoy years. Oral Hupier leaves for hie home in Sault Ste. Marie this week, where he will spend a month. Hie plane in the hubaher shop will be taken by a Mr. Hindee, of Earriston, Some who left on the Harvest Excur- sion to the West last Friday were ;- Jos. Barton, 8, Obittiok, J. Rigging, N. Harris, D. Rae, . Stott Black, Melville Rae, W. Weir, A, Morrison, Allan tine and J. Miller, Jta1Yaeii to ay ai . We'll be glad when the new Mee! bridge ie in its place. Joe Robb and Miss 0. .a. Robb are away to Boissevezo, Manitoba, on a trip, Box SooIAL.-On Thnreday evening, August 801h, It box Rouiaal will be held on the lawn of Eider John Straahtan. A good program will be presented. Au ice cream stand will be on the grounds. Come and enjoy a good time, Mies Libbie His000k, of Teeswater, visited her Bunt, Mee, Geo. Allan, last 060010. The old foundry building has been gold end will be at once fitted up for au apple evaporator. Mrs, James Hazlewood, of Olifford, in visitor at the home of her son, W. 0. Hazlewood. Jae. Gowan and grandson, Sherrie Gibson, returned from the Woet on Saturday where they have epout two mouth s, Girls \Tanted Good steady town or coun- try Girls wanted to ran Knitting Machines and learn other de- partments of work. Good wages can be made. Apply at once to the Excelsior gnittin2 Factory, Brussels V 2 nu- taro. Two DROWNED. -A number of boys and young men were bathing io the Maitland river tam Sunday afternoon when one of them, Freels Mee, got beyond hie depth, and being unable to swim was even to be in deuger. Clayton Griedulo 0680 itbont to go in, and seeing hie oomrads'e dauger jumped in. He wag at once (claimed by the drowning matt and both earls. Another young man Harold Buchanan, oleo plunged in and was se,zed by Griedale, and had hard work to escape being dragged under. The alarm was given and Albert Flem ing secured the bodies. Medioal men were soon at the e0e0e of the aooident but found life extiuot. Both were young men of good (haC0.0lBr and about the same age. W tat Lose. Tbe Libation house for the 0. P. R. is to be built right away. Rev. A, MaoNabb is home from hie holiday outing to tbe lakeside. Walton was represented at Brunets rates, and ohs Football match, Seafortb, on Wednesday. YOuNo MAN'S RAM ACT. -Frederick Campbell, am employee at the National Table Factory et Owen Bound attempted to commit mutoide at an early hour Tues. day morning by slashing his throat with a razor. He now nee iu the General and Marine Hospital au a serious condition, the windpipe having been partly severed. Oampteell is a you0g fellow about 21 years old, and went to Owen Sound three woeke ago from Strathroy, where bis father, D. B. Campbell, le a prominent eOMI•NG! RAYMOND & POORF'S BIG SCENIC PRODUCTI9 N Tell N!h1s iu a Bar gnu THE NEW DRAMATIZATION Band and Orchestra The most Costly Uniformed Band on the Road ALL SPECIAL SCENERY BY GOSMAN & LANDIS, CHICAGO ONE - NIGHT - ONLY brussels, Tliursday Aoul 30 PR/G:ES 350. tri 250. SEATS AT FOX'S DRUG STORE THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1906 W, H. KERR, Prop eontrnotor, He hao always been of a cheerful diepoeition and an alleged love affair, with roterence to wbiob he is said to have received a letter that morning, ie given as the (mune of the rash act. • Be' fore attempting to take hie life he wrote it note of explanation, which was die• (covered by the pollee ooverod with blood, end the contents of which will not be made public by the Coroner in tahoee hands it ie. Though unable to talk, he ban since writ400 a note expreeeing re- gret for hie aot. green to t. Do it. Rev, R. F, and Mre. Cameron, are holidaying with relatives and lrieude Mira Next Sunday morning Rev. R. F. Cameron, of Georgetown, will preach in Knox oharoh, Tho pastor is away for a holiday. Who Lizzie Molloy arrived home ]set week from a very enjoyable trip to the Wept and resumed her duties as bomber in our sohool taut Monday. One day feet week S, Dunn, who lives South of Oranbrook, wee thrown off the reaper in the field and was 000eiderably (Malmo np and ono rib broken. Ee le able to be up now. Mrs. John McNabb end daughter and Mre. James H. McNair returned last week from an enjoyable and extended visit with relatives and friends at So. Thomas, Bothwell, Port Shanley and other pointy, We are sorry to bear that Gideon Perrie, of Hamilton, formerly of Ibis locality, is eo poorly that he has gone to a private hospital at Guelph for treat. meet. We hope the means need will tend to speedy restoration. Cnaxnaootr Pump Works are very busy just now, A poetoard will bring the proprietor to 060 yonr sick pump or dis- abled windmill. Get your wiudmille 1010(1 pumps, iron or wood, from the man wbo hae been in the buetuesb for over 30 years and you will melte no mistake. Township Council next Monday in Ethel. Mies ass's Menzies w visiting J t asIn Hotviok. Our subool teachers ere bank to work 0008 more. Mre. Carnal Dooley, who has been sick with fever is improving. Several from here attended a wedding at Orange Hill on a resent Otte. Mies Gibbs, of Lietowel, and Mre, Hall, of New York, visited Mrs, Oloee on Fri. day. Harvest is about finished and thresh• ing hae oommeneed. Grain is turning one well but are are needing rain. Mise Ethel F;etober, of Elora, and Mies Janet Bolton, of Atwood, are the guests of Bert, and Mre. McNichol. Mies Masco:, Alex. D. Lamont and W. Lang, of this locality, were emong the Exattreionie1e to the West last Friday. GOOD RETUnN.-Thnreday of Met week John Bateman, drover of Brussels, Fillip. ped 172 hogs from Ethel G. T. R. to PRlmerelou. Toward the shipment Wm. Thompson, wbo live Beet of here, sold 13 hogs, whose average weight was 242 pounds and for tvhiah be received the tidy sum of $220. He could have taken $7.60 bat held too long and acid for 317.00 n cwt. The load was a good one, Mr. and Mre. Wloidbee, 01 New York, were visiting with Robert Olen and family. They visited the salt block in Brussele and unlike some Yankees, were muob pleased with everything they eaw, both in the country and towns. Me, Whidbee hae been in the Fire Depart. ment in N. Y. for 17 years. When a men serves 20 years he is retired on half pay. They left by trait on Monday for Toronto where they will epend a few days, them oontioue their journey by boat to Kingston and Brookville. It wee Mr, Whidbee'a first visit to ()anode, He is a amain to Mre, Olose. Grev. Mrs, Lawson, of Hullett, bas been visiting Mrs. Jamas Armebrong, 10th 000. Mrs. John Oliver, 16th con, hae been very ill but too are glad to abate is improving nicely, o el P R Y, Mies Kate Sellers, from near Searle, North Dakota, ie visiting old friends on the 161h, It is nearly nape years einoe she left it, Mrs. Alex. Stewart, 16th sou, bad the miefortauo to fall on the wet floor of her home and break and die• 0Oate her arm. Mre, leeao Modelaud and daaghtere, of Beaforth, were visitot'e at Eneae Orioh's daring the past week. Mr. Orieh is Mre. Modeland's brother. The Mises Hislop from Clinton are vieiting on the 1Gbh among their many old friends. They are daughters of the late James Hislop. A box social in aid of the Guild of Melville oburoh, will be held at the resi- dence of Jobn Straoban on Thursday, Aug 80th, Everyone (come, We ate sorry to hear that L. Monti), an old and well known reeidenb of the 14th eon., bas been under the dootor'a Dare but we hope be will soon be o, 10. Last Thursday Hugh, only eon of Eneae Orion, West gravel road, gave hie right foot an ugly gash with the axe while splitting wood, He bite been laid np since. 8.13 Seer old baiter belonging to R. E. Cardiff, 6th con., that teas injured by lightning a few weskit ego, died the other day, It wag ineurod in the Howiok Mutual. Lent Monday Mine Mabel Zimmer assumed her duties ae teacher in S. S. No, 3 and Mr, Langdon, of Eaetwood, took a Of char S B NO, 1. Wo svahLi g Clem both Be00eBB. During the peat week H. W. and Meg, Bayainger, of Doylestown, Olio, were visitant at deo. 13. Smith's, Mr, Bay - singer is a oonein to Mrs, Smith, and is making hie first visit to Canada, John Houston, whose home le in Cali- fornia, hes returned from an enjoyable trip in Scotland, wee visiting hie brother Jumee Houston, 10th con, The two brothers bave gone to visit their old home in Tuokeremith, Mies Lottie and Bert Oempboll of the 16th con have gone on a trip West, Last Ssbbath Jumee Pearson, supplied the palpitaut Roe's and Union ohurohea in the ebonite of Rev. E. G. Armetropg, who was bolldaying in Jleeox and Lamb, ton Oonntiee. Mr. Poltroon did well. Mre, Greenway and baby, of Oryttal Oity. Manitoba are vieitiug at Eli Smith's, The lady wee formerly Mies Belle Smith, being a daughter of True. roan Smith formerly of this township, Itrorortoto,-On Thursday, 0th ,net,, Rev. U. P. Walla, B. D, of Gerrie, former• ly of Ethel, tied the matrimonial knot between Charlie Lemont, a well Itnowe, young mon of the 5th oon., and Mies Lizzie Hnether, grand daughter of Mrs, Labtmier, of Ethel. They will take posee00ion of the fine new reoidenoe on the groom's farm au soon ne it le ready. They commenoe married life under favorable auepioea and their many friends wish tbam bappinoea and prosperity. Ijtlle v tafe. ?diet; Meseer io visiting in Hamitbon. Mies Mary Aitobeeou felt on Saturday for a vioit to Leadbary. Mise Miunte Paul is spending a week with frieeodn et Thedford• Miss Nellie Burgess is spending a week with relatives tm Teeewatar. Mies Nellie Burgeon, of Dwelt Sound, is visiting relatives in Blaevale. Mrs, Bailey left on Friday for n trip West from which she will retura to Ottawa. Mies Tena Anderson, of East Wawa - nod:, 1e visiting bur grandmother, Mre. Anderson, Mre. G. Wray and ohildren, of Chicago, have been visiting a few weeks with relatives in Blaevale and vicinity. Mre. J. Johneton, of Westfield, and Mre. Andrew Seim and eon, of $oletoin, visited at 1t, N. Duff's Met weep. Rev. W. J. West ntlaodod the ludnotiou in the Preobyteriao ohnroh, Brusaele, on Thursday of Rev. A. 0. Wiebart, B. A. Mrs. McKinney end Nellie May, of Wingham, were calling on old friends at the beginning of the week. They left on Tbursday for Toronto where they will reside. The Epworth League of the Methodist (hural] held a eooial in the basemeub of the obnrob on Monday evening of last week, A program of addresses, maga, etc., tae given and refreehmenle were served. Rev. W, Smith, of Woodstock, an old Blaevale boy, 000upied the pulpit of the Methodist oharoh Sunday evening. Rev, Mr. Dobson, ot Fordwieb, preaohed in the Presbyterian oburale in tee morni0g exohonging with Rev. W. 3. West. Will, and Mre. Manning, who have been visiting at the home of Thomas Coultas, left on Tuesday of last week for New York where they will spend a short time previous to returning to Minneapolis. John Coultas left the same day for Philadelphia. Among those from this vicinity wbo left for the West on Friday's Harvesters' excursion were : - Mre. Bailey, Mies Mabel Thomas, Mrs. King, Mise Molll. wain, J. Raby, J. Munn, Stewart Mo. Naughton, J. Yeo, J. Robb, W. H. Henderson, 1viorrboe . Threshing remits are very eatietaotory. Peroy Russell is home from Buffalo on a Vbeit 10 hie pare019. Mrs. M. S. Watson bail been poorly we are sorry to state. Samuel Jordan left on a trip to the prairie country Friday. Mre, Wm. Hopper is recovering after her recent serious ilium. Charlie and MLS. Bell ere here on a driving tone from Darbam. Mies Cassie Neff, of Petrole8, ie visit. ing friends ou the 5th and 0th eons. Mise Bessie Findlater, of Detroit, ie spending it few weeks under the poreutal roof. Master Harold Wateoo, of Banehine, le visiting with hie grandparents, Thos. and Mre. Stewart, Blnevele. Mrs. Young, of Londeeboro', is spend- ing a few weeks at her parental home with Mr, and Mrs. Pipe, 5th line. Mies Jamieeon, who formerly taught eoh the Anderson r n col 3 d line toes Here fora week or ea renewing old frleudeli s . Mrs. John Oonery and children, of Guelph, who were visiting relatives in ilia neighborhood, returned bogie Friday. The Ellison Drain By-law is being printed for distribution, Next meeting of Morrie Ooanoil will be held o0 Septem. ber 10th. Edward Armstroeg, Master Henry and Mise Martha, took in the exooreion to Sarnia. John Clegg went to Detroit, All report a good time. Don't forget the box•eonial of the C. E. Melville ahereb, Brussels, to be bold at Elder John Btraohan's oo Thnreday evening, August 30th. Rev. J. J, HesIie resumed bis pulpit work on Sunday atter an absence of four weeks in Brantford and sightseeing in Buffalo and around the Falls, Wm. Laaohlaud and wife, of Oshawa, who have beau making their imbue! Summer visit to/ the Shedden end Speir familiee, returned home ;net week. Robert Armeteopg has sold hie term, being lot 8, oon, 6, oontaining 75 sores, to Edwin and Fred. Armstrong, for the gam of $8,200. Poseeeeiou given April let, 1007. Mr, Griedale, one of the young men who was drowned in Wiugbam on Sun- day, MB a nepbew of Mrs, Charles Wil. hinson, 4tb line. The bereaved friends have the sympathy of the community at large. The Cottage prayer meeting held on Jobs Olegg'e lawn Tuesday evening was largely Rev. Mr. Rivers de. e 6 Y aetended livered very p rwatto I address blot we tenet will bone good fruit to the young men in the neighborhood. His eubjeat was "The foolish young man," Three cab of the tour pupils of S. S. No.5 who tried the recent Entranoo examination were enooeselal which speaks well for the toaobor, H. Ainley, morn oapeoislly when the faot le taken into consideration that he wee a stranger to the penile and entered into the dutioo Of hie profession jest a few months ago, Tutt Pon (congratulates Everett Walker 0n hie e0ooese in passing hie exam. Ho wrote at Dutton 003en1 and now bolds a let elaea Teaobere' carat• onto. A term ea the Normal will likely come next. Joseph and Mre. Clegg, who returned home Saturday after an enjoyable outing at Goderiob, Bayfield, Grand Beud end St, Joseph, report a refreehiog time. They oleo attended the Sommer Sobool at Goderiob, Reeve Taylor hoe a mutt verandmb erected to the front of bis house and this with o fresh cont of plant gime the Reeve's home a very neat appearance, Mr. Taylor is another one we might add to the list of op to date farmers of which Morrie ie eo far famed, Mise Kate Halliday left on Angoet 4th for Winnipeg where she became the bride of Dan. Robertson, formerly a reeidenb of Beet Wmwanoeh, The young couple immediately settle down to the stern realities of married life in the prairie province. May their joys be many. There died at the Wine of Garner Nioholeou on Thursday, 16th inst., Wm. Jaol000n in hie 92 year. Deceased bed been in failing bealth for some tints though the end mane unexpectedly. Interment took place in Brsodon's creme• eery on Saturday, Rev, Mr. Hartley eon- dootiog the eervioe. Friends from Tor. onto and Palmerston were preeent, G-, odericlr. MAYOR TILT 55x80055: Mayor Tilt hao planed hie resignation in the bands of the Town Clerk, bat at the Conuoil meeting no aotioo was taken, the Mayor being absent from town, It ie understood that hie reeignatioa ie the outcome of legal prooeedinge wbiob have been taken to compel hie worship to sign the bylaw guaranteeing the bonds of the Maitland River Power Oompooy to the extent of 31150,000. The Mayor all along bas been opposed to bylaw, but theelealore a abort time ago carried it by a large majority, and the by-law was sabeegaeutly finally passed by the Council, when hie Worship refused to sign it. The proposal of the company is to develop power from the Maitland River by the ereo b' oa of a new dam near Goderiob, the (capital (cosh of the undertaking to bo at least $300,000, and to supply power to the town for muntcipel purposes at a fixed sone for thirty years, ae well as affording obeep power foe indaetrial purposes. :Che tax rate for the year bits been etruok at 22 mine, three mills lower than hast year. A reeotntion watt passed Monday night favoring the granting of a twenty year franchise to a gee company, half the capital to be eubsaribed iooahly, The New Pastor Welcomed. The Weloome Sooial for the new pastor iu lvfelville ohuroh Thnreday evening of feet week passed off very pleoeeutly and enjoyably. After au BS. oellent supper, which was served in the eohool room an adjournment, was made to the auditorium where the mnaionl and literary program was rendered. Elder Tbomae Straoban occupied the ohair and spoke appropriate and oomplimeotary words as to the (congregation and the past 80d present pastors. tore. The program consisted of addreeeee from Rev. Ezra G. Powell, Methodist minister, Brussels ; Rev. J. J. Hastie, of Belgrave ; Rev, Mr. Smith, of Kiuloae ; Rev, J. West, of Btuevale ; and Rev. A. 0. Wiebart, the new pastor. Speeches were eologietio, brotherly, eaggestive and interspersed with hamar. If Rev. Mr. Wishart le all that was said about him Melville oburoh has (certainly eeonred a treasure. The following timely letter wag read from Rev, Dr, Ross, Mr. Wiehart'e predeoee• ear and breathes the eentimeots and fellowship so characteristic of the Dr. ; To the Congregation, of Melville Church, Brussels. MY DEAR FRIENDS :- I beg to offer you my heartiest son• gratnlatione cm the event which takes place today in tee settlement among you of a stated pastor. You are re081vi05 ae your mbnieter one whose worth and work have been well proved and who ae io testified on every hand ie eminently qualified to be your leader, (counsellor and friend in the things wbiob belong to salvation, Tbat yon will be to him as your pastor what you were to the writer of these words -a united, loyal, eympatbetio and helpful people for more than 20 years, there can be no room for doubt, As you labor together in the Lord's (nese, I tenet that yon and be eball enjoy a period of greet epiritual prosperity which shalt ooutinne through many years bringiug mach of blessing to yourselves, strengthening and extending the work and iufloenoe of the 000gregation and redounding in honor to our Lord Jesus. Biooerety mud eernee117 deeiring for pastor and people the utmost eatielaotion in their new relations together with the riobeet experiences of Divine grace. I remelt: an Ohrietiao affection, Tone former pastor, JouN Bose • Port Dalhousie, Aug. 16, 1906. In musboal numbers Mies Jessie Mo. Lanohlin, the organbet, played a flue voluntary entitled "Lead Kindly Light" I d"Tby waty smoguet, by Mre.ill be MoAlpbnedone," wandsnineMlee MOArIee 1 "Unanswered" was the title of a choice duet byaliseeeJeseieanti Mar. jorie Strachan 1 a quartette "If I were a voice" was well rendered by Misses Mo. Anter and Habkirk and Dougald rod Jae, Btraohan, the latter taking the Bolo. Before oonoluding the proceedings Bider Stewart / Queen Bt. East) and Geo. ThomP eon wore culled to the P lattorm When they permuted ,D, B. McRae, ot Oranbrook, wbo had eo 811101001131 performed his ditties as Moderator of the 000gregation with a puree of $100.00. The reverend gentleman responded In most appropriate and oougratulatory words wiehing a long happy and name. fel mien between the new patter and hie large oongrogation, The meeting wee brongbt to a aloes at an early hour and everybody wag pleased with the aasploaous ammeter of the gatberiog and tee autoloading airo0m0ta0o8e. Mise Wishart has not arrived In town yet but is enjoying a holiday visit with relatives and Wanda before ooming t0 Braeeel8, Rev. Mr, Wiebert is a stalwart repro. eentative, genial and off bead in hie manner ; poeeeemed of a good voice and pleasing style of delivery, He referred briefly to the great sorrow that came to the manes at Beaverton in the early de. mise of his excellent wife. We believe the new pastor will serve Melville moo. gregatiou faithfully and well, and that he will he a000rded the booty eympatby and oo•operatiou of his large 000grega. tion, Tbe man who attends to all the work incumbent on the pester of Melville ohne* might very properly have tba (card labelled "'Tbis is my bosy day" in view all the time, Mr. Wiebart brought aline bores and outfib with him from Beaverton whish will be of great eervioe in ole wide 0iro0it of pastoral duties. Many reminieoenoea of induotion day of nearly 27 years ago were called tip by the older membere of the 000gregation and the Port Dothoueje pastor's good qualities and the gifts stud goatee of Mrs. Roes and family were not forgotten, GOOD BOWLTNG. BRUSSELS AT LIBTO0BL. Two rinks of Brussels Bowlers went to Listowel on Monday afternoon to play a friendly game with the Listowel Ulub and defeated tbem on the round by a ROOM of 24 shote. J. Habkirk'e rink won by a margin of 26 shote while H. L. Jackson's quartette lot by 2 shots. Fol. lowing is the playere and more Listowel J, R. Grunt 0, A. Lee A. W. Featherstone A. Bt, G. Hawktos 510ip- 4 G. Bray P. Kibler R. Olbmie A. Yule aka .-16 .. p Totals 20 Brussels W. Leotherdale E. Nicholson R. Dowoiug Juo. Habktrb skip -30 A. E. Denny A. Straoban Dr. Feild H. L. Jaokeon ek-14 44 Snore by ende- Hawkioe-000001000100000010001- 4 8abkirk -222120128029132102110-30 Yule -012003220110120000100-10 Jaokeon-100110002001001121012-14 L0OSNO0 VS. BRUSSELS The Luoknow Bowlers were in town on Tuesday aftet000n to play a matob with the looal bowlers. The two home rinks defeated the visitors by 16 shots, D. 0. Roes' rink winniug from Allen's quartette by 7 ehote and R. Downing defeating hie opponent, W. MoLeed, by 9 shote. The Lnoknow gentlemen lett on the evening train for their home after an enjoyable afternoon. Following is the score :- Luoknow Braesele J. Reid J. Strachan G.H. Riddel A. B, Macdonald J. G. Mnrdook Dr. Feitd W. Allen, ekip..111 D. 0. Rose, skip..22 Alien -000200500411000000200-15 Rose -212021011000231111013-22 W Horn R, Leatherdale J. McGarry A. Stree hen A. McPherson J. Habkirk W. McLeod,ek..17 R. Downing, ek..26 McLeod -102010100020101321000-17 Downing -020403014802020000122-26 BRUSSELS SUMMER RACES. The opening day of the Sommer races was Wedneeday of thie week. There was a large number of entries and warm oonteeto ae the soon below will show, Weather was very warm. Attendance wag not as large as expected. Robert Wilson, of Beaforth, pertormed the duty of starter ; Tboe, Pinkney, of Seafortb and Jobu Adams, of Kincardine, were time keepers and Mesere. Wilson, Pink. nay mud Adams judges. The fine mile totals was in Bus shape. Summary ie as followe :- 2.22 NOB. - Nettie Bright, Sam. Beattie, Barrie , 4 2 1 1 1 Zoo Medium, Dr. Karn, Bee lin Harry Moonlight, H. Rennie, 1 1 2 2 2 London 2 4 8 3 3 Ailie Hall, A. L. Goodhall, Hamilton 3 8 4 4 4 Time -2,21,} ; 2,22} ; 2 22 ; 2.25 ; 2.250- 2.50 Pace - Little Forgoson, T. Turner, Barrie. 6 1 1 1 J. 0, Rooker, J. Hume, Btay• ner 1462 Mies Appleby, S. Pesemore, Orillla., 2 2 2 6 King John, W. Pulkinglore, E'ora,,. 6 5 4 4 Texas M„ Galbraith ,b Pigeon, Stratford 4 6 6 8 Tama -2.26} ; 2.23 ; 2,221 ; 2,290, Running Rene - Victoria, J. Coventry, Woodstook,. 1 1 Sleeping, H. Simone, Guelph 8 2 Coldwater, W. Gsreide, Dundalk2 8 As we go to prase the second day's pro. gram is in progress ooneieting of a 2,40 and 2,50 trots and e, 2.15 pima, A large field of equines will take part and comps. titiooe will be sharp. L. T. BLAND, M. P., DEAD: Leonard T. Bland, member r of par. Name nh tor North Berm, died at lin home, North of Kinoarditie, Sunday morni05. He had been au poor health fee npwarde of a year, elbhough able to attend to hie Parliamentary duties duo Ing the peat 58551050. Mr. Bland who wait in hie 53rd year, went to Rin. oardioe some twenty years ago trona Oxford county, and einoe boating there ban always taken an native in. tomtit in looal affairs, having been Reeve et the townohip, Warden of Brace and a member of the equalization nom. mission of the oonnty previous to hie retura em member for the riding at the lost general election, 01 a fine physique, bio ohmmeter and 000duot were enob ae to inspire the confidence of hie party and the reepeot of all, Besldee Mre. Bland he leaves one son and three daughters to mourn hie oomparatively early demise, and they have Ube sym- pathy of the entire community in their Mee. The funeral took plains on Tues- day at 2.30 p. m. The funeral was very largely attended by residents of the riding and by numbers from more distant plmoes, Upwards of one hon. dred vehicles followed the hearse. The House of Commune was represented by Mesere. B. R. Gunn, M. P., South Huron ; Dr. Chisholm, M. P., Eaet Baron 1 R. Blain, M. P,, Peel ; end P. H. McKenzie, M, P., South Bruoe. The officiating olergymeu were Rev. De. Mur- ray, Kincardine, and Rev, Dr. Johneton, of Montreal. The funeral was bald ander Maeonio auspices. The late Mr. Bland was a Preebyterion and an independent Ooneervative, He was elected to the Home of Commons au 1904, this being hie firet term, ell Clfu'1t Ol]t.11t1. The Bishop of Huron bee appointed Rev. L. H. Rhodes, of Holmeeville, to be incumbent of Teeewater and Lakelet, St. John's ohuroh eervioee bane been very satisfactorily taken in the abeeno0 of Rector Lang Ford who is taking hie holidays, by Teacher Hartley, of Blyth. Rev. I, B. Ayleeworbb, aged 74, and for forty years a Methodist minister in Ontario, died Monday of lost week in Detroit. He woe a amain of Hon. A. B. Ayleeworth. The Guild of Melville ohnroh will give a Box Social at Elder John Steaobau'e on Thursday evening, Aug. 30th. Oon. veyanoee will be in waiting to nonvey those from town who are deeirons of attending. See bills. Last Sabbath Rev. Ezra G. Powell took as bis morning subject in the Methodist oburoh "Salt Respect" and "The ea le a neat was the evening theme. Masa Tborea Gerry mud Mies Ethel Soott gave a ohoioe duet after the morning die. Coarse. The General Oontereuoe of tbe Metho. diet oharoh of Canada will convene to Montreal on Sept. 12th. W. J. Fawcett and W. H. Kerr, of Broseele, are delegates and so is D. C. Taylor, of Luoknow. The esesio00 will 000npy It couple of weeks or more. Some of the big gnestious to be disarmed are Cburoh Union, the Oonnexional Fondo, eeleetioo of General Conference 01B ors, Sso. After the next regular meeting of Maitland Presbytery, which will be at Moleewortb, 00 Tuesday, Sept. 18th, the Y000g People's Convention will be held. The Young People have boon do. Ing good work in the past. Lost year the membership of the Proabyterial was given as 878, of whom 517 were mem- bore in full oommunion with the Pree. byterinn obnrob. The organization supported one Home Missionary in British Colombia, and oleo two nat. ive preachers, one in India and another in China. The gathering together of those who are engaged in enab good ork should be n inters iia a w a a O C0.elOn and we hope to hear that ioielargely offended. The convener has been for - Donate enougb to eeoure se the evening speaker Rev. Alfred Gandier, B. D., of St. James' Squttee, Toronto. The after- noon programme will be largely in the hands of loonl opeakere and societies, who have shown themselves in the past adepts ea such meetinge. No doubt the young people of Melville ohuroh will be well to the fore, Tao New PAeron IN Ms PULPIT,- Notwithstanding ULPITNotwithstanding the almost etifing heat a very large Congregation greeted the new pastor, Rev. A. 0. Wishart,13. A., Sabbath morning in Melville church. Every available eeat was occupied and there was an alertnese not always mani- fested on a hot Sunday in a badly yenta hoed plane of worship. The audienoe filed out of the ohuroh well pleased, we believe, with the initial disoonree and onvin ed that their o 0 o bolos would prove v P a worthy enee eor to Rev. Dr. Rose. Joehna let obopter, 5th and 6th verses was the appropriate text ohosen in whioh the situation was token as an illustration of the preeent position. The glorious, gracious and encouraging promise made to Joebna was elowu to be a message of hope, (1) I will be with yon ; (2) Will go all the way ; (8) Going to have the viotory. The peetor said in following a Godly noble man like Rev, Dr. Rose,twho served the 0ongregabion eo well for over 26 years, be knew it woolti be no easy matter. His hands were untied and would do hie beet, and would preach the gospel to the boat of hie ability as direoted by the Holy Spirit. Three quer. les were propounded, (1) What did you send for me for ? (2) Why did I Dome ? (8) What do we wait for ? In giving auewera to these many praotiool pointe were elaoidated. Rev. Mr. Wishart made three requests as he oonoluded hie 25 minute address, (1) The sympathy of the entire congegatten ; (2) The united and earneot prayers of every body ; (3) Hearty oo.operabion of the diferenh or- ganizations and all who are allied to Melville oburoh ao that aide by aide they might go on prospering and meeting a 0ommon foe. The evening topi0 was "The compassion of Christ," Mark 7.84 from which it good dieooaree was given, The outlook for both pastor and people is very eneoaroging and by a hnppy spirit of nuity and work Melville ohuroh should be a potent Motor for good in the community. t The Insurance aura c m ' a Ca missiontl w 1 hold another eitting in Toronto beginning September 4. John Meek, of Pioton, tet, off a load of hay and broke hie back, His injuries proved fatal. The establishment of gerri90n 01(08089 at instruction in signalling at Toronto and Quebec) is authorized, Haney Andereon, etotuafed by jealousy, shot hie wife dead at Parry Sound, and killed himself with the same revolver,