The Brussels Post, 1906-8-16, Page 6YOUNG • FOLKS o18'GooQoOGsoo0 A SAD DAY F011 MY DOLLIES. 0, dear, such an accident buppened to- day While Dora said Molly and I were at play 1 We harnessed my kitty to Molly's red cart Ami fixed in the doilies all ready to start.; My kitty behaved just as well as co;:1d be, And purred every minute, she liked at, you see. Tanen Into our yard trotted Molly's dog Rover, My kitty just flew with the cart, at her heels And lore 'round the corner, when off came the wheels. Then Dora.'s rag ball bounced into (he street And Molly's Amanda cracked both china 'feet, And—isn't 1t sad? My wax Ethelind Rose Lost off the wee tip of her dear little nose) TEDDY'S CJ-le.etRY PIE. (By Pauline Frances Camp). It certainly was a delicious pie, the best of it was that Teddy him had helped to make It, Every the that went. Into, itb ad been en sten alt Ws stubby Y little itn e tu , and Mien top crust had been laid carefully place, mamma had allowed him crimp the edges with a fork before p ting It in the big hot oven. For the next hull hour Teddy love around, wailing for the moment w•h muther would pronounce the "done," and when it did come out of oven, with its flaky crust baked to golden brown, and delightful lit Iricklings of crimson juice just esc Ing from the tiny holes pricked In top, Teddy thought there had ne another so tempting, "I hope there will be enough to round," he said, somewhat anxious "It seems as though it wasn't as big when you put it in the oven." His mother laughed as she placed on " the pantry shelf to cool, and t him that she thought his appetite' grown, and that there was no Bang but that he would get as much as w good for him. Teddy walked slowly out on porch and sat down on the top sf Somehow he didn't feel like going ve far away from that pie ! He wonder if lits cousin Dorothy, who was comb to dine with him, was fond of ch pie. Perhaps, as she was Just genii over the measles, she ought not to ha u very `big piece. He wondered, tree, (t would be polite for him to have. tw pieces, and he thought that perhaps t would rather have the extra piece an not be quite so polite 1 Hark i Wh was that noise? Supposing the c should get into the pantry l He thoug he had better go and see. Now what do you suppose made In open and shut the door so softly, an tiptoe across the kitchen floor In suc a quiet way? It seemed strange, for Teddy wa rather a noisy little boy, and his we through the house was usually mark by a series of bangs and thumps. Perhaps he wanted to surprise pussy Do you suppose that. was the reason But no pussy was there, and. the pi was safe where mumnla had left it. It surely was a delightful pie. How well he had crimped the crust—almost as well es mamma. But no, stop 1 There was a place where the edges were not quite together. Of course mamma would like to have the pie look well, with company to dinner. He tried to press them closer, but they would not meet. Perhaps there were too many cherries in it 1 What should he do? Ah 1 Teddy I Didn't someth(ng whisper to you that the thing to do was to hurry right out of that pantry, quick 1 Soddenly a chubby hand reached mit. and a little finger disappeared into the pie, and when it cane nut two rosy cherries came with It, and were popped Into a mouth as rosy as themselves.. One, two, three times, it went in, be- fore Teddy quite felt sure that the edges would meet, and then he hastily pinch- ed them together, and slipped away, with a Mlle guilty feelhtg tugging ..t his heart. This was soon forgotten, however, In the baste causedoby the arrival of his aunt and cousin, and not till dessert was served did he think about what he had dope. But when Molly came In with the pie. 110 remembered. Somehow, it did not look quite so tempting. There was a little guilty feeling bug- ging et his heart again, and then sud- denly he started ! What was mamma saying to Aunt Lizzie I Teddy could hardly believe his ears, and yet he lnnl distinctly heard her say, "'!'eddy had a finger in this pie 1" and everyone was looking at him and smiling, and oh , how dreadful It was I Teddy's face grew scarlet, and. slid- ing down from his chair, before any one could speak, be ran out of the roan and up the stnlrs to his own little room,. where he hid his hot ince In the cool. pillow, wishing he might never have to lance it out again. How had she found out? Did mo - titers know everything? And then to tell it , right before Aunt Lizzie and Dorothy 1 lie felt that he could novae look them in the face egein. When' his mother cans upstairs in search' of him, she found a very much ashamed little boy, who. however, bravely told' the whole story, and what do you suppose mamma did? Why -she ' laughed and laughed at first—she could not help 1t—end then she told him that et was hie own little guilty conscience that had put such a meaning into. her words, for that she had meant only that he. had helped her mete the pie, And, of coflrse, she forgave him, as mothers always 'do when the little boys are sorry. But when grandma heard about it, the told him the story of "lefeddlesome NYntty." and self rry by the 1n t0 ut- red en pie the a tle ap- the ever 0 1y. as it old had er as the ep. crit ed lg eery ng ve if o 10 a at nt Int m d 11 y ed 0 It's never herd to read [be spiritual 'significance of ether people's sorrows, IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT 11311N BU4L AND 11LS PEOPLE. Occurrences In the Land That Reigns Supremo in the Commercial World. Haw have been prow with atP tlteblMiddlesex Sessions for Ibe use of those faking the oath. More than X4.600 has been raised for the Ipswich hospital daring the last seven years by town. the working men of the The fish Unionist members sub scribed to present Mr, Austen Chum berluin with a fine old Irish cup on the ocea,lon of eats wedding. An anonymous gift of £1,000 has been received at Caulk'' Lank for the Additional curates Society's work of pt'o%tding clergymen to serve in largo and poor parishes. Mere than 50,000 fleeces of wool were "pitched" at Andover Fair last week, when prices ruled 2d. per pound higher than last year, the highest being 15d. per pound. ExporStates during the Bradford the sticf this year amounted to £1,773,263, be- ing a decrease of £26,008 compared with the first half of last year. Northumberland miners- on Saturday received an advance •a In wages of 3 l per cant, 1n 'd consequence o.ec e u ace 1 o f the recent strike In French mines, which has brought much extra business to the north. American tourists and Americans keeping up establishments in England and France are Mr. Barton Hepburn, president of the Chase National Bank, declare, spending at least £80.000,000 annually In Europe. A handsome blue crane which the 161,h (Queen's) Lancers brought from South Africa has had both its legs broken by a runaway horse at Col- chester. It is being carefully attended by a veterinary surgeon. in consequence of a questiin raised at a recent meeting of the Southport Corporation, the local pollee have now been forbidden to wear rings whilst on duty. A record catch of 120,000 hake has been landed at Cardiff recently, while at Southport so many mackerel have been calght that they are being sold at eight a shilling. The Prime Minister, in a reply to Mr. Field, states that he cannot see his way to act on the suggestion that mem- bers' correspondence from the House should be free. Hen -pens in the Blackburn Union are being assessed for the relief of the poor, and thousands of workingmen who keep fowls are affected by this taxation of their hobby. As the result of a year of thrift, £111,000 has been collected through a Pleasant Sunday Afternoon Holiday Fund at Blackburn, and many of the members are about to siert for a week in Paris. When the annual holiday of the Great Western Railway Company's workmen at Swindon commenced on Saturday, many of the men Look the opportunity of getting married and going on their honeymoons. In the House of Commons on Mon- day the W. Redmond brought. In a bill, which was read a first lime, to re- peal epeal the law which prohibits the grow- ing of tobacco in Ireland. SILATTERED NERVES. Made Strong and Steady by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink tills. \Vhen your nerves are out of order your Whole health is on the verge of a break -down. Sudden sounds startle you; your muscles twitch and your hands tremble; your self-control Is shattered; your will -power gone. Your head adzes; your feet are often cold and your face flushed. Your heart jumps and thumps et the least excitement; you ere restless at night and tired when you wake. Your temper is irritable and you feel utterly down -hearted. And the whole trouble is berause your blood is too thin and watery to keep the nerves strong. There is only one way le have strong, healthy nerves — feed then with the rich, red blood that only Dr. Williams'Pink Pills can make — and do make, Mr. Fred Forth, 17 Sul- livan Street, Toronto, says:—"f was a cculplebe wreck with nervous prostre- lion, but Dr. Williams' t'inlc Pills have rondo a new man of me, I had been nervous for years; the least noise would startle me, and the least exertion would leave me utterly prostrated. t lost 10 weight, and physically 150(15 almost n wreck. 111aci not I: :ten the pills long when I found they were helping ale; my appetite improved, my nerves began Lc grow steady, and day by day I gain- ed until I was again a well man. My weight increased twenty-five pounds while I was using (he pills. To any who suffer r t r a I did, 1 cana syihatlf i)r. Williams' Pink Pills tare given a fair trial, a cure will be sure to faun;" ler. Williams I'ittk Pills restored hitt Forth, simply because they mntle the rich. pure blond W111011 properly ne iIri.,h- e ltlnaflerves and keeps I Mil strong. They will cure eil the diseeees rho lo had blood and shuttered nrrc' S, Stith (t1 melanin, in(ligeslien, lueieln'bes and becka•hee, rheunnatisrn, tutelage, SI Vitus donee, paralysis, wound weak- ness and the, secret ailments of grow- ing girls and wnruen, riot. yon most ar- weys insist on getting the gentiin: with the full name Dr. Williams' Pinto Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around each box. Sold by medicine dealers or sent direct by mail at 514 cents a hex, or six boxes tor $2.50 try ivrlting The i)r. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont: "What do you know of the chnrocter of this man?" was risked 11 witness al a pence court lho oilier day. "What do Iltnew of his chereeber? 1 know 1t to be unbleachabbe, your honor," he re- plied, with much anphesls, CHAMBERLAIN'S SUCCESS BRiGHT SKETCH OF LIFE OF IMPEE. IAL STATESMAN. no Is Always Popular With the Masses —Called the "Mad Mayor of Birmingham." The London Daily Mntl, in a syntpa- lhetic review of Mr. Chamberlain's oa- reel•, says: l'he bore outline of Mr. Chamberlain's connection with Birmingham Is known to ereryene; first, as a youth of 18, then as a successful manufacturer, a social reformer, a prominent education - 1st, a municipal crusader, and lastly, for 30 years, its political representative. For 1f you ask any Birmingham man who is his nhenlber, tie will certainly toll you "chamberlain," though In reality he only represents one-seventh of the city. t\tr. Chamberlain did not come to Bir- mingham a full-grown politician, solic- iting its suffrages, but a mere lad, who shared in its great fight for the Iran. chise, tree speech, and education. Ile trained his own powers In a debating club so Radical that the honorary sec- retary earotary proposed they should spend their surplus funds "In buying a Tory" to oppose Them In debate! The triumphs of B(rmingham were his triumphs, bar miseries his own burden. In night school and Sunday school, In a mission in the poorest part of the town, In the palate house t political meeting, among g elections an would-be vould•b Ocelots, 'S C CCC al.. always Y .Q mainlatmn„ his friendly relations, In spite of his Ineradicable delight in sa- tirising and "chaffing" his opponents, in the club which he started for his own workmen; 1n a hundred ways, he was preparing for his position as the friend and leader of the people of Birming- ham. He was learning his lesson, that though no remedy could be found for every evil, there was plenty for every man to do who wished to leave the world a tittle better than he found it. " FRIEND OF WORKMEN. The workingmen wero his personal friends. One of theta says: 'I used to follow him round the town to learn Politics; f was fair smitten with him; we was fascinating in his speaking, his wit was natural, and what a coin - mon -sense he's got with biro! It was a treat to see h0, come Into a public Inhouse meeting, as smart as could be, velvet coat, red tie drawn through a ring, with his eyeglass, too; smooth fame, smooth hair, Irian, set up, looking like a boy; just a wax figure lie looked. You'd never think there could be any brains under I.hst dandy get up, not till you head him speak. "Chamberlain went for the gas and water for the town, and he got them, tons , . . It was the landlords as was fmrttnts with him—they wore a nice set, and he had Iris work cut' out for him, The state of the property was awful; there was a place built up agen us, hack of our yard, and the sewage drained right down into our well, and wewere drinking 111 I told them I weren't going to pay niy rent till it was put right, and 1 didn't. And says t to myself, 'If the worst comes to the worst, 'll appeal In Chamberlain, and he'll see me righted. It was him and his congress put ane up to lt.' Saturday lectures and a congress were arranged for at this time by Mr. Chamberlain, but the official inspection of unsanitary tenements was greatly resented by the landlords. When he got a letter Ad- dressed to 'The Mad Mayo%• of Birming- ham; backed up by a lot of addle -head- ed councillors, who sent spins as sant- Lary Inspectors Into a men's house, he smiled, and reminded the public that '2d. on the Improvement (Scheme) Rate was a gigantic and tangible fact!" TOWN PROUD OF HIM, And the Lown was immensely proud OI him. Proud of being "the bust gov- erned city in the world," proud of the fine art gallery, and ills own munifi- cent contributions to it; the' council house„ the new parks, the rebuilding of the free libraries ater their destruc- tion by tura. On that occasion to the lament, "What shall we do now?" Mr. Chamberlain replied, "Do' Build a big- ger and better one than before!" And within two days he went to the Re- building Committee with a long list of subscribers In his hand, The Grammar Settee! also interested hint. Once when on a visit of inspec- tion with other governors, a small lad in the gallery, looking down on these grave gentlemen, aimed with much dexterity a paper dart at one Of thein. Mr. Chamberlain, interviewing the small culprit in* the headmaster's room, halted the curly head and rend him a lithe lecture on thoughtlessness, then, reminding fir. Vardy that "we all were rays once," obtained 8 light sen' fence of punishment. Thatvery lillle Ittd, Mich lmpres: cd and very grateful, has now, after eevenbeon years of colonial fife, founded a brunch of the Tariff Reform T.eegue, and w03 a delegate to the Chamberlain celebration. A LEADER WHO LEADS. Tin 1011050 : In "0 lender tvlto leads; It is his business to educate his party," says Mr. Chamberlain; "but to do it cyrniintlheUoally, not with contempt." I1 was on I1134 plica (hal one of his ward IX0tunll.. , i. ',llit n the' ,. neel;.ding Le over we gener- ally gel runn,l !uta old n bit n chat lte':s Very 04 70 whenfaire husineas of is done. Sornetenes we ask Wm for the n"Ind hr's 1'' n weariest, and once I reete ndee, one et our men tWIR very Eli .;t y•nle.14'1 he diel not get 11, so Mr. l clam' erlaita Heade it up Ire him BanP, haw- 1 forget what hn sant, but it wad Rimers or cigars. 1 think?" "flow shouel f not love nirminghen,?" h' Peld to thns•' who were bidding 111111 Go'i-speerl on hie African pommy. "flora Li my hreme, here Is my fn'ily life, end nn man'ow:'s WON` 1111111148 Haan 1 do for the blessinee funnily there have 1 beenethapalhv, herr, alie,so 1 have, aorrnwerh rind Ihreugh gond end evil, thrmnfth all the virissieelet of lily en. trete the symp_:l.des and the good -will 0f e its here f ,ttetWd :1, n havethhrnlpeana! err' by 11(304 of -1!1 1 analabyd the share. wheel Int ;v have. fed In the precious memories of my lite." WOOD WAS USED FOR MONEY. I Wooden Cheques 'Were Used in England us Late as 1834. Wooden cheques are the sort of thing, one would expect to find used In China or Tbibet, but, as 8 matter of fact, they were tiled in England from the earliest times down to as late as 1834, 'rallies, as they \vera called, were made out of a curved piece of hazel, notches being cut along the edges to 51811d for a certain sum of honey; the tally was then sawn half through be- low the lowest notch, and the notched part split In two pieces, on both of which the notches appeared. These pieces served as cheque and counterfoll, the latter being always the larger pieco with the un -notched end as a kind of handle. The smaller piece was then taken by the payee, the larger sent to the person on whom the cheque was drawn—generally a collector of M1810108 or othot' revenues, public or private. He would honor the cheque on finding that the two pieces fitted, and had the 80,01101 created lo him by the drawer on returning them together to him. Thus was the great danger and expense of transporting large sums in coin avoided, Forgery of a tally was obviously im- possible unless a new counterfoil could be substituted, and if stolen in the ordi- nary way it would be of little use to the thief, for, unlike our cheques, there was nothing to show on whom it was drawn. There are still a good many tallies In existence, but the ntrjority were burnt in the great fire. which destroyed the old Houses of Parliament; 1 ou sthe remainder L r c'0 be are chiefly tofound in the Public e Record Office, and, no doubt, also in the muniment rooms of great land owners, The World is Full of Pains. — The aches and pains that afflict humanity are many and constant, arising .from a multitude of indistinguishable causes, but in the mein owing to man's ne,,i- genee in taking care of his health. Dr. Tlhones' Eclealrlc Oil was the outcome of a universal cry for 50010 specific which would speedily relieve pain, and it has filled its mission to a rema'kabl degree. THIS ELOQUENCE. Mrs. Littlpwit (proudly) : "Only just fluler, Charles ht s gone to address a public gathering." Friend : "I didn't think he was a speechmaker." Nit's. +Lr„lewit: "Nor I, but he has been called to matte a statement before a meeting of creditors." The total imports of tea into Canada and the United States is about one hun- dred and ten million pounds per an- num. One out of every fourteen pounds, both in Canada and the United States, i, "SALADA" and lilts trade is grow- ing very rapidly, and "SALADA" hs es easily obtained now in such cities as New York, Chicago, Detroit, Boston, Pittsburg, Buffalo, St. Louis, St, Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Cleveland, Roches- ter, Oil., &c., So., as it is in Toronto, Montreal, and throughout the Domin- i ion. HE WAS IT. Mr. NIisfbL (savagely) : "Before I mar- ried you was there any doddering idiot gone on you?" Mrs, Misfit : "There was one." Mr. Misfit; "1 wish to goodness you'd married him," Mrs. Misfit : "I did." TIIE WORST KIND. Alter Piles have existed for a time the suffering is intense—pain, aching, throbbing, tumors form, filled to burst- ing'With black blood. This is when Dr. Leonhardl's Hem -Bold the only absolute Pile cure, brings 111. resells that has made its fame. Hem -Road will oure the mest. stubhar•n case in existence and a bo'ilel guaran- tee to that effect goes with each pack- age. $1.00. All dealers, or The W1Lson- Fyne Co., imlted, Niagara Fails, Ont. A ROLAND FOR A N OLIVER. Papa : "See the spider, my boy, spin- ning his web. Is it not wonderful? Do you reflect that, try as he may, no man could spin that web?" Johnny : "What of it? See me spin this top ? Do you relied that, try as he may, no spider could spin this top I" Just the Thing That's Wanted.-- A pill that acts upon the stomach and yet 1; so compounded that certain ingredi- ents of it preserve ttheir' power to act upon the intestinal canals, so as to clear them of excreta, tite retention of which cannot but bo hurtful, was long looked for by the medical profession. It was found in Permeloe'a Vegetable Pills, which aro the result of much expert study, and are scientifically prepared as a laxative and an alterative in one, PRO0F. Tramp : "I lived on the water once for stx months." LndY. "Well, 3 Vcl must goy you don't look it." Tramp : ; I used to be a sailor." Things do not work together for gond to the than who will not wor)c at all. Only two deaths occurred last month at Wanslend, Essex, which has a pope• teflon of over twelve thousand, SUNLIGHT AP is better than other Soaps but is hest when used in the Sunlight way. Follow directions. SUNLIGHT WAY OF WASHING FIRST. -010 the article to be washed in a tub of lukewarm water, draw it out on a washboard and nth the soap lightly over it. Be permutes not to miss soaping all over. THIEEN roll it in a tight roll, lay in the tub under the water, and go on the same way until all the pieces have the soap rubbed on, and are roiled up, Then so ewoy for thirty minutes to one hour and let the "Sun- light" Soap do ;cs work. NEXT.—After soaking the full time rub the clothes lightly oat ona weill board, and ebc dirt will drop out; euro the garment in- side out to get at ttteaeetnr, but don't use any more soap; dont staid or bull a single pieco, and don't wash through two suds. 18 the water gets too dirtyy, pour a little out and nd,f fresh. If a streak is hard towash, rub somemore seep on it, and throw theier bock into the P e suds for few minutes, LASTLY G, COMES oTHE4,, RINSING, which u v be done in special lukewarm wale t taking edictal este to get 11 the dirty suds away, hen ringngout and hang u up to dry. For woolens end w,: Flan- nels proceed thfollo— wsom Shako e free from dust. Cutt 4. articles tablet GC SUNLIGHT 4. tablet into shavings, pour into a gallon ofboiling water and whisk into a lather. When just lukewarm, work article, in the lather without rub- bing. Squeeze out dirty water without twisting and rinse thoroughly In two lays of lukewarm water. Squeeze out waterwithout a twisting end hang is the open air. leg The most delicate colors may be safely, washed in the Sun- light" way. $5,000 REWARo will be paid f to any poreon who proves that Sunlight Soap con- tains any injurious ohomlcale or any form of adulteration. Your Money Refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you And any cause for complaint. LEVER t1ROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO 050 Wife: "You don't seem to enjoy the dinner, dear, What's the mater?" Husband: "I was wondering if there were any typographical errors In that cookery book of yours." Dr. 7, D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is a speedy cure for dysentery, -diar- rhoea, cholera, summer complaint, sea sickness and complaints incidental to children teething. IL gives immediate relief to those suffering from the effects of indiscretion in eating unripe fruit, cu- cumbers, etc. It acts with wonderful ra- pidity and never fails to conquer the disease. No one need fear cholera if they have a bottle of this medicine con- venient RESERVED SEAT. Over -dressed youth (to street ear con- ductor) : "Is that Noah's ark full yet?" Conductor : "Yes, all but the ass. Jump in." More Iron Needed in the blood of pale, rim down people. Nerrovita," the best tonic. will put it there. At ail general stores and Druggists. Many a man thinks he is humble be- cause he walks with his nose in the gutter. If your children moan and are rest, less during sleep, coupled, when awake, with a loss of appetite, pale counten- ance, picking of the nose, etc., you may depend upon it that the primary cause M the trouble Is worms. Mother Graves' orm Exterminator effectually removes these pests, at once relefving the little sufferers, ODD CARGO IN STEAMER. A ton of dead flies was the strange cargo a vessel from Brazil unloaded at the London Docks recently. Dead flies are admirable food for chickens, birds in captivity and captive fishes. The River Amaze no ab tends with flies. as Brazilians float down the stream in boats and scoop in millions of the flies which circle in dense clouds just above the water's edge, The flies are killed, dried thoroughly in the sun and packed in bags. They aro then shipped. Dead bites constitute one of the rlohest foods for animals. For chickens the flies are mixed with other lngeedienls, such as millet and eerie. By themselves the Ales aro too rich, but their -power of nourlshmdttt Is so great that a smajl guaalily of them has a most beneficial effect, Two years ego the Brazilian Government stopped the exportation, being afraid that the Ash In the rivers would suffer by being deprived' 01 this fly food, Rut rho prohibition has been removed. Formerly dead flies sold at ten cents a pound, but the demand has grown and the supply so lessened that thirty cents it pound Is now charged. of THE BA rum TILE. "So you no longer cell your pretty title home 'The Nutshell'? Why did you chan" I got sgeo tireit?d of having tunny men ring my bell to ask !Y the kernel was bt' oupc, ds OSHAWA 84 Cteelhin fes. Iv y`s�Y�� P�l,y 1-.� v�i )i�+, A .Iv OA UAc! .�'yi+v}. OP" ',00r'v�tt$d�'lf.,�.,$ >, rib .y'o�u1123111',�'fo, pp�"/..'ii71vlWr r±tghr, CKtb'o ,drpr{t easy •ery.pt..M 0 ef Wind, Water, Stora and Fite Proof Lookotf on All Four Sides Made from Painted or Galvanized Sleet, al prices vary ng Iran 01.85 to 05.10 per hundred square Soot covering measure, This is l 10 mos durable coy - eying on the market, and Is an ideal covering tot' Houses, Bar is, Stores, Ele. valets, Churches, oto. Any handy man can lay the "OSLIAWA." shingles. A hammer and snips are lire only fools required. We aro the largest and oldest Ccompaty of the kind under the British flag, and have covered thousands of 1110 best buildings throughout Canada. making thein FIRE, WATER AND LIQHTNINQ•PROQF. We also manufaotuie Corrugated Iron 111 long slieets, Conductor Pipe and EAVEST'EOUGif, Eta METAL SIDING, In imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINGS, in 2,000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. 1411 and free samples of "OSIHAWA" Shingles. Write to -day. "31_'°2E -XE 3E°Ma MD 31res, ones. Iia'.t4^D73?e3-Es Monlrocl, nue. oilowa, ON. I Toronlo, pal, London, OCL I Wfonfoer, MCC. VanCCIN(1,9,C, Bel -s W Orujg St. 026 Sussex at. 11 Colborne at 89 Dundee et. VS Lombard et. 816 Pander et"- Write your Nearest Glam.—MCAT) 014f1Ca AND WORKS—OSHAWA, Ont [7 {ypiiLNWestern estaq ivaLdaLwep{an ed lands hi Saskatchewan, only 8 utwo railways, ,n,so,a;r. Strolls mil, go per cat. plough laud, eosins creek, no sloughs'. About 4e utilesNE. of Indian Road. Price 813.80 per sore Witte for ms and tall particulars. R. PARSONS* 911 Wellesley Street, 'Toronto, Canada. YOUR DEBT TO DUST. Although dust contains many of our deadliest• enemies, it is also one of the best friends, for without 1L the world would be to dismal to live in. Rays ol`'light cannot be seen. We only know where the rays are because the myriads o! particles of dust in their path refiert the light. If (here ware no dust the sicy would not be blue, there would he no raindrops, no snowflakes. no hail- stones, no clouds, no gorgeous sunsets, nr beautiful sunrises. The instant the sun passed out of sight we should be in darkness. The instant it roso it would be u sharp circle of 1ighE In a black sky. There would be no evening glow. The dome of the sky would be as dark as it is on a brilliant moonlight night. The moon and stars shine by day m all their brightness. The whale earth would be in a deep, dark shadow,.e8- cepling where the stuffs ray's fall direct- ly upon it in one great Windbag circle. They Cleanse the System Thoroughly.. —Parmclee's Vegetable Pills eletr the stomach and bowels of bilious mutter, cause the excretory vessels to throw off impurities from the blood into the bowels and expel the deleterious mass from the body. They do this without pain or inconvenience to the patient. who speedily realizes their good ofilces as soon as they begin to lake effect. They have strong recommendations from all kinds of people. ,01141 Mistress: "Why, Bridget, at this rale my dishes won't lust tiny time." 1311d - get : "Don't ye worry, ma'am ; Rtes; Il lest ,as long as I will, fur I'll be Pavia- ye trio -morrow." Like a bad habit a skin disease grows, Bereft - 1010 humeri, enema and an eruptions may bo cured with Weaver's Cerate, assisted internally by Weaver's Syrup. All Druggists, "Yes; we elected Mrs. Milyuns presi- dent of the club. thinking she would give us something haulsome--•--" And-----' "Well, she gave us this por- trait of herself." Nothing looks more ugly than to see a persten whose hands aro covered over with warts. Why have these disfigure- ments on your person when a sure ro= mover of all warts, corns, etc., can be 1 found in Halloway's Corn Cure. Mrs. Timid : "Did you ever find a man under the bed?" Mrs. Bluff : "Yes; the night we thought there were bur- glars in the house, I found my husband there." Penlight soap io better than other soaps, bat is beat when used in the sunlight way. Bay Sunlight Soap and follow directions, "I think your son is improving.- a greed deal, sir, said the professor.' Ile will certainly learn to play t110 piano." "]s that so?" said the fond parent, much gratified. "I didn't know whether he was really improving Lr whether I was merely getting used to 1t." Food Products enable you to make good meals out of "hurry" meals. Libby's Food Products are ready to mem when you get them, yet are cooked as Carefully and as well as you could do it in your own kitchen. - Ox Tongue, Dried Beef, Boned Chick- en, Deviled- Haw, Veal Loaf—these are but a few of the many kinds your dealer keeps. Try for luncheon or supper tomorrow, somealiced Chicken Loaf. Rootlet, "How to Make Good Things to Eat," free if you write Libby, llieFlrlil & Libby, Chicago. IL§SUE NO. 82-06 Wilson's FLY P.t. ONE P4CxET HAS ACTUALLY ITILLED A BUSHEL OF FLIES Sold by all Ereuggists aird General Stereo and by snail. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALE WILSON, Hn,ItlatTON, ONT. FEATHER DYEING ellaalu and Ourliao and &til Glove+ du,nodn is4aa, 53 oan�,n 0104 by 11004, 10 WT O> the grAt. eneTa&f9 A[iiCSICAie Eilf ElfiG pitta MONFalu i; Agents Wanted. Agents win easil • make 'M(.17 a day selling our 11m 00Ln W101w Pat,ET•1'n:llr, 11051508)711005141, and OUANGICA10,1C 11111515. Catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 407 W. Tan BnrottSt•, Chicago, XII. VIM SALE. 1,284 AS:1413--Tout WIOLD .02 or putt, €13 per sure; 1best al grazing and wheat land ; hnnso, 1,31-1111.11d 00[1%115: Wali canto1, ad and f010otl; ::a miles anuli of Calgary by read ur rail, 4 from stores. DAVID, U0LLICUTT, Airdrie, Alberta, THE OLD SORE Mat 1110 boa, troubling you fur months or yeast can be Healed painloasly and promptly by Mission Oirrinlent Dolle, illood•poisluim,, Vutiu.wo Ulcers, Ts) Poisoning yield readily to it. 14 don't oust much shoall stores 60c largo 0i' Nai a your nearest exprest oa{ue and Y.O. Mission Ointment & Chronirai Go., Toronto, Canada. A b rta, Lands For Sale At Bawl/ on this WetaskIwln Branch. Thio incl ulos"somo of Alberta's finest wheal; lands. Toms etsy. O'rito at once. 8yaalal tnduaemonls to Largo Pardo., J. Bradley & Co., Bowl!, RIM. ONTARIO —AND— Ontario Co-sereatoryof rJnai LADIES' ., /VLl'1'IiY, ON1'., CANADA. COLS EC Palntdul BnlLlin{cs, beuutthil tb religious Inline l s"uiul cud ... est funs tiesf uods, end Law best facilities for the 0(111(7 0l Literature, (lama, .Art, lLlargo pi, (!a,m11, eon - laid 0 0014iu anos,113 forgo pipe organ, eon - cart grand planus, oma the most nompleto 4001101,1 equipment be 0(010- IOpuMm00L "Undoubtedly the best of its kind in Canada."—Lord Aberd• n, W'ILI. Re -OPEN SEPT. 10. Send for calendar to REV. .7..7. HARE, .Ph. 0„ Principal Tit-iE GENERAL Assurance c COMPANY, OF CA1+A0A, 051AR0510 C00ltrt 1U'1"1',Pteddont 1). 1t. WlLitl14, Vlro-Prosidon) 15. O. 1fALCUNitn ogia • "1"14"C, NONUO-MTLLlttt W. N. It18DUiiS, • Asyl.'t.eot Manager TRANSACTSr PERSONAL, FA1ff1.V AND iN- DUSTIIIAL ACCIDENT. lit"AL'I'IlITTAN.I) DISEASE. l;kiPL()Y1.R4' LIABILITY, GENERAL AND PUBLIC LIA- ! IIIL VESSleELS, T aAMs AND ELEVA. "1'011 LIABILITY. THEATRE,AND AUTOMOBILE LIA1IIL I'V. WORKMENS' COLLEC}TiVI33 LIA- illi,i"1"y. ;149 ALL'OANAn1API COMPANY with Int! Government deposit for 0eetwity of YollOylrctdors As udstod with no General Aeeth:nl Asch,' re° Corpora. limn, Ltmi[odi o[ Pta'Ih, Srollllnd. whoa° mots ox000d nye minter detests. Write for rates and fall information to WAS OFFIdg, a TO1161.4'O, CANAO' Tho stair ButdSng, ode. Id.r end-ddolatde sts,