HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-8-16, Page 5d
loiPittt =llr'efrl t efe
In dnolding to got a hn#!noes educa-
tion or shorthand training, it la wise
to atriee y h !gaol grade is well The for etriotly high grad0 ivorh, Tho
1110 well known a8 one of the beat Oom•
4, menial Scheele in exlotonee. Ito re-
cord 1110 year has , been moat remurk-
ab1e. Nolle Om graduates are out
Of poeftious and the demand for them
Is about twenty times the supply.
Write today for our 3:nag2111001A cata-
W. 3, ELLIOTT, Principal, 1}'
ry l 008 Xenon AND ALn0ANDElt BTS, L 0
t.41.o m- t
Steeessor to Dr. J. A. hleNaughtoh
Meume1O, Ontario
Graduate of Polyclidio Yost Graduate
School of Medicine and Surgery, New York.
Member of College of Phyo1oiaus and Sur-
geons of Ontario,
Oilieo and reeidenee same (8 formorlyoo-
cupied by Dr. MaNangkton.
1)is00e0 of women a specialty.
'Photo No. 21.
vrH, 1vfoORACKEN—
• Issuer or Marriage Licenses. Of.
Roe ut Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels..
Office In the Pest Office, Ethel. 90.4
C. O. F.
Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. F.,
Brueeelo, ideate in their Lodge Room 131ae-
hill Block, on the Sud. and lust Tuesdays of
each month, a t 8 O'olook. Visiting brethren
always welcome.
W. L. Lr]ATHEI4DALE, R. 8.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Office and Residence—
i • nun, will sell for bettor prioeo, to
better men, in lase time and lase chargee
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Date* and orders
eau always be arranged at this office or by
personal e.ppltoation,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable, Bales arranged for
at the aloe of Two POST, Brussels. 2210
N.JA• Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
exinury College, is prepared to trout all die -
mines of domesticated animals in a compet-
entmanner, Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry aid Milk louver, Oahe
promptly 000 North of br dge tended to. 0 l arobe wl infirmary st
• Barrister, solicitor, Notary, Eto.
6u0008eor to G. F. Blair. 01100 over Stan-
dard Sauk, Bru00ol0. 8oliuitor lur metro-
politan Back,
• Barrister, Solicitor,iOonveyaneer,
Notary Public, &m. Uffiao—BtewarV8 Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
8olioltor for the Standard Bank.
BARRISTERS, 80101 1'110700, NOTARIES
PUBLIW. PRo01311.00T, K. 0. HLAIR. R. 0, HAYS
ORioeo—Those formerly 000unted by Messrs
Oamorou & Holt,
DR. 14. P. FEILD,
Graduate of the Royal 00110ge of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and Firot•elase Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Olhae
next to Brewer's PhotographGallery,
QTa"<ti=i9t =11 16 yrs B
1P Fald Term Opens Sept. 4
le Those interested in Bueines8 College Pt
9d work should write for our largo °ate- 1P
logue. This is the largest and boot
Obm,nOroial and 8hort1and eohool In et
aWoelery ootarto. We give a 00,011001
training and amidst our graduates 16 lb
tee ou0ible positionAa , Many of the yp
! our
grade es lanes Dolle tae en1010Y 8 p Y
g g
yy 0,t
graduates ata touoher0. Write pow for
'83 0000 catalogue.
I =I1 tefil a€' st set
ny have getting lo loose Be 1 n o0 0 lav of la a
t of N
y b g,
Photo of your family, When they have
separated and it is impossible to get them
together you will be melting you had one
and would pay 'Lwloo its value if you
could but got to Photo, of your Family,
Don't forget we aro up-to-date and
will guarantee you a First -elves Photo.
We have q,full Zine of Mouldings and
will Frame your Pictures at a very close
prise, Oall and got our Prioee,
Visitors to the town are invited to
call and see our work,
' s trio gals,
)TARc1Lno W .
Aogue McKenzie and Jos. Agnew at-
tended the Oddlellowe Grand Lodge in
Peterboro last week.
Mre, R. D. Oameron and sone returned
home after spending a month with
friends in Galt end St. George.
W. Alliu,'1'. Watson, Dr. Elliott and
G. A. Siddall took part in the big bowling
tournament at Goderioh last week and
defeated five rinks.
The sudden death of William Gleason,
on Saturday, 4th /net•, was a sad eurpriee
to his family and friends. .Deceased had
beau in poor health tor some time paid.
I3e I grieve.
D. Sproat is home from his trip to the
Old Country.
John MoLean had the miefor1an0 to
lose a valuable mare.
Mre. D. Sprout was in Atwood attend•
ing the wedding of a friend.
J. and Mre. Stalker, of Lnolinow, are
at present visiting nt D. Geddes'.
Jno. and Mre, Hopper, of Bruce Minae,
Algoma, are vieitor0 ut Wm. Hopper's.
Mre. Striker, who has been visiting
friends at Galt for Berne time has 001010•
eft home.
Mies Kate Halliday left for Manitoba,
where reports tatty ohs will make her
future h, me.
Dan. Gaddee has erected a fence in
front untie property, whioh adds very
m1101 to the appearance.
The work of putting up the iron bridge
North of the village is now completed.
A moment fluor Ito beau pat down.
A goodly number from this locality at-
tended the Summer Sohool at Wingham
last week, Rev. Mr. and Mre. Rivera in
the number.
While unloading n load of grain, David
Dunbar tell from the load and had the
mietortune to break a couple of ribs
besides being badly shaken up otherwise.
.Foe( evvicil.
Mise Lowiok, of .London, returned
home after spending two weeke with A.
J. and Mre. Lowiok,
Geo. Biro, of Brunnele, was buoy drill•
ing a well at S. S. No. 16 on the bound
are, of Howiok and Grey.
W. H. Rowe, who took an extended
trip through Eastern Canada, returned
and left on Tuesday of last week for hie
home in Hartney, Man. -
The debris has been removed Irom the
reline of W. Wallace's residence and the
brick is on the ground and work will soon
begin on the emotion of the new reel'
Rev. Mr. Farr and family are enjoying
' holidays at t 'i1
a mouth e o is a heir old home 1
Durham. Editor Watters will take .hie
work in Gerrie, Wroxeter and Fordwiob
daring hie abeenoe.
The Bonier Epworth League of Ford
wioh Methodist oboroh, gave Geo. and
Mare. Walkey sr., a surprise on Saturday
evening, when the mambora aeeemhled at
the resideooe of Geo. Walkey, jr., and
aeut for his parents and presented them
with a beautiful mantel olook.
Wow a woman enders from depressing
weokaeoo, ehe then keenly realizes how
belpleoe—bow thoroughly worthless she
feels. Dr. Shoop bee brought relief to
thousands of such women. He reaches
diseases peculiar to women in two direct
epeoifio ways—a local treatment known
by Dtuggieto everywhere tie Dr, Shoop's
Night Cure, and a constitutional or in.
ternal prescription called Dr. Shoop's
Restorative. Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is
applied locally, and at night, It works
while you Bleep. It reduces the idle.
motion, it stops dioohargeo, ft hea18 it
soothes, it oomforbe, it mores.
Dr. S1oop'e Restorative (tablet or
liquid form) ie a oouetitatioual, nerve
tieeue tonlo. It brings renewed strength,,
lasting ambition and vigor to weak, life.
lees women,
These two remedies, singly oe awed
together, have an irreeietible, positive
helpful power. Try them a month and
see, Sold by F. R. Smith.
GI odaricll
Two pereone were flood for riding
bicycles en the sidewalks last week.
C. H. Humber and C. Reid went to
Peterborough to attend the Grand Lodge
of the Oddfellows,
R. R. Sallows and Fred Brophy attend-
ed the aunnal convention of the Photo.
graphere' A80ooiatien al Niagara Fella,
There le talk of the new boat the
Northern Navigation Co. has parobaeed
being pub on the lake shore route, calling
at Goderiob.
Monday of last week there was an ex
onreionfrom Clinton. On Tneeday there
was one from Soaforth and Thuredny
Mitchell sent as one.
Judge Holt, W. L. Eliot, W. Goatee, E.
0. Atbrill and 0. 0. and W. Roes left for
Main Station, Brooe Peniusnla, for a
ten days' finning esoureion. Dr. Taylor
left the same day on hie yacht to joie
b Main Station,
Dr. Tomball, of Prince Albert, Sasit.,
is spending a few weeks with old friends,
The doctor now deals largely in ieide
and is the owner of over a tboueand
aortae. Just before leaving for Goderioh
he sold 420 Bores at $9 !bat In the not
dietant past he bought at $4.
Mayor Tilt has received a oonlmuniea•
bion from the e0lieitora of the Maitland
River Power Oo, threatening legal pro•
I does not Piga the
oeedtnge 1P be d g bylaw
guaranteeing theb0nde of the Company,
Ws Worship does not say definitely what
he will do but does not seem to have any
idea of signing 3418 doottmell'l, All along
ba hoe been opposed to the below and
when the bylaw wee read the third lime
and poised by the ()outwit he t'etneed to
01811 it, Uo ghlte tot reeignatiou 00 n leas
Oil than 8iktitllg a bylaw be meanie in
the light qt ba dem 11110 one.
Robert Elliott expecte o t a paot to pnrohuse and
elup 00,000 barrele of apples 01118 Bowie
l'he proepeote for the Old 0ouotry
market has not been bright 00 far. Mr,
EIIi0t110 first aalo woe made the other
day to a Wiuuipog firm, the lot being
for 10,000 burrelo,
Jame* Wyatt, formerly of Goderioh,
had hie hand taken off RE Stratford,
where he is now loomed, It appears Mr,
Wyatt bad been under hie engine and to
coming out pieced hie land ou the rail of
another truck; not 000101ng nn engine
whloh woe banking down the line.
Jaden es to WI1.
Mise Kate Henderson, of Galt, is heli
daylog with bee friend, Mies Joule
Mrs. Robinson, of Wingham, was
spending it few days with her ague, Mo.
Donald Bros,
Mies J. Forrest, of Ohioago, is at pree.
ant visiting at the home of bar uncle,
Walter Forrest,
Mies Margaret Livingston, of Toronto,
visited at the home of her uncle, Jae.
Mies Annie 81raohan, who is assisting
her brother in a store near Kinoardine, is
spending a few daye under the parental
Mise Maggie J, McKee and Mrs. White
10011 ohildrat, 3,800 visiting last week et
the home of Bennett Raman, of Lokelet,
and L. W. Ruttan, of Jameotown,
George Rumen and sister Mise Lacy,
visited their uncle, Leu, Ruttan. Geo.
very kindly aeeieted with the program at
the anniversary and did Ilia part in excel-
lent style, He is always welcome in
A Snocaoo.—Another of tboee big
event° for whioh Jameebown ie famous
took place- Thursday evening, August,
god, being the fifth anniversary of
Viotoria Hall. The hall was tastily
decorated for the occasion with bunting
and foliage and the shade with ever
greens. Sapper began at seven 01010011
and all did ample juetioe to the good
tbinge provided by the ladies of James-
town, Next mime the program, whi01
wasleogohy and varied. Rev. L. Perrin,
of Wroxeter, °coupled the chair in a very
acceptable mauler. The opening num.
ber waea violin eeleotion from Geo, Rut.
tan, sutitled "Flower Song," wbioh was
highly appreoiated, Then followed
solos, reoitationo, duets, quartette and
seleotione on the trombone, whioh were
chiefly by vieitore from Brueeelo, and
every number was well rendered. Mise
Henderaoo, of Galt, also gave a solo
whiob was well received. All went well
and after *geeing the National Aothem
the event was brought to a close, 310 -
Donald Bros, had a booth on the -unmade
which added to the enjoyment of the
evening. Gate reoeipte were about $66,
whioh will be for the interests of the
Donegal and Maitland factories ship-
ped their last bolt of July cheese from
Atwood on Wednesday morning of last
Mre. Adam Berlet was a visitor in our
town last week. Adam ban purchased a
home io New Hamburg and will make
his home there.
A very pretty houee.wsddiog took place
at high noon on Saturday August 41b.,
et the Some of D. G. and Mre. Anderson,
Ring So„ wham their nieo0, Mies Stella
Woods, was united ie marriage with
Norman Toltone clerk of the Fleiehmon
Yeast Go., of Toronto.
080 of the workmen of the Cement
Co, ate ed into one of the tanks that
are needformixing and got an anlooked
for bath. He was a great looking eight
when be emerged oovered from head
to foot with a mixture of marl and
May. He did not look mach worse than
diose men who handle the coal grinder.
They emerge full fledged necrose. The
work dose not appear to be unhealthy.
At the epeoinl meeting of the share
ho0dero of the Cement Go. held in the
Moods Hell on ' Wednesday afternoon, of
last week the atteudanoe watt rather,
email. It was not possible for the
meeting to grant ENO direotor° power
to borrow money, owing to there not
being sufficient votes present. The
meeting decided to leave the matter
of exteudine M. M. Hike' contract for 1
year from Nov. 17th, 1906 in the hands
of the direotore,
Emu Mnlaen.—A meeting of the
Directors of the Elute Farmers' Mutual
°'ire Inflarenoo Go. woe held in Atwood
on Tuesday, Ang. 7th, Masers.
Uleland, Grieve and Langford were
Monet. In the absence of the Pres.
the ohair was taken by Mr. Rothwell.
Claims were presented by the following •,
Mre. Carrie N. Hay, born and °entente,
9488.13 ; Wm. Matheson, oow, $45 ; Geo.
Buret, damage to hones, 911 84 ; Edward
Collie, damage to barn, 982 •,' Lew Heath,
horse, 9140 1 Peter Nioholeon, hoose and
oontente, $742 20 1 Geo, Ellaoott, sheep,
96 ; John Swint, heifer, 920. J. W. Fish.
sr claimed oompeneation for 'damage to
barn and silo, but the direotot in the div
Mon claiming that the damage wail cans.
ed by wind, Metiers. Hammond and Don.
[Odeon were instructed to investigate,
The Secretary brought Mr. Cleland'° res.
ignation, w110h had been placed in his
bands, before the Board, who after eon.
eidering the circametaneee ander whioh
Mee 010001111 aelfed to be relieved, very re•
luoiantly a000pled it. In the retirement
of 1YIr, Cleland the Uompany tome v ivith
fel and euergalia v1110101/ and we era slam
the policy boldoro of the Company alt
join in whining
Mr, Cleland many
to unfuy the rest he only expeob. Wm.
(Wand wee appointed direotor to fill the
unexpired term, Hammond and Cowan
moved that Vioe.Preoident Donaldson be
President for Ole baler= of the year.
Mr. Donaldson refueed to act and on
3103410,4 of 031100 end Hewitt S. S, 110th•
well, wee appointed President, Appli•
oatioile for meeranoe were received
amounting to $98,200, Meeting then ad,
junrued till Tumidity, 4111 September,
1906. J. R, Emmen, Sea,
GRT a 6 monk box of Lax•ote at our
store please, We think they are great,
Just t08t these toothsome, oandylike
Laxative Tablets for oouetipotion, sour
etornaeh, biliousness, bad breatb, muddy
oompleeion, et0. Risk 5 vents and sec,
Sold by F. R. Smith.
We are sorry to report the ooationed
illneos of Mre, Wm. Sime.
The Reeve reported the sale of the hay
on the Agricultural park to W, J. Andrew
for the sum of 910.
Baxter 8loArtor went to Peterboro to
attend the annual meetiog of the grand
Lodge of Ontario, I. 0. 0. F.
y,The work on the new C. P. R. elation
'i° progressing well, and the work of
exoavatiug for the water tank ie being
Mrs. Adam McKenzie, a000mpanied by
Mies Rodent' and Neater Arabia Ma•
Kenzie, were visiting with Brueeelo
A rink of the Blyth bowlers took part
in the bowling tournament at Goderioh
laeb week. The rink was composed of
Dr. Long, J. Moklnrohio, J. G. Emigh
and 0. H. Beam.
Fon dry, cracked lips, or rough akin,
use Dr, Shoop's Green Salve. It po8itive-
ly makes the ape and akin like velvet.
Sold by F, R. Smith.
Seventy•throe tickets were Bold at the
Wingham station for Brenda S. 8.
extoursion to Kincardine.
J. A. Morton was representative from
Minerva Encampment and Chae. R.
Green and N. L. Brandon from Mait•
land Lodge to the Grand Lodge I, 0. 0.
Improvements have been in order et
the 0, P. 11. station yards for the past
few days. Large gaantitiee of gravel
have been pat in the yard and the road•
bed and traoks have been raised eeveral
The work of refitting the Webster
property for the Wingham hospital wilt
be oommenoed at once. The interior of
the building will be thoroughly overhaul-
ed and a good system of bot water heat-
ing will be installed. It is expected that
the work will be oompleted by the end of
00. Davie, collector of customs, has
reoeived nolioe to vacate the building
canoed by him as an office for over
twenty years. This building will be
need as a barber shop by R. Barrett.
Mies Little, milliner, will take Mr. Bar-
rett's present premises and R. John.
mon will nee the double store in the
MacDonald block for hie boot and oboe
John Howson, a nephew of the
Rev. W. G. Howson, of this town, has
just graduated with honors, from the
Manoheeter University, England. He
is not yet 21 years old, and will be
entitled to the degree of M, A., in cue
year more, without passing any fur.
ober examivati000. In the coarse of
bis graduation, be was Queen's Prize -
man, and won two or three eoholarshipe
in addition.
On Thursday morning, Aug. god, Jno.
Bosman, a reepeoted resident of Wing
ham, passed to elle quiet of the grave,
Mr. Beeman was born in Yorkshire,
England, in 1826. In 1851, when about
26 years of age, he wee united in mar.
mage to Mise Eeiza Hatt, who, for the
pact fitty•five yeare, proved hie faith.
tui helpmate and companion, and who
will keenly Leel her loneliness. The
followiog year, 1852, Mr. and Mre.
Beaman emigrated to Canada, and re•
sided for a abort time In Markham,
and later, for a few yeare, near Lon.
don. Tbirty•eix years ago they per.
chased a farm in the townebip of
Morrie and resided there for a number
of years, Seven years ago Mr. and
Mre. Beeman became oitizeni of Wipe.
ham. For the past year Mr. Boeman's
health has been failing, but for a abort
time before hie death he was apparent.
fy better than wool, and on Wednes-
day was quite lively and obeerfnl.
Towarde evening he took ill, and be-
tties morning dawned on Tbnreday hie
opirit bad taken its Sight. Mr, Boo.
man was an honest, straightforward,
man, an obliging neighbor, and wee
held in general esteem ; he was a mem.
ber of Wingham Methodist church,
Besides hie sorrowing partner, there
are left three daughters and one eon.
The daughters are—Mrs. Ou1oe, of
Australia, Mre. Bargees, of Vanoouver,
and Mee. Frank, of Manitoba. The
only eon is H. L. Bosman, of Tarn.
berry. In polilioal mottere, Mr. Bee.
man was to etaunob Oooservotive,
The funeral took plaoe on Saturday,
Rev. W. G. Howson conducting the
Emus are Poor Travellers
Did you ever try to drive a horse that
went lame easily 7 Or one always afraid he
wouldn't hear you say "whoa?" Some
horses can't travel because they are Lame and
others won't travel without a lot of urging.
the MING with Ore0m Separators. Some tore
niwaye out of fix, and some turn like corn
sbeliers, Snoh Separators don't have the
up-to-date features found only in
The Sharples Tubular
Buy a Tubular, Have a Separator with
waist low supply can, simple !fowl !lung from
single, friotlonlees bearing and driven by
wholly enclosed eelf-oiling gears—A Szren000lt
A 0II1Ln CAN Clan Pon—one Mutt will last a life
time, I'll foto aTubular all aped and thew
you how temple, strong and (diligent it lo:
ov 1'v p.t,oat,'310(0 /0 11/1110 Ar w0lnan
wua is 1.400084014 lu any we y to
Business Education
to write ter to a my of our Proeneetn0.
It Mlle you ex,04ly what to do and
why our 01000nt0 s owed so well.
Write at once for it, Fah terra from
gout. 4111. Address:
W. H, 811 Aw, Principal.
service. A large number of former
nelghbore and sequaintaooee woe pee.
ant to pay the lust tribute of respect
to the decimeter], and show their eym•
pathy with the bereaved friends.
Mies Edna Oopp tell out of a ham.
mock at Bayfield and dislocated her
Mr, Hamilton, ooal dealer, haw an•
loaded some fifty oars of ooel daring
the present season.
Mrs. G. M. Kitty, widow of the late
Rev, G. M. Kitty purpoeee taking np
her residenoe here ae soon as she loan
get a house,
James Marten, jr., who bas been in
delicate health for some time, epee to
the Sanitarium at Graveohuret, in the
hope that the change may be beneficial.
Harvey Davis, who for the past six.
been pain bee oonduoted a livery buei•
nese, has sold oat, the purchaser being
J. J. Mo0aughey, who took po0eeenion on
Taeeday of last week.
Rev. W. D. Magee left last week for
a three weeks' holiday in Buffalo. Mre,
Magee and their little daughter Myrtle
left on the same train for Danville where
they will visit bar oielers.
Otte evening as Mr. Robineon, of the
Rattenbary House, was retiring, he
crossed his lege, when he felt hie knee
cap diatomite, and in patting the toot
down it slipped back into place,
Rev. J. Greene lett last week for a
trip to the ooaeb, going by way of
Owen Sound. He expecte to be gone
for a ooaple of months and will in.
elude in hie trip e. number of pointe
off the main line of travel.
R. P. Rookie, druggieb, is disposing of
his business to Mr. MoOonnell, of De.
droit. Mr. Reekie has been for six years
in bnoineee, and ban never bad a holiday,
so he has deoided on taking one, and will
probably take a trip West, aoompanied
by Mre. Reekie.
'rhe•bax rate this year will be 20 mills
on the dollar whiob on an assessment of
$748,980 will realize $14,879 60. From
other sources it ie estimated that 92,946
will be realized. This table shows how
Moe 0301103, will be expanded :—
Sehoole 7 mills
Consolidated Debt
Doherty Loan
1T "
Total 20 mills -
PaeLIO Soaoore—The reeignatton of
Mies Grace Sbepberd has been aooepted
by the Board, and Mies O. Ohidley has
been engaged in her plooe at a salary of
$375. Mies Shepherd -has taken a eohool
in Middlesex.. Mies J. Wiseman has
been engaged for the Model term at a
eatery of $140 for the term. Mies Dell
O'Neil hue teudered her resignation,
and will take a reek from teaching ;
the work performed by her sister, Bliss
Winnie, in the store of her father, being
pretty heavy, will be shared by Mies
Dell O'Neil. The tender of W. Gundy,
for $135, to paint and calcimine the
eohool throughout, and finish the Main
way, has been aooepted by the Board.
W. R. Lough bee been re-engaged Be
Priuoipal, at the same salary se last
year. This will make hie 26th year as
Priuoipal, and will probably be the last
one he will remain in that oepacity, se
he some time ago made up his mind to
Bowrma.—On Saturday of the week
Aug. 18, Clinton will be honored with
a visit from font of the eight rinks of
English bowlers now touring Canada.
They have met with a most entbueiaatio
and oordiel reception wherever they have
been, and it is intended that their re.
caption here will be none the lees gen-
erous than elsewhere. They will ar-
rive here at 10 te. m., and will be met
by a reoeptiou committee representing
the Lawn Bowling Olob, and driven to
various pointe of interest hereoboute,
after whioh it is proposed to have an
exhibition game of laoroeee for them,
fa the Reoreation Park, between Olin.
ton and Seatorbh, They will then be
entertained to innob at the Town Hall,
and f11 the afternoon will play against
two rinks of Olintion bowlers, one rink
from Wingham, and one from Sea.
forth. After the mstob is over they
Will proceed to Goderioh by the 6 86
train, and spend Sunday there, four
rinks will also play in Goderioh
on Saturday.
The funeral of the late Justice Street
took place at London.
A severe windstorm swept over Ottawa
and paused considerable damage.
Justice Sedgewiok of the Supreme
Court died alter a lingering illness.
A strange woman committed enioide at
W eterdown under peculiar oironm0banoeo,
Alfred Foxley, a young Englishman,
was drowned while bathing in Hamilton
B Thoe, Hartley, of Perth road, near
Kingston, was tarred and feathered by
neighboring farmers,
Winnipeg journeymen pinmbero are
taking action against the buoiaees agent
of the Employers' Association.
Joeephiue Le Barrea tour,year.oid
Hamilton ohild, draI
nk rom it cap that
bad contained lye and was k11180.
The Norwegian bock Benjamin Banks
rammed and sank the Frenob fishing
eabooner La Tour Dupin on the Grand
The Winnipeg City Ooanoil will enter
an notion ngalnel the Street Railway
Company for the eleotrolyeie of water
Daniel Gorow, aged 08, and for over 60
yeare a mauler of the Orange Order,
died on Saturday at Mountain View, near
Belle ills,
Arrangements aro being made at Win.
nipeg for the reception of the members of
the Canadian Madufaeturero Aeooelation
belt week.
New Firrn
have formed a co -partnership, to .be
known as Walker & Black, and will carry
on ate*—
Their stock of Furniture, Undertaking
Goods and Musical Instruments is new from
the Factories ; has been bought for cash and
will be sold at Reasonable Prices.
MR. CHAS. FORSTER, an experienced
Undertaker and Upholsterer, will assist in the
Picture Framing a Specialty.
They hope by strict attention to business,
square and honorable dealing with their Cus-
tomers to merit a share of the public patron-
Night and Sunday calls will be promptly
attended at -David Walker's residence, North of
bridge, Turnbexry street.
In order to quicken sales during a quiet month
we now offer all lines of
at the following reductions, viz.: --250 lines for
20e ; 850 for 280 ; 50c for 380 ; 750 for 60c ;
950 for 78c ; $1,00 for 82c ; $1,25 for $1.00 ;
$1.40 for $1.10 ; $1.85 for $1.35 ; $2.00 for
$1.60, &o.
English Prints
We have still left a nice selection of the
best quality English Prints which now go on
sale at llc per yard.
Best 12jc Ginghams now lle, and the 20e
and 25c lines are now 15e per yard.
Ladies' and Children's Summer *Vests
are now Reduced in Price.
Girls' and Boys' Sailor fiats & Caps
now Reduced from 25c to 190 and from
50c to 380.
Our Values are -usually aino72d
the best _going but these are a few
of the Avtras during the Month
of .Rugust.
No Vasey Prices but Everything Cheap.