HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-8-16, Page 4pt ttrr alt-. iia& g 4013 muds nz t. RTIRSDAY, 4UG. 16, 1906. Jgliati is Betting a 8008 example to the world in its andoeaation of union amoos all the Protestant ohnrobeo iu that, land, This should be the aim flu thie North Amorioan oontineat ae well and we be. lieve the outcome of sualt a movement would he an inoalcalable good. Wannzvion we read a resolution etating that the liquor men have deoided to keep the lioenee law we wonder why in their repentance they do not hand over the fines for their selboonleseed lufraotione that have not been oolleoted by the hunt. ling Lifting(' Inepeatore. GREAT strides are being made in the population in the Northwest Territories, The oensue retnrne read almost like a fairy tale but we are glad to believe they are a glorious reality. Sir John A. MaoDonald was not as ler out in hie propbeeying regarding the Great Week as some people thought. TALR about a good investment in mine, and Western lands bat if you have stook in the Toronto etreet railway you need not be anxious to leave Ontario. For the month of July the reoeipte were $271,21'7 a gain of $28,619, over the oorreopooding month of the past year. The airy re. calved over $40,000 as its share from the Company. A tidy inoome in itself but we guess it dont go very far in Tomato where they do ea many big things. Font the bulletin issued by the Banka. tobewau Government we notice that there were over one v c million one hundred and thirty thousand mores in wheat last year and the yield was 26,107,285 bushels. This year the prop is bigger and, poeeibly better than any of its predeoeseore. 22 buehelep er acre. on the average is ee• timated. Harvesting operations are now at hand and we are not eurprieed that there ie considerable anxiety about the arrival of help to gather in the golden ebeavee. TORONTO Ma sporty town lint does not Lave many opportunities of going into eostaoiee thie season over their Base Ball aggregation. They have lost 60 games this season and won 82 and are tail. eudero with a capital T. Like every- thing else of a bank number variety they are receiving more kicks thau boquete. If they had hustled earlier is the season somebody might have deeignated them as .daisies or Johnnie•jump•upe. They should quit and buy a cent's worth of marbles, How old time happineseea are being oartailed and the question "Is life worth living after all ?" may well be aeked. We learn that the sending of ane of the old time oomio valentines may be construed into orimioal libel and thee one by o0e the joys of this world are being removed, Why should the relentless tooth of time gnaw away luxuries of a long past. This etatate does not deal with The rose is red The violet's blue, Honey is sweet And ea are you variety, however, ea there to still a small streak of silver lining a v r to the piped. Tan Ontario tledioal Association has gained considerable notoriety, of none too enviable a type, by the harshness of ,heir deliverance oon0eruing a brother AI. D. who became he forsook a standard of etiquette set up by the profeeeion and wiokedly advertised a remedy his well earned oredentiale are to be taken from Lino. With all due deference to the Ae. sooiabion we beg leave to remark that %Belt aatooratio motion is not aooepted by many people ae either manly or brother. ly, It might out a figure iu Russia where a man's{ rights and liberties are ,fever ,seared 24 boars but in a land -where right is euppoeed to rale -as we pride ourselves in Canada -these kind of verdicts do not tend to elevate a noble profession. If the Legielatare gives the Aeeooiation power to thug deprive a Member of the means of making a livelj. hood on eo trivial a matter then the sooner the M. P. We gat buoy and anal enoh enactments the better. Evans farmer and every business man 10 this motion of the 0oautry should snake tip their mind to arrange the very beet exhibit for Ibe ooming Riding Fall Fair, to be held in Brnseele on Tharedey and Friday, Oot, 4th and 611, The Dir. eotore are going to large expense in the 0reotio0 oto modern Agricultural Hall and that should "out out" the auntie pet up by those who should have assisted in the interior diepiay in the past yeare, A Year beoome° of serried and is of inertias. ing interest inasmuch as people general. ly book it up, not merely by spending a half day on the grounds at an expendi• *are of 26o, but by becoming members and exhibitors and thug practically en. doreing the good work done by the Direotorate, Eaet Huron' Fall BAN. Meat it acknowledged to be a good one but it cannot thrive on a bietorie past but Mast be nurtured by the hearty and loyal support et an iudoential people. Spleq, C did re to ea made p p0. a i u re being an d by the management and the Fair of 1008 prom. ea to outdo the beat record of the paet and that is saying a good deal. Will you be a litter t Talk to your neighbor and iutereet hitp 11 he's not already in line. Bre Morino LAURIan will vielt the Great West and will no doobt be a wel• coma guest, Ile will oertaiuly delight in the material prosperity eo abundantly apparent. It le said Mr. Borden, leader of the Opposition tomes, may tour Ont. aria in the interest of the party. Publio men, it they oan sustain themaeivee, are not exoeding the obligations of their Oise in mingling with the people, There's not half enough of this friendly interoonree until an aleatiou is at band. Some Sights Jack Grew Saw at Rockland, Mich. The following ie a epeaial to the Mining Gazette of Tuesday, July 310 :— One mac ie dead, several others are wounded and 40 are looped up iu the town hall at Rookland as' the remit of a riot at the Miobigau mine Toeeday evening, July 31, The man under ar. root are to be taken to the twenty jail Wednesday morning by Sheriff William MoFarlane and his depntiee. The riot wae the outcome of the strike which started at the mi0e on Monday, The trammere went out, asking for higber wages. The miners and other employees refaced to join the trammere In the strike and did not take kiuitly to the idea of being out of work beaanee of the dieeatisfattion among the tram. mere, but wanted to return to work. The trammere threatened violeuoe if the miners went underground and Sher. iff William MoFarlane was notified. He gathered a force of depotiee at On. tone.gon and Rookland and reached the mine location this afternoon, The minersC o mode preparations a araLione t go nndergoand at the urinal bone this evening. The striking teemmere gather. ed in tome and warnedthe mfnere not to go down. The depatiee seder the direction of the sheriff promised proteo. tion to the miners who aonti0aedw ith thePlaps to rename operatione 9 at the P mine. At 7 o'clock the miners started for the dry hoagie, The trammere allowed them to page their gang bot followed after the deputies. For a while it seemed ae if the trainmen would not begin any trouble bat Borne of the hot heads in their party etarted to throw atones and when the miners started from the dry house to the shaft the trammere again tried to atop them. Finding that arguments would be of no avail the tremmere attempted to rush the party of miners and depntiee, They were armed with °lube and brlok. bate and some ot them carried revolvers acd keivee. Io the general mix•np which followed the rueh some 01 the trammere fired into the crowd. MoFarlane ran:need the fire. By this time the whole town of Rockland was watching the fight and practically all of the men participated, assisting the sheriff and his depntiee, The battle raged fiercely for a time, hot the trammere were soon beaten bank and ae maty as 000ld made their eeoape. However, the sheriff and hie deputies held 40 of the men, who were he worst fighters among the strikers.. The °there managed to take away Boma f their wounded with them and it is mpoeaible to tell just how many were sally hit by the fire of the offioero. It e believed that at least halt a dozen of he trammere wbo got away were etrnok y the bullets. Oue of the wounded trammere died ()mediately. Another will die before morning. Dr. E. J. Evaue, the mine byeiaian is arranging to perform a eor- joal operation to locate the bullet just e moo ae the patient eau stand it. The an fe woaoded in the bowels and there very alight hope for bia recovery. J he fighting strikers t of re who at awaywith 8 g heir wounded have refaced tlisten o proposals for aeaietanae. II is be. eved that their wounded will reoover. The sheriff ordered the buelneee planes f Rookland closed, as a precautionary enure against farther trouble as well °for protection to the business houses emeelVes. The 40 prieonere are Dor• lied in the town ball under a heavy card of deputies, They will be kept ere tonight and taken to the county ii in Ontonagon easy in the morning. be prisoners are sullen and refuse to Ik, Most of them are enable or no. filling to speak English. Immediately after the shooting wild mure were in oironlation and it wee ported that four of the trammere and e of the deputies were killed. A reful inveetigatiou of the situation S. late hoar tonight diearedite these cries. M a late hour tonight quiet again pre. ilad and it is believed that there will no further trouble in the morning, en the prisoners will be taken to the I. It seems that the trammere had en talking strike for several weeke, ey tried to get the miners to go oat Oa them but the miners refaced, They re eatiefied with their pay and their atmeot and did not believe that the tee, bad oo0asioo to go out. Mon• y when the trammere quit the miners nted to continue the work but tbreate violence if they attempted were openly Ma de. Under the oiroumetanoee the aoogemeot did not seem advisable to empt to put the minare to work with• t proper palioe protection and the stiff gathered a force of deputies to see ab the miners had a chance to go down moleated, The trammere, at least many of ibem, is Bald had been drinking heavily 00 they went out on 'strike and it ie loved that those who started the shoot• were intoxicated. heriff MaTerione had made it olearly daretood at the time of the trouble at Adventure mine eighteen months ago nt he would not hesitate to ,boob in neat and have his deputies do the me if violent reeietaooe eliould ever be orad to him in the exercise of his duty. bee kept hie word, r b p g m i8 T If 02 a th ra th 1 to 0, 011 re on 0a et va be wh al be T0,336 we re tr da WA of m m alt on all th an it sin bel ing B lin the th ear ea off He The body of en unknown men was thrown up by the whirlpool at Niagara, John McGinnis, of Oobonrg, fell under a load of burning bay and was badly in. farad, 1 Grevgpburst pawed by law° for the ea. 0 d n i{ re of ]0 p q $ S,g00 fur n syetani of waterworks and a power plant. Messrs, Mackenzie it Mann are in Winnipeg conferring with the General Manager of the Grand Trunk Paciau, xeter, Easter people parried the canning Mutiny by law, Mtge Bowden returned on Monday of last week from her trip to England, n6. aompauied by a lady friend. At the regular meeting of the Women's Institute it was deolded not to hold a flower show tliie season, but a mambere' plank, was held in the Town Park on Tuesday, August 14th. The Easter Gun Olub, reoently obrietened "The Huron Indictee," held a shoot on Civic Holiday for a handeome silver medal, which they recently par chased. The medal is to beoome the property of the shooter who wine it five omiee0ative times. Oa'Pburedey it wee won by "Ohief Well, T'ookit" who gut 17 out ot a possible 20, A pleeelit event took pine at the home of Mee. Thos, Suell, Huron street, on Monday afternoon of last week, when about twenty of her moat intimate friend° assembled to help celebrate . bee sixty sixth birthday. The afternoon wae spent in eooial ohat. It was indeed a happy crowd that eat down to the with filled table and partook of a dainty tea. Al the0000laoiou of this the gatberiog wive °ailed to order wlieo 0. H. Souders flame forward and gave nu addeeee, after which .Kra. W. Dearing sr., on behalf of the gouts, presented Mee. Snell with a hand- some trait spoon and a half dozen tea. spoons, which testified to the high eobeem in which she wee held by her many (Heade. It was with much emotion that Mrs. Snell matte n reply, but in a few well chosen words she thanked the donors for their kindly rememhranoee. The serene in the Trivia Memorial ohuouh took ou a epeaial form Suuday morning 6th ins!., the 0000eion being the mduotion of Rev. David Walter Collins, late of Bier, The interesting, impreeeive ceremony was oonduoted by the Ven. 1'. B. Riobardeo, Arohdeaoon of London in the presence of a large oongregatiou. rhe Cburob wardene, Messrs. Knight and Hawkins delivered the keys to the newly installed rector. The induotion eerviae over the Arohdeaoon then 000apied the pulpit and delivered an emollient die - coarse, after whiob Holy Communion was admiuietered to a large number of church 6 members. In the evening Mc. I ' g Oo Lue took charge of the service and hie intro• dilatory discourse woe of a deep spiritual oharaoter and listened to with deep iutereet. Mr. Collins commences his donee under the moat favorable airmen- Obo000e, with every promiee of a bright and useful oareer. 2-ieneael.tl. As Nettie Stotherby who works at the blaokowithing with J. Habkirk, wae ehoeiog a borne the animal jerked its foot and tore open the flesh of his hand eo badly that the doctor bad to put some etibehee in, The Methodiet trustee board have par• (beaed the lots fu the rear of the church and pareo0age properties from Jemee Bouthron jr. and have plane drawn for an np•to•date oon0rete shed with corrugated iron roof, A fine lawn will also be laid out. Dr. Ferguson, who some months ago disposed of hie reeideoee and praobioe to Dr. McFadden, and looated in George. town, has recently moved to St. Marys where he has parobaoed the residence of George Hays. The Dr. ie well aogaaint• ed with the people of that eeotion as it is near hie old home. Hugh and Mrs. Morrie, near Oromarby, have recently happened with sad miefor. tunes. About six weeks ago their horse ren away and their little child only a few months old was killed. Last Sunday while obey were visiting at Mr. Simmons another little child about twa years old WAS badly bitten by a dog. The animal wag lying under the steps and when the little one approached it sprang at it and bit it on the fade. The taste of the blood 0 seemed to infuriate the brute and it o °ontinued the attaek, mobil driven away a by members of the family. The parents prooared their horse and drove at a furious rate to eneall it H with their 'i obi d. When the reached ed here both 9 were covered with blood. After a little delay they emoted a doctor, who stopped the bleeding land stitched the wounds, Though very weak from lose of blood it is thought that the child will recover. A BLIGHT MIeruro.—A young man, living on one of the streets of this fair town, went with hie sister to a dry goods store. He bought a pair of glovee for big sweetheart: the sister bought a pair of hose for hermit. Of oouree the olerk got them mixed. The explosion Dame when the sweetheart opened the pookage and found thereon a pair of long blaok stook• loge. She blushed, then she opened the note whioh was read as foilowe ; "My dear Lillian ;—I um sending yon a pees - Ob, bow I with that no other hands than Woe would ever be permitted to moor! h a b moots ham when I mum by Your Ode and no other eyes tutu colon may see them when you are ou the Street or at the parties, I bought the langeet pair I would thud, and If they are t00 long you may let them wrinkle down. A great many girls I kuow wear them slipped down a little; olweye wear theta at parties. I avant to see how they St when I call Tuseday night. You eon ()lean them easily with benzine, if you leave them un till they dry. I hope they aro not too ems I. Blow iu faint before you put then on. With love." Iuuideot sly it may be mentioned that the young man did will 0u 'Tuesday night to tea how they fitted but the lash account we had of hint be was headed for the tali and unoub timber on a prolouded vaoation while )tie sweetheart's tubber to searching for him with a horsewhip and his brother swears be will ehot bim on eight, • L,il,eto w e1. Monday August 18th was 0ivia holi• day in Listowel. The editor of the Standard returned home on Tuseday of last week after an eight weeks' trip to the coast and as far South as Los Angeles. Our townemoo, F. R. Blewett, Grand Master, was presiding at the annual meet- ing of the Grand Lodge of Ontario I. 0. 0. F., at Peterboro last week. Wm. R. Watson, mining engineer of Nome, Alaeka, is visiting in town. It is ten yeare einoe' be was here last and gees wonderful improvements in the town, Rev, U. H. Bunklond has resigned kite reotorehip of Obriet Chetah and intends leaving for Guelph where he bee been ep• pointed motor of St. James, terminated his ministry here on Sauday. The friends in town of F. L. Imrie, of the Imperial Bank etaff, were very sorry to hear of his death which occurred at hie home in Tileonberg on Toeeday morning 7th Met. He wae taken with a severe hemorrhage on June 23rd, and was removed to hie home, where he continued to grow weaker until hie death. He wee an exemplary yonng man mod was maob esteemed by all who had made his ao• gnatntonoe during his ehort residence here, Oe Friday morning 8rd inst., word name to town that Joseph Clyde bad beau found dead by the roadeidenear the old cemetery. He was working in town and had lett his home, on the old homestead, town line West, eariy to walk down to his work and o load not Dna far g a until ha dropped, from heart PP evidently tailors. No one wae with bim at the time. The body was found shortly after but there wae no trade of life. Coroner Philp wae notified but did not think it necessary to hold as inquest, The funeral on Sunday was largely attended, being oonduoted by the Orangemen. Mr. Clyde woe in hie forty seventh year. The Commit accepted the tender of the Royal Paving Co., of Guelph, at 11 cents per square foot far sidewalks and ,crops• ing° to be built here this Summer but on notifying the contractor that hie tender had bean aooepted he replied that be had taken other work and would not be able to build the walks here, A special meeting of the Council was then called and the next lowest tender accepted, that of the Silioa•Barytio 00. (Mills, Ingersoll) and he was eo notified and will coney out the work. His tender amounted to about $75 more on all the work to be done, but ae the work he has done before has been eatiefaotory, the Council feel that the contract is a 'good one. 11j Dente for walks and 12i ciente for 0roseauge. A report from 8tokee Bay in Monday's daily papers Saye ;—A blinding fleet: of lightning etraok the $coking salting yacht near Stokes Bay last Friday, ripping part of the mile and doing other damage, but injuring a0 person. In the boat were J. A. Hooking and his Bona Lester and Bert, U. Backlog and hie son, Oleoyne, all from Listowel, Out. Friday they lett Stokes Bay to go down to the lakes, bot upon the fog becoming dense it wae deoided to go back to the bay. Hardly had the yacht bean veered than terrifia thenderetorm broke. A flash 1 lightning etruok the mainsail, tarrying way orargee, running down the sails and passing around the keel and tearing boles in the planking. J. A. Hacking and 0. Reeking H olein aotl Bert were gk0ookad out of the boat but o were secured. The yacht was finally got into Stokes Bay harbor and wae towed to Port Elgin. Perth County. Stratford Beaoon of Saturday Saye : —The eroake and pickpockets have arriv ed. There are omtetate:A with almoet any celebration of any magnitude, and Stratford has not soaped them. A elip, pery gent tried to work an old but oftimee suooeesful "skin game" on a Wellington etreet merchant this morn• ing. The stranger in queetion walked into Harry Patteroo0'e bookstore and presenting what with snppoeed to be $10 in Small bilis, asked to have it ohauged for two fives, aa he wished to send them McKAY & SHAW'S FOR RG IN LIST THE BALANCE OF AUGUST Fence Wire 6000 lbs, Diamond Brand, Cleve- land, High-oarbon, hard steel spring wire, at $2.60 for balance of August. Graniteware A new stook of the beet and lat- ent brand of Graniteware in the market, A epecial sale of pre- serving kettles for August. Wire Flails A large and well assorted stock ranging from half inoh to seven inohee. During the balance of August these Nails will be offer- ed at a new Rook Bottom Price. Manila Rove A job lot to be sold at 18i cents per pound, Now is the time to eeeure a Bargain. GoderlalTWolraognbtaom . AgS2S7e-ppKt.ep218-08 A L L LINE London.,. Sept. 28-2728 Sept.7-6 ROYAL. MAIL STEAMERS CBulyothmowOol,2-8Sept, 28-20 To Liverpool Prom Montreal Brestwtter 0cb, 8-4 Vlotorlan „ ,. Aug 17 8opt, 14 yob, 12 Brussels Ooh, 4-6 Ionian Aug 29 Sept 21 04 10 Vlrgiuktn Aug. 81 Sept. 281 Oeb, 20 - 'ruoisitu .., sass, Sept. 7 Oat. si Nov, 'd Motes Or raNNilge QEALED TENDERS addreeeod to the n0. doreigued and endoraed 'render for Poet Office, de , at St. Mary's, Ont.,. will bo received at tate Delta entll Monday, August 20111, 1000, inclusively, for the eonetrootlon of a Post OOlee, dao., at et. Diary's, Ont. Pious and speoieoutione nun be seen and forme of tender obteiued at this Depart• went and on application to the Postmaster, B t, Marys, Ont, Pereous tendering are nOEi8ed that ten•. dere w11) not be oouatdered unleee made on the printed form supplied, and signed With their notoel signatures, Haab tender must be sotompanted by an aooeptod antique on a chartered bank, made payable to the order of . the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten Per °out (10 P.O.) of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person tender- ing decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if he fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned, Tha Department does not bind itself to accept the loweat or any tender, By order, FRED. GELINAS, Department of Public Works, Secretary. 0 ttawa, July 81,1800, Newspapers inserting this advertisement elbout authority from the Department will not be paid tor it, 5-2 IMPORTANT NOTICES YORKSHIRE YOUNG SOW with a litter of 16 pigs, beauties, for sale. Also a few pure bred Yorke, both sex, 8 weeks old, from imported sow. 6-tf D. MILNE, Ethel. APPLICATIONS FOR THE position of Township Treasurer will be received by the Municipal Council of the Township of Grey, np to 4 p.m., Monday, August 27th, 19 O& WM. FRASER, Reeve. BERTHA C. ARMSTRONG Ie prepared to give lessons on Piano or Reed Organ. Terms ou application, Pootoffiae address—Brueeele. Reeid0000— Lot 9 Con. 10,Grey. 1 havetheir lessens at Peelle pie may their own homes if preferred. GOOD TOWN PROPERTY FOR Sale on which is large brink house, stable, drilled web, cistern, fruit garden, dc., 81 aures of land on John and James et., Brueeele. Torres reasonable. Apply to JOHN M°FADDEN on premises or F. S. SCOTT, Brussels, MiSS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Music. FOR SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned oilers her 100 ' nem farm, being Lot 20, Oon. 7, Grey, for sale or to rent. Comfortable bone• bank barn, orohard, wells, do. Farm ie only } of a m11e from the stirring village o1 Ethel. For fur- ther particulars !apply to F. B. 8000, Brus- eele, or MRS, KATE HOLLAND, 78 Bunter Street, Toronto. 37.8m FARM FOR SALE. -THE UN• DRRiI0NRD offers his floe 100 acre farm, beteg Lot 15, Con.12, Grey, for sale. Comfortable house,bank barn orotund, do, Fares is in a good state of cultivation and adjoins the village of Dranbrook, where are 0toxee, churches, shops, do. Possession given next Fall. For further particulars as bo price terms dao,. apply on the premises or Orem brook P. 0. GEORGE BPARLING, 1-tf Proprietor. oU ACRE FARM FOR SALE being Lot 4, Con. 18, Grey ; 85 acres cleared; comfortable house OOx90 with stabling;; orchardan ells,,50Oa7Wella with and iu goad heart, Possession given neat Fall. Farm is nearly all in grass at present. It is 8} mime from Brussels and in a good ]ooality, For further parbieulere apply on the premises or Brueeele P. 0. to 51.11 JOHN RODDIOR, Proprietor, PROPERTY FOR SALE—THE undersigned offers his house and IDE situate a a flu Doll etreet Brussels,for e It is well looated,a convenient ad comfor- table home. Possession eau be given at once. Will also sell the vacant tot, corner of Mill and Elisabeth streets,which would make a fine building site. For farther par- ticulars ae to pride, terms, do., apply to FRED, ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford• wiob, 80.4' in a letter, Mr. Patterson handed over the bilis of larger denomination, but in return only received $9. He immediately called the attention of the stranger to the foot, who expreeeed well feigned surprise, saying be had last reoeived the bills at City Hotel and thought there were $10 ho the roll. In the meantime the two fives had been placed in an envelope, which be planed In hie pocket. The nine dollars were banded over to him by Mr. Patter. eon, in return for whiob the stranger gave him the envelope whiob was supposed to ooutain the $10, stating that be would return to the hotel and have the mistake rectified. Atter the vieltor bad left the store Mr. Patterson suepeoted trickery and immediately tore open the envelope to find it empty. He followed his man and EOM bim paea the city hotel. P. C. Honrigan was in the vicinity and in a few minatee had hie band on the Blick 'stranger's ehoolder and led him off to the cooler. Half an hour later be was ar. reigned before Magistrate O'Loane oharg. ed with swindle or attempt to defraud, He refused to plead either guilty or not guilty, and stated that he had nothing to say. He gave hie name ae Edward White and Detroit his home. What informed that he would be re. manded for nine days he commenced b0 cry, hoping hereby to obtain meroy, but the arm of the law was rigid, and he was taken from the court room, orying, my mother only knew, where I wae going." A Berlin man who stopped off (tithe G, T. R. station Stretford ie minas 882. He claimed he placed the roil in hie hip pock. et and whether be wag relieved at the money or lost it is not known. The Mr. mer theory, however, is the more prob. able, in view of the tach that there Were several pioltpookets working in Listowel last week, these having probably made their way to Stratford, A London policeman wae di0lniseed be. Whyof language used to a etreet rail• W6q employee whed'the strike was de, dared, First Oablo—$70 and upwards, a000rding to steamer, Second cabin -841,60 to 047.60, Third Class,- $27 50 and $2076. Montreal to Miiiogew, Prolorlau Aug. 10 Sept, 20 0°6. 25 Sembilan .- Aug. 28 Sept 27 Nov, 1 Mongolian Aug. 80 Oot. 4 Noy. 8 For further particulars, rates and tickets apply to ' ' 11. 1051011, Agent Allan Line, Brueeele. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even numbered section of Dominion Lando in Manitoba, Saskatchewan end Alberta, excepting 8 add 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by auy person who is the sole head of a family, or auy male over 18 yeare of age, to the extent of uuo•quarter motion of 100 acres more or been. Entry may be made personally tot the 10001 land, Defoe for the district in which the laud is situate. The homesteader is required to perform the ooudltioue oouneoted therewith under cue of the following plane (11 At least six months' rest donee upon and cultivation of the land In each year for three years, (2) It the father (or mother, if the father is deoeaeed) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the lend entered for the requiremente as to resi- dence may be initialled by such person re- siding with the father or mother, (8) If the settler Lae bio permanent ma- donna upon farming land owned by him iu the viui0lty of his howmestead, the re- quirements as to restdedee may be antis- Oed by residence upon the said land,. Biamonthe' notice Lu writing should be given to the Oommiselouer of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. t Deputy of thellnlober 00 Interior, N. B. Unauthorized publication of this ad- vertieemeut will not be paid for, u01 Wamz� I The Highest Market Prioe paid for any quantity of Wool. 2 cents advance allowed in trade. We carry a good range of Blankets, Yarns, Sheeting°, Underwear, Hosiery, Tweeds, 00. J.T. WOOD, Excelsior Knitting Factory, Brussels. Toronto nag and Metal Co'y PAYS CASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool Pickings, Horse Hair, Hides, &a., &c, Highest Prices for All H. ROSEN K. LABEL. Mill st. West, Brussels 6 i Bari o f Ha nitiom I•r Capllal, raid tip, $2,000,000 Reserve fund, $4,001,000 'malt Amete, 820,550,006 80 BRANC11l5 IN oANADA 80 W Preeldont, . • HON, WM, 01860N Vico President d Geueraf )ttalinger, W JaMEB 'rOnNBULL ETHEL AGENCY ti Savings Dopo6it0rsDepartment—Ample rgratuity100 . Dopoei to of 81.00 and upwarde received, Internet allowed at current rates and compounded hall yearly. ADVANCES made to 13 arm ere for feeding stook, Sale Notes oolleuted and adytru000 made thereon, Amite bought and acid, W. N. Mo&AY, ton•AenNT, L6ALia 4 t9a5zrlC g7tt- S M I T H& STEWART House, Sign And Carriage Paint - ere. Ornamental and Scene Work and Paper Hang- ing a Specialty. Quotations Furnished on Application SHOP rl'aruberl'y St., Brussels SALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works can gattitny kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. GRAIN CHOPPING The undersigned beg leave to notify the farming community that they are now ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and Crushing at lowest rates. All work will be promptly and care- fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, Bran, Shorts, tic., always in stook and sold at Market Prices. Thuell Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building. But1illg Business Along Ewan & Co. are busy these days pushing the Carriage busi- ness. In addition to our owls make of Rigs, which are A 1, we handle Buggies manufactured ' by the Canada Carriage Co., Brockville, and the Brantford Carriage Company, Brantford. . Wood Work and Jobbing a Specialty Painting and Repairing attended to with neatness and dispatch. The celebrated Harland English Varnish used in our paint rooms. If you want a new Rig call and see us as we have a large display and sell at close margins. We Otto save you money. E WAN & Co, BRUSSELS