HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-8-9, Page 8PICKLING SPICES You will soon be needing these and we have on hand a good supply of Fresh Spices inoluding :- -Whole and Ground Bleak Pepper -Whole and Ground Rod Popper -Whole and Ground Allapioe -Whole and Ground Jamaica Ginger -Whole and Ground Cinnamon Wholo,and Ground Clovae -Celery Seed, Afnetard Seed, Keen's Mustard, Garlic, Tuemerio. -All sizes of Corks, Paraffin Wax for sealing Bottles, Jellies, &o. -a full pound cake for 20o. I b' your Eyesight is not as good as you would like it to be or if your eyes eas- ily tire, come to us and have your Eyes test- ed. You will be surprised what good results are to be obtain- ed. from the RIGHT GLASSES for your particular case. A Good Selection of Picture Post Cards s M DRUGGIST AND OPTIOIAN. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 800THERN EXTENSION W. 6. & E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING SOUTH GOING NORTH.. Mail 7:05 a.m I Mixed 010 son Mixed 11:25 a.m Mail ....-......I:40 p.m .Express 3:02 p.m i Expreee 8:51 p.m zct1 Rays Jtenzs A obiel's amang ye fakir' notee, An' faith he'll prent it. MARKET your grain at Brussels. Scnoon Board Friday evening of this week. Exc0nero9 to Detroit on Saturday of thin week. 0, 0. F. will meet next Tuesday even. ing at 8 o'olook. CRoounr ie regaining much of its old time popularity. Exo:aelous are a very oommon oo• oorreooe theee days. Tnono' bred Fox terrier paps, 10 weeks old, tor sale. Apply al THE Poor. 25 cents in advance gets Tan POUT to Jan. let 1907. Don't borrow any longer. RECURSION to the West Friday of next week. Partionlare may be read in advt. in another column. GEORGE lime, livery man, has had a naw sign planed at the corner of Turn. berry and Thomas streets. BRue5ELe Summer ranee take plaoe on Wednesday and Thursday, 22nd and 23rd Mete. A large field of boreee is 'expected. WATERPROOF navy blue nape with blank velvet collar, lost Saturday evening. The owner will he greatly obliged ff finder will leave it at Tax POST. Lose of eyesight ie worse than Ione of fortune. No matter how small your eye trouble may be, have it correoted. See Taube & Son at Foxe Drug Store on Thursday end Friday August 9th and 10th, CHARLIE LEOKIE was injured by a too rapid desoeot upon the Dement sidewalk from a buggy. His face was consider. ably bruised, a tooth was knocked out and the wheel of the rig ran over his bank. He is about all right ones more we are glad to state, THE Seaforth Expositor rays We understand that 0. P. B. eurveyore are at present engaged laying out a line between Walton and Brueeele. This looks as though the line from Seaforth to Brueeele to connect with the Guelph and Goderioh branch at Walton was an asenred fent. CARD of THaois.-The undersigned desire to express their very beet thanks to the people of thie looality for their many and practiced acts of kindness bestowed upon our son in connection with the aooident that befell him, It will never be forgotten. JOHN AND MRS. WHEATLEY, Brussels, Aug. 4, 1908. Now STORE OPENING.-Thureday, Fri• day and Someday of this week will be the Opening Days in oonneotian with the New Furniture Store of Messrs. Walker & Black. They extend a Dordial invite. tion to the public to pall and gee their new stock. Everybody weloome whether you purchase or nob. Their advertisement may be read in We issue. A LETTER from Will. Jamieson, Of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, dated .August 2nd, says :-Everything ie boom. ring here. A fine waterworks system is being pat in and the prospects are that Portage ie going to grow to be a large plume. There are four different lines of railway running into the town making ili quite a railroad centre, Crops on the Portage Plains are good this year and wheat outting will start next week. I don't think the Manitoba people can complain of their grope this year, Like the West as well ae ever. MATRIMONIAL. -A quiet bat pretty wed• ding took pleas at 8 o'olock last evening iri the home of the bride's parents, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, the eon• reacting parties being John Fulton, tormerly of Brussels, and Mise Ella Roe, The two nieces of the bride acted ae flower girls and the nuptial knot was eeeurely tied by the Rev. A. E. Smith, Only the intimate friends of the contract. ing partiee were present and after the ceremony the company sat down to a dainty lanob, Tha happy young couple Lave taken up their residence on Ann btreet, North. Among the many ooetly presents received by them was a beanti• Int upboleterod conch, given by the looal anighte of Pythiae. Sous of the sooners eneeted last Satur• day night in contention with the so stalled wrestling math in the Town Hall and the outside "talent" were demoral• 12ing in the extreme. There is no }MOM in Brueeele, nor any other plane lot that matter, for each exhibitions and :fie doors of the Town Hall should not he open to them. The type of morale :will not be improved in the youth by their repetition end the Oonetable would f:ot have overetepped hie dnty if he bad doused part of the visitors in the look•np for the haleness of the night. Oaliethen• ioe are all right in their plaoe but they must be aaeompanied by everything that fe manly to be of permanent bene At to the participants. Ann your glaoeee right 7 Vielon changes as all things do. See Taube & Son at Foxe Drug Store on Thursday and Friday August 9th and 10th. Pant gold rimmed spectacles found in the Methodiet ohuroh. Owner ma have them by proving property and pay ing tor this notice, THE POST, DON'T forget the Auotion Sale of Mrs. McKinley, Mill street, Satur, day afternoon of One week at 3 o'olook F. S. Scott will be the auctioneer. THE appeal of James Outhill again: the Aeeeeemeot of his farm property woo dismissed by Judge Doyle. It coat the town 31435 to pay fee Bud expeneee of the Judge, A N01IEER from town drove over to Blyth last Friday evening to attend a Garden Party. The musical program wen eopplied bylthe Blackstone Oroheetra, of Goderioh. Tare week Thoe. MoLauohlin eold his fine driving mare, bred from Dr, M., and foal sired by Moobare, to Rev. Mr. Finkbeiner, of Campden, Ont., for a good figure. They were shipped on Wednes• day. Dn. OVENS, M, D., London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at Smitb'e Drug Store, Brueeele, an the first Tuesday in each mouth. Houre,8 a. m. to 1.30 p, m. Oataraot, ngniut, failing eyesight, deafness and nasal catarrh treated and glaese0 properly fitted. Next visit, Tneoday, September 4th. THERE are 20 applications in the hands of Seoretery Shane for the vanoanoy on Brussels School Board staff to fill the plane of Mise Martin resigned. The Board will deal with them on Friday evening. Salary offered is 6500. We hope the oboioe will be a wise one so tbat the progrese of the school will be as marked as iu the post. AUCTION SALE OF FURNITUnE.-Aire. Mo. Kinlay has to remove from her present home, Mill street, and will Bell a quantity of good houeehold furniture, inoluding a fine square piano, as the premises she has leered ie smaller than the present home. Sale Saturday afternoon, Aug. 11th at 3 o'clock. F. S. Scott, Anti• tloaeer. FOR THE NEI? CREAMERY. -W. W. Barrio is having the eite of the former Ronald Fire Engine Works cleared up for the erection of his new creamery building, It will be brink 32x04 and will be erected so ae to utilize the present big brick smoke stack. 50 feet of what was for. merly the moulding room will be pre. served for stable and drive house and the oor0er lot will be reserved for a residence. The lumber in the old factory will be utilized in oonetreating the buildings, Mr. Harris has a fine property and the baildiog operations will be pushed ahead this Fall so as to be ready for baeineee next Spring, Baru Bsxo.-Friday evening the Seo. and game of Base Ball was played on the Park between the "Olippere" of ye olden Lyme and the more youthful ex. parte on the diamond. In this match the latter won is a five innings game. Snore wee as follows Clippers Raae Maple Leafs Rate D, 0, Roes,181 le 0 0. L, Kerr, 1.1. 1 F. Stratton, S b 1 R. Brown p 1 N. F. Gerry, o f 1 0, Straohan, m 1 0, B. Stratton, 0 0 N. Smith, 2 b 0 A. Currie, e e 0 G, Norman, e e 0 Ray. Puwell, I f 1 0, Little, o f 0 A. T. Currie, r f 0 R. 0, Cardiff, 8 b 0 0. T. Ross,2b 0 F, Strettou,rf 1 W. Orewar, p 0 J. F. Rowland, 1 b • Standard Bank of Canada =0TA95.,ISMIC=9 1et72 SUBPLDB, OR RESERVE FOND ,.,..,,,,,,$ 1,000,000 TOTAL: WORTS 011118 10000,001 . SS A General I3at,tiasing Y3usitneras Tranooteted `"SAVINGS BANK''- Interest paid trona date of deposit to elate of withdrawal at highest enereut rates and oontpouudod halt -yearly, Joint Deposit Accounts -A SPECIAL OONVEN1EN052 In use in our Savings De- partment is the .Joint Deposit" account, Money may be dapGaited or withdrawn by Dither of the two members of the household. This system is a great conveu. lenoo to many residing in town, but more partroularly so to farmers, as fu the latter case whether man or wife comes to town either eau attend to the Banking, An- other feature of the system le that in mase of the death of either party the money can be withdrawn by the survivor without coat. We will tell you more aboub our methods if you will kindly oall or write. Married Wonted and Minors may make and withdraw deposits without the M. tervarttlou of any person, SALE NOTES DASHED, COLLEOTED or may be left for SAFE•IIEEPING only for whioh no oharge ie made, YOUR BUSINESS will reoeive oar oareful and oourteoue attention. G. 1'. SCHOLP'1ELD, GnN, Meneann. J. F, ROWLAND, MANAGES. M. H. Moons, V, S., has had a new eig0 painted oo hie barn. WE understand that Gordon Mo. Dowell has pnrohaeed the cement outfit of P. J. McDonald, who has run it so sac• easefully and will get possession at otos. Mr, MoDooald talks of taking a proepeot• ing trip to the Weet. We wish Mr, McDowell euooese. 13.0MENEa0.-On Monday evening, July y 30th, at St. Stephen's obnroh rectory, • Gerrie, Rev, Mr. Farr tied the matrimon• ial bow between Ivan Johnston, of Wiug• ham, tormerly of Brueeele, and Mine May Swart:, of the first mentioned plane, . The groom is a eon of Robt. Johnston, of Wingbam. May their joys be many. Totals 5 6 The feataree of the play were Brown's home run ; Straohan'e work behind the bat ; D. 0. Roes' one hand oatah ; and Frank Stratton, jr„ seizing two flies. Harry James was empire at the same salary as on the previous ocoarden while S. B. Smote wielded the eoarer'a penoil with the greatest of ability. The uni- form reminded an onlooker of Joseph's ooat of many colors. It is great sport to witoeee these base ball encounters, Wort IN 7 GA,3IES.-At the Loudon Bowl. ing tournament Broeaels rink was up againet fir01•CIa89 bowlers and chased op the winners in good style. They played 10 games in all, winning 7 and enjoyed the somewhat etrenaone week's outing, The rink was made up of T. Farrow, R. Leatherdale, R. Downing and D. 0, Roes skip) The scores were as follows :- :For trophy Braasele won ;-Brueeele ve. Woodstock, soots 17 to 15 ; Braasele ve. Loudon Asylum, 20 to 7. For Aeeocia• tion the wine were :-Brussels ve. Alvino• ton, 17 to 6 ; Brussels vs. Stratford 21 to 13 ; Brussels ve, Toronto Granite, 20 to 7. In the Ooneolabion one quartette were eaooesetul againet London, 21 to 9 ; Brussels Oe. Qneene city Toronto, 11 to 9, The loesee for the trophy Brussels vs, Mitchell, 14 to 17, In Association : Brnesele ve. Mitchell, 14 to 17, Ooneolation :-Brnesele vs. Thameeville,10 to 11, 3 games of doubles were played by D, 0. Roes and R, Down. ing, in whioh they won two, The first wife egoista Smith and Allan, of Mount Forest, 000re 15 to 171 the eeoond with Davidson and Atbinaon, of Mitchell, score 14 to 5, The third game oar bow- lers lost to Gault and Dickinson, of Goderioh, the result being 10 to 12, In singles 0• Graham defeated D. 0. Roes by 13 to 11. 1Z, Downing tried condos. ions with Shillington, of Blenheim, winning by 13 to 12 ; T. Reid, of Toron- to, aleo wont down before Downing': skill by 18 to 7. Jae. MoDougall, of London, was the winner in the third bent with Mr, Downing, The soon wee 13 to 8, EXCURSION To KINCARDINE. -The At• noel Sabbath School Exoureion took place on Wednesday of this week and as aerial attracted a large attendance. Over 1000 tiokete were egad, 554 of these were from Brueeele. It was Civic holiday and there was a very general turnout of oitt• zees. A double header was attaohed to the ten ooaohee, the latter crowded to overflowing, good time seas made barring a lose of 20 minutes to repair Doe e0g10e near Luoknow. Oonduotor Moore per- formed hie duliee in a moat agreeable manner. The engineers were Wm. Graham and D. Collins and the stokers Henry Cook and H. Pattison. On tar. rival at the lakeside Mayor Temple gave the visitors a cordial welcome ; a dray was in waiting to convey the baeketa (2 loads) to the convenient park, whore hot and cold water were found iu abun• dance. The lake appetite eoo0 set the °pacing of lunch baskets in fashion and a delightful day was spent by all. Weatb• er was charming ; old Huron wee on its good behavior: a tug ran excursion tripe ; many a youngster and adult book a paddle or swim in the lake. There was any amount of sport in the park. Look. now and Kincardine Santora had a game of baseball, Brueeele and LDokoow youngsters tried a few innings at the same sport followed by a good exhibition on the diamond by Eeame belonging to Kincardine and Ripley. A very etren• none Laorosse matoh between Wingham and Kincardine reenited i0 2 to 2. A few were wonuded but no 009 killed. Up town 4 rinks of Brussels bowlers tried conclusions with the looal experts with the sphere, the result being a viotory for the visitors. At 6.30 we regretfully bade adieu to the tidy lake town and hied ne homeward, The G, T. R. thoughtfully Bent ant Oondaolor Ireland with a special ae far ae Luoknow thereby relieving the crush on the other train. A good ran seas made on the bomeward trip and no aooidente marred the pleasure of the outing. If you want a Soe day's Summering there is no nicer epot than Kinoardiue nor are there a finer or more hospitable people to be met with. The Luoknow Baud engaged for Wednesday tailed to get to Kincardine owing to the absents of some members from home. A child's nape lett in the Ernie Wednesday evening may he bad at Tun Poor Pablieh• tug House. MORE LIKE HIS DAD Evolor DAY. -The following item is taken from the Windsor Saturday evening Reoord of Aug. 4th, and the ekip of the winning rink iu bowl. ing ie a eon of Postmaster Farrow, of town :-A ohampionebip game for the Preeident's pine was played Friday after. noon on tho Ouellette avenue bowling green, in which Alf. Wigle': strong ag• gregatiou went down to defeat at the baode of a rink skipped by H. W. Far. row. The veterans put up a bard fight but were enable to win against the remarkable playing of their opponents. The eoore : A. J. E. Belleperohe Dr. J. A. Smith 0. P. Ourtie F. E. W. Bright Judge McHugh Thoe. OapelI Alf. Wigle.... -12. H. W. Farrow -14 THE BLACK KNIGHT. -The Methodiet ohnroh, Brnesele, gallery and all, was packed to overflowing on Friday evening to hear Rev. J. H. Hector, the Black Knight, who Dame Soder the 808pi080 of the local W. 0. T. 17. Mr. Hector dealt trenohently with his enbjeot-"The two Slaveriee" in which the lite of the blank people in bondage was planed alongeide' of the woree slavery of strong drink. Many striking illustrations were given. The maaioal numbers in which Mrs. and Mies Hector joined were heartily received and the latter'e Bolos were exceptionally well rendered. A liberal collection was taken and a number of eubeoriptione promised to "The Pioneer," the worthy exponent of the Dominion Allianoe, AUGUSTI BARGAINS In order to quicken sales during a quiet month we now offer all lines of White Underwear at the following reductions, viz. :--25c lines for 20c ; 35c for 28e ; 50o for 38c ; 75c for 60c ; 950 for 78c ; $1.00 for 82c ; $1.25 for $1.00 ; $1.40 for $1.10 ; $1,85 for $1.35 ; $2.00 for $1.60, &c. English Prints We have still Left a nice selection of the best quality English Prints which now go on sale at 11c per yard. GINGHAMS NGHAMS Best 12ie Ginghams now 11c, and the 20e and 25c lines are now 15c per yard. Ladies' and Children's Summer Vests are now Reduced in Price. (tins' and Boys' Sailor Hats & Caps now Reduced from 25c to 19c and from 50c to 38c. Our Values are usually among the bestgoin' but these are a few of the Extras during the JlMonth of 4zueust. No Fancy Prices but Everything Cheap. 7\. Strachan) TOE METROPOLITAN BARK ()VITAL -Authorized !$2,000,000 CAPITAL -Paid up 1,000,000 RI:SERYE and Surplus Profits; 1,188,180 S, J, MOORE, Directors President. D. E, THOMPS VioProv qident, 01I0S, 0RAn0HA0, F,L,A, 1110 HONOR MR, w, MORTIMER CLARK, n,0, .JAB, AERIE JOHN FIRRSTn1100E W. 0, ROSS, • General Manager THE METROPOLITAN RANI{ le open to reoeive the a000uute of Farmers, Merohauta and Business Community generally and to give careful eonalderation to all propoeale submitted to it. It relies upon its past record for courteous treatment of its 0ue- tomere, and will extend every consideration eouaietont with sound banking to those who may desire to traueaot business with it, t ami PWS , g 2d9'Aii :tAantaver Interest at HIGHEST OURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of 31 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANCH W. J. FAWOETT, Manager. Business 'Locals. SECOND band rubber lire buggy, in good oonditian, for Bele at a bargain. EwAN & 00. To LnT,-Dwelling rooms above store ; eott water and other oonvenieneee. Im. mediate possession. I. C. RICHARDS. Edging, grinding, Sling and repairing done here, our work guaranteed for all time at the easy figure by T. MaGneaon, Atilt St., Brnesele, Ont. WANTED. -Good reliable lady to take orders for our tailor•made costumes and skirts. Write quickly. Dominion Garment Oo., Guelph, Ont, BAn naris A number of eeoond hand buggies, newly painted, and in good condition. Scapa for purohasere at the price. Ewen & Oo., Brueeele. Fon SALE, -Comfortable dwelling, a aoree of land, :choice fruits and bard and soft water and situation convenient to school. I. 0. RIOHAnbe. C11U11(311 (311181198. There was no eervioe in St. John's :church last Sunday. There will be High Mase and Sermon 10 the Catholic Mineola, Brussels, next Suoday at 10.30 a. m. Ioduotion of Rev, Mr. Wishart into the paelorate of Melville ohuroh, .Brueeele, will take plaoe ou Thnredayafternoon of next week, 16th inst. 0. 0. F. SERMON. -Next Sabbath evening the annual sermon to the mem• bere of the Canadian Order of Foresters will be preached in the Methodiet ohuroh at 7 o'olook by Rev. Ezra G. Powell. The brethren are melted to meet- at their Ball at 6.30 and go in a body to the obnroh where the Centre pews will be reserved for them, "What :ballI do with Jesus 7" was the query dealt with by Rev. Mr. Mo, Donald in the Melville ohuroh last Sab. bath morning, "Lazarus and the rich man" was the evening eubjeot. The reverend gentleman will take oharge of the services next Sabbath also, oonclud• ing his highly appreciated pulpit. eapply as the new pastor will be in the pulpit on the following Sunday. Large congregations were in evidence at the quarterly 0omm00io0 eervl000 In the Methodiet ohuroh here last Sabbath. The pastor's sermons were very appropriate, dealing in the morning with "Light" and in the even. ing "The new things of the Gospel," $6,37 was the monthly Missionary oolleation in the Methodist Sabbath School here last Sunday. A recitation was well given by Bert Lott ; Mrs. Dobson related Oamero08 interesting features of Sabbath Sohoot work at Hamiote, Manitoba, and looality ' Aliases Sharpe sang a pretty duet well, and Rev. Ezra G. Powell, the pastor gave a brim, pointed address. The Sower contribution was large and beautiful. Two Bull men were drowned in the Ottawa river. Robert Peters, of London, wee drown. ed at Port Stanley. Miohael Tobin, a Kingston penitentiary oonviat, committed suicide. The 0, P. R. harvest exoureione have beau inaugurated at Montreal. Toronto girl found near Waterdown tells strange etory Go the p0li00. Baron Romero., the Japanese states. man spent Monday at Ottawa. Paul Lapierre, of Mine Centre, ehol,=au Indian whom he mistook for a bear. ` A Toronto automobile frightened a horse at Ruthveu and two women were eeriouely injured. It ie said that the People's Bank of New Brunswick, will be abeorbed by a larger institution. MARRIMa. JOHN9'r0N-Swa0T0,-In Gorrie, on July 30th., at St. Stephen's rectory, by Rev. T. H, Farr, Mr. Ivan Johnston to Mise Mey Bwarte, both of Wing. ham. PoLLesD-0oNTELON.-At the Methodiet Parsonage, Brnesele, on /Lag. 8111, by Rev, Ezra G. Powell, Mr. Edward Pollard, of Grey township, to Mise Maggie, only daughter of Mr. Arlh0r Oantelon, of Morrie township. palma. NEwoou2E.-At Newark, N. J., op Ang- uet 3rd, Wm. Newcombe, formerly of Morrie township, Huron 0o., Ont., in ble 74th year. CREPE LUNCH SETS put up in neat boxes con- taining one Fancy Table Cloth, 6 ft. long, 3i ft. wide, and 1 dozen Fancy Napkins to match. Just the thing for Pic-nic Parties, 84c. Put up in Assorted Color's 25 cents per Box at F OX'S Drug Store 3:4A-T}m0. Wingbam Sept. 27-28 Toronto Aug, 27 -Sept. 10 London. Sept. 7-15 Goderiob Sept. 26-27-28 Blyth Sept. y S p . 16-19 Listowel Sept. 25-36 Luoknow , Ooh 2-3 Toeewater Oot. 3-4 B r oseel a Oct. 4-5 MR YTS SF7I0161i.22. SOTS, Fall Wheat 76 70 Barley 48 48 Peas 70 72 Oats 05 36 Butter, tube and rolls.,,, 16 10 Eggs per dozen 15 16 Hay per ton 5 00 5 00 Flour, per bbl 4 50 6 20 Hoge, Live 7 25 7 25 Wool 24' 25 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Potatoee per bus 75 80 Applee (per bbl,) 1 60 Til[; PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 'OR SALE -HOUSE AND LOT with stable, on Main street, Walton. Also small farm containing 12 mores, adjoin- ing village. Apply 10 J. W, MORRISO , Z7CTOULD THE PERSON FIND. V1' toga ;Ladiee Sealetce Jaoket, loot on Sunday night, Julye22mi, kindly inform the owner at Box 112, Wingbam, and reooiv0 reward. J ORKSEIIRE YOUNG SOW with a litter of 10 pigs, beauties, for mile, Also a few pure bred Yorke, both 080, 9 weeks old, from imported sow. 5-11 D. MILNE, Ethel. APPLICATIONS FOR THE position of Township Treasurer will be received by the Municipal Council of the Towuebip of Grey, up to 4 p,m., Monday, August 27111,1008. WM. FRASER, Reeve. Brussels Daylight Store = G. N. McLaren u,'urnrtrlJ4de,'erurhl'Incr't'4,'W'tr'trylU� U'0vu4n'6rW4d4d4; 4,'1µW; 0,vu4syalµnu'Is41, u,'hrtrtrt14,re.d4d4i hftr'h+4anJ4,'4i'VFlI; h; h; It'It'prt, I,i'IJ4A0'gPh+4,rt"t'VdgPts'lu'pPµPhrt . THIS WEEK and NEXT WE SPECIALIZE BOOTS AND SHOE New Boots for Ladies and Gentlemen New Boots for Misses and Boys New Boots for Girls, Little Gents and Children Boots that are NEW -all our Boots are NEW and nothing but the New kinds here. The medium priced and the higher priced, but nothing but the reliable makes and the prices are the Lowest possible, qualities considered. Please Remember that our Mid -Summer Sale Prices on all sorts of Dry Goods are away Below reg- ular values. You will save money here on Ready-made Skirts and Waists, Mus- lins, Embroideries and all lines of Summer Dress Goods and Trimmings and Ladies' Rain Coats. Boys', Men's, and Children's heady -to -wear Clothing both in Suits and Odd Pieces. Our Prises on Cottons, Cottonades, Shirtintis, Flannelettes, Sheet- ings, Pillow Cottons, Table Linens and Towel - lines are the Lowest. Choice Stock of Groceries - Always Fresh Aaways the Highest Prices for Produce. Goods Right or Your Money Back. Yours for McLaren Next Door to Mutual Benefit M N. wren American House