HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-8-9, Page 5s ) 1; I: 1k. i4' y,v OPENS SPPTI 4th 11, Re s olv43 n to cladding to get a buehtees oduoa.' 6 1 THAT g tion or elierthnnd trailing, well fe wise 61 i-,,, ,uu� •yy�,.1 �y to , 111 fl eboos0 2t tlfand that la wok known ..111:irA=i2. A 4 for utrlinly high grade work, The ART STUDIO is the Ileadgnartorn for inananialta•Dialatiaratiaitifeantalteealeter d TORONTO, ONT. • ye 10 well known 00 one of the boat Pow• Pp mtraial HOIIOOIeinoxiOle11o0, Its re. bg gcord this year huff 'been most remark. yb able. None of our graduates are out a6 top of positions and tee demand for them lbas about twenty times the auuply. Write today for our magnificent oats: leges, W. J, ]7LLIOTT, Priuolpal, �� Pen, Yonne AND AT NEANDen NTH. tgo=e-d�' l��dt}t t i? i i4i MEDICAL CARDS. DIP. R, A. .BURNS - Successor to Dr: J. A. McNaughton rlrtIEe/lle, Ontario Graduate of Polyclinic Post Graddate Helmet of Medicine and Surgery, Now York, Member of Oollogo of Physiolaue and Sur• gouge of Ontario. Olfioe and reeldonoo Same as formerlyoo• oupted by Dr. MoNaugh10n, Diaeaseo ei woman a speoialby, 'Phone No, 11. BUSINESS CARDS. -v H. MoOBAOYEN- }1• Iosuur of Marriage Liooneoo, 01. nee at Grey pry, Turuborry otre0t, 112.008016. V1 M. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Office In the Pest once, Ethel, 90.4 C. O. E'. Court Priuoeel Alexandria, No, 24, 0.0. F., Brussels, moots In their Lodge 1000w, Blas - hill Block, on the find and last Tuesdays of ninth month, at8 ('°look. Visiting brethren always welcome, GDOROE I4ERR, 0. R. W. L. LJEA'1'1112RDALle, it, S. JAMES .HARRIS,,.. Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Office and Roeidenco- WALTON, ONT, ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI IN60EAN0H, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 41 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. • nun, Will sell for better priaea, to butter men, in lees time and lase chargee than any other Auetloneer in Bast Huron or he won't charge anything. Dotes and orders can always be arranged at Dna ollioe or by personal application, ROBT. H. GARN1SS BLIIEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Bales arranged for at the once of Tun Poem, Brussels. 2211 . 'VETERINARY. [`1 . A. CUNNINGHAM- ..� • Honor 0raduace of the Ontario Vet- - urinary collage, is prepared to treat all die - eases of domesticated animals in a comet - out manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milk L`ever. Calle promptly attended to. Office and infirmary -Num doors North of bridge, 'Ternberry et„ Brussels, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AA B. MACDONALD- ,C1.• Harr10180, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. leuueeeeer to G. F. Blair. Moe over Stan- dard Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank. T/ M. SINCLAIR- V V • Raritter, aolloltor, lOouveyanoer, Notary PnbIlo, a0. Olaoe-S tewart's Block 1 door North of 0entrai Hotel. SuBoitorlor the Standard Bank. pLIOUDF00T, HAYS de BLAIR- BAItRISTERS,, B L I Ill U , NOTARIES W. PNOnmlO0T,1L. 0. R. 0. Belie G. F. BLAIN. O11ioes-Those formerly occupied by Messrs Oamoro0111 Bolt, GnDIDnlrn, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEIL.D. DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and 1lret•ola0e Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Mee next to Brewer's Photograph (Gallery, BRUSSELS. dab l Fall Term Opens Sept. 4 CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. flq� Those interested in Business College Pp IA No111 should write 181 our large Gate- SD loge°. '1`hiefe the 1011001 wad best �� Ootnmeroitl and S We give to .�� W8E1Orn Onb08io, We 1100 0 praoti001 11training elm 000101. our,graduatee to responsible pooiti000, Many of the leaded Boldness Colleges! 0010110711010 a gradnatee ani toaohere, Write new ler..f 0, it fr60 04111.i(1xT & Mor.aort ,AN, iY Prinelpels. SOUVENIR POST CARDS Private Cordo made of your Residence also Groupe, FREETHE Given Froe with °very 1' l �J d� 100010 Cabinet Photos, a boantitnl Vallee!! Pilaff, Frame. pail and see the stylus -your choice of twelve. Let ire know when yen want the view of your residence taken. Prat Bans Pills BOUND trip tickets at single fare, good from Saturday to Monday, to 01inaardine and Goderioh aro ou sale at the G. T, 1t. Elation. Beatzunen the date of Taube & Son'a visit to Brussels and if your eyes bother you in any way, do not fail to oonaull them at Fox's Drug store on Thursday and Friday August 9011 and 10113, GET a 5 cent box of Laz.ots st our Store pieaee. we thinly Shay ere great. Just teat these toothsome, oandylike Laxative Tablets for 0ouetipation, emu etomaoh, biliousness, bad breath, muddy complexion, eto, Risk 6 cents end see, Bold by F. R. Smith. A 8Vn0Onfn0n nee received a dun through the poetoillee, and it made him mad. He went to see the editor about it, and the editor showed him a few done of hie own, one for paper, one for type, one for fuel and several others. "Now," said the editor, "I didn't get' mad when these came be 041188 I knew that all I bad to do was to oak several reliable gentlemen like you to Dome and help me out, and then I could settle all of them," When the eubenriber saw bow it was he re• tented, paid up, and renewed for an. other year. CEMENT DIVIDENDa.-A meeting of the directors of the National Portland Gement 00., Limited, was bald at their head office, Durham, on Jaly 27, where their mills are ionated, and ex• pressed their extreme gratifioatiou to the management for the oontinned in. creased output of the milia, the oat. pub being ao average of 800 Innate per day of an inora0ee over the re• oord of any previous year. After pro aiding for their entire indebtedness of $75,000, they .have declared an interim dividend of 5 per cent. payable the drat of September. LOCAL OPTION. --There ie a goad deal of activity just now among temperance people throughout the Province. They are looking forward to the snbmiesion of local option by•lawe in a large number at ruunioipalitiee this year. Under the new law voting takes plane the Bene day as the municipal elections, but petitions for the eabmiesiou of by lawe must be presented to the Councils on or before November 1, whioh means that in moat nen they must be presented at the October meeting. It ie antioipated that by•lawe will be enbmitted in Hensel!, Us - borne, Stanley, Tuokeremitb, and pose eibly also in Turoberry, Morrie and Grey towuehipe, To Orin READ200.-Tbere are many things happening whioh are of public interest, but whioh newspapers never get hold of, such, for instance, as family re•anione, firm sales, weddings,, ao• oidenta, and items of a similar nature, Some of these newspapers may get, but there are others that do not get into print. Now it parties interested would send these to tie, we would be glad at all times to publish them. Write out an amount of them, and elgo your name. Never mind if the item is not well writ• ten. Put in the facts, and we will fix it up. The name will not be published, bat is required ae an evidence that the item is genuine. You could pat a lot of items on a poet•oard. Try it. WHEN a woman augers from depressing weakness, she then keenly realizes how helpless -how thoroughly worthless she feels. Dr. Shoop has brought relief to thousands of anon women. He reaohee dieeaaee peculiar to women in two direct specific, w8ye-a local treatment known by Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Night Oure, and a oonetitotioual or in• ternal preeoription called Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Dr. Shoop's Night Cure is applied locally, and at night, It worke while you sleep. It redaoes the infix• matioq, it nape dleohargee, it heals it soothes, it oomfor10, it o0ree, R Dr. Shaop'e eetoratve (tablet or liquid form) se a oonetitutioual, nerve tisane tonlo. It brings renewed strength, lasting ambition and vigor to weak, life• lees women. These two remedies, singly or used together, have an irresistible, positive helpful power. TO them a month and see. Sold by F. R. Smith. COUNTYTAxae,-Following le a state• meet of the county rate levied against the muniolpalftiee of the County this year, and a [similar statement for 1905. The total amount raised this yea'' wae 961,372.45, and lent year the ieviee amount to 978,502.52. The aosesemeuts thia year are based on the new equalize, Um!, - 190G 1905 Aebfield 94,674 24 $8,797 95 Gelberno - 2,789 60 2,555 46 Goderioh T'p,8,976 48 8,808 00 Grey 6,148 60 8,828 80 Ray 4,382 60 3,871 05 Howiok 6,087 42 4,899 80 Hellen 4,627 80 4,077 75 Morrie 4,486 24 8,864 45 MoKillop 4,821 84 3,968 05 Stanley 2,848 18 8,484 20 Stephen 4,929 84 3,604 50 Tuokeremitb .,...,.I 4,848 94 8,664 10 1'uruberry - 2,984 00 2,111 60 Uoborne 4,861 50 8,82700 Wuwabobh naso.,2,888 64 2,460 85 \Vnwaaoeh West,2,905 02 2,718 40 Bayfield 254 82 158'10 131711 487 44 268 80 Brunets 677 80 426 G0 (Minton 1,221 92 1,029 46 Exeter .... .... ....., 968 76 640 20 Goderich 2,560 68 1,608 10 Henenil 450 72 285 50 Seaforth ,. 1,360 00 074 50 �Vfnabam r .110... 1,266 48 873 90 Wroxeter .,...,.... 270 86 162 80 Total 2.11,1,. 870,502 52 901,372 45 Fon dry, °reeked Ape, or 2Oneh akin, nae DC Shoop's Green Bain. It p,attive• ly makes the lips anti olein lilts velvet. Sold by F. R. 332101th. 85% of headaches are the melt of eye. anew, Proper lilting glu0eea will give permanent rebel. It you are troubled that way poasult Taube & Sun at Fox's Drug Store on Tlhnreday and lrriday Aogust 9112 anti 10th, MuBlon,AL.-Thera is pertain to be mn01111)018 then the usual iet0raob taken in the municipal oleotions next Jaugary, The reeve of eauh township mull go to the (kingly Oonnoil, as well as the village and town ranee, Many of the men who have served faitbfally in the Bane Dann. Pile for years will thgs have a ohauee to Enlarge their experience sad usefulness!, It 10 also argued in this way that the very beet men in a lanai municipality will be 000llred for aerviee in the 0o0noile. Under the new eat Brussels will elect 't reeve, who will be a member of both the town and Ooa lty ()outwits, Lunn -an vv. Oivio boliday wee on Friday of last tveok. Mies Edyth Wood, of Chicago, is the guest ot Mies Lyla 'Taylor. Mr. Robertemi, of Teeewater, ie in charge of the Bank of Hamilton duriug Mr. MaoLeod's holidaya. Mrs. Daily, Trowbridge, and Mrs, Milhaneeu and daughter, of Walker. bon, were visitors with hire, Ham, Mrs. Linton returned to Owen Sound after spending three weeks with her daughter, Oloe. Ham. She was ao oompanted by her grandohildreu, Fronk and Marjorie Henry, [;t,'tn. The Preebyterian choir piokioed at Goderiob. Seven Oars of coal were unloaded at Blyth elation duriug the past week. The laying of the cement on the new eidewalko Lae been 011181ed and is being pushed along rapidly. Blyth Fair this year will be held on September 18th and 19113. Great prep. aratione are being made to make 'thie year's fair eclipse all others. Ohiet Westlake bird a "Weary Willie" in the lookup Tneodey night of last week. Tramps are getting to be very scene in this neighborhood. Dr. J. N. Perdue bee a blank oub•bear in embody. Bruin is good natured and is being much admired. He was oaptur• ed in New Ontario by a gentleman from Goderiob township. y;The pi0111r0 supplement of Satur- day's Toronto Globe contained a group pboto of the Calgary Board of Trade, in wbio13 we uotioe an excellent likeness of our former townsman, J. A. Jackson, B. A lawn social, tinder the auspices of the Ladies' Aid and Epworth League of Blyth Methodist abut oh, was held au the Parsonage lawn on Friday evening, August Ord, The program was furnished by the Blackstone oroheetra, of Goderioh, Clinton. Empty bones are atilt very scarce in town and hard to get. Alf, Butt, who has been in the G. T. R. freight office here has baso transferred to Fort Erie. R, Holmes was in Ottawa a couple of days Mat week, having gone down on de. partmeutal business. Ad, Miller, who was taken to the House of Refuge suffering with paralysis 10800E dead a0 reported. gsT'he Sunday School Exoureion to Rita. enginewas well pa100010ed at this point, over 80 tickets being enld. The bown baud ran an excursion to Goderioh on Monday and provided for special train to return at 9 p. m. A whistle now summons the men to work at the Foundry instead of the bell whioh bas bus aerates forty pane. W. R. Grunter ie altering u very nice trophy for oOmpetitiou In [singles, and the probability fe shut Labor Day will be taken to play it. off. ' D. A. Forrester has the honor of hav- ing delivered the first new wheat here tufa season, he having put in some to Fair's MITI last week. It was a good sample, ap to standard, and Bold at 70o, Wingha]tn. Work on the High School is programa ing rapidly. Saturday, August 11th, the Oddfellows exoureton to Banda will take place. Miss W. Alba Obieholm relented on Saturday from a visit to the West. Dr. Sperling, of Wiuoigeg, has been visiting at the home of F. G. Sperling, Leslie Young left for London, to take a prettieu with the Hobbs Mnnulaotnring (30. A pickerel woe caught in the lower Town dam, whioh weighed over three ponnda. 51 biokete were sold at the O. P. R. station here for aha excursion to Olean Sound. Mre. D. MoOormiek and Mies MoOor. mink, of Hamilton, are visiting with Mre. L. W, Hanson, F. Buchanan Wali in Hamilton attend• ing a meeting of the Royal Templare Board of Directors. Darkey Hal, owned by J. E, Swart°, won drat money in tie 2 12 race at wind. eor. The beet time wae 2 070, The C. P. R. will ran a speoiai farm taborets exoarsion train from Wingham on August 14i13, oonneoting with epooial trains for the West at Toronto, Train leaves hero at 7,80 a, m, DURING THE ENTIRE MONTH OF AUGUST WE WILL PLACE ON OUR COUNTERS THE BIGGEST`VALUE IN BLACK, JAPAN AND MIXED TEAS that has ever been placed before the people of this vicinity. For ONE IVIQNTH you will have the opportunity of putting us to the test. We will also impress upon you the fact that if after "drawing" this Tea you do not like the taste we will refund your looney for every ounce of Tea that you will return to us. During the entire. month of August we will give you Teti P111111fi of Blacb, 1111111 or Mixed for Or we will give You Twenty Pounds for Fi4,50 Put••us to the test and let us convince you that the value we have quoted will com- pare very favorably with the so called "Tea Peddlers" Tea value at 35c per pound. We will Refund Your Money just as cheerfully as we take it, if after trying this t2T" value you are not delighted with your investment, R. C. DAVIES & CO. ETHEL F. J. Taylor, of the Western Foundry 00., is onrryiug hie arm in a sling. He was in Toronto, and attended the laoroaae maboh at the Ieiand in .the afternoon, whioh wee witnessed by 1100006de of people. At the alone ot the game, the people an usual, made a rush for the terry boats, and Mr.'Taylor being among them, was crushed so severely that hie ahoulder•blade was cranked. The injury ie very paintul, and will take some time to Beal. ..tw Gott. A number of osr °lumina took in the Old Boye' Re•uoion in Lietowel. We are pleased to bear that Mre. Geo. Fieber has returned home from Guelph Hoopital to her home, 12112 oon. Mre. Fieher underwent a anions operation bet is now almost oompletely recovered, George Arnold has disposed of hie property on Main street, to J, Boyd, er., for tin sum ot $1.800. Mr. Boyd will retire from the farm and will move hie family to town. Mr. Arnold will go to Northern Ontario where be has a brother living and work in his eaw•mill for the Winter, T13e Cement mill had to cease opera. tions for a short time to enable the management to ahorten the large belt whioh had stretched a great deal. Everything is now in firat•oless shape, and the mill wilt be kept relining night and day. A new reserve mixer hag been sweated of plank. Great sympathy le felt for J. W. Gilkiaeon and family, 12th con., East, in the heavy loos sustained by them Sunday at noon, the 29112 all„ when their nue barn was strut* by lighluiog and in a thort time burned to the ground, together with about 65 loads of new shay and 5 tone of old bay. Fortun- ately no animals were lout and only a few implements. The eeaoon'a prop of Fall wheat was in the field, It there• fore escaped destruction. Ib did not Seem a particularly severe etoem, but the one bolt was sullioient to do a great deal of damage. Just five years ago Mr. Gilkinoon Buffered a similar lose, We understand that. he is insured tor 91,000 on barn and 9400 on °entente, lie noes in any event win be heavy, and the inoonveoienoe of not having either stable or storage room ie considerable, I•■vMMIE Lame Zones are Poor Travellers Did you ever try to drive a horse that Went lame easily ? Or one always afraid he wouldn't hear yon say "whoa ?" Some horses can't travel because they aro lame and others won't travel without a lot of urging, TnEY Ana NOT THE MEM TO BUY. It'e ]net the same with Oream Separators, Some are flame out of fix, and some turn like corn shelters. Such Separators don't have the up-to-date (0at0080 found only in The Sharpies Tubular Buy a Tri13ulnr, nave a Separator with waist low supply can, Pimple bowl hong tronr single, friotieniees bearing and driven by wholly onoioeedsslf-oiling gear0-A SavAialoon A 011212D OAN onus 000-000 that will lasts life time. I'll tante a TUbolar all apart and snow you how simple, strong and efhoient it is. P. FERGUSON, AGENT, BRUSSELSaskammoiaimiiiiiiiinalaistisjoitemomm- wimmosimmairmemoral PELTON-P0nxxn.-A very pretty home wedding was celebrated at the home of Lemuel and Mre, Patton, Main St. Atwood, on Wednesday, Augnet Pat, at high noon when their daughter Is. abel was united in marriage to Hugh Porter, merchant tailor, of Atwood. Promptly at twelve o'clock noon the groom took hie plane in the drawing room in front of a most exquisite bank of beautiful ferns. The bride entered tie room leaning on the arm of her father, proceeded by little Min Frances Fullerton bearing a beaotitnl baguet of pink sweet peas and little Mies Mina Morrison as ring girl. Mise Rath lInux played the Wedding March, The in- tereetiog and impressive ceremony was pertormed by Rev. N. D. MaRinnon, Presbyterian minister of Milverton. The bride looked charming in a bean. tiful °ream a000rdion pleated gown, and (tarried a lovely baguet of eaters. Exeter. Friends of Melville Martin, of Regina, eon of Rev. Martin of town, will regret to hear of his illness dna bo a run down system. He has been confined to hie room for some weeks. - Wm, Snell, who was so unfortunate aa to have bis leg broken while in Brantford and has eines been con. fined to the hospital, was able to re- turn to his home here. Wm. and Mre. Grigg and daughter, Mrs. Walker, came to be present at the 62nd anniversary of the wedding day of Wm. and Mre. Grigg, whioh wae quietly celebrated on Saturday. Rev. David Walter Collins, the late- ly appointed rector of Trivitt memo?. ial oborob was indnated as such on Sunday, August 6th. Ven, J, B. Rioh- ardeon, M. A. D. 0. L. preaobed. Moe. Wm. Hawkehaw and her daugh- ter, Mies Jean, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mre. Shoeeuberg, London, Mre. Shoaeoberg being confined to the boepital in that city and will under- go an operation for the removal of some internal trouble. Mies Lister, of Sarnia, who is a guest 0f MCS. Willis Powell, unhappily broke her arm by falling from lttr. Potveil'e horse. The young lady's toob relight in the etirrup in falling bat the home stopped until sbe got her foot out, caber. wise aha might have been killed. The etriking on the ground broke her arm. T. E. Handford sold hie hone and lob on Senior street, hie Bale stables on Andrew street, and his fifty acres of pae- tnre land to the Beet of the town, to Chas. Hackney, of Thames Road, Us. borne, for $8,600. Mr. Handford'e good. will ill the horse dealing business ie in. eluded in the branseetioo, with the ex• °option of bis Winnipeg baying, whioh be will continue indefinitely, Joe. Oobblediok and family in. baud leaving town in a abort time and will go to Calgary bo reside. During hie regent trip through the West he (tame to bile oonoioolon and is now borne to Wind Up hie affairs here, On Thendey be gold hie handsome reef• denea on Mein street to William Fletobee, of I/shorn°, who will come here to retire from farm lite. Mc. Oobblediok has purohaoed property in the Western oity and will interest him. eelt imthe mannfaotdring and betiding intimate. He expecte toleave in -A month's time, A0 001 instance of the etraege pranks wbtob fate may play upon us we mon. Don the ogee of n young man named St. Lawrence Chandler, some sixteen years ago clerk fora short time in tiro Nelsons Bank here, He is now man- ager of the U. S. Stove Werke of 013'• cage and wee the other day adopted by Hon. Claude Peanley, Baron De Livingston and Marquis of Eokereley, and succeeds to the title. The adoption ie the result of service rendered the maquio at a time of illness. Mr, Hutton and many others remember tho young man well, the former pos- sessing a photo of bim taken by 0. Sen. ior. There wae a reunion last week of the Rape family, Milohell. All are now home, Wilfred, of Sault Ste Marie, being the leek arrival. As the time approaches for the father's leaving for New Zealand, ae might be expeoted, all are feeling rather gloomy. John Reid, formerly of Logan, who has been en inmate of the London say lam, made his enoape turning up in Mitchell on Sunday. He hunted up an old neighbor, Stephen Nicholson, who took him in charge and in the afternoon drove him to Stratford and handed him over to the authorities there, A guard from tbe asylum came to Stratford and look him bank., Wair The Exhibition That Made Fall Fairs Famous An ideal occasion for a family outing. Daily ascensions of a navigable airship, always under perfect control. The most wonderful invention of the age. Royal Venetian Band, the most celebrated European inimical organization, under the great leader, Victor, will give, Concerts daily. Fireworks on a more magnificent and imposing scale, picturing the great Carnival of Venice. Many splendid educational features for the boys and girls. For information write W. J• REID, President. IA. M. HUNT, Secretary. LOND N SEPT. 7 - 15, 1906 DININIMENEDENSWINETENDENIDED 444414,114411•41.41. 4411004161114•40•4 Ref Pre.1111.1INE1092131r11211.0.151¢111•RE, To Manitoba and Saskatchewan 8 i'bl-4`hr) 'ticket, 11000 , 1 2 going trips$18nndor Gondltlone a• bolo*. additional for tho return Stations south of, but not including mainline, Toronto t0 Sarnia, including Toronto. 1Vfain lino Toronto to Sarnia and stations north, except north of Cardwell junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. .From all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and ]Midland Divisions. One way secondclam Honda will 110sold toWinnlpo only, Representative farmers, apFnnoiutlod by Manitoba and Saskatchewan Governante, wUl.lnoel labore*l oat arrlv0t at winnlnog' Irma trficate tntton will to heneaaac Yat Winnipeg to pointe whore lobbyers are needed. A b001111 ate le furnished when each ticket is ppnrchnrad, and this o , What°, when ed f2. ott by lumpy, shelving' that laborer has worked thirty days or more, Will be honored from 113001,01021 for e. second tease tltlkee beak to starting point /n Ontario, at $18.03. prier to Ti N°v. late leaned on special a woe l.,abo me , but htid20i Tickketeawr00goononspeciaaawo.Labomrn bntwi]inotbofesUodathaIttarofoo ,o For hili partl°ulareeoe nearer! b O.P.R. tieketagent, or .. wen aD.Ftlet>,,D,P.A,G.P.R2Toronto A110.14 AUG• 1T AUG. 22