HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-8-9, Page 4313AMSfitil 1101.t,
THURSDAY, AUG. 9, 1906.
Grey Coiinoil 11lleeting.
The Mutton met pursuant to order in
the 'U ownobip Ho I on Mo0dey, July 31st
at 10 e. on. ,Reeve le the Chair and
other members all present, Mingten of
laet meeting read aud approved.
Petition of William Smith and 12
others, asking to have Duman, eidewaike,
built in the village ot Walton, also re-
questing to have their Statute labor,
oommdbed for twenty years read. Moved
by John Grant,seoonded by John Brown
that the matter be left over for future
ooueideration. Carried,
l'tloved by Minoan Jobostoo, oeoonded
by John Grant that the resignation of A,
Reymann, an Treasurer, be aooepted,
the, same to take plane on the 27th day
of /tepid, A. D. 1906. (tarried. •
On motion of John Outt, emended by
John Brown the following =founts wore
ordered to be paid :—
Frederick Oxtoby, cleaning
award drain lot 29 eon. 10$ 2 00
Job, L. Bing, refund of taxee for
1905 error in aeeeaement..,. 5 72
David Carson, gravelling with
commutation money lot 38,
eon. 7 2 00
Hemewortb & Eokmier, payment
Cummings bridge abutments., 877 18
Hemewortb & Eokmier, exeunt.
tion Oammmingebridge abut -
15 00
Joseph Coombe, inepeotion Oum•
mjnge bridge abutments, Twp.
contractor's portion 12 25
Jae. Oaminge, shovelling
gravel, Grey & Elan. Bdy,
Grey's share 10 00
Bart Laing horse biro, resigning
debentures 60
George Siemon, grinding grader
blades 8 00
Mre. Hanenld, spikes for Culvert
14th eon. drain 85
Gilbert Thtb' i
dean, Calvert lot 20
con. 7 cement pipe 3 00
Gilbert Tbibidean, anlva'rt lot 25
oon. 10 Gement pipe 2 00
Daniel Spillett, shovelling gravel 5 00
John Qaates on °entreat Love,
Munio'paldrain 90 00
Wm. Bird, on contemn t tNo.l.
gravelling & Morris
30 00
Wm. Bird, on e0ntraot No.2..
gravelling Grey & Morrie Bdy, 40 00
Wm. Reid, on °entrant No, 3
gravelling Grey & Morrie Bdy, 80 00
John Roger, report Silver
Corner's drain improvement100 00
John Roger, report Jaoklin Mun
drain 102 00
Sohn Roger, report Love Mao
drain 54 00
Mre. L. A. Mason, gravel 5 60
awe. Hanna, gravel 10 72
Geo.Roberteon, tile& award.,
drain lot 32 con. 15 7 84
Wm. Jaoktin,gravel 1 60
Iral Taylor, gravel 12 08
Peter Tarr, dement pipes 44 37
Robert Blair, gravel 8 40
Robert Close, wire fence at Mit•
aheh''e bridge approach 6 75
Robert Oloee, gravel 3 76
Dan. Machan, hal. on culverts
Iota 30 31 Hanna drain 21 10
0. Hutohiueon,two farm bridges
6th oon. drain 20 00
C. Rothwell, repairing road S. R
5 con. 10 2 00
Wm. Stepheueoa, farm bridge..
Lamont drain 14 00
'Jae. Armstrong, gravelling lot 7
oon. 9 6 00
Daniel Raabe!, gravel 18 04
John W. Rose 5 76
John W. Rose, farm bridge 6th
oon. drain 10 00
D. Milne, farm bridge 6th conn,
drain 10 00
D. Mareb, farm bridge Lamont
drain 12 00
Alexander Forsyth, farm bridge
Lamont drain 15 00
Jae. Pearson, gravel and ebovel•
ling gravel 20 00
Mre. Fremaie either, grevel2 00
Moses Doll, drawing gravel S. R.
1 eon. 7 1 00
shovelling gravel 2 50
Geo. B airan
p gravel 81 36
Henry Al000k, ruling at lot 3
oon. 18 6 00
Ohrie. Skinn, bal. McDonald
bridge approaoh G 76
Jno. Haffmen, gravel 15 92
Tboe. Aiaook, grave( 5 60
Joo. Hoffman, gravel 6 12
Dan. Shine, bal. on approach
MoDooald bridge 11 60
Dao. Marsh, tile at lot 5 oon, 651
Wm. Jno. Luoao, Cleaning Twp
portion McDonald award,,., 8 48
Ferris Beirnes, shovelling gravel 3 70
Wm, Selena, drain lot 32 oon 6 6 00
Jae. Denman, ditch lot 81. Can 12 15 00
Robe. (Matte, bile drain lot 18
Grey and McKillop Bdy 8 10
Frank Latimer, tour Dement
culverts Iota 2, 8, 6, 7, oon. 68 50
Job L. King, tone farm bridges
Balfour drain 40 00
Wm. V. McKay, gravelling Gray
and Elena Bdy 37 75
Won. Fraser, gravel Grey aud
Elora Bdy 8 40
Mre. Grainger farm bridges Bial•
torr drain 10 00
T7. Hayden, gravel and gravelling
temporary road McFarlane
bridge ,.. 8 00
Wm, Graiuger, gravel 64
Gideon Brown, digging Twp
portion Holt award 1 50
Mre, Wallac), digging drain lot 4
oon. 1 2 60
Thomas MoEwau, digging drain
lot 1 mu 2 2 50
,EdwardJaokliu, filling ape,
proaebea McFarlane bridge10 76
Alex. Beyana, inepeoting gravel
ling Grey and Morris Bdy,2 81
Jae. Parr, inspe0ting gravelling
Grey and Mortis Bdy. 1 26
Thom, Cumming temporary road
at Onmming'e bridge 0 00
0, Tompkins, repairing oolvert
Wallace Bdy, Grey's share50
Wilson Evans, working on
grader with engine 6 00
Wm, Freese, inepeotingfarm.
bridges McDonald Mon, drain 2 50
William Frasier, inspecting term
bridges 6th oon,drain 8 00
Wm. Fraser, inopeoting farm
bridges Balfour drain 2 00
Thos. Cumming, onlvert and
drawing gravel lot 20 oou. 24 00
Richard Jaeklin, on centred
Balfour drain 100 00
Ina, At 1ntoeh, on eatery. 60 00
A, Rgytnaun, working grader„
Jae.,Liviugeton, ealar)+de ,
auditor ,,,, •„, 6 00
John W. Denali eatery ea auditor 5 00
A. Raymaun, eatery se treasurer 64 11
Behar{ Cochrane, ehovelliug.,,,
ert Mtller, aiodero on Micah4 00
ell's bridge 9 70
Saudaman Pane, grovel al lot 14
oon, 14 70
Raoeford Bros, tour !dads
oiudere 40
Charles Pollard, gravel Grey and
Morrie Bdy 3 44
Charles Pollard, gravel,..,,,.: 3 00
Enoch Olark, aleaniug out ditch
S. li. 8 con. 17 0 00
Edward Clark, tile drain lot 16
oou. 18 2 50
Bobo. MoTeggert, eemeut tip) S
R. 5 mu. 16 Howard drain..., 1 00
Edward Clark, removing drill
wood from Beaohosmp drnin• • 50
George Hodge, filling approach
to bridge Id. R. 6 non, 171 00
Proodloot, Hays & Blair on,,,
judgment for Farrand Lamont
Municipal drain law suit.„. 200 00
Proudtoot, Hays, & Blair, Grey's
portion of Diakiueon &Carrow
poets ou Farrand law suit,,., 222 02
Richard Jaoklin, on ooutraot Bal
four Mau, drain 126 00
Ferris Soirees, on oontrant Mc-
Donald Mun, drain 76 00
Moved, seconded and envied that the
Council do now adjourn to meet on Alen.
day August 27th at 10 a. m.
JOHN AICINTonu, Clerk.
8 00 whloll is wregjted belong 10 40, Urgnhert
who mlernie;teeing it op to Inc mill
whore it Will bemuab more oouvepieut,
13e) grave.
Jno. and Mrs. Breeden, formerly of
Belgrave, have lett their farm aud moved
to the town of Virden, Manitoba.
am away on these net plains, I thought
I would drop you a few linea describing
our trip. Soo, and Mn. Wilford, of
Blyth, Mre. Wray and myself, Mit ou the
3rdof July via North Bay, and fropl tint
point to Rat Portage is a contionoae
000000y of rocks, with aoaroely a living
thing not even wild birds. Rooks are
partly arta covered with scrub and here and
Chore we pass over a river. The railroad
is continually winding aronud rooks or
Lille of atone. These rooks do not
tower nearly so high as I expected, but
are very hilly, and not ea mach ae a
potato patch to be nee. From Rat
Portage to Winnipeg the oouotry is
sparingly settled andis not a e it I
d e abs
part to live in, owing to too mush water
near the surface. Winnipeg is a fine oily
with wide etreeta and lovely bonlevarde,
but keeping away from the 0. P. R,
works there is not much doing in rho way
of factories, While driving through the
oity with a friend I was surprised to gees
few amoke•etaoke, though there is a great
trade doing in the oommeroial line, and
eepeoially in T. Eatou'e large store.
From Winnipeg to Portage la Prairie
there is a lot of fist, wet country, and
not ep to my expectations, in fact nearly
all the way to Brandon le poor country
with the exception of the Portage plains,
is said to be the garden of Canada,
Where the land is dry it certainly is
good and loaded down with wheat, Ar.
riving In Virden, we stopped off for a
couple of weeks' visit. The country
around Lenora and Herniate appears to
be a first oleos farming diatriot, in fact,
the beat, 00 far, excepting the Portage
plains. lu the dietriot of Lenora and
Hamiota 070 met number of old friende
from Morrie, living in a floe farming
oonntry, and among those farming on
one emotion and over of laud, are --James
Molotoeh, whose wife was formerly May
Embury, at one time a resident of Bel.
grave. They have 9,200 aures of land,
900 in wheat ; Wm. Scott, baa 1,600
aoree of land, 700 in wheat ; Wm. Ped•
IoW, whose wife is a sister to Thoe.
Scott, of Morris, has 1,100 aures of land,
000 io wheat; Ben Miller, 640 acres, 800
wheat ; Robt. Vannormau, 640 three,
200 wheat. Gilbert Embary and a
number of other Morrie and Wawanosb
people, are farming on half and three.
quarter sections of land and all apparent•
ly doing well. All the larger farmers
have from 150 to 300 sores of Summer
fallow. They grow two crops of wheat,
one of oats or barley, and then Bummer
fellow. That is shoat the rotation, bat
little or uo ha •nate and oat ,
o t sheaves
take thelane of hay• everything
depends on wheat, and theexpectfom
26 to 80 bushels to the aore. The laud
is valved at 35,000 per quarter section,
The above mentioned part of the country
is under cultivation, the same as Morrie
or Wawauoeh, excepting low lands. We
leave on the 26th for Calgary and Ed.
The foundry is now busy on a big
order of several thousand lone pampa.
The Methodoft trustee board oontem•
plate erecting a large addition to their
shed a000mmodatiou,
W. Douglas, of Stanley tp., bad his
head badly tent by a kink from a oolt but
le a fair way to recovery.
Miee Sturgeon hag been prostrated
with a severe ettsok of paralysis which so
affected her that aha has entirely lost her
Fred. Bengongb has been offered $7 60
a day to ran a threshing engine out
West end will leave on the nest harvest
Misses Mina end Edna Toll, Avery
Kent Co„ alert Mise Emme Oohoe, of
Woodeiee, are guests at the Heueali
Methodist Parsonage.
As little Yullieoe Eaorett, was playing
with her baby meter, the fell with it io
her arms, and the shook and injury were
no eevere that for a time the Child's life
was despaired of.
Aa John Habkirk was seeming a bone
the animal struck ant with his front
foot hitting him in the centre of the
head jest above the nose. He wee oon•
elderably stunned and badly ant,
A doctor wag obliged to put stitches in to
join the parte, and John went home tot
the remainder of the day, It was for•
tanate that the wound was not more
The grain etorehonee opposite the
station grounds need by D. Urquhart and
J. and 0. MODooell tilted over towards
the Went. The supports were evidently
not strong enough to hold np the 8,000
bullets' ot oath whioh the betiding oon•
Weed and this being stored in the upper
portion of the building apparently made
it top heavy. When the banding
tonobed the ground the elope named 16 to
buret and the grain to rnn ant. Im'
mediate atepe were taken to save the
°entente nearly all the grain being gather.
04 up in good Condition. The building
There le a rumor IMO another planing
Mill will he started iu the near future
and we euderetand that a London party
wi•1 se+ooiate himself with soma looel
map with this obbjeot in view.
A project ot oousidereble importance
to Go0nrioh and the country to our
North, and one wbioh seems likely of
being put through thio Fall is that for
telephone oonneotion between Goderioh
Port Albert and Dungannon,
Miee Grace Strang late been appointed
to the poeition of teacher of Moderne and
oommiiroinl work at the Mitobell high
eobool, Miee Strang Is a daughter of a
former priuoipal of the Goderioh Oolleg•
late Institute, sod is said to have made
a brilliant university attune, The salary
will be $700.
From elle Minucie, statement ot the
Viotoria street Methodist cherub and the
Zion (Goderioh township) Methodist
ohurob just issued, are taken the follow•
ing figures : Envelope fund, $888.16
trustee board, 8451.57, W. M. S,, $54 021
Ladies' Aid, $105 05 ; Sunday school,
$185 58 ; oannexial funds, $546.82 ; Zion
attune, $83 76.
The acmmuniby was shocked on Tem
day morning at last week to hear the
uewe that Charles Bake bad dropped
dead on the street, Mr. Blake was io his
usual health, had bis breakfast as ueuai
and went to work at W. O. Pridham'e.
Completing bre work there, be evideutly
started home end had got jut opposite
Dr, Jobneton'e house, when death over-
took him. He tvae carrying an axe and a
baok•eaw and had stood the axe np again.
at the faun, evidently feeling the attaok
Doming 00, but from the position of the
saw one would suppose it dropped from
hie baud as he fell. This happened about
half past nine o'olook, but no one appears
to have seen him in the ant of falling.
W. J. Andison pnrohaeed N. Mo•
Laughliu'e beautiful residence aud
Po art
yThe price paid was
The following announoemeut ap•
peered in Saturday's dailies :—The en.
eagoment is enoonnoed of Miee M. E.
�i&oVittir, of Goderioh, to Dr. L. N. Whit.
ley, Gorrie.
A very heavy shook
of thunder
heats and Itghining witnessed in our
town on Sammy aftern000, July 29th,
when the concussion of the bolt buret
a large light of glass in the upstairs
widow over 0. L. Audrew'e store.
On Tuesday morning, of laot week,
N. illaLaoghlin and family left for their
new home in Winnipeg. Mr. McLaogh•
lin hex been a resident of Gorrie for a
long time and both he and Mrs. Ma.
Laughlin will be greatly missed by many
in and aronud town.
Lorne Shier, the Intel manager of the
Bell Telephone, completed arrangements
with a number of Molesworth people
and farmers between here and there far
the building of a telephone line from
Molesworth to Gorrie on the same grin•
ojple as the Wroxeter line.
The Videtbe says :—The Fordwiob Re•
Cord gives our brink hotel a bard rap in
their 12th of July notes, and claims that
the proprietor should be made keep hotel.
We have made enquiries from the propri•
etor of the hones aud he informs us
that he did almost everything in hie
power to keep the noisy hoodlums
quiet, (some of them from Fordwiob,)
even to netting for their arrest. •Byer.
Watters no doubt did not moan any harm
by putting the item In his paper but lie
certainly should not overlook hie own
town where we have known people to be
refused meals. Now that is not keeping
hotel. Beer, Watters should also remem•
bee it is a hard matter to keep a bunch
of tough abaraotere quiet espeoially on a
big day.
Thursday of last week was a record•
breaker in reopens of attendance at the
Old Boys' reunion here, the continued
fine weather and the preseuce of the 48th
Highlanders' Band, Toronto aeeietieig to
draw immense orowde. The trades
rod ns'
e ton in the morning
was very
Credit ble, The first
prize for floats
went so J. M, Sahinbein, second to It. A.
()limits, the judges beiug ex•Mmyor Hay
and B. Bothwell, R. T. Hagerman,
Detroit, F. Dougherty, Cleveland, and A.
Aaetie, Toronto, There was also a well
contested game of ball between the San,
atee of Stratford aud Listowel, the form.
er winning by 5 to 4 in a eine innings'
game. Batteries—Patriok and Moore
head ; Skilling and Lockhart. A pro.
oeseion to the Rink Park in the afternoou
ina!aded the ohildreu of the schools and
the attending of bands. A pleasant
feature of the afternoon proosedinge was
a presentation of a haudeomely bound
address to B. Rothwell, for over thirty
years principal of the Listowel patella
eobool, Three or four yeare ago Mr,
Bothwell retired and was then bettered
by a gift from the oitizous, The remora•
berango to day was oonlribnted to only
by ,home who had left Listowel years ago,
S. Voile, of Ohiosgo, meds the promote,
tion and Dr. Harley Smith, of Toronto
A. E, Ittehmond, of Buffalo, .7, P. New.
man, of Marton, J. A. Ualeteed, of
Mount Forest, and nal. D. D. Onmpbell
spoke, Me. Rothwell, who le a splendid
speaker, made a suitable reply.
There was an exhibition of High.
land dancing by the MIosea A4oLeod,
of Londob end BRE iln,aater 1toreo 080p
an appropriate ode. !''hors were the
usual atbietio eporte, but the outdoor
event Of the afternoon was the ball
game—Old Boys v, Listowel, Bat.
eeriest, Pearson and Nichol; Boehmer
and Lockhart. The Old Boye won by
5 to 2 in a most intereetieg and snappy
game, and were photographed atter their
very creditable victory. A ()oilcan by
the 48th Highlanders' Band was given
io the evening.
Mise Marion Walwin, of London, le the
guest of Mies Helen Fear.
Postmaster and Mrs. Dickson lett on
Monday of last week ou a trip to the
W. Brine, of Hamilton, was here at.
tending the funerals of Wm. Broadfoot
and Mrs. Smith,
Thee Pinkney ham sold bis fast trotting
mare, Gertie P., to Mr. Skinner, of
Mitchell, receiving for her $500,
J. B. Thompeou, who hue been onre-
taker of the publio wheel for the pent
Couple of years, has resigned, to take a
poeition with the Willie Shoe Company.
Robert Kemp, son of Mrs. T. 0,
Kemp, of Toronto, and formerly of Sea.
forth, was bare calling on old Mende.
He leaves ebortly tor China, where he
has enured a good position ae professor
of practical engineering in a college.
Fo rdw telt.
Mies Carrie Mee is Buffering (rem nn
attaok of typhoid fever.
Geo. Walkey, ar., ban secured a good
position in Li Piano Listowel s w P ao Faatoxy.
A gang of twelve Degos has been em.
played extending the railway ewitob
300 feet West.
B.' W. Brae's, of Toronto, and Mre.
(Dr.) W. R. Cook, of Elmwood, are
peke at the home of B. S. and -Mre
George McO aibban, of
Hartihton hoe
been engaged ae principal of Fordwiob
public school for the ensuing year. He
took honor oertitioate for teaching in
Mount Forest Model School in a clan of
27 Modelitee..
The Voters' Liet for the township of
Howiok for 1906 hoe been printed at the
Record office and posted op by the Clerk.
The list this year is made up of 1042
voters in Pt. I, 124, in part II, and 38 iu
part III, a total of 1199 voters. The
number of persona goalilled to serve as
jurors in 590.
The Reoord eaye :—Atter the football
matoh on Saturday Met the Harriston
football team went to the Albiou Hotel
to Change their Moths° and to get their
tea, which had been Spoken for and, we
nuderetaud, promised. But they were
ejected from the house and supper was
eopplied for them at MoOallem'e reetaar-
aut. The young men were well behaved
and there Can be au reason given for such
doings—the License Law does not permit
it. We nnderatand that hotels are re-
‘gnired to serve meats when palled an to
do so. Hotel men are wondering why
temperance people are agitating for
Local Option—It is just such work ae
this that makes them do it There is too
moat' attention paid to the wet end of
the bneineee aud "keeping hotel” ie
neglected. This is another case for In.
seeker Clegg to look utter and should re-
lieve the host of the Albion of a few of
his eurplue dollars.
Perth County.
Miee Edith Stanley hae resigned her
position ae teacher at Revere and has
accepted a position on the teaching staff
et Fort Francis, Ont.
Walter Steven, the young man Charged
with stealing some articles from a Mit-
chell barber shop, appeared eared before Judge
Stratford, , at ttstt rd, and wee given 8
J. Ridley, who lives near the Halfway
Home, Downie, wan badly stunned by
falling off a load of hay. He was en•
ooueatoae for some time but escaped
0001008 injury.
fit. Marys Town Connell held a apeoial
meeting to arrange for submitting the
forty thonsend dollar bylaw for the
St. Marys and Western Ontario Railway
to ooaneot with the 0. P, R. via the
village of Ember).
Notwithetauding the$50 reward offered
by St. Marys the dog•poisoner is still
buoy in the North Ward. Geo. Saber.
land, William Moyes and Mre. A. Beattie
have all loet unities. Mrs. Beattie's dog
wan a valuable Gordon Setter.
NOTICE is hereby given that a co-
partnership has been formed between A.
M. McKay and Jas. S. Shaw as Hardware
Merchants, to be known as
who will carry on business in the stand
of A. M. McKay & Co.
A share of public patronage solicited
and prompt attention to your orders, at
fair prices, promised.
'HALED 7`10NDIOR6 addroeeod to the en.
darkened °inceto and endorMarsed .Tender for
Poet es' at So,, atel FM, oat! ,Ont„ ' will be
receives' at this only, fort! Monday, con ,August
OfflOth, 1o00, inclusively, ,fol, 0 for the oon sutnetlop
ptPlaun u Chloe,
epee bt at St,
ori be Baan and
forma of tender obtained at tbie Depart•
meet and on npplioattou to the Peatm meter,
St. alarm Ont,
Persoue Gendmlog aro noti0ad that ten.
dere will not be oonsiderod unless made on
Ibe 1'001.004 form supplied, and signed with
Weir uetuol aleeaturoe. ,
Beck tender must be a0oompnnied by an
a0ooptad alleges ou a chartered bank, mads
oftO''ubliu Works, equal equal to ten per
(rept (10 00.o,) of the amount of the tender,
ideollne will to forfeited
luta ab ootntraottender-
palled upon to do eo, or if he fail to oomplete
the work contracted for. If the tender be
not aooepted the cheque will be returned,
The Department does not bind heep to
a000pt the lowett or any tender.
By order,
Departelontof Mlle Works,
O ttawa, Jnly 81,1000,
Newspapers inserting this advertioomeut
without authority from the Department
will not be paid ler it, 6-2
gale, an years old, quiet and gentle
every way ; with a handsome foal 4 weeks
old, sired by Monbare (2.110.) Also a top
buggy as good as new. Apply to TI108.
MoLAUORLIN, box 188, Brussels. 4-01
Is prepared to give lessons on Piano
Pr Reed Organ. Term on application.
Poetolllee address—Brussels, Residence—
Lot 8, Oon. 10,Grey. Pupils may have their
leavens at their own homes If preferred,
Salo on whfoh is large brink house,
stable, drilled well, ofsteru,' fruit garden,
&o.,61 aorea of laud on John and James et„
Bruesola. Terms reasonable, Apply to
JOHN MoFADDEN on promises or F. S.
SCOTT, Brueaele,
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
A. The
uLo02 , Coe offers her a sere
farm, being Lot able 7 Grey, ba Babe or
to cart. Comfortable F 1, to only
honk barn,
bh orchard, wells, Jeo.g v Farm is only } of a mile
from tae titulars village of Ethel. For fur-
sls, pr MRS.
lai,pply O F. & , 79 tinter
sels, t, MRs, to.
IIULLAND, 79 800
Street, Toren Eo, 97-9m
DER0IONED often his tine 100 acre
tarm,being Lot 15, con.12, Grey, for sale.
Comfortable house, bank bars, orchard, &o,
Farm is in'a good state of cultivation and
adjoins the village of Oraobrook, where are
stores, ahurehea, abope, &o. Possession
given next Fall. For further particulars as
to price terms 50,, apply on the premises
or Oraui,rook 1;. U. GEORGE BPaRLING,
1.12 Proprietor.
aures cleared; comfortable house Nixie Grey
kitoben 18110 ; bank barn 50x70 with atone
stabling; orchard, wane, Se. Well fenced
and in good heart. Possession given next
I0 is.04 miles afromlyilrossels aandnipresent. oo
locality. For further particulars apply on
the promisee or Nrueeels P. 0, to
51.12 J0I0N RODDI025, Proprietor,
undersigned offers hie house and lot,
situate on Mill street, Brussels, for sale.
It is well located,a aouvenieut and cornier.
table home. Posseeeion eau be given at
Once, Will also sell the vacant tot, corner
of Mill and Elisabeth ebroets, which would
make a Ane building site. Por further par-
ticulars as to prise, terms, So., apply to
FRED, ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford-
wiob, 86.4
There is said to be a possibility of an
English knitting firm eetabliebing a mill
at St, Marys.
South Perth Fair will be held 011
Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 26 and
27, at St. Marye.
The License Commieeionere of South
Perth met and
granted a license to John
Hayes, y, e ot abrin ' stile
The proposal to have the Stratford
Normal school erected at Victoria Park
has brought forth objections from various
The root of the bandstand on the
market equare, Mitobell, is to be raised
some fifteen feet. The expense will be
bottle by the band company.
Hugh MoEwan, Central gravel road,
Downie, had a mare vaned at $250,
covered by insnraues, killed by lightning
end Mr, Dauber near the Junction had
eixoowe killed.
Dr. H. S, Anderson, hie wife end adopt.
ed daughter, were ticketed to Winnipeg,
lake route. Their removal from Mitobell
ie much regretted and theirmany Mende
hope for them auoaeee In their new home.
John Blaushard, Fullerton mail oar•
tier, had an nnexpeoted experience in
Mitobell. When in the aot of loading
a trunk at the G, T. R. station his borne
became frightened and made a quick
dash, running up town and when arming
the atone pavement slipped and fell sod
was Captured,
The hammock in whioh she was rest.
ing gave way allowing Mies Muriel Hioke,
of Mitchell, to fall heavily to the ground.*
One of her wrists wan badly sprained
and a small bone broken, which will
necessitate the young lady parrying her
arm in a sling for a temple of weeke.
The busiest spot in Mitobell is the
Bridge Building 0o.'n works. ()entracte
Ware taken this year for forty.eeven iron
bridges, fifteen of which have so tar been
oompleted. The shops are a perfect hive
of industry and the excellence of the work
done promisee a large inoreaes in bun.
nese, Orders are received from distant
parte of the Provinoe, and it is expeoted
that the output will be doubled next year.
At present twenty.oue mea are employed
but the number will be inoreaeed ae the
bneiuties grows,
W. G. Murphy, of Carberry, Man.,
who was a proeperoge merchant in
Mitobell for several years, paid ye olde
town a visit last week. He was a000m.
panted by his good wife and daughter,
Miee Aileen, The West seems to agree
with them. All have grown mnab stout.
er, and better looking, if possible, Their
old friends were delighted to see them,
and sorry the visit was so abort, Mr.
Murphy predicts that Manitoba will be
the leading Province of the Dominion be -
fors many years. Mr, Murphy is at
present a member ot the town oonnoil at
Carberry, and be IS owner of three stores.
To Liverpool
Front Montreal
Virginian .,,,,, Aug, 2 Aug, 01 Sept, 28
Tuolslun Aug.10 Sept. 7 Oat. 5
Vietorlau Aug, 79 Sept, 14 Oct, 32
Ionian Aug, 24 pout, 21 Oat, 15
Sena or Panne
Iriret Cabin—$7o and upwards, a000rdlua
to steamer. Second Oeblu—$42,50 to *047,00,
Third Olase— *027 60 and 928 70,
nlonlroal t0 Glasgow
Corinthian. Aug, 8 Sept, 6
S1aUlan Aug. 0 Sept. 1d
For further partloulare, rates and tiokete
apply to
Agent Alban Lino, 13rttnsole,
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered neotion of Dominion
Lauda in Manitoba, Baskatohowan and
Alberta, exoeptdng 8 aud 20, not roeerved,
may be homesteaded by any person who ie
Ole Bole head of a family, or any male over
18 yeare of age, to the extent of one-quarter
emotion of 180 dome more or leas.
Entry may he made pereouaily at the
local land: 001oe for the dletriot in which
the laud is situate.
The homesteader is required to perform
the coedit:olio aonneoted therewith under
one of the following plans :
(1) At least six months' residence upon
and cultivation of the land in each year far
three years,
(2) If the father (or mother, if the father
is deoeaeed) of the homoeEeador resides
upon a farm in the vloluity of the land
entered for the requirements as to real,
dance may be eatiefed by such person re -
aiding with the father or mother.
(3) it the Battler has his permanent resi-
dence upon farming land owned byaim
lathe vicinity of hie itomeetead, the re-
quirements as to reetdsaoe may 020 saris.
fled by resideooe upon the said laud.
Sixmonthe' notice in writing should be
given to the Oommieeioner of Dotnin(os
Ottawa of
intention to apply for
PP y
Deputy of th a Minister of Interior.
N. B. Unauthorised pubiioation of this ad-
vertisement win not be paid for.
Wool V/allled I
The Highest Market Price paid for
any quantity of Wool,
2 Dente advance allowed in trade.
We carry a good range of Blanket's,
Yarns, Sheeting's, Underwear, Hosiery,
Tweeds, &o.
Exoeleior Knitting Factory, Brussels.
Toronto nag' and
Metal Co'y
For Rags, Iron, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, Horse Hair,
Hides, &c., &0.
Highest Prices for All
Mill st. West, Brussels
Bala of ,ti am te011
Cnp,utl,,'nld up, 80,850,000
lte True unI, l95,2411,,0011
President, . . 300N, WM. 01106010
Viae Preeitleet & Stumm Manager,
Saviuge Department—Ample security
for Depositors,
Deposits of 81,00 a nd upwards re oelvod,
Interest allowed at °errant ratan and
oompouuded half yearly.
ADVANUl46 mode to Farm ors for
foedlug stook,
Bale Notes oollootod and advanoeu
made thereon,
Drafts bought and sold,
W. 10. MOIIAY, 6un•Aoxno,
House, Sign and Carriage Paint-
ers. Ornamental and Scene
Work and Paper Hang-
ing a Specialty.
Quotations Furnished
on Application
Titrfil)erry St., Brussels
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
The undersigned beg leave
to notify the farming community
that they are now ready to do
all kinds of Grain Chopping and
Crushing at lowest rates. A11
work will be promptly and care-
fully attended to.
Manitoba aud Ontario Flour,
Bran, Shorts, &c,, always in stock
and sold at Market Prices.
Thuell Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Building.
Rnsil!ug Business Aloog
Ewan & Co.
are busy these days pushing the Carriage busi-
ness. In addition to our own make of Rigs,
which are A 1, we handle Buggies manufactured
by the Canada Carriage Co:, Brockville, and the
Brantford Carriage Company, Brantford.
Wood. Work ally Jobbing a Specialty
Painting and Repairing attended to with neatness
and dispatch. The celebrated Marland English
Varnish used in our paint rooms. '
If you want a new Rig call and see us ao we have
a large display and sell at close margins. We
Can save you money.
t„ rJ
tee c
it erar,a
toti log.
Ir:gcal MP%
rti Cf)
=41 - w .°v