The Brussels Post, 1906-7-26, Page 8A Good Tooth Brush Is a Treasure We aro well able to eupply you with a good Tooth Brush as we have lately reoeived a large num- ber of them. This lot comprised a great many different kinds and al prices to suit every one, They Bell at from 100 to 40o eaob, but at 25o we bavo a thoroughly reliable Brush and you won't find your mouth full of bristles after tie- ing it. IF your Eyesight is not as good as you would like it to be or if your eyes eas- ily tire, come to us and have your Eyes test- ed, You will be surprised what good results are to be obtain- ed from the RIGHT GLASSES for your particular case. A Good Selection of Picture Post Cards DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 800300a3 EXTENSION W. 0. & B. Traine Leave Brueeele Station, North and South, se follows; Gonne Boma GOING Nora. Mail 7:03 a.m I Mixed 0:10 a.m Mixed....„...11:05 a.m !mail .. 1:44 p.m Express...... S:00p.m I Express 8:61p.m gacal getos Iterns A ohiel'e amang ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent ti. OUT the weeds. Tao Pose givee the news. Loan, news on page 6. Read it. WEDNESDAY August 8111 Oivio Holiday. Tea Blaok Kuigbt Friday evening of next week. Boo the Baee ball match Friday even- ing of tbie week. EAST Heron Fall Fair at Brussels on Oat. 4 and 5. It will be the beet ever beld. Tan Cunningham Apple Evaporator will resume operations this Fall. Apple crop ie said to be a fairly good one. Ane your gleans right 7 Vision changes as all things do. See Taube & Son at Fox's Drag Store on Thursday and Friday August 9th and 10th. G. R. MOfamas le making a epeoialty this week iu the sale of boote and shoes iu bid mid summer Bale. Bargains oleo ho Dry Goode, Olothiug and Groceries. RETURN fare for adults to Excursion to Kincardine on August 8th will be 86 Dente and 45 for obildren. Hot water will be supplied free of charge at the park and the baekehe conveyed from depot to park. Arrange to go. DR. OVEN°, M. D., London, Eye and Her Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drag Store, Brussels, on the first Tuesday in each mouth. Hours, 8 a. maxi 1.30 p. m. Cataract, squint, failing eyesight, deafness and newel catarrh treated and glasses properly fitted. Next visit, Tuesday, Aoguet 7111. Runt Laborers Exoareion to Manitoba and Saekatohewan will be ran on the 0. P, R. from this section of the Province on August 17th. The fare out will be $12 00 and ticket is good to November let. Ou certificate from a farmer that 30 days' work has been put in the return ticket may be bought for $18. Advt. appears elsewhere in this iseue. T. Farrow is local agent at Brussels, Tae BLAox KNiowl.—Rev. J. H. Hooter, the Black Knight, will deliver one of hie popular leotares in the Methodist church, Brussels, on Friday evening, August Ord, under the auspices of the local W. 0. T. U. He will be aaeieted by Mrs. and Mise Hector in Southern melodies, solos, duets, d'to. No admission tee but silver oolleotion taken. Lecture owe. menus at 8 o'clock. MoKAr & SHAW.—By advertisement in this gene it will be seen that a oo-partner• ehip has been formed in the hardware business between A, M. McKay and J. S. Shaw and Imminent will be continued in the old stand of A. M. MoKay & Go. 14r. Shaw is no stranger to the people of this looality and the new firm will no doubt receive a goodly share of patronage. Norman Smith, who has been in the buaines°, may visit the Great West and 1f he finds what suite him locate there. Soao.:r. AREITaATIONs.—Judge Holt, W. Lauo, County Clerk, and J. E. Tom, Impeder o! public schools, were in the Southern part of the county conducting two Mote arbitrations as the result of petitions submitted at the last meeting of the County Council. At Centralia their inquiry was in regard to a Setition lbr the establishing of a new chool section in Stephen township ; and at Dashwood, they heard the ease for a proposed change in school section foundation in Hay township. In both ea8e8 the arbitrators have daoided against the petitions. STANDARD BANE HAe SUQOEBLPUL PEAR, —The thirtyfiret annual report of the Standard Bank appears in another col. amu of this issue and is very eatiefootory in every particular. The statement oevere the year up to May 3191 and shows the net prolate for the year, after making provision for all bad and doubtful debts, to be $175,652.03. To thio hae been added $184,278 the premium on the new Mock, which together with the balance of profit and lose aoo00nt from last year amounts io $122,044.86. Seven new ageueiee have been opened during the year and two mote the following month. J, 5. Rowland is the obliging local manta ger. Bna000f.a RAone.—The annual Sum. mer races on the fast half mile traok at Brussels will take plane on Wednea. day and Thursday, August 22nd and 2Brd, when parson, aggregating $1450, Will be competed for in the following evonte:—Wednesday-2 60 page, $200 ; 2.22 pane or trot, $200 ; 2.10 pule or trot, $200 ; 4., furlong min, beet 2 in 8, $100. Tbnreday-2,40 trot, $200 ; 2.27 pima or trot, $200 ; 2,15 pale, $250 ; mile run, beet 2 in 8, $100, Home eliigble (lag. 14th and record made that day no bar, It Thomtion is President and A. B. MacDonald the Secretary. The Weak record le 2.16 made by Blaok Joe in 1902. Track is iu fine ehepo thie eeas0n and le one of the beet in ODtarlo. HowwE Mutual Iueoraooe Oompaoy will meet on Saturday of this week. TRE residences of Geo, Pollard and R. Holmoe have been painted sad look meati improved. WEEN Taube & Son attend to your eyes, you get the benefit of over 35 years experience. Call and °ooenit them at Foa'e Drug Store, on Thursday and Friday Augoet 9th and 10111. BASE BALL.—A time Ball manila is being arranged for Friday evening of tbie week on Victoria Park, Brueeele, between the old Clippers and a nine ohoeen from the town. Seven of the former redoubt. Oleo are still here vlz:—W. Grewar, D. 0. Roes, J. T. Rose, Frank Stretton, A. Ourrie, Jae, B. Stretton and N. 1'. Gerry. There will likely be some fan. A new meek and pad have been purchased. FIRST STOEY OoDIPLETED.Tueedey of this week R. McMillan and staff oom- pleted the first story of the new Agri cultural Hail on the Grey Branch Park, Tha carpenters will take bold of it now and pot on the upper Wry and the new, modern and commodious Hall,will,be ready for the Doming Fell Fair on Oct. 4th and 5111, Ooatraotor McMillan did hie work in good style and lost no time in oompleting it. A aemeot floor will be put down. TEE NEW SCHOOL Am.—The imprea- eion hae gone abroad in some guar - tore that the new law affecting the aalariee of rural sohool teachers takes effect at onoe. This is a mit take; it doee not go foto operation until the 101 of January next, The inoreaeed township termite will have to be levied tbie year, however, giving the sohool boards au opportunity to im prove the accommodation and equip- ment of their aohoole with the extra inoome for this year, L10T0wEL OLD BOYS' RE.Uterote—Many of the eitizeue of this town will doubtless appreciate the opportunity offered to partioipate in the celebration at Lietowel on Jaly 31e1 and August let to Ord in - elusive. A apleodid6program of attrao tions, amusements and eporte, hae been anu000aed. Mauy high class bands will be there, notably the 48th Highlanders with pipers and drummers, and the 29111 Regiment Band of Berlin, besides many other bands from yariooe towns. There will be the biggest attractions of the year at Listowel. Civic holidays will be an• nonnoed in many plaoee to enable citizens of surrounding towae to vielb Listowel, and besidee enjoying themselves renew old aogaaintaneeehipe. Oheap rates at single fare good to go 00 Jnly 27th return on 6th August, 8, S. To KINOAEDINE,—Arrangemeobs have been aompletad for the anneal Sabbath Soboolexcursion to Kincardine on Wednesday, Aagnet 8th. Special train will be run at low fares. Arrange- ments have been made with the steamer Britannic to run exonrei0ne on the lake at 25 ciente a trip, occupying about an hoar. During the afternoon m0ai0 will be furnished by Laoknow Braes Band. Sports will be arranged snob as Tennis, Bowling, Football, Baseball, &o., and with fair weather a delightful day may be expected. Everybody should take a holiday and visit the lakeside and enjoy the day with the youngsters. The time table and railway taros may be read in next issue. Look them up eo as to give others the information. August 8th is the date. Train will run from Palmer. eton. Guerin To Mauna BY 0. P, R.— The Guelph Herald thee reoords the opening of the Gaelpb and Goderioh road :—Over eixtyfive people came down from Elmira on Thursday, July 12111 on the first train over thio ileo• tion of the Guelph & Goderioh Railway. They inolnded many of the prominent 011iz0000 of the town, The ran from Elmira was made in twenty nine minutes. Oonduotor Dazelle and En- gineer Davidson were in oharge of the train, The 10 o'olook train wbioh left here for Elmira on the arrival of the Toronto train carried away Guelphitee act well ea some of the offioiale of the road, including Divisional Engineer J. G. Macklin and the resident engineer of Elmira G. E. Hyde, The was in charge of y train in f Conductor Geo. Oraiokehank. The first freight train over the line from Guelph palled out from Elmira shortly before 11 o'clock, It was oompoaed of an engine, Doe oar and caboose. There were fifty tone of merahandiae on board, WHAT Tao Lew SAYS.—Regarding the new law dealing with the aalariee of school teachers the statute says :—Io ail. dition to the cam provided by the town. skip cannel) towards each teacher's salary, the trustees of every rural school notion shall, in the eines hereinafter mentioned, pay annually, atter the expire. tion of the ourrent calender year, to the teaoher, where there is only one and to the principal teaoher, where there are more teaoher° than ono, at least the sum hereinafter mentioned, eubjeot only to a proportionate reduotlon in Cage the whole year's salary does not booms due) that is to say :—(a) $500 where the aoaeee. ed valve of the taxable property of the pub Iia eohool eapportere in the notion is at least $200,000 ; (b) $460 where email aeeese- ed value is at levet $150,000 bet lees than $200,000 ; (0) $400where mob neeeseed value le at least $100,000 bat loos than $150,000; (4) $850 Whereauob rimmed Nue 3e at least $50,000, bat lees than $100,000. And $800 to every assistant teaoher, whatever 00011 aaneesed valga le, Standard Bank of Canada fl$'S.A.92,ZMMI ,'?D 1972 BDliPLOB, OR 'RESERVE FEND , e 1,000,000 TOTAL ASSETS OVER. 18,000,000 .A. 'General Banking Susine8l,e Transaeted -"sISAVINGS BANKa — Auternat paid from date of deposit t0 dale of withdrawal at highest current rates and oompouuded belf•yearly, Joint Deposit Aceounta—A SPROUL OONVNOIF,NO10 10 nee 10 our Savings De- partment is the "Joint Deposit" account, Money may he deposited or withdrawn by either of the two members of the household. Thle system la a great 000000- 18008 to 01087 residing in town, but more parti0alarly so to farmers, as iu the latter case whether man or wife comae to town either eat, attend to tho Banking. Au. other feature of the system is that le ease o1 tho death of either party the money oau be withdrawn by the survivor without coat. We will tell you mere about our methods i1 you will kindly oall or write. Married Women and minors may make and withdraw deposits without the in. tervaution ;1 any person, SALE NOTES CASHiED, OOLLEOTED or may be left for SAFE KEEPING only for which no charge ie made, YOUR BUSINESS will reactive our aerate! and osurteoue attention. G. P. SOHOLFLELD, GEN, Menemm. J. F. ROW LAND, 10480000, TUESDAY Wm. Jowitt, ollipped 8 oar of huge t0 Collingwood and on Wednee• day forwarded another oar to the same destination, Oonacuaae JONES hex much improved hie reeiueuoe by a new verandah, a dreae of paint and a granolithio walk to the front door from the sidewalk. BEaoEtioEe the date of Taube & Son's vieit to Brussels and it your eyes bother you in any way, do not fail to consult them at Fox's Drug store on Tharaday and Friday August 9111 and 10th. 85% of headaches are the result of eye - straw, Proper fitting glaesee will give permanent relief. If you are troubled that way ooneult Taube & Son at Fox'a Drug Store on Tbnreday and Friday AOgaet 9th and 10th. Loose Ger.—Hugh Rameay's bus is onoe more in servioe after receiving a new dreae of paint. I1looke as good as new, Meilen. Smith & Stewart were the artiste. A flue portrait of King Edward in bie beet 105580y, now adorue the e0- branoe door. Mr. Ramsay ie bound to have the beet. DIED Lase SUNDAY.—A telegram wee received on Mooday by 0. H. Broadfoot appriaieg him of 1be sad news of the death of Wei oldest brother, W. J., at Snuff, on Sunday morning. Typhoid fever is said to be the ailment. The remains are being brought to Seaforth for interment. Mr. Broadfoot was married bat had no family. He was about 39 years of age. Funeral will likely be held on Sunday at 2 p. m. LABOR Dar.—Reeve Henderson has called for a public meeting on Friday evening of this week of all interested in arranging for a day's sport in Brussels on Labor Day. This is a proper move and we hope there will be a good rally at S o'clock. Bruoeels never takes a book eeat on celebrations, although we are often slow about going for them. A gaited lift ie essential so give the pro• meters more tban year good wlahee. A oelebration would be vary flat ran on good wiehee alone. A Goon Hoses,—Jae. B. Stratton was away to Toronto last week and pur- chasedoutfit oonaisti❑ o11seed a dandy g of a paciug horse, gentleman's road wagon, elegant vat of harness, &o., bought from the Burne & Shepherd sale stable of tee Queen aity. Mr. Stratton has alwaye had a fancy for a good horse and pays the price to get them. The horse's name is Dart and hae a record of 2.081, with a trial of 2,07. He is a bay gelding 15 hands high, by John R. Gentry. Dart started the aeaeoo of 1903 without a record and closed with 2.081. He is well broken and perfectly quiet. DONALD MoLAaonLIN DEAD.—Word Was revolved on Wednesday from Langdou, North Dakota, of the demise of Donald MoLaaohlin, formerly of this locality, and brother to Thomas and Alex. Mo• Lauoblio, of Brussels. He poseed away on Tuesday from the effects of a stroke of paralyeis. The remains are being brought to Braseele for interment. Fun• era' will take place from Thos. MoLauoh- lie's reeidenoe but the date ie not yet set owing to present uncertainty when body will arrive. Notice will be given by oarde as early as possible so that many old friends may be able to pay the last earthly tribute of respect to one of the early eettlere of tbie eeotion of (wonky. L 0. 0. F.—Thursday evening of last week the following offioere were installed for the Durrant term in connection with Western Star Lodge, No. 149, Brnesele :— N. G., J. K. Brown ; J. P. G., S. Wilton ; V. G„ E. Nioholeon ; R. S., W. )3. Alo- Oreoken ; F. S., A. MoGuire ; Treas., F. S. Soott ; Warden, W. L. Leatherdale ; Ooodaotor, A. Somers ; 0, G., W. Mar. tin ; I. G., F. MoOraoken ; R. S. N. G., J. Hunter ; L. S. N. G„ W. Griffith ; R. 8. V. G., Ohae. Dodds ; L. S. V. G., W. E. Duncan ; R. S, S., R. Oliver; L. S. 8., Dr. Toole ; Chaplain, R, Leatherdale ; Repo. to Grand Lodge, Jae. Jones and W. O. Smith, Weatarn Star has a large, active membership, a fine roomy and well fitted up lodge room and the brethren are laying oub for a lively hustle in the Qom. ing Fall and Winter. CONTIAOT FOR DUNLOP BRIDGE —A meat• ing of the Road andBridge committee of 'Stereo Ooanty Commit was held on Mon• day of last week, when the tenders for the concrete work for the bridge at Dun• lop were considered. Tbere were four tenders—Geo. F. McKay, Kippen, at $6 per pubic yard ; 8, Potter, Colborne, at 84.96 ; John Johnston, Auburn, at $5 and Hebei & Hummel, Godariah, at 84.87. The tender of Hebei & Hummel was aooepted and they signed au agree ming to proceed with the work at once and have it completed on or before the 18th of August. County Engineer Patterson will see that a deviation road is provided and appoint a suitable inepeo. for for the work. A Dumber of other matters also carne before the Committee, The County Engineer ie to attend to the bridge at Bonthroo'e between Us. borne sad Tuokeremith, awl to the bridge on the lake shore road at Kingo- bridge, and make them safe for traffic. Contractor Hardy hae nearly completed the abutment at Se. Joseph's bridge, and the committee decided to have another abetment ereoted at this place. Mr. Hardy was present and agreed to build an abutment on the opposite side of the gully, leaving a 89110 of about fifty feet between the two abutments, Thio will strengthen the present wooden Miniature for a considerable time yet, and the abgtmente will be in position for a new oaperetrnot0re when such ie required. Mr. Hardy is to get $6 per oabia yard, this to 'naiad() all heaeseary exottvatlan and plaoing the old bridge properly on the abutments, The work is 'to be Qom. plated by the 2001 of AEgnet, MI°a HOLLY 0. MARTIN has resigned her position as teaoher on the etaff of Brueeele Pablio School and the Board ie now on the look out for a eaooeesor. OLLIE JENNINOe, of Kinoardine, died from burns inflicted by a lamp exploding in bis bedroom Tuesday night. He was was badly burned. He wee a well known laarooee player, Lose of eyesight ie worse than lose of fortune. No matter how small your aye trouble may be, have it oorreoted. See Teabe and Sou at Fox's Drug Store on Thursday and Friday August 9th and 10th. CLEVER Len. ---3, M. Hiuohley, of Oonetanoe, oommonly known a8 Jack, took the rpra.l eoholerebip at the repent Gutranoe Examination. Ho is only 10 years old but is a clever boy with a bright out look. A. MoAllieter has been Jack's teacher for the past 3 years, Tan Pon extends oongratulatione and wishes Meager Hinobley the beet of gnome. Goon BowLINo.—A rink from Brae. Bale Bowling Club, oompoaed of T. Far- row, R. Leatherdale, R. Downing and D. C. Rose, skip, went to London on Monday to take part iu the tournament. 34 aides and towns are represented. In the fret round our quartette dedeated Woodetook and in the second draw down• ed the Asylum team London. In the 9eoond round W. A. Davideon'e rink brought Brussels to a round op. Our re- presentativeethen took a band in the Aseooiatiou games. They defeated Aylmer in the 2nd round and Dr. Hawke, of Toronto, in the 4111 round, the latter by a Boors of 20 to 7. The Toronto Star nye :—At the bowling tournament tbie morning Dr. Hawke'° rink from Toronto reached the 4111 round of the aseooiatioo matob, iu which it wail pitted against D. 0. Rose' rink from Breesele. The Toronto rink was out- played at every stage of the game, the score being Brueeele 20, Hawke 7. Business Locals. You are pretty apt to get something to fit your feet at MOLAnoN'a. BINDER TWINE.—Deering, Standard, Manila, 550 ft. 11,fo. McKee & Co. A part. line 0f the B. & 0. perfect fit. ting ooraete. 60o. to $1.25 at MaLAnates. 100 ROUND oedar poste for anle, also a Bingle buggy. Apply to A. Coos, Brne• eels, North. METROPOLITAN BANK CAPITAL—Authorized $2,000.000 CAPITAL—Patti up 1,000,000 RESERYE And Surplus Profits; 1,183,188 Directors D, E, THOMPSON, K. 0. Vioe•Preeidont. RIB neNOu ttu, W. Ho/MINER 00411, 5.0. 340, 11Y1110 JOHN PIR8TDRo0x W. 0, R088, - General Manager B, J, M00R PraaA, ldant, Ta00, 111ADe1AW, THE METROPOLITAN BANE le open to receive the a000unto of Fannon', Merchants and Business Oomiuuulty generally and to give careful ooueideratlen to all proposals submitted to It. It relic; upon its past record for courteous treatment of Its Cus- tomers, and will extend every consideration ooneietant with sound baukiug to those who may desire to transmit business with it. Swami's Amur DziPser°JE JII? Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all same 0f $1 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANOH • W. J. FAWCE'TT, Manager. oMONIMME. WE are after your bgeiaeee with the right geode at the right prices. G. N. Magnate DON'T you tael au though you'd like something cooler them; days. Try Mo Laren'e underclothing, To LET.—Dwelling rooms above store ; soft water and other conveniences. Im• mediate poseeesion. I. O. RICHAane. Roro.—We are headquarters for pure Manilla rope 1 inob and 13/18'. Our prime are right. McKay & Co, Edging, grinding, filing and repairing done here, our work guaranteed for all time at the easy figure by T. Mooneuoo, Mill St., Bruaeels, Out. Fos BALE.—Oomfortable dwelling, a aoree of land, ohoioe fruits and hard and soft water and eituatiou oonvenient to Bahool. I, C. RICHARDS. Fon SALE.—A No. 6 Radiant Home base learner with oven, need two seasons. Also a No. 9 Favorite coal and wood stove. Apply to Mae. JOSEPH THOMP0ON, Brunelle. Tuota 'e an exceptionally fine line of men's fine blue and blank Berge suite at MoLaren's, Regular values, $14 00. Take them at $9.90 during Mid•Sam• mar ease. Thomas Gibbs, Blackstock, K. 0., died after a lingering illness in Toronto. Stove manafaoturere olaim unfair freight rate dieoriminatioo by Canadian railways. CIIGItO4 CRIMES. Last Sabbath A. M. MoKay took the servicra in the Preabyteriat oharoh, Wal ton. He's a good speaker. A cordial and noanimoae call hae been extended by the united 000gregabiooe of Ripley and Bernie to Rev. W. A. Breen• ner of Braoabridge. The Finanoial meeting of the Metho• diet Church on Wingham dietriot, will be bald in Wingham, Angnt 6th, at 2 p. m. Rev. R. Millyard, of Luokaow, is Chair. mac of the dietriot and Rev, W. A. 8miih, Finanoial Secretary. "Ezekiel'° vision of the dry banes” was the theme ohoeen by the Rev. Mr. McDonald in Melville oho,oh last San• day morning. The evening text was "01 woman what haat thou done 7" Rev. Mr. McDonald will officiate next 8ab. bath also. The etudy of the book of Romans will be taken up by the Young People's Olsen each Friday evening in the Methodist obnroh under the direction of the pastor, Rev. E G. Powell. A1 the Wingham Dietriot Summer School Rev. E. G. Powell, W. J. Faw• mitt and W. H. Kerr, of Brueeele, are on the program. Dittos of School are Augoet 6 to 12 ioolnaive. Several pere0ue from thie locality are purposing tc at. tend. "Lanoab out into the deep" was alio text around whish many prantioel suggestion° and thoughts centered laet Sabbath morning in the Methodist oharoh. The evening text, were Pilate's worde "What I have written I have written." Aliases Hingeton and Balzer Bang the beautiful duet "He is mina" with good effect. Preserve Your Eyesight Taube & Son Mituufaoturing Optioiana and Eyesight Bpeoialiets, of Toronto, will be at FOX'S DRUG STORE BRUSSELS n o�,r. THURSDAY Augt 9 OU 10 & FRIDAY and will bo pleased to have all those troubled with dafeotive oyeeight pall and aultem, Theythave been established in Toron- to oouieiu0e 1871hand during that time over 100,000 oases have been auooeoafully fitted by them. The advantage they have over othore ie the fact that they grind their own Lenses and by so doing prevent any errors in the process of Lena Malting. If your Eyes trouble you in any way or the Glaueos you now wear are not com- fortable, do not nogleot this opportunity of having them properly attended to. Tho new Eleotrio Opthahno-Metro- scope used in making all examinations. All work absolutely guaranteed. For references see small bills. 6ioLeoonrou.—At Langdon, N. D., July 24th, Donald MoLauahlin, formerly of Grey. RUEauR.—At Dresden, North Dakota, July 21eb, Ellen Smitb, formerly of Wroxeter, beloved wife of John H. Rueger, aged 35 years. SanwLa.—In Ethel, Jaly 20111, William J. Sbiele, in his 27th year. nx>rs. �AT ANTED. — AN ACTIVE BrioADsooT,—A1 Banff, on July 22nd, W. young man about 18 years of age. J. Broadfoot, aged 39 years and 7 Must attentie ve ood to work, &eAtrate pply low©STERRN monthe. FOUNDRY 0o., Wiugham, On t. 8-1 I CANAOIANI e PACIFIC anILWAY 1808 AUG. 14 AUG. 1? AUG. 22 FARM LABORERS $12 To Manitoba and Saskatchewan for the additional for the return ticket, going trip. 1 under conditions as below. —Gr 0INC+ DA'S109— Stations south of, but not including mainline, Toronto to Sarnia, including Toronto. Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north, except north of Cardwell Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. From all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and Kingston, and north bf Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and Midland Divisions, One way second class tickets will be sold to Winnipeg only. Representative farmers, appointed by Manitoba and Saskatchewan Governments, will moot laborers on arrival at Winnipeg. Free transportation will he furnished at Winnipeg to pointe where laborers are needed. A certificate is furnished when each ticket is purchased, and thio certificate, when executed by farmer showing that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will bo honored from that point for a second class ticket back to starting point in Ontario, at $18.00, prior to Nov. 1st, 1900. Tickets will be lathed to women as wenn!' to men but will not be issued at half fare to children. Ttokete are good only on special Farm Laborers' traioa to For full particulars sea nearest C.P. R. ticket agent, 0r write O. B. Foster, D. P.A., 0.P.R„ Termite. 1 IG "T" VALUE1 On SATURDAY, the 28TH DAY of JULY, WE WILL PLACE ON OUR COUNTERS THE BiGGEST VALUE IN BLACK, JAPAN AND MIXED TEAS that has ever been placed before the people of this vicinity. For SEVEN DAYS you will have the opportunity of putting us to the test. We will also impress upon you the fact that if after "drawing" this Tea you do not like the taste we will refund your money for every ounce of Tea that you will return to us. Commencing on Saturday, the 28th, and lasting for one week, we will give you Teo 111111[1S of Blact, J11111 or 1I11e11 1011 $2.40 Or we will give You Twenty Pounds for $4 50 Put us to the test and let us convince you that the value we have quoted will com- pare very favorably with the so called "Tea Peddlars" Tea value at 35c per pound, We will Refund Your Money just as cheerfully as we take it, if after trying this "T" value you are not delighted with your investment, R. C. DAVIES & CO. ETHEL