HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-7-26, Page 5•
r? In deciding to 'et a business educe. n
IA Pon or ehorthand training, 11 18 wise
d'f to Moose a mihool that 10 well known
a for strictly bIgIlfirtul a work, The
rp I ,3), known as one of the beet Omn-
i), menial Schools In existeme. Its re-
gmini this your has been went remark-
able. None of our graduates are out
of positions and the demand for them
08 about meaty times the suPOIY.
Write to -day for our magnineout meta -
11 Logue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Prmelpal.
0011. Irol40 it AND ALEN.ANDElt 1000.
Successor to Dr. J. A. McNaughton
Brussels, Ontario
Graduate of Polyclluie Post Graduate
School of Aleilieine and Surgery, New York.
Member of Uollege of Playsietaue and Sur.
geons of Ontario.
Unice uud residenee same as formerly oe.
copied by Dr. MoNaughton,
Ditieueee of viouleU speelalty.
'Plume Nu, 30.
T 1 . Ismer of Marriage Licenses, 01-
0181 ul tirooery, Turiauerry street, Drnesels,
Office in the Pest Offlec, Ethel, 00-4
C. O. V'.
Court Princess Alex audria, No.24, 0, 0. 1?,,
Brussels, ulnas lo their Lodge Room, Blue -
hat Bieck, on the 11111 and last Tambora of
each inouth, ttlS o'clock. Visiting breturen
always WelcoLUS.
W, L.LBATtisili.DALE, 02.8.
Agent Howiok Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Wilco and Residence-
-11-' • non, will sell for better prices, to
nutter men, in less time and lose charges
than any other Auctioneer 10 100011 Huron or
he won't Margo anything, Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this ottlee or by
personal applieation.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the ofItee of THE PoeT, Brunei& 2811
evvieeve..."......re'wel.'"e- - .."'""'""'*-MP"t",!..*.'•worme.fr. ,....?....-•_,
tad splendid eyesight and Route hear , ilicalosivateracasewactiaaayarsa~"KWAeorattorooe•Weoltahat•orWwW400~01
og up to the tinge of her demiee. On .
her oeoteuary a public) demonstration
wee held attended by the prominent Men '
is the Headquarters for
Private (lards Jamie of your Residence
also Groups.
F B, E E
a beautiful Veneer Photo. Fratne. Gall
and ace the Myles -year choice of twelve.
Let me know when you want the
view of your reeidenee taken.
1011 • Honor Gradua.e of the Ontario Vet-
erinary Oollege, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of doraestlested animals 10 a oompet-
ent manner, FR1.0100166 attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and kink Pever, Calls
promptly attended to, 01.1100 and Inbrmary
-Four doors North of bridge, Tornherry et.,
Poi Neivs c4unts
TIIE POST gives the news.
Do you trot year horse over the bridge?
Ann you laying your place to go to
Kincardine On Wednesday. August Bob.
A 80011 mat of gravel baa been pat on
certain Nations of the main street whip")
should improve its condition.
will hold its regular seini•mouthly meet-
ing Tuesday evening of next week.
Anent -CENT forms between Traateee
and teachers may be had at Tun POST
Publishing House also printed notices for
animal wheal mestinge,
THE Kinoardine Reporter, under the
generalship of Editor limiter, le making
most oommendable progress and is a
(Nadia to the lakeside town. We wieh it
continued prosperity.
Tint Odd Fellows ,of Wingham are
00111011814 180 excureion 'to Bernie ou
urday, Auenet llth. Tiokete good to
reiarn on Monday by a late train. Re-
turu fare is 6186 from Belgrave.
A Perfect Bowel Laxative for cion•
actuation, sallow oomplexion, headaohe,
dizzineee, eour stomach, 'coated tongne,
biliousness. Lax.ete tiot promptly,
without paiu or griping. Pletteant to
take-Lex•ets-only cents. Sold by
F. R. Smith.
W. a N' trade & Co., of Flealocth, who
purpoe ereotiug a shoe footory in that
town, have purehased the old ekating
rink site on the Main street, not far Irmo
the G. T. R , and NJ ell are now at work
on the fouudation. The work will be
pushed aloag at a lively rate. Ur, Willie'
many old friends here hope he will do a
douriehing bueineee,
Women with vveakness should never
forget Dr. Bhoop's Night Cure. This
magic -like looal treatment, is need at
bedtime, all eight while the system is
at rest, 10 00 oonstantly building up the
weakened tievuee, 'Nothing the inflamed
and sensitive 'unlaces and will Barely
clean up all eatarrital and looal troubles.
Sold by P. R. Smith.
DON'T FORGET.- Wharf you have tread
thio bine of Tait POST y011 will likely
send it to your daTighter, son or some
friend living far away eo they may see
what ie happening iu the old home
neighborhood. That will cost yon one
omit au iesne or 25 or 80 °eats for the
balmier' of the year. Why IRA drop ht
and leave us forty oente and have it
mailed from this °aloe every week until
the first of January 1007. It will then
reach the person at the very earliest date
and regularly and will be appreoiated.
It will be a weekly letter from horne.
We will do oar part. You do yours.
THE FIRST 0ALL -The following
tribute to the memory of the late Rev.
Alex. McLeod, who supplied Melville
aburoh pulpit one Summer when Rev.
Dr. Roes wee away on holidays, ie taken
from "The Presbyterian" :-Sooner than
anyone expected, yet with divine author-
ity, bite eteme the that break the noble
OISSB prO0eeded from Knox Col-
lege in 1003. Before life'e work le hardly
begun, Heaven bee given a call to one of
the orightest members of tbe class of '08
arid laced him beyond earth'e envy or
pity. Alex. H. McLeod, B. A., died at
the home of his eieter, Mrs. Peareou, iu
Stanley, Huron county, on Sunday,
July let. Hie health Lir years pagt
had not been vary robuet, yet bie
great zeal and indomitable °enrage
carried him past diffieultiee and through
trials that would have more than over-
powered an ordivary strong mac. He
WM not RR ordinaiy man, in size, in
mind or in spirit. From their lofty
eminence) hie deep, dark eyes saw this
world from the vantage ground of
truth, shaded by divine love. His gen
ial, kindly spirit was with to the
last days. These were spent on the
shores of Lake Huron, at Baylield, ROI
tar from his early home. Here he
gradually oarne to learn that his eall
was to eerve in a higher court than
this earth ono offer ; and although the
thought of an early parting with life's
young visione, hopes and ambitione
was for a time a sore disappointment yet
be became reconciled to the Father's
will, and patiently awaited Hie sal:moue.
Only thirty.five years io thio world
-Thirty of them at least being 'Tent
in preparation for hie life work -
then he was milled from the sense of
labor. Why 7 If any coon was fa, he
was -if any eager -be was that man.
It was a lovely day when the writer
saw him last, one of thoee ideal days
of perfect rest on earth and ally and
lake. It was evening, and morose Lake
Huron the whole sky was Winged in
the orimeon tide of the dying day.
We looked toward the Week, whiolo be
loved too dearly, and we felt what we
could not speak. It woe hard to part
with life -so young, so full of hope.
Atter a word of prayer, our hands
were clasped in a teat good.bye. Some.
thing eeemed to tell lie it was to be the
loot here. His laeb words shall forever
ring in my more "I will meet yon -I
will be waiting for you 013 the golden
Main." How often we met him in the
hallo of old 'Vanity and on the broad
stairs of Knox, and he WM always the
8(0018 8001010 kiod, gentleman. And we
shall meet him again. These words tore
not for the writer alone. They are for
all hie friends and hie classmates, God
has placed each of us in a different posi•
tiod. Thousands of pollee lie between
the men of the ohms of 1903. The old
love binds ne-the same purpoee, the
same spirit ie ours, me m former years,
bta We are fewer in number. Wo
shall meet, and not only oar early.
trailed friend, Alex, McLeod, but Him
who is oar Master and Guide; then
every 'Why" shall be answeed. Let
the matt 0108 pause on the trail Of the
A B. 11.6.CDONALL-
-LA.. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto.
. klueuesser to 0. F. Blair, Odlee Over Stith -
dart! Bank, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro -
molten Beak,
• Barkitlter. B011eitOr, ,0011V1111.11052,
Nutitry Public, &o, 0111oe-Stewart's Block
1 door North 00 Oeutral Hotel.
Solieltor for the Standard Sauk.
W. P00001100008', 01.0. 000.0116. 0, Nags
oftlees-Thotte formerly OccUpied by Moore
Gamma & Gott.
Goronuon, ONTARIO.
Graduate of the Royal college of Dental
prairie, on the winding mountain path,
pause anlid peitoeful pautoral 00011011
and Jo the eityie orowded 011a000 -yes
puttee amidst the pieromg ery of dark.
eat heathenism, Unica I the voice of
God 001110E1 to no in the loot ory of the
Arab obousen from onr large and bril.
hunt oboe ; will 111000 you on the
golden 311010o" -be ye faithful even 00-
00 death.
'Pam POST always heepe a oupply of the
latest and tteateet wedding stationery.
If you are going to get married give ue
en order or if you are only in the pre.
Ihnioary sparking 'Nage °all in and tee
the etylee.
Dr, lihoop'e Rheumatic Remedy -
when aged faithfully will reach chronic
and difficult cane heretofore regarded
as inourable by physioittne and is the
most reliable prescription known to
clean out and oorapletely remove every
vestige of rheumatic poison from the
blood. Sold by F. R. SMilh.
EIEAT AND SNOW. -A. letter frorn
Jae, Wilkineou, of Alberni, Vaueociver
Island, written on July 16th, aays :-"We
are having very warm tveather just now
but it rained daring the whole month of
June and was oold. Mr. Wilkinson is
up patting in a flame for a new gold
mine to oommentie ellipping. They bad
18 niee 'Mower of snow two weeke ago
while we are nearly cooked and only
about 22 miles apart. There is some
talk here that Alberni may be the ter-
mitme ot the 0.1'. R. and it tio we will
fare better then at present for mail
faollitiea and other advantat4se." Mrs.
Wilkinson is a danghter of Mrs. Walker,
Turuberry street, Brniteela, SOO WKS a
one time reeideut,
Surgeon') of Ontario and Plrat-olase Honor
Graduate of Toronto Dnivereity. OEN,
next to Brower% Photograph Gal ery,
Fal! Term Opens Sept. 4
,/ /
rp These interested in Business College
4,4 work should write 100 00113 large 0610-
logne. Thie le the largest mid best el
OomMeroial and Shorthaud School In a
w4darn Ontario. We give Prootleftl
training dud armlet our graduates to
aleading Baldness Collegee employ our
responsible positions, Many of the it
graduatell as teaoheril, Write now for
1.1 a "06 6617116:218T T & N
MorrA011fil •
11 rrinelpale•
B1 USSOIS Daylight Store
ot Kent 00,
Townehip (lottholl met on Saturday
in the Townehip 01a11, Gorrie.
Maeter John Watson, of Montreal, le
spending the Bummer months with his
uonoine in Fordwieh and vicinity,
0112 of the twenty candidate who
wrote on Eetratioe in Fordwioh, fifteen
were stroceoeful, four taking bonen.
Mrs. Reuben Harding recently aprain•
ed her ankle on the Wire leading to the
cellar and ie now nursing a very eore
Hpriegbank Creamery paid their
patrone 18i cents per pound for June
batter and Alefeldt paid 19 omits for the
last week in Moy and the first two or
three weeke in Jane, Butter dropped
mote per pound during the latter part of"
The hill North of Wade's ehop, hoe
been in a very bed state all Spring. The
road bed is springy and the water may
be seen oozing out of the road bed in
Sommer. It has been gravelled, but 00 00
useless putting gravel on an unprepared
road bed.
TUE Old Boys' Carnival, which hi to be
held in oonneetion with the reunion of
Stratford and Perth County Old Boye at
Stratford from August 4th to Iloh next,
will be something that ie worth going
100 miler' to eee. The management of
the re union made an extreediugly mire-
ful eearoh for a suitable man before they
placed the eontraot for the Carnival, and
were fortunate in snoring 1110 30081000 of
Mears. Bishop and Suhwartz, eirperien-
oed carnival promoters from New York
City. Thee° gentlemen reoently Mooed
a very euooseeftil Carnival al New York
City in nal of one of the hospitale, the
affair being voted by all who eaw it as
one of the very beat things of the kind
ever pub on. ' At Stratford there will be
five aorea of the highest Mass of tent
shows, every nue of whiolt will be open
from August 411i to llth and which will
provide a veritable feast 00 100 and frolio
for those who visit the Classic) City dur-
ing the re•anion. The Carnival which
is quite separate from the several amuse-
ments pat on by the Old Boys Astiooia-
tion, will inelude a one -ring °Irene that
is guaranteed to take the oldest visitor
back to the days when be was a bare-foot-
ed youngeter, 18 vaaderville ahow,
minstrel show, an illusion show and a
Loigh °lase moving piotare show, together
with to Ferro wheel, merry-go-rouud and
other eplendid attraotione.
tarlaue are very uncommon and the
lengthened epan of life always renders
the pereon a oentre of interest, berme
of Dr. W. J. R. and Dr. T. G. Holooee,
the following relating to the mother
both former reaideuts of Brussels, will
be read with no email degree of p eiteore
by ataxy ;-Friday, July 6oh, was a
gala day 000010 bonoe of J. R. Holmes,
Holmosville, when hie mother celebrated
the 100ch aunivereary ot her birth.
Prom early morn till night her Moods
kept arriving and had the individual
pleasure of 00000101013 and shaking
halide with Dirs. Holmes. All of her
ohildreu, some of her grandchildren
and great grandchildren were present
and greatly enjoyed having Mrs.
Holmes eit at the dinner table with
them. Numerous letters of 000gratu
Wiens were received from many places
in ()uteri°, Manitoba, England, Ire-
land, and New York Oity. That she
may have the privilege of retaieing
to the sad all her faculties in the same
goodly degree that she now poimessee
is the wish of al her Mende. 73 years
ago, Mre. Holmes went as a bride to the
farm whore she still reeidee, at Hohnes•
villa. Speaking of old people brings
to our ;mod the foot that the grand.
mother of Mrs. McKinley,
Brussel°, lived to be 104, Her name
wae Mrs. Mani), of Ridgetown. Her
brother, Mr. Montgomery, of Toronto,
reaehed 102 and a sister, Mrs. Willson,
of the Queen City, 08 yeare. Mrs.
Dilarah's husband died at 92 and Hrs.
MoKinlay'a mother is hale and hearty
at 80. She reeidee with her daughter,
Mrs. bailie, at Hamilton. afire. Marsh
Friday, Jaly 27th is oivio holiday for
the village of Blyth.
The Methodist Sunday eohool picnic
was held in Livingeton's grove ou `Faca-
de), afternoon,
Dr. J, 0. Lindsay, late of Blyth, has
decided to remain in Ontario, and will
praotioe in London.
A googol workmen are getting every.
thing in readiness for the ereotion of the
new 0. P. R. etation.
While George Henderson, of Beet
Wawanosh, wee cutting bay be had the
misfortune to have bie arm broken.
bliseee Llly and Sophie. Barr left for a
month's vieit with friends at Winnipeg,
Manitoba, and Dnndnrn, Satikatehewan.
'Phe ringing of the Ore alarm about
7.30 on Friday evening created quits a
ekit around the greets. The alarm wee
given on =want of a fire being disoover•
ed at the Blyth planing mills, but fortun•
ately it was put out before any damage
was done.
The pupils of Min Edna Carder, who
have pageed successfully the Toronto
oonservatory of music; examinatione, are
the following :-Theory, Mrs, 7. Hartley,
Blyth; primary, paned with honors,
Mies Pearl Gidley, Blyth ; intermediate,
history, palmed with honore, Mies Mary
Reid, Harlook ; primary, paesed with
honors, piano, Miee Mary Brogden,
Loodeshoro ; junior, pose, Andrew
Ooombee, Blyth 1 primary pass, Mies
Emma Leith, Blyth.
Mies Hazel Johnston is visiting friends
in Oebawa.
The telephone line hoe been completed
to Belmar°.
Wingham District Samar Rohool in
Wingham, August 6th to 16011.
Miss L. Ball, also John and Mrs. Tait,
of Bruseele, lett on Wednesday morning
of laet week for a viett to triende in
British Columbia.
Mies Ethel King met with a painful
accident having a needle brake off in her
hand, The 10090000 of a phyoioian were
secured and the needle extraoted.
The Caw:liana at the Sisley Raines
in England, are meeting with muoh
(mom, W. H. Youbill, now of Winni.
peg and formerly of Wingham being one
of the beet ciliate among the Canadians.
Tweuty•eight of our pupile wrote,
at the Entrance examinee Ione all
of whom paseed, ten taking rook in the
Honor liet, which was higher this year
than loot, pointe to faithful work on the
part of the pupils and thorough in•
carnation by their teacher, Miss , M. L.
The expert judges have been appointed
for the Fall Fair ae follows ;-Light
horeee, J. D. Graham, Toronto heavy
horsee, E, MoOlurg, Coldstream ; beef
cattle and Asap, Geo. Whitelaw,
Guelph ; dairy cattle and mine, Wm.
Thorne, Lyudooh. An attraction for the
afternoon of the second day, and also at
the concert in the evening, will be
Victoria Venetian Band.
The offutere for the current term of
Wingham Connell, B. T. of 'P., are as
follows t-Seleot Oonnoillor, blies Mae
Reid ; Viae Oonnoillor, Miee Oora Bran.
don ; Secretary, Wilfrid Reid ; Secretary.
Treasurer, Jamee Bellow ; Treasurer,
Miee Millie Turner ; Guard, Olotytou
cradies' Fine
Handsome to the eye
Artistic in design.
First-rate workman-
Made to wear and
keep tht_ir shape.
Beautiful finish, easy
comfort, very durable.
When you discard
hem you want another " just like the last ones."
Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of
the buying',
Heroi are a few:-
-Ladies' Fine Laced or Buttoned Boots from $1.25 to $3.50
-Ladies' Pebbled or Glove Grained, Laced or Buttoned,
$1.00 to $1.25
In our Harness Department
yOu will find a °labia° stook of Rubber Trimmed Single
Harness, also Team Harness of all kinds. Dusters, Lap
Robes, Trunks and Valises all at lowest prices.
L C. Richards
G. N. McLaren
1 Mid=Summer Sale I
ALL Summer Goods in this store must be cleared out. Its our business prin-
ciples not to carry anything over from one season to another. The way
we mean to accomplish this is the FiR/OE, The f'//QE will be low
on everything Summery -in Dry Goods, Clothing, Men's and Ladies' Furnishings,
Boots and. Shoes. Remember, we are going to depend altogether on the
pRicE to do the trick.
Summer Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Readymade Waists
Readymade Skirts, Whitewear, Summer Vests,
Lawns and Muslins, Lace Curtains, Slippers and Oxfords
Laces and Embroideries.
Everything and anything in the way of Summer Goods. Join bands with our
Low Prices during our Mid -Summer Sale.
Come Here Expecting to Save loney
You'll Not be Disappointed 1
We Pay the Highest Prices for Produce at All Times.
Yours for
Mutual Benefit
G. N. McLaren Next Door to
American House
Griedale ; Sentinel, Joseph Guest ; Her-
ald, Richard Howson ; Deputy Herald,
Mies Pearl Davidson ; Chaplain, blies
Maggie Tibbs ; Pianist, thee Lillian
Baer ; Press Reporter, Bort. Wellwood ;
Auditors, -J. Haines, B. Wellwood ;
Trustees, Jno. Herr, M. Beekwith, A. E.
Mrs. Eliza Ann Woods, mother of Mrs.
J. A. Morton, pawed away on the 1701
inst. at the ripe old age bf 86: years, 1
month, 5 days. Mrs. Woods was a daugh-
ter of D. J. Matteeon, and was born in
Fredonia, N. Y. Forty nine years ago
she and her late husband, P. Woode, came
to Peel county, Ontario. For many
years Mr. Woods carried on the businees
of watohnoaker and jeweller in the town
of Brampton. Mx yearn ago, Mr. Woods
died since then Mrs. Woods made ber
home in Wingham, with her daughter,
Mrs. J. A. Morton.
iG or et e.
G. E. Denetedt went on a trip to the
coalfields in Pennsylvania and reports a
very enjoyable time,
Robt. Blotch purobseed W. G. Strong's
100 aore farm on the edge of the village,
and will engage in firming.
Tueeday afternoon of loot week Peter
James raised one of the largest borne in
this vioinity, it being 60x70 feet.
A. M. Koos closed op hie jewelry bush
neee here and moved his stook to Wing -
ham where hie father will handle it. He
left on Tuesday morniog of last week for
the West where he will seek his fortune.
A bomber from here took in the motor.
sion to the West on Tuesday morning,
of last week, the following being ticket-
ed O.W. a Hammond, Robt.
David Cooper, Harry Ferguson, of Park-
hill, J. D. Olinkenboomer, Mrs. G. B.
Denetedt and Mae, Misses Edith and
Alberta Byrom
The eitizene of town and enrrounding
community were terribly shooked on
Monday, 9th inst., when they learned of
the sudden demise ot Mrs. Andrew
Longley, of the B. line Howiok, whioto
ocourred very suddenly. Defamed was
apparently in good health lately, etre
having attended church on Sunday, July
let but an aaate abtaok of heart failure
worried her away on the following Mon.
day. Deceased was in her 62nd year,
The funeral took plate 013 Wednesday to
Wroxeber cemetery and was very largely
attonded, Rev. T. H, Ftirf took oharge
of the aervicee.
Lbeoto W el.
BarnaelHewitt baa the sympathy of the
community in the lose of hie twin obild•
ren Who died on Bunhay 15th inet.
Dr. Moore hoe removed hie office from
the Grand Central hotel to the office
formerly occupied by Dr. McDowell,
Main street. Night cane at the Grand
B. Bothwell, jr., who has a imixteselul
law practice in the Weet, is visiting his
parents, B. and Aire. Bothwell, Main
street. He will remain until after the
Old Boyo' Reunion.
E. G. McDonald, prinoipal of the
Public Sehool, left on Wednesday ot
last tveek for Winnipeg, Battleford,
Baekatohewan and other points in the
West, where he will spend hie vacation.
The Grand Trunk Railway Company
has e. gang of men engaged in laying a
long switch running North to Henry
Smithia farm, Thio will allow the reg.
ular trains to palse through Without any
interference from the many freight
traine that pitee through the 10W11.
Running and jumping ander the oolors
of Toronto Y. 21, 0. A., at Buffalo, Cal.
Brioker, eon of J. K. Bricker, town, made
a show of the field of competitore ageing
whom he wee pitted. In the running
jump Cal. had evidently pot on wings, as
be jumped 22 ft. 4 3-4 inobee, making
new national Y. M. 0. A. record. And
in the 440 yard ton he moved along mouth
after the idyls ot Buster Brown when
puraned by hie mother atter breaking the
bass viol, and when the climax was shoot
to be reached it was up to Calvin to
lower the aspirations of the boys who
ron under the colors of the Stars and
Rev. and Mrs. Norman, with their two
children, are home from Japan, and it
will be about a year before they return.
Mrs. Norman is a daughter of the late
Henry Heal, Fallarton, and it will be re-
membered that some five years ago the
lady married bar. Norman, a Japan
missionary. They were summoned home
on amount of the father's illness, but on
reselling Vancouver they heard ot hie
death, which wag very dieappointing,
though not unexpected. They were two
weeks oroesing the Perlin°, and their
journey homeward over the 0. P. R. was
equally quiok and pleasant. Mrs. Nor-
man has changed in appearanoe very
little sinoe leaving here, and her many
friends are delighted to eee her and hope
that her sojourn amongst them will be
AUGUST 21 to 11
Saturday, August 4th Opening Day
Arrival of Special Trains -Band Concerts Afternoon and Evening.
Sunday, August 5th Old Boys' Sunday
Old Boy Preachers in City Pulpits-Saored Band Concerts.
Monday, August 6th Reception Day
Arrival of Special Trains, Baseball Games, Parades, Performance
at Park, Fireworks.
Tuesday, August 7th .Athletic Day
Aquatic and Land Sports -Trotting and Parsing Race -10 Mile Road
Race -Baseball Gaines -Social and At -Homes.
Wednesday, August Sth Military Day
Manoeuvres by 21st and 28th Regimenta-Sports in Park -Band Ooneerts.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday -August 9, 10 and D.
Seo the Great Old Boys' Carnival -8 Days of Fun and Frolic.
-Don't Fail to See the Eleotrioal IlinminaOiooio. Greatest put on in the West -
Fireworke-a most Dazzling Display. Paradee-Thorisands of Old Boye, Bande---
4801t Highlanders, Channeria (Detroit), and many othors. Sports -Open to all with
Big Prizes. Balloons -Thrilling Day and Night Ascensions, Speotaolorr-Nelsonia
Groat Viotory at Copenhagen, dispirited in Moving Fire Tableau, Soldiere-21e0
Eeeex Itegt. in Manoeuvres. Hardy -World's Greatest Wire Artiste, OtorniVel- 5
Acres of Fine Tent Shows. Olowno-A Score of the Funniest.
-Something Doing Every Hour All Week. Something to Please Old and Young -
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SINGLE N.ttic-iiiiiiiway noes no certificate Plan
Mayor) President Vite-Poeeident Sooretary