HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-7-26, Page 1i
Vol., 38. No, 3
New Advertisements.
Western Pair, London.
Loo&le-G. N. McLaren,
Perm Laborers -0. P. R,
New firm-MoNey & Shaw.
Wen ted-Wingham Foundry,
Old Boys' Re anion -Stretford,
Good Tooth Brush -F, R. Smith,
Big "T" Value -11. 0. Davies & 0o,
FallTerni-Elliott Badness College,
Anneal meeting -The Standard Bank.
Preserve your Eyesight -Taube & Son.
f)istxxxt Arius,
Fred. Grey, is spending a few days
whiz hie sister, Mrs. Riobard Graham,
Mies Mary Wileou has returned home
after spending a few weeks with triende
in Milverton,
0exm,-There passed to the greet be.
yond ea Saturday morning the spirit
of oue of Atwood's moat prominent
citizong, in the person of Mae. Samuel
Watson, at the early age of 88 years, 9
moat's and 2 days. Deceased bad bean
suffering from nervous collapse for [lever.
al weeks, Her death hue out a gloom
over the people of Atwood, as well so
the surrounding country. Me. Watson
leaven to mourn her toes a loving Imbued
end two daughters besides one sinter,
Mrs. J. A. Roe, of Atwood, and several
brothers who reside in the West, The
facers! took plane Monday to Fairview
oumetery, Listowel. Mnob eympatby is'
telt for the bereaved onto in their hour of
Janie iatown.
Last Sunday evening Robert Sbaw
conducted the eervioee In Victoria Hall
and gave a good discourse.
The oemeut abatmente for the new
bridge are oompieted. Two bade of
iron work for the bridge have aloe fir.
No word hat been received yet as to
the whereabouts of J. J. Strachan who
tett hie home lust week, Any internee.
tion oonaerning him will be thankfully
We are pleased to bear that Donald Mo.
Donald, who bee not beau fie hearty es
usual far some little time ie ooneiderrbly
better and we hope propene will continue
toward recovery. Hie neighbor's have
kindly helped with hie farm work.
Friday evening of next week Rev. J.
H. Hector, of Toronto, known as tbe
Waal; Knight, will give a Temperance
Leotnre in the Methodist ohnrob, Brae.
sale, commencing at 8 o'olook, under the
auspices of the W. 0. T. II. Mrs, Hector
and Mies Hector will aaefat in vocal
selections, plantation melodies, &o. No
admission fee oharged but a Over aolleo•
Hon will be taken.
Vateco L Hard, ANtirenaaaOL-The An.
niveroary Sapper and Canoed will be
held in Victoria Hall on 1'hareday,
August 2nd, Tea served from 6 to 8
O'clock, followed by en extra good pro
gram In which talent from Brussels,
B u vele Wiugham and Wroxater
The Standard Bank
of Canada
Report of the Directors submitted to the Shareholders at the Thirty-
first Annual Meeting, held at the Head Office of the
Bank on Wednesday, 20th Tune, 1906.
The Directors beg to present to the Shareholders, the 81st Annual Report for
the year ending Met May, 1906, together with the usual Statement of Assets and
The bueineee of the past year hoe been very satiefaotory and the net profits,
after making provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts', for Rebate of Interest un un -
matured bills ander discount ebo., amount to 0175,052.08. To this has been added
$184,978, the premium on new stook issued at 200 on the 15th May, 1906, which,
together with the balenoe of Profit and Loss Account of 062,114,88 brought fotward
from last year, automata to $422,044.86.
This has been appropriated as follows :-
Half 'Peaty Dividend No, 60, paid let Dee„ 1905, at the rate of 10% per
annum $ 50,000 00
Quarterly Dividend No. 61, paid 1st Mar., 1900, et rate of 10% per annum 25,000 00
" 62. payable let June, " " 12% " 80,975 14
Transferred to Reserve Fund from profits 100,000 00
0 0 Premium on new Stook 184,278 00
Carried forward at credit of Profit and Loss Account 81,791 72
Authority was obtained from the Shareholders at a special Meeting bald on the
13th February, 1906, to increase the Capital stook of the Bank by $1,000,000, and the
Directors, in pursuance thereof, have allotted $250,000, to Shareholders 01 record at a
premium of 100%.
Agenoiee and Sub -agencies of the Bank have been opened during the year at
Bloomfield, Oaetieton, oonseoon, Deeerouto, Fleeberton, Maple end St. Lawrence
market, Toronto. Offices will also be opened next month in Ottawa and on Yonge
Street, Toronto.
Since our last meeting the Bank has tnotained a severe loge in the death of the
late Mr. Thomas R. Wood, who joined the Board of Directors in 1894. Mr, F. W.
Gowan was appointed to the vacancy.
The Head Office and Agenoies of the Bank have been inspected during the year
and your Direobors have pleasure in soknowledging the efficient manner in which the
Staff have performed their duties,
W. 1'. COWAN,
TORONTO, 81st May, 1906. President.
DR, Profit and Loss Account OR,
62,114 80
Dividend No, 00, paid 1st Deo,' sumo 00
Dividend No. 61, paid let March,
1900 26,000 00
Dividend No. 62, payable let June,
1000 80,976 14
Transferred to Best Account 100,000 00
Transferred to Rest A000nnt,
Premium on New Stook 184,278 00
Balance of Profit and Lose Ao
count Carried Plorware 81,701 72
3 422,044 86
Balance brought forward from
81st May, 1906 4
Profits for year ending 91stMay ,
1900, after deducting expenses,
interest accrued= deposits and
making provision for bad and
doubtful debts 176,062 08
Premium on new stook 184,278 00
422,044 80
General Statement
Notes in circulation 0 985,841 00
Deposit's bearing in.
terest (including
interest accrued to
date 911,674,780 22
Deposita nob bearing
interest 1.470,12660
18,749,866 86
Duero aggooteill Great Britain- 786,420 89
Due to other banks in Canada,.. 100,220 48
Due to agents in United States 247,820 84
Total liabilities to the nubile $810,109 277 62
Capital 1,184,278 00
Reserve &und 1,284,278 00
Rebate ofiutereet on bills dis-
counted - 44,41100
Dividends nupaid 100 00
Dividend No, 62, payable let of
June, 1808 82,976 14
Warms of Profit and Loss Ac-
count carried forward 81,701 72
Gold and Silver Coln 8' 249,478 16
Dominion notal, legal tenders1,127354 00
Nates and cheques of other
banks 002322 40
Deposit with Dominion Govern
ment for security of note Mir-
culatinu 60,000 00
Die from other benke-
Iu Canada 284 801 64
10 United State' - 07,028 18
Dominion Government and oth-
er rat -plass boucle 2324,248 08
Loans ou pall on Government,
Muuioipal and other first -place
bonds and stook, 720,818 03
Sills dietouuced and advenaee$ 6,808,812 81
comsat 12,646,401 82
Notes and Bills overdue (estim-
ated lose provided for) 8,780 10
Bank premises 185,000 00
Other Aaeete not included under
the foregoing 2,107 06
817,746,111 08 817,748,111 90
The Chair was taken by the President, Mr. W. 1?. Cowen, and Mr. George P.
Sohoifleld, General Manager, noted as Seoretury to the meeting,
On motion of Fredoribk Wyld, Esq„ seconded by W. F. Allen, Esq., the
minutes of the preview' meeting were taken as read.
The Preeident then presented the Report and Statements, and after making a
few remarks thereon, moved, seconded by the Vice -President, "That the Report end
Statements now submitted, be adopted mud printed for riroulabion among the Share-
holders." Carried,
Moved by H. Langlois, Esq., and emended by R. 0. Biokeretaff, EMI, "That
the thanks of the Shareholders be given to the President, Vice -President and the
other Directors for their attention to the &finite of the Bank during the year,"
Moved by G. B. Smith, Esq., and seconded by W. W. Temblyn, Esq., "net
the thanks of the meeting be given to the General Manager, Assistant General
Manager year."
lu r edtor, end the Other officers of the Bank for their serviees durlug
the Moved byW. Frannie, Ilea„ seconded by F, W. Cowen, En., "That tbe
uallot now oen for the elebbion of Direotors and be kept open until two o'clock,
nions live minutes elapse without a vote being beet, when it ghat! be Closed ; and
that Meagre. J. K. Niven end W. W. Temblyn ant es eorutineers." Carried.
The Sorutinoere declared the following gentlemen unanimously elected Directors
for the ensuing year, viz.: W. F, Cowan, Proderiok Wyld, W. F, Allen, W. R.
Johneton, Wellington Francis, F. W. Cowan and H. Laugl:le,
Ab a subsequent meeting of the Director's, W. F. Gowan, Esq., was re-elected
Preeident, and F'redoriok Wyld, Deq., Vioe.Preoident.
G7aaniiAn DiANAGtn.
ToftoNoo, 20th Jane, 1906.
W.H. KERR, Prop
will take part, Rev. Is, Perrin, B, A.,
will preside. They always' bave an 00.
joyable time at these annivereeriee and
this will be no exception, Don't forget
the day Tbureday of next week,
VV'e-Q 400045•.
Alex, Smith spent Monday in Bras.
Ashton Diorrieou ie et present on the
dolt lief,
0. and Mrs, Reiee spent Inst Wednea.
day in Listowel.
Mies Lulu Hemphill is the gent of
friends in Walkerton,
Mrs, E. Lewis is visiting relatives in
Harrieton thie week.
Mies Om Johnson ie visiting with rel.
chives near Binevale,
Dr. Ohioholm, of Wingham, spent
Saturday in the village.
Mrs. Mitcheli, of Toronto, is visiting
her eon, Dr. J. P. Kimbell.
Reeve and Mrs. Harris spent 'several
days of lest week in 'Toronto.
James Donaldson, et Sault Ste. Marie,
ie visiting old friends 10 the village.
Mies Elde Hazlewood ie at present
employed in W. S. Ma$eroher'a office,
Mies Ada Goodleliow, of Toronto,
spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. J.
Mise Jennie French, of Toronto, is
visiting ber Water, Mrs, MoNaaghton, of
Dlies Maggie Graham, of Trowbridge,
is visiting at the home of ber sialer, Etre,
J, Bel Ian tyue.
J. J. Stephens, of Teeewater, and hie
ninon, Mre, J, Pewits, of Dahlia, were
guests of. Mrs. T. G. Hemphill last
A Garden Party, under the aaepioe6 of
the Methodist Ladies' Aid and ohoir,
will be held on the oborob lawn on Wed-
nesday, August let, The Brussels Band
will be iu attendance and a good time is
OBSS..::.....L�GR.. .�PgY 111 :rte
,; T�
offers better opportnnitiee for
advancement than any other
trade or profonsion,
are guaranteed all our graft -
obeli in this department, pro-
viding they will go t0 Western
Canada. In the
11111g11a111 COLLEGE
Telegraptie studeeteare taugbt
Typewriting, Penmanship , Bus-
iness Correspondence, 8peifing, .
Office Practice, oto,
Write for particulars to
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal
0. McHugh, 0. P, 1t, relieving agent ie
Imre wbile Goo. Allan is enjoying it two
weeks' vacation,
Mrs, John Sanderson went to Toronto
Ieet Wedussdey to attend the funeral of
ber dougbter.in.law, Kra, J, W. Sander.
son, whelks deetb occurred the previous
night'after a long illness,
A telegram wee reoeived last Monday
oontaining the sad iatellfggenoe that Mrs,
J. H, Rueger, formerly Mho Ellen, dao.
ghter of Alex, Smith, of Wroxeter, had
departed thie life on Saturday et her
home Dresden, North Dakota,
Township Oooncil next Monday,
Mise Hazel Coates was visiting Mies
Lida McIntosh for a couple of days lest
Wm, Dunbar, wile and family, of Sun -
ridge, Ont,, are enjoying a vigil) with
reiativea in Ethel and locality. The
first mentioned was a former midget et
Huron 0o. and bas many ofd friend's,
Do You Dune T ?-R, 0. Davies &
Oo. offer great bargains in "the cup that
obeare bat does not inebriate." A per.
neat of their adv', in thie imam may save
your money and open the way to splen.
did eatiefaation,
Don't forget the Sunday School Ex,
oureion to Hinoardiue on Wednesday
August 8th by special train. The fere
from Ethel will only be 95o, for Melte
and 50 for ohildren. The Steamer
Britonnio will ran Exonreion tripe on
Lake Huron. Luoknow Braes Baud will
'supply music for the day.
W. S, and Jno. Milne, of Cleveland,
Tennessee, are bare on a vieit with rale.
Serie and old friends, Mrs. W, S, Mile'
and three ohildren are also here. The
two termer came by auto from Kenosha,
W isoonsiu, a dietaooe of 600 mifee. The
maohiue is a 40 hp. capable of a speed
of 26 miles en hour, 19 is 13 yeare eln00
Mr. Milne woe here. 'Their boyhood
home was in Howiok towoebip, Cleve.
land is a hustling oity of 7000 inhabitants.
W, J. SrneLS Daoaeatn.-Early Friday
morning Wm. J. Shiele passed away
from the earthly tabernaole to the House
of many Mansions in hie 27th year. The
end did not Dome unexpectedly as he had
been failing very perceptibly for the past
12 weeks when he took to hie bed, He
was born on the 13th con. of Grey on the
old homestead, where he spent hie life
sod was well known and highly esteemed.
During the past two yeare his health
was on the decline and finding himself
unable to perform the work on the farm
he bought a house and lot here from Jno.
Ritchie and moved here last March.
Four yeare ago deoeased was joined in
marriage to Mies Mary E. Machan, of
Logan township, wbo anrvivss her bus.
band. They buried their only child a
short time ago. The funeral of Mr.
Sbisle took maim Sabarday afternoon to
Brussels oemetery. Service at the home
was oonduoted by Rev. D. B. McRae,
deaeaeed'e pastor, melded by Rev. E. F.
Armetroog, Methodiet minister. The
pallbearers were Andrew, William, John
and George Machete and Henry Hatt,
NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that a co-
partnership has been formed between A.
M. McKay and Jas. S. Shaw as Hardware
Merchants, to be known as
who will carry on business in the stand
of A. M. McKay & Co.
A share of public patronage solicited
and prompt attention to your orders, at
fair prices, promised,
Western Fair
The Exhibition That Made
Fall Fairs Famous
An. ideal oocasion for a family outing.
Daily ascensions of a navigable airship, always under
perfect control. The most wonderful invention of the age.
Royal Venetian Band, the most celebrated European
musical organization, under the great Ieader, Victor, will
give Concerts daily.
Fireworks on a more magnificent and imposing scale,
picturing the great Carnival of Venice,
Many splendid educational features for the boys and
WA. . J. REID, President. sident.
M,HUNT, Seeretary.
.For information wrote
SEPT. 7.16, 1906
brothers.ht.taw and David Shiele, brother
of the euojoot of this naafi. Mrm.
Shiels Rad other relatives are deeply
eympethteed with in the lose of their
loved one. Mr, Shield wee a patient
sufferer end looked forward to a happy
re union bye and bye in the horns of the
We give below the aseesemeobs of the
various Public Sabool% in the township
of Moliillop for 1906 :-No, 2, 0165,100 (
No. 4, 0160,900 ; No, 5, 097,300 ; No. 6,
$170,400 ; No, 7, $198,600 ; No. 8, 4f240,.
000 1 No. 9, 0170,600 ; No. 10, 158,600 ;
No. 12, $147,300 ; No. 18, 0178,100 ;
Union 1, about 092,400.
Obrietopher White, the popoler;tesoher
of the Leadbury sobool, has again won
laurels for bimselt and popile at the recent
Bunions examioutlone, be baving sent
four to write and all saooeeded fu paw.
ing, Mr. White bao had pnpile writing
for the past ten years and never bad nae
to fail. The irueteee and emotion are to
be congratulated on being able to retain
the eervioee of a teacher who bas labour-
ed eo earnestly not only of earning his
salary bat of advancing the interests of
the notion at large. Suoh are the kind
of tsaoherswbo era richly:deserving of
the renumeration the new Sohcol Aat is
granting them end we leave no doubt
trustees would offs) higher eateries it
teachers would only earn for themselves
the reputation Mr. White has.
V V el ton.
The farmers are harvesting a good
Drop of wheat.
N. W. Escott, of Teeewater, ie visiting
friends in town.
Service le now being held In the
American Presbyterian cherub.
Misses Annie and Jean Ferguson have
returned from a month's outing at
Stoney Lake.
J. Rowan, of Teeewater, ie in the
Sovereign Bank daring the absence of
H. Eebaok on vacation.
Communion service will be bald in the
Metbodiet ohurob next Sabbath, Rev.
Kr. Birks, of Seaforth will omelet the
Fred. Philips, of Seefortb, has become
ebaioman on the railway staff, replacing
E. Young wbo was obliged to return to
aontinae hie former work.
The regular morning service will not
be held in Duff's oborob next Sabbath
but Rev. D. B. MoRae, of Oranbrook, will
offioiate in the evening at the camel boar.
Word was received bare on Saturday
tbet Dr. F. 0. Neal, of Peterboro, is
eeriously ill. His many personal Iriends
in this looelity will all be anxious for
hie speedy recovery.
Friday evening of thie week Rev. S. J.
Barlow, wbo bee been appointed by the
Missionary Board of the Methodist
Oharoh to snooeed Rev. W. 3. Stone
as missionary in Britleb Columbia, is
making a oampatgn tonr of Goderiob
district, will give an addreee in the
Methodist obdroh Walton.
Blue vele.
Annual Sabbath School Exonreion to
Kincardine will be held on Wedneeday,
&egost 8th, Special train will run.
Steamer Britannic will ran trips on Lake
Huron and a band will give a program,
A big day,
The Quarterly meeting of the Blaevale
circuit will be 'mid in the Methodist
oburoh, here on Sabbath morning next,
commencing at 10.80 o'olook. Servide
at Ebenezer will be withdrawn next
Sabbath owing to communion at Blue.
Newer NOTES. -E. S. and J. F. Conites,
of Philadelphia, oame to Bluevaie feet
week to spend their holidays with their
parents; Thos'. and Mrs, Conites.-R. L.
Stewart, of Toronto, ie visiting in Bine.
vale and expeate to remain here during
most of bio vaoation.-Mise Bella Fowler,
of the Blaeval5 road, leaves this week to
go in training in the Galt Hospital. -
Frank Gillie, of Thorndele, was visiting
at the home of R. N. Duff this week, -
Miss Mabel Thomas, of Toronto, ie
visiting at the home of bis parents.-Jno.
and Mrs. Collie end Gordon Mussed
bave returned to the Weet.-The team
of John King, while bitched to the mower
one day last week, ran away and did
oonsiderable damage to the maobine.-
Ioe Dream is for seta in Bluevele each
Saturday night and a strong demand is
being found for it. The Presbyterian
obnroh have the project in band and the
prooeede go the Building Fund of the
ohnrob,-In a photograph of the dale.
gate° to the Anglican Synod of the die.
taint of Algoma, held in Built Ste. Mule
published in The Canadian Graphic, of
Toronto, wee noted the lane of a former
well known resident of Binevale, Alex.
Graig, now of Haileybury.-Five pupils of
Blnevale public sohool enoeeeded fa pages
Mgthe recent Entrance Examination,
they are : Elva Jermyn, May Smeltzer,
Olive Mestere, Florence Aibabeson, Mary
King.-Robt. McAllister, of Milwaukee,
was visiting relotivee in Blnevale Met
week. -Fred. Rogers, of Thorndele,
formerly of Bloevole, wet 1n the village
on Wodnoeday naffing on old friends.
Mioeee Nellie Ewan and Katie Amens
were visitors with Mrs, M, Cameron.
D1ies Murray, of Stratford, was visiting
over Sunday with Mist; M. Campbell at
A. Reymann's.
Ont old friend John Cameron, who is
now in iris 8159 year, isnot as robust as
in bbe past bet still enjoys a goodly
degree of health.
The Quarterly Communion eervioe will
be held in the Methodist ohnrob in this
plana next Sabbath afternoon, the
pastor officiating.
Mrs. Jno. Brown is in the Weet vioib.
ing her son Jao„ who lives near Neepawa.
Weare sorry to bear his health is not
good but we hope a change for the better
will Soon scene,
Oraubrook end looality+ will nand a
goodly delegation to Klnoardine on the
Sabbath School Exourelon on Wednes.
day, Anguet 8th. Luoknow Brae Band
will ao0ompany the °emersion and the
Steamer Britennlo Will run tripe on the
Oraobreok Primp Werke are very bogy
just now. A seamed will bring the
proprietor to see your aiok pump or
disabled windmill, Get your wiudmtlle
and pumps, Moo or wood, from the man
wbo bee been tg lbs beanies for over 30
yeare and you will make no mistake,
A. RRynmon paid a flying visit last
week to Toronto where he vielted frieude
ou the Island and oleo fn Vaughan town.
ship, Hie grand daughter, Mamie
Cameron, accompanied him. She etayed
With her anole, Joseph Reymann on the
Ialagd for a few days returning with him
to Loudon Monday evening where she
will take a holiday,
This week Dr. T. 1'. McRae leaves for
Clinton where be will egoist Dr, Gunn
in hie large praoties. Dr, McRae hes
opeoial qualifioatione aloug the' line as he
has Bonn the past year oa the staff of
St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. The
people of Otinton and looality will find
the newcomer gentlemanly, kindly, and
clever wbo will be no ditoredit to their
town. Hie many old friends here wish
him gnome,
a,Township Donnell on Ogee 6111.
Mise Maud Hall, of Alpena, Minh.,
Mise Pearl Hamilton, of Toronto, and
Master Alex, Hall, of the Queen city, are
vieitore at James Ball's, 8th ling,
Samuel and Mrs. Barr and two ohild.
ren, of Neepawa, Manitoba, are. renewing
old of
in tbia looality. They
were former residents of this townsbip.
Eire. John Gray, of Lindsay, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. James Dauoao, 4th line,
Mrs. Wm. Gray, of the same twenty, is
holidaying with ber deter, Mae. John
Fred, Niobol, who is learning the trade
of maobinist in Detroit, was here for a
holiday visit, He is growing up into a
likely young man and his old friends
here wish bis eaaoeea.
GOOD DAu's Wonx.-David Breoken•
ridge and Charlie Forrest, two young
men of the let line, dug 51 rode of a
pipe dhoti, averaging two feet deep,
in one day. 11 wee Olay soil. Arthur
Oantlon, an old hand at laying bile,
planted 735 of these water oondnotore in
the same time. Not a bad day's work
for both old or young.
Albert and Clifford Taylor, of Canton,
Ohio, were here for a visit with the
Brewer families and Wm. Wilkinson.
They oame by boat from Cleveland to
Guderiob and return the same way. The
visitors are cousins and were both born
in London, Ontario. Outten has a pop
elation of 60,000 and la a beetling menu.
Maturing oily. It ie the home of the
late ex President McKinlay and ie about
60 mile% from Cleveland.
James Barnhill and wife of Dolton,
California, were visiting old friends in
this township. Ib ie abont 25 yeare since
Mr. Barnhill left Morrie. They will visit
Mrs. Barnhill's relatives at Kingston
before returning home. Two ohildren
aeoompsoy them. Dir. Barnhill say%
this is a One year for oranges. He is
cultivating about 85 sores of oranges.
From TO to 15 bands are employed dui.
ing the easy season. About 2 months
are being spent by Mr. and Mrs. Barn.
hill ontheir trip. They are weloome
visitors. Mr. Barnhille mother and
eieter live near Henfryn.
Townsbip 0onnoil next Monday.
Will. and Mrs, Whitfield spent Sunday
with Breese!% triende.
Alex. McDonald, 4th non,, had two fat
eheep killed by lightning.
A. young lady in Grey will, so the folks
flay, go t0 the Weet for her marriage day.
Tuesday evening Rev. Robs. Pearson
gave an address on his work out Weet in
Roe's league.
W. Knight, B. A„ of Belleville, and
family are holidaying et the former's
parente,10th eon.
Isaac Rothwell is aiok with typhoid
fever we are sorry to bear but we wish
bim speedy recovery.
Charles Cleaver is not enjoying the
beet of health at present but his many
friends bops he will soon be o. k.
.Fall wheat le a good Drop. Spring
crepe are looking doe. Hay yielded
much better than was anticipated earlier
in the season.
Misses Lon. and Garth' Rose a000m-
panied by their friends, Mime Bleak and
Hume visited the former's aunt, Mrs.
Alex. McAllister last week,
The Sabbath Sobaol Excursion to Sin.
oardine on Wednesday, Aug, 8th ie beiog
talked about and a number will go and
spend the day by the aide of old Huron.
Talking about tall bey, J, C. Took, 7th
non„ has a crop that plenty of it will
mea5are over 5 feet. Over 3 tons to the
aore is not a bad return but Mt. Teak
has the [arm in great heart.
Mimeo Beeline and Martha Thompson,
of Toronto, who have spent the last few
weeks with their ening, Etre. Wm. But.
trey end kite. Manton, of Monkton, left
on Wednesday for Kincardine where they
will enjoy the fele breezes before visiting
Rename relatives.
The following are the names of the
pnpiie of S. B. No. 4 who snooesefully
tanned tbe entrance examination :-Jean
McDonald (bonnie,) Loretto Frain,
Gladys MaQaarrie, Avon McKelvey,
Jobb Hayden and Milton Hallman. All
wbo wrote were eaooeesfal, We con.
gratulate the pupils and teaober, P. T,
Bryan%, on their eaaoeea.
The Manor (Sask.) Advocate, of July
13, says :-"Mies Aunt], Bioberdoon, wbo
has been attending St. Mary's Aoademy,
Winnipeg, for the limb year arrived home
Tuesday to spend her vacation. film ie
to be congratulated on paseing ber junior
pianoforte and theory examination in the
Toronto University of adagio with honors.
The ree012 of her Giese work is not yet
known." The young lady referred t0 i5
a daogbter of N. Pd. Rioherdeon, formed.
ly of the 7th eon, of Grey. Old friends
here are pleased to learn of Mite Anna's
To a fight between soldiers and sail.
ore at Quebec two of the orew of the 1306.
bodeee 801100000, J. Ili, Taylorlost their
lives, one being stabbed Mad' the other
People We Talk About.
Mee. McDonRld and bur slater, Dire,
McArthur, are vfoitfog Kr. McNeil at
Merton. - blies Nellie Campbell bee
returned be London, Mester Bob 0000m-,
pgauyiug ber,-Klssee Mey Govenlook and
Sophie Dalmage end Oberlie Dulmego,
of Wiotbrop, 'pent Sunday with Mies
Vera Wilbee,-elles Laura Leatberdaie
and Jim. Mooney visitor' at Pordwtab laet
1 eedey,-Mian Edith Inman, of Guelph,
is here tor a short vaoebioo with reletivee
mad frieude,-Mies Nine Rogers and Mise
Ailgogr, of Mount Boren, were enjoying
a holiday in Bruasele,-R, W. Jude,
merehant, of Kinbnrn, was is town on
Wednesday and gave Tat Pose a oitll.-
W. E, and Mrs, Dauer' were visiting D,
J. and Mrs, Denholm, Blyth, loot Sun.
day. - Stirling and May heeding, of
Wingham, are bolideyiug hers with
relatives. -Jas. A. and Mrs. Allen, of
Wroxeter, were visitors with Druggist
and litre. Fox last Sunday. -Fred. Hay.
Oren hes gone to Brantford where be bee
aooepted no position tie maobinist.-Mise
May Skene to home from 'Toronto for
vaoatiou.-Mrs, J. H. Cameron ie visiting
Luoknow friends, -The Guderiob Signal
of last week Bays :-Mise Nellie Mo.
Gilliouddy, of Toronto, is spending a
fortnight with friends in town and will
also visit le Gnu/sale before returning to
1"owato. - Wm. Turnbull, ltruseele
North, sad daogbter are leaving on a
holiday visit for Sootland and will be
absent for a few monthe visiting relatives
and friends. We wish them ne pleaeane
voyage, en enjoyable stay and a safe
return. -Mise Mary Smith, of Wroxeter,
and A, Young, of Trowbridge, were
vieitore iu town last Bunday.--Alox.
Smith, of Wroxeter, a000mpanied by hie
daughter, Mrs, Resmgoeeo, of New York,
and her little girl, wets visiting at Jno.
Smith's os' Monday. They oame
speoiolly to este the former's mother who
le now in het 92nd year and is remark.
ably smart for bee age. -James Bal.
lantyna represented St. John's Masonio
Lodge, Bruesele, eb the Greed Lodge
meeting in Toronto lest week. There
were 1400 dolegatee. Next year Grand
Lodge will Convene ea Ottawa. -Mise
Nellie Irwin, of Toronto, ie renewing old
trieudehips iu Brnseele and looality,-
Ohae. Riobardson is building ap masala
by harvesting for a week in McKillop
towoebip.-James Ritchie has returned
to Saska,oan: Miesee Mary and Agnes
Bitable, of Toronto, are miters under
we parental roof, William street. Peter
and Mre. Bitable expect to go Weet next
month to look after the settlement datiee
on property token up near Saskatoon.
They will likely remain there until next
Spring. Mr. Ritchie was out there last
year 6o knows what may be expected in
taking up temporary reeidenoe.-Mise
Flo. Hervey, of Sew Beach, is visiting
ber friend, Mise Lottie Brown. - Mrs.
Will, Lowry and baby Rita, of London,
ere here for a visit w,th relatives. This
is the young lady's first visit to Brunets
and if ebe always attracts tba attention
she bits here she will be a great favorite.
-Miss Elliott and Mies Myrtle Lewis, of
London, are guests at the home of Jno.
Cardiff, Princess street. The don
mentioned ie a eager to Mrs. Cardiff. -
Mrs. H. Cornmen and tattle daughter,
Evelyn, of Pbilbdelphia, are the gunge of
4Ire, (leo, Brown, -Gurdon and Gladys
Roes, of Kinuardiee, Wive been eujoying
part of their vacation with their cousins
and otherfrieudo in Brussels and vicinity. -
Vernon Rosa will a000mpany them to
Klnoardine.-George Rose is vieiting at
Wroxeter. -bliss Ells Inman in here
from Ohioago renewing old friendships
and taking the good of a holiday, -Wm.
Henderson, of McKtilop, is visiting hie
soo,Reeve Henderson. Visitor is 85 years
old but quite emart.-Moir Tbompeon
and Johnnie Henderson ere enjoying part
of their vaoatiou at Kinoardine.-Mrs.
henry Chapman, of South River, former.
ly of Brnseele, is visiting Mrs. Jobe
Wynn. -Mies Kate MoKinlay is holiday.
tug with relative' and old trienda at
/tidgebown, St. Tleomae, Rodney and
Loudon. -James and Mrs, Barnhill of
Colton, Oalifornia, visited at D. B.
Moore's on Monday. Mr. Barnhill also
favored Tam Poor with a nail. He was
here two year' ago. Mr. Barnhill is an
extensive orange grower. Be says the
ranee, earthquake wait not felt by them,
-tire, J. Putppen, of Woodetaok, is a
'leiter at Thos. Bone's. The visitor ie ne
niece, -Mrs. Jamee McDowell, of Mo.
Killen • Mrs. Eddie, of Seaforbh ; and
Mrs. Berry Mason and duugbter, of
Toronto, vete visitors at Jno. Dame's,
Thursday of laet week. -0. F. Fawcett,
merchant, of Tiverton, called on hie
brother, W. J. Fawcett, of Brnoselo, last
weak.-Mre, Jenne Menzies is visiting
relatives and old triende at Stratford and
twenty, She took her little grand.
daughter home. --Pare. Patti and Mies
Gordon are enjoying a visit with Orange-
ville relatives for a few weeks, -Muse
Georgia Roes, formerly of Brassele, has
bean appointed ou the staff of public
eahool teaahere at Listowel, TOM melees
three young ladies who received a good
entre of their training here on the lief iu
Lietowal the two other% being Mieees
dean and Mina Norton. They ere all
good toaobers.-Mise Orerar, of Orau.
brook, is viesting Mrs. Jno. Sinclair,
Prinoese street.-Tboe, Rose, of Oheeley,
took a shorn run up to Brunets Thursday,
of last week and called on hie pareute sad •
Othet relatives.-Mlee Edith Freeman, of
Ethel, has been ',slatting Mies. Alice
Thomson, Brnseele.--•Harry Bnneton, of
Brantford, ie netting bis taster, Mrs, W.
L. Leatherdale,-flay. 0. 0. Keine, of
(iourbright, wee calling on friendsin
town Friday of last week, He and Rev.
Mr. Ander00a, of Blyth, were exohangieg
work for a fete weeks. - Counaitlor
Baekor, Mies Doily Beaker and Robert
Thomson left Brume' me Moodily morn-
ing for Winnipeg, The two gentlemen
will 00ntigae their trip to the Oeast, 0000•
bitting buoiueso end plsa5ure. Mies
Beaker will be =tale miueed he town,
es ooiali in the ltletbodis - a
p y foliar h. She
wee a competent member of the ohoir ; it
fnitbfet teaohee in the Sabbath Sohool
Rud Superintendent of the Junior Longue
and.will carry with her the good Winne
of many triende for a pleasant stay;