HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-7-19, Page 5soft
ie a High.graee Qommerallll Reboot,
Three poorest t
Commercial Stenography Telegraphy
Write /1110, SrOT'ION, rrhtatpai,
001 Groat A 80
i V
Students from Brl bleb Columbia,
Saskatchewan and Manitoba on the
Wast to Now liruuewlek on the Mast
are in attendance thin year. Distance
ie no him/ramie to those who wish to
get tho boot. Our graduates aro al-
ways eutmesefal. Our facilities are un-
Bnrpaesod. 000101meoz Now. No varia-
tions, College open entire year. Mag -
fadeout catalogue free.
W. 1 ELLIOTT, Principal.
53,R5ie 2:51:5=t'S$i52F2arteiFt8i
1)R. R. A. BURNS-
Successor to Dr. J. A. McNaughton
Itr'rlg0eis, 0001(110
Graduate of Poiyolluio Poet Graduate
School of Medicine and Surgery, Now York
Member of College of Phys clans and Sur-
geons of °uteric.
Office and residonoo same as formerly oc.
copied by Dr, Motl',ugh ton,
Dieeaeee Of WOW Oa a specialty.
'Phone No, 21.
00100 in the Poet cake, Elliot. 80.4
C. O. F.
Court Prinoeeo Alexandria, No.21, 0. G. P.,
Srussole, meets in their Lodge froom, Bias -
hill Block, on the 2ud and last Tuesdays of
each month, at o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome.
W. L. Lh1ATE/BitDALE, R, S.
Agent Howiok Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Offioe and Reeldonoe-
• Orli, will moll for bettor prices, to
better men, in less time and lees chargee
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't oharge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged ut this office or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Bales arranged for
at the oilloe of Tan 1000, Brussels, 221f
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vot-
eodollege1prepared to treat at ail die-
nases f o lted andms in a compet-
ent manner. Partinular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and MlCalls
promptly attended to. Office ant/Infirmary
-Pour dooro North of bridge, Tarnborry et.,
.• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Me.
Suoseseor to G. P. Blair. 018oe over Stan-
dard Bank. Sruseale, Solicitor for Metro-
politan Bank,
'(77/T M. SIN CLAIIi-
9 1' • Barrister, Solicitor, t00nveyancer,
Notary Publlo, deo. Office -8 tewert's Bleck
1 door North o1 Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
W. PROODaoOT, S. 0. R. C. Hese
Oftioee-Titoee formerly °coupled by Messrs
Cameron .re Holt, ONTARIO.
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontatlo and First.elaee Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uuivereity, Office
next to Brewor'o Photograph Gallery,
EST43gxaS71==i ii =11
U Fall Term Opens Sept. 4 13.
i�i2L�/2��� .>
p Tboeo lntereeted in nuttiness College PF
0 Work should write for our largo Date-
;p ]ague. This 1s the largest and best yf
id Commercial and Shorthand Solr0ol in ii
W entorn Ontario, Wo give a pirraatlloi
training anti egoist our graduates to lb
teepousiblo po0iti0ne. Many of the
loading Business Colleges employ out a
-graduatoe at Mediate. Write now for
a Tree oatalogae,
rtrzwra let's
io the Headquartero for
Private Cards. made of your Residence
also Groupe,
lil (]t y. (�1 Given Proe with avert'
Lh L dozen Uubinet Phptoo,
a boaulitul Voueer Photo, Frame. 0011
Dud gee the stylus -your choice of twelve.
Let me know when you want the
view of your resideooe taken.
goat A .e1
House route are iu0reaeing owing to
the ditneulby to secure the ne0680ary
dwelling pieces In Brands.
Tun ltfitobell Advoente ohergee 0
former Brueeelile se follows :-W. W
Burg.ee, photographer, tools Revere]
children last week and yet he bae 001
been orreoted for kidnapping.
A rum in Toronto eompieing to Tau
Pose of the interfereu000f somebody with
flowere and a large shall pieced= agrave
in Brussels oemetery. If the offeuding
peroon'lo looated it will not be well for
In a letter from Ernest Miller, who is
employed in a paper mill at Espanalo,
Ont„ he eaye the daily output of pulp
ie 7 oars. They run day and night, Hie
brother Oharlie i0 also working in the
same mill.
A Perfeot Bowel Laxative for coo•
atipation, Ballow complexion, headache,
d0000000B, soar otomaoh, coated tougae,
bilioaoneee. Lax•ete Dot promptly,
without pain or griping. Pleasant to
take-Lux•ete-only 5 oente. Sold by
F. R. Smith.
P. S. LAwoAeoN, the well known horse•
man died at hie borne in Preston on
Sunday night, July let, atter a short
illness with typhoid fever. Mr. Lame -
sou was an expert judge 013 harem at
Brussels Pall Fair last year and was a
Ane type of a mac.
IRoy, eon of Wm. and Mrs. Aioley,
formerly of Brussels, ie now filling a
poeition in the Sterling Bank at tie.
bridge 0. Urohart, one time teller in the
Standard Bank here, is the agent there
W. D. Hart, formerly agent of the
Standard Bunk, Breesels, is Inspector
for the Sterling.
Women with weakness should never
forget Dr. Shoop's Night Care. This
magio-like local treatment, is used at
bedtime, all night while iiia system ie
at rest, it ie constantly building up the
weakened themes, soothing the inflamed
and sensitive surfaces and wall surely
Olean op all oatarrhal and local troubles.
Sold by F. R. Smith.
Tun Wroxeter Star speaking of the
Celebration there says : - "The Aral
attraction for the day was the football
match between Wroxeter and Brueeele,
whioh was won by the latter by a score
of 1-0. Thie game was a very interest.
ing one, as the Brussels boys, eome of
them at ]soot oertainly know how to play
Dr. Shoop's Restorative brings last-
ing relief in Stomach, Kidnay and
Heart troubles through the inside nerves.
No matter how the nerves became im•
patted this remedy will rebuild their
strength, will restore their vigor. Be.
member it does no good to treat the
ailing organ -the irregular heart, rebell.
foul stomach, diseased kidneys. They
are not to blame. Go baok to the nerves
that control them -treat the aaaee-
uue e, remedy that cares through the in-
side nerves. Sold by F. R. Smith.
THE Gerrie Vidotte of the 6111, fn
speaking of Wroxeter Celebration says:
".Editor Herr, of Breesels, wee among
the spectators and took delight in the
rooster race. W. H. is a great bird
fancier." There was member editor there
G c stud in
too who was iu poultry e e p y and
while not an iuoubator wee manataotar•
ing "fettle" and "goose eggs" in the base
ball match between the "Unions" and
Barrieton. We most not forget however,
that Bro. Sharpie also scored 2 oat of the
6 rune made.
Howwx M0TDAL,-At the last meet.
ing of the Howiok Mutual Iue0r0noe
00.150 applio0►ione were passed. -Io.
specter Vail paid hie offioial visit to the
head deoe at Wroxeter and examined
the affairs of the company. He oom
plimented the Howiok Mutual on their
eatlefaotory oondition.-The new brick
office, at Wroxeter, will be oompleted,
it is expected, by August let, and will
be a convenient and commodious build.
ing Nest meeting of, the O0, will be
held on Saturday, July 28th.
Rev, J. S. Fisher, formerly at Blytb
and Gerrie, after forty year° of
motive work in the ministry of the
Methodist church, has ouperannaatod,
and with Mrs. Fisher has taken up hie
re0idenoe In Lambeth. Mr. Ember has
been a most faithful ambassador of the
arose, and retiree not booanee he has
become phyoioally inoapaaiated, except
in the respect that he is troubled with
detainees. His forty years' eerviao bae
been spam on fourteen oironite, and
the many friends of himeelt and wife
will join rut i0 wiebing him that real
and happinees whioh they have well
'1,'nlA1,0 et' Sr'ann,-At the request of a
number of agricultural moieties, Sept,
Cowan is sending out a oiroular giving
a definition of "trials of speed" whioh
ander the amended act of last eeoeion aro
permitted at exhibitions mooted from
Govoromeot fends although horse races
are prohibited. Mr. Cowan eaye :
"Trials of speed" eballmeen competitions
among driving horeee in whioh oonfir.
motion, oundueas y
and eE le are ooneidee-
ed as well as a eed in the winning of the
prize. If in the judgment of the offioero
or judges, it le deemed advisable to teat
the epeed of the donteeting berm it is
allowable to do so, but the prize meet in
ovary MUM be awarded on general axed.
l0noe, s.0 seen in the above oheraoterietloe.
It is not intended that parses shall be
offered made up of depo0tts or entry fees
tram owners' of contesting horses, but
that prat:Mame shall be offered in the
usual way. e0Roree.raoing" i+hall In.
Mode oompetitfons fn which all or any of
therm conditions are followed :-In whioh
spied only ie moldered, in vthieh
entriee,are restrioted by time limits; in
whioh any reetriotions are made ae to
the number of entrlee,"
Blyth Fair this year will be held on
Sept. 18th and 19th,
Blyth Orangemen eelobrutod the
glorious twelfth 0.1 Sotttor1h,
Dr. Wm, Sloan, of Toronto, spent a
day with hie brother, Reeve A, W, S'oan.
91re, J. E, Ooombe left for a visit to
(rienda in Buffalo, Detroit and New
Sloan W. W. and Mrs. S an an d eon of
Toronto, visited at the retidonoe of Mrs.
Myles Young.
J, S. and Mrs. McKinnon, of Toronto,
were visiting et the reeidenee of Poet.
master McKinnon,
John Heffron, who wag injured at a
barn raising in Morris u few weeke ago,
,o reoovering nioely and was removed to
his home here last weak.
Mies Amelia Molten, who hag been
teaching 'wheel at illghgate,ie spending
her vacation et the residence of her par
ants, Rev, Dr, and Mrs, MoLean,
John Bartley, principal of Blyth
ppblta eobool, was among the list of
e000eestul eandldoteo at the Ontario
Norms) eobool examinations. He now
has a Bret clam public school and inter.
min high eohool oertittoate.
J!'ordwiel o.
There will be a good supply of hay
this season,
There were 21 tiokete sold here for the
exonr0ioo to Nlegaro Fs'Io.
Rev. W. J. Aehton, of Bothwell, was
visiting hie many friende in H. 100k.
41iee M. Smith, of Windsor, is the
guest of Mrs. Hussey at the parsonage.
On Friday 6111 /net the funeral of the
Myrna Olive intent daughter of David
and Mrs. Wiloon, aged 9 months and 4
doya took plane to Fordwiob amatory.
'1'he Woman's Iuetitute held a meeting
In the Foreatero' Hall, on June 291h,
Their wait a rale attendance of ladies at
the afternoon eeeeiou, In the evening
to was served by the members in the
hall, The evening ee001an watt well
attended, when goad addreeeee were
delivered by Mrs, Watts, of Oliuton, and
Mise Duncan, The addressee were in-
terepereed by a good program,
We are a r to lea of the dem e
a rt' learn to
of Mrs. Milton Leonard, whose maiden
name wee Alma Aldrich, she beiog a
daughter of M. Aldrich, 2nd on. Howiok,
Sbe passed Reay on Saturday 80th ult.,at
the home of her hoeboud, in her 26th
year. She was aline young woman whose
demise will be greatly regretted. Sbe has
been married only about a year and a
half. The funeral tools place on July 204„
to Fordwiob cemetery. Rev,do T, H.
Farr and Jae, Husoer had oharge of the
funeral service:. It watt one of the largest
fouerale ever Been to tbeee parte.
Misses Clara and Ellen Mountoaetle
left town an Monday, of last week for
Dr. John Lindsay hoe decided on
premising iu Loudon, and has bought a
house there.
A. Goodwin polled a stalk of bay in
hio garden, which measured six Leet ten
,napes in length.
The other day while Mrs, 8. H. Smith
was piokiug cherries, a limb sprang back
and mtruak her fairly across the eye ball.
The blow was so severe that for a couple
of honra both of her eyes were oloeed.
. d,,'.arati4
That i ti ns t puna 1
I!ha e 0 d0 not a ! Blq
Al g y
again Ando illustration in the °BBBB of 8
H. Smith. He ham a mace who ie e
pr0teeei0tnt10111ree in New York, and
aha is 111 ,.,,'enact with the lose of the
eight of ho b eyes, owing to dieea00
controoted from one of her p0tfOnte4
The people of Ontario 80, church have
Mealy dooidsd to remove their preeenl
driving abed from its location adjoining
the oharoh, and have bought 50 teeb
frontage from the Western end of Mr.
Rattenbnry'e lot on Ontario St., where a
Ane 100 (set deep cement abed will be
eroded with sanitary arrangements
which will prevent it being in any way
offensive or Objootioneble. The site is a
good o0e, and the change has its ad.
<i. odericee.
Wm, Barrows, Nelson street, hes
Compton early growing corn in We
garden that measures 7 feet in height,
Registrar Ooatoe ie a lover of rheas,
and owns 800 varietieo, He bae convert-
ed the wild wuote ground in the rear of
the registry ofioo into a nine plot with
eome 200 roue boehee, and will have
many more onus the ground is free tram
noxione weeds, some of whioh are very
bard to exterminate.
On Wednoeday of last week a men
named Hudoon, who had been eeve,al
times remanded, was brought before ]lie
Honor Judge Holt and discharged. He
woe originally (Merged with defrauding a
readout of Grey township in a trade with
a machine for a horse, bat shortly after
the transaction the plaintiff and other
witnesses moved to Alberta, and it is
their aboenoe that prevented the trial
taking place.
The Gaderioh Lumber Company's
now mill at Goderioh wag destroyed by
Are o
0 laeeda morning of last weak,
g ,
Involving a loee'of about 615,000, partly
',overact by Minimum). The Are original•
ed In the boiler 00001, Tho eempeny
have about one million Poet of loge on
hand still onoat of thio eea8000 stook,
Geo. Thompson, formerly of Zetland, le a
member of the Company,
W Jf1hHO9l.
Mre, l3, Ball hoe returned home after
spending p g eevoral weeks with her eon in
Frank Bradwin, eon of Joe. Bradwin,
of town, is old country buyer for a largo
firm in Hamilton.
MIes E, L. Lloyd goes to California,
where the will upend a year in visiting
with her three brothers,
Rev. D, Persia fs taking hit vaoation,
and hie pulpit is supplied by Mr. Stephen•
eon, a student from Knox College.
The prize liete for the Fall Pair, to be
held September 27 and 28, are now ready
and have been mailed to the members.
W. E. MoNiven, is supplying for Bev,
W. G. Rawson, in the Methodist abarob
white the latter is enjoying his venation.
Mise L, Ball leaves in company with J.
end Mrs. Tait, of Bruggels, on an exbend•
ed visit to relatives in British Columoia,
Mise Estelle Griffin left to spend a
couple of mouths with her brothers, who
are on the earvey of the G. T. E ity„
above Port Arthur.
J. B. Ferguson, Town Clerk, retarned
on Tuesday, of last week atter several
weeks' stay in London Respite'. He is
not fully recovered, and ie advised bo go
West and tent for a couple of montho
upon the open prairie,
Moe Jean Stewart bee returned home
from Winnipeg, when she spent eeverel
weeks, having been called to that 0ity to
attend the funeral of her brother.
Wingham'e Oivio holiday hoe been
fixed for Friday, July 27th. The event
Of the day will be the urinal union ex.
mission of the Sunday Sohoole of town.
A tine, wide percent moaning hoe been
put is leading from;tho sidewalk in front
of the Towo Hall to the new poet0ffioe.
The oroesing re six feet wide, cud will he
one of the moot oonvenienl in town.
The Voters' Met for the Town of Wing.
ham for 1906 bee been prioted and wee
Asst posted up on Monday of last week.
The namber of voters on the list lure year
le 804, made up of 181 in Werd 1 ;' 163
Ward 2 ; 188, Ward 8 ; 282, Ward 4.
The number of persona qualified to Servo
we Jurors is 885.
The eteff of teachere engaged for
Wingbam High School hoe been 00111•
petted, 0s loaowe :-Prinoipai, J, A.
Taylor, B, A., Seieooe speoialieb; Miss
F. B, lietohoson, B. A., of Toronto,
specialist in English and modern laoga-
ages ; Jae. G, Workman, B. A„ Matins.
neatioal epeoiali0l.
Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy.-
when used faithfully will reach chronic
and difficult muses heretofore regarded
aeincurable by pbyeioians and is the
Mott reliable presoription known to
clean out and completely remove every
vestige of rheumatic) poison from the
blood. Sold by F. R. Smith,
August Oth will this year be Mit0hell'e
ohne holiday.
Grope are looking good in Mitchell
vicinity and baying is well under way.
Commencing Saturday, July 14th, and Positively ending July 25th, 19O
We can't afford to run this Big Sale any longer.
PROFITS MUST BE BURIED. Goods bought at this Sale cannot be returned SACRIFICES MUST BE MADE.
POSITIVELY NO RESERVE. or exchanged. No goods on approbation. WE MUST LOWER THE BIG STOCK.
Successors to
Note our Grocery List
This department is full of new goods and its stook is
replete with the best and purest that oan be procured. You
can eaye moony dollars by replenishing your want list dur-
ing this big sale.
Maple Leaf, Lowe Inlet and Eagle Salmon, your ohoioe
2 for 250.
Bulk Teas, Japan or Ceylon, regular 26o per lb., 5 lbs. $1.
Yeast Oakes, 3o per box.
3 Plugs McDonald Tobacco for 25o.
Sealer of Crest Brand Baking Powder for 180.
9 Tine of Pork and Beane for 25o.
1 -Ib. Tin of Baking Powder and a beautiful picture, regular
p, P
rice 600 Hale rice 39o.
Everything in the Grocery Line Reduced
50 artiolee for 40, 10o artiolee for 9o, 150 articles for 14o. ole.
Nairn's best Quality Linoleums in block -
and floral designs, 4 yds wide $1.80
Ladies' Wrappers
Too many Wrappers are not good to have. We Have
out our prices on Wrappers to sell every one in stock.
61 00 Ladies' Wrappers for 750
1 25 990
1 45 " " 1 28
1 76 " ' 1 44
2 00 " " 1 50
$2 Ladies' Blouse Waists for 50c
These omelet of all sizes and kindo, in fact a cleaning
of the stook, all colors, all kinds, prices from 61.00 to 62.25,
to olear ab eaoh 50o.
255 Ladies' Belts at 5c and 10e
Ladies' Black and Colored Leather Belts, also Silk
Belts, worth 25o, at 10o.
• Another lot of Belts to clear at each 5o,
91.25 91.60 and 91.75 Ladies' Dongola Button Shoes, your
choice for 99o.
91.10 Ladies' Toe Slippers for 960.
61.75 Ladino' Oxfords, Blucher out, ribbon tie, for $1.89,
91.80 Ladies' Tan Oxfords, Blucher out, for 91.49.
91.25 Ladies' Glove Grafin Bal. Shoe for 91.
61.05 Meu'a Glove Grain, oil tan, heavy Bole, 8 rows of pegs
and plugged, for $1,49,
92,25 Mons Box Calf Bal hnes fine
oft stook, heavy sole
for 62.
$4 Men's Patent Leather Dal Shoes, best of quality, new
ehapoe,for $3.00.
61.26 to $2.50 Men's Bat Shoes, pat at a job primo, only $1,
91.25 Boye' Glove Grain Bal Shoes, oil tan, heavy sole, 61,13.
61,75 Boys' Box Calf Bal Shoee for 91.58.
Now for Bargains in Colored Muslins
40o Linen Voile, silk and linen mixtures, in plain and
etripee, at 16o,
160 Stripe Dimity now 84o.
26a French Dimity now 14o.
25o Brooaded Mnefin at 15o.
124 Blue Voila now 80.
124c Pink and White Ohambrey ab 10o.
15o Black Muslin, neat stripe, at 10o.
150 White Dimity, with pink stripe, at 84o.
25o Black and White Dimity for 15o.
20o Brown Voile at 15o,
1240 Organdies at 84o.
200 Large Check Black and White Gingbams for 1240.
250 White Belora w w PCambric with worked black 0100, a 150_
20o Black Dimity for 15o.
150 American Muslins, with fancy colorings, at 10o.
150 Bine Organdie at 120.
12i Dimities, with black etripee, 10o.
Ask to see our Pile of Ends
at Cheap Prices.
Millinery Department will be.
open during this Big Sale
Ladies' White Oambrio Skirt0 made of Fine Englielu
Lansdowne Cambrioe, A.11 at ridioiouoly low prloee.
$1.00 White Underskirts, trimmed with embroidery, for 79a'
$1.25 " ,t
61.60 " " teneriffe lane, 91.00
92.60 " " " embroidery, 1.69
12ie Maurice Flannelette 90
18 pieces of Maurice's Flannelettes, 87 inches wide, dark:
and light stripes, at only 9o.
$2.50 Black Metallic Skirts, $1.25
Just a limited quantity of Black Metallic Underskirts, witln
colored etripee, at half price, for $1.25.
$2.25 White and Colored Skirts, 99c
A few White and Colored Outside Skirts ranging from 91,26.
to $2.25, at eaoh 99o,
$5 Ladies' Cravenette Rain Coats, $2 50'
Ladies' Grey Oravenebte Rain Coats, 58 and 60 indica long,.
made by National Rubber 0o:, Montreal, and were•
worth $5,00, now half price at 92.50.
98.00 Ladies' Rain Coate as above, at 94.60.
97.00 Ladies' Rain Coate as above, at $8.50.
35c Men's White Unlaundered
Shirts for 25c
A big lot of Men's White Uolanndered Shirts, siva 14,
14.x, and 15, were cheap at 85o, now 25o.
$1 Men's Straw Hats, 10c.
All our Men's Fine Straw Hats, 250, 50o, 75o and 91.00, to
clear at 10o.
$1 Millinery Straw Hats, 10c.
Every Untrimmed Hat in stook has been laid out and we
moat glean up our Entire Ladies' Straw Hats, at eaoh
The 1g Clothing Salle
of Men's, Youths' and Boy's Clothing at near-
ly Half Price, lasting only 10 days.
Men's Navy Bine Serge Snits, were $3.75, for $2.99.
Men's Navy Blue Serge Suits, were 94.50, for 98.49.
10Ion's Brown Halifax Tweed Suite, were 95,00, for 93.98.
Men's Tweed. Suit, dee 39, only one snit, was 95, now 98.09.
Men'o Black Tweed Suits with green threading, were 95,25,
now 94.00.
Men's Blue Berge Suits were 95.00, now 93.98.
Men's Mlle Tweed Suit, size 89, was 95.00 now 68.39.
Men's Blue Grey Tweed Suite, were 95.25, now 95.99.
Men's Light Tweed Suits, were 95.50, now $4.48.
Men's Brown Halifax Tweed Snits, wore $5.50, now 94.12.
Men's Dark and Light Brown Mixed Snit, size 88, was
95.75, now $8.48.
Men's Brown Mixed Tweed Suit, size 40, was 95.95, for $3.
Men'e Blue Serge Suite, were 90.00, now $4.78.
Meu'e Brown Mixed Tweed Suits, were 99.00, now 96.49.
Men's Brown Cheek Tweed Suite, double breasted coat,
were 99.50, now 90.69.
Men's Oottonade Overallo to clear at per pair 250.
Boys' 2 and 3 Piece Tweed Suits at Un-
heard of Prices
Boy's Blue Flannel Sorge Blouse Snit, $1.00, for 83o.
Light Fawn Cheviot Suits, sizes 22, 23, 24, were 91.50,
now 990.
Blank Serge Suite, were 91.75, now 91.43.
Light Grey Tweed Suits, elzeo 28, 24, were 92.25, for 91.44.
Blue Serge Suits, were 92.60, now 91.40.
Grey Blouse Snits, 0i1es 28, 24, 25, 26, were 92.50, now $1.,
$5 Ladies' Waterproof Coats $1.50
Lot of Ladies' Waterproof Rain Coats made Of best
1'arametta Cloth, in billet, grey and navy, were $5,00, now
Goods bought at this Sale cannot be returned. No goods given on appraba;tion.
Produce or Cash in evohan,le for goods. .7V'o foods puncl7ved on tickets daring this Big Sale.