HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-7-19, Page 3t1+ Yu
M"I•i 4, 2' 'int 1-.14r11,4 H Hq—k++ r
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The Condition of Thousands of Pale,
Anaemic Girls.
"Almost hopeless is the best wbouty to
Sunlight Soap is
better than other Soaps
but is bast when used in the
Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight
Soap and follow directions
describe the condition
i was a a og�oI
Year ago," BIB Mlsg Mamie Mannett„; 111 t Soap
o'WEleTS. of Athol, N. S, "My health had been
Mercy meters Think naturs must have condition when 1 feared i was sinking
erred in giving children a sweet LOoln, Into chronic invalidism. 1 was as white UNRELIABILITY OF EYESIGHT.
but children, on the other hand regard as a sheet, my blood apparently having
Lhu jiteepii Ohl the sur -bowl etc the turned to water, I had no appetite, sue- Geneva Processor Gives a Startling
gradually giving way until I reached
depeslluries of till that is twist detect- fared frown headaches and dizziness, the Demonstration.
Professor Claparede, of the Genoza
University, Switzerland, has been mak-
ing some Intereeting experiments to
prove the unreliability of eye -witnesses
of an event, and also to prove the great
deterioration in the powers of obeerva-
tion duo to the high pressure •pL modern
Recently In one of his classes the
professor brought ]n it man who wns
masked and his body hidden by a while
shroud. The "unknown•' stayed ten
seconds in the cln.ssroom, made some
signs and then walked ouy.
A taw days later the professor asked
his pupils to pick out the unknown's
mask, which was placed, with len
others, on a table, Four students only
out of twenty-four, chose the right
mask, although it differed in colter and
size from the others. Ten pupils chose
different ones, and eight confessed that
they were unable to decide.
"You see,” said Professor Claparede
to his class, "how unreliable is the evi-
dence of an eye -witness of an event,
even in a law court and on
Du g further experiments
savant came to the conclusion that not
ono person In nine can give a correct
description of a man whom they have
looked et for ten seconds. Woolen, he
believes, are much closer observers than
Manufacturer's' Association and Sani-
tary Inspector So Report.
The following extracts from reports
of the National Manufacturers' Associa-
tion and Inspector Hedrick, Sanitary in-
sensational llchagese City omade gai est to the
canned meat packers:
Our investigation of the Canned and
Putted Meat part of the packing indus-
try showed that the methods used make
the use of preservatives unnecessary,
and indicated that no preservatives or
artificial coloring is , now used by the
Canned Meat packer.
Tho meat is first partially eoolced In
large kettles, then the fat and bona is
trimmed off and the ineat paoked into
tins. The air is then withdrawn with
vacuum pumps and the cans sealed in
vacuum. Next they are put into large
cookers, where the cooking proses:, is
rinislled. In the packing of some pro-
ducts it is necessary that the cans bo
reopened and the steam allowed to es-
cape, Lhe vent hole being immediately
resealed while the gods are hot, so as
to retain the vacuum.
The entire process is quite similar to
that used by the family cook when put-
ubting up fruits and vegetables, except
utile. Ncillu•r Aldo is quite tight and
neither quite wrong.
Steen, 1s not the poison and spoiler of
digestion that lite careful mother thinks
it is; neither is 1t better as a food than
toast beef and breed anti bolter, as Lae
hearty youngster thinks, There NRS a
book printed many yea's ago, in which
the tale was tuld of some shipwrecked
sailors who lived for weelcs on some
hogsheads of sugar end a little water,
which was all they bad saved from the
wreck. They did not have so gond a
limn as We boys thought they ought to
have had, but they lived, and were not
s0 badly oft at the end of the period as
most persons would think they should
have been.
The truth is, that sugar is a food and
a necessary out; but it may easily be
token in too great amount. Foods are
divided into two greet classes -the pro-
telds (meats, eggs, and legumes), which
contain nitrogen as their most• import-
ant ostarches
t thn
a t (e g
went and the sugars,
and fats, composed chiefly osl s
f carbon.
Both of these are necessary -the pro-
trids In build up Tho framowm'1
s of the
body, and the others to supply energy;
the proteids are the iron of the boiler
and maallineey, the fats aro Ute packing
and the sugars are the fuel; all are nec-
essary to the perfect working of the hu-
man machinery.
The danger in laking sweets is In
overdoing. The world's consumption et
sugar has increased enormously in the
last half -century, although the necessity
•'1101' muscular exertion (and therefore the
need of fuel) has, through the introduc-
tion of lana&&saving machinery, decreas-
ed billet) AT !itis sugar has gone Into
the stomachs, not of rollicking boys and
Lulling men, who can use up a lot of it,
but of girls and young womenowho are
using 1t to .saturate their blood with un-
necessary fuel, to loud their livers w!Ih
sugar, and to spoil their complexions.
Children may, and often do, eat too
much candy; but they will not suffer
much as long as they are in the active
stale of existence, for while they romp
they are expending a vast amount of
energy, and their little machines con-
sume a vast amnion, of fuel. The dang-
er is in forming a habit that may he
carried on into a sedentary form of life.
-'Youth's Companion.
least exertion would leave me breath-
less, and it appeared that I was going
into a decline, I had seen Dr, Wil-
liams' Pink Pills highly recommended
by the newspapers, and 1 deelded to
give them a trial. IL was a [cremate
duy for mo when I camp to this decis-
ion, as the pills have not only restored
my health, but hove actually made me
stronger than over I was before. 1 now
have a good appetite, a good color, and
new energy, and I am satisfied That 1
owe all this to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
which I cheerfully recommend to other
pale, feeble, ailing girls."
Dr, Williams' Pink Mils quickly cured
Miss Mannelt, simply because they
melee the new, ricin, red blond which
enables the system to throw off disease,
and brings robust health and cheerful-
ness to pale anaemia sufferers. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills cure bloodlessness
just as surely as food cures hunger, and
Um new blond which the pills make
braces the nerves and tones and
strengthens every organ and every part
of the body. Thal is why these pills
strike straight at
the r
oL of Such com-
mon diseases as headaches,s skeaches
and backaches, kidney trouble, indiges-
neuralgia, rheumatism, St. Vitus
dance, paralysis, and the troubles from
which women and growing girls suffer
in silence. It 'ins been proved in thou-
sands of cases that Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills cure after doctors and all other
medicines hn.ve failed. 13u1 you must
pet the genuine pills with the full name,
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo-
ple," on the wrapper around each box.
Ml medicine dealers sell these pills or
you can got them by nail at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2.50 by address-
ing Thy Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
I[ you aro to work well, you must
sleep well, writes a correspondent. If
you are to keep your health and strength
and youth -to carry your powers of
work with you to tiro last -you must
sedulously puy court to your pillow. It
will commonly be found that, the men
4110 Barry their years lightly are men
who possess the faculty of sleeping at
wtii, If you have m1/011 work to do,
you nuts1 not count lime spent in sleep
La be time lost. 11 is lino gaited. It is
an essential part qi the duty of the day.
1 bud MVO an old servant who used to
say, "Nell, I have clone my work. L
have cleaned up, and now 1'11 gel, my
sleeping done." Sleeping was, in her
philosophy, a thing to be done -not a
pnssive slate, but an active part of her
duly. And every man should ro
consider it. Let him sleep in his bed,
if he can, at proper hours of the night;
If not, let h10 sleep aL any old time,
when Nature invites him to rest him-
self. If we do not play tricks with our-
selves, if we work hard without over-
working ourselves, sleep will rarely be
coy to us. As a general rule it may be
said that busy men are better sleepers
then idlers and that menial labor con-
tributes more to sound sleep than bodily
fatigue. i believe that only mere novic-
es In work are kept awaike by the
thought of it. Experienced workmen
acquire n habit of shaking oil its en-
vironments when they will. If there be
rine thing in lite for which I am pro-
foundly Ihan)cful to the Giver of all
good gifts, it is'for the faculty of sleep.
A now explanation for baldness has
been given by Lucien Jacquet, who con-
cludes that the trouble has, In most
cases at least, a nervous origin.
He calls attention to the tact that the
condition is more common among Intel-
lectual persons than among others. Ile
la canvieced that baldness is of frequ-
ent occurrence, not only among those
who aro inlelteclual, but also among
those who are subjected to intense men-
tal strain, and 011do' such circumstances
It may occur' comparatively early. Bald-
ness increases with civilization, and
Brocq has noticed the curious fact that
since women have devoted themselves
to intellectual pursuits and have grown
accustomed to employ their cerebral
centres in a more intense manner bald-
ness, which formerly was rare among
them, has progressively become more
Furthermore, JOquet inns found in soy.
ered eases of cagy baldness that there
is a degenerative infannnnllon of the
nerves of the scalp. He concludes that
the tunolionnl excitation of the lttgher
nerve centres in the struggle with the
environment at first mused an increased
growth of the hair. Subsequently, in
the evolution of the race or of the root-
v]dunl, there .came a period of function-
al exhaustion, This 1s held to be in ac-
co'danco with the law that excitation
at first creates increased vigor of a time.
tion, then of its organ; similarly excess
0! irritation 000805 functional disturb•
snap and, if oontnuod, lesion of the or.
The medicinal qualities of pure olive
oil are numerous, and are becoming bet-
ter known day by day. A teaspoonful
taken atter each meal will relieve con-
stipation and dyspepsia. Mixed with
an equal part of limo water it is in-
valuable free burns. Poured into the eye
if Will rd1Aove any foreign substonce
lodged there. I1 Is n sure cure for ltaeg-
nails, is gond for chapped hands, le ex.
rnilynt Ribbed Over UM whole body at -
ter (eking n hath, and Is beneficial for
use in massaging a, riini scalp,
Pride, Dignity and Beauty if the
Modern Spaniards.
You may see to -day in any church
portal in Spain the sombre dignity of
expression immortalized 10 the portraits
of Velasquez ; the sinister east of coun-
tenance of Philip the Second; the nose
and proud bearing of a lioman centur-
ion, says the Nineteenth Century. In
the Basque provinces the dignity and
pride of the peasantry are reflected in
the graceful carriage and symmetry , t
movement for which the men of. that
coast and tete girls carrying pitchers on
their heads aro justly celebrated, There
is no trace of awkwardness in a Span-
ish peasant, on whose features Is
stamped the pride of Rome, who will
talk to you with the ease and volubility
of a Spanish courtier. 11 is a noble
Though to -day the glory of Spain has that meats are sealed in tin cans fn.
departed, and the modern Spaniard stead of bring put in glass ars. We
favours a Western "bowler," and the
W0111011 wear Parisian hats, the nation-
al type of Spain persists with all its
dignity and characteristics. Living
types of \lurillo's street urchins may be
sect In any Spanish village. A group
huddled together in some shady retreat;
brown, chubby, curly -headed, merry
little rascals, lunching off a watermelon
picked up in the market, happy as
princes in their hempen rags and with
their meagre morsel. Or you may see
the sunny side of Spain as Goya paint-
ed it. A dance in the open square, a
bridal feast, a bull -fighters' carousal, a
brawl, an elopement; the apparel
is loss gaudy to -day, but the sun and
the types and the spirits are the same.
The brawny picador, with bis wide -
brimmed sombrero, his swarthy coun-
tenance, acquiline nose and raven
locks, looks for all the world like a
Roman gladiator. Tho bel at his side,
with his finely chiselled features, might
have waited on Poppaea. And that
and the redrl in
in her nite her!ace warm mantilla
hair-such a one Goya would have de-
lighted to portray as she stands there
with her delicate head defiantly thrown
back, her lustrous eyes aglow with mis-
chief, that graceful line of figure and
those pursed and pouting lips.
Mother, an Investment 01 25 centsnow
may save your baby's lite. Collo, diar-
rhoea and cbolera intantum carry off
thousands of little ones during the hot
weather months. A box of Baby's Own
Tablets cost but 25 cents and there is
security and safety in anis medicine.
Give an occasional Tablet to the well
child and you will keep IL well. Give
them to the child if trouble comes swift-
ly and see the ease and comfort this
nledlelne brings, And you have the
guarantee of a government analyst
that this medicine contains no poison -
008 opiate. Mrs. R. Merlin, Halifax,
N. S., says: -"Baby's Own Tablets are
a valuable medicine for stomach and
bowel troubles." Sold by all medicine
dealers or" by mall at 25 cants a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„
Brockville, Ont. Keep the Tablets In
the house.
If you, have hard work to do,,
Do it now.
To -day the skies are Clear and blue,
To -morrow ciouds may come in view,
Yesterday is not for you ;
Do it now.
11 you have a song to sing,
Sing it now,
Let the notes of gladness ring
Clear es song of bird In 'spring,
Let every day some music bring;
Sing it now.
If you 11avc kind words to say,
Say them new.
'Po -harrow any not come your way,
Dc a kindness while you may,
Loved ones will not always stay;
Say •:them nOWe.'
found that the solder in making the
cans and in sealing them is all placed
on the outside of Ih0 can and does not
come in contact with the contents.
We were informed that much of the
cause for complaint in canned meats
was because of the mistaken idea that
tine goods would keep In perfect condi-
tion atter they had been opened. This
would- be the fact if they were preserv-
ed with chemicals, but as they are only
kept in condition because of being seal-
ed in vacuum tins they spoil just ss
readily as fresh moats do after they
have been opened and exposed to the
air, but will keep indefinitely 11 the
oan is not punctured. It is also a Well-
known scientific fact that decaying meat
generates a gas which will explode any
package which Is hermetically sealed.
Sanitary Inspector Ilecleick submitted
to, Commissioner Whalen his analysts
o'1 conditions in the Libby, McNeill &
Libby plant. Ile found "with reference
to general conditions, that the floors,
halls, stairs, tables, etc., are kept Olean"
and "that the entire department -view-
ed from our standpoint- wns in a sat-
isfactory condition. All workrooms are
light, and have good ventilation."
In the cities of Burma, where the na-
atives have been long in contact with
Europeans, says the author of "Burns,
Painted and Described," they have lost
some of their tradilonal politeness; but
ie the country districts olcl-school court-
esy is still the custom.
An English gentleman wino had
bought a new pony was trying him out
on a Burman road, when the animal
bolted, and ran at top speed down a
narrow road.
1n t,h0 way ahead was a native cart,
in which was a family party out holiday
The pony dashed Into the back of the
curt, threw his rider into the midst of
the merrymakers, and severely injured
the Burman who was driving.
Before the Englishman had an opportu.
nity to explain his unexpected on.
elaught the Burman picked himself up
and bowed ]ow.
"My lord, my lord," 11e said, apologeti-
cally, "!he cart should not have been
You cnn shays make a snlisfeotory
deal with an honest cnn-unless you
are in the dishonest class.
"That Mr, Sloplly has finally skipped
Without paying his bound bill," said
NW. Slarvem.
"Well," replied Mr, Sturbord, "you
ought to lie glad. You've frequently
spoken to hint es an elephant on your
Yes, he certainly behaved like an ele-
phant. He took his trunk with him."
An Old lady who was In the habit 01
saying after any event that she bud fore
told 1t was one day "sold" by bar 1111s•
band, who had got tired of her eternal
"1 10111 you so 1" liushblg into the 1181159,
he dropped into a chair, raised his hands
1111d exeinimed : "Oh, my defer, what
do you think? The old cow has gone
and eaten the grindstone I" "f told you
so I I told you so I" was the reply,
"You always let Il stand out of doors,'
"Here!" roast the old lawyer to his
son, studying law with him; "you told
me you bud read this work on Evidence
and yet, the leaves aro not cut." "Used
X-rays," yawned the versatile son; and
the other chuckled with delight as he
thought what a lawyer the boy would
Children who are Pole and peevish want 401110.
make good
nothing tequal "Forrovim"r thispureose
Mothers, be sure to get a bottle.
"I suppose," said the timid young
man, "when you recall what a hand-
some man your first husband was, you
wouldn't consider me for a inn
"Oh, yes, I would," replied the widow,
instantly ; "but I wouldn't consider you
for a second."
Worms derange the whole system.
Mother Graves' Worin Exterminator de-
ranges worms and gives rest to the
sufferer. It only costs 25 cents to try
it and be convinced.
Old Gent (proposing health of happy
pair at the wedding breakfast) : "And as
for the bridegroom, 1 can speak with
still more confidence of him, for 1 was
present at his christening, I was pre-
sent aL the banquet given in honor of
his coming of age, I an present, here to-
day, and I trust I may be spared to bo
present at his funeral,'
Always a Good Friend, - ID health
and happiness we need no friends, but
when pain and nro.stration come we
look for friendly aid from sympathetic
hands. These hands can serve us no
better than in rubbing in Dr. Thomas'
Eeleetric 011, for when the Oil is in the
pain is out. IL has brought relief to
thousands who without It would be in-
deed friendless.
Office Boy : "Want to see the guv'nor?
What name shall 1 say T"
Visitor : "Herr Sohweitzsalsburg-
Woe Boy : "011, I shan't be able to
pronounce all that. I'm leaving at the
end of the week.
Nimrod was a mighty hunter, but
had he hunted in the "Temagami"
region he would have been a mightier
one. Nimrod hunted for glory, but
Temagamians hunt for gone, Those
Indians who made the first canoe of
birch bark long ago, were our greatest
benefactors. The children of these In-
dians know the coanoe, and they know
how to use it, and i1 you go to Tema-
gami this summer they will paddle your
canoe in their own superb way. They
will be the best guides you ever had.
Studentswho camp in summer along
the Temagami lakes are able to do two
years' work in one. Finest of fishing
and hunting. Easy of access by the
Grand Trunk Railway System. For In-
formation and beautiful descriptive
publication sent free apply to J. D. Mc-
Donald, Union Station, Toronto„ Ont.
"You shall endeavor to control your-
self. Your violent temper has a bad et -
feat on your heat. Get mit into the
open ale. Try the peaceful and soth-
ing effects of a good baseball game."
i have tied it. They won't let me
in any more."
"Why not?"
"Three Limes I tried to kill Ile UM-
Dr. Leonhardt's Ilem-Roid will cure
any dase of Piles.
This statement is made without any
IL is in the form of a tablet,
le is the only pile remedy used inlen•-
It is impossible to cure an establli'ted
case of Piles with ointments, suppose
toles, injections or outward applianers.
A $1,000 guarantee with every pack-
age of Dr. Leonhm'dts ilem•Rold.
$1.00, all dealers, or The Wilson-ir'ylr-
Co,, Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont -
Father and Mother Respond to Plead-
ings and Aro Reconciled.
A touching reconciliation has token
place in 0 house in the Boulevard Vol-
taire, Pars, between a ]man and his
wife who had long been separated. The
husband lead divined his wife owing 1.0
a foolish infatuation on her part, and
ho had been given the custody of the
child, a little girl of seven.
'The ohild, deprived of her mother, of
whop she was extremely fond, fell ill,
and the most careful attention and even
change o1 air the nothing to prevent
her from pining away. Her condition
became mines. She look no interest in
the toys will which her father loaded
her, and frequently cried for her mo-
The divorced woman, hearing of her
lihle daughter's illness, succeeded, wit
the conelvanee of the nurse, in visiting
her, unknown Lo the father, while he
was away at his office. During one of
Ilo»o visits, however, the faller came
back unexpeoledby 10 see the Child, anci
wns brought !nee l0 tees with itis wife,
The pitiful joy of the iitile girl, who
bogged that ho' mime night not be
sent away, and the repentant altitude
at the leather, hail 1.0,11 en effect that
aL lost the father mclloI and a recon-
ciliation wits effected. They o'e to be
400101ed again as s0013 as the neC08
spry legal requirements flava been fll-
" Keeping Svc/lastingly at It befalls Succuss."
go 000 REWARD will0,bo paid to any
person who proves that
Sunlight Soap contains any
injurious chemicals or any
form of adulteration,
is e, perfect cleaner and will
pot injure anything.
Best for all household pur-
poses, Sunlight Soap's super-
iority"is most conspicuous in
the washing of clothes.
Common soaps destroy
the painted or varnished
surfaces of woodwork and
take the color out of clothes.
Even the daintiest linen
or lace, or the most delicate
colors may be safely washed
with Sunlight Soap in the
Sunlight way (follow direc-
Equally good with hard
or soft water.
Your money refunded by the dealer
from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you
find any cause for complaint,
Bever Brothers Limited, Toronto
t b e quite
Smith : "Brown is getting o
�. - ..,•-,e'`..; '.':.till aa,l
PEDLAR°S CORRUGATED IRON Is made on a 36,000 M. press (the 014
one In Canada) one corrugation at a t,me, and is guaranteed true and
straight to size.
We carry a 600 ton stack In Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and
London and can ship ordinary requirements the same day order is received.
Made In 1 inti, 2 inch or 2% inch corrugateone in sheets any length up
to 10 feet in 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized.
This olass of material is most suitable for fireproofing Barns, Factory,
Mill and Warehouse Buildings and is wafer and wind proof.
Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers end Galvanized Nails carried in stock.
Send Specifications to your nearest office for catalogues and prices.
Montreal, oue. ova, ON10001110, Om, loadoo,Out, min, Man, Vuacouver,B4O.
707 Craig St. i 408 Sussex at. III Colborne st, f 69 Dundee et. i 76 Lombard et, 811 Ponder 0t.
Write your Nearest Office.-•IlEAD OFFICE AND WORKS-OSHAWA, Ont
Largest makers of Sheet Metal Building Materials under the British Flag.
ci In Western Canada a o6laneOs ee tat
ed h de
ua fit
only 9 m two railways, . a
Saskatchewan, melee fro lo C.k, a
seen, r 9a,
on s 1 r lou h land ■ riaq creek no I a
Sir of iI a Deaf. s o h9.
, p
P , P g
ouCg les of Indian Heed. Ptioe 10.60 a ae
Write forumay end toll partionlare. g
a. PARSONS, 01 Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada,
In one of the lesser Indian Hill wars
an English detachment took an Afghan
The Afghan was very dirty. Ae.
cordingly two privates were deputed to
strip and wash him.
The privates dragged the man to a
stream of running water, undressed
him, plunged him in, and set upon nim
lustily, with stiff brushes and large
cakes of white soap.
Well, alter a long time, one of the
privates carne bash to make a report,
, He saluted his ofileer and said, discon-
"It's no use, sir, It's no use;"
"No use?" said the officer. "What da
you mean? haven't, you washed that
Afghan yet?"
It's no use, sir," the private repeat-
ed. "We've washed him for two hours,
but it's no use."
"Hots do you mean It's no use?" said
the officer, angrily.
"Why, sir," said the private, "after
rabbit,' and so'nbbin' him till our arms
ached, blamed if we didn't come to an -
I other suit of clothes." i The world extends the glad hand to
the lucky man, but all It hands the
victim of tough luck is a little cold sym-
' pa thy.
absent-minded of late, isn't he?" Grit-
fln : "Why, I haven't nntteed IL" Smith: 1
"Well, lee is. The other day he happened
to look in a mirror at home, and he 1
asked his wife what she was doing with
that fellow's picture in the hello."
For the Overworked. -What are the
causes of despondency and melancholy?
A disordered liver is one cause and a
prime one. A disordered liver means
a disordered stomach, a disordered sto-
mach means a disturbance of the nerv-
ous system. This brings the whole
body into subjection and the victim
teals stele all over. Parmelee's Vegetable
sills are a recognized remedy in this
State and relief will follow their use.
He -'They say that people who marry
soon grow to look alike." She -'Then
you must consider my refusal es final."
sunlight Soap Is better than other soaps,
but is beet when used in the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
"Dat was a great wedding, Sam."
"Deed i1 was."
"Well, who wns the lucky mon?"
"Dot's hand to say. De groom thought
lie was de ]uolky man till he squinted
et de bride and noun' out site had wl'ln-
Icle'sMuhlakl" a wader map."
"Den de best man thought he was de
lucky man til he form' out de rabbit's
foot de groom had gibbon him was er
col.'s tool"
Lant'sl Den de preacher mils' hab
been de May man?"
"Well he kinder puffed up del way
1111 arler de ceremony on den he discobe.
hod dat the bill de groom had passed
him as a tee was bogus."
Mabel : "Such a joke with Mr. Goy-
bny. Wo were out nn tine I ale,ony be-
tween the dances and he got the sleeve
of his dress coat over red paint 100111 ono
of the posts that was just petaled,"
Maud : "And did you go near the post?"
Mabel : "No, Why?" Maud : "011,
nothing; oniy you have red paint all
over the back of your waist."
No one need fear cholera or any
summer complaint if they have a bottle
of Dr. J. D. ICellogg:s Dysentery Cor- •
dial ready for use. it corrects all loose-
ness at the bowels promptly and caus-
es n healthy and natural notion. This!
is a medicine adapted for the young and
old, rich wast poor mad Is rapidly be-
coming the most popular medicine far
cholera, dysentery, etc., in the market
Miss Dauber "I can generally toll
what a person's prniesslo n is by look.
Ing at his face.." Allss 0us11e (sitting for
n portrait): "Now, isn't that a comet•
donee? Do you know, the very first
lime 1 saw year fico 1 said 10 mynolf,
'I'm sure that woman paints' 1"
A lady tt'rltetx "I Was ennb]ed lo re.
move the Berns. reef and branch, Av the
1150 of tlellnwny's Con Cora." Others
who have triad it have the same ox-
They Are Not Violent in Action. -
Some persons, when they wish to
cleanse the stomach, resort to Epsom
and other purgative salts. These aro
speedy in their action, but serve no per-
manent good. Their use produces in-
cipient chills, and if persisted in they
injure the stomach. Nor do they act up-
on the intestines in e. beneficial way.
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills answer all
purposes in this respect, and have no
Harry, aged four, while visiting his
gl'and-parents in the country, heard a
mule bray for the first time. "Good
ness 1" exclaimed the little fellow,
"That horsie has whooping cougb
Lingering, stubborn old sores are erased from
the skin b]- Wearer's Cerate, Tho good work of
blood -cleansing is completed with Weaver's Syrup.
"The clean food question is on the
"Therepetst oughtnoto be some sweeping ar-
guments to dispose of ft,"
Aa .L'1lrx S
Three hundred times bet-
ter than sticky paper.
Sold by all Druggists and General stores
and by mail,
ST, COATS BLAO1k10TT Sooretar .
Real listabo and Insurance brokers. Forme and
pity property lar colo. Corrosppondonoe soliollted.
BEARINGS, limited.
410001noturoi•s of iho
lleIIerA Nge f ile1111119
'785 King St. %Yost, Toronto
Work waited for Potter & Sohn -
Mon ,nnchifcs, and lero\1'Tl tit
Femme grinding nlnchln0s. Prices
Iow. Any, kind of light venchino
built to Order.
make picnics more enjoyable by making
the preparations easier,
Easier to cavy; easier to serve; wadicst
right for eating as they come from the can.
Libby's cooks have first pick of the best
meats obtainable—and they know how
to cook them, as well as pack them.
If you're not going to a picnic soon you
can make one tomorrow at your own table
by serving some sliced Luncheon Loaf.
it is a revelation in the blending of good
meat and good spices.
Booklet free, "How to Make
Good Thiers to Eat.- Write
Libby, FfcNeill' Libby, Chicago
sad faded eulls wou1d look batter d rd. Il no 0000
00 oras to your town, write diroot Alyontroel, nor 169
'keretee sill `tete
COBALT STOCKS -11,o right kind -offer im-
mense opportunities for large and Immediate
profits. For the past few months high-grade ore
has been piling up at the urines, shipments being
withheld pending the completion of the new
smelter. This has resulted in many stocks being
quoted by those not understanding oonditions at:
a price far below their real value. Shipments
aro now commencing, and great returns, not to
,peak of advanoes in stook market prices, are
Assured. Many ground -floor opportunities exist
sow, but the market le dailybecoming room
active and NOW IS TES TIMTO ACT,
My booklet (including Govt. report)
and weekly news letter furnish [nit and
up-to-date information. They are free.
Mines Stocks Syndicates
15 Adelaide SL E., Toronto, and Cobalt.
Foprty < el you could have
onnwhich ,o atoinoht late In Drawmwhia6
trial 515,000 a year rent.
Droner ha. • population of 400,000,
t6L Ave
your: the populotioo will era;
Ordinary widener Iota In dinriet,.heody pops-
Iatcd hrinslro,n 1750 to 13,000 e.eh.
We ARE L1YIN0 OUT A New 500111ON
Washington Heights
The hirheer and mon sightly addition in Drawl
furniihtnddl1 a whet view of iki a Peat and rhe
Ove lookhM,W+ehinl,an Park. or a ;Helene.An ideal pot.
Lots 25x125 Feet for $100
,+d• L CASH S 33 AER 15050 t .,
912e, t ao
antiyarortwo, awl . a9Ql iRaB '�pe wrie.u.a
Vn an,.hll "r;wn;
,t et as leo"eaw ftet�l„dar Iy. el,w
"Iw as t«. °Cm' r+.r .n
Tit ccosO,'maw a .....
+Ty II yea t" Yr",ee,o wale Mew, wet. to.
FOR LAfw OIL Ecomomv
USE Pru g rnL
No real need to bur the more expensive
oils if GOOD BURNER le used
2f you Want a BLG LIGHT -Tagus alt
For Sale by treaters
tsa (t1lEE3 CITY OIL Go,, Vett!
ISSUE NO. 20.011e