HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-7-12, Page 8A Good Whisk for 10 Cts
It is not often you can pink up as genal It Whisk for
10e as we are selling for that money just now. We
have received a fresh lot of them and you will agree
with ne that they are very special value.
For Diseases of Chickens and Young Turkeys
which are so prevalent this Summer in many flocks,
try giving them Copperas. We have the finest qual-
ity of Pulverized Copperas at 8c per lb. We also
have on hand
at 85 cents per package, which has been found to give
very satisfactory results.
I,zcal Baps Items
A abiel'e amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent ie.
Crete boliday Wednesday, August 8th.
FALL wheat will e000 be ready to bar.
SoaaoL Board Friday evening of this
R. GnAaAtd ebipped a oar of oats to
A c&a of hose was shipped to Palmer•
,ton by G, A. Beet.
SavEaAL telephones were burned out by
last Setarday'e storm.
Boueaoxs Summer raoee Wednesday
and Thursday Augaet 22nd and 23rd.
L 0. RICHARDS has had the Ettore fronto
in hie bloats repainted m00h improving
their appearance.
SATuaDAR of this week will be the open.
ing day in the new eboe store of L 0.
Richards. Special bargain day will be
AuoxzoN Sale of boaeebold furniture,
deo, at Mre. W. J. Jaokeon'e, Tarnberry
street Brussels, Saturday afternoon of
thio week, at 2 p. m.
Roar, Taoism hoe had his reeidenoe,
Tnrnberry street, veneered with metallic
aiding which will improve both the Dom•
fort.aod appearance of it.
G. N. McLellan is running a mid Sum•
mer Clearing Sale that the people should
take advantage of theepeoial inducements
while the Bale oontneuee. It will pay you
to call and see the goods and ask the
2071.—In speaking of the Bale of butter
by Braseele Creamery, leeb week, we
quoted the price received ae 20o whereas
it eboald have been 20}. We are pleased
to make this correction as it was oar
Srarcm train conveyed the Orange.
men of tbie railway line to Milverton on
Tbureday. Train left Braseele et 9 a.
m. and was eobeduled to reach Milver-
ton at 10.35. 81;tiokete were gold here.
Seatorth and Gerrie Orange oelebratl000
also attrauted people from this locality.
LAST Sunday evening Fido, the intel.
tigent terrier, belonging to Alex. Me-
Lennan was drowned at the mill dam.
He got into a hole where the current watt
swift and was unable to extricate himeelt.
Fida'e remaine were boxed aod decently
buried on Monday. He was a great pet
and valued highly.
TARES EzrRECTNow.—We have frequent•
ly been asked it Mr. Whitney's new
provieione relating to oohool teaohere'
Salaries became law, Yee, they were
passed in the Howie on the 14th of May,
and there is one provision that ehoold
not be overlooked. Teachers making
engagements mast do so ander the pro.
0181000 of this act, and it they engage at a
lower eatery than their notion justifies
the inspector is compelled to suspend
their oertitiaate. Thie applies to teach.
ere who make engagemeute for the bal-
ance of this year also,
LIemaINW'e FRRAxe,—The rain storm
last Saturday at 1 p. m. was a drenober
and the a000mpanying lightning and
thunder bag not been oatdoae for many
a day, the 80rpriee i, that more damage
was not done, W. F. Stewart's flour
mill smoke etaok received another blow
giving it a bad twist and the wooden ball
0n the flag staff at the Public school was
tweaked off being split in three pieeee.
It ie nuppoeed the wire attached to the
pole to pall ap the flag acted as a cion -
doctor and afforded a route for the
ligntning without doing damage to the
tower, The betake were blacked in the
iightning'e Dooms.
Heim OLD Boys' Eyouoerow.—Last
Saturday wee the date of the annual
visit of former reeidente of this County
now residing in Toronto. There were
two excursion trains one taking the W,
G. & B. ae far as Luaknow and the other
deetioed for Goderiah, A. goodly num•
bee Deme the Northerly route and among
Gum who nailed off at Brneaels were
Wee, Aiulay, Jas, lewin, Rae. Wheeler,
Miaeee Jo. Roes, May Deadman, Alice
Bone, Cora Lowick, Mrs. Salter and
eon, Ere. H. Chapman, The train er•
rived here amidst a regular downpour
of rain with heeveo'e artillery making
a great display, preoluding;the welooming
party at the depot being larger. Return•
trip wee meds Monday evening the
epeeist leaving here about 7 o'oiook,
l turon Old boys end girls are always
welcome to the banner County,
GOOD Torino,—An enjoyable time was
on at the Maooabee Thursday Hall after-
noon and evening of last week when a
Strawberry Festival was held. The
ladies attended in the afternoon and
gentleman were added to the oompa09
in the evening. A fine program was
rendered ae followe 1—Inebromental,
Mrs. Thomson and D. Ewan ; Recitation,
C. Riohardeon ; Solo, Mies Hingeton ;
Trombone Solo, L. Danford ; Reolbatfon,
klioe Minole MoNattghton ; Instrumental
Mat. Thomson and Mr, Ewan ; Reading,
J. J, Gilpin ;Duet, J. Stmoban and 0.
Riohardeon ; Trombone Solo, L. Dan-
an•ford; Reading, MISS 1, Deohanan ; Duet,
MiGs Sharp and Mine Gerry; Instrument.
al Mrs, Thomson and Mr, Ewan ; Rect.
tation, Mies Beabrioe Harris ; Recitation,
Mr. Riobardeob by request; Organ Solo,
Mee ,Seeeie MOLanehlin j "God Save the
A. 0. DAMES 'shipped a Dar of hogs and
a ear of cattle to Montreal.
War. JEwirr shipped a doable decked
oar 01 hogs to Oolliogwood on Tuesday.
SEVERAL high street crossings have
been improved by lands of gravel
being planed to do away with the bump.
TUE hay on the Grey Agricultural Park
was sold to Walter Lowry for 35,00, the
lowest figure is ever went for. He struck
a bargain.
IN inward freight this week there were
two Gare of oriel for Wilton & Gillespie
and one for Gerry & Walker. Also a oar
al household geode for Mr. Hoard, of
Ooboorg, who ie moving to Walton.
AN effort is beiog made to rejuvenate
base ball in town and a 080008 of experts
on the diamond taken. We have a good.
ly number of former stare bat whether
they could shine with their old brilltauoy
is not jaet olear. A trial would tell the
DR. BUTLER, London, will be at the
American Hotel, Brunette, on :—
Hoare 7:30 a. no to 2 p. m, Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat consultations, Eyes
tested for glasses.
To Toe COAL MINES.—Mooday N. F.
Gerry, Reeve Henderson, W. Gillespie
and A. B.MaoDonald lett town forBoffalo
from whence they proceeded to Koran•
ton, Pennsylvania 00 a complimentary
trip to the ooal fields, along with 80oree
of others interested in the bleak
diamonds. They will likely get back to
town by Saturday and will no doubt
enjoy the eights and scenes in 000ueoti00
with the outing,
Mae, Coxttri DECEASED,—Word was
received on Wednesday afternoon, by
John Mooney, from Uxbridge, 80noanc.
leg the demise of Mrs. W. J. Ooxall, ole -
ter to Mrs. Jno Mooney and James
Strettoo, of this plane. Sbe had been
ill for the past year with a (lancer and
at times was a great but patient suffer.
er. The funeral took place on Thurs.
day. Mr. Coxed, a eon at Orillia, and
a daogbtar at Weston,sarvive wife and
mother, Mrs. Mooney had been with
her eieter for about sight weeke. The
intelligence of Mrs. Ooxall'e death did
not arrive here in time to permit any
of the other relatives here attending the
FRooe ALPENA.—An old resident of this
locality in the person of Jao. W. Hall, is
revisiting old eoenee and renewing old
friendships. It is 42 years since he re-
moved bo Alpena, Miohigao, where he
has beau engaged in the hardware bus -
,nese, 0arriag80, implements, etc. Mr.
Hall will be 74 years of age next Ootober
but is en native hearty man. He bac
seven ohildren, 19 grandchildren and one
great grand 013313. On hie wheel he can
visit any of them in 5 minutes, with the
exception of two, Alpena is n bustling
city of 15,000 people with a good country
Sdjaoent. Taa Posr was pleased to meet
Mr, Heti. He was bare 5 years ago.
Foos. BALL.—A. lively and well contest-
ed game of Foot Ball was played o0
Victoria Park, Braseele, in the presence
of a. large number of spectators, on Mon-
day evening, between the "Albiono,' of
Parkdale, and the Brussels team. The
visitors came with a championship
record and a victory the Saturday
previous over Wiogham of 2-1 so a bot
matob was expected. In the first half
the honors were fairly well divided and
no goats scored but in the latter half the
home team snored two goals and another
dieallowed for offside and kept the elegant
distance very buoy, Toward the oonolu-
sloe of the play in a triangular eorim•
mage W. Millar, who with J. Mitchell, of
Wingham, and McLean, of Seaforth,
were assisting the Albione ae they were
three men abort, re0eived a etaoty kiok in
the fees end wee unable to aontinae to
play. W. Forrest went off Braeoele
lorwarde to even up. Everybody on the
looal team pat up A 1 ball and won on
their merits. ;rhe goal keeper had little
to do ; the beaks were always ready ;
the 7y back trio accepted every chance end
the forwards made thine hgetle when•
ever they received the sphere. P. Ferga•
son refereed the game very eatiefaotorily.
The Parkdale oontiage8t ie a gentiemany
19 lot and will be .welcome back again.
They had a °lone call in catching the
train at 7 p. m., the whietie blowing be.
fore they left the park. No time was
taken to change apparel bat with their
"beet clothes" in their arme they sprint-
ed to the Or, T. B. The line up was as
'PAliRDALE nauseamRuch Goal Kerr
Wheeler) Aodarson
Hitchen �' 1... McDonald
McLean Ste-meanRoufnsou }flacks Brown
Dowdell { Ard811
Robinson OardUi
Miller „ Barley
Backe Forwards - 8trnanmv
Oldlenet Cameron
Oallendar J l Forrest
Business Locals.
BIND1m» TWINE.—Dearing, Standard,
Manila, 650 ft, 11}o. Hellas & Go.
To LET,—Dwelling rooms above etore
soft water and other o0nveniencee. Ina.
mediate poe0essinn, L 0. Rloo- ii ,
Fan SAGE,—Comfortable dwelling, t
aoree of land, ohuioe traits and hard and
soft water and situation oohveoient to
I, 0. 14C1AnDa,
Standard Bank of Canada
�8T.4 818SRn 1873.
st7RPLU8, OR ivaswaVE FUND 0 1,000.000
TOTAL d88AT& OVER 10,000,000
A Etenereet 18aaliing F3neettletelea Trnngaoted
antereet paid trona date of deposit to date of withdrawal at highest current rates
and compounded half -yearly,
Joint Deposit Accounts—A sP1003AL CONVENIENCE n1 use in our Seviogo 1)o-
partm0nt le the "Joint Deposit" account, a000eyauay be deposited or withdrawn
by Dither of the two members of the household. This eystom le a great eeuveu-
lenoe to many residing In town, but more particularly eo to farmers, as in the latter
case whether man or wife comes to town either can attend to the Banking. An-
other feature of the system in that in Game of the death of either party the money
eau be withdrawn by the etlrvlvor without cost, We will tell you mere about our
methods if you will kindly call or write.
Slurried Women anti Ninon may make and withdrew deposits without the In.
terveution of any person.
only for which no charge ie made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oarefol pad courteous attention.
G. P. SOHOLFIELD, Goa, M480000. J. F. ROWLAND, MANAoan,
ROM—We are beadquartere foe
pore Manilla rope 1 inob $ and 13/16'.
Our prices are right. McKee & 0o.
Roes-Coarcts.—In Winnipeg, on Jane
21st, by Rev. Mr. McMillan, Mr.
Thos. Rosa, of Minnedoea, Man„ to
Mise Maggie, daughter of Mrs. M.
Ooatea, of Leadbary.
WR1anT-SIAIPBON.—In Wroxeter, on June
27th, by Rev. L. Perrin, Mr. Frank
Wright, of Turnherry, to Mise Dora
Simpson, of Jamestown.
GIDBoN.—In Wroxeter, on July 911e, to
Mr. and Pare. John Gibson, a dough.
BEapaLTz,—In Grey, on July 101h, to
Mr. and Mra. Emil Berfeltz, 8daagh
Rt DERTsoN —In Wroxeter, on July 8011,
Oatbariue MoEweo, wife of the late
Angie Robertson, in her 88th year.
PAa1IEn.—At Atwood, on July 7th, Rob.
ert Parker, aged 80 years, 8 mouths
and 6 days.
CAVITAL—Authorized $2000.000
CAPITAL—Paid up 1.000,000
RESERVE and Surplus Profits; 1.188,133
8. J. M00RE, D, I+l, TBOMPSON, x, 0,
President, VIoa•Prootdenb,
TN09, 01080011Aw, 0 ,0.A, DID 1100000 Lin, W. 00a00010108 GLARY, E.0. SA8, R 0000
JOn0 IPrn0Tnn0000
W, D. ROB8, • General Manager
TUE METROPOLITAN BANK le open to receive the accounts of
Farmers, Morohanta suit Bteiueee Community goaerally and t0 give
careful oonsideratioo to all proposals submitted to it.
It relies upon its past record for courteous treatment of its 011x.
tamers, and will extend every consideration ooueioteut with sound
banking to those who may desire to transmit business with it,
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all came of $1 and upwards
LONOLEY.—In Howiak, on July 9th, Jane
Elizabeth Boome, wife of Andrew
Longley, aged 61 years, 10 menthe
and 20 days.
DEaBIoNED offers hie flue 100 acre
farm , being Lot l6, Con. 32, eleey, for Salo.
comfortable house, bank barn, orchard, &a,
Farm .0 is a good state of oult0vatton and
adjoins the village of Cranbrook, where are
gtnree, churches, chops, ho. Poeaeeslon
gluon neat Fall. For further portionlare as
0o0r Cia,boo80k t .4&" apply o00161p0 pprmise
111 Proprietor. s,
OLIN Square pinup, made by 0et„ta-
man & 04., in good condition. A bargain,
Apply to R. L. JACKSON, Brussels. 01.20
Not -ice to Berry Pickers.
As I um cutting the underbrush and clear-
ing the land on what was lormall:' known
a9 the 13towart Berry Petah," on Lot 2,
Con. 8, Grey, Dodos le hereby giventhat
any person or persons found trespassing on
the above promises will be proseauted ac-
cording to law,
62.2 ALEX. D. GRANT.
before they come. Don't
wait until your potatoes aro near-
ly destroyed before applying the
Dire, You Dau depend upon it—
Our Paris Green
will let none of
them get away.
Sudden Death
in every paokago.
Put up in strong card board
boxes, also in bulk ae deeired,
25c, per pound at
Fox's Drug Store
Commencing Saturday, July 14th, and Positively ending July 25th, 1906
We can't afford to run this Big Sale any longer.
Goods bought at this Sale cannot be returned SACRIFICES MUST BE MADE.
or exchanged. : No goods on approbation. WE MUST LOWER THE BIG STOCK.
Note our Grocery List
This department is full of new goods and Re stook is
replete with the beet and purest that can be procured. You
can save many dollar% by replenishing your want list dur-
ing this big sale.
Maple Leaf, Lowe Inlet and Eagle Salmon, your choice
2 for 25o.
Bulk Teas, Japan or Ceylon, regular 250 per. lb., 5 lbs, 31.
Yeast Oakes, 3o per box.
3 Plage McDonald Tobacco for 25o.
Sealer of Crest Brand Baking Powder for 180,
9 Tina of Pork and Beane for 25o.
1-113. Tin of Baking Powder and a beautiful picture, regular
price 50e, sale price 390.
Everything in the Grocery Line Reduced
5e articles for 4o, 100 articles for 9o, 15a articles for 14e. oto.
Nairn's best Quality Linoleums in block
and floral designs, 4 yds wide $1 80
Ladies' Wrappers
Too many Wrappers are not good to have. We have
cat our prices on Wrappers to sell every one in atook.
$1 00. Ladies' Wrappers for 760
1 26 " 990
1 46 " 1 23
1 75 " " 1 44
2 00 " " 1 50
$2 Ladies' Blouse Waists for 50c
These consist of all sizes and kinds, in fact a °leaning
of the stook, all colors, all kinde, prices from $1.00 to 32.25,
to clear al eaoh 50o.
25c Ladies' Belts at 5c and roc
Ladies' Black and Colored Leather Belts, also Silk
Belts, worth 25o, at 100,
Another lot of Belts to clear at eaoh 5o,
31,25, 31.60 and 31.75 Ladies' Dongola Batton Shoes, your
choice for 99o.
$1.10 Ladies' Toe Slippers for 95o.
31.76 Ladies' Oxfords, Blucher out, ribbon tie, for 31.89,
31,80 Ladies' Tan Oxfords, Blucher out, for 31.49.
31.25 Ladies' Glove Grain Bel Shoe for 31..
31.65 Meu's Glove Grain, oil tan, heavy sole, 8 rows of pegs
and plugged, for 31.49.
$2,26 Meu'Et Box Calf Bol Shoes, fine soft stook, heavy sole,
for 32.
$4 Men's Patent Leather Bal Shoe, beet of quality, new
ebapoe,for 36.60.
31.25 to 32.60 l'ten'e Bal Shoes, put at a job price, only 31.
31.26 Boys' Glove Grain Bal Shoes, oil tan, heavy sole, 31,18,
31.75 Boys' Box Calf Bel Shoes for $1.58.
Now for Bargains in Colored Muslins
40o Linen Voile, silk and linen mixtures, in plain and
stripes, at 16o.
15o Stripe Dimity now 8}c.
250 French Dimity now 120.
25o Brocaded Muslin at 15o.
I2} Blae Voile now 8}o,
l2}o Pink and White Ohambrey at 100.
150 Black Muslin, neat stripe, at 10o,
150 White Dimity, with pink stripe, at 80.
250 Black and White Dimity for 150.
20c Brown Voile at 150.
12i,o Organdies at 8}o.
200 Large Check Blaok and White Ginghams for 12}0.
250 White Belora Cambria, with worked blank stripe, 15e,
200 Black Dimity for 15a.
16o Amerivan Muslins, with fanoy ooloringe, at 10o.
150 Blue Organdie at 12o.
12,1 Dimities, with blank 0tripee, 100.
Ask to see our Pile of Ends
at Cheap Prices,
Millinery Department will be
open during this Big Sale
Ladies' White Cambric Skirts made of Fine English
Lansdowne 0ambrios. All at ridiolonely low prices.
$1.00 White Underskirts, trimmed with embroidery, for 700
31.25 " " " " " 99e
31.50 " ' " " teneriffe lace•, $1.00
32.60 " " " " embroidery, 1,69
124c Maurice Flannelette 9c
18 pieces of Maurioe'e Flannelettes, 37 inches wide, dark
and light stripes, at o,-ly 90.
$2.50 Black Metallic Skirts, $1.25
Just a limited quantity of Black Metariio Underskirts, with
colored stripes, at halt price, for 31.25.
$2.25 White and Colored Skirts, 99c
A few White and Colored Outside Skirts ranging from 31,25
to 32,23, at eaoh 99e.
$5 Ladies' Cravenette Rain Coats, $2 50
Ladies' Grey Cravenette Rath Coats, 68 and 60 inches long,
made by National Rubber Co„ Montreal, and were
Worth 36,00, now half pride at 32.60.
38.00 Ladies' Rath Coate as above, at 34.50,
37,00 Ladies' Rath Coate as above, at 38,50.
35c Men's White Unlaundered
Shirts for 25c
A big lot of Men's White Unlaundered Shirts, sizes 14,
14} and 15, were cheap at 850, now 25o,
$1 Men's Straw Fiats, 10c
All our Men's Fine Straw Hate, 25o, 60c, 75o and 31.00, to
clear at 10o.
$1 Millinery Straw Hats, 10c.
Every Untrimmed Hat in stook hae been laid out and we
must clean up our Entire Ladies' Straw Hate, at each
The Big Clothing Sale
of Men's, Youths' and Boy's Clothing at near-
ly Half Price, lasting only 10 days.
Men's Navy Blue Serge Snits, were 33,75, for 32,99.
Men's Navy Blue Serge State, were 34.50, for 33.49.
Men's Brown Halifax Tweed Suits, were 35.00, for 33,98.
Men's Tweed Suit, size 39, only one enit, was 35, now $3.69.
Men's Black Tweed Suite with green threading, were $5.25,
now 34.00.
Men's Blue Serge Suite were 35.00, now $8.98.
Men's Stripe weed Suit, size 39, was $5.00 now 3339.
Men's Blue Grey Tweed Suits, were 36.25, now 33.99.
Men's Light Tweed Suite, were $5.60, now 34.48,
Men's Brown Halifax Tweed Suite, were 35,50, now $4.12.
Men's Dark and Light Brown Mixed Suit, size 38, was
35.76, naw 33,48.
Men's Brown Mixed Tweed Suit, size 40, was $5,96, for $8.
Men's Blue Serge Suite, were 36.00, now 34.73,
Men's Brown Mixed Tweed Suits, wore $9.00, now 36.49.
Men's Brown Check Tweed Suits, double breasted coat,
were 39.50, now 36.89.
Men's Cottonade Overalls to clear at per pair 25o,
Boys' 2 and 3 Piece Tweed Suits at Un-
heard of Prices
Boy'e Blue Flannel Serge Blouse Suit, 31.00, for 880.
Light Fawn Cheviot Suite, eizee 22, 23, 24, were 31.50,
now 99o,
Black Serge Suite, were 31.75, now 31.43.
Light Grey Tweed Suite, sizes 23, 24, were $2.25, for 31.44,
Blue Serge Suite, were 32,50, now 31,49.
Grey Blouse Suite, sizes 23, 24, 25, 26, were 32,50, now 31.
85 Ladies' Waterproof Coats $1.50
Lot of Ladies' Waterproof Rein Coate made of beet
Paratnetta Cloth, in blank, grey and navy, were 36,00, now
Goods bought at this Sale cannot be returned. ,No goods ,given on approbation.
Produce or Cash in exchange for goods, Aro , `nods punched on tickets during this Big Scale.