HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-7-12, Page 4(Tot ignualti
ttlnoD$ aD hloreaalag ilropeetiou of the
Int people, Dunegthename period wage)
muruuood, whilst ouat o1 living, paupers
and online dsoreaeed. But vibe; will
THURSDAY , JULY 12 1906. eatouleb our proteoot0niet friends raced,
le, that oontemporrtneoao with these in.
fallible sign of R progressing o(villaatiou,
7'late Folly of Protection, her import)) ex000ded bee exports by
$10 000 0U0,
The debt of the proteQtionist notions
Te the Baiter of Tau IPM: i Jto the people of (ireatj3rita(a ieQoaatant.
[ ai b.
I iuoreaatu et the ew who g u
DEAaBrnOoua view of thaiaritfohalgee y
new under oouaideration by the Govern• boat deoalsystam never time proclaimrose dui and people of Candle, tate following mg, through
savooa4 eatbhat belle (Graeidszed nt Brite u)
few words on the destruction of wealth
which the advooates of protection admit
is going to the dogs lineman, and every
that that f1 0a1 "moan entalle, may in. other. way. The Right Hon, Mr, Oham•
oared the patrons of your widely read berla(u and his followers believe this, bat
paper, the fade point m the opposite direction
Aoaording to their own showing the and 110100atelyfor themselves the people
protected manafaoturies of Oenada de- of Great Britain know the fade, judging
strayed wealth to the .alae of about from the reoeat eleotion,
$60,000,000 lest year. This uottoo that the proteotioniet
When tide loot ie understood by the Natioae are ruining the trade and im
people who are forded to pay for this poverl=hing the peopleat Great Britain
destroyed wealth, and who are in the would be sunning, were the matter of
majority in every proteotioniet °pantry, the deetruotion of wealth and iuoreasing
ao called protection will receive a abort lndebl80000e prateotiou entails, lees
shift, eerione for the farmers andotherproduot•
All protected manafaotarers maintain ive laburere and wage earuaro iu Canada
that iu the abeenoe of protection their who likethe eame Masses in other
finished prodaote would sell for less than Protectionist countries, must pay for
coat of production, When snob products (hie destroyed wealth, interest ou the
are sold in the British market we know debt, and (u the end, the principal of
that they do Bell for lees than oast of 11118 monameu1al luau, out of the produce
production. The price realized in thee of their fame and hard won wagae.
market gives us an idea as to what the For prodvotive labor, that is to say,
prioe would be here in Canada in the lobar devoted to the produotioo of
abeenoe of protection. things that would sell for more than
For instance a manataoearer stated be- coat of prodaotion iu the absence of
lore the tariff oommiaeion that It octet Protection, not only pttdaoe8 all wealtb
$14.50 to rodeos a ton of pig iron in but euelaivs the value of that whiob we
Canada. Reoently oat manateatarers have already aooumolated.
have sold large quantities of pig iron in It is the current profits arising Irwin
the Britobmarket at $9.41 penton or 85 0 , such labour and such labour only, that
lege than Octet of production. furnishes the fund from whish all the
It ie a foot frequently oommented on, diebnreemente of the body politick are
that all proteotea preclude oan be bought Paid, whether such poymente are made
tor s mach lower prioe auteide the !or the maiutenaa0e of our prole0ted
borders of the country that produced indaetries, the charitable dole, the re.
them than inside its borders. Thne this tare to capital for its nee, the wages,
eyetem of taxation we 01011 protection keep, and fees or emoluments of the non
not only prevents the people who subject prodn0er0, the coat of goveromeut, the
themselves to it attaining the mein swag of the thief or the contributions we
object for whiob all oivilized aommani• make 00 the people of other (mutinies in
ties ere organized (i, e. to sappily their the form of oar protected and bonne ted
own waste with lobe least labor er ex• goods, for lees them it poste as to prodaoe
peose) bat tomes them to supply anyone them•
living outside their country, with the To prodaoe at a lose as our proteoted
finest at their products at vast post to ma0ateot0rere admito they are doing,
themselves : for would cheek the growth of theepnblio
In all oases where the protected mann• (oidium, even if the lose fell on those eu
fautarer Bells his prodaote in neutral gaged in such production but for the
markets for lees than octet of prodaotion, government to encourage the unlimited
be is repaid for his lose by the Govern. expansion of such production et the
moot et the expense of the pablio, ander expense and consequent ohne to the
cover of the bonne, aod other epeeist expaua(on of profitable production the
advantages over the Canadian aovsumer only kind of production from whittle guy
oonferred on;the manataeturet by the revenue public or private eau be obtained
tariff, ie surely the very gaiuteseen08 0)
Although the theory of protection is Government folly.
not built on the solid foundation of (m. Such folly on the part of governments
perishable truth, nor do its advooates to the 000 0o0trcllable 08088 of the in
depend in the slightest degree for support crease of those great evils that now
on those elevating and h0meniziog rad0808 the oivtlizrtion of protect onidt
attributes in human nature which are 00001018x, i. e. dna inequalities in the
not 633336n to both,each as ignorance, e
division of
wealth, governmental comp.
cunning, greed, fear, owarnoe, v(oioae�
tion, poverty and orime.
nese, and ferocity, yeb this one contention In those oonntriee where the expansion
of the prob8ated manafaatarere that of ouprufitable produotioo ie not en.
their finished prodaote are worth lees ooaraged at the expense of that width
than poet of produotioo is audonbtedly ie profitable, (i. e. free trade countries)
true. Were it not trete there would ne wealth ie beoomiog diffused am0050( an
no excuse for thorn asking any protea- inoreaeing proportion of the people,
tion. wbilet poverty, orime and governmental
They admit therefore that the raw 0orraption ie decreasing.
man80181 used up in, their factories is These broad facie should help our
worth mote than the finished prodnoto, government to resist the present cud
Some have elated the raw material to be all future atteoke of the protected menu.
worth 15 % more than the finished pro. (80000800 on the honest and bard won
duole, the majority putting it between earnings of oar wealth prodoaere.
20 and 30 %. For the rake of illustration As a civilized government whose
we will anew= the average octet of the premier duty it 19 to protect the boneet
row material (1. e, alt the elements that end industrious against the attacks 01
enter into cost of production) to he worththe diehoneet and viaione, they should
15 % more than the fiuiehed prodaote. remember that any increase in the
5400,000,000 Was shout the varus 01 the proteotioniet tariff must
raw material need tip in the protected let. Ioorease the metal destroying
indndtriee of Oanada in 1905. power of the promoted indaetries.
Aoaording to the admiesioo of the pro. 20d. °heck the expa0eion of all io•
tested manutaolorere therefore, when daotries that woald yield a 1+0000 in the
this raw material was changed into absence of protection (from the profits of
Bombed products it was only worth which all the dieunreemeuts of the
5840,000,000, or 15 °p' lees than the raw society are paid) by robbing those en•
material. Tide (u0toatee a declination gaged in snob industries of a greater
of wealth egad to 550,000,000, daring the proportion of their earnings than under
year. the already high tariff.
Give Because the tariff emP owered the
3rd. G ve
an ad0itionel impetus to
It byarm 't out
ou entratiop of wealth, forcing t o
a o
, g
t r her �h value t
mannfao are a to o r the alp 0
this deetiruy8d wealth to the °anadiaa of the hands o1 those who prodaoe it,
ooteeamer, did not alter the foot that in into the hands of the tariff benefioiariee.
the peones of changing the raw material 4th. Meek the advance in farm land
into the finished prodaats, there was a values, which lase been e0 pronounced
Vaal declination ot the wealth of the since the tariff wee lowered in 1697.
o0n0iry ; a destruction of wealth as real 5th. Ioorease the proportionate nam -
ad if it had been destroyed by a great ber of the poor and the criminal,
fire, ora mob of anarchists, Indeed so 0th, Increase the power of the
exiled protection is anarchy in diguiee. aorraptiouiele.
- It la the enorm000 and 0001(00008 Although 11 is quite true, 8e any pro.
destruotien of wealth protection addle, tested manufacturer wi11 maintain, that
that clauses the °onetime shortage of hie finished prodaot would be .worth
oapilal, the ever inoreaeiog poverty, and lees than cost o1 production in the ab.
the trequeotly recurring pertods ot de. nun of protection yet oar 819Brien0e
preeeed trade peooliar to all protectionist proves, that the manufacturers as a
actuaries, Even the United Statee, the whole would gals infinitely mare by the
most favored by Nature, and oureed by cheapened taw material and widened
terifi'e, of all 0000(0108 (e the world, has market that a general and radical re.
been obliged to borrow from one single duetion in the tariff would oeoeeaerily
little oounlry 57,500,000,000, whilst her involve, than they oan ever hope for
poor and orimivale have inoroased to ander the exceptional privileges they now
ouch a degree,thee they now endanger enjoy ander the present exaeeeively high
her oivilization, and no country suffers tariff, H, WAsarg°TON,
more frequently e0 intensely, or for Secretary British Oolonial Free Trade
longer 98(1000, teem depressed trade. League. Ottawa, 1906,
We in Canada, pay tribute to the same
o.antry on a debt of about 51,000,000,000 MODERN BANKING,
the other meanies combined owe her
people about 57,500,000,000.
Praatioally epeekiug ,hie debt (some
516,000,000) her Beoured to the needed of
tae people] of Great Britain einoe bee
government ceased to el:menage dome
of them to prodaoe things at it loss, at
the expense of those who prodaoe at a
profit, and the proteotioniet governments
got bast' taxing their own people into
poverty to enable their manufaotneere to
))apply the people of Great Britain with
the finest of their proteoted and bowie
fed geode away below did of prodaotion.
It cheers the hearts of the people of
proteotdoniet oonntriee to believe, as the
tariff benefioiariea and their birelioge
teach them, and these bonne fed goods
are ruining the trade and impoverishing
the people of Great Britain. When the
people of the proteotioniet 8000(0100
realize the fact that these protected
mud bonne fed goods are 00ri0hi05 the
people of Great Britain beyond the
wildepl (dud mod extravagant dreamt] of
avarice, aod impoverishing themselves)
they will insist on a emotion of thle
i(i0410 polioy. Some idea of bow the
people of the' United Kingdom ale being
reined may be gathered from the fact
WO between 1891 and 1901 the fneome
of bee peeple ae0ee8ebie to income tax
(anything over 5800) (00008004 % 45 or by
5880,000,000;and the number aeeeesed
tnorea6ed 200% faster than population,
indicating a vagi diffnoioa of wealth
In lien of so many banks being opened
e, wag has prepared the following 88at8h
outlining what may be expected ;-
The limit Bank of Canada ; oapital,
51,000 • incorporated 1906 ; rest, $50.
Head office, Brantford, Ont. ; branches
throughout country. A general bank
Mg business dote ; 0980(al anew: (one
offered. 000100l ac000ute opened with.
out formalitle8 of any kind and interest
allowed at the rate of five per cent on
maximum daily balanoe. No objection
ie made to overdraft,, Special depoeito
received and interest allowed at the
libepa.,rate of ten per net per 800033,
ma`tlgedi,1 and added to the principal at
the eine of nob month.
Loner To any !mount greeted 'with
oat d0,ay or 90000(ty at three per nut
per annum. Should the borrower not
desire to meet hie note at maturity ibe
bank will gladly hold it oven for any
length of time, free of 0barge.
Should out oedemas or their w(880
desire 10 leave their doge or children in
safe keeping while trate noting bushings
in the oily, the bank deft will gladly
take obarge of them. The tellers' boxes
form safe play roome and the tellers will
be delighted to have the little ones and
their Camino pet8 and 10 provide tbem
with new ovate to swallow, ora brindle of
Mean 510 Mlle to play with.
5'g55 T coma --7u order to be "9p with
the titian," the beak hag deoidod to open
at all orau04)0e, from 12 to 2 p, m., a
free luooh ooanter, O0000mere are
oordleny invited to bring their families
end Remade, All the delfaatlee of the
Beane will be provided and the beet of
liquors dud cigars. A stove will be pro.
.toed (ha Winter) and all Onetamere will
be wel0Ome to sit around it and smoke,
epittooue to *teary chair ; eating Iab(0oo
nee,r .
Lamas Roolto-A luxuriate() enite of
rdada% room), also wrltutg end 08tlrulg
rooms, are in. 000l100((0n with every
brenob. Stationery of every kind pro.
vided, An eepeoially )mug -Mooed junior
oink detailed to liole the etempe, which
the bank also eupp.(os gratis,
Fermata wi't find the bank roome a
greatoouveuienue tie a acro eauhange•
No sort of obj.•mion to navies of any
kind of fares produce ((86 ltp0k excepted)
being lett iu their roome,
A monthly paper, full of nice little
91001810 and stale jokes will be imported
from the Ounce States, udme of the
back heeded on and posted to any ad•
dreee upon applioatine, free of charge,
Orrice Hum .-9 a. m, to 6 p. m. ;
Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. ; Sundays,
0033) of the etaff will be 111 the ofliue Bo
thee colleotroue may be depo=iced.
The Pinatas (Manitoba) Standard, of
July 4th, expresses its optmon of Edit
Elurou'e M. 2, (u the following forotble
(t pot altogether complimentary laehion :
Dr. Chisholm, ed. P. for East Huron,
addreeeed the House on the land gaeetiou
and compared the settling np of our
mem lands to the disappearance of the
buffalo. He had lately taken a trip thio'
the West and noticed 80 many toreigu
settlers that he feared there would emu
he none lett for oat Oanadiau boys, and
then, (0 future years, haviug no land,
they would be forced to work for (oreig0•
ere who bad and thus occupy an inferior
Now the Dr. is not such & booby as
big speed' prooleime him. But he bee
been playing to the gallery and appealing
to the baser paedione rather than to
Reason and Right. In the first plane the
'aod hue not disappeared like the buffalo.
It Le bare yet, every ounce and every (nob
et it. Ie the second piece we oan have
more buffaloes than formerly, if we raise
them ioetead of grain and aattie. Bat
we oan't add an ounce to the weight of
the earth. Iu the tbird plane, ibwe oan
get rid Of those "land hoggsre" 11(18 Dr,
Chisholm and the rest of his ilk, the moat
blighting curse on any people, there ie
land eoongh for all settlers fora thousand
Settlers of any nationality, are a source
of wealth, bot landowners like Dr, Ohio
holm, are the Boaroe of poverty and
shame. He sees that owning lend means
owning people, but he also tries to hide
the toot that using land breathes the
breath of life into everyother ioduetr
and multiplies the produotiveoeeO of
partionler Mode (towns and oily lots)
from a thousand t0 a million fold.
Settlers Irom anywhere ere weloome,
We land -huggers like the Dootor, that
we eboold sharpen our knivee for.
The following is the program of the
Summer School, Winghem District, to
be held et Wingham, Aug. 6th to 12th
inoloelve :-
MONDAY, 1190001 (1111.
8 p. en. Coneeoration service, led by
the President, Jao, Kerr, •
10880110, 1190081 7o11.
Morning eeeeion,-9-9.30-Devotional,
T. Hall, Wingham ; 9.80-10.15-Addrees,
Rev. 4. H. Oeterhont, B. A., B. D.,
Wroxeter ; 10 40 -1L25 -Bible eludy,
"The Psalms," Rev. E. W. Edwards, B.
A., B. D., Thedtord. Afternoon session.
-2 -2.S0 -Heart talk, Rev. M. J. Wilde,
R. A., '1`eeewaler ; 2 30 -8.80 -Power for
Servide, 0. B. Keenleyeide, Loodon.
Evening eeeeion.--8-8.15-Song service ;
wardehi Rev.
.- br(etian . 8Ee
8 15-8.45 0P,
urtb Toronto • 9-9 30-
Power for service, 0. B. Besuleyeide,
Morning eeeeion.-9-9.30-Devotional,
Rev. W. A. Findley, Wbiteoburoh : 9 30-
10.15-Addreee, Rev. Dr. Woodewortb,
Toronto ; 10.40 -11.25 -Bible study, a y, "The
Psalms," Rev. E, W. Edwards, B, A„ B.
0.. Medford. Atternoon eeeeion.-2-
2,80-Heart Talk, Rev. Geo. Baker,
Slaevale ; 9.30 -8.30 -Power for service,
0. B, Keenleyside, Loudon. Evening
wisdom -8-8 15 --Song service ; 8.15-8.45
Address, Rev, Dr. Woodeworeh, Toronto ;
9-9 80-Addreee, Rev, R. Millyard,
Ludt now,
Morning eeeeion,-9-9.80-Devotional,
Rev, G. W. Rivers, B. A., 13. D., Bel -
grave ; 0.30-10 15-01ty Mieeion Work in
Boston, Mie) (Jerrie Wellwood, Wing.
hem ; 10.40 -11.25 -Bible study, "The
Ante," Rev. 0. P, Wells, B. A., B. D.,
Gorrie. Afternoon eeeeion.-2-2,30-
Heart Teak, W. H. Kerr, Brenda ; 2,80-
3,30 -Address, Rev, D. Norman, 13. A.,
of Japan,
Morning session, -9-9 30 -Devotional,
Rev. S. V. R. Pentlaud, Salem ; 9 SO -
10 15 -Address, Rev. D. Norman, 13, A,
B. D., of Japan ; 1,0.40 -1125 -Bible
atndy, "The Aote," ie.. O. P. Wells,
Gerrie. Afternoon aeooi0n.-2-2 80 -
Heart Talk, Mrs. (Rev.) linnet, Ford.
with ; 2.80 -8.80 -Address, Rev. H.
Locke, Kinoerdiue. Friday evening, -A
grand 0000801 will be given in the Melba'
dist Chetah, A splendid program is
being prepared. The beet talent avail•
able Will be enured by the aommiltee
wbo have obarge of the work.
Morning eeeeion,-9-0.80-Deeotlafal,
Rev. Ezra Powell,Brneeole ; 9 30.•1015
Address, Mies (Kareland, Toronto, form.
arty of Girls' Home, Kitamaat, B. 0. 1
10,40-1125-B1b1e study, "The Acte,"
Rev. 0, P. Weise, B. A., 13. D., Gortie,
Alderman session.-2-2,80=Heart Talk,
Rev. T. W. Blaobford, 13. A., Ripley ;
2,80-830-Amneemente, W. d. Fawoetl,
SUNDAY, A0000T 12Tn,
Bervidee in the nbaroh.--11 a, m,-
Rev. W. G, Howson, Wingbam i 3 p,
RIM. W. A. Smith, 13. D., G.
W, 4.
Fawcett ; 7 p. m• -Bev. W, G. Howson,
Win ghat'''.
Take your hale otlpy of Torrey.
Alexander Il'yme with yen, 11 you have
0116, and join heartily in the Blueing,
The Intervale between the Mullin clod
addressee will be filled with dieoueoiof,
Gospel Song, Roloe, Dueie, eta.
The Song Service will be conducted by
Rev. T. Hall, of the Wingbam &Avenue,
Special elude will be under the direct.
Of Mies Beth !s
a to
Collections will be taken etch of rn6611
MOS BVBlliug 10 defray expe"Hea,
An ebw.d„at supply of Winked,
Mame, Ulutrte and Lltereture will be for
Thee desiring billets will please write
to John Kerr, Wingham, glviug name
and time they expect to spend at the
Summer Sobool, Do not neglect this.
The prioe of board and lodging will be at
the rate of 60 oente a deg, That be 15
cents e, meal and 15 oente for bed.
The Sessions Will be held every day
exoept Sunday, if the weather le fine, in
a large tent on the Lower Wingbam
Perk, close by rhe River Maitland. A
vary desirable enol for a Summer
Will every Leaguer in the Wiogbem
District, that eau possibly go, be
present at ad ninny seseione es manila's,
and help to melte the Sommer School of
1906 a greet b'eesing to all who at.
The Slimmer School will not be a sue.
nee unless it has been the means of eft,
lug a great Spiritual uplift to tboee who
attend. Will every Leaguer work and
pray muttony that great bisecting and
suchen may attend our efforts y
Dr. Shoop's Reetoretive bring, last-
ing relief in Stomaob, Kidi.ey and
Heart troubled through the inside nerves.
No matter how the nerves became lm.
paired this remedy will rebuild their
strength, will restore their vigor. Re.
member it dose no good to treat the
ailing organ -the irregular heart, rebel'.
ioue stomach, dieeaeed kidneys. They
are not to blame. Go batik to the nerves
that control them -treat the 0900e -
nee a remedy that omen through the in-
side nerves. Sold by F, R. Smith.
Morris Council Meeting.
The Council met as a Court of Re-
vision according to adjournment,
on Monday, June Twenty-fifth.
Members all present, the Reeve in
the chair. The following entries were
made 011 the Assessment Roll, viz,-
Regtnald Watson entered F. S. N. }
lot 13; con. 5, Thos, Hill, owner, 101
1, Belgrave, in place of Jas. Stretton,
Wm. Hewitt, M. F. lot. 5, con, 2.
Edward Mittell, M. F. S. k 25, con,
8. On motion of McCutcbeon and
Campbell the Court of Revision was
then closed and the Assessment, Roll
as revised and corrected was' con-
firmed and established as the Assess-
ment township Roll of thetv p of Morris
for the current year. Council busi-
ness was then taken up, Accounts
were ordered to be paid as follows
John. McNabb, use of scraper, $r.00 ,
Robt, Craig, gravel and cleaniag
drain, $io.35 ; Wm. Michie, shovel-
ling gravel, $3.00; R. 13. Alcock, cul-
verts and drawing gravel, $7.50 ; S.
Irvine, gravel, $8.50 ; F, Kellington,
services re Bradshaw, quarantine,
54 50 ; T. S, Brandon, gravel, $2.26 ;
Geo. Taylor, gravel, 56c. ; Jas. Kearn-
ney, gravel. $3,02 ; A. Shaw, gravel,
qoc. ; Jas, Peacock, gravel, 512.83 ;
Albert Kelly, culverts, $3.00 ; Jas.
Tbynne, gravel and repairing road,
$4.60 ; Wm Little, gravel, $13.30 ;
Wm Knox, gravel, $5.30 ; Wm
Thuell; supplies and work with grader,
$26.10 ; Robt Smith, culvert, $2.00 ;
E Haggitt, culvert on South boun-
dary, $4.00 ; Wm Bates, culvert on
West boundary, $7.00 ; M Proctor,
repairing culvert, $1.5o ; Duff &
Stewart, material for bridge, $27.05.
R Sheddan, putting in culvert, $6.00 ;
Jno McGill, filling and reparing fence
at Sunshine bridge, $24.00 ; Teo Lit-
tle, tile ditch, $10.75 John Sherrie,
culverts,arts, $5.oa W GCr Craig, drawing
Ed Brewer, tile,, 2.00 •
$35 ;
D Campbell, repairing drai, $1.50 ;
corporation of Grey boundary, ac-
count, $3.25 ; P McNabb, cleaning
ditch, $6.00 ; A Howlett, digging
ditch, $2,00 ; J McCall, repairing
bridge, 75c ; J L Geddes, sharpening
grader knife, $2.5o ; R Proctor, work
with grader, $45.00; A Cloakey,
gravel, 54.14 ; Jas Hall, gravel, $8.40.
The engineer's report on the proposed
Ellison Drain was presented and read
by the clerk and an opportunity given
the parties with described area
to withdraw from Or add to the peti-
tion as provided by the Municipal
Drainage Act. On motion of Kelly
and'Sfouill the above mentioned report
was adopted and the clerk was in •
truoted to -prepare a By-law in ac-
cordance therewith, On motion of
Campbell and Youi11 a grant of $25,00
was made for gravelling on centre
sideline, con, 4 and 5. Robert Vint
requested the privilege of digging a
ditch along road side at lot 3, on 7th
con. line. On motion of Kelly and
McCuteheon the said request was
granted on condition that Mr, Vint
maintain the same. On motion of
Campbell and Youill the Reeve and
Treasurer were instructed to borrow
$0,000 to meet current expenses. On
motion of Kelly and McCuteheon By-
law No.6 Re Kelly Drain was read
and provisionally adopted. On
Motion Campbell and Youill the coun-
cil then adjourued to meet again on
the 6th day of August next.
rhe employees el A. H, Lofft & Co. 8t.
Mary's have organized a bare ball team.
Lawrence, the eight year old eon of
Wm. Wright, of St. Mary's was the
victim of a painful decided oe Saturday,
The young lad wag slapping into Mr.
Deviney'e milk waggon when hie foot
slipped and he wee thrown under the
wheele, Hie right arm wee fractured
near the lhonidee 0(034 he wee badly
bruised in the lege,
A Perfect .Bowel Laxative for eon.
Attention, eallow Complexion, headache,
dizzineee, sour etom8oq, 001084 tongue,
bilioueneee. Lax•ete not promptly,
Without pixie or griping, 0lbneent to
take-L8x•ete-only 5 Dante, Sold by
r. lot. smith,
f$,. 4s4e4� Avo*NogokoetArtrwawiar9hr�0a +4r %kote
G. N. McLaren
Brussels Daylight Store
',h'oiliadolotaseiset'4PWWeeti,41'W'I00401,1,'b 11,4041,4,11'11M1.%,9:101,"0100.0.10,',9,"'''''''''''".''''''. V,�i;q:4•e,4'ie'1,e,4�'U'1'4d4.9,•'1''lAl'ib"Ib'4,angnq,
1 Mid=Summer
^ritiw. ,. s`
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LL Summer Goods in this store must be cleared out Its ol.ir business carry prin-
ciples not toanythingover from one season to another. The way
we mean to accomplish this is the PRICE. The PRICE will be low
on everything Summery -ire Dry Goods, Clothing, Men's and Ladies' Furnishings,
Loots and Shoes. Remember, we are going to depend altogether on the
PRICE to do the trick.
Summer Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Readyrnade Waists
Readyrnade Skirts, Whitewear, Summer Vests,
Lawns and Muslins, Lace Curtains, Slippers and Oxfords
Laces and Embroideries.
Everything and anything in the way of Summer Goods. Join hands with our
Low Prices during our Mid -Summer Sale
Come Here Expecting to Save Money
You'll Sot be Disappointed
We Pay the Highest Prices for Produce at All Times.
Yours for Next Door to
Mutual Benefit G. N. McLaren American douse
0802ED to the nuder0igued are re -
4008(0d to call and settle accounts before
July 1011 so ns to close up the outstanding
debts. 3, E. 8PERAIN, Brussels. 61.11
1 *1.000.9, Morrie, duties to oommene8
after lvaeatioe, Applioatione, with testi..
mooiale, received up to July 101h, Either
Male or female, JAS. A. MOORE.
Secretary, Walton P.O.
Ie prepared to give lessons on Piano
or Reed Organ. Terme on applieatton.
P°stofsce address -Brussels. Reeidence-
Lot 8, 000.10, Grey. Pupils may have their
lemons at their own homes if preferred.
Sale which ilarge brick house,
stable, drilled well ei tcru trait garden,
Gr 6N awes land well,
John sad James et,
ussels.Terms rasonable, Apply 60
on premien or F. 8.
SCOTT, Brussels,
tans of the undersigned Lot 14, (Jon. 8,
Grey, a steer red in color with small strip
of white between Ma front lege; dehorned.
Any information leading to is recovery
will be thankfully received.
WM, LOWE, Brussel° P.O...
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
RALE, -The undereignod bae for Bale 4
improved lierkelt(re Bowe, bred from prize
winning stook. Duo to litter about Sept,
tat, Alao 2 aged Berkshire sown due to in.
ter in July. Bargains for quick Ipurohaeero.
For further particulate apply to 3. 0, Aire
INTOBH, Lot 21, tionAlt, Grey, or Oran.
brook P. 0. 49.10
The uadereigned offers bee 100 acre
farm, being Lot 20, Oon. 7, Grey, for sale or
to rent. Comfortable house, bank barn,
orchard, wells, &o, Farm is only i of a mile
from the stirring Village of Ethel. For fur•
he articularelimplyto F, 8. Boo11, Brim -
eels. or MRS. 1011HOLLAND, 79 Shuter
Street, Toronto. 87.933
Sheriff's Sale of bands
County of Huron7iy oL Fivirtueeri of a
writ Fao-
Ina Mimed out of
i a mai est et
TO WITt High Oourt of
Ju0tiee and to me dieoeted and delivered
optinnt the lana and tenements of Jolepb
Burton, in a suit in whiob the said Jouoph
Bartell appears as plaintiff and Wm. Look.
wedge, John Loekeridge and Mery J. Camp.
bell, defendants, I have 00)00,0 aod taken In
exoeution all the right, 'titlo,lntereel and
equity of redemption of the above named
Jeeeph Berton, in, to and out of the Week
Balt of Lot 60, running number, Id the vit.
loge 0f Brueeel8, Oouoty of Huron and
P0001000 of Ontario; which lands and ton-
emeete 1 t hall offer for safe, at my omen, in
the °our( Bourse, in the Town of Goderielt,
on 0atprday, tho Foorteonth day. 01 July,
1000, at the hour of 11,00 of the clock a, in.
It. fe, 1tFYNOL010,
494 Sheriff, Huron,
Sherltf's °Mee, 030doriob, April 4,1900,
being Lot 4, Oon. 18, Grey ; 85
acres ()leered; comfortable house 80x40 with
kitoben 18)20 ; bank barn 00x70 with stone
stabling; orahard, wells, &a. Well Pieced
and in good heart. Possession given next
Fall. Farm is nearly all in grass at present.
It is 3,1 miles from Brueoela and iu a good
locality, For further particulars apply on
the premieee or Brussels P. 0, to
61.11 JOSN ROOOIOB, Proprietor.
undersigned offers hie house and lot,
situate on A1(1] street, Brussels. for Bale.
It is well located, a convenient and cornier.
table home. Possession eau be given at
once. WIII oleo sell the vacant lot, corner
of Mill and Elizabeth etreete, wbiah would
make a finebuilding site. For further par -
tended as to prioe. terms, &o., apply to
FRED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford.
wick]. 38.4
ool au1ed
The Highest Market Price paid for
any quantity of Wool.
2 ciente advance allowed in trade.
We carry a good range of Blankete,
Yarns, Sheebiuge, Underwear, Hosiery,
Tweeds, &o.
Excelsior Knitting Factory, Brussels.
Toron.t0 nag and
Metal Co'y
For Rags, Iron, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, Horse Hair,
Hides, &c , &c.
Highest Prices for All
Mill st. West, Brussels
undersigned will keep toe melee on
hi9prem1ae0, NoOEb H'ow,ek Boundary, en
IOnglleb 80 0(18(3 re hag.. !'Orme, 01.00, with
privilege of returningit neeeary,
40.11 LIasE O. Jed Yt,IN
uuderefgbed will keep for servioo on
Lot 21,
0mi,15 Grey, ,the Impr0Ved Sark-
ehlte } Soar, b1alrviewGoldnndor;'27oAmos,
Pedigree may bo seen ou appltoatien.
Terms -81,00, 00 41,21 each tot two or 1110r0 ;
Berkebiro 00(16 85,00, A11 who are iuteo0et-
ed in raising the Ideal Bacon flog aid the
hog that will make the most money should
bee this hog before acing any other.
Vett J, P. Mo1NTOSG, tlraubrook P, O.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
a NY even numbered section of Dominion
Lauds in Manitoba, Saeltatohewan anti
Alberta, exoepting 8 and 20, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by any wenn who is
the sole heed of a 00ntil y, Or any Male Over
18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter
section of 180 auras more or leas,
Entry may be made personally at the
local Medi °Oleo fur the dietrlot in which
the laud le situate,
The homesteader 30 required to perform
the conditions oonnocted therewith under
one of the following pians
(1) At least Aix months' resleevoe upon
and eultivatiou of the laud in each year for
three years,
(2) if the father (or mother, (1 the father
18 40800000) of the homesteader roeidee
upon a farm iu the vicinity of the laud
f the set by
n to resi-
dence a s
nonce m b as.
a e tisdeu b such er on re. Y e
Y p
Whig with
1110 Tatbor or other.
8 I1. o settle ha ,s
() p r B ned Permanent 1141.bite intoe upon fortniug(1 land owned byh06'
in the minlnit0 of hie hoe natty
the re-
uodquiby rets as toresidence
reel1100 the a may d. sane-
ouths' no upon the said lana.
ren 10 111 nOoee in wetting should he
given to the Oowmiseiouer of Dominion
Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for
patent, ••
Deputy of the Minister of Interior.
N. B, Unauthorized publication of this ad.
vertieemeat will. not be paid for,
The Highest Market Price
will be paid in Cash for any
quantity of Wool delivered
at my store, Brussels.
Alf. Baeker
To Liverpool
lrlplo Bm'ew Steatnerd-
Turbine Engines -No Vibration
From Montreal
Vintorian Juno 01 July 19
befall ]ono 28 July 20
Virginian 1July 6 Ana. 2
Tuute(an July 12 Attg. 8
Aug. 10
Aug, 20
Sep. 0
name of renege
First 000)0-870 rend upwards aoobrding
to ateareer. Benue Cabin -Salad to 847.50,
a eeraiug to enamor, Third Claes- 90760
and 528.70.
111on0reat ter (Ilaegow
Moderato hate Service) Weekly 8atlinge
For further p001101ltars, rates anal ttoltet0
apply to
W, It. 1IE111),
Agent Allan line, Brindle.