HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-7-12, Page 3pv..4+M x1.,.!n+xuM',r�w%M.n•,++r,.wn RidelataletedeleHeitelekdonialalefelaleit fp "(MOWING PAINS." l he evil that may be caused by a ithru a is well exemplified by the term growing pains:' Muny a cripple 10- rley 00/00 his misforlute to the fact that, lh0 Bret sympLums 01 Ws disease were misinterpreted. The 1eeulring p0108 of which h1 nhnnplaiued, 10111111)caused him to limp at limo•, or to cry out In his sleep, were rallrd by Its purenls g,'uwinie pains, 10111 were thought to sig- nify nothing more than the effort of na- ture to adjust the growing bones anti lnli0eles and, sinews to each other. 01 course every abiid has innumer- able lithe aches end pnins, the result, of %sligile, slight. sprains, stone -bruises, and 1110 like, and 1t is well that fond parents should not lake loo much notice 01 them lost they faster a dlspmitinn in the child to worry over nines:. The 111(e of such occasional pains I, meetly upparent and a night's rest or a day i11 the house will dispel it. But when the nein recurs from time to Hine without evident cause, or w11011 ordinary romping during the day Is followed by n uiylfl of telling, (mol perhaps a limp for a day or two, it is possible that thea' is some serious un- dcrlying cense, and the family physi- cian should he col( U11ed. Frequent complaint of pain in the knee Is one of 1110 signs Of beginning hip dis- ease, hal examination .sho\vs the ]cnee, to 1•e apparently sound, old so the home diagnosis of geowiug pains is made, and the real temible In the hip overlooked, Mien until Il is too late to prevent per- manent lameness, Although not called growing pains, repealed attacks of stomach -ante in children simuld not be slighted, for they may be a symptom of early spinal dis- ease. The complaint of pain In the sto- mach, when not referable, to green ap- ples or n surfeit of pastry, especially %lien the compinint is mads et the close of the day ar during the night, should excite suspicion, and if often repealed, should 1ndicnle the necessity of a care - fid exnminalton of the spine, Growing pains may he due to rheumatism, which, if not delerind and correctly treated, may lend to disease of the heart. A less serious trouble, but one de- manding medir,oh treatment, which may cause an arbing In the limbs, Is malaria. This is a dangerous diagnosis, for if In- correct it may he ns serious in its 0011- 8eg1lenCefl es blot. of growing pains, and even if the chiid has had an unmistak- able allark nil malaria. the parent should not be content with That explanation of its aches and pains; but should refer the matter to the doelpr, ti. should always be.rernembered That growth is a normal process, and should no more be aceonpnnied by pain than digestion or breathing.—Youth's Com- panion. 5 IIE Lr HONEY FOR ANAEMIA. A French journal relates that a young woman suffering from severe anaemia was told by an eminent physician th01 he could not clue her, but advised a dial of diet of milk and honey, aided by strolls in the woods. This simple treat- ment, in a few months, restored her ex- hausted body. Another' case Is mentioned in which honey snvecl the life of a babe. Obliged to resort to the bottle, it was fed on cow's milk swelene1 with sugar. But soon obstinate constipation required the constant use of laxatives. This abnor- mal condition was finally radically modi- fied by the use of honey in place of sugar In the milk. RULES FOR THE EYES. When the eyes ache, close them for Evo minutes. When they burn bathe them in water as hot as can be borne, with a dash 01 witch -hazel in RR.. After weeping, bathe them in rose-water, and lay a towel wet Jn rosewater over them for five minutes. When they are blood- shot, sleep mors. When the whites are yellow and the pupils dull, consult the doctor about your diet. FOR THE THROAT. Livery morning, before dressing, sponge the neck, throat, and chest with cold water, and rub ctry with a large bath towel; not only will this make you less liable to take cold, but it will broad- en the chest and 1111 out the unsightly little hollows. Tho throat also will soon become round and item. VALUE OF WATER, Wa1et• is m1 invaluable aid to the beouiy of the complexion. 1L should be taken before reliving, as well as in the morning, and between meals in gener- ous quantities. Al least three pints a day should be taken, and 11 may be el. thee hot or cold. SALT BATHS, When restless at night and sleepless, a hot, salt bath just before retiring will be found most soothing and conducive to sound slumber. THE WALUiNG PARSON. Vicar •01 Fashionable Watering Place Believes in Long Tramps. The Rev. A. N. Cooper, M.A„ vicar of Filoy, the fashionable Yorkshire sea- side resort, by 11is long walks in the past twenty years has Darned the Lille of "Tile Walking Parson" At present the reverend gentleman is engaged on a 600 miles walk in Sweden, 'these long tramps are Mr. Cooper's ideal way of spending a holiday, and the seeing of other countries. Ile commenced in 1886, when he winked from Filey to London, but that walk fades into significance when compared with subsequent efforts In 1830 he had his first foreign Lour, when he walked from Hamburg to Paris. in 1890 he tramped across Belgium, and 10/0 years inter walked round Holland. In 1000 he tvalked (von Filey Lo Venice in 1003 lo Mionto Carlo, and in 1004 ho fooled It over OR Pyrenees. 11110 Spain. He walks on an )',eragc 27 miles a day, Ile is a tali, well built specimen of mus. cuter Chriritnnifer, end, hi addition to mini fin (4110 ln. ter, le also aif Inter, rsling lrcllb'er, BUSINESS GIRLS. Neod IOCh, Red Blood to Blond Worry and (31(100 of Business tours, Buslneos overtaxes a woman's strength. Weak, languishing girls fade under the' strain, They oleic health rattler than lose employment and the loss of health means the loss of beauty. Thousands of 00rnesl Jntetiigent young 1V0111011 who earn a livelihood away 11'010 holrlo in public offices, and, business 00- foblislments are silent, suffering via. time of overtaxed nerves and .deficiency 0" strength because their blood supply is net equal to the strain placed upon them. fragile, breathless end nervous, they work against lime with never a rest when headaches and backaches Make every hour lace a day, Little wonder their cheeks lose 1110 tint of health and grow pale and thin, Their ryes ere chill, sllrunlfen arld weary; their beauty slowly but surely fades. Busi- ness girls and women look 'older limn their years because they need the fre- quent help of a true blood•making, slreugthening medicine to carry them through the day. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro actual food to the starved nerves and tired brains of businese wo- men. Tiley actucllly make the rich Hood that imparts the bloom of youth and glow of health to woolen's cheeks They bring bright eyes, high spirits and make the day's duties lighter. Twelve months ago Miss Mary Cadwell, who lives at 49 Maynard street, Halifax, N. S., was run down. The least exertion would lire her out. Her appetite we'. poor and fickle, and frequent headaches added to her distress. The doctor treat - ed her for anaemia, but without appar- ent results. A relative advised her to use Dr. Willams' Pink Pills, . and after using but six boxes she says sho feels lace an- altogether different person.. She con now eat her meals with zest, the color hes returned to her cheeks, and sire felt better and stronger in every Way. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure blood- lessness Just as food cures hunger. That is how they cured Miss Caldwell and it Is just by making rich, red blood that they cure such common ailments as in- digestion, rheumatism, 'headaches and backaches, kidney trouble, neuralgia and the special [Orients which make miserable the lives of so many women and young girls. Sold by ell medicine dealers or by mall at 50 cents a Eox or so. boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. YOU DRINK SAWDUST. A Champion of Pure Food Ingredients and Honest Weights. During the consideration of the pure food bill in the United States Senate, Mr. James R. Mann, of Illinois, cham- pioned the cause of pure ingredients and honest weights in food preparations, Mr. Mann said that medicines now on the market advertised to cure the opium habit, show, on investigation, enough opium to develop the habit. Most foods are not adulterated, he said, and since the pure food agitation, which began years ago, there has been a decided re- duction in adulterations. He read a letter from the German - American extract works, in which they told how to make all kinds of liquors. fie said this firm claims to make any kind of liquor out of athal .alcohol, with no liquor in it. Pepper, the said, is a fruitful source of adulteration, the "Mkt"' being sold In five -ton weights, according to a letter which Mr. Mann read. Pepper berries, he sold, were made out of tapioca colored with lampblack. "The coffee that we drink,' Mooha'and Java," said Mr. Mann, "is generally adulterated with Brazil coffee and ground coffee with sawdust, and even breadcrumbs," Taking up a bottle marked "Maraschino cherries," he ex- plained that the cherries had been picked green; that they were then bleached and colored with an aniline dye, and holding up a brjgilC bit of °loth, he said, "This cloth was dyed with the same dye." Holding up a bot- tle with a light-colored liquid in it, Mr. Mann said it was "honey," yet it never saw a hive, much less a comb—lt Is fresh from the glucose factory." "Freezine," he said, was a powder sold to preserve meat like cold storage. He admitted that It might keep tneats from spoiling, but it was injurious to health, being composed of sulphite of soda and red coal tar dye. '1 KEEP CHILDREN WELL. Stomach and bowel troubles kill thousands of little ones during the bot weather. Diarrhoea, dysenteryand cholera intanlum sometimes - coma without warning and if prompt .aid is pot at hand the child may be beyond aid in a few hours. If you want to iceep your children hearty, rosy and full of life during the hot weather give them an occasional° dose of Baby's Own Tab- lets. This medicine prevents 11lnese and cures it when it cones unexpected- ly. And the mother has the guarantee of a government analyst that this medi- cine is absolutely safe. Mrs. W. J. Munroe, Sintaluta, Sask., says:—"For more than three* years Baby's Own Tab- lets is the only medicine I have givers my children, and I think the Tablets in, valuable for stomabh and 'bowel trou- bles," Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a hox from Tile Dr Whiiems Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Keep the Tablets in the house, • --i 13001(5 FOR THE BLiND. There are et least five towns besid00 London where a special department of books for the blind le kept up in eon- neclton with the free library, These are Liverpool, Bil'mingbem, Penzance, Ply- mouth and Wick, Liverpool, one of the oldest and most up -lo -dale of all nue free librnl4es, so tar hack as 1857 recog- nized tie need of the blind for good literature, and hes devoted a fair share. Of 1100 200.000 .volumes 10 lheso ,people, so .shut off !ruin many sources of plea sure, "My n101)0," sold the new lodger, "is 'Pay Jas you go,'" The landlady shook her tread, "It Wolticln't de in my husi- 11ess, sho sald. 1 A man might remain a month, and then forget his 1110110 when 1)0 Went. My mono is "Pay Sallie. -day night Or go,' d Sunlight Soap is better than other Soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Su n l i g h t Soap and follow directions Sun Llit Soap TILLING THE COCKROACH BRITISH OOVI1RNMENT;S LONG HUNT F01t 'TRADE SECRET. The Problem Was 'low to Make the Butts Eat Plesler of Paris %Vint . Their Sugar. Probably few persons are aware that the natural habitat of the euekroeoh is a British poslolflee. Most of the buildings devoted lo that pulghoe are old, all cf them are dirty and every one of then) is ulive with roaches. There a1", professional rat catchers and roach killers In al] countries, but the methods they udopt are usually trade secrets, and probably no two men follow the sante process. The only con- dition upon which they will work is that they shall have 1110 building en- tirely to themselves from a certain hour at night until a certain hour in the morning and that no one shall be al- lowed to spy upon them. By the time it is necessary to resume business the professional has carefully removed all traces of his work and is ready to depart for dirtier fields and pastures brown. What he has •done during the voiceless hours of the night or what materials 11e has worked win) are no one's business. Every roach in the place 1s dead and that is enough. 'rhe charge for such a night's work in England is £5—about $25. It must not be supposed that the Bri- tish Government paid over tens amount with regularity and frequency without making some effort to save that item of expense. On the contrary, it tried in every0855. way to find out the roach killer's secret, but for a long time without suc- The only evidence it had to go upon were the dead roached. When these were swept out it was remarked that the few found after the expert had gone WERE AS FIARD AS IRON, in fact, they might have been intended for bric-a-brac. Their weight, also, seemed to be out of all proportion to their size and number. Ono day someone with an investiga- ting turn of mind dissected one of 111000 roaches, and come to the conclusion that it was not a roach at all, there be- A RANK'S VERY STRONG SHOWING. ing nothing under his knife proper to a Tho forty-second annual meeting of Poach but the skin and legs. The in- terior was apparently a block of stone. Several specimens of the genus Cucar- acha 'defunctus having been submitted to *chemical analysis, it was determined enekrnaeh could distinguish between plaster of parts and the sugar, and that the profrs5l.,na1 must poser es some secret drugs which he mixed wish the oilier ingredients in Buell a memoir us lo blind the cockroach's line sense 0f dlserinlination in such rn(111015, This led to a long series of :experi- ments, during which the number of corkronehas in English pnstolllces In- creased until 11 reached the maxhnum recorded since the days of Rowland. Hill, So Barre'strut WPM. the Beilish pnsto(flre itulhol'itlps Ill t,r'reriing r'-ncho5 that the •services of the enofeseorlal had to be called In twice as often' ns they were before the postollice went into tho business. BUT THIS COULD NOT LAST. Somewhere, sometime , surely, in the dark byways of olllciel life, there must be found a man fit to grapple with any problem, no mutter how immense. This mua11 desired individual happened along about n your ago, hence the retirement of the professional Ie the undisturbed enjoyment of his well gotten gains. Inasmuch as no drug or other admix- ture seemed to have the power to mike the cockroach lose its fine power 01 dis- cernment in the matter of the difference between plaster of parte and sugar, it would seers to be worth while to inquire by what sense or senses the distinction was made. This led to the discovery that the cockroach, while 11 might be very clever in some respects, has Its limits in the matter of differentiation, and that if the sugar and the plaster of parts were absolutely alike in every- thing but taste, it would swallow both before it knew the difference. Having once swallowed—ah 1 MIcroscopical examination of plaster of Paris and sugar led to the discovery that what is known as icing sugar ex- actly resembles plaster of parts in the size of grain, the weight and the color. This was tried, but the result, was only partly satisfactory, enough, however, to show that the secret was partly solved. The problem seemed to' be to mix the two so thoroughly that they should be absolutely inseparable. This was done with machines, which sifted the two powders into the same receptacle will perfect equality, half and half of each. When this scientifically prepared mixture was taken to the proving grounds and spread upon the floor there were no live roaches left in -the morn- ing. But as there was no professional there to clean up, the place was a sight, throe barrowfuls of absolutely stone dead cockroaches being caroted out of the place before business opened. And to think that for 30 years they had been paying $25 a night for every postoflce that had to be cleaned out, just because they did not know that little secret, the Shareholders of the Merchants' Banlc of Canada was held in Montreal on the twentieth instant. This institution has ar, eminent board of directors and has numbered among Its officers some of beyond question that the interior of llhe Canada's greatest business men. An insect was composed entirely of .plaster able directorate like this undoubtedly of paris and glucose, and 11 seemed that influences a bank's business, and this the glucose must have originally been fact is probably in a measure respon- sugar, which had been swallowed in Bible for the splendid•accumulaton of a conjunction with the plaster of paris, rest fund of more then three and a half just as human beings swallow whisky millions and a remarkably large proper - in water. tion of assets immediately available. Armed with this discovery, the ser- These two points mean great strength vices of the professional seemed no from the depositors' standpoint and longer necessary, and plaster of pares should be carefully investigated and mired with sugar was plentifully depopsitepu whenconsideringa bank for sprinkled about a certain postofifce The Merchants' Bank in the year just w11ie11 had been selected as an experi- closed earned In net profits about three-. mental station or proving ground. So quarters of a million, and carried for - far from the stuff's killing off the roaches ward two hundred thousand dollars of in that particular postdlfiee, ileewas ob- this to the rest fund. One hundred served that after the first night's feast thousand dollars was written off the there were probably double the number Bank Premises account. The notes 10 of cockroaches on hand, and that wigs- circulation amount to $3,984,050, an in a week every roach in town had ap- increase of about $300,000 over 1905. parently left its usual haunts and taken Deposita at call amount to $11,349,169.09, up its quarters at the postofice. • while deposits subject to notice total Upon asking for scientific advice In $22,834,055.89. The total assets, how - the matter, the authorities were calmly ever aggregate $49,541,955.27, and of Informed that the increase was nothing this $19,526,486.5.4 are immediately avail - remarkable, -and that all the roaches on able. The cannel stock is 86,000,000; the hand had probably been bred upon the rest fund $8,600,000, or over 50 per cent. premises, unassisted by immigration, el -the bank's capital. Tlhe surplus pro - since it was well known to naturalists fits harried forward tills year after pay that a single pair of healthy roaches, if moat 01 dividends and addition to rest wall nourished and preserved from inter - fund and officers' pension fund amount e and .accident would increase to to $74,596.19. The payment of quarter- terenc ferene 11,000,000 roaches within year. ivy dividends, beginning with the current financial year, was decided upon. There being already about 1,000,000 These facts and figures, when care- roaehes on the proving grounds, the fully analyzed, show conservative, authorities concluded that the building though progressive, up-to-date manage - would not hold the 668,000,000,000,000 mont. One important indication, in whit)) would be due within a month, so they sent for the professional and GAVE UP ANOTHER 105. He shut himself up in the building about 9 o'clock that night and Ile departed with the dawn, and there was not a single living matt left in the place. Careful chemical analysis of some of the carcases showed not a trace of any vegetable or mineral poison; nothing but the same old stone interiors, made up of plaster of penis and sugar. It was .observed that when the post - office authorities put down the mixture themselves the roaches evidently liked it, but1it appeared that they could pick ou every particle of sugar and leave every grain of plaster. When the place was swept out in the morning and 111e mixture whish had been spread the night before had been examined it was found to be absolutely temente/in sugar and could have been sold for calcined gypsum, commercially pule. What might have been tho condition of the mixture used by the professional, if he slimed anything, no one knew, because he left nothing behind. After some years of delay and red tape, during which the professional gathered in his $25 with regularity and frequency, a postal employee, after thinking the antler over, conolucl'd that inasmuch as plaster of parts was found In eockroeches only after death 11 must have heel introduced to the eoaki' ech's anatomy by the professional. '19lr,seeral• evit101111y was not, what to use, but how to Make 1110 Sneed swallow it, To make it swallow lie sugar was easy. Why wns 1t that lire milieu's would swallow the plaster of purls told out for them by the proiessiennt anti Would not touch that offered them by Iso g0VOrmnent? Malum delibo'nion led hie) le the conclusion that the reason was that the particular, of the confidence of the depositing public in this institution is the very marked increase of deposits over last year. It seems that Ole in- crease was general throughout the year, and was not tihe result of any large in- dividual deposits, and, therefore, shore special and uniform progress in this department. Mr. E. F. I-101Aen has been acting general manager for the past year, end the very satisfactory position of the bank in this year's statement mads his permanent appointment as general man - ogee a'fo'egone conclusion. 11 is sofa to any that Mr. Hebden will carry nut the sa.fo principles and the large eon- servallvo development of this old cslab- 1ia91ed Institution, Father-.--"Saroll, 1 don't lace that fel- low who conies here to see you," Sarah —"I don't see why not, pa. Im sura he bears the impress of a gentleman." Father (wriggling his foot} --"II he comes here he'll hear the impress of another gentleman." IC '.`,`I $5,000 b 5 (1110s"i person who proves that Sunlight Song Wntphw nay injurious chemicals or pay Conn of wlulterr titin. is equally good with hard or soft water. If you use Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow directions) you need not boil nor rub your clothes, and yet you will get better results than with boiling and hard rubbing in the old. -fashioned way. As Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals and is perfectly pure, the most delicate fabrics and dainty silks and laces may be washed without the slightest injury. t.ovor Brother(' Lighted, Toronto Your looney refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any rouse for complaint. Leet YOUR SUMMER OL:TiNG. If you are fond of fishing, canoeing, elunping or the study of wihl (11him018 look up IN Algonquin National Pure of Ontario for yuul• summer outing. A fish and game preserve of 2,000,000 acres interspersed with 1,200 lakes and rivers 1. is awaiting you, offerinie all the eth'ac- I; .1101) that Nature can bestow. Magui- fieent canoe trips, Altitude 2,000 feet above sea level. Pure and exhilarating atmosphere. Just the place for s young man to put in his summer holidays. An Interesting and profusely illustrated de- scriptive publication telling you all about it sent free on application to J. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toron- to, Ont. HIS EVENING IN. Mfr. Jymas was a member of ,six secret societies. A friend tried to persuade him to Jain another one., "No," he said, "1 want to spend my Sunday evenings at home," An End to 011lous Headache. — Bili- ousness, which is caused by excessive bile in the stomach, bas a merited ef- fect upon the nerves, and often malf- rests itself by .severe hendaenes. This is the most distressing headache one can have, There are headaches 10001 cold, from fever, and from olher causes, but the most excruciating of all is the bilious headache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will cure it—cure it almost im. mediolely. 11 will disappear es soon as the Pills operate. There is nothing sur- er in the treatment of bilious headache. He who fights and runs away may live to fight another day—or draw a pension, so they say. Week and Pale Women foolishly keep thi way when by the use of Ferrovlm, " the beet tonic they could very quiCkly recover their health' strength. Try ik Miss Gabble—"And she accused me St retailing gossip about the neighbor- hood." Miss Sharpe—"The ideal" Miss Gabble—"Positively insulting, isn'tsho?" Miss Shape—"Yes; for you're really a wholesaler." A Pleasant Medicine. — There are some pills 40111011 have no other purpose evidently than to beget painful internal disturbances in the patient, adding to his troubles and perplexities rather than diminishing them. One might as well swallow some corrosive material. Per - melee's Vegetable Pills have not this disagreeable and injurious property - they are easy to take, arenot unpleas- ant to the taste, and their action is mild and, soothing. A trial of them will prove this. They offer peace to the dyspeptic. Customer (after ten minutes' chewing to vain)—"Waiter, what's this?" •Waiter —Beef, sir." Customer—"\Voll, I've heard of the iron horse and the brazen calf, but I never come across the India - rubber cow before." Bnnlight Scup ie better than other soaps, but in beat when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. Mistress (soliloquizing) : "I'm afraid this hat's rather out of date." Maid : "Oh, no, mum. It's qutto fashionable. Cook has just bought one exactly like IL" IL Hes, Many Offices. — Before the German soldier starts on a long moron he rubs his feel, with tallow, for his first care is to keep his feet in good con- dition. If he knew that Dr. Thomas' Ec- hetrio 011 would be of much better ser- vice he would throw away his tallow and pack a few bottles of 111e Oil In his knapsack, There is nothing 111ce R. "Casey do be a great Inigilter," "He is that. Yisterday he walked tin molles lo lick a mon." "An' did he walk back, too ?" "No ; he was carried bock," Ono trial of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator will convince you that it hos no equal as a worm medicine. Buy a bottle and see if it does not pleas. you. CHILD SAVES WOMAN, Burglar Bent on Murcllr Relents ane Aids the Victim. A case has been reported to the police in which the pleading of a girl of 11 softened the heart of a burglar bent on murder at Cretafl, France. Mme, Rollet and the girl, who is her niece, were awakened by an unusual noise. and 1001,0 planned to see a men stride into their room. The 4V0111111) sc•caned and the burglar gripped her by the throat and struck her with n knife. The terrified child fell at the burglar's feet, imploring Ulm to spare her minis 1110, Tile mon tihoreupOn sat on the edge of their bed and told them he had leen forced to turn burglar bemuse he could not got honest employment: Ile fissur- ed ehoe Ilollet and her Richer ilial nn berm should 110(1111 them if 1hry kepi quirt while. Iwo of his friends below collected litn '0swn 6." 'file burglar then gol the loafer basin and enrof1111y washed iiia- 1ln.01 barn Thine. Rollers wound, Ile implied band. ages end with a bow left the P00111 and W0(11 away with thisOonlp9ntOne. " Keeping Cverlastingly at it firings Success." PEDLAR'S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a 36,000 01. press (the only one in Canada) one corrugation at a three, and is guaranteed true and straight to size. We carry a 600 ton stock In Oshawa, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and London and can ship ordinary requirements the same day order is received. Made In 1 inch, 2 inch or 2% inch corrugations in sheets any length up to 10 feet In 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized. "' This class of material. is most suitable for fireproofing Barns, Factory, Mill and Warehouse Buildings and is water and wind proof. Corrugated Ridges, Lead Washers and Galvanized Nails carried in stock, Send Specifications to your nearest ofrice for catalogues and prices. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, Moatreat, Ono, 011a11a, 0n1 Toronto, Ont. LOadOa,0a1. I1lanioba, Man. Waaconaer,B.0. 707 CraigSt. 428 Sussex et. 11 Colborna et, 80 Dundee et, f 78 Lombard et, 810 Yonder et. I I I I Write your Nearest Office.—HEAD OFFICE AND WORKS—OSHAWA, Dat Largest makers of Sheet Metal Building Materials under the British Flag. In Western Can ..i da ed rlztl aode l Savkatebowan, only 8 miles from two railways, C.P.R. Strong Boil, 80 per cent. plough land, spring creek, no sloughs. About 4e milds N.E. of Indian Head. Price 010.10 per acro Witte for map and fall partioulare. 31. PARSONS. pt Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada KEPT TAB ON Hiel, Why, Johnny, what are you doing pushing the cat on to Mir. Nicefelio in that fashion? Papa told me to stay In the parlor end keep Tab on him while be was here. Weak and Palo Women foolishly keep this way when by Elm nee of Perrovim, " the best ratio they could very quickly recover their health and Strength. Try It. BROKEN PROMISE. "You advertise a homelike air about your place, do you not?" asked the guest. I do," replied the botel-man. "You advertise that special effort is made to give a home atmosphere to the dining -room, don't you?" "Yes, sir." "Then how is that 1 have eaten four meals here and at none of them bas any- one told me that the cook is going to Quit, that the milkman is cheating us, that the Browns just must keep them frog out of the flower beds, and tha1. I can't expect my dinner to be satisfac- tory if I do not get home In time for it?" rM� Witte—"Well, there's one thing about Risington, he's always ready to confess his faults" Slowe—"Nonsensel Why he's always bragging about being self- made." "Of course. That's just it" Nearly all Infants are more or less subject to diarrhoea and such complaints while teething, and as this period of their lives Is the most critical, mothers should not be without a bottle of Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. This medicine is a 01)001110 for such 0010• plaints and is highly spoken of by those who have used ft. The proprie• ti os claim it will cure any ease of cholera or summer complaint. "Does your wife take any interest in current polities?" asked the earnest WO - man, "Naw," replied Mr. Farman, "she don't, But if it's currant jelly or cur - 1 ant pie, why, 1 believe she could tell you more Things about 'cm than you ever dreamt of." iIARTYRDOI DENRIB1D Kingston Man tells how he Suffered and Flow he was Released. "For Chas. rTr: Powell is how Chas. aCII�• of 105 Raglan Street, Kingston, bogies hie etory. "A martyr to chronic constipation, but how I ani free from it and all through the neo of Dr. Leonhardt'B anti.P[ll. " Cass. H. POWOW, Many who arehow suffering from this' complaint ural bo glad to loam from Mr. Powell's storythat there o is hoe for tha most stubborn He continuos; "I wee induced to try Anti. Pill by reading the teethnoay of sono ono who had been oared of constipation by it. 1 had suffered for eighteen years and had taken tans of bluff recommended Its cures but which made me wore° rather than better. Doctors told me thorn was no Duro for me." ' Dr. Loonhardt'b Anti -Pill is for eats by all Druggists or by The Wilson•Pylo Co., Limited, Niagaro lOs.11s, Ont, Ma Powell wilt verify evory word of these atatem0110. 503 He : "1 asked the doctor what I should take to remove the redness of my nose." She : "And what did he say?" He: "He said, 'Take nothing for six mon...s. " Hard and soft corns cannot withstand Holloway's Corn Cure; it is effectual every time. Get a bottle at once and be happy. The man who thinks he is a wit 0110011 talk info a phonograph—and then be made to listen. ilso s FLY DS THE ONLY THING THAT KILLS THEM ALL1 AVOID POOR IMITATION $torn Bold by all. DrnBglste and General and by mail. TEN CENTS PERPACKET PROM ARCHDALE WILSON HAMILTON, ONT. CARPET DYEING nod Cleaning. Thin Is n epoolaltr with the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEtNQ 00.1 Bend mirth:ulna br pont and 0/o aro sure Lo od.lety a terser Bos 188, Montreal. Horse °awn: rsT Use DOBIBAULT'S Ca vac asem A ens,, Speody, end 8,0(1,, Cora The safest Best13LISTLR ever need. Takes the place of el liniments for .mild or severe sotion: lhomoves all Bunches or Blemishes from Horses and Cattle SVPERSIOSURS ALL CAUTERY' Olt FIRING. Soposerbldtoprodaecacarof-blemish Ever bottle Wald is warranted to sive satisfaction Price 81.60 per bottle, Sold'byy druggists, or sons by oxprens,-ehnrgos paid, Within dlreottons for Its use. Band for descriptive 00,111ars. Tho Lnwrenoo.W1l11nnts Co., Toronto, Ont. r Yv Hnt r u! tdlava 6t051e0'D11a31h brie(0yr rrad DMyer hr population of 000,000. to fire rows de revelation a111 rook the taldffaillion mark. Ordinary refidener Ion d ,,, ,r 110,.dy pope• toted bring (roof 5750 t o 52,000 errs. WE ARE LAYING OUr A My., 55017101(1 Vt7asbitlgton H'Iei;g1lta I. The huh timdm ! lithelya4dh,oe is boron fur 6idp ! e lewef Piker !".4701"1111::, 3 R ky eu eainr de Or rlook.el,W"h,nglea 8,r1, An 1daopen yyy facia 25 x 10 Feet for $100 (1 Sf MUM kin Pen 040NTlf a �atp T11 -113E I l e frandja $1,11Panaplaa Ball laff, `B d ill In r..1.1.03...lit WOO «d I "itro: r u u 0:11 y f.vel arur iw th a b I e eea rWh, u at e6 If .awwtr Mgrndee 11. bile ".a u o.e ,"err ehn lee,un. �„ shrl,a. THE CENTURY L0A14 AND TRUST CO. Tar donor Danger if ,r p Drs .,Cnlerad• It You i.r.rraw„p!e "a la -Dom?, willow ISSUE NO, 17 --Bi.