HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-7-12, Page 1J.44
Vol.. 38. No,
New Advertisements.I George 0oombeejr. and Mimeo God.
°the and Eliza Coombes are et Mules-
worth in ohartte of the store Muir father
VVIdeke-F,11.oKay S it re00ntly purchased. We wieb thew
Whieke—F. R. Smith, well,
Shoe bargaine—I. 0, Richards.
f'len day sale—Popleetoue & Gardiner,
arm for e— amp Spar lig.
3ij sixiti ge)s,
LeadL urv.
Hammy Won.—A said wedding took
a plaoe in Winnipeg on Thureday, June
21st, the oontraoting parties being Miss
Maggie Ooatee, eldest daughter of Mrs,
M• Coates, of Leadbury, and Thomas
Roes, of Minnedoea, Man., formerly of
•McKillop. Rev. Mr, MOMIIIan, pastor of
St. Andrew's Preebyteriau (Murch, per-
formed the oeremouy at the manes. The
bride wee beaomiugly attired in pearl
grey pallett, silk trimmed, with cream
lace and grey velvet and wore a white hat.
Her travelling suit wee blue chiffon
broadoloth worn with a pretty cream silk
and allover lane blouse and blue bat to
match. After spending some time In the
city Mr. and Mre. Rose lett for their
future home, near Minnedoea, where the
relatives and friends of the groom had
• met to welcome tbe young couple. Mr.
and Mre. Rose are both well and favorab
ly knowu in these parte and have a hoot
of well wiebere for a bappy future,
t7 rase l>rook.
Heather Broe. raised a barn Tneeday
of last week.
A few from Cranbrook attended tbe
Ethel pia•nio,
George Sperling offers his fine 100 more
farm, adjoining Craubrook,for sale.
Miee Susie Reymann bas gone back to
Berlin atter spending a few days at her
M. and Mies Huehnargard, of Bt.
Jacobs, spent a few days at M. Ray•
Ray Fear and Ernest Rozell, of Beer -
este, were calling o0 old friends in thin
Henry Gorealitz has returned home
after spending a few days in Berlin and
Will. Forreet and Dr. Cameron, well
koowo Oranbrookitee, helped Brueeele
trounce the Parkdale team et foot ball at
Brands Wet Monday evening.
Our congratalatioue are extended to
Dr. T. T. McRae on the completion of
his mediocicourse. We have not learned
where he intends locating bat wish him
A wedding or two ie said to be on the
Miee Marjory Strachan is home from
Hamilton on a visit.
Mine Elsie Straohan ie visiting at
Laoknow with old friends.
Three of Dougald Simpeou'e children
of Fordyce, are holidaying at Andrew
Last Sabbath evening Rev. W. J.
Wert, of Blaevale. preaobed in Victoria
Hall end gave a good eermoo.
The chimney on the residence of John
Steinhart wae etraok by lightning last
Saturday, fortunately no eerione damage
was done,
Mre. Joseph Shaw and ohildron are
81011103 her brothers, Masers. McDonald,
merohante, here, during:the abeenoe of
Mr. Shaw in Wisoonein.
Robert Simpson, who was clerking to
the store here had to quit owing to poor
health and Gordon McDonald, of St.
Helene, hue token his place.
A roadway has been arranged through
the river while the new bridge is being
built. Oo. Oounoillor Bryant, ie the
Ioepeolor of the clement abutments^
On Wednesday June 27th Freak
Wright and Miss Dora, danghter of Jae.
and Mra. Simpson, were united in mar-
riage at the manes, Wroxeter, by Rev.
L. Perrin. They are making their home
in the meantime at the groom's parents.
May their joys be merry.
The eixth anneal anniversary of Vice
toria Hall will be held on Thursday
evening, Aug. 2nd. Refreshments will
be served on the lawn from 8 to 8. An
excellent program is being prepared ley
the maeical committee, Miee Ina Bryans,
and Mieeee Marjorie and Jodie Straohan,
which will no doubt excel past yeare.
Further particulars neat weak.
W re xeeer.
G. E, Dane, of Hamilton, wae in the
vIlluge on Tueeday.
Mrs. Curtain, of Chicago, 0 the greet
of her deter, Mrs. E. Lewie.
Mre. Orr, of London, ie renewing
acquuintanoee in the village.
ulisese Bide and Kste Hazlewood visit.
ed reletivee in Clifford laet''Ohareday.
Mien Merle Barnard, of London, le the
guest of ber nnole, R, Bernard, of
Miee Agnee Flemming, of Toronto, is
upending two weeks with her eieter, Mre.
W. Oarr.
Mise Olera Rntherford left this weep
for a twy weaka' visit with relatives in
Mies MoLaaghlin has returned to her
home, near Walton, after a week's visit
with Miee Howe.
James MoEweu, of London, is the
ghost of hie pereute, John and Mre. Mo•
Ewen, of Turuberry.
John and Mre. Hartley, of Blyth, are
spending the Summer vacation with
relatives in Howlett.
W. Perrin and MiesLetieha Morrieon
were amongst those who attended the
ex00reien to Niagara on Friday.
Md. W. S. MoKerober left last week
for Winnipeg and Paewegan where she
will spend the Summer, and it ie hoped
will fully recover from her long illness.
A very eaooeeeful lawn social was bald
under the envied of the Westmineter
Oaild of the Presbyterian oburoh at
elealland Terrane, the borne of Lawrence
Lovell, on Friday evening. A well
rendered program was giv'eu,the talent
being chiefly from Brussels and James.
town. The prooeede amounted to about
$55 00.
Atter a few week's illness, the reenit of
a recent fall, Mrs. Catharioe Robertson
paeeed away at her home on Howiok
street, Sunday evening at the advauoed
age of 88 years. Deceased had resided 0
the village for a number of yeare and was
highly respeoted by all who knew her.
She leaves one daughter, Mre. John
Harris, of thie plaoe. The funeral took
place to the Blaevale cemetery Tneeday
Mre. Andrew .Longley, aged 61 yeare,
died at her home in Howiok an Monday
morning after a week'e illnese of peen.
mania^ She was an extremely well read
woman, large hearted and eeteemed by all
her friends and aoquaintauoee. A hue.
bend and large family of eons and
daughters are left to mourn her death.
The funeral took plane to the Wroxeter
oemetery on Wednesday afternoon,
•eervioe being conducted in the Episoope•
lien oburoh by Rev. T. H. Farr.
The Townehip Hall was well filled last
Snuday eight.
Mre. Laird is visiting friends in Galt
for a few weeks.
The joists are on the first story of the
new Vole brick block,
The Junior League -held a pia•nio fn
the grove on Wednesday.
Mre. Juo. McDonald is vieiting friends
in Paisley and Port Elgin.
Dick Devise is holidaying at Toronto,
Grimsby and other pointe.
Miee Janet McKey, of Brueeele, is the
guest of Mre. (Dr.) Ferguson.
I. M. Henry Bent a cousigmont of flour
to Seaforth and Blyth this week.
Louie Mason, of Toronto, visited hie
aunt, Mre. L. A. Mason, tor a few days.
Juo. and Mre. Hinohly, of Seaforth,
were visitors at Joo. McCallum's last.
Jno. Balmier, of Toronto, and Geo, of
Stratford, are visiting the parental home
Quite a number of our young people
attended the Lawo Social at J. Bryant''
Tuesday evening.
The heavy storm that paeeed over here
lest Saturday took about fifteen feet
of the Flour mill smoke etaok,
Mre. Oramp, Mre. Beteg, end Mre. O.
H. Alderson, of Toronto, were the guests
of Mre. Spence for a few Jaye.
Wednesday morning W. E. Sanders
lost 18 good miloh cow. She bad got at
some Paris green in a field wbere she
wae paetored. This is the second cow
Mr. Sanders hae lost, the two being worth
Shoe Bargaius
on Saturday, July loth
On above date we open our Shoe
Stock in its new home and to help to
fasten that fact on your memory we
invite you to participate in the follow-
ing bargains for cash which we offer for that day only :-
-60 pairs Men's Heavy Plow Shoes, all sizes, regular price $1.80, Satur-
day only
—80 pairs Women's Pebbled Bale., regular 51.80, Saturday
—60 pairs Women's Carpet Slippers, regulate 25o, Saturday
—60 pairs' itiosee Pebbled Bale„ regular 51.25, Saturday
—60 pairs Childs' Pebbled Shoes, Laced or Buttoned, sizee 6 to 10, regtl-
ier $1.00, Saturday only
Please Remember these Reduced Prices
for Cash and on Saturday, ,July 14th, only
PrinolpeJ Freemau, otNotbawa, is
home for tee holidays after taking a trip
ap the Northern lakes to Sault Ste. and
Preaching in the Townehip Hull next
Sabbath evening. Rev. Mr. Armetrong
will take an bis topia "Leseoua tiom
the Sun,"
Mrs. Noble Milne received a telegram
on Monday that a brother of here was
drowned in the West by felling off the
deals of a steamer.
0. G. and Mrs, Imlay leave on Setur•
day for a few weeks trip to Sarnia and
Point Edward to visit friends and rel•
ativee. Mr. Imlay hoe not been enjoying
the beet of health lately and we hope the
lake breezes will bring him around again
to his old time vigor,
L. Longeway, of the Royal Hotel, is
malriog some fine improvements to the
trout of the hotel by laying a Dement
platform the full length of the building
and about rix feet wide, He Mae also bud
the well cleaned out and ot mewed to the
top wbioh is a great eonveeieuoe to the
, ieighbore and otbers who get their drink.
ing water there and the work be Winnow'
to mOob appreoiated by them,
The re•opeui„g eerviooe in connection
with the Methodist ohurab here will
be held on Sabbath, July 22nd. Rev,
A. O. 'Tiffin, of 'Trowbridge, will preaoh
et 10 30 a. in. and 7 p. m. A epeoial
Sabbath Sobool Rally will take plane at
2.30 at wbioh a floe program will be
proeented. Monday evening a musical
and literary program of rare excellence
wilt be preeeuted that will be wail worth
hearing. The ohurab will be mash im•
proved in appearau0e by the work done
on it. See the program for Sunday
afternoon and Monday evening.
Vt' ca 1 eon.
W. G. Neal [pont Sunday in Denver,
E. N. Young, of Toronto, has joined
the G. & G. R., staff here.
The oemeut blooke and brioke for the
new buildiuge are beiug rapidly mans•
Mr. Hoard, of Rosoneabh, has moved
hie (amity and effeete to Walton. He
will open a harness shop and thereby fill
a long felt want.
Duff's ohurab Garden Party was largely
attended and proved a very s000eeeful
effete. The weather, edibles and pro.
gram were ell exoellent. Something new
in the entertainment line were some
choruses by the Italiana which were high-
ly appreciated.
Walton L. 0. L., aeoompanied by
vieiting bretbren from Bruesele and
Winthrop, attended divine worebip in tbe
Methodist church last Sabbath afternoon,
and were addressed.very eneeptably by
Rev. R. J. Currie. Rev. Mr. Lang -Ford,
of St. George's ohurob, withdrew hie
service' and attended with the brethren, a
graoefal ant that wae highly appreciated.
Haying le well advanced.
What's the attraction for Monorieff
boys on the 14th of Logan 7
A number visited Seaforth and
Milvertou on the glorious 12th,
Mies Marsh, of Toronto, is spending
her vacation at the "Heritage."
Au enjoyable time wag spent by a
oontiogeut of young people at the borne
of W. and Mre. Rands on Monday even.
,utIrs. W. H, Salter and eon, of Toronto,
are visitors at 0. Rozell'e, 9th eon, Mre.
Salter is daughter. Mt. Salter may be
here later.
Ioe Cream Social at Jno. Bryan°' home
lot 21, con. 3, Tneeday eveni0g of tbie
week, under the auspi0ee of Roe's Ep-
worth League.
Miee Jeanie MoKibbin, of Leadbury,
is speeding part of ber vacation visiting
her eoueiu, Mies Jeanie Armstrong, 01
"The Meplee."
The trustees of 8. 8. No, 1, known es
Shine's school, have engaged the serviette
of Ralph Langdon, of Eastwood, Oxtord
Co., as teacher, at a salary of 5475.
A. A. end Mre. Wheeler, of Detroit,
are enjoying a holiday visit with relatives
and friends in Grey and Morris town.
ehipe and Brussels, and are having e
good time,
Last Saturday Wm. Bryan° had two
steers killed and two mare stunned by
lightning on the McAllister farm, lot 6
oon. 3. The cattle were [leaking shelter
under an elm tree. There were 24 head
of cattle in the bunch.
Farmers are busy with their hay orop,
Miee Maud Bryaue arrived home last
Saturday from Toronto.
The minutes tee of Morrie townehi
Ooanoil may be read in title issue.
A umber of Orangemen and friends
went to Milverton o8 Thursday to Dela•
brate the 12th.
Rev, Robert Maandere made a brief
visit home last week while en route to
the West where hie work will now be.
Mre. Wm. Robb epeut the Dominion
Day holiday at Tottenham with re.
letivee sod old friends. Miee Brandon,
of Wingham, accompanied her.
Lamellate' .Fnoriea,—Last Saturday
the speed lightning oan deetroy property
was exemplified in a small way in Morrie
townebip, the destructive work, fortunate.
ly, not beteg Very serious. At Ohaa.
Forrest's, lot 26, 2nd line, the chimney
was destroyed, pipee kuooked down and
lido off the stove and the end of the
home will need repairs, Mre, Forrest
was stunned by the shook and Mr. For.
rest felt a bang in one of hie ears. It
wait oertaioly a close will. George Johne.
ton, let line, had a heifer killed and Mre,
Smillie, 5th line, loot two enters that
were ander a tree, Wm. Bryane loot two
steers that were pasturing In Grey. At
Thos. Rueeell'e, 6011 line, the obimney
was in the way of the lightning and it
was speedily moved, Chet damage wee
also done and membere ot the family
were quite Well %dared Met they were
not far removed from a danger spot.
Joseph Curtis' bougie, North boundary,
had the ohimney Mallen up. Id tba
majority of oases the loeeee will be pre-
vided Corby the Howiok Mntuel Inset -
shod 00. Fortunately there were tto
IiVea'loeb not balidiege burned.
W. H. KERR, Prop
Joo. R. and Mre, Miller were away on
a holiday drive in which they vieited
Mildmay, Paisley, Southampton, Port
Elgin, Ohealey, Hanover, Clifford, Har•
rieton and other pointe calling on old
friends. There be no more onjoyable
style of telling 180 outing et this season of
the year than a drive through the country.
PnolooTioN BEAM, R%FORTe.—Below are
the reeatte of tide examivatiooe held in
S. S. No. 10. Names stand in order of
merit; Promoted to Ent. olaee—Mary
Forrest, Lizzie Breckenridge. Promoted
to St iV oleee.—Arthur Shaw, Fern
Betimler, Alice Thornton, Agnee Miller.
Promoted to Jr. IV—Alma King. Pro-
moted to 8r III—M. Mason, Annie
Breckenridge. Promoted to Jr. III -8.
Coomber, John Hodge. V olsea reports
will appear later. JOHN T. BTRAonAN,
Standing of pupils as determined by
weakly exams. and general work of
term. Names arranged in order of
L Lamont H Young
N Sparling C Speer
M Fear H Hogg
L Strachan ' T Zimmer
0 Ross T Dark
A Lamont S Armstrong
FORM I TO 1081'8 II
I Frain G Armstrong
F McKenzie T Wilson
M Brothers W Henderson
W Strachan J Elliott
K Deadman 1 Wilton
J Robb L Lock
E Evans C Holmes
B Wbitfield M Dunbar
S Stubbs T McDonald
P Baker R Sinclair
L Sinclair L McCracken
C Scott C Bell
J Cnnninghatu W McCutcbeon
The successful candidates at tbe
Entrance Exam.
) Henderson B Curry
K Ament W Bell
C McMillan C Ament
F Scott I Barkley
M Jones N Ewan
A Robb
B Leckie
✓ Walker
O Gerry
E Wilbee
F Gerry
Miss K WILsoN, Teacher.
E Deadman
C Leckie
H Armstong
S Speiran
B Harris
M Thomson
W Sparliug
C Lowry
E Plum
H Mooney
H Campbell
Willie Long
S Fox
E Gilpin
T Armstrong
K Wilton
B Walker
S Gerry
B Warwick
E Somers
W Miller
G Wilbee
V Ainlay
L Lamont
Winnie Long
F Stubbs lai McCracken
W Kerr I Strachan
G Kerr
S Burgess 3 Taylor
E Platt Lamont
P Dark C McDonald
H Ament W McKay
F Robb ' L Bateman
M Thomson. M Burgess
MISS SMITH, Teacher.
A Moore H Simmons
C Crooks N Fox
Hazel Lowry
S Brothers A Wilton
H Burgess E Barkley
V Ross H Lowry
" Deadman J Taaksot
J Habkirk
W Lott R McKay
M Bishop S Moore
I McLauchlin G Colvin
H Walker F Lowry
E Toole L Lowry
L Ballantyne P Thuell
W Harris
Remaining in the class—
T Snider G Jantiesori
A McLauchlin E Lowry
R Barkley
L Holmes
B Wilbee
Hazel Crone
Rutb Sinclair
Laura Ament
Bobs Campbell
Myrtle Friendship
Rhoda Hewitt
Lisle McCracken
'Pom MoLauchlin
Mindred Mercer
V McCracken
S Sample
Miss DoWNEV, T01101100.
Wil. Armstrong
George Edwards
Jean Elliott
Harry Fox
Jack Ballantyne
Lily Betrgoss
Bethel Herr
Amy Roe
Fred Wood
Harold Work
Lloyd Jackson
John McLauchlan
Alex. Thompson
Wilton Payne
Fred Payne
Roddick Ritchie
Vernon Sinclair
Roy Stewart
Irene Toole
Roy Currie John Thompson
Willie Somers
Pauline Barkley Ross McKay
Oscar Crone A McLauchlin
Ward Buchanan Edna Shtels
Clifton Jackson Gordon Snider
Lyla Jackson Charlie Wilbee
Miss RITCHIE, Teacher,
The Goderioh Bowling tournament
will be held on named 7tb, The Brae.
eels Bowlers will attend.
In a game of football at Wiaghem last
Saturday night the Parkdale 'Albion0'
won from Wingham by a snore of 2-1.
In the bowling tournament in the
Brawls Bowiere' J. Habkirk took first
prize, a pair of rubber boots, and Dr,
Fetid won second prize, a gold headed
The Western Ontario Lawn Bowling
Aeeooiatiou'e eleventh annual teerna•
meat will open in Loudon on Monday,
July 23rd, ou the grounds of the London
Bowling Olab.
Harry Brown, who refereed the senior
final game betweeu Soeforth end Dundee,
at Dundee, Saturday, makee it clear that
his demon re tbe Outpaced goal was
right. The goal umpire wee 1101 a no0•
The match Committee of the Ontario
Football Association have drawn np the
following schedule :—All Sainte, of Tor-
onto District, will play at Mildmay on
Wednesday ; and Mildmay play in Tor.
onto, on Friday night, for the Junior
Ontario Cap.
The following is tbe deeding of the
three clabo in the Lakeview Baeebell
Clubs Won Loeb To Play
Luoknow 2 1 5
Kinoardine 2 1 5
Wingbam 1 3 4
Preetoo, Peterboro, and Little York are
the three teams left in the intermediate
eerier of the Ontario Football Association.
The match committee of the adulation
met and decided that Peterboro and
Little York ebonid play off end the
winners enter the finale with Preston.
Peterboro hae defaulted and it now leaves
Little York and Preelon for the cup.
Following la the snores of the Bras.
eels Bowlers who played in Seaforth last
Wedneeday and Thursday. In the
Trophy :—A, Wilson, of Seafort], de.
tested F. Downing, 19-14 ; In the Ae-
Oooiation 1—R. Downing beat J. B.
Hoover, Clinton, 19-5 ; Downing beet
Coleman, Sealorth, 15-13 ; Rogers,
Seatortb, beat Downing 14-13. In tbe
consolation, Me0urdy, Stratford, beet
Downing 18-16. In the Doubles, Roes
and Downing, beat McCurdy land Groote,
Stratford, 18-8 ; Ron aed Downing beet
Heany and Beutbor, Loudon, 13-7.
The Brueeele beam then left ea a player
on Bealorth rink, whom they were oat
to play lett for the oountry and would
not be baok 0111 the evening.
weakoeee, The development of Boman•
ism i0 Anglo Saxon eeuutrlee 'molt 1800
Iluglaed, Ireland and Oaoada wee in.
otanoed end uoited Proteetautiom should
not only be strong in numbers but in
aggre00ive0eee—true Orangemen, Tiley
should be Bible etudente and dumb
goure booking up the noble Order, This abould be the rallying
es ot
poled for Protestant Ohristieue and Ihoee
not oonnented with the Order were urged
to lend their aid, The sermon wan a
moat suitable one for the oocaeion and a
vote of Menke wan peened on returning
to the Lodge room for it.
People We Know.
Alf. Baker was in Toronto this week,
Jae. B. Stretton wee a viettor iu Toren.
Miee Annie Gordon wee holidaying at
Mira Aggie Telfer wee visiting Mies
Ida Fulton,
Miee Orme Gerry ie visiting at Blyth
with relatives,
Lorne Pringle, of Toronto, le here for a
short vacation,
Miee Habkirk was vieiting with friend°
to Kincardine.
Mrs. Ohae, Ritohie was visiting her
eieter last week.
Miee Verne Walker ie enjoying a visit
with Bealorth I:rieode.
Mre. D. M. Butt left Thureday to
visit friends to Woodstock.
Miens Edith and Irene Toole are boli.
dayiog with Blaevale friends.
Mise Beside Ribble, of Toronto, 0 boli.
dayiog at W. H. MoOrackeu's.
Mre. W, H, Stewart and son have gone
to Duegaunon to visit relatives.
Little Miss Jean Habkirk, et Blyth, ie
holidaying with relativee in town.
Miee Jo. Rod, ot Toronto, is home on
a brief vied from the Queen oily.
Miee Ida Willteme, of Toronto, 0 re-
newing old friendships bp Bra/idle.
Blida Ada and Stella Moore are away
fors holiday with relativee at Listowel.
Miee Thane, Gerry is viaitiug at Sea -
forth with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Willie.
Miee Evelyn Gillespie, of Seelorth, ie
the guest of Mrs. W. Gillespie, Brussels.
Mr. and Mre. Eagle, of Toronto, were
poets at Dr. MoKelvey'e for a few days.
Miee Nettie Gilpin, of London, to
visiting at her nuule'e, J. J. Gilpin, Bruin
Mre. W.F. Stratton and sisters were
bollidaying in Bruce Go. during the past
Wise M43n11I0 Moore ie here from 80.
Thomas vieltiug at her home for a few
Mre. Wm, Cameron and Miee Eva
have gone to Teoameeh to visit with
Miee Tillie Gillespie and Mr, Reese, of
Seaforth, were visiting in Brussels
Miee Loa. Setbergreen ie vieiting at
her home in Rarrieton for a couple of
Mise Nellie Black, of Wroxeter, was
81011ing friends in Brussels during the
past week.
Mies Clara Grabam, of Toronto, wee
the guest of her stater, Mre. (Dr,) Toole
for a few Ostia.
George Colvin arrived home from
Manitoba on Wednesday afternoon after
en abeenoe of 2i mouthe,
Tun PoeT ao0gratulatee Alex. Mo.
Keivey oil purling hoe recent medical
exam. and wished him 0000000.
D, Orniokehank and son Olarenoe, of
Toronto, were visitors witb the Bone
.families of Brussels and Morris.
Al d James Anderson were away
CHURL'S 12.111i81N/1.
There will be service in Melville ohurob
twat Sabbath at the usual bouts. Roy.
Mr. MODonald, of Kincardine, is ex.
peoted to officiate.
On Dominion Day an interesting
National eervioe was held in St. John's
ohatoh and Sabbath School. Portraits
of leading personages, flags, eta., were
in evidenoe.
At the monthly Mieeionary eervioe in
the Methodist Sabbath School, Brneeele,
short addressee were given by Bert.
Lott, Ira Parker, ot Wingham, and W.
J. Fawcett. The League choir gave a
chorus and alleges 1. Gerry and Pearl
Sharpe a duet. Collection wag 58 66.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. E. G.
Powell preached a very interesting and
profitable discourse from Luke 18 and 8.
The three pointe exemplified were (1)
When the Sot of Man cometh shall He
find Faitb in the Divine Power ; (2) In
Divine Goodness ; (8) In the Divine
Method. Jeremiah deb chapter and 9th
evening verse was the teat in the in
which lofty aims and parpo0e0 in lite
were dwelt upon with good effect.
Tneeday of this week Lindsay Preeby
tory met at Beaverton to deal with a cell
to Rev. A. 0. Wieohart, of Beaverton,
from Melville 'Murals, Brueeele.- Rev.
D. B. Molise, Elder Thu. Straohan
and George Thomson attended from
Brussels. A etroug,plea was put in by
Beaverton to retain their pastor. We
understand they offer to increase hie
eatery and erect a new m1800e it he will
remain. Mr. Wieohart coked a week to
ooneider the matter and will report to
the Presbytery at Woodville.
day morning there wee a large taro oat
of Brussels L. 0. L. to St. John's ohurob
to the mutual sermon. Rev. Mr. Lang•
Ford took for hie text Gal. 6 and 1,
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty
wherewith Christ hath made as tree and
be not entangled again with the yoke of
bondage." After extending a Welcome to
the brethren from Ed. John'e Vestry he
referred to a Mete statement eometimert
made viz that only a paper wall existed
between the Church of Bur/laud and the
R. 0. church, Ae many of the Orange
Order are members of Me former the
statement, do not harmonize. Ate
Proteetatt Christians they were urged to
find out their Work and -do It. Prateslant
loyalty does not omelet in prejudice and
antagonism to Raman Gatholios. Or.
augeme0 were defenders of the Faith and
the indifference of Boma in upholding the
priboiplee of the Order wee a Bourne of
ex. an
for an enjoyable holiday WWI relatives
and lrienda at Mosley and other pointe.
A, J. and Mre. Lowiok of Fordwloh,
were in town on Monday. The latter ex.
tended her Dray in renewing old friend.
Thos. Shires, of Detroit, was a visitor
with Mra. F. M. Motels, ot Brussels, and
Me Shiele, Carmichael and Bray families
of Grey.
Mies Mine Hunter, John ebeeet, was
under the doctor's care feet week bat ie
ooneiderably improved we are pleased
to state.
Robert Thomson and All. Banker in.
teed lenviog next week on a trip to the
Coast. Miee Dolly Barker may 18000m•
pony them to Winnipeg.
Mre. John Cooper and Mre. Frank
Fishleigb, of Chicago, are visiting their
mother, Mre. Newsom, and their sister,
Mre. T. McGregor, Queen street.
Bob. MoOraoken is borne from Roob•
ester, N. Y„ for a visit to the parental
borne in Brueeele. He is e000mpanied
by Mr. Hong!), of the Flower City.
e auk
fthe Merchant's B
. 0, Fawcett o ,
' brother,
was a visitor with his b o they
W. J. Fawcett, manager of the Metropolf•
tan Bank, Brunie, for a few days.
J. H, Cameron intends leaviug next
week on a bueineee trip to the West. He
will make Matfett, Sask., the (entre of
hie oirouit and will be absent for several
R. Aldridge, eon of David Aldridge,
of Platteville, formerly of Btaeeale, was
visiting relativee in and adjacent to
Brunie. The visitor ie a member of
the Atwood Bee staff.
Mre. J. L. Kerr and Mrs. 0. E, Turn•
bull are spending a few weaka at Balmy
Bench, near Owen Sound with the form-
er'e daughter, Mre. (Dr.) Oavabaugh, at
their Summer oottage.
Miee Hattie Downing bee accepted n
position on the staff of 1110 public school
in Leamington, Deux Co. .She is a good
tenoher and is now the poeeeesor of a
Normal school certificate.
J. B. and Mre. Stewart, of Cbapleau,
Out., ate visiting hie brother and eieter in
town. Mr, Stewart hae taught the
Obaplean eohool for Me past 9 years
weeded by 8 other teachers. Cbupleaa
hae a population of 960 and 213 ou the
eohool roll. The village i0 B00 miles Weet
of North Bay and to a railway ventre.
Ooantry is rooky about it and very few
settlers on land. Mr. Stewart tette many
interesting shined of trips he hae taken
through that Northrenoobutry down the
Moose river ae far ae Hudson Bay and
le well pouted.
2reu band organ for rade, in good shape.
Apply to B. Guar, Brussels,
Goo progra00 le being made on the
00100018 portion of the new Agrioaltural
Hall. A goodly proportion of the aim.
ber 15 ale( on the ground.
ETON Jeokeblost on Tuesday, on 4th
line Morris, It is blaok mod white (hook
trimmed with bleak braid. Finder will
much oblige by leaving it at Tun Pose
Publiehing House,
Excursion to Kterieue NR,—The Annual
Union Sabbath School Exoursiou to
Kinoardlne will be ran on Wednesday,
August 8tb, oommenoing at Palmerston.
Arraogamente are being made to have a
lake trip on the steamer "Britannic" on
that date. A program 0 mimeo and
epode will oleo be prepared. Tide 10 a
very enjoyable day to many people and
nu doubt the outing on the date above
mentioned will compare favorably with
former 000aoione. Kincardine 0 au
ideal spot for a holiday and the people
most hospital. A epeoial train will run.
li0RERT PARKER DEoiaeEo.—Last elatar•
day morning Robert Parker, lather of
Mre, Thomae Curry, of Benesele, passed
away at hie borne, Con. 8, Elma, after en
extended illness, aged 80 years, 8 menthe
and 3 deye, He was born in Cumberland
England, and oame to Peterboro, Out,
when about 5 years- old, later be came
Westward to Woodetouk locality and 17
years ago located on the farm on which
the Dominion cheese factory is built. 55
years ago he was united id marriage to
Miee Martha Coon, 0 East Zoom, and
she predeceased him 5 years. Mr. Par•
ker had been in failing health for about
9 monthe, old age and its a000mpaoying
failing powers beteg the cause. He was
a Liberal in politics, a loyal and faithful
member of the Methodist Unroll and
woe held in high esteem on aocouut of
bis fine spins and manliness of obareoter.
The eorvtviug members of the family
are :—Job(, of Port Huron ; Mre. T.
Carry, Btoeeale ; Mre. Vipond, Elme ;
UMartes, Atwood ; Thomas and Miee Ida
at home. The funeral took plane to
Eima cemetery on Monday, Rev. 8, Bond
eonduated en appropriate eervioe, aesieted
by Rev. W. Tomball, of Monkton, de-
aeased'e late pastor, who bore testimony
to air. Parker's loyalty to the church and
hie ouewerving.00ntideoae in God. Pall.
bearers were Joseph Thompson, J. A.
Turnbull, Jae. Porter, J, Switzer, W.
Donaldson and Juo. Mattson. The
Uhrietiun life of the subject of this notice
will not Boon be forgotten in Atwood
BASH BALL.—A toast game of Base
Bah was played on Victoria Park, Tues.
day evening, the first in many a day for
some 0 me partioipante. The captains
were D. 0. Rose and Jno Habkirk, The
former was garrieoued by Fred. Hay
oroft, who played part of the game ae .
catcher x1111 pert at let base, A. Currie,
Sod Mase, L. Kerr, 011or1 stop, Rev.
Langford, 3rd base, Little, painter and
neither, her, J. drdell, centre field, R. Dow.
Wog, lett field and G. Norman, right
field. Mr. Rose tried hie hand at pitch.
Ing as well as at hie old poet. on let.
Mr. Habkirk lead the attach with eaoh
stalwarts ae Jas. Strachan, o., J. H.
Rowland, let b., N. Smith, 2nd 11., J. T.
Rose, e. e., A. 0. Currie, 3rd b. and p.,
W. J. Grewar, p. Geo. Roes, 0,,
J. H. Cameron, lf., —, Liddy, 0. Capt.
Habkirk officiated ae pitcher and relieved
the 3rd baseman. There were neither
mask nor pad for the Weber so he re.
oeived the oa(non balls at long range.
While the type of ball could hardly be
denominated profeeeional in the extreme,
evidences were not wanting tbnt out of
the 19 or 20 persona engaged a good nine
might easily be selected, who with pram•
tire oould be relied upon to wide their
uarnes alongside the hietorio "Clippers"
who were willow wielders ready to pro.
dune the papers if any person was Mame
enoagb to dottbt their ability to perform
on rue diamond. It would be very (u•
teresting reading if some of the old
timers wrote a book on "Base Ball ae
it Deed to be played." 7 innings were
played Tuesday evening and the snore
was 21 to 10 in favor of the Rose aggro.
genes. Other games will probably b0
put on now that the ball is set rolling.
FIRE INVa5T1GATIlN.—Ac the request of
the Howiok Farmers' Matael P`tre In.
0ara0ae Co. en investigation was held in
Brueeele on the 10th inst., before Jno.
Leckie, J. P., ea to Me origin or manse of
tt flee which took place on the 6th day 0
May last, by which two barna situated
on the East Hall of Lot 24, in the 12111
con. 0 MaAillop, owned respectively by
Alfred Hewitt end William Hadi were
totally destroyed. The lire, whioh was
c origin, took
shown9 g ,
place whilst theowner of the form, Alfred
Hewitt, and hie tviie were attending
eervioe in Bethel obarob, about 7.80 in
the evening. One of the barns had been
purchased by Mr, Midi and was intended
to be removed to hie own land, being the
Wert half of the 10, and fitted up with
stabling and other improvements. The
building was insured for $500 and the
inenrance was effeoted ae it these lin•
,provements had been made, and the
buildiug had been nobually removed.
The property upon which the building
stood et the time of the applioation for
Insurance wee mortgaged to one Joseph
Sproat, of Egmondeille, for $1,000, bat
In some unexplained manner Moth ap.
plloaute stated In their applications Chet
there was noenonmbrenoe upon tltelauds.
Other neeterial facts fn oouneation with
11100 risks wets Mao misstated, and In the
fame of the somewhat suspicious dream.
stenos surrounding the fire the Company
decided that an investigation should be
held and every effort made to get at all
the foots in Oouneetioo. The foliowtng
witnesses appeared and were esamieed
iuthe ruder :—Alfred Hewitt, .Mande
Hewitt alis wife, Wm, HMI, Demo Mo -
Gavin, John Balfour, Jamee Fulton,
Sarah Hewitt and Claronae Hadi, atter
wbioh the 0070117 wee adjourned to see
if any further evidenoeootlld be procnrvd.
W. M, Bluolair, who ie the eolioitor fur
the Howlett Metuai, had charge of the
matter for them, and J. M. Beet, of
Seaforth, appeared for the mortgagee and
Mre, Sarah Hewitt.