HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-7-5, Page 8Pure Paris Green
Don't give the bugs a chance to gain a headway on your
potatoes. Now is the time to get busy and fight them
with our
It no doubt means considerable work in putting this on
And you want to make sure that your work will be effec-
tive. If you got your .Paris Green from us you can depend
on getting the best that is made, and that you will not be
disappointed after ding your work. Although the mar-
ket pride of this is a'good deal higher at the present time
than other years, we are selling ours at the old price of
IIf you have a sweet tooth try a box of Ganong'e G. 13. Chocolates, Yon will
come book for another. They are the High Grade Goode and of Standard
Quality. Sold only by us
8000081101 EXTENSION W. G. & 8,
Trains leave Brueeele Station, North
and South, e,e follows:
Mail 7:05 a.m I Mixed 9:10 a.m
Mized..._....11:25 a.m IMafl 1;44 p,m
Express 5:09 p,m Express 8:91 p.m
.acaz galls Et.cnzs
A obiel's amang ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
J ans.
GREEN peas,
'tisanes are here.
HAYING is es hand.
ARE you proud you are a Canadian 7
APPLES are going to bee good crop this
Seaton Board Friday evening of this
Tows Council will be held next Monday
A. 0. U. W. will meet Friday evening
of this week.
PAREDALE vs. BRIIaSELS at foot ball On
Victoria Park, Brussels, next Monday
ANGUS CAMPBELL baa gone to Seaforth
where he ie with the fiuiehing gang in
patting down cement walks.
A Naw shingle roof has been planed ou
Fletcher Roe's barn, Brussels South, and
he is also making other improvements to
hie property.
arrive in Brueeele on Saterday about 1
p. m. A large crowd is expeoted on this
annual outing.
BRIIOBELB was well represented at
Wenxeter at the Oolebratiou ; at Sea.
forth at the R. 0. pio-nio ; and at Strat-
ford at the races.
Tau rink pioked to go to Woodstock to
play against a quartette of Euglioh
bowlers ie composed of Dr. R. P. Feild,
A. B. MaoDonald, R. Downing and D. C.
Rose, ekip.
A eras of bowlers went to the Seaforth
toornment ou Wednesday. It was cam.
posed of the following playere :—Jno.
Habkirk, H. L. Jaokeon, D. 0. Roes and
R. Downing, skip.
James TURNBULL, formerly of Brussels,
has aced a grocer in Listowel and
e ❑rah
will move his family from Gbesley bo
that town we nnderetaod. The Listowel
people will find them all right,
Baoeesne was decidedly in it at
Wroxeter on Dominion Day. The
janiore won the football match by 1 to 0 ;
Rea. Brown sod R. J. MaLanohlin were
let and and in the open foot race I Tom
McDonald captured let in the boy's raoe
over 14 years and Charlie McMillan
headed the procession in the raoe under
14, Whoop !
THE Inspector of Continuation Scheele,
R. H. Crowley, M. A., is at present In•
moister of the Public Sohools for Oar.
leton County and is well qualified in
every way for this new officio. He and
Inapeotor .Robb were classmates during
their attendance at the Toronto Normal
School in 1880-1881.
Tan Seaforth News of laet week eaye :
—The many friend, of Herbert and Mrs.
Marshall will sympathize with them in
the lose of their infant eon and only
child, whose death manned early Wed•
neoday morning. The child bed been in
delicate health eioce its birth, four
weeks ago. The funeral wee on There.
day to interment at the Maitland Bank
oemetery. Mrs. Marehall, wee formerly
Miee,Violet Cooper and lived in Brueeele
before her marriage.
FOOT BALL.—The Parkdale "Albione"
will play an exhibition match with the
Brueeele team bore on Mondey evening
on Viotoria Park, at 5 o'olook, aherp.
The game is called al that hour as the
Parkdale team have to oetoh the exaar•
Mon train that evening bank to Toronto.
They play in Wingham on Balarday
night end come here on Monday, Rue.
Wbeeler, a former member of the Brue•
cele champion team of 1908, ie captain of
the Perkdale team. The boyo Dome up
ou the Huron Old Boye' Excursion.
BOUGHT A Now HEARSE,—R. Leather.
da'e & Bon, undertakers, Braude, are
determined to keep in the front and to do
this the 0eni09 member of the firm went
to Ingersoll lnet week where be parohneed
a magnificent funeral oar with Britieh
bevelled plate glees, which will be exhib-
ited al Toronto and London exhibitions,
before being shipped to Bra80ele. It is
au elegant vehicle and far in advanoe of
anything brought into this notion of
country. Mesas. Laatherdale have also
bnught an up.to•date undertakers' wagon.
Mitchell & Go. are the well known mann•
faotarere and have taken the Diploma at
Toronto Exhibition in 1908 and 1905.
No awards were given in 1904. Style
No. 400 i8 the oar mound by Mr. Leath.
erdale, The firm feel their precast
hearses were not in keeping with the
excellent elan of canna being Bold bete
hence they decided to go to this extra
expenditure to plane the Very best at the
deepotel of the pebilo end they feel sure
they will have it in this modern oar.
THE eleotria lights went oat before 10
o'clock on Friday night and etayed oat.
THE Volunteers arrived home on Fri•
day afternoon from their annual outing
al London.
THIRTEEN oandidatee are writing at the
Junior Teachers' Examination. Inepeot•
or Robb is presiding examiner.
THE Band is away thie afternoon to a
pia Rio at Mouorisff and will play at a
Garden Party at Walton Friday night.
HAND es in the name and addreee of
your visitor, Thie ie not taxing you very
Beri000ly but eaveo THE Pose many
Ix the "Renter" who wrote timetable
Oliver the letter will supply him witb
the genuine name the caee may be en.
gaired into.
Tan bowlers who went to the Seaforth
tournament loot their game in the Oup
series but so we go to press they are still
in the Association.
GEORGE Taontan parobased a likely
looking Wilkes driver from McCartney
Bros., 3rd con, of Grey township. Mr.
Thomson bee owned many a good beast.
NEXT Tuesday afteru000 a fire i090eet
Will be held in the Town Hall here, at
the instance of the Howiok Mutual Fire
Insurance 0o. The fire was in lioRiliop
SHERIFF'S SALE.—The Joseph Burton
property, Mill street, will be offered for
sale on Saturday of nest week, 14th inst.,
at 12 30 o'clock, in the town of Goderioh,
to satiety a judgment.
Saturday afternoon of this week Mra.
Walter J. Jaokeon will offer, for bele by -
public auction, her household effeote.
Sale, unreserved, at 2 o'clock,
INSPECTOR Ross pee to Toronto on
July lth for a few days to attend the
meeting of the Board of examiners for
Dietriot oertitiioatee. He is one of the
aeeooiate examiners for that Mass.
Tan regular evening train Saturday
did not reach Brunets until 3 a, m.
Sunday morning owing to a runoff of a
freight train between Palmerston and
Listowel. It was a tedious wait.
DR. BUTLER, London, will be at the
American Hotel, Brussels, on ;—
Hoare 7:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat ooaeultationo, Eyes
tested for glasses.
Now POTAT0Ee.—Mre. John Conley,
no doubt knowing THE POST'S Ian0y
for ohoioe mumbles, sent to our office
e, basket of very fine early potatoes on
Wednesday forenoon for wbioh she has
our beat thank°, Mrs. Coseley has a
splendid garden and grows a large
quantity of A 1 route and vegetables.
FOOT BALL match Monday evening next
at 5 p. m., on Viotoria Park, Brae•
sets, between the obampion "Albione,"
of Toronto, and Braseele team. Every•
body Should witneee it se a splendid
game is promised. The visitors have
to take the special Huron Old Boye'
train home that evening hence play will
start promptly on the hour named,
Nate Fres.—Walker & Black beg to
80noa0oe to the people of Brueeele and
vicinity that they have rented the Store
in the Leckie Block, lately occupied by
Moore & Oardiff, and will shortly open
out with a full line of new, up•to•date
furniture and undertaking goade. They
have engeged the 06001008 of an exper•
ieuced undertaker and upholsterer who
will assist in the business. Watch for
their advert108ment in Tan Pose.
RARE AND BEAUTIFUL,—A floral novelty
was to be Been on the lawn of B. H.
Jaokeon, Alexander attest, this week in
the ebape of a flower bearing the botauio•
al name of Aarom, a member of the lily
family. There wait only one flower, of
rioh color between a purple and maroon.
It measured 6 inches aoroee and wax 14i
inches in leogth. The spike was shiny
black and was 10 inohee long. Was the
lily noticeable for its perfume 2 Well,
you have heard of Limburger oheeae, &0,,
"nnff tied," The Slower ie well worth
seeing. Thie ie the first lime it has
bloomed. The plant was bought by the
late Alex• Horner who had a penchant
for rare specimens,
response to oorreopondeuoe with the
0, P. R. authorities by J, Leckie, of
Brueeele, Treffio Superiutendent Savage
of that road was inetruotod to yieit Sea.
forth and Brands to seonre additional
data relative to a short line nutleoting
the above mentioned plane with the 0.
P, R. at Walton, Mr, Savage's report 18
likely to be favorable;to the pian and from
what we underetaod of the intentions of
the CO., the work i0 likely to be carried
oat. It may be en eleotria road,
standard gauge with large motor capable
of hauling 10 freight care, to be ,after.
wards ohaoged to eteam. This would
afford the oeoeeeary oompetition in
freight and paeeonger rates and give this
section a good outlet and easy access to
the Oo, town and other pointe. Both
Seaforth and Braseele have large ship.
ping intere810 and the 0, P, R. is wide
awake in taking knowledge of these,
The Supposition i0 that the proposed
short line would be extended to Wroxeter
thereby connecting the old eetabliebed C.
P, R, line there wibb the Guelph ea Gode•
tin line,
Standard Bank of Canada
mzexaaaamMiXxecsaast 1e7ra
At. Grenernl 7E$D.tttkring 313uitoinewN Tran$aeted
Accrued Interest is added to accounts every six months and becomes paean!,
total Deposit Aeeonnts—e. SPECIAL CONVENIENCE au use in our Buvluggs De-
partme0t re the "Joint Deposit" Rennet, Money may be deposited or withdrawn
by antler of the two members at the household. 'Phis system is a groat name -
ince to many residing in town, but wore particularly so to farmers, ae in the latter
case whether manor wife comes to town either can attend to the Banking, An-
other feature of the system is that In ease of the death of either party the money
eau be withdrawn by the survivor without cost. We will tell yen more about our
methods It you will kindly call or write,
Slurried Yyou,eu and Miners may make and withdraw deposits without thein-
tervautwu or any person, •
only fur whioh no °barge is made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar oereful and courteous attention.
2ND hand organ for sale, in good shape.
Apply to B. GERRY, Braesele.
A CERTAIN man in town ie oredited with
thrashing his wife mud if it enure again
he may find himself in an awkward box.
T000xo and Bowling are very popular
pastimes this Summer in town and many
yoathfal playere are making their debut.
A BT8AWBER0T teetival is being bald by
the Lady Maoubeee in their Hall on
L'hareday afternoon and evening of this
180 boxes of oreamory butter were sold
by Branneln factory to Jae. Alexander, of
Montreal, at 20 ciente. It was a prime
Founn.—A rubber rug on Saturday
night. Owner may have it by proving
property and paying for thie notice at
128E POET.
Foono,—On Sunday morniog a
lady's belt. Owner may have it by
proving property and paying for this
notioe, THE POST.
ETON Janet lost on Tneoday, on 4th
line Morrie. It is bleak and white oheok
trimmed with black braid. Finder will
030oll oblige by leaving it at Tan POET
Publishing House.
MILvoRTON ON THE 12TH, The return
fare to Mitverto0 on July 12th will be
$1.00 instead of 81.35 ae reported last
week. Exoareionisto will take regular
morning train, returning by the evening
Tae boot end shoe stook of I, C. Rioh
arde will be moved into the premieee
vacated Berne menthe ago by Downing
Bros., and will be in °barge of Peroy
Richards. Thie will afford larger scope
for the barnees and Crank beelines in
ohe old steed. Mr. Riaharde owns both
Tam Secretary of the Braesele Foot
Ball Olub received a message from Dun.
dos on Tuesday asking fora game on
Thareday night as they play in Seaforth
on Wednesday, but ae the team bare has
0match on Monday night they thought
it would not be wise to have another here
this week.
NEARLY DROWNED.—Rev. 8. Beckett,
maeietaot pastor of Knox oburob, Win.
nipeg, formerly of Brueeele, while oaooe•
ing with a 0ompa0iou on the Aeeiuiboioe
last Monday, was capsized by the St.
Jamas' ferry cable, end narrowly eeoaped
drowning. They were resoued by a
ferryman with diffioulty, as ueitber could
DIVISION COURT. — Judge Holt held
Division Court hereon Thursday, 5113.
There was but one ogee heard, one being
adjourned. MoLauohlio Bros., vs. Mo•
Kay, ohe plaintiffs sued for the prioe of a
nutter. The defendant claimed $50.00
damages for breach of contract for not
onpplyiug a windmill. Judgmeut for
plaintiffs far $25.00 and nate. Defend.
ant's ooanter Claim watt diemiooed, A,
B. MaoDouald for Plffe. and H. B.
Morphy, Listowel, for Deft.
AT WORE.—Last Monday Oontraotor
McMillan and staff oommeuoed work at
the new Agricultural Hall. They have
levelled the groaud, dug the treenail for
the foundation sed have made a inert on
cement building. With good weather
two weeks will likely complete their
department of the work. F. B. Scott has
been appointed inepeotor of the anent,
Architect Binning was here on Monday.
TULIP TREE Feowmn,—Mrs. D. 0. lloee
brought three flowers from a Tulip tree
growing in the garden of Dr. Armstrong,
Gerrie. They are beautiful and unique.
Spotl0n'e Botany epeake of thio tree as
follows :—A large and stately tree, grow.
ing to a great height in many parte of the
Western peninsula of Ontario. Leaves
large, truncate, or with a yellow notoll et
the end. Flowers large showy, solitary,
petals greeuieh yellow, marked with
orange, Fruit a dry oone, which at
maturity separatee into dry winged
iodehraoent carpels.
dates wrote on the Entrance Hamlin.
ation at the various centres in Haat
Huron thin year. Leet year 331 oandi•
dates wrote. The Grammar and Litera•
tare papers were rather diffioult, The
Arithmetie paper was aleo pretty heavy,
There will be a few more failures thio
year than last, The papers are exam.
ined by three Boarde of Examiners,
The Seaforth and Brunets papers are
examined by the Seaforth Board, oom-
posed of Principals Rogere and Shilling.
law, Miee Killoran and Inspector Robb,
Otiptoe and Blyth papers by the Olio.
ton Board, oompoeed of Priooipale Hous-
ton, Lough aud Inspector Robb, and
Wingham, Wroxeter and Fordwioh
papers, by the Wingham Board, nom•
posed of principals Taylor, Musgrove
and Ioepeotor .Robb. The results will
be published in Trim POST on Jaly 20th.
OooG118GATIONAL WELooxE,—Weduee•
day evening instead of the prayer 'meet•
ing in the MethodietOhurnh a oongrega•
Donal weloome was eaoorded the new
pastor and family, Short cheery addree•
gee were given, repreaentabive of the
various ohurah departments, by E.
Smith, J. Grainger, F. Ruddatz, Mrs. J.
L. Kerr, Mrs. W. F. Stewart, W. J. Mo.
Oman, B. Gerry, Mies Miunie Mtn
Naughton, Joe Hunter, T, Farrow, Mies
T. Gerry, Miss 0, Hingston, W. H. Mo.
Oraoken, Mrs. (Rev.) Powell, Rov. Mr,
Powoil, Rev, Mr, Armstrong, of Ethel,
and W. J, Fawcett. A ohoioe duet wan
rendered by Misses Gerry and P. Sharp,
and salon by Mies Hingston and Ohae.
Richardson. W. H. Kerr occupied the
chair. A spirit of cordiality and good
wiohe9, with earneet deeiroo for a reined
hatbiear prevailed and it promisee to be
oger of most helful associations
between the Rev. and Mre. Powell and
the 000gregations interested. A more
anepicionointroduction could hardly be
Business Locals.
BINDER TWINE. --Deering, Standard,
Manila, 560 ft. 11io. MORAY & Co.
100 R000D ceder poste for sale, also n
single buggy. Apply to A. Coos, Brae.
eels, North,
To Lim—Dwelling rooms above store
soft water and other conveniences. Im•
mediate possession. I. 0. RIOHARDe.
HATE. Bn3:ow Cosi.—Dreee hate and
Ready-to•weare for sale below eon at
Mne. MoKINLAY'o.
WANTED.—A. boy or young man for
delivery wagon and to learn the grocery
baeinese. Goo. TnonleoN.
WANTED.—Eggs 20o. Pedlars Revioed
Tariff -100 tabs ohoiae grave Butter
wanted at onus. GEo.E.KING, Wingham,
Ottawa for watch guard found. By
proving ownership and settliug for this
notioe, owner may secure it, 'Tan POST
FOR SALE.—Oomfortable dwelling, 9
scree of laud, choice fruits and hard ane
soft water and lineation cou000ient to
Edging, grinding, Sling and repairing
done here, our work guaranteed for all
time at the easy figure by T. IlloGnnoou,
Mill St„ Bremen, Out.
At Berlin on Friday last Galt and the
Berlin Rangers played a tie game of toot
ball 2-2.
At Goderioh on Monday in an inter.
mediate 0. L. A. game, Wingham defeat.
ed the home team by a score of 3-2.
In the junior W. F. A. Seal game for
the championship Mildmay defeated
Milverton in Mildmay by the score of
At Seaforth on Wednesday in a final
game in the Senior W. F. A., Deodae
and Seaforth played a draw game neither
The Argonante crew, of Toronto, beat
the First Trinity orew, England, in the
first beat of the Grand Ohalieng° Oup by
one length at Henley-on-tbe•Thamee.
Time was 7 20.
Trinity Hall, Cambridge, defeated the
Toronto Argonante in the semi finale for
the cup by a half Length in the bloeeet
eight oared raoe ever witneesed on the
Thames. Time 7.13.
At Preston last Friday evening the
home team won the last game in the
W. F. A. semi finale by defeating the
Listowel team by a more of 8-0. Free.
ton now plays Mildmay for the Inter.
mediate Cup.
In the fleet match for the Minko Cup
the Shamrocks of Montreal, holders of
the cop, defeated Souris, the Manitoba
champions, by a eoore of 10-2, and the
ee0ond game Wes called off. On the
Sonde team are two former Seaforth
boyo, Hewkehaw, who played point, and
Bethune, a defence man.
The Argonauts of Toronto in the
eeoond heat of the Grand Challenge Oup
beat the Thames Rowing Olub by four
lengths. Time 7.04. This pate the
Toronto slab in the semi•flnals.
Rev. Dr. Heedereon, pastor of the
Metbodia0 obnroh ,at Palmerston for the
past tour years, ie retiring from the
ministry and will settle in Guelph. He
has been i0 the ministry otooe on to fifty
years and will enjoy a well•earned rest.
Tuesday afternoon of next week Lind.
say Presbytery will meat al Beaverton
when Rev. D. B. McRae, Elder Tboe.
Straohan and George Thomson will
attend representing Maitland Presbytery
and Melville congregation in dealing with
the call to Rev. Mr. Wisohart.
Next Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock
the members of the L. 0. L., Bruneels,
and visiting brethren will attend 8t.
John's ahnroh when Rev. Mr, Lang•Ford
will preaob the anniversary sermon.
Members of the Order are °eked to meet
at the Orange Hall at 10,30 o'clock eo se
to march to the °hutch.
A very enjoyable and anaconda' Straw.
berry Feetival was held on St. John's
ohuroh reotory lawn on Friday evening
of last week. The evening was fine ; the
refreshments abundant and the mneioal
program by the Band most oatiefaotory.
Financial proceeds about 887,00. The
Feshival was ander the auspices of the
Women's Auxiliary, Mrs, Jno, Oardiff
being. the President.
Tan NEW Panne—Last Sabbath Rev.
E. G. Powell, the new pastor in the
Methodist oburob here, preaohed 1310
inaugural eermons to large congregations.
The morning theme wee a very 00itable
one from 1 Oor. let chap, and 22nd verse
in which a number of truths were demon-
strated each as :—What belongs to the
Redeemer is the property of the redeem.
ed ; the ohild of God has the liberty of
the unheard); Don't glory in men ; Our
work is to save eonle ;• Use the ministry
in its three told oharaoter. Rev. Mr.
Powell emphasized hie desire to serve the
church to the beet of hie ahility I to aid
as a citizen everything calculated to help
the best intereete of Bennie ; a0 a
peter to care for hie Book. Is ex.
preeeed bis pleasure at the friendliness
exhibited by the people and hoped toe a
year marked by growth and bteseing. In
the evening the di000nree was an able
one in which the work of the Christian
as forcibly outlined and illus•
w t y
trated. The reverend gentleman has a
fluent delivery, clothed in Moan easily
anderatood and will ne doubt ably enetatn
the pulpit. Before leaving Port Stanley
UAPf1`AL—•Authorized) $2,000.000
CAPITAL—Paid up 1.000.000
/RESERVE and Surplus Profits; 1.133,183
8. J, M00RE, D, E, THOMPSON, E. 0,
Presldont, Vioo.Preeident,
W, R, 13088, • General Manager
THE METROPOLITAN BANK to open to receive the acumen of
Farmers, Morohaute and Business Community neurally and to give
Oaretul consideration to all proposals submitted to it.
10 relies open its past record for courteous treatment et its Oue-
tomere, and will extend every oouelderatlou consistent with sound
baukleg to those who may deelre to transact business with it,
SWPP1.AC08 Rama' DErra fi7!'adr'ld',bvir
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all same of $1 and upwards
Mrs. Powell was presented with a kindly
worded address acid a puree at a eon•
gregational; farewell eooial. Mr, and
Mre. Powell have been heartily received
and will be loyally supported in their
work both at Braesele and Oranbrouk.
Rev. Irl R. Hicks, of Si, Louie, has
already issued hie weather foreoaabe for
the month of July, from whish the fol.
lowing extracts are made. ;
A regular storm period is central on
Jaly 5th having for its disturbing nun
the equine/Ma of Vulcan, Meroury, Venue
Mare, Jupiter, and Saturn, with the
Moon in oppoeition, in perigee and al,
extreme Beath declination. Great
Bummer heel, in every probability will
eek into the West the first days of the
month. This aondition will Monne in
area acid intensity ae it moves Eaetwerd
reaching a nide from the 4th to the 71h.
The aetronomio condition8 on touch.
ing Wedneeday,tbe 4th to Sunday, the
8th, indicate dietorbanoee of more than
ordinary violence. Teriffio eleotrioel
dieturbanoee, with heavy, loroadio elorme
over central to North•weetorly regtoue,
will be perfectly natural. If severe and
general thunder storms do not relieve
the electric and magentio strain, about
the 4th to the 7th the high temperature
will inorease to phenomenal readinge
and be followed by seismic and kindred
tribulations over oar own and other
gaartere of the planet. Normally, heavy
rain, hail and thunder storms should
nom from the 4th to the 7th and be
followed ey almost aneeaeonable heat
to cooler.
A reaotionary storm period he central
on the 10113, 11013, and 12th. The orieis
of this period will fall on and tanning
Tburoday, the 12th. On Shia date the
Moon oroeeee the celestial equator, nom.
,ng Northward. This fact will' add to
the probabilities of very high temperature
low barometer and thunder storm on and
next to the 12113. The venue period ex.
tendo op to about the 25th, eo that the
extremes from Summer heat to sodden
cool are liable to oheraaterize the storms
and weather ohangee et all July storm
periods op to that time.
A roamer storm period oovero the 15113
to the 19th, central on the 17113. Not.
withstanding anybody oan safely credit
that it will be warm in July, we predict
that it will be warmer at some times
than others, and that thio period --the
15th to 19th, will lead up to oue of Jaly'e
warmest periods. More Lbunder etorme
and looal °loud burets are probable about
the 1701a 10 19th. A Venue revulsion to
very cool might be normally expected
immediately after these thunder et00ms
but for the faot that the new moon at a
solar enlipee node, fella ou tbs 21ot
This faob calla for prolonged high temper•
stare, low barometer and threatening
oonditione over the 21st and into the next
storm period,
A reaotionary atarm period ie central
on the 220d and 23rd in which norms and
eeiemia diebnrhanoes will be reported
from wide extremes of the globe. Within
sixty boors of six p. m. on the 21st,
earthquake and volcanic, perturbations
will reach a maximum tendency in moat
countries common to them. Change to
rising barometer acid some cooler wili
follow then reactionary dreturbanoes for
two or three days—say from the 23rd to
the 25113 progresoively from West to
A regular storm period rune from the
26th to the 3511), being central on the
28th. High temperature and tendency to
electrical elorme are common on and
'touching dates when the Moon i0 paeeing
over the oeleetial equator. Hence ae
early ae the 26th, the last storm period in
July will now decided iudioatione of
approeohing Summer °terms. Daring
Friday, the 2706, to Monday, the 30th
high temperature, low barometer and
threatening thunder gone will paee
Eaetwardly over moat parte of the
a .
EN0000a.—lei Harding, Manitoba, on
Jane 24th to Mr. and Aire. Alonzo
G. English, a eon.
Mcneaenm—In Seaforth, on Wednesday,
June 27113, Herbert Joseph Cooper,
infant eon of Herbert, and Mrs,
Marehall, aged 4 weeks.
before they coma. Don't
wait until your potatoee are near-
ly destroyed before applying the
onto. You can depend upon it—
Our Paris Green
will let none of
them get away.
Sudden Death
in every package.
Pnt up in strong card board
boxes, also in bilk as desired.
25c, per pound at
Fox's Drug Store
C OLABB square piano, made by Heintz -
rutin e4 Co., iu good condition, A bargain.
Apply to H. L,JACII8ON, Brueeels. 01.01
1 B. No, 3, Grey. Duties to commence
atter vacation. Applications reeeive1 up to
July 14th, P, A. MOARTHIIR
60.5 8earetary, Brussel..
DE130.00 t0 the undersigned are re-
quested to call and settle accounts before
July 10th so as to close up the outstanding
debts. J, E. 01E(AIN, Brussels, 91.10
1 3. No.9, Morrie, duties to commence
ai ter lyaoation. Applications, with testi-
monials, received up to July lath. Either
male Or female, JAB. A. 310010E,
Beoretary, Walton P. 0.
painting, supplying two doors build-
iug platform, hauling gravel, er0„ for 8. B.
No. 9, Morris. Tenders received up to
July 10911. Further partleulare May be
had on applioation to JAB. A, M00RE, Sec-
retary of Board, Walton P. 0, 51.2
for B.B. No.1, Grey township, Huron
County. Duties to commence atter vaca-
tion. Applications received up to June 30.
40-5 1t. J. HOOVER,
Secretary, Brussels P.O.
Notice to Berry Pickers.
As I am cutting the underbrush and clear-
ing the land on what was formally known
as the "Stewart Berry Patch," on Lot 1,
(ion. 8, Grey, notice is hereby given that
any person or persona found trespassing on
the above promises will be prosecuted ao-
oording to law,
51.2 ALEX. D. GRANT.
Brussels Daylight Store _ G. N. McLaren
'urtivuau9dttlti''9PuPIJ'IA''rW'WW,WIWrW'Y� Y. lu'1,'W'WWtW.W'V,'W'W9e II,4u'I,PLttatUJedlt'b,'tftlhPlNJyd'W'M,'gfAPIJ4J,eryd16'gla,ali 4.II; 4i Ilt'lu'lit'Id'li"I,'lu'hPLPLaIdV,'4tW'tA4A4rtN
I Mid -Summer Sale 1
LL Summer Goods in this store must be cleared out. Its our business prin-
ciples not to carr anything over from one season to another. The way
y Y g '�
we mean to accomplish this is the PR/CE, The PR/CE will be low
on everything Summery—in Dry Goods, Clothing, Men's and Ladies' Furnishings,
Boots and Shoes. Remember, we are going to depend altogether on the
PRICE to do the trick.
Summer Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Readymade Waists
Readymade Skirts, Whitewear, Summer Vests,
Lawns and Muslins, Lace Curtains, Slippers and Oxfords
Laces and Embroideries.
Everything and anything in the way of Summer Goods. Join hands with our
Low Prices during our Mid -Summer Sale.
Come Here Expecting to Save Money
You'll Not be Disappointed
We Pay the Highest Prices for Produce at All Times.
Yours for
Mutual Benefit
G.N. McLaren
Next Door
American House