HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-7-5, Page 5.aaa«u.t. --new.... ..., WINGHAM BUSINESS OOL.LEGE hi 0. High-grade Commoroitl Bongo!. Throe Courses t Oommorotal Stenography Telegraphy Writ° GEO• BPO't'TOIY, 14'lucipnl, t it is ,tA)it di t ti F A Great School 11.1 ELLIOTT yadead TORONTO* OTT. (-p' Students from lin Nigh Columbia, 11 Saskatchewan cud Manitoba un the pt' West to New Brunswick on the Dust are in atteltdauac this year. Diatiuoe le uu hindrance ho those who wish to get the best. Our graduates are al - Ways 000000sful, Our faoniMee are un- surpassed. 00tltnotion NOW. NO raoa• Mons, Collage open entire year. Mag- nilioent catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 0018, YONen AND BLaxAND2a 13T8. p.Fi$l?1Ft?,f4'EFil''rr ttff$l M€DiCAL CARDS. 1)R. R, A. BURNS— Snceessor 110 Dr. J. A. AloNnughton Bruseeln, Ontario Oraduato of Polyclinic Post Graduate School of Medicine and Surgery, Now York. Member of College of Physicians and Bur. gimes of Ontario. Office and residence 90.(00 e0 formerly ori- ented by Dr. MoNa1gb ton. Diseases Of women a Bpoolalty. 'Phone No. 21. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoORACISE(N— Y • 100000 of Marrhtge Lioenees. 01. mea at Gr0a0ry, Tnrnberry 060001,, liruaeole, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES Office in the Poet Office, BQtol. 80.4 C. O. F. Oourt Primulas Alexandria, No.24, 0, 0. F., Brussels, meets in their Lodge Room, Blas - hill Block, on tho and and last Tuesdays of each mouth, at o'clock. Visiting brethren always welcome. GHORGE HERR, 0, R. W. L. L14ATHEItWALE, R, S. JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick Mutual Eire Insurance Company Moe and Residence— WALTON ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM& 166810A14011, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. 141 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • nun, will sell for better prices, to better men, In leas time and lose chargee than any other Anotiooeor In East Huron or to won't allure° anything. Dates and orders eon always be arranged at this °Moe or by p oreonal applioatiou, ROBT. H. GARNiSS BLUEVALE — 014T, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Wee arranged for at the office Of Tel POET, Brussels, 2.211 VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGHAM— • Honor (411,40110 of the Ontario Vet. urinary College, le prepared to treat all dia• eases of domesticated animate , in a aompet- ant manner. Partioular attention paid to Veterinary Deutiecry and Milk Paver. Oahe Promptly attended to. Olnoe and Infirmary Lour doors North of bridge, Turnborry at., Broacols. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 23B. MAODONALL- .• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta. Sumner to G. F, Blain Olgoa over Stan- dard Bank, Bruggele. Solicitor for Metro- politan Bank. VVM. SINCLAIR— • Barrister, SoBaitor, i0onveyanoer, Notary Pnbllo, &a. Oflioe—t3tewart'e Block 1 door North of Central Hotel, Solicitor for the Standard Bank, PLOTJDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BAR1RISTERS, BOLXOITOR&, NOTARIES PURLIO, ETO, W, PaounsaoT, K. O. R. 0, HAYS G. P. B11Am. Odfoea—These formerly occupied by Messrs Oamereu It Holt, Gon1mmn, ONTAnIO, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEiLD, DEWLJST Graduate of the Royal college of (Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Fir0E•oloOe Honor Graduate of Toronto Universityy. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. • tm CENTRAL u STRATFORD* ONT. Oar ola00e0 are much larger than they Wore a year ago, The public Chave learned that this is the beet plana in the Provieee to obtalu a 00nt- mereial Edueetten or Shorthand Traluiu , 8tudeub0 are entering each j� g ! Wools. All graduetca got good post- tionlf, Write now for eatalog00, ii7LL100Prin0 k olpalgltlot:OHLAN, liti7gR it3;3l. ff; eg15'31=9t1 •i Resolved Eat El VW Eb4`' ftv ART STUDIO ie the Iioadquarters for SOUVENIR POST CARDS Private Cards mads of your Rooidenoo also Groups, FREE') Given Freo with ev0t•y dozen Cabinet Photon, a beautiful Vsueor Photo, Frame. 01111 and see the 01ylee—your 0bola0 of twelve, Let me know when you want the view of your residence (alien, i tr c ,eros, .Jutnerdtown. Any person needing a big heavy boree for threshing may find One at Lot 11, Oou, 2, Grey, at a fair price, as proprietor deet not require him. Giro,0'. Simon REPORT,—The following is the eahool report for S. S. No.,6, Grey for the mouth of Juno.—Sr. IV—Ella Peanut), Penelope Brewer, Lizzie Brewer, Jr, IV—Peroy Stephenson; Garoou Joaknn, Willie Jackdia. Sr. III—Lena Mitohoil, Freddie Smeltzor, Ada Batema0. Jr, III—GerIfo Stephenson, Wasley Brewer, Joseph Jacklin. Sr. II—Eva Mitchel!, Roy Hall, Maggie Rose. Jr. II—Lulu Jacklin, Saab Hutchinson, Minnie Rose, Pb. 1I—Wiliia Mi10Oe11, George Rose, Reuben Scepter. Pt, I Br.—Bortle Vod• den, George Hatt, Lela Vodden, Earl Lowe, Bezel Rose, Pt. I Jr. Bernina !hood, Gertrude Amea, Lillian Jaoklin, Mary Ron. Average atl0ndan00 for June, 19, FLORENCE A1t1IoTRONO, Wenner, urtL)ruulc. 80110011 REPORT 0011 JDnit; The fol lowoug i') Uraubrook Bohool Report. Ntmoa ere iu order of merit, Claes V— Ida Sharpe. Sr. IV—Herbert bloDon• Mil. Jr, 1V-111ita Fux, Vwtor Spart• lug, Harold annelidan, Aiex, Dark, David Persia, Mary MoNiobol, stella Aldereou. Br. III—Lillian Dark, Heatrioe McQuar• ria, Joeaie Menzies, Viola Loug, Julia Baker, Muriel Sparring, Leila Spading, Russell AideroUD, Jr. III—Arthur Fox, Bessie Alderson, Orme Stelae, George Smalldon, Obristine Fiedler. ' Sr. II— Retta Fox, Nettie Reymann, Obrinimu Fiecher, Leslie Perrie. Jr. 1I—May Hunter, Luoy Alderson, Addis Sperling, Russell $Digits, Mamie Oamerou, Hazel McDonald, Gordon Cameron, Lula Swiss, Maggie McNabb, Edward Small. don. Pt. II—Evelyn MaNiobol, Eric Pennington, Elgin Porter, Fred. Fischer. dr.I—Gordon Height, Obarha Morrow, E vieI S arttomEarl a moon Arnold Fischer,, Thela Bwalldo, Osoar Gor• With. Jr. I—Lily Raddatz, Robbie Fox, Maggie Perris, Alvin Hunter, Bar. bare Fishier, Alfred Knight, Madeline Baker, L. A. MAOKes, Teaoher. Woman with weakness ehould nev,r forget Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. This magio•like local treatment, is used at bedtime, all night while the eyetem to at net, it is constantly building up Ibe weakened tis,use, soothing the inflamed and sensitive surfaces and will surely clean up 011 catarrhal and looal troubles, Sold by F. R. Smith. Fo rdwioh. The Record ie holidaying this week. Thos. Tidy left for bis home in Van. oouver, B. 0., A. 0. Hutchison had hie foot oruolled while shoeing the Belgian etalliou, Margot De Mellemont. Station Agent Bradley and family left OR a holiday trip. He will be absent about three weeks, The Police Trustees have a gang of men putting in a oonorete walk from the bridge to Wade Bros'. store. Invitations are out a00oonoiog the wedding of Prinoipal H. R. Long and Mies Ada rusher, of Beumiiler, on Wed• needay, July llth. Aboot twenty pupils wrote last week on the Eutranoe Examination in Fordwioh. Prinoipal W. P. Dobson, of Wroxeter, was the presiding examiner. The Drops in this. (Retrial promise well. The hay, which bite been helped by the recent rains, will not be an average (top. The Spring crops prom. lee well, though the harvest will be later than last year. 'There are some splendid looking fields of Fall wheat ; tome are "spotty." The rook' and vegetables look well, 4.tw out°. Rev. Mr. P0n11a11, wife and family left on Wadneeday afternoon of Met week for their new home in Monktoo. Rev. A. MoVioar and Andrew Loidlew attended Presbytery meeting at Strat- ford on Tuaeda of last week. Mime Dame Thomlinoon has returned from Toronto, where she has been mtteud. ing Normal for the past year. Elmo Votary shipped 190 Jane oheeee on Wednesday morning from Atwood, Hodgene Bros', Montreal, were the pnrohaeers. Bis pupils of the Atwood Public Sobool wrote on theEntranee exams, at Listowel held on Wednesday, Thursday and Fri. day of teat week. W. F, Forrest is able to be op and around again, we are pleased to report. Be ie still far from strong but with reef and care should soon gain strength rapidly. Atwood, hoe a library of 1480 well sainted books, in excellent ooudition, and in snob a position as to be easily handled by the librarian, Thirty dol. lace worth of new books have been added lately and we hope to the new mem• bere added to the liob every week. In the Fall an energ0ti0 oanvoes of the rill. brook oonceeeioos will be nndortaken. Br.LAw Bus0Art0ED.—'Phe validity of the Elms Local Option Bylaw wee eetablieb- od on Wednesday of Met week et Osgoode Hall, Toronto, before J0etice Anglin. Re Boll and township of pima.—J. Rovorlon, 11, C. for David Bell, moved to quaeh bylaw No. 600 paned on Fob• nary 7,1000, to prohibit the safe of liquor in the townehip, on the grounds that no time and plaoe fixed toe appoint. menu of witnesses to summing up, that Clark did not atlund to atm up, bat stun, ming up wag by 090 James Donhld000, and perliee 1101 repreeeilted tut 0nmming up ; that cloth of tuwneltip was appoint• ed deputy returning ot1iuer ; that ono John Morrison at roqueot of the township Clerk boll the vow at pollhig eubdivis&on where eler1 of township wee depttly ; that flatmates did not make deularatlono required by ao6, elo„ oto. H. B. Morpby (Ltetow61), for townobip Corporation, Oontr. Hold that it hitt 0105 been oborged Or ehowo that then( irregularities offeoted e result ' that tb I4 , if oven the whale num• bar of votes oredited to the by.Iaw et the polling eub•divloion 0amplitirled of were dedooted and added to the opp0Bite aide, there would still be a majority for the bylaw, and that ae0. 204 extends to and Covers all therm irregularities. Motion diemioeed with 000(0` Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy— when w used {viii . r ohmic stub 0 t 0 and dIflioulh oases heretofore regarded 0(e ineuruble by phynioiane and is the most reliable prescription known to clean out and Completely remove every vestige of rheumatic poison from the blood, Sold by F. R. Smith, F3llteval*o. Rev, G. Baker will preach to the Orangemen on Sunday evening, July 8111. There will be a Garden Party on the grounds of the Mrthodiet ohoroh, on Thursday evening of this ween. The Voters' List for 1106 tar Township of :Cranberry bee been printed anti was first posted in the Clerk's aline iu Blao• vale, June 22nd. The list is made op of 202 voters in oub•diviaioa No. 1 ; No. 2, 188 ; No. 8, 130 : No, 4, 140 t making a total of 660. Persons qualified to Serve 0(e jurors, 412. Teem wrritor. Mr. Coulthard, of Windsor, formerly of Scotland, is a gnat at the hotna of hie anolo, R. E. Little. Mists Ili. Staples was in Gorrie on Mon day Mat taking part in the Oeremoni00 110 00nne06iou with the re.openiug of the Methodist ahuroh there. J. Stalker, priuoipal of Looknow Pubiio School, oondactod the Eotrenee neon, in Teeswater. There were 81 ooudidatoe writing thle year -13 from Teeewater school and the remainder from unary sections. While trying to drive his boree morose a onlverttbat wan being repaired -Rich. and Porter, brother of Mre. Robb. Marsh all, god Con., reoeived a severe kink in the face from the animal, Hie [toe ie terribly disfigured, the upper jaw ne)ng broker, into seven plow; and the fleshy part of the twee torn away. The wound though painful is not ooneidered danger bee, Gorrie. Martin Bradnook, of Butler, Pa„ was visiting bio parents here. John Basting, of Dawson City, was in town visiting his notes. Master Wilford and Miro Stella Peel, of the Boo Mich,, are visiting theireir grandparents, John and Mr. Arden at present. • Bert, Weleb, who has spent the peat two months in the West eighteeei0g, i0 baols to town again. He will leave for hie (tome 3n Boston Mass., this week. John Harding, who had his stable damaged by fire a short time ago has been awarded for hie loss by the York Fire Ionaranoe Oo. The Claim was paid in two weoke from the time the damage was done. At the High Court meeting of the C. 0. F. hold at Ottawa, lately our town. mon W. G, Strong was promoted to the position of assistant Superintendent of Organization for the Order, a position we hope Mr. Strong will find very much ho hie liking. He will be moving his family from town iu the near future and we trust they may find Brantford a suitable plane to reside as oat oitizene will mise them very much. (S. odez ioh. June 8011), the U. S. Consulate in this town was olosed, and hereafter all offiofal work connected with the Consulate will be connoted from Clinton. The new from of the Sovereign Bank is beiug put in, and when the building is finished it will be a most oouveuieut and bright looking banking eetabliahment. The Maitland River Power Co. have opened an office on North street iu the premises formerly o0onpied by the Huron (& Brume Loan Co. and the town treasurer. A cement walk is being put down from the ebreet to the aide walk in front of the North Street Methodist ohuroh, oo that people gabbing out of oarriages will step straight on to the sidewalk. A switch from the G. T. R. tracks at the dook ie being put in to ran ioto the yards of the Lumber Oompauy for nee in place of the wagon road now need for hauling the alpha up town, The change is made ne000eary by the location of the 0. P. R. route. MuEwan Brae, will be able to ouload the dabs direot from the care at tbeir yard near the station, A report reached town Wedueeday Ibat a man had been shot the evening before near Kintail, in oouneotiou with a wed. diug held there that day, and Crown Attorney Seager sett Deteabive Phalen op in an auto to vee about it. When the latter returned about 6,80, he reported that during the festivities following a wedding, at the residence of Mr. Moss, in the neighborhood of Kintail, a orowd bad gathered near the residence to conduct a obarivari, and Joseph Hussey, one of the gnats, went outside to quiet the crowd, and it is said fired a gnu as a warning, when 0om0 one else fired also, and the (huge lodged in Hussey, wo(nding him so severely that the doobor who was rolled up, hoe but little hopes of hie re. ()ovary, When Phalen returned to towu he oommuoionted with Orown Attorney Seager, and a bunob of warraete was issued and Detective Phalen aid Oon• stable MoOreath left about 7,80 9, m. 10 make the arrests. George Roos, of Toronto, en odloer of the Poabotlioe Department of Canada, wee in town Iaet weep on an official visit -in oonneotion with the proposed obangee at Goderioh postolllee, and as a result of hie visit it id expected that the improve - mute will be carried out shortly, The plan tbatis spoken of is to extend the building twentyy feet to the rear, to move s the poetmeeber's private offioe and the m0t10y order and registered letter de. 91101me01 farther book, and to place box0e along the East side where this door would oleo be planed at the East side. Ad. s,a,w.a•wb•,w.,.m"e -..r+FVMY3a^wwGmENPriMwWUYIOoYwl.m,_#:Y•.. .._. .�. . ... .. I A large nam bar from thio nasality took rn the Orange pionie at Winthrops and were highly plesesd with the d'ay's eporte. The Toronto Mail of Monday, 261b bee the following l --The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board has re• oaived a o0mmani0ation trona R, B. Belo, S0afortb, Whitton for the cor- poration of the township of McRiilop, informing the Board that the Manioipal Board of that township desire to use an uninvested part of the municipal loan fund for oonetr00iing pabtie worite in that townobip, and inquiring it the matter could be brought before the Board under the provioione of eeet)00 420 of the Manioipol Aot, The Board 10 of the opinion that the) matter does not come within that section of the Municipal Aet, bat Is provided for by 0000600 12 of the Statutes, 1887, 36 Vio„ cap. 47. Its mombere believe that the township authorities would regain to pace a by- law appropriating the money for some of the AOC porpoises m OtiOn i u that emotion of the ot of 1878, and upon the by-law being fleetly paeeod by the township ooaooil an applioation could be made to the board to have the same approved. ditioaal room would be made In the public offioe by taking out the perti660n between the office end she hallway on tbo West gide and by withdrawing the delivery wioltee to a straight line with the boxes, The drop•box would be moved frena the aide to the front, between the two doors, and a (Omega that ie very moll needed will be made by patting in new look boxes throughout the of0ios. Vinton. Bovonty live oandldetee were writing for the Entratoe Exame here. Robt, llyudee, of Rlimvilio, is the latest addition to the Hbuse of Refuge iumatee, Mre, Elijah Townsend angered a alight stroke ut paralysio from whieb She half not yet fully renovered, S J, Audrewe has reoeived official noulluation of bis appointment 0(g Police Magistrate for the town of Clinton. Herold Rauetord now holding din k a re• B DOIe position with the Iu6ernakiooal Harvester Company, Montreal, was home for a few days, Oue of the large plate sines windows in MuLennan'e Ettore was smashed to atoms by their own boree putting his bead and feet tbrough it. For the 0onvenien10 of tarmere who find it difficult to reach town during the day, Pootmaeter Scott has decided to keep the poet•offioe open, during July and August, until 8180 on Saturday evening. At a meeting of the West Huron Lioeneo Board, Mr. Lewis, of the Normandie, wee granted another w0u11('d buenes,iu order that he might the better dispose of his property. Mr. Buxton. of the Waverly, woe granted a lioeuse for the year, Rev. Dr. G. A. Gifford, late of St. Thome, and formerly of Clinton, who WOO eaperonnnated at Conference, Mrs. Gifford and eon, Rev. W. A. Gifford, have arrived in Blratfoid. The doctor will take up reeidence there. He is erecting a dwelling on Galt Bt„ which will be lioiebed to a week or two. Mean• time he and Mrs. Gifford are Btoying at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Mille, Dalyave, Rev. W. Gifford to otaying with his aunt, Mre. Henry Baker, Daly• ave. Dr. Shoop's Restorative brings last. ing relief in Stomach, Kidney and Heart troubles through the inside nerves. No matter how the nerves beoame im. paired this remedy will rebuild their strength, will restore their vigor. Re. member it does no good to treat the ailing organ—the irregular heart, reboil. ions stomach, dioeased kidneys. They are not to blame. Go back to the nerve0 that Control them—treat the cann— on a remedy that onre8 through the in. side nerves. Sold by F. R. Smith. !Listowel. The Listowel Band ware in attend. anon at the Oddfellowe' demonstration held in Durham. Mise Clayton was presented with a ant glees fruit dish, on the occasion of her leaving the Listowel High Bo11ool staff. Dr. now!cleated Turnbull has a ova ed per- manently in boron. Offioe, Main street, ap stairs, next Mortally and Oarthew'a law offioe. While working on the roof of Dr. Ding - man's barn John Davie fell off end frootured a couple of hie ribs and sprained the wrist of his left arm. While exercising one of hie horses Hugh Derrooh, Ironer for W. 0. Kidd, had the misfortune to have one of the homes fell on him breaking hie ankle, 1, A. Wilson Imo reoigned the position of book-keeper with the Morris Piano Co, to take up a lucrative position with the Start Plano 00., Toledo, Ohio, IT. S. A. The death of Mrs. Obrietina Hess, wife of George Hees, Stratford, and mother of Mrs. John Gabel, town, took pin in Stratford, Wedneeday of lest weak. While walking past the QCeen's stables Jae. Henderson, Raglan street, was kink• ed by one of the race horses and received a very painful aooident by having one of hie lege broken. John Haye, of Orillia, and formerly proprietor of the livery now owned by Mr. MoTaggart, died at the former town. Mr. Hayti wee an excellent citizen and his demise is a very sad one. The animal meeting of the North Perth Reform Aoeooiation was beld In Grosoh's ball, Milverton. The election of officer° revolted as follows President, George W. Bray, Listowel ; vioe•president, F. Doering, Enna ; se0rebary, David Grieve, Milihahk ; treasurer, R. T. Harding, Stratford ; maoioipal viae preeidente, Stratford, W. M. O'Beirne I North Eaethope, Julius (look; Ellice, Jacob Litt; Morning - bon. Reeve Devideon 1 Milverton, J. 0. Groeoh ; Elma, John 0. Diokeon ; . Bargains at rewar's IN CHOICE NEW GOODS TEA Parona Ceylon Pe- koe Tea, 5 FOUNDS VCR 91.00 while it lasts, Very choke. Try it. Canned Goode fresh and nice, the very tiling for Bummer nee, Choice and Mealy saved Fruits. An order will oonviuco you. For hot weather we have elegant Ioe Oream, Sodas, Orueh- etd Fruits and other dainties. Oall In and try diem. Did yon ever nee T015oo1E4 ? Aok us about it right away, We're hers to do business so you will find ns ready to wait on you promptly with real bargains, larTry our Stilton Cheese. 1N, A, GF?EWAR, GROCER AND 1'6EBTAURANTER Liatowol, G. Al, Yates ; Wallace, fay. Hemsworth, A resolution, moved by 101111 Brown, sx•M,P,P„ and ex Warden Panald.w', exproeeing regret at the 111n000 of A. 0. MaoLaren, 61. P., and ear0e0tty n„ping for hie speedy recovery to health was earned unanlm00ely. A very intereetiag event,took pieoo 00 Tnseday evening of last week, when the Lodlea of the Tent Committee presented the tent farn)ehed, to the town. In a very nioely worded spso0h the President, Mrs, Watson, on behalf of the ladiee, presented the gift to the people of Motor's), end theMayor, on behalf at the town, received it, and then dedicated it to the use of Lietowel'o 0illzsaa, JXeoi, 1111. Work bag beau commenced on the erection of D. Drgghart'sflax mill. Roy Neelaudo lett for Perla, where he Wm a position on the Review staff, Mi86 Dean's pupils made her a present of a m 4niOOre prior to her departure trona Bengali. Geo. Trott closed his gallery here and is moving his Zurich gallery to Grand Bend, for the bummer, Ed. Howeld is home and lute almoet recovered from the effeote of the opera. tion of having an abooes removed from the bowels. Duncan and John McEwen are home from Butte, Mon. where they have been engaged in mining, Duncan has not been home for live years. Atter League an address wee preoented bo the retiring pastor Rev, E. Medd a000mpanied by a parse of gold. 1. W. Ortwein read the address and made the presentation. Fred. Bengoogh and J. Patterson re• turned trona Wallaoebng and Walpole Island each in poeeeesion of a fine pony. Jim's is an Indian an Fred's. a Dregs be- tween a Mexio•n and a thorough bred. 131 vas. Roy Biros baa taken the position of junior iu the Bank of Hamilton, The Epworth League and Leonine Aid eooiotloo of Blyth Metbodiet oharoh will hold a lawn eooial on Amgen 3rd, Miss Pearl Chellew lett for London on Tueoday morning of last week where she bee 00oepted a position ee stenograph- er in a wholesale jewellery establish. wont. On Tuesday of last week by a vote 104 to 7, the ratepayers of Blyth eauctioned a loan of 910,000 for 15 years to the Stevenson Oarriage Co. for the establish. meet of Carriage works berg. The verdiot was pretty nearly 80animons. At the last Uouuail meeting it was moved by Goon. Milne, eeoonded by Couo. Johnston, that Joseph Carter be inepootor of the proposed sidewalk') and oroaeinge to be boilt tbie year and for all hie 9ervi000 as engineer he receive the sum of 910, and for services as inspeobor he receive 92 per day during the time the walks and erossinge are being built. Carried, Wing ham. Wm. Armour, sen., leaves 011 a business trip to Victoria, Vancouver and Nelson. W. 0. Vanetone is erecting an office on his lot on the corner near the Bank of Hamilton. Mr. Pattison, who has baso so long and faithful in the dray boldness, has eold hie interest to Ernest Dennie. Quite recently some person entered the barn of Wm, Deyell, near Zetland, and took therefrom a quentiby of oats. The Farmers' Institute excursion to Guelph was well patronized, there being 112 batiste Bold at the Wioghain station. At Beatorth, J. E. Swarte sold bio rape horse, Darkey, to Mr. Edmunds, of Blenheim. We understand the price paid was 91,000. Rev. W. G. Howson, the 11ew pastor of the Wingbam Methodist oharoh, arrived in town from Mitchell and preached hie opening sermons on Sunday. T. H. Rose 0xpeote to leave Wiogham for his new home in Regina. Mr. Ron has enured a Inorstive position as manager at Raging for the Saekatobewan Piano and Organ Co. An old arm Chair, that ie oertainly a relic of days gone by, was among the household goods of the late Mre. Mitchell, It ie said to be 200 years old. Geo. Phippen secured it. 3130 I pJrawe. R. J. Tette lett Belgrave !oat week for the Hamilton Hospital. His health is very poor. A new Dement sidewalk has been laid in Belgrave, whish kdde very mooh to the appearance of the street. John Wightman'o large barn was raised without a mlebap. 150 men and half au many women were ab the raising, July 8111, L. 0. L, 462, Betgreve, will attend service in' Trinity (hurab, at 2.30 9, m. Rev. W. Hartley will preach to them. Jas. Owens left for the Soo, Braoe Mines and Theeealon. He will spend a Couple of week0 with bis eons at Thee. salon. A Garden party was held on the lawn of the Methodist parsonage, on Tuesday evening. WIngbam Citizens' Band furnished mesio for the madam The bridge contraotore have common• oed work on the gravel road bridge, it will have cement abutments with iron ooperetraoture and cement Covering. County Councillor Iebieter is overseer, Word has been reoelvod of the death of Thomas H. Miller, of Virden, Manitoba. He will be remembered by many of the older oettlere, as he wee formerly a rani. dent near Belgrave, and a brother of Mre. Simon Vannorman. 0, W. Corbett, of Edmonton, (formerly of Belgrave) has parohaeed a farm near Agrioole, Alberta. He has 120 acres hi orop, and reports everything looking well. Agrioola is booming add i0 looked upon se one of the rising towns of the West. L,eadbury. Mies Susie Drieooll ie vieiling Mende in Elmo. Mies Gertfe Campbell, of Constonce, spent a few days with her aunt, Mre. Mal wan. Mre, MOCu)ly, of Hallett, ie the stoat of her daughter, Mrs, lease MaGavio, at present. Mica Clara Dennison left for Toronto, where the has obbained a position in her brother's stare, John Gardiner is taking a well earned teat, after taking is B, A.' at hie Anal examination at Toronto University. Albert 8oarlett met with an aooident While assisting in sawing wood at W. Saobt'o. Its had two of his tinware badly eat and will be unable to work for 00100 time, A Perfect Bowel Laxative for eon. Btipation, sallow oomplexion, headache, dizziness, 0oar etomaob, Coated tongue, bilieueneoe. Lax•ete mot promptly, without pain or griping, Pleasant to take—Lex•ets—only 6 Dents, Sold by F. R. Smith, Winnipeg assessors place the population of the city at 101,057. Olark Maher, an old man of 76, 800(5 run over on the railway at Sbrotbroy and killed. Arthur P. German, of Port Hope, was killed on the railway while ranging home from Oobourg camp. Baiblb of Hanaittom tp •l'apitur, Para np, 132,000,000 Reserve. Fund, 42,5410,009 Total Ansate, 7339,010,050 80 BRANCHES 1IN CANADA 80 President, - HON, W11. GIBSON Vine President & General Manager, JAMES TURNBULL (^FJ ETHEL AGENCY ti Savings Department—Ample security for Depositors. Deposita of 50.00 and upwards received. Interest allowed at current rates and oampounded half yearly. ADVANOEB made to Farm ore for feeding stook. 47 Sale Notes collected and advances made thereon. Drafts bought and sold, 14 SMITH 84 STEWART House, Sign and Carriage Paint- ers. Ornamental and Seem Work and Paper Hang,. lug a Specialty, Quotations f0ns Fg urnish d on Applidntion SHOP 011trrtll)erry 81;., Brussels T Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Sale Works can get any kind of Salt they require. Gordon Mooney, Foreman, - Brussels. Toronto nag and. Metal Co'y PAYS CASH For Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Wool. Pickings, Horse Hair, Hides, &c., &c. Highest Prloes for All H. ROSEN K. LABEL Mil! st. West, Brussels W. N. M02AY, OUB-AOENT. Wool ant 1 The Highest Market Price paid for any quantity of Wool. 2 Dente advance allowed in trade. We carry a good range of Blankets, Yarns, Sheetinge, Underwear, Hosiery, Tweeds, (&o. J. T. WOOD 7 Excelsior 'Coating Factory, Brassel3. Brussels Greenhouse PLANTS AND FLOWERS You will find at Brussels Greenhouse any quantity of Tomato, Oauliflower, Celery and Oabbage Plante. Tomato Punts 10o a box or 8o a doz. loose. Fine collection of Flowering Plante. A choice lot of Geraniums and An- nuals for bedding. Out Flowers supplied. Floral designs made to order. MISS KELLY WANTED Maur• The Highest Market Price will be paid in Cash for any quantity Wool delivered y of at my store, Brussels. Alf. Baeker HOESEEKER8' EXCURSIONS Winnipeg Souris Brandon A0osomin Arcola Estovan l Yorkton Regina Moose Jaw TO THE NORTH WEST RETURN FARESS • 932.00 tltrasebar'g • 83.16 Saskatoon 83.55 Priem Albert 84.20 flu Bettleford 34.013 Marked Calgary • Red Deer - Stattler Edmonton 85.88 36.76 sera 931.25 87.26 88,08 89.00 45.80 40.60 41.50 42.50 GOING June 5th, good to return until August 0th, June 19th, ” August Seth. July 8rd. " Sept. Ord, July 770, " " Sept 17th. For rates to other pointe and template in- formation apply to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, AAggent, 771to 71 B. 81., Toronit of DONT Be like the Hindo who, for Pants, made his skin do, but go to er ods & � 4 a bkirk 'and get a pair for $5 that will do. Also nice Summer Suit or Light Overcoat. All the Latest Novelties now in stock. We Guarantee Fit and Workmanship. D�IJ gIABKI I r� p x 7