HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-7-5, Page 4ON
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RURSDAY, JULY 5, 1906.
Jvoai m by the daily reoord of arime
end iobumenity that 501(180 age, when
alt men will love one another Os brothers,
bas not yet been attained to, The world
may bo growing better but the programa
is not discernable withont a magnifying
glees in some patella
Parliament is likely to Qom -
piste the work of this session Ohie week.
TO is a marvelous thing to notice the
number of people who play "bookey"
from the Howie, even with the big salary.
Heron Co, members are not always on
band to reoord their votes.
A enedeI80I evidence of what a slat.
wart kink Kan do ie apparent In the de -
olden of the Dominion Government
to wipe out the pensioning of a good
many people 'who are already well able
to ogre for themselves. If Governments
were oftener broogbt ap with a round
turn and made to anderetand that they
are the servants of the people it would
be better for all! concerned.
We are pleased to sea thee the Comte
batt enetained the Local Option Bylaw
in Elmo Township, not simply on account
of the came but t0 pat a etop to trifling
and irivolone objeotiono that are raised
to defeat the will of the people. Now
that the law is established the ratepayere
and others should pay deference to it es
it is just as binding o0 them es any other
law by which they are or should be
A GREAT kink ie made by some folk over
the gate of Carnegie, Rooklelier and
other millionaires to libraries, aollegee
and other public ioetilntious. We don't
believe in each etoff and think these men
are to be oommeuded for their willingness
to b!eae many oomnennitiee by their
liberality. These gifts don't impoverish
these gentlemen of °puree, but many an
institution has been belped oat of
embarrassment by the donations. It the
mime W888 increased and the donators
largely muliplied we would be all the
better pleased.
TIM terrible railway aooident of Saute.
bury, Euglaud, about 80 miles from
London, and in which three well known
resident° of Toronto, Rev. Mr. King, Bar-
rister Harwich and Mr. Pipon, met
almost 'natant dealb, is another proof of
the uncertainty oflife and the great
danger of too rapid r0nnl8g on the rail-
way lime. We sometimes think our
Canadian railways make great
records (not often on our lineal but those
who have toured through elle Old Land
say we are not in it compered with eome
of the cannon ball expresses. Human
life is too preeioue to endanger it ae at
present. The iuveetigation now being
held will probably throw light on the real
Canoe Of the accident.
Ie the celebration of the 39112 anniver-
eery of the Dominion of Canada the
people of this land have good reason to be
proud of their conotry. Ila history has
been one of manifest progress, so real
that even the moat dyepetio oonld see it.
From its five original Provivaee it hae
developed into a robust nine and its
population from a [bade over 3 million
to upwards of 6 million, with giorione
poeeibilitiee for its rapid iaoreaee in the
almost illimitable sores of the breed West.
Ocher evidence[ of material prosperity
are realized in the Fant that the railway
mileage tea inoreaeed 7 fold and the
poetoffioee from 3,638 to 10,460. The
mutability of things terrestrial ie clearly
proven when it le elated that oat of 33
parttime who oomposed the 121000rio group
known ae "`The Fathers of Confeder-
ation" but two survive, viz, Sir. Oharlee
Topper and Senator A. A. MoDooald.
From the optimistic outlook of the
average Canadian the future is full of
real hopefulness and the trend of the
times betokens a mnoh broader horizon
than was dreamed of in the inception of
the Land of the Maple Leaf. Canada
will be greet ae her manly eons and es-
timable daughters rine bo the plane of
privilege and opportunity and take hold
of the monde thal strengthen the
Nation's bulwarks. The poet Lowell
voice[ the true sentiment when he
write[ :-
"Be noble 1 and the the nobleness that
lies in other lives
Sleeping but never dead
Shall rise in majeety to meet thine own 1
Tben shalt than see it gleam in other
Then shalt pure light around thy path
be spread
And then shalt nevermore be sad or lone."
The 7811 Regiment Band at London are
ou strike.
George Shelly baa again been dismieeed
from the position of Overseer of fieheriee
al the Palle.
Sir Frederi0k Borden le opposed to the
peopoeel to matte the Oxford Rifles a
Woodetook regiment, and desires that it
be reorganized on the Old lines,
Thome Lee Sing, a Hamilton Chine -
man, who proaeoated Chang Sing a few
days ago, bag asked for pollee protaolion.
Be olaime that the Highbindero' Society
hae put a price of $400 on hie head.
emee..th.- _. ea: v..._...ru.'.retele.aaae, - .aeeeetscorwr.ar•.r..":"., ..__.,...n
.�.._. �- � Nagle and Looby, bol. of ooptraot - I �-�_- _ T..... _�
Mitchell bridge abu8meute„ 357 08 ,
George Barkley, on coutraet Mo.
Joseph 0combee, township and I
oontreetor'e portion inepeat•
Bishop Dddoalin 10881,ed a oongrat.
alatory address from the Synod of NI -
agars on the 00000/00 of the tenth Mini"
vereary of his uoueeoration au Bethel),
Mr, Fieldiug has given notice of a bill
to repeal the not granting peneiene to ex.
Miniotere, It ie reported that one of the
peheionero realized ou hie annuity for a
lump sunt iu oath..
Grey Council Meeting.
The Council mot pursuant to order in
the Township Hall, Ethel, on Monday,
June 25812, at 11 a, m, The Reeve In
the chair and other mombere all present.
The miuutee of last meeting were read
and linseed. D. Robb, Inspector of Pab
li0 Sohools ter Bette Huron, was preoeut
and gave a very explicit explanation of
the new Sohool Law, stating the duty of
Oonnoile and of Trustees regarding the
same. Petition from William Fulton
and ottani fora Municipal drain read.
Moved by John Brown,ae000ded by John
Cott that the petition be approved as
there is a majority of the ratepayers on
same, and that a Bylaw be prepared
appointing John Roger to examine and
report on same, -Carried. Petition of
William !'Irate! and othere for a Manio•
Mei draio read. Moved by John Grant,
seconded by Duncan Johnson that the
petition be approved as there is a major•
ay of she ratepayers interested on said
petition, and tint a Bylaw be prepared
appointing John Roger to exemiee and
report ou same.-Oerried. Moved by
Duan Johnston, eeoonded by John
Brown that the 000tra0t of the Love
Municipal Drain be awarded to John
Coates, price $710 00, he having furnished
aeonrity eatielaotory to the Council for
the due completion of said 000tract ao•
cording to profile, plane and epeoifioa•
tions, -Carried, Moved by John 0011,
aeoouded by John Grant that the follow-
ing 80008018 be paid. -Carried,
A. Hilt & Co„ bol Mitohell bridge $844 00
John F. Beirnes, on contract Mc-
Donald Drell] 300 00
L. L. Loogeway, an 6th Oon. Dr, 790 00
William Stevenson, on contract
OoxDrain 300 00
Aodrow Hislop, for gravel 1 04
A. B. Maedooald, signing dueler
otione Guelph Jaootion R R. 2 00
Municipal World, assessment roll
and two aol'eotore' rolle12 02
Walter Ward, repairing advert
and gravelling Grey ds Elmo.
boundary 2 23
G. Rowell, repairing °elver[ and
gravelling Grey de Elate bdy. 25
Sawyer•elaeoey, grader blade8 97
George Kreuter & Co., spikes for
culvert, Hanna Drain 78
A. Hill te Co., balonoe MoFariaoe
bridge 496 00
Robt. MoTaggart, spreading olay
S. R. 5, Con, 15 5 00
Robt. MoTaggart, grading at lot
25, con, 15 6 00
S. B, Cole, payment of Brown
bridge abutments 327 35
S. S. Cole, excavation Brown
bridge abntmente 8 47
Joe. Coombee, ioepeotieg Brown
bridge abutments, Twp. and
contraotor'e portion 14 88
Robert Gibeon, repaicing road
grader and scraper 1 00
W. M. Sinclair, eigoing Bylaw
• declarations 11 50
W. M. Bioolair, legal advice5 00
Isaac Clark, drain S. R. 6, con. 5 7 00
Richard Mills, drain lot 31, con. 5 6 30
Wm. Bennett, drain lot 31, Kon. 6 3 90
A. McDonald, drain lot 92, Kon. 5 6 00
Wm. Beirnes, drain lot 32, eon, 6 i 1 80
Jam. Beirnes, drain lot 32, eon. 5 16 00
Angne Shaw, ehovelliug gravel 3 75
Robt. Blair, gravel 3 60
John Meehan, gravel 10 96
S. Dann, gravel 25 70
J. Forrest, repairing road grader 4 60
J. Forrest, rag bolts, lot 10, con.
I4, 14th Con. Drain 50
Toehua Flood, shovelling gravel4 00
Robert McDonald, gravel 46 32
Harry Daoaan, gravelling lots 3
and 4, con. 6 59 00
Jas. Brown, putting coal cinders'
on Ethel bridge 1 75
John Oliver, inspecting gravelling
Kon. 6 1 50
Gilbert Thibldeen, nutting braeb,
lots 33 and 34, con. 10 11 45
James Pearson, gravel 7 68
Mre. F. Miller, gravel 9 36
Edward Campbell, cutting brush,
lot 33, con. 10 1 75
James Pearson, shovelling grovel 6 90
Harry Danoan, gravel 13 52
Harry Dungan, gravel 1 52
Peter Tarr, oemeut pipee 50 00
Peter Tarr, Dement pipes, Howard
Drain 10 00
T. Williamson, repairing oalvert,
lot 28, oon. 14, 14th Oon. Dr. 1 50
G. MoKay, grading, lot 27, 000.15 9 00
Wm. Pollard, farm bridge, 6th
Con. Drain 10 00
F. Bolt, gravelling, S. R. 4, eon. 1 20 25
Thee, McDonald, Dotting hill, S.
R. 4, one, 2 15 50
John Mo0aeh, raking atone off
Campbell's hill 1 00
Jas. Cololoogh, filling washout
with Moue, 8. R, 2, 000. 193 00
J. Cololoagb, culvert, lot 9, oon.18 4 00
Alex, Sachems°, ditch and tile,
lot 8, don. 18 4 42
Andrew Maohau, cutting brush,
lot 31, Kon, 18 3 55
J. K. Baker, gravelling and
ehovelling gravel, lots 30 and 31.
Don. 10 11 75
Arthur Smith, repairing culvert,
(plot 4, Kon. 6 76
W. H. Kerr, part payment of
printing contract 30 00
Job. L. King, repairing culvert,
lob 30, Kon. 1 2 00
John W, Rose, gravel 9 88
Samuel Caldbiok, I farm bridge,
Lamont Drain 17 00
Matthew Moses, farm bridge,
Lamont Drain 16 00
W. Moeee, farm bridge, Lamont
Drain 16 00
Joseph Raynard, repairing oal-
6tb con. Drain 50
Hugh Stewart, sewer pipe, lot 7,
Don: 16 2 00
John Steins shovelling gravel 3 00
James Botz, shovelling gravel2 00
Bros,, gravel 5 04
John Grant, inepeoting approach
Michell bridge 7 00
Jae. Casio, grading at lot 3 Kon.
17 21 50
Jae. H, Williamson, shovelling
gravel 125
A, Reymann, working grader and
repairs for same 29 60
A. Reymann, pelage and station-
ery 7 25
Nagle & Looby, Groh oalvert, S
R. 6, coo, 1 260 00
Forlane bridge abutmeuta,. 400 00
Ing MoFarlet bridge but
moats 17 50
Moved, seconded and parried that the
00028001 donow adjourn to meet on
Monday, J lily 30th, at 10 a, n,
J01111 m0INTOen,.
The Sunday School of the demos
street ohuroh will hold their annual
pi0uio at Grand Bend an Wednesday,
July 111h,
E. eV. Horne of the Sovereign Bank,
who team reoe0tly promoted to tbe
managership of the Mdvertou branch,
and later to tie new branch at Buret•
ford, opeued up for bueiuee8 in that
Rev, R. J. M. Perkins, 141. A., who
some weeks ago tendered hie reeigna.
tion ae rector of the Trivite Memorial
(thumb, to aooept a call from Ingersoll,
after au inouwbeney of about three
years lu Exeter, preached hie farewell
'femme on Sande), evening, Jane 24th.
At the clocking exeroieee of Whitby
Ladies College held ou Wedueeday, June
21st Mise Luella E. J. Fear, daugh-
ter ot Rev. Fear who oommouoed hie
pastorate at Main °trees, church, re•
ooived two diplomas, Kae in English
Literature and the other in the Normal
0anr00 in Domestic Science. She ie
also the recipient of a gold medal for
the bigheet standing in the M. E. L.
It will be cad news to many of our
older residents to hear of the death of
Alexander 0. Reid, popularly known
amueg a large circle of trieode both
here and elsewhere ae "Seedy", who
for many years bee been a resident of
Winnipeg, in wbiah oily he died a few
day0 ago. When 8 reeideut here he
followed the 000apation of shoemaker.
In hie younger days he took great in.
carat In athletic sports and being e
eprioter of no mean order carried off
many a,prize,
It wae stated in a former iesae that
W. H. Gregory, eon of Tbomae
Gregory, of Exeter, had won first•olaee
honors and a eollolarebip of $40 at the
thaw) Law School examination m Tor•
Coto; however, after this reward bad
been made, planing him seventh on
the list, it wae discovered that he had
obtained 100 marks more than be bad
received oredit for. These additional
100 marke place him 30 marke ahead
of hie highest oompetitor, giving him
firet plane '❑ bis olaee ; and coneegaent.
y lee has been awarded the $100 00
aoholarehip, with 30 marke to spare,
whereas hie rival whom he displaces
had only one mark to spare.
Seal ortie .
Tbe Orange celebration will be held
here on Tburoday of next week.
Maurine Shea got a bad crank on the
head while playing football at Mildmay
with the Junior Hurons.
Work ie atilt progreeeiug on Main street
bat the o0utraotor says it will be the
first of August before it ie fit for nee.
Mre, George Anderson, who bee been
visiting her father, D. D. Wilson and
other friends for abort time, returned to
her home in Toroolo.
A very pretty wedding was celebrated
at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Pinkney,
when her sewed daughter, Mies Flossie
M„ was nutted in the bonds of matri.
mo0y to Norman J. Nictitate, of Seatorlh.
The ceremony was performed at 8 o'clock
in the evening by Rev. Mr, Larkin.
Mrs Robt. Freuob, er„ happened with
a 0028000 accident, She was going down
the steps leading into the woodshed and
in BOMB unknown way she moat have
tripped and lost her footing and fell
heavily to the floor. On examination it
was found that she had broken her hip
and is in a very precarious oondition
owing to her age and delioateconstitution.
Reber! Goveulook's residence, on James
street, bad a narrow esoape from de.
etrnotion by fire. An accumulation of
0008 at the bottom of a chimney book fire
and was breaking out when it was
noticed by Mies Govenlook, who wee
alone at the time. With the assistance
of some neighbors and George Smithere,
who happened to be passing at the time,
the fire was put oat before mnoh damage
was done,
DEATH OF Jona HAra.-A telegram was
received here on Wednesday of beet week
from Orillia, conveying the sad intelli-
gence of the death of John Hays, s°n of
T. E. Hays, of town. Mr. Hays died in
()riffle on Wedneeday morning. On Sat.
urday hie father bad received a telegram,
acquainting him of his eerioas illnese of
pneumonia, and he at once left for Orillia
and remained there until the decease of
his eon. John Hoye wae a young man
just in the prime of life being only thirty -
eine years of age. For several years he
occupied the farm near Roxboro, now
000upied by Robert Mardie, and he wee
still owner at the time of hie death,
Four or five years ago he rented the farm
and Dame to Sealorth to reside. Leaviug
Seatorth he removed to Listowel, eogag-
Ing in a livery bneinees there, About a
year ago he eold out in Listowel, and bad
since been a reeidont of Orillia. Hie
widow was a daughter of the late John
Sproat, of Taokeremith, and 8 eioter of
John and Janette Sproat, of that town-
ship, and of Mre. Adam Hays and Aire,
Robert E, Jones, of Seetorth. The
funeral took place here Friday at 2,30
from the residence of hie father.
Perth County.
Mauler' are very prevalent in Milobell
at present both among the old and
Ninety one papila from Mitohell and
oo008ry wrote on the entra0oe examin•
T. H. Rape, of Mitchell, will Bail from
San Frertmise° for New Zealand on Aug.
oat 10th.
One hundred and twenty etudenle were
writing on the antran08 examination° in
the Collegiate Institute, St. Marys,
Fred. Hodge, Mitohell, received a batch
of ohiokene among which was one with
four lege. The little freak of nature only
lived a short time.
Tbe Into Alfred Wilson, Toronto, who
was known to many Mitchell people, left
an estate worth $14,136,90, It gree en.
tirely to bis widow, .
Mee Emma Prelelgh, of Sb. Marys,
beaded the list of enoceeetnl Candidates
at the annual examinations of the Mao'
Donald Institute, Guelph,
Mise Ethel Jiokling, of St, Marys, hae
returned to Pitteburg, where Ob0 ie en.
gaged as ee num in one of the hoepibale,
Jae. Jouee, of dlitobell, loot 8 008 by
poiooniog. The brute Wee in the paetare
Hold and it ie euppooed that the lioked
Kone white lead out of an old pellet pot
that wee foetid in a field.
W. 13, Graham, drng5801 of ltjdgebown,
hae dioposed of hie bueioo08 to 0, J,
Ready, ot St, Marie, and has gone to
Toronto to tette his position ae treasurer
of the Oollege of Pharnleoy.
The big water tank lu roar or Ilse mar.
kat square Mitohell, eallapeed and the
Ooouail met and deoided to ask for
teudere for tbe erection of a new one,
to be planed ou oemeut abutment.
Wm, Johoeon, the author of "The
Pioueero of I3laoehard"end "The History
of the oo0nty of Perth,' was married in
Se. Mary's, to Mies Maggie Oliver.
They will apend 'their honeymoon in
the Old Land.
Brian Barker, Lagan, loet a flee bone
ander peouliar oiraametanoee, While
stopping at Adam Oook'e, Huron Road,
for a short time the poor brute was so
badly stung by beau that it died jaet
atter starting for home,
Mise Sarah Slaughter, Methodist
deaconess, abater of Principal Slaughter,
of Romeo school, Stratford, has been am
pointed to the Methodist Orphanage, St.
John's Newfoundland. Sbe hes reoem.
ly graduated ae a noree in Cleveland.
Wednesday of last week shortly after
1.2 o'clock the large water tank in the
rear of the town hall, Mitchell, which
ie need for holding the water for the
street watering pnrposeo collapsed, the
foundation breaking away. The dee-
truation was so complete as not to leave
two staves remaining together.
Two heavily loaded epeeist treble went
to Guelph Thursday of last week, Karry•
log the exoareiouiete from the North and
South Perth Farmers' Inotitutee to the
Model Farm, The North Perth trate
consisted of ten ooeohee, while that
carrying the excorsioniete from South
Perth ooutaiued fourteen. There were
about 1,700 paeengern.
Mre. Ward, of St. Andrew street,
North, Mitohell, had a narrow escape
from receiving serious injuries when
returning home from the excurelon to
the Model Farm. When alighting from
the train she fell between the train and
the station platform, bat Inakily only
received a few bruises about one of her
A number of the friends of the Metho
dietohurob, Atwood, gathered together
Friday evening Joue 22nd, at the par -
teenage, when they presented' Misses
Edith and Ida Penhall with gifts for
their service dnriog their four years
among them, Andrew Robb read a very
expellent address and Mies Mina Graham
presented Edith with a mueio cabinet
end Miee Evelyn Tnrnball presented Ida
with a edit ease. Prayer was offered by
Rev, Mr. Tiffin, of Trowbridge, and
speeches given by Mr. Tiftn, R. B. Ham•
itton and Andrew Robb. Edith hae been
the most efficient leader of the °heir for
some time, The girls merry with them
the beet wither' of the choir and commun-
ity to their new home in Monkton.
Charlie Roberts, the popular drug
°lark at 0. E. Nyeyth'e, Stratford, met
with an anfortunate aooident Thursday
morning, of last week, as a result of
wbioh he is coofioed in bbe hospital. He
was working in the basement of the
store, and hod stepped upon a ladder to
close one of windows, when be fell ap.
on a glees once directly beneath. A
piece of the Blase, about two inches wide
and Mx inches long, penetrated almost its
entire length the hip of the young map,
oaaeiog a deep gash which bled profusely.
Another smaller piece of glass entered
his aide, 080010g a small wound. A
dootor was hurriedly palled and ho had
Roberta removed to the hospital, where
hie injariee received prompt attention,
00008 0080 from Imported dam, els
Months old, and two hogs from same litter,
for sale, Si Lot 10,Oon, 5, Morels.
.10.88 JAB, S1?EIR.'
Ie prepared to give leeeou0 o0 Piano
or Read Organ, Terme on applloatlou,
Poatol8oe ,tddiees-13russelo, 18881dence-
Lot 8, Oen. 10, (troy, Pupils may have their
lee0080 a t their 01011 home; it preferred,
Salo on which fe large briok 1101108,
stable, drilled well, cistern, fruit garden,
,40.,03 aoree of laud on John and James et„
Brneeele. Terme reasonable. Apply to
JOHN MOFADDEN on premises or 7, 6,
SCUTT, Brusselo,
Iona of the undersigned, Lot 14. Con, 0,
Grey, a steer red 1n color with email atria
of white between his front loge; deborned.
Any information loading to hie recovery
will be thankfully received,
WM. LOWE, Brussels P.O.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
SALE. -The uuderaigned hae for Dale 4
improved Berkshire sows, bred from prize
winning stook. Due to litter about Sept,
let. Also 2 aged Berkshire sows due to lit -
for In July, Bargalue for quick 1puroheeero.
For further particulars apply to J. P. Mo•
INTOSH, Lot 21, Oon. 12, Grey, or Oran -
brook P. 0. 49.11
The undersigned offers her 100 acre
farm, being Lot 20, Oon, 7 Grey, for sale or
to rept. Comfortable house, bank baro,
orchard, wells, deo. Farm Ie only } of a mile
from the stirring village of Anal, For fur-
therpartieulars !apply to F, e. 800tt, Bros -
0018, or MRS, HATE HOLLAND, 79 Shafer
Street, Toronto. 37.3m
being Lot 4, Oon. 19, Grey ; 85
acres oleared; oomtortable house 00x40 with
kitchen 18020; bank barn 50570 with atone
stabling; orchard, well,, ,ka Well fenced
and in good heart. Poaeeeoion elven next
Fall. Farm is nearly all in grass at present.
It ie 31 miles from Brussels and in a good
locality. For further earth= lore apply on
the premises or Brneeele P. 0. to
5148 JOHN RODDIOH, Proprietor,
undersigned offers his house and lot,
situate on 111i11 street, Brussels, for sale,
It is well looated, a convenient and oomfor•
table home, Poeeeeion Kap be given at
once. Will also Bell the vaoant lot, corner
of M111 and Elizabeth etreet8, which would
make a fine building site. For further par.
tioularo ae to price, terms, 180., apply to
FRED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford.
wioh. 30.4
undersigned will keep for service on
hie premises, North Howlek Boundary, an
English Berkshire hog. Terme, 31.00, with
privilege of returning if neeeseary.
44-E1 Proprietor.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey, the Improved Berk-
shire Boar, "Fairview Ooldander," No. 15495.
Pedigree may be seen on application.
Terme-81.50, or 81.25 each for two er more;
Berhahire sows 83.00. All who are interest-
ed 10 raising the Ideal ,Bacon Hog and the
hog that w111 make Ito most money should
see this hog before•neing any other.
9781 J, P. MOINTOSH, Oranbrook P.O.
Having Bought out Wm. Woods'
General Store at .
we intend to continue the business and
ask a fair share of patronage. We will
ails to keep in stock a
General Assortment of the
Best Lines of Staple Goods
and our motto will be "To sell Good
Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices."
We will be pleased to have your trade
W. G. Coombes
Owing to the Marengo in our businoog wo
have decided that our present premises are too
small for both linos of geode, namely, Shoes
and Harneoe, and will remove the Shoo Abode
into the store lately vacated by Dowui0g Bros.
and will in future oonduot the Shoe Business
in that store while the Harness l3usineee will remelt' in its present promisee. Ou
the 15th of July we expect to [Hove the Shoe stock into its new home, and beliovii,g
you will he willing to help us remove all you can
before that date, if wo give you sufficient induce-
ment to do so, we will rednoe all priee8 on Ladio.,'
and Gents' Flue Stem from the 23rd of Juno until
time of our Removal, and while our values aro at
ell limos good, at the Rednced Prices at 8121011 eve
will offer them, if you waut Shoes you cannot re-
fuse to bay.
Remember these Reduced Prices are for Omit
Sheriff's Sale of Lands
County of Huron By ntrI of a
writ of Fieri Fao-
lae issued out of
TO WIT: Ht0 M aj eaty's
High Oourt of
3081100 and to me directed and delivered
agaiuet the laude and tenements of Joseph
Burton, in a suit in wbion the said Joseph
Burton appears as plaintiff and Wm, Look-
eridge,Jobn Lockeridge and Mary J. Camp-
bell, defendants, I have seized and taken In
execution all the right, title, interest and
equity of redemption of the above named
Joeeph Burton, in, to and out of the Wast
Half of Lot 08, running number, in the vil-
lage of Brneeele, County of Huron and
Province o1 Ontario ; wbion lands and ten -
enceinte I shall offer for sale, at my °Mce, in
the Court Howie, in the Town of Goderiob,
on Saturday, the Fourteenth day of July,
1000, at the hoar of 11,90 of the clock a. m.
49.4 Sheriff, Huron,
Sheriff'e Oligo a, Godoriob, April 4,1900,
Synopsisof Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered section of Dominion
Lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved,
may be homesteaded by any person who ie
the sole head of a family, or any male over
18 years of age, to the extent of ono -quarter
seotlon of 100 acne more or lees.
Entry may be made personally at the
local landoffice for the dfatriot iu which
the laud 1e situate,
The homesteader le required to perform
the 0011d181000000080ted therewith under
one of the following plans :
(1) At least nix months' reetdenoe upon
and cultivation of the laud in oaoh year for
three years,
iet2deceased)t father
emhomesteadere resides
upon a farm In the vicinity' of the land
entered for the requirements as to resi-
dence may be ealisfled by nun person re-
siding with the father or mother,
111 If the settler has k's permanent rest.
dance upon -farming land owned by him
In the vicinity of his homestead, the re-
lied by reeideoee upon the saimay
a land eats.
8ixmonthe'notice in writing ehonld be
given to the Commissioner of Dominion
Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply ler
Deputy of the Minister of interior.
N. B. 'Unauthorized publioatioa of this ad-
vertisement will not be paid for,
To Liverpool
Triple Screw Steamers-
P10'ro111AN and 't'IRCINI AN
Turbine Engines -No Vibration
From Montreal
Victorian Jm,e21 July 19 Aug 10
T00111.11 • Juno 28 July 20 Aog. 23
Virginian 1 JuIy 0 Alla. 2 Attg. 10
Tunisian July 12 Aug, 9 Sop,
Rates of Passage
First Cabin -$70 and upwards, aeooreiittg
to steamer. Second 0abiu-$41.50 to $17,50,
according to steamer, Third Class- 527 50
and 828.75.
erordrenl to 01118211D•
Moderate !late Service weekly Salliugn
For further partioulare, rates and tiokote
apply to
11'. It. 081111R,
Agent Allan Line, Brussels.
The undersigned beg leave
to notify the farming community
that they are now ready to do
all kinds of Grain Chopping and
Crushing at lowest rates. All
work will be promptly and cart' -
fully attended to.
Manitoba and Ontario Flour,
Bran, Shorts, &c., always in stock
and sold at Market Prices. •
Thuell Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Buildin
HnsIlillg Bosiuess Aloin
Ewan & Co.
are busy these days pushing the Carriage busi-
ness. In addition to our own make of Rigs,
which are A. 1, we handle Buggies manufactured
by the Canada Carriage Co., Brockville, and the
Brantford Carriage Company, Brantford.
Wood Work and Jabbing a Specialty
Painting and Repairing attended to with neatness
and dispatch. The celebrated Harland English
Varnish used in Our paint rooms.
If you want a new Rig call and see us 1338 we have
a large display and sell at close margins. We
can save you money.
EWAN & Co.
H awl
8 -4_
FL tip '.'j
et Ma =
a 1'0'1 CD
re 8
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