HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-7-5, Page 1Vol.. 84. No. 82
New Advertisements.
Local—McKey & Co,
Belt found—THE Posv.
Rug found—Tut POST,
Notice—Alex, D, Grant.
Cream Separators—P. Ferguson.
Mid -Summer Sate—G. N, McLaren,
ll{? t RC1 ,C m,
SCHOOL Hume—The report of
S. S. No, 9, for the mouth of June; --
Ir. IV—A. Speiran, 74o ; W. Noble,
656 ; E. McNaught, s78 ; P. Harrison,
553 ; A. McKay, 415 ; F, McNaught,
400 ; M. Cummings, 288 ; W, Hislop,
262 ; M. Bray, 196 ; F. Tarr, 142. Sr,
I1I—G, Sehnock, 37i ; D. Tarr, 224 ;
J. Mann, iao, Jr, III—B, McQuarrie,
566, L. Harrison, 558 ; L. Speiran,
549 ; E. Smith, 477 ; H. Noble, 456 ;
B. McNaught, 445 ; B. Mann, 441 ;
C, Flood, 36o ; O. Brown, 349 ; N•
Livingstone, 297 ; P. Hodges, 249
B. Snelling, 13o, Class II—M, Living.
atone, 426 ; L. McKay, 361 ; N.
Sehnock, 325 ; G. Snelling 230. Pt.
II—S, McQuarrie, 27o ; j, Machan,
203, J. McKay, 19r : L. Hislop, 146 ;
C. Bray, 132 ; M. Cummings, 125 ;
M. Smith, for ; E. McKay, 98 ; W.
McNaught, 79 ; W. Smith, 6o.
Average attendance, 48.
ern rm. nbrOo,t.
Mrs. Jno, Ferguson and baby, of
Brussels, are visitors at the manse.
Several from this locality attended
a welcome social to Rev, Mr, Powell
and family at Brussels on Wednesday
Last Sabbath afternoon a large con-
gregation greeted Rev. E. G. Powell,
the new Methodist minister. He made
a favorable impression. We wish him
Miss Lizzie McKay, teacher, left on
Tuesday ou a trip to Regina, Sask.,
where she purposes spending her vaca-
tion with relatives and friends. We
wish her an enjoyable stay.
Will. Hunter, who holds a position
at Stratford, was here for the Dominion
Day holiday. He appears to be well
pleased with the Classic city and may
go into housekeeping there.
Miss Allis Switzer. who has been
visiting her friend, Miss 011ie Bal-
lantyne at Atwood, bas returned home
accompanied by her sister, Miss
Tessie, who is teachingschool in that
The Parkdale "Albions" will play
the Brussels Football team in Brussels
on Monday evening at 5 o'clock sharp.
The game is called at that hour as the
visitors leave for Toronto by a special
train in the evening.
G. Perrie, of Hamilton, has been
visiting his brothers and sister in this
locaiity and making an effort to regain
his old time vigorous health which has
not been as good as usual. His many
old friends were glad to see him.
Joseph Churchill still continues
Miss Maggie Jermyn, of Toronto,
visited at her home on the Bluevale
Thomas Pilkie, of Wexford, visited
over Sunday at Jas. and William
Mrs. Plastow, of Rockton, is visiting
the family of Magnus,Spenceand other
John Beattie, of Seaforth, and Mrs.
Scott, ot Ohio, visited at F. 8, Scotts
last week.
All the holiday keepers in this neigh-
borhood spent Monday at the celebrat-
ion in Wroxeter.
Joseph Burgess and ;daughters, of
Woodstock, visited over Sunday at
John Burgess'.
Wm. Grey, jr., spent the holiday
in Bluevale, Mr. Grey has removed
from Dunnville to Owen Sound.
Mrs. Fred. Davey and children,
Listowel, spent the holidays with her
parents and brothers in Bluevale.
Miss Annie Nelson returned to her
home at Thedford last week after
several weeks visiting at S, Paul's,
The train due here at nine in the
evening did not arrive till half past
three last Sunday morning, It was
weary waiting for those expecting
holiday visitors.
Malcolm Isbister, of Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan, visited his brother,
County Councillor, Isbister, of Morris,
and his sister, Mrs. F. B. Scott, of
Bluevale, last week.
Walter Davidson and Milton Mc
Vittie attended the wedding on
Wednesday of last week, of Anson
Dulmage, Lakelet,
Bob. Altcheson was rather badly
injured while playing toot ball in
Wroxeter on Monday, We hope he
may soon recover,
Robert Musgrove, a well known
resident of this locality, has been ap-
pointed a License Commissioner for
the East Riding of Huron, succeeding
tbe late Wm. Wilson, of Wroxeter,
who only attended one meeting after
his appointment. Mr. Musgrovesbonld
all the bill.
W. F. M. S. The Women's Mission-
ary Society met in the Belgrave
Methodist church on June t4th with
a good attendance of members Pres.
eat. After the business of the So-
ciety had been transacted the Treasurer
read the following report for the past
year:—Annual members fee $19.25 ;
Silver Anniversary, $9.35 ; mite boxes,
$1,16 ; donations, 75 cts ; Easter offer-
ing $3.o5 ; Rest Fund Si .no ; Exten-
sion Fund, $47.10 ; other sources
$ro.41 ; Expenses $2.89, leaving a bal-
ance to send to tbe Branch Treasur-
er ot a total of $89.28. After" a hearty
vote of thanks was given to our re-
tiring President, Mrs. (Rev.) Jones the
meeting closed with the Benediction.
Wsal tgII.
Haying has commenced in tbis
Walton will celebrate the r2th this
year in Seaforth.
Miss Lillie Fraser, of Seaforth, is
visiting in Walton.
Miss Alice McVittie is visiting
friends in Seaforth.
Some of our residents attended pic-
nics on Dominion Day.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr.
Currie, will preach to the Orangemen
in .the Methodist church at 3:15 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Hoard, fof Roseneath,
are visiting at Dr. lvfenzies'. Mr.
Hoard intends opening a harness shop
here In the near future.
E. H. Jordan, who has been on tbe
G. & G. R, staff here for some time,
returned home on Saturday. He
will attend the Summer Survey School
of McGill College, Montreal.
.Tacltn a,e to w iu
A fine time was enjoyed at the pic-
nic last Saturday.
J. T. Strachan will spend a few days
at the lake this week.
Jas. Moses was visiting friends at
Beamsville, for a few ..days.
D, L. Strachan, merchant, was
visiting friends bere on Friday and
Saturday of last week,
Donald Innes is a welcome visitor
with old friends here.. He played
with the boys at Wroxeter last week.
Mrs. McCosb, of Pine River, accom-
panied by her son, R. A., were visitors
at the home ;of Elden Johu Strachan
last week.
Congratulations are being extended
to W. E. Bryans who bas completed
bis medical course at Toronto. We
expect he will take a foremost place in
profession of bis choice,
The old bridge is barred against traf-
fic and Geo. Barkley and staff are
building the new cement abutments
preparatory to the new steel super-
structure being put on. There is a
good fording place through the Mait-
Word bas been received that E. E,
Bryans, son of Alex. Bryans, has pass-
ed his final examination in Medicine
in Winnipeg and will soon be ready to
hang out his shingle. He should score
a big success;in his calling and we be.
lieve he will.
Mrs. Wm, J, Behsrriell, of Iron
Bridge, Algona, is at present visiting
friends 10 Grey and Morris. She came
to be present at the wedding of her
nephew, Chas. W. Eaket. It is 14
years since Mr. and Mrs. Baharriell
went to Algoma where they have
MATRIMONIAL —The home of Mrs.
Mulligan, Jamestown, was the scene of
a very pretty wedding on Wednesday,
Stine 27th, when liar second daughter,
Miss Adelia A„ and Chas. W. Eaket,
of the township of Grey, were made
husband and wife. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. Ferric, E. A.,
of Wroxeter, at the hour of 5 o'clock
p, m., to the strains of the Wedding
March, played by Miss Julia Frain,
cousin of the groom. The happy
couple took their places under a
beautiful arch in tbe parlor. The
bride was accompanied by her sister,
Miss Maggie, while Chas. Forrest,
Lame Morass are Poor Travellers
Did yon ever try to drive a horse that
went lame easily ? Or one always afraid lie
wouldn't bear you say "whoa ?" Some
horses can't travel because they are home and
others won't travel without a lob of urging.
THEY Ani Nos run Hoses To SIM, It's just
the same with Cream Separators. Some are
always out of fix, and some turn like sore
shelters. Such Separators don't have the
up-to-date features found only in
The Sharples Tubular
Buy a Tubular. Have a Separator with
waist low supply oat, simple bowl hung from
single, frfotionlese bearing and driven by
wholly enoloaed self -oiling gears—A SEPAe,troxt
A Oaxnn CAN esax Fon—one that will lent a life
time, I'll take a Tubular allayed and &how
you how airnple, strong and eBoaent it is.
cousin of the groom, performed the
duties of best man, Bride looked very
charming dressed in white organdie,
trimmed with ribbon and cream lace
and carrying a boquet of White roses,
She was given away by her uncle, P.
J. McDonald, of Brussels. A deligbt-
fnl,wedeling'supper was served to the
happy pair and their guests, A large
gathering of friends and well wishers
were present from Wroxeter, Wing -
ham, Brussels, Ethel and Walton to
extend congratulations. The presents
were numerous and costly showing the
Mgt] esteem in which Mr and Mrs.
Eaket are held, The groom's gift to
the bride was a locket and chain ;
to the bridesmaid a gold blouse set
and to the groomsmau a torquoise tie
pin. The evening was spent in games
and social chat. The happy couple
broke up wishing. Mr, and Mrs. Eaket
long life and prosperity. They will
take up their residence in Wroxeter,
where Mr, Eaket is employed with
Messrs. Barnard & Pope.
L M, Henry received a car of Mani.
toba wheat this week.
Miss Mabel Coates spent the holiday
visiting Mrs, E. Coher at Moorefield,
Mrs. Geo. Pollard and Verda spent
the holidays in Hamilton and Toronto.
Miss Olive Raynard is home again
after a lengthy visit with friends in
Several picnic parties from Listowel
and Atwood were in the grove here
last Monday.
W, Eckmier is home from Stratford
Business College. He purposes going
West shortly,
Misses Nellie Hansuld and Lizzie
Chambers spent the holiday in Clinton
and Goderich,
Jno. McDonald visited friends and
relatives In Port Elgin, Paisley and
Miss Alice Thomson, of Brussels,
was the guest of Miss Edith Freeman
last Friday and Saturday.
Misses Lillian Simpson, Bernice
Slemmon and Mabel Lamont try their
musical exrms. in Teeswater Thursday.
We wish them success..
Foot Ball match at Brussels next
Monday evening between the
"Albions," of Parkdale, 'and Brussels
team. Game at 5 o'clock.
We do not know all the people who
have visitors coming here. If you
have anybody come to sea you or you
are going away yourself send it to THE
Ethel cheese factory disposed of the
first half of June make of cheese to the
Ballantyne firm (r. r1 cents. There
were 120 boxes. Cheesemaker Brown
is giving a good account of himself.
Miss Emily Mason, who has been in
Toronto for several months pursuing
her musical studies, bas returaed home
again after taking first-class honors in
same. We congratulate our young
The Toronto Globe of Friday, June
29th says :—"There has been a number
of inquiries from outside points
particularly as to wbether Monday will
be a legal holiday. The act of parlia-
ment fixing July 121 as a public holi-
day in celebration of Confederation
expressly provides that when that date
falls on a Sunday the following day
shall be observed us a public holiday,"
This sbould set some peoples' minds
at rest who object to others enjoying
themselves here.
successful lawn social was held under
tbe auspices of the League at Jno,
MeD onald's, the commodious grounds
making an ideal place for such gather-
ings. A well rendered program added
very materially to the success of the
party. Among those who took part
were Misses Spence, C. Davies, Misses
Ida Cole and L. Simpson, Miss
'Lamont, the orchestra and the children
in a beautiful chorus. E. Sanderson
very kindly brought his gramophone
and gave several selections. This is
the best gramophone we have yet
heard in clearness and purity of tone.
Most of the success is due the ladies
who so well managed the tables and
the stand and especially to Mrs. John
Eckmier, who is an adept at ice cream
manufacturing, A hearty vote of
thanks was given to all concerned,
inoved by John Jackson and seconded
by Win. King, and especially to Mr.
and Mrs. McDonald for the use of their
lawn, Mrs. Jno. Eckmier for her
faithful services and Mr. Sanders for
his gramophone. " The proceeds were
Dearly $50.00
SCHOOL RETORT.—The following is
the report for June of Ethel Public
School :—Sr. Dept.—Fifth class, ex-
amined in Hist„ Euo„ Geo., Arith.—
Pearl Breintter 76. Sr. Fourth, exam,
in Gram„ Arith„ Spell. and Hist.—I.
Heath 7o, R. Fraser 57, L Strachan 52,
L, McLeod 33, re, Eckmier 25, Jr,
Fourth, exam. in Geo„ Read., Hist„
Arith.—E. Thompson 74, C. Dane 71,
C. Hausuld 68, J. Bremner 65. A. Mc-
Kee 56, A. Cooper 46, H. Eckmier 25.
Sr. Third, exam. in Geo„ Writ., Hist.,
Arithmetic—I. Engler 95, A, Barr
8g, F. Freeman 82, V. McCall 64, L.
McIntosh 63, F. McCallum Si, W. Eck-
mier 55, Jr, Third, exam. in Geo„
Writ„ Hist, Arith,—C, Dunbar le, H.
Smith 74, R. Thompson 72, 5. Hems-
worth 59, E, Maybury 58, E. McLeod
46, P. McKee 43, j. Cooper 41, A. Mc-
Neeland 25. L. SH NNON, Priocipel,
—Jr, Dept.—Sr. II—Stanley Strach,
an, Noble Melee, Verde Pollard, Olive
Cooper, Pearl Bateman, Cristle Engler,
Norman Addy, Elwin Dobson, Cecil
Eckmier, Lavine Hunter, Mary Hun-
ter, Jr. II—Russell Eckmier, Ross
Coates, Edith Heath, Lucinda Mc.
Neeland, Edith Ferguson, Grace Eck -
infer, Wilfred .Thompson, Geo, Cole,
Reggie Hemsworth, Annie Ward,
Wesley Yeo. Part II—Della McKee,
Maggie Coates, Roy Dunbar, Pearl
Dobson, Sr, I — Harold Freeman,
8, 1906
W. H. KERR, Prop
Louise Longeway, Stuart McDonald,
Lockhart Dane, Flossie Sanders, Stan-
ley Gill, Clara McCallum, Harold Love,
George Pollard, Lydia Thibideau, ,Jr,
I—Arlene Longeway, Laura Hems-
worth, Russell McNeeland, Johnny
Heath, Russell Yeo, Lottie Ward,
Edith Eckmier, Willie Cole, Stephen
Thibideau, Jimmie Lucas, Pearl hove.
A, G, SWI'rZER, Teacher.
Charles Lake and Robt. Carr jr.
were visiting friends iu Belgrave on
A letter has been received from
Ninga, Manitoba, stating that Mrs,
Teo. Manning had arrived safely at her
son's home,
Mrs. F. J. Matheson and children,
of Flesherton, spent the holiday at the
home of John Manning, 5th line.
Mrs. Matheson is a daughter of Mr.
Don't forget the football match at
Brussels on Monday evening between
the Parkdale "Albions" and the home
team, Game called at 5 o'clock sharp
as the Parkdale team leave on the
Huron Old Boys' excursion an the
evening. A good game may be ex-
Dotxo NICELY.—Jno. Heffron, who
had his right leg broken in two places
by the collapse of a barn that was
being moved on the farm of Simpson,
McCall, 7th line, is making favorable
progress. He also received a nasty
gash on the bead, necessitating 6 or
7 stitches. It was a miracle that more
people were not seriously injured out
of the 13 present at the time. We
hope Mr. Heffron will soon be o. k.
Senora, REPORT.—Following is the
report for S. S. No. 5, Morris :—Class
V—Total Soo—J, Clegg, 414:. N.
Wheeler, 291 ; G. Ferguson, 2o1, Sr.
IV—L. Ferguson, 307 ; J. Anderson.
283 ; M. Irvine, 26r ; R. Wigbtman,
259 ; Gertie Clarke, 2472..' M. Irvine,
098 ; L. Clarke, x87 ; M. Johnston,
134, Jr. IV—N, Geddes, 44o ; L.
Bates, 235. Sr. III—H. Jobnson,
300 ; N. Wheeler, 270 ; J. Ferguson,
r85. Jr. III—I. Wightman, 257 ; G.
Clarke, 245 ; J • Tasker, 235 ; S. Ir-
vine, 219 ; V. Young, 212 ; H. Arm-
strong, 189 ; M. Jordon, x35. Sr, II—
H. Armstrong, C. Geddes, B. Proctor,
E. Wilkinson, A.: Tasker, C. Fraser,
Jr.II— Jessie Jobnson, M. Cole, B.
Wightman, C. Cole, N. Stonehouse,
T. Armstrong, C. Martin, W. Irvine,
Willie Stretton, G. Ferguson. Sr. Pt.
I—M. Proctor, N. Wigbtman, 8,
Proctor, S, Fraser. Jr. Pt. I—C.
Stonehouse, L. Bell, C. Armstrong, L.
Naylor, M, Johnson.
Miss Maggie McNair, loth con., is at
present holidaying with friends at
Hespeler and Dundas,
j, H, Betz, and wife, of East Tawas,
Michigan, bave been visiting at the
home of P. Botz, rrth con,
Mrs. Walter Box, of Stratford, was
visiting her mother, Mrs. Carr and her
brother Robt. for a few days.
Mrs, Joseph Savage who has been on
the sick list for the past week, we are
pleased to state is on the mend.
R. Docket, who has been under the
doctor's care for the last week is some-
what improved and will soon be able
to be out again.
During the past week Alex. Fergu-
son, a former resident of tbis locality,
was visiting at Jarnes Ferguson's.
He is a brother to D. M. Ferguson;
merchant, Stratford.
David S. Houston, youngest son of
Jas, Houston, 16th con., has gone to
Meaford, where he bas secured a posi-
tion as a stenographer in an office in
that town ,• Success.
Tuesday of this week Miss Kate
Telfer, x6th con„ went West on the
Excursion. She will visit at her
sister's at Souris, Man., in Winnipeg
and other points,' We expect she will
enjoy.the holiday,
A. I. and Mrs. McTaggart, of Chi-
cago, spent last week under the
parental roof. Mr. McTaggart left for
the Windy City on Monday of this
week but Mrs, McTaggart will spend
some time at "The Pines,"
An old and well known former resi-
dent of Grey, in the person of Wm.
Bishop, of Komoka, was calling on
old friends during the past week. He
wears well. Mr, Bishop was accom-
panied by his brother-in-law, D,
Matheson, of St. Marys,
We understand that S. 8, Lamont,
who has been teaching in 5, S. No. 3,
Grey, and who resigned his position,
purposes going West this Summer and
will likely follow the profession for a
time there, He was West last season
so knows the outliue. Mr, Lamont is
a good teacher.
That people who live in Grey town-
ship may have an idea of what is doing
at the Council and the volume of
business transacted they should read
the minutes of the regular Sessions.
At last meeting no less a sum than
$4,716 was paid out. Of course this is
a larger amount than usual but the
meetings are ail busy seasons. Clerk
McIntosh earns his salary all right.
ScHooL REPORT.—Following ie the
standing of the pupils of S. S, No. 3'
for the month of June,—Class. V—
Jessie McDonald. Sr. IV --Harold.
Wilbee. Jr. IV-Huglx Smith, 75 ;
Russel Wilbee, 50, Sr, III—Thos.
McDonald, 62 ; Cecil McKinnon, 52 ;
Ernie Cardiff, 51 ; Burnet Smith, 36,
Ir. III—Jean Smith, 70 ; Milton Lowe,
6o ; Oliver Doll, 58 ; Minnie Edwards,
40 ; Jim Cole, Rachel Snaith Jr. H—
ies. Oliver, 74 ; Katie McDonald. 66
Edna Lattimore, 6o ; Fred Cole, 57,
Pt, ll—.Edgar Lattimore, 60 ; Gertie
Shaw, Bessie Smith, Marion Smith,
Puttee Smith, Millie McParlano, Pt. I
—Stuart Grant, Liza 8851109, Jamas
McFarlane. S. 8, LAMONT
- Teacher,
Mrs. Chas, Razelf and daughter,
Mrs, Engle, and son, of Paw Paw,
Michigan, were in Lucknow for a few
days during the past week.
Mrs. Patterson and daughter, of
Carnevale, N. W. T., are here on a
visit with relatives and friends. Mrs.
.Patterson is a daughter of Thomas
Whitfield, lath eon.
Don't forget the Football match in
Brussels next Monday evening' at 5
o'clock sharp. The Parkdale
"Albions" will play against the home
team. A good game may be expected,
Miss Mary Davidson left on Monday
for a holiday outing to Arcola, N. W.
T., where she visits her sister, Mrs. G.
Bennett. She will likely be away for a
couple of months and we hope she will
have a good time.
Icit CREAM SOCIAL,—Friday evening
of next week an Ice Cream Social will
be held at the borne of John Bryans,
Lot 2I, Con. 3, under the auspices of
Roe's church Epworth League. A
good program will be presented con-
sisting of music, readings, recita-
tions, addresses &c. Tea served from
6 to 8 p. m, If you want a good time
be sure and attend.
SILVER WEDDING,—The 25th anni-
versary of J. W. and Mrs. Evans' wed •
ding was a very pleasant event on
Thursday evening of last week, 225
guests took supper which was served
in the barn which was beautifully dec-
orated with evergreens and bunting,
Tea was served rn good style by 12
waiters, 6 ladies and their gentlemen
friends. Tables were decorated with
flowers and were well laden with all
kinds of cakes, candies, nuts, straw-
berries, ice cream, &c, The program
which was as follows, was held in the
house :—Opening address by Rev. Mr.
Armstrong ; song, J. Longmire ; in-
strumental, Miss Alice Davies ; recita-
tion, Miss 0. McGillivray ; -solo, Mrs,
(Dr.) Ferguson; recitation, 7. Long-
mire ; speech, Ira Taylor ; recitation,
Miss Davies ; duet, Mrs. Geo. Wilson
and Wm. Evans ; speech, Rev. Mr.
Armstrong ; reply by J. W. Evans.
All joined in singing the "Glory
Song." The remainder of the evening
was spent by the young people in trip-
ping the light fantastic. The presents
were beautiful and costly. There
were guests from Carrivale, N. W. T. ;
Linwood, Atwood, Listowel, Moles-
worth, Britton, Brussels and surround•
ing country. The genial host and his
estimable wife received many hearty
congratulations on the arrival of so
important an event as the 25th wed-
ding anniversary and many good
wishes were expressed as they square
away for the next 25. Mr. and Mrs.
Evans made admirable host and hostess
and the large company put to an ele-
gant time in their comfortable and
commodious residence,
CELEBRATION,—Wroxeter had a big
day last Monday and presented, as
they always do, a very interesting
program. The village wore Its holiday
clothes and looked quite gay. In the
forenoon a hotly contested Foot ball
match was played between the juniors
of Brussels and Wroxeter, resulting in
a•win for the visitors by 1 to o. Teams
lined up as follows ;—
WaoxsTRn Bnns&RLs
Green Goal 8' Gerry
Weir il Banka IJ.."' G Boost
Hamilton ,.,,,, j t,,, G Armstrong
Oaeemore 1 Geo Bose
Garr l.Baoks {,., T MoDonald
Ms8lwen W Scott
Bandereon A McMillan
Andrews A Jackson
Bleak rde Henderson
'Forwa ...W
McGlynn 0 McMillan
MoHaroher � � J Elliott
In the afternoon Jamestown and Blue -
vale battled for Footbali distinction
and honors were fairly evenly divided,
eventually resulting to a victory for
the former, Geo. Paulin was referee.
A short program of foot races was
presented resulting as follows :—Boys
race, under 14 years Chas. McMillan
1st, R. Searles and ; under 16, Thos.
McDonald 1st, P. Martin 2nd ; Girls
race, Jeanet Black 1st, Maggie Sander -
sen and ; Free for all, Rus, Brown,
ist, R. J. McLauchlin, end ; rooster
race, R. MoRercher, 1st, Jas. Perrin,
2nd. One of the most interesting
features of the day was a closely fought
out base ball game between Harriston
and the "Unions," old time competitors
The home team had the better of the
play but lost through a few costly
errors. Harris Hamilton and John
Brawn, former villagers, constituted
the battery for Wroxeter and showed
their old time proficiency, Harriston
was whitewashed 6 innings and the
Unions a similar number, Following
was the score :—
restate It 0 HARIrt5255 11 0
Bilarpin 2 8 Moq aeon 5 2
xtae 1 e MoQnlbban....t ,. 1 4
.Howson 1 5 Hieginbottam ,.. 1 e
Btinwnn 1 8 Moore 0 4
Brawn 1 e Michie - 0 8
Band(reou 0 4 Ward 0 4
Green 0 5 Wilson 0 5
Hamilton 0 2 Hestia 1 2
Dobson 0 4 Waal/burn ...,,,... 1 8
e 27 7 27
' A, Paulin, Umpire.
The music of the day was supplied by
a contingent of the 48th Highlanders
Band from Torouto, who also supplied
the program at the Concert given in
the evening, assisted by Bert Lloyd.
Beautiful weather ; large crowd ; inter-
esting features and an obliging Com-
mittee made up a very pleasant time,
and Wroxeter is to be congratulated
on the moose of the day,
0, and Mrs.Cook, of Hensall, visited
T, and Mrs, Hemphill over the holi-
Miss Jennie Murray, of White-
church, Is the guest of Mrs. E. T.
Miss E. Henry left for her home in
Whitechurch, Where be will spend the
Mrs, W.'I'hompson, of Teeswater,
visited last week with her sister, Mrs.
Geo, Allan.
Mrs, T. F. Miller is visiting in Tor-
ou to,
John and Mrs. Brawn returned to
Toronto on Tuesday,
Co. Councillor Miller, of Toronto,
was in town for a few days,
Alvin Hemphill, of Toronto, visited
his parents over the holiday.
Miss Truax, of Walkerton, is the
guest of Miss Lulu Hemphill.
Robert Lang, of Stratford, is the
guest of his mother, Mrs, R. Lang.
Miss Elsie Allan is spending the
Summer vaeattou at her home here,
Mrs, N. j. Robinson and cbildren
have returned from a visit to Oakville.
J. and Mrs. Koehler, of Ayton, are
visiting with the latter's sister, Mrs.
A. H. Moffitt,
George and Sam Willis, of London,
renewed acquaintances in the village
on Monday.
Mrs. S. Aitkins, of Toronto, spent a
few days at the home of W. al, and
Mrs. Robinson,
Miss Dorothy Miller left for Tor-
onto on Tuesday to spend a month
with relatives.
Miss Brock, of Wingharn, presided
at the recent Entrance examinations
here last week.
G. Howe and Miss Howe spent
several dsys at Hespeler at the Old
Boys' re -union,
Stewart and Nellie Fox, of Brussels,
spent a few days with their aunt, Mrs
0, 0, Stewart,
Mrs, A. Campbell and two sons, of
London, are visiting the former's
brother, W. Leckie, of Howick.
Albert and Mrs. Welsh, of Toronto,
former residents of the village, called
on old friends here Dominion Day.
A Garden Party, under the auspices
ot the Presbyterian church will be held
at Maitland Terrace, the residence of
Lawrence Lovell, on Friday night.
R, I. Laing for the past six mouths
bas been attending the Central Busi-
ness College Stratford, Ont. and pass.
ed successfully his final examinations
and secured bis Diploma. We con-
gratulate him on his success and wish
him a prosperous future. R. J. should
do well and will no doubt.
People We Talk About.
Mre. W. L. Baker wee visiting friends
al Seafortb.
Dr. T. T. MoRae was visiting in Clin-
Miss Isabel Strachan ie visiting in
Ed, Earley spent Dominion Day et bis
home at Linwood.
Mre. R, N. Barrett, of Wiogham, was
in town 00 Monday,
Mre. L. Callan ie visiting witb relatives
and friends at Ionerkip.
Mao Gutting, of Toronto, was a visitor
in town for a taw days.
Miss Pearl MoMiilan, of Toronto, was
home over the holiday.
Mre. M. Buchanan hap gone to Owen
Sound to visit her eieter,
Thee, Ainley, of Listowel, was calling
on old friends in Brunetti.
W. J. Hunter, of Stratford, was a
holiday visitor in Brussels.
Mrs. Ed. Lowry and daughter, were
at Wingharn for a few days.
Mrs. Deadman and Mise Trate were
vieitiug relatives at Delaware,
Mrs. Walker spent the 1st visiting her
brother and sister in Brantford,
A. MoGavin, of Wiogham, was oalling
on old lriends in town on Monday.
Ira Parker, of Wingharn, was a wel-
come visitor in town for a few days.
Will. Campbell, of London, spent the
holiday in town wibhrelatives and Mende.
Jno, and Mre. Tait are enjoying a holi.
day vielt with H. and Mre, Ball in
Joe, Hunter wee on the sick list for a
few days daring the past week but ie at
work again.
Principal Cameron is at Wingham as
presiding examiner this weak at the
Tesebere' exam.
R, Crone, who is employed at bis trade
in Fergae, was home with his family for
a few days' visit,
Mies Irene Holmes, of Laoknow, was
visiting her note, R. L, Taylor, and.
family last week.
R, W. and Mrs. Matheson and dangh•
ter, of Laokoow, were 010130rs with Geo,
and Mrs. Crooke.
Mise Mary MoLanahlin, of Totonto,
has been visiting her parents and old
friends in Brunets.
Misses Nellie:Orr and Dora Knechtel,
Wiagbare, were the gaeate of friends here
during the pan week.
Mre, W. Henry and son and Mise
Myrtle Aikene are visiting with relatives
and friends at Listowel,
Albert Sparling, wife and daughter, of
Drnmbo, were Malting relatives f* town
during Dominion Day holiday,
James Bloomfield, a former Brnsselite,
was oalling on old friends for a day or ao.
He has grown into a stalwart man.
Mrs, Adams, of Chicago, ie the guest of
her deter, Mrs. Jno, Broadloob, It is 4
yore siuoe she visited here before.
Mr. Craigia, teller in the Standard
Bank here, is away for his holidays and
Mr. Liddy, of Harriston, is relieving.
Dimon and Colin McArthur left this
week for a trip to the Old Country.
They will likely be away for a o0nple of
Mre, Sinolair and children, of Win-
nipeg, are visiting relatives in Brussels,
The visitor is a grand daughter of Mrs.
E, 0. Lowry.
Jno. °ober, of Guelph, was in Brussels
this week, for a few days, closing up the
sale of tbe elle of hie termor Carriage
Factory to W. W. Harria.
Mrs, Mediae, of Saginaw, Mich, is re.
owing old frlendehips in Bennie and
locality. She ie a daughter of S. Craw.
and was a former reeide*t,
Mre, Jas, Ballantyne and children and
Miss Lizzie Downing lett on Wednesday
for Ionerkip, where they will visit the
former's sister, Mre, (Dr,) Hoseaok.
Fred, Finn, of Toronto, agent the lab
Under the parental roof. He is a oatohar
on one of the oily league teams in Toro*,
to and can hold his own with any of them,
D, Shuita, of Roskwood, wee a Welter
In town.
Barry Moore la visiting bis aunt at
ltliee Gordan was visiting relativee at
Lou. Jackson, of Peterboro', was in
town for a few days.
Mica Ruby Plum spent a few days
with Lnoknow friende.
Mise Fannie Rogers, of Preston, le
home on a holiday visit,
Dr. Feild spent Dominion Day in
Hamilton with relatives,
Mies Gertrude Ross is enjoying a ho1i.
day witb Wroxeter friends,
Mies Pauline McEwen was at Luoknow
fora few days visiting friends.
alias Lulu Dunford is visiting with
Min (folly 0. Metall' at Loan.
Mlea Florence Baohauan, of Winona,
is home for her Hammer motion.
Alf. and Mies Pearl Baker are taking
In the sights at Stratford thio week.
Mies Eva Penoington, of Dundee,
'Tent a few days visiting Mrs. 1, Leckie.
Mies Alice Dawson, of Ridgetown, is
visiting her sister, Mies Catherine Hof•
James Tbomeon is borne from the
Central Buoiueee Uollege, ;8010000, tor a
Mrs. W. A. McGuire, of Clinton, spent
a few days with Airs. A. MoGaire, Tarn.
berry street, Brunie.
Mice Vera Ainley bete gone to Mo.
Eillop to spend her vacation with her
eieter, Mre. McIntosh,
Miss Mildred Boost is away on a holi-
day outing with relatives and friende at
Thorudale and Ingersoll,
3, 0. MoRinnoo, of Toronto, was the
goat of bis daughter, Mre. R. (Moue,
Mill street, for a few days.
Mrs. Wm. Norton and Mise Lily, of
Trout Creek, visited the former's sister,
Mrs. W. Wilton, this week.
Mrs. Joe, Wynn has returned to Bras -
eels after an extended visit with her
daughter and other friends.
Fred. Ennis, of Stratford, and a friend
spent a law days at the parental home of
the former, Jolla street, town.
Mrs. Jao. Howard, John street, has
been ander the dootor's pare thie week.
A very unusual occurrence for her.
Miss Dolly Baker and her nephew,
Master Georgie, were visiting as St.
Mary's, Stratford and Sebringyille,
Misses Minnie McNaughton and
Carrie Hiogeton took a trip to Walkerton
and enjoyed a visit with old friends.
Mise Ettie Wood, of Berlin, ie visiting
her brother, J. '1'. Wood. Miss May
Wood bee been holidaying in Berlin.
H. V. Helmets, manager of the Bank of
Hamilton, and Miss Edith Perkins, of
Gerrie, were visitors in town ou Sauday.
Russell Lowry and Jno. Sharpe, of
St. Thomas, were welcome visitors for a
short time at their respective homes in
Alex, Rose, of Ottawa, and R. K. Ross,
of Llatowel, were visitors at the parented
home, Brunets, over Baoday. It was a
flying visit.
Mre. W. H. Maunders and Mies Mar.
garet wore visitors at Rev. C. S. and
Mrs. Finkbeiner's Campden, Ont„ dar-
ing the past week.
Mise M. MoArter has returned from
Hay, near Exeter, where she hue been
teaohing school, and will remain home
daring the 'motion.
Mr. Leslie, of Ingersoll, was the guest
of Jas. Ballantyne on Dominion Day.
liie wife and son have been visiting in
sown fol the past couple of weeks.
Wilfrid and Miss Mary Grille, of
Barrieton, have been visiting at In
Leatberdele'e, their uncle, The former
is oontiuning his stay for a few weeks.
A, MaGnire attended the Old
Boys' reunion in Oampbellford, on
Dominion Day, where his son, Milton
le an artist. The town's incorporation
was one of the occasions of jubilation.
Leat Saturday George Buchanan ar-
rived borne from Little Current, Mani-
soalin, where be bas been teaching. This
week he is writing off the last part of his
Am Claes nowhere' examination at Sea -
Mre. Philips and son Lelland who have
boa living with Jno. and Mrs. Tait
for the past two years, left on Friday
for their home in Clay Centre, Banos.
They are making a short visit with
Blyth friends en route,
Mrs. W. L. Leatherdale, who has been
visiting at the parental home at Brant-
ford, for a few weeks, returned to town
on Wedueeday. Mr. and Mre. Leather.
dale have taken possession of their new
home, Tnroberry Street, where we tract
they may enjoy many happy, prosperous
Geo, Coombes, who has been in the
employ of George Thomson Brneaels for
the past 6 months, has gone to Violas.
worth to take a position in the store his
father recently purchased. Be be en
obliging, level headed young man who
should do well and we wish him suttees.
Juo, Elliott has suooeeded him at Mr,,
Milton AloArter, who bee filled an im•
portant position in the Dry goods store of
A. Straoban, Brussels, for the past 5
years, has gone to Brampton where be
bas assumed a olerkship In the store of
Crawford & MoUnita. Mr, MOArtsr woe
a general favorite witb the public here
and will be mob missed in town. He is
ie a most oapabie hand and will prove a
valuable acquisition bohis new employers.
The people of Brampton will find Mr.
Modrter well worthy of theirappreoietieu
and Toa Poex will be well pleased to bear
of his rapid promotion.
Parliament kept Monday as Dominion
Day. Prorogation le expeoted about the
end of this week.
A very interesting presentation took
phtoe at the house of Rev. stir, and Mre.
/faint Friday night at Stratford. Some
of the congregation of the Centennial
ehnrah waited on the minister and his
wife and presented Mr, Beset with a
book ease and aeon/take and Mre.
Haiet with a patter (*bloat, The meet.
ing opened with prayer and winging.
The address which a000mpanied the
gifte was road by Geo: Dural. The whole
affair was intended 10 be a surprise null
Wail a 9110505e,,