The Brussels Post, 1906-6-28, Page 5IWO
+ M,
Ie a High-grade Commorotal Sellout.
Throe COUr11144 t
Commercial Stenography 1'ologrnpby
Wrllo CRI. SPO'l'l'ON, Principal.
A Great School
qItudeute !reinBritishColumbia,
Saskatchewan and Manitoba ou the
West to Now (Brunswick on the East
Ore In attendance this year. Dietaueo p
le no biudranee to those who wish to
get the bust. Our graduates aro al-
ways suaueseful. Our facilitioe are un-
enrpassod. OoaletINOE Nov. No vaca-
tions. College open entire year. Mag-
nificent oatatoguo free,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
'� 1R. R. A. BURNS-
_ LSuccessor to Dr. J. A. McNuugiilon
Hrus0oia, Ontario
Graduate of Polyclinic Poet Graduate
School of Medlolne and Surgery, New York,
Member of College of Physicians and Sur -
goons of Ontario.
O1floo and roeidonoe same as formorlyoo-
cupiod by Dr. MaNaugbton.
Dleeus08 of women a apoelalty.
'Phone No, 21.
• Zenner Of Marriage LiounoGs. Of.
ace 01 Grocery, Turnborry abroet, Brussels.
01111e in the Post Office, Ethel, 30.4
C. 0. F.
Court Prtneeee Alexandria, No, 24, 0.0. F.,
Brussels, meets in their Lodge Boom, Blot°
hill Block, on the 2nd and last TUOedaye of
each mouth, at8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
always welcome. Jas. 8011.0E08, 0.11.
A, 14. MELLISH, R. S.
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
02100 and Rosldonae-
• mien, will sell for bettor prices, to
[Jotter men, 10 less time and Mee °bargee
than any other Auctioneer In 1t,tot Huron Or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
eau always be arranged at tine omoe or by
p atsonal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reaeonublo. Sales arranged for
at the ofMae of THE PoeT, Brussels. 2211
• Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, i0 prepared to treat all die•
tutees of domeetloated animals ;in a oompet-
out manner, Particular attention mild to
Veterinary Deubletry and Milk Fovor. Calle
promptly attended to. (Woe and Infirmary
-Four doors North of bridge, Turnborry et„
. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
buae0eeor to O. F. Blair. 01000 over Stan-
dard Bunk, Bruseele, Solicitor for Metro-
politan Batik.
V V • Barrister, Bolloltor„OoOVo000oer,
Notary Public, &o. O1aoo-Stewart's Block
1 door North of Control Rotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
W. PnonnaooP, K. 0. 1t. 0, HAYS
G, F. Butts,
Oltlooe-1'boeo formerly 000upiod by Monera
Cameron & Holt,
Graduate of , the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario anti First•olueO Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uuiverelty, Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
FP Ourolaloos are much larger than fe
o s year ago, The public
have learned that tthe boat
3tha Provlooe 00 obtahnaOorm-
moroial Education or Shorthand
.Trsluing, Students aro 00 good
week. All graduates good post-
Hons.., Write now for eatalogue, g
This 8010800, 118 ❑anal, I Will
pay the Highest Market Price
for any quantity of Wool deliv-
ered et No. ], Storehouse, BruB-
Bel3. Also for all kinds of Grain.
Itobt. Graham
i'.$tr1..Ct oto .
151 v'tit .
The steam shovel, which has been
operating host of the village, has beau
Fifty tiokete were Bold at Blyth station
for the exonroion to Guelph, which is
not as many as in former years.
Frank Metcalf wee attending the meet•
ing of the Synod of Huron at London.
He was one of the epeakere pu the pro-
John Kennedy had the misfortune to
have his right baud badly emoebed while
operating a hoop machine in the Bly Lb
Handle Works.
Stephen Donne, of Parkhill, nailed on
his friends iu the village.
Mrs. A. E. Pelton, of Innorkip, ie
visiting her parental home.
Mre. Daniel Collins is visiting her
brother, John Griffiio, of Brighton.
Mise Maggie Grimmer, of Hayeville,
io the gleet of Mies Florence Smith.
Mre. R. J. Murphy returned to her
home near Mansfield atter epeuding u
week with relatives here.
Jae. MoOrae lett ou Tuesday morning
of last week, for Manitoba, where he in
kende epeuding a month or two.
Dr. M. R. Bloke, who baa just re
turned from Loudon, England, has
been epeuding a few days at the home
of W ildee Jaokeon.
A very pieeeant event took plaoe
at the home of Robert and Mrs.
Smith ou Wedmeeday evening, Mb
est., when their daughter, BINS
Clara Gertrude, was united in mar.
ri0ge to Edward Shearer, a prosporo08
young farmer of the 4th oon. of Elwa,
where the young oonple will make their
future home. We wieh them every pros
parity in their new sphere of lite.
Thos. Soaodrett is having hie barna
re shingled.
Mre. Wm. Watson ie visiting friends
in Lanark oo00ty.
Dam. Geddes hat added a vary nosy
veranda to hie house.
Quite n number from here took in
the exaareton to Detroit.
J. L. Geddea attended the Grand
Lodge of Foresters at Ottawa.
John Wigbtman had a very eaoaeeeful
barn raising on Monday of leek week.
Mr. Haslam, of Wiugham, agent; a
day or so with old friends in Belgrave.
Mre. W. K. Whaley and eon Willie,
spent a few days visiting Ripley friends.
Mre. Wm. Gregg ie spending a couple
of weeks with her daugbtera in Detroit.
Dr. Kirkby, V. 8., tae located in
Belgrave ; he oomee highly reoommeoded.
James and Mre. McCallum, of Walton,
visited the former's sister, Mrs. Tbos.
Jae. and Mrs. MoOsllum, Chas. and
Mre. MoOrae and Dan. and Mrs. Wheel
er, drove over to Goderioh on a &ehiog
R. J. Totts, of Brandon, Manitoba,
etopped off fora few days at Belgrave
this week, on bit way to Hamilton.
Hie health is very poor.
Mre. 0. B. Wilkiueou and her two
little boya left ou steamer Hurouio from
Sarnia for the Bao sod Echo Bay, for
a couple of weeke, on a pleaeare trip.
Mrs. Gray, of Ualiforuia, daughter of
Wm. McCrae. went through a ordinal
operation by having a large growth re•
moved from her track. Sbe ie now doing
ae well ae Oita be expected.
Pink lips like velvet, rough, °bap
ped or crooked lipe oan be made go soft ae
velvet by applying at bedtime, a light
°rioting of Dr. Shoop'e green calve, The
effect on the lips or akin of this most
oxoollent ointment le always immediate
and 0ortai0. Dr. dhocp's green salvo
takes out oompietely the Bounden of
cute, borne and bruieee and all ekin
abrasions. It ie surely a wonderful and
most highly. eatietaobory healing taint.
moot. In glees jars at 280. Sold by F.
R. Smith.
. Mee, D. Howe ie not improving very
rapidly but we hope to the her around
Andrew Doig lost a valuable blood
mare lath week after a long siege of
George Boberteon is going to Harrietan
for a NW days. Be may briug bank a
new buggy.
Our blaokemith, Diok Armstrong, ie
very busy Iheee days, having to put ou
an extra man.
John Sangster is visiting hie old
triende in Molesworth. He ie quite a
welcome visitor here.
B. Dark bought 0 driver Irom John
Galbraith, of Brueeels. Ben, likes a
good hone and be bae two now,
We are sorry to say that Geo. Robert.
eon's mother is under the Dr's °are.
Wo hope the will noon be able to be
around again.
A pimuio is to be bold in Mr. Mointoeh'e
bush on the 29th of June uudor the
anepiaee of the Miesiom Band. A good
time 18 expected as there will be games
eta. The Mission Band will furnish it
fireb,olaee program.
David Cooper, an old Howiok boy la
home frond Colorado, where he is engaged
in the ranobing bueinees and i0 doing
ni before he
toa soba b
well. He is going M
ret0roe to Colorado. Perhaps be will
have company bath with him to stay.
Alex. ivi°Donald, of the eeoond of Grey,
took a trip to Galt and parahaeed two
line drivers. Ile was homeward bound
with them, when near Guelph, the horse
be was leading broke away se they were
drooling the railway traok. The animal
jumped the outdo guard and was running
along beside the traok, when the steps of
the train that was ouming through the
out, etr1ols the borne in the side, injury.
ipg it 0o that it hall 14 be shot, 'Thio is
quite e loss au the horse cost $185,00,
He may r000iv0 eomelhing from the 0o.
no the mase is halug Inquired into,
Is eon to follow if you nue a razor or
irritating corn intim For fifty years the
one cafe remedy has been Pothole's Oorn
Extractor, It'o cafe,-abeolulely polo
less and guaranteed.
tlin Colt.
Roy. Mr. Gonne and
nafgrd were
in t Synodmeeting '
attend [, to 8y oin London.
The exoureion to Detroit was nut large
ly attended from here only 30 tiokete
being Bold here,
While on the excursion to the Model
Farm J. W. Irwin loot hie puree 0o06ai0
ing640 and ammo calnab'e paper's.
All the teaohere of Clinton Collegiate
will spend part of their Sommer voo'lion
in Toronto going through examination
Mies J. Rodd represented Wesley
ohuroh et the meeting of the W. F. 01. B.
at h t n anti Mr
o. L. J. Courtioe,
O ntarlo Bt. church.
The trgeleee of Willie church held a
meeting to °ouiidtr the paruhaee of new
furnaces for the ohuroh, nod the foetal.
ling of new eleotrio light iu the manse,
E. M, McLean, who has- been eoionoe
master at the collegiate for the pant
thirteen years, hits reaigned and will take
part in the m0u0gemout of a local in.
duetry which ie being re•orgaoized.
The boot and shoe biz/31000s oarried on
under the name of W. Taylor & Sou, but
really conducted by Jacob Taylor, has
been eold to A. 8. Tani°, of Lietowel,
wbo takes poeaeeeiou the middle of Jnly.
A man named Coves, wbo hoe been em
inmate of the Home of Refuge, came op
for examivatiou before Mayor Hoover on
the ground of being a dangerous
ohoraoter, he being of unsound mind,
The evideooe proved that he was danger.
one to be at large and he was committed
to jail, Mr. Wheatley a000mpaoyimg him
and 1100109 him over to the authorities.
If yonr 8001110011 id weak,
If your food dietreseee you,
If you are weak and nervous
Hee Dr. Bhoop'e Reetoralivee o0e
mouth and Bee what it does for you.
Sold by F. R. Smith.
Two 220oret0 oroaoings aro being pat
in leading to the Presbyterian ohuroh.
Ed. Watters was in London last week
atteodiug Synod se delegate from Trim•
ity church.
J, Walk= and W. Rogere are erect•
ing a concrete bake room for R. E.
McCollum on the lot recently parahaeed
from Thos. Downey.
Howiok Show will be held on /be
Agricultural Grounds, Fordwioh, on
Saturday, Ootober 6th. The Direotore
will meet in the Foreetere' Hall, Ford.
with, on Saturday, Jane 3031d, at 2
p. m. to revise the prize list and to
make arrangements for the Fall Ex.
annual meeliu ofthe
The Dion
Weigh Scale Co., Fordwioh, was held
in the Foresters' Hall, Fordwioh, with
Alex. McLaughlin in the ohair and W.
Watbere voting 00 secretary. After the
minutes of the last meeting were read,
the auditors' report wile presented by the
Secretary, allowing the total receipts
to be $176 60 and the total expenditure
$109 99, the helium° on hand being
466 61. The old Board of Dirootore,
consisting of Alex. Gibson, Jae. Dow-
ney and R. Faille, were reappointed
for the enacting year. Wm. Watters
woe appointed Seoretary-Treasurer,
and Connoillor Sheerer, the Com.
pany'a auditor. It was deoided that
each 'shareholder be given one mouth
in which to call for hie dividend, atter
wbioh the Treasurer was inetrooted
to mail oaah shareholder his dividend
less 5 (dente, so that there would be no
uoptid dividend at next andit. A
dividend of 69 oemt0 on eooh share
was declared, which io the highest
dividend declared in the history of
the company.
Meana your trouble is deep seated.
to delay la dangerous. A11 the iuflam•
motion will be drawn out in one day
by applying Nerviline. It penetrates
through the poroe of the akin, relieves
.ufi,tmmatiou and thus prevents eerioae
ooneegnenoee. For eore throat, weak
cheat and tandem)), to oolde, no pre-
eoriptiou is better than Poison's Ner•
viliue. For nearly fifty years it has been
Canada's great household remedy.
Twenty, five ceote buys a large bottle.
The next exoureion to Sarnia and De-
troit will be under the auspices of Miner.
vs Encampment, I. 0. 0. F., on Bator.
day, August 111h.
Geo, Mason Bailed from Montreal by
the steamer Manitoba. He expecte to
return by one of the new palatial 0. P. R.
steamers, of the Empreee type. Mre.
Mason a000mponied him toMontreol.
Piper McDonald and hie two daughters
Miens Mabel and Flora MODonald will
take part in the Dominion Day celebrat-
ion at Port Elgin. Mr, McDonald and
Mies Flora will also attend a picnic al
Mt. Forest on the 5th of July.
Jae, and Mrs. Leech, of Gorrie, were
at F. G. Bparling's over Sunday. Mr,
Leeoh went to the Conference at Wind-
sor, in the hope that the trip would bene-
fit his health. be was taken worse, and
enable to reborn until Tuesday. Hie
brother, Rev. W. W. Leech, of Toronto,
formerly of Whiteohuroh, accompanied
Mre. Bamnel Maliwain patted away
on Wednesday 13th Wet., mod was iuterr•
ed in Wingham cemetery on Friday.
Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mre.
Rankin of booth, and for the pact few
years had been moth afflicted. She
leaves besides her husband, one eon,
Arthur, and one daughter, Mine Mabel,
of London. Rev, T. S. Boyle oonduoted
the funeral service,
Our townema0, Robt. Lookbart, met
with rather a severe accident on Tuesday
afternoon of Iaeb week, In company
with some neighbors he was goingto the
woods for evergreen trees. He was seat.
ed on comp ohair near the baok of the
wagon when the horse gave a madden
Mart, wbioh threw Mr. Lookbart on his
bead on the bard road. He received an
ugly 00t on the head, but we are pleased
to learn that he hopes to be around again
in a few dayei
The following are tbenefnero elepted by
Wingham Lodge, No. 286, A. F. and
A. M„ for the envying year 1 W. M. H.
0. Bell ; 8, W., Dr, Turnip/4 J, W., D.
L. Dir,oley ; Ohapleip, Rev, T, S, l36yle
Treasurer, R. Vangtone ; Beoretary, J. A.
Morton ; B. D. A. M. Crawford ; J, D.,
It, H, Ansley ; L 0„ J, D, Burns • Tyler,
J, Fleury ; Auditors, R. H. Crowder, D.
T. Hepburn,
Mr. Minoan, leader of the Citizens'
Bond, has received ward of the e000e0s
of hie brother and eiater in their Quiver•
eity etedies. Hie oieler, Mies Annie, hoe
graduated with the degree of B, A. to a
013eci01ist in Modern Languages and
Watery. She took honor's, otaudlog third
plane iu the Yalu. Bbe entered the
Universityith w the First Edward Blake
Scholarship in Modern Laoguagee
and Mathumatioe, which means four
yenre free tuition and a sem of money.
Mr, Duuoau'e brother, John, has gradual.
ed ae Boohelor of Mulleins, with honors.
The dieguellrtg dieohargee from the
nose and throat, and the foul catarrhal
breath are quickly dispeneed with by
using Dr, Shoop'o Catarrh Care, Booh
soothing anlieeptic agent', ae Tbymol,
Oil L'uaalyptus, Wild Indigo, ale., have
been inn r ora
o p ked into a snow white
oreatn making a o0tarrhal balm onexcell•
ed. Sold by F. R. Smith,
VII uevHitt.
Tmtsh,nav 000nom.-Minatee of the
Council meeting hold June 25th, Mem•
bete all present; Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting and Court of
Revtsitn ware read and adopted on
motion of Meeere. MoMiahael and Kelly.
The following 800000te were palmed
and (dugout on Bank of Hamilton leaned,
A. Wheeler, gravel and inepeoting$ 9 00
A. Pollock, gravel 2 94
Theo. Hall, printing 27 56
Joe. Breokenridge, gravel and
damages 4 66
H. MoKinoon, gravelling 49 39
John Kirion, drawing planet 1 60
James McDougall, gravel and dam
ogee 8 26
Wm. Mathies, gravel 2 10
Wm. A. MOGill, gravel 5 16
Robt, Johnson, gravel 3 12
David Breen, gravel 1 54
Thos. Boll, rep. of culvert and
bridge 10 00
Eli Elliott, Turuberry share of
Wingham bdy 7 80
James 0. Anderson. gravel and
damages 8 90
Samuel Vaoatone, gravel and dam•
ages 1 26
John Silliok, grant to roads and
Statute labor 9 00
John S. MoTavieb, 011300800 to
Goderioh 10 00
Peter HOstnip, rep. Jobb'', bridge 10 00
Doff & Stewart, lumber I0 70
John Musgrove, legal fees 2 00
John Burgese, Drain plane and
opeoifloatioos 4 00
Moved by Mr. MoMiahael, seconded by
Mr. Kelly that Odle meeting do now
adjourn to meet in Clerk's office, Blue.
vale, Monday Joly 80th at 10 o'clock a,
m. Carried. JOHN BURGESS,
u odevict'
Sunday was the annual Flower San.
day at Viotoria street and North street
Methodist churches.
The Rifle Aonooie/ions in Elie neigh.
borhood inteod holding a picnic at Point
Farm on Domioioo Day.
Hotel Goderioh had an enepioiomo
opening for the mason last week and
about sixty five petite are now register-
0. 0. Lee ie baying the store form.
eriy canopied by M. W. Howell, newly
fitted up and will 'shortly have it oon•
waited with hie own.
It has been deoided to build the
gr0molithia sidewalk on Newgate 'street
inside the trees, On Viotoria 'street i1
is still a battle between the "int" and
the "outs."
John Rankin, inspector for the Stan-
dard Life Aeenranoe Co., was in town
last week and handed Mre. O'Connell a
ohegne for $2,000 being the amount of
ineuramoe carried by the late Jae, D.
O'Connell in that company.
The action against the man Kaska
was dealt with by Judge Doyle on Tues-
day morning of lain week, Kaska plead-
ing guilty. A. petition from the village
OOanml et Wroxeter and praotioally all
the leading reeidente was promoted oak.
ing that the man be leniently dealt with.
Hie honor stated it was hie intention to
put dow'd perjury wherever it was proved
and eeid had 11 not been for the
petition presented in this Daae, he would
have sent the prielooer to penten►lery.
As it was he sent him to Central prison
for 6 months.
The program for the Epworth League
Summer Bohoot to be held in Goderioh
August 6th to 12th its almost filled up.
Rev. A. 0. (leonine, D. D. formerly
editor of The Cbrietisn Guardian, is to
aoudad Bible etudiea, and among the
others who are to take part are Rev: Dr.
Bargains at
Parona Ceylon Pe-
koe Tea, 6 POUNDS
ton $1.00 while it laete, Very
choice. Try it,
Canned Goode fresh and nice,
the very thing for Bummer use.
Choice and nicely saved
Fruits. An order will convince
For hot weather we have
elegant Ice Cream, Sodas, Orueh-
ed Fruits and other dainties.
Call in and try them.
DM you over nee Tonaeola
Ask us about it right away.
We're here to do bueineee so
you will find ns ready to wait on
you promptly with real bargains,
Daniela, of Leaden, formerly pastor of
North street °burib, Goderioh, and
lino. p. Barone, returned mieelonsry
!row Japan, Mr, Norman was ohaplain
in the Japanese army 13 the lime of the
war with !Sonia and hie addressee on
mieelonary work in the leland Kingdom
will be interesting teatime of the week's
til ors let.
Robert Murray and dangler Mary left
for a vitt► to friends in Loohute, Quebeo,
John Minton left On Tuesday morn.
Mg for a visit to friends In Jackson,
We are sorry to hear of rho eerioae
ilinese of Mhos Winnie Tolton from
typhoid fever,
y p t ver,
There are some fine barns being
°rooted in Howiok dile season. One
of the largest ie being erected by Pet.
er James on the 6th non„ Booth of Oar•
ria, the eizo being 60ft, by 70 ft. Time,
Vittie bad the °oolraat of erecting the
atone foundation.
Quite a number from here book in the
8eatorth rooee.
Eighty tiokete were bought from here
for the S. H. Farmer's Excursion to
There are 500 mores of flax to pail in
this section which means Iota of work
for everybody.
W. R. Hodgins has diocovored a new
enemy to the potato in the form of a
grub, which eats the 'talks close to the
A football game way played here on
Tuesday night of Iaeb week between a
team from Orediton and our locale. The
home team scored one over their
Ata meeting of the Masonic Ex°orion
Committee it was decided to ran the an.
'dual excursion thio year on Aagnat 2nd,
the objective point being Sarnia,
After over 30 yearn of oontinnooe
aotive busimees lite in Exeter, E. H. Fieb,
tonsorial artist, ban deoided to retire for
a time at least and Bold hie building and
buninees to Ed, Willis.
The Advocate ',aye :-The doings of
'some of the boya of bowo will necessitate
notion shortly that will land them be.
hind the bare it the nefarious pr0otioes
are not dieoontioued. Several of them
got together Saturday night and after ao•
gairing a liberal supply of white pep.
per started down Main street, throw•
ing it iu the eyes of every horse etaodiog
on the thoroughfare and also every
dog they oould get near, thus causing
00 little dietreee and suffering to the
poor, unfortunate brntoa
along their
path. Not satisfied with this again on
Monday night ae Mies Lily May Ache -
O 00 can passing the Adelson Book she
was a000ened in a similar manner. She
was almost blinded for the time being,
but managed with great difficulty to
reaob her home when it was found
ne0eaeary to procure the eervioee of a
Must be more than a stimulant -must
be a food as well, There ie one medicine
that is both a food and a tonin, -it aide
digestion, promotes assimilation, oonvertd
food into nutriment that halide up nerves
brain and bone. That tonio le Ferro -
zone which contains exactly what a ran
down egoism needs Ferrozone supplies
oxygen to p0rily the blood. You'll eat
sleep, think and feel better by using
Ferrozone; try it -now. Fifty cents
bnye a box of oboaolate coaled Ferrozone
tablets at all dealers.
J. W. Scott and Mr. Halstead, of Mount
Forest, left on a trip through Manitoba.
The Oddletlowe will celebrate July 8th
n ext ae decoration day at Fairview
Cemetery Listowel.
Mre. W. O. Kidd hag arrived home
after an extended trip to Loa Angelee,
San Francium and Chicago.
Dr. Clarence Thompson left for Fergae
where he hoe aocepted a position 0e
aeeietant on the Hospital staff.
The oompelitioo among singles for the
gold beaded cane given by the Preoident
is now in progress, and a few tete are
played off each day. The oompetibion
promisee to be an interesting one.
There will be offered for sale by attri-
tion in the Arlington Hotel, Liotowel, at
ter; o'olook on Saturday morning July
14th, the valuable farm property of the
Livingston Estate, (Flax Mill Farm),
containing about 80 scree, with build.
Juno 15th the infant eon of John Kar•
gee, Maitland St., was aoeidenbally
drowned. I► appears that the child, who
was visiting at the home of hie grand•
mother, drew a stone off the top of the
oietern and in some myelerioue way tell
in. The funeral took place on Bunday
Lt. -Col. Bam. Hughes, M. P., has re.
aeived a letter from A. F. McLaren, M.
P. for North Perth, who has gone to
earthed for the benefit of his .health.
The ocean voyage, Mr. McLaren writes,
wag very benefioial, and at the time of
writing be was fa the beet of spirits and
ooneiderably improved.
The water fouulein which has stood on
corner of Walloon and Main sheath for
so many years, has been taken down,
and will henceforth Oeoopy a prominent
plane in the Park, which i0 being beaatifl•
ed by the making of gravel walks, eta.
The town fathers have made no mistake
in removiog the fountain sod placing in
its etead a drinking lap for the thirsty
souls paeeing that way, and also a trough
for the horse°.
The Listowel oompany, No. 8 of the
280h Regiment' have taken the initiative
in the matter of promoting more efficient
shooting in the regiment. Daring camp
at London en ae0ooiation was organized
to be known ae No, 8 Company Rifie
Aeeooiation, and officers were 010010d as
follows 1 Hon. president, LI. Col.
Campbell ; Hon. vine -presidents, H. B,
Itforphy and Mr. Beoord ; president, Capt.
J. S. Meyers t vioe•preeidenb, Lieut,
Jae, B. Allen; eeorelary-breaenrer, Lieut.
A. O. Brinker, These ofiioere are tenial•
ed by an executive committee of five
men picked from the oompany,
The following letter has been reoefved
byJ. Gunther, r from Mr. sonar
eelebahl Sup erintendanb and general
Manager otthe 0. P. R. in reference to
the proposed branch from Linwood to
Listowel ;-I have your letter of June
9, and you will be pleased to learn that
yeeteaday 1 wired Mr, Peterson, oar
chief engineer at Goderioh to advertise
for tenders oovoring the oonetrnotioo of
he breath line from Linwood to yon
town, and I hove uo doubt we will be in a
position to be ronaing our trains between
Liotowel and Toronto before the cloth of
the preoent year. •
Ton know ab haat one of them had
Ooneumpbion. At first 13 woe only
oalarrb-but it was neglected. When
"Oatarrhozone" mares no goiekly it's
foolish to suffer -it's a shame to keep on
enilfeling and hawking, 0atarrbozone
goes direct to the oaueo of the disease, -
It stops cough, prevents that disgusting
dieobarge, oleate phlegm out of the throat
in five minutes. Vary pleaeant and
Bate too
gel Ustarrbozone from your
druggist to•dey.
fnzts 461SzirS425%aszSk
Bank of Hamm Utom
.Capitrtl, Paid up. 192,000,000
Deserve Fund, $2,6ua,000
mew Aurora, 1920,000,000
President, - . HON. WM. GIBBON
Vine Preeldent & General Manager,
Savings Department -Ample security
for Depositors.
Deposita of 31.00 and upwards received.
Intereet allowed at current rates and
compounded half yearly.
ADVANCES made to Farman for
feeding stook.
Sale Notes oolleoted and advanoes
made thereon.
Drafts bought and sold,
W. N. Mo3AY, 8Un-AOENT,
Ga9tIritclatiQi 45Aticacksaga
Breer's S(udio
For First-olaae Photographs. We are
second to none in any line of the art.
Baby's Photos. a specialty. Family
Groupe taken with great success, any size
up to 14x17.
Frames and Mouldings
We have a full line of Frames in
etook. Frames also made to order. Call
and see samples.
Wool allted
The Highest Market Prioe paid for
any quantity of Wool.
2 cents advance allowed in trade.
We parry a good range of Blankets,
Yarns, Sheetiuge, Underwear, Hosiery,
Tweeds, &o.
Excelsior Knitting Factory, Brussels.
You will find at Brussels Greenhouse
any quantity of Tomato, Cauliflower,
Celery and Cabbage Plante. Tomato
Plante 10o a box or 8o a doz. loose.
Fine collection of Flowering Plants.
A choice lot of Geraniums and An-
nuals for bedding.
Out Flowers supplied.
Floral designs made to order.
House, Sign and Carriage Paint.
ere. Ornamental and Scene
Work and Paper Hang-
ing a Specialty.
Quotations Furnished
on Application
Turnberry St., Brussels
Farmers or Storekeepers
by coming to the
Brussels Salt Works
can get any kind of Salt
they require.
Gordon Mooney,
Foreman, - Brussels.
Toronto Rag and
Metal Co'y
For Rags, Iron, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, Horse Hair,
Hides, &c., &c.
Highest Prices for All
Mill st. West, Brussels
The Highest Market Price
will be paid in Cash for any
quantity Wooldelivered
� y
de ver d
at my store, Brussels.
Alf. Baeker
Winnipeg • $32.00 11h'esubevg • $38.20
Souris • 33.50 Saskatoon • 117.26
Brendon ▪ 83.65, Prloon AlbeR 5&00
M000emin • 34.78 Mo. Bettlaferd 50.00
ar°°la 84.60 Namleat • 40.00
Eetman 55 00 Calgary • 40340
Yorktoa Bed Deer 41Ji0
Regina • 36.70 Wattle,42.50
Moose Jaw • 38.00 Edmonton}'
June 5111, good to return until August Sth.
Juno 19th, " " August Seth.
July gird, " Sept. SM.
July 17t1, " " Sept. 17th.
For rates to other pointe and complete in-
formation apply to moareetCanadian Pacific'
Agent, or write to O. B. Formren, District
Passenger Agent, 71 Yomge 8t., Toronto.
Be like the Hindo who, for Pants,
made his skin do, but go to
Dodds &
and get a pair for $5 that will do.
Also nice Summer Suit or Light Overcoat.
All the Latest Novelties now in stock.
We Guarantee"
Fit and Workmanship.