The Brussels Post, 1906-6-28, Page 4L'b.e Vaussels ` ora, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1906. THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA. Tide lomat which has opened a brauoh in Walton is the Ebb Itagest batik in Canada. It has a paid np eapital of over $5,500,000 and a reprieve laud of $1,260,000. By pradent and olover management ite deposits have lnoreesed to 811,800,000 and its total ansate to $18,500,000. The bank has now five branches on the Guelph & Godariab Ry. It does a general banking busieeee, diecou¢te farmere' notes, oo)loote wale noise and baye and sells drafts on any part of the world. It baa the moat modern SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of any book. in Canada, paye INTEREST from the DATE OF DEPOSIT, and COMPOUNDS it 4 TIDIES A YEAR. INTEREST on Savings Deposita is 080DITED 315T JULY, 31ST OCTOBER, 31ST JANUARY, AND 30TR APRIL. The stook is now salute et 8140 per share, pays a dividend of 6% PEA ANNUM, (1}% every 8 months) making a Nat INveseti NT of 4j:9o', Thie investment should appeal to parties auxione t0 get better thou S%. The stook is inoreaeing in value eaob year. Morris Council Meeting. The Counoil met according to adjourn. went in the Council Room, Morris o0 jowl 11th. Members all present. Reeve in the obair. Minotee of last meeting read and passed. Report of ►be Engineer on the proposed Kelly droll' was presented and read by the Clerk and an opportunity given to the parties within the deeoribed area to with. draw from or add to the petition as provided by the Municipal Drainage Ant. On motion of Campbell and Kelly the above mentioned report was adopted and the Clerk instructed to prepare a By Law in eoaordaooe with the pro- v,eioue of the Municipal Draivage Aob for the 10081117 described in said report. A petition was presented by A. T. Cole and others asking that a Bylaw be pass. ed for the co¢etruobion of it drain through a portion of the 6th and 7eb con, under the provisions of the Municipal Drain• age Act. Moved by MaOrltobeon, sea• ended bet Oampbell that the prayer of said petition be granted and that Mr. Roger, 0. L. 8., be inetruoted to exam Inc the locality deeoribed and make his report accordingly. Carried. On motion of Kelly and Yooill a grant of 815,00 was made for gravelling on side. line between tote 40 and 41, and con. 1. On motion of Yooill and Campbell tis Reeve was Instructed so have a roadway at iob 14, 6 eon. line pus in a proper state of repair. On motion of Kelly and MaCntoheon a grant of 580.00 was made for gravelling on side line between lots 5 and 6, eon. 8. On motion of YoalIl and Oampbell, a grant of $25.00 was made for gravelling at lot 26, 9th 0oa. line. Moved by Mo0ntobson, seconded by Yuaia that the Engineer's report on the proposed Ellison drain be read at the Uoaaoil meeting on the 25th day of Jaue at S o'olook p. m. Oarried. By-law No. 5, 1906, eves duly read and passed. The Ooanoil then adjourned bo meet again atter 0ontt of Revision on the 25tb day of Jane. W. LASE, Clerk. CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS, The 27th annual session of the High Goad of the Canadian Order of Foresters opened in Ottawa on Tuesday afternoon, June 12tb, with all the o8iosre of the High Court and a large delegation in attendanoe from saburdinate courts of every Provinoe in the Dominion. The report of the High Chief Ranger J. A. Stewart, was a very comprehensive our, and showed the Order to be in e flourishing condition. The year closed with a membership of 60,241 and a re. nerve of $1,949.862.15 in the insuranoe branob. Tbe eiak and funeral benefit breech bad a membership of 85,700 and a balance of 869,861.91 on band. On the first of the present month (Jane) the inearance reserve amounted to 82,- 028,278,67, and the reserve in the sick and Model benelib branch to $74,057.87. 'the report of the High Beorebery, George Faulkner, shows the large vol. time of bolinese transacted through the bead office of the order ab Brant- ford. There were reported 6,808 Wife, deladuring the year. The number of deaths was 383. There were hatted from the Sigh Bearetery'e aloe 8,645 iaearenoe certidoebes, 5,681 membership oertillaateo, 335 death claim obeoke and 4,842 siok and funeral benefit olaim cheeks. The amount paid in death dolma was $844.180.80, and in eiok and funeral benefit olaime $108,549 78. There were 971 courts in good standing at the alone of the year, of whieb Court Dol. bard, No, 689, Montreal, is the banner court, having reaabed daring the year n membership of 627, the largest court in the order. The amount of inenranoe reserve at the close of the year was 59,949,862.15, and the balance on band in the eiok and funeral benelib branch $69,861.91. The net gain during the year in the ineur- aooe reserve was $232,329.49 and in the mak and funeral benefit branch $23,271.. 33. Tbe moat important badness of the High Court wog authorizing the Exton. Give Committee to invest $12,000 of in. suranoe mauve fund in the parolees° of the land and building now 000upied as the head offioe of the order in Brantford, to he need for the aeoommodationiof the High 0odrt. The Exsoutive wee aath- °need to indult the insurance reserve funds in stooks or other aeouribiee of the Dominion Government, Provinoial Government, or on deposit in chartered banks, or in mudfoipal or school deben. tures. The High Ooari banner wag won this year by Court Dollard, No. 689, 0f Montreal. Tbe offload for the current yeer ate:— High Chief Ranger. B. J. A. Stewart, -Perth, Ont. ; High Vire-Chief Ranger, D. Allan, Grimsby, Ont.; High See, retary, Geo, Faulkner, Brantford, Ont.; High Traaenter, Robb. Elliott, Brant• Turd, Ont. ; Obeirman of Medics) Boned, Dr. IL bbS. Stanley, Dranttord, 'Ont.; Slab Auditor, W. L, Robert's Brant. fere, Out, ; High Registrar, Wm. Walk, er, Montreal, Qae. ; High Chaplain, Bev, mwr��aletarateeteantaasetaweaeailleade W. T. MacKenzie, Fillmore, Batik,; members of Executive Committee, M. D. Carroll, Montreal, Que. i W. D. Earngey, Toronto, Out. ; Clovis Laporte, Laoutreal, Que. ; A. P, Van BOmeren, Morden, Msp, 81, Thomas was oilmen for the mei High Court meeting. it was 8 a. in. before the High Courtfiulobed bedlam. COUNTY S. 8, CONVENTION, The attendance of the delegates at the opening swims of B. B. Uouventiou le Olinbou oil Wednesday morning, June 13th, was somewhat better then that of the same session on Tueeday. The devotional exeroiees were oouduuted by James itl)babell, of Guderich, bbe Preei• deubof the Sunday Bobool Aseoo,atiou, Reports from the offiteere followed. The Preeideub gave a very full and oomplete repurb of the work dune by the Execrative during the year. This report revels's° thefnot that both the Preeident end Secretary, Mies Eider, of Blyth, bad put 8 vast amount of effort bubo the work thlt year and regret was freely expressed that the revolts were 00 better. ,flutters of business ware thou dealt with, 8 proposi- tion from the Chasten Endeavor Con. vention of the previous day, for anal• gamatiou of the two assoaiatioCs, was re, term t0 the oominitbee on reeolutiOOs. At the thereon session, atter the usual dsvotione, "Power iu service, or the .Placa of Power and the Price" wet the eubjeotof another among address by Mr. Keenleyside. A discussion on the "Boy Problem" brought out some very helptal ideas as to management of olaseen of boys. A primary olaee WAS oo¢duoted by Kies Murray, of flannel!, which delighted not only the children, but the older ones oleo. 'The Gospel of the son of God, a study in John's Gospel," form. ed the basis ot as address by Rev. Dr. $orris. As on the previous day the people were delighted. At the otose of these esnellent addresses Mr. Mitobell, the Preeideut,voioed the sentiments of all, when he said it bad been a moat de. lighbtal treat to be present at such a seeeion as was jest oloelug. The oom. mitbee'a report on resolutions reoone• mended that the Convention be eborteued to four sessions and the time changed to the Fall. The Convention aooepted these. The evening ee861o0 was largely attended. At the request of the Preei. dent Rev, Manning presided, and intro. dined the may epeeist of the evening, Dr. Harris, whose subject wee "Tbe Evangelization of the World." Like bus prevlone addressee this was a strong presentation of the theme. A delightful service of sang was rendered by the °boir during the evening. Takeo altogether it may be truly said that these two Conven- tions were a Baooses. This is particular. ly true from the point of view of the pro- gram. The oilmen for the ensuing year are I—President, W. R. Kerr, Brussels ; Sao., James Mitchell, Goderioh ; E. committee, W. H. Willis, Seaforth; John Karr, Wingbam ; Jobn Dasto, Nile. HOWICK SABBATH SCHOOL CONVENTION. The fourteenth Convention of the Howiok tJuio¢ S. S. Association, wee held Thereday afternoon, 14th inst., in the Methodist °burets at Wroxeter. The attendance at iba afternoon session was rather small. Those who were absent missed a very stimulating and inetruotive addteee by ;E. A. Hardy B. A., on "The preparation of the lesson by the amber." Among the many good pointe, brought out by the speaker, were the following ;, "Gat a good general knowledge of the lesson by reading it several times, then take up the leseon, verse by verse. Be sure to obtain the °antral thoughts. To make a good application of the lesson, the teaoher eboald know his pupils, , their dl>Houlties, temptations, ate. Owing to the absence of Rev. Kr. Radford, bis enbjeot, "The relation of members to the Sanday 8ohoal" was disaamaed b0 a general way. Rev. Wm, Farr, B. A., gave a very in. teresting paper on, "Sabbath Suhoot and missions." The evening y session was ver well attended still some of the prominent ohuroh workers were missed. The tibial address was given by Mr. Hardy, the aubjeob was "Teacher braising." He delighted and inspired everybody. He is indeed a epesialiet in hie department. Rev. J. H. Oslerhout, the retiring president, gave a stirringaddress on "Oar duty to the Sabbath Saboot." Altogether the Gonveution proved to be quite a stimulus, to those interested bn liabbath School work, The Oonvention will be held in Gerrie next Jane. The following offiders were appointed : President, Wm. Gregg, Gerrie ; Parman. ens Seoretary.Treaeurer, W. H. Carr, Wroxeter. AN AJMERICA DISEASE Some doctors go so far se to say that 4n• digestion is the national disease of Amer• ion, There is hat one national remedy for indigestion and that remedy is Dr. Hamilton's Pills width accelerate the action of the gastric glands and give lone to the digestive organa. They strengthen the kidneys and liver,oieans° and purify the blood and thee add tone to every organ of the body, Pleeh and strength ore feat restored and the patient teen eat and digest any food be pleases, Test Dr, Hamilton's Pills yourself, -25 0. per box or live boxes for 51.00 at ell dealers. Western orop reports continue most favorable. The Central Presbyterian Church, Hamilton, was badly damaged by fire, The eleatione in Nova Bootie resulted in a sweeping victory for the Murray Government. Supplementary estimates amounting to 54,667,916 were brought down in the °anemone Friday, Daniel McKellar was sbrook by a beam while tearing down an old building in Cardiac, and killed. Jobn Morrison, a wealthy and eooentrie resident of Montreal, wee run down by a Mutat oar and killed. Ed, Lova, of Baden, wee found beside the railway traok neat New Hamburg probably fatally injured, At Winnipeg a movement has been in. as stated to organize a stook exchange and R majority of the brokers favor the pr0jeob, The sale of water power advertised by the Quebec Govetnmenb was stopped by order of the Dominion Government, elose of a Successful Pastorate. Rev, T. W. Cosens Preaches his Closing Dis- courses.—Presented with Picture of Church and Parsonage. Last Sabbath the eoncluding disooarees of a happy and moat suoceaetol pastorate of 4 years were pteaohed in the Methodist ohuroh, Bruseole, by Rev. T. W. Cosecs, who thin week removed to Wellaosburg, Tent Co., hie new charge, a000mpanied by Mrs. Cuadra and their sou DeWitt, followed by the good wiehee of the ohuroh and oommunity. The morning sermon woe based ou "Daniel's vision oto the Judgmem" and the evening topic was "The battlements of the home." In the latter ha pointed out that among the batilemeube should be (1) Love ; (2) Economy ; (8) Total ale. etiuenoe ; (4) Good Literature 1 (5) The Bible 1 (6)Regular attendance at the means of grace ; (7) The family alter ; (8) Personal piety. At the evening ser• vine the edifice was peeked to the doors, gallery midobaira in the dales being util• ized, a goodly number from outside pointe and neighboring ohnrohes being present: Oonoluding bis theme the pastor referred to the happy assoniatione of the' poet yeara, the kindnesses reooived by Mrs'. Coesns, DeWitt and himself from the people ; the many tokens, personal ' and plait), and words of appreoiation given them and he urged a united rallying round the new paetor, Rev. Mr. Powell, who comes eo highly reoommeuded. The choir aa0g the anthem "Earth's little while" and a quartette consisting of Aisne Bingeton and Beaker and 0. Richardson and Joe Bunter, rendered "Knocking et the door." At Ibis janobure W. H. Kerr, ae lteoord. log Steward, representing the 0ougrega• tion, amended the pulpit platform and addressed a few words of appreciation to the pastor. The expression came spontaneously after a 4 year pastorate marked by large measure of prosperity agreeability and kiudly reciprocity. He said five praiseworthy features stood out prominently in Bev. Mr. Omens' regi• deem among the people. (1) Tbe doge and oarefn' attention he gave,t° all details iu bis work ; (2) Careful and provident efforts exeroisedin the use .of parsonage property ; (3) Ability displayed in man. aging men in the official oiroles of the abaroh ae presiding o6mer ; (4) Wiseaud kindly references to the people and deal. ing with problems to be met in bis posi- tion es pastor ; (5) The faithful end competent manner of expounding the gospel. Io behalf of the oongregatiou he asked the pastor's acceptance ot a from ed picture of bbe detach and parsonage and looped years of rich experience and reward were before Lar. Ooeene and family in tbsir wider sphere of useful. nese. B. Gerry, one of the oldest and most active arembere ol the nr also added h ah ch u bis testimony making retere oe to the many ministere be had become auquaiut• ed with in Brussels in 46 years and none of them did their work better than the outgoing pastor and hie good lady. The 4 years of neigbborlinese (as there is ouly a fence between the personage Sud Mr. Garry's home) had proven the genuine. nese of their profession and be was sorry to say "Good bye." Hoped Rev. Mr. Powell would meet with the tame no. osss. In pastoral visiting the work of and Mrs. Gomm had been most sue. osssiol and highly 899150lated. Brnseele as well tee the Metbodiat oharah, be believed, wiebed them God•epeed. Rev. Mr. Omens said this was a complete earprise and was only another token of oft repeated sots re• oelved in the passing yeore, The palters would be cherished °ailing op the happy seasons spent in the ohureb and in the new and oomlortabie parsonage. Re and Mrs. Omega and ecu had done their beet to advance the prosperity of the mune bene and they had found =oh to e0• courage them in the work and 10 incite to renewed diligence. Would esteem it a great privilege to 000aoionally visit Brae• eels and preaob to hie old periehioners and hie prayer was that the coming term might not only ace the exbi¢otion of the °hurch debt out signs) prosperity iu every•departmout of church work. "The Glory Song" and prayer brought the eervioe to a aloes atter which many took the opportuuiby of saying farewell to the inmates at the Parsonage and wishing them genre of. bappbnese, the finding ot many loyal friends' and maob, teat remits as they enter another part of the vineyard. Rev. and Mrs. Omens and DeWitt will hold a warm spot in the bear's of the people on this charge and Waltae:burg is to be congratulated on eeouriog them to guide in the apbuilding of God's kingdom If the work does not make wide and per- manent development it will be tbroogb no fault of the new pastor and hie estimable wife, who is eo wiling and competent to assist in to many spberes. In the Sabbath Sohool es teacher ; in the Junior League as Buperinteudent ; in the church as abase leader of boys and glrle and in every other depattment of church work she bag always bad a ready hand, a °beery heart and a tao►tul ability beyond computation in the mope of its usefulness. Bev. Mr. Omens is entitled to tbo best ahutobes iu London Con- ference and will no doubt promote as the years go by, .8. tew notes of hietorioel diameter may be of interest in tbia eo¢nestion, Rev. T. Wesley Omens was born of Comedian parents, at Trowbridge, April 14th, 1864, When gaits yon0g he at tended the Collegiate Iuetitute at St. Oatharinee where be received a 2nd aloes oertifioate in 1881. Having nom• plated the Model Sohool comae at Strut. ford be spent two yearn ae ptinoipal of the Trowbridge Publio Bobool daring which bine he took regular -work as a local preacher with alluded sooepban°e. After taking a processional certificate with honors at the Ottawa Normal Mr. Coeeoa reeumod-his work in the home school but finding be could uo louger resiet the call to the ministry he realign. ed and went to Abert Cullege, Belleville, where he completed Ile matriculation. Duriug the theological oonree ho was first on the tier at every exemivatioo, having an average for the five years of nearly 90%. He was ordained In the Norfolk eltreet Church, Guelph, June 6th, 1892, by Rev. Dr. Carman, General Superintendent of the Methodist church, assisted by Rev. Dr. Boost, Preeideub ob the Guelph Conference. On the 1716 of August of the same year be was united 1l' marriage to Mies Mary E., deo titer of g g Robert Govenlook, of Beatorth, who has proven a helpmate indeed, During lits probation, Mr, Cosens was assistant pastor at Hensall, Seafortb, Alma and Georgetown, and sines ordination he has been stationed at Belwood, Walton, Ford. wiob, Westminster and Brunie. The reverend gentleman is a splendid preaoh er, ao attentive pastor, a good business manager, is enthusiastic and thorougb in hie work and poeseaeeeBooial gaalifioa. Goons ►hob make him popular wherever he is located The above record is about as good as many people have in their obituary and yet Mt. Omens is a mon in the prime of life with a bright outlook although not a piaae seeker. Kra, Omens has proven her worth over and over again In Oherab, League and Bab taboo) work and as a pastor's' helper is always made moat weboome. MB had an experieooe in sohool tenohing both iu Ontario and Manitoba wbioh especially fits her for ouooesefal labors with the youth. Mr, and Mrs, Coeene have one eon, DeWitt, who is 12 years of age and a bright boy. Vile week the Government will intro. dace legislation regarding pensions to es. Oebinet Ministers. Tbe will of Mies Elizabeth Orkney of Montreal begaeatbe $800,000, to hospital, charitable and °hnrob sseooiatione, and 550, 000 to the Art Association, LAX•ETS—A bandy bowel laxative. If you have oonetipation, If you have a coated tongue, If you are dizzy, bilious, Ballow, If you have headaebee, soar etomeoh, oto„ risk 5 cents on LAX•ETS. ties tot yourself. Bold by 11'. R. Smith. :A. tt W (rod. Elms Connell will meet on June 30th. At the Oo, Orange Lodge it was no., animously dreaded to go to Milverton o¢ the 120 of July and to attend divine service in Christ ohuroh, town, on July 86h at 2 p. M. Rev. H. P. Westgate, was in London arranging to take passage on the new 0. P. R, steamer Empreee of Ireland, whieb leaves Quebeo en July 12th for the Old Country. Mr. Westgate pnrposse t0 talte a brip to the Old Land and will be goos about two months. Tbe books of the Public Library have all been re-classified, renumbered and reoatalogned, Hodgson Bros.. Montreal, purobaeed 270 boxes of Elmo June cheese and shipped same from Atwood on Monday morning of last week, ' Quite a large number left for the Wed' on'1'uesday morning, Among the num• bar were Mrs. John Switzer, Jas. Ronna, Alex, Forrest and Mtg. Johnston, who tae been visiting at B. Bennett's,. Mre, J. A, Mellott, and son Wallace returned loot Saturday from a 8 weeks' daft of the home of Rev. Mr, and Mrs, J. H. MaBabu, Dunnville. They also spent a few days et the home of J. W. and Mrs. Ward, Stratford, Rev, 5, W. Cameron, of North MOM ington, preached very aooepbably In the Preebyteriao church Sabbath morning, the Rev. Mr, MnVloar preeabing for Mr. tameton, met with au exalting and pain. Cul accident on hie way dome. He was driving from the manse slid had turned the earner at Ooghlin's hotel, propoeing 10 oali and see Mrs. Walton before re. turning borne, When some distance op the rood, he met an automobile, and the bores suddenly wheeled, throwing him out, Me. Cameron unstained an injury to his shoulder and bis arra wee out, . wsiWu;.•.o»�. ,Ju.n vwz r..:l .� C.L'.m'_,.... The biibbe ran as far as Reel Switzer's on 1 the Gravel, where it wee oapburod, I Weald Murray drove Mr, Cameron Id Switzer'e, front whloh plows be was able to drive home. Tbe bores and buggy reooived no injury. IMPORTANT NOTICES i.j'OUR IMPROVED YoIUt:- 8 6114E 5015, from Imported dam, nix munbboe eld, and two loge from same litter. for sale. sl Lot 80, 005, o, Morris, 40-tf JAB, BPEIBR, EGGS FOR HATCHING.-- REOna ISLAND linea, handsome fowl andgreat layers. Settings from pen one 51 00, you tW0 51.00 after April inti. A few er-ehereleleftyetforsale, Sp ply limited, WIb J.1-isumO,Ethel,P.0„Ont, BERTHA C. ARMSTROiv G esprepared to give leeaoua on Piano or Reed Organ. Terme en applioatlon. Postonioe addrose—Brueeele. Residenue— Lot 8, (ion, 1U, trey. Pupils may have their leasoue ab their own homes 11 preferred. !'i OOD TOWN PROPERTY FOR �7f sale on wbioh is large brick house, stable, drilled well, Diatom, fruit garden, &.e ,0t acres of land on John and Janne at., itimsee15. Terme reasonable, Apply to 3011N MoPADDEN on premises or F. S. SCOTT, Brussels, STRAYED FROM TEE PREM. 1080 of the undersigned Lot 14, Oen, e, Grey, a steer red in color with .email obrip of white between his front lege ; doborned Any information loading to bis recovery will be thaukiully received W04. LOWE, Bravado P.O. MiSS MARGARET M'LAUCHLIN TEACHER OF PIANO Pupils prepared for the Toronto Conservatory of Mesio. Tenders for Hay Tenders will be reoelded up to Saturday, June 80th, ab 6 p m., for ,the hay on Grey Branch Agrion lural Park, Brussels. All weeds must be out within the 'Park. The highest or any tender not neoeeearilyi ac- cepted. 3,98. 511111s, President. W. H. KKERR, Secretary. BERKSHIRE SOWS FOR SALE—The undersigned has for sale 4 improved Berkshire sows, bred from prize winning dealt. Due to litter about Sept. let. Also 2 aged Berkshire sows doe to lit- ter in July. Barge.' es for gttiok Ipurobasere. For further parttoulare appy to J. P, Mo. IN10811, Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey, or Oran - brook P. 0. 49.tf FOR SALE OR TO RENT.— The undersigned offers her 100 acre farm, being Lot 20, Con, 7, Grey, for sale or to rent. Comfortable hones, bank barn, orchard, wells, ,4o. Farm is only 3 of a mile from the stireing village of Ethel. For fur - nor parttoulare tangly to F. S. Soott, Brae. eels, or MRS, BATE HOLLAND, 78 Souter Street, Toronto. 87.3in PROPERTY FOR SALE—THE undereigued offers bis house and lot, situate ou Mill street, Brussels, for sale. It re well located,a convenient and comfor- table home. Possession can be given at one°. Will also sell the vacant lot, corner of Mill and BUizabeth streets, which would maks a Ane building site. For further par- ticulars se to price, terms, &o., apply to FRED. ADAMS, Hardware Deuler, Ford- wioh. 86.4 AUCTION SALE OFFARM 51008,It0PLEMENTo,1008110EE,80.— F. IS, Scott auctioneer, bas been inatrucbed by the undersigned to sell by public auction et Lot 29, Gon, 14, Mofiillop, :(11 mile Weet of Walton, on Saturday, June 80th, at 1 o'clock the following valuable property :-1 broad mare, 1 draught horse 6 years old, 1 driving inure 6 years old, 1 draught gelding 1 year old, 1 roadster gelding 1 year old, 6 milk °owe, 1 pedigree Durham bull 3 years old, 6 heitere and sheers 2 years old, 10 heifers and steers 1 year old. 0 Spring calves, 1 brood sow to litter, 1 store hog, 7 pigs 2 mouth', old, 00 hens,1 truck wagon, 1 lumber wagon, 1 pair bob -sleighs, 2 single buggies (1 rubber tire) 1 new nutter, 1 :Keystone bay loader new, 1 Massey -Harris binder almost now, 1 Deering mower, 1 pea harvester, 1 hay rake, 1 died harrow, 1 get diamond harrows, 2 walking plows,1 gang plow, 1 Frost & Wood cultivator 2 eats double harness, 1 set single harneea. I new cook stove coal or wood, 1 wood heater, 2 bedroom auibes new, 12 kit- chen theirs, 6 dining -room chairs, 1 Nation - al a -nl Dream separator and Other articles. Bale without reserve As gohas leased thfarm and ie going West. Torms—AII summit BUMS of ge and tindercash,over hat amount 7 wonted oroint will o s; 4lven on sb. 0 bar approved (diva notes; 4 per cent, off for oath on credit amoante. A. MoOIIAIG, pro- prietor ; F. 8, Score, auctioneer. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the' estate of William Young, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby glven, pennant to Revis- ed Statutes of Oniario,1897, Chap, 120, and amended Acts, that all oreditora and others having any elaima against the estate of the said Wa11am Young, who died on or about the 1st day of buns, 1008 ate required on or before the 14th day of July, 1900, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to A.B. Mac- donald, Brussels 1, 0., solicitor for John Young and Henry Young, Executors of said estate, their Obristian and surnames and addressee with full parbioulars 10 writing of their claims, the statement of their ao• counts and the nature of the soouritiee Of any) hold by them, verified by satisfaotory deo oration. Ahd uotioe is further given that alter the said last mentionedstate the eatd Rime - tore will proceed meeed toto distribute the estate of the dammed among the parties entit- led thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the acid Executors will cot bo liable for the assets, er any pori thereof, to 00V pall no or parsons of whose slat h e sante mall not Have been received by u d at the eels this 10111 day of Jnne, A,D.,1906, A, B. MACDONALD, 40.0 Solicitor for Executors, STOCK FOR SERVICE. $ OAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will keep for 5005100 on hie ppromisee, Nt;orth Howiok Boundary, an English it orltehire hog. Terms, $IAO, with privilege of returning if noeoeoar LIDS O. JAC/aria, 44.1! Proprietor.. TOAR FOR SERVICE. --THE undersigned will keep for eervioe on Lot 21,0°11.1% Grey, the Improved Berk- shire Hoar, "Fairview Goldfloder,"No, 02490. Pedigree may be seen on application, Tsrma—$3.00, or ei145 oeoh for two or more; Borkabire uowo $0,00. All who aro lntereet- ed in raising the Ideal Bacon Hog and the bog that will make the moat money should gee this bog before coin any other., anti J, E. MoXN 1'0818, Orabbr oak 1', o. :x. ra,Ww,w+la,r40,1 MOVAL CASH PRICES ON SHOES Owing to the itlnreaso in our business we have decided that one pr0500t promisee are too small for both lines of goods, namely, Shoed and Harness, and will remove the Shoe stock 4140 the store lately vacated by Downing Br»a and will in future oondnob the Shoe Bnsioess in that store while the Harness Badness will remain 4l' its present promises, 01 the 15th of July wo expeol to move the Shoe ebooli iota its new home, and bslievifg You will bo willing to help us remove )til you 001 before that date, it we give you enffofsnt induce- ment to d0 aa, we will reduce all prioes on Ladle.' and Gents' Fine Shoes from the 28rd of June until time of our Removal, Dud while ons valnot are at ell times good, ab the Reduced Prices at wbioh we will offer them, if you want Shoes you cannot re- ft'ee to buy. Remember these Reduced Prima are for Doth only. HARNESS •e.ttl 'tenet i t,i le'I,i'I,i'I tatattat•„' 1 C. UCHADS BOOTS c9 SHOES Sheriff's Sale of Lands • County of HuronBy virtue of a writ of Ftei•[F.S. las Issued out of TO WIT: TAigh Mai rtes of Juebiee and to me directed end delivered against the lauds and tonemeubs of Joseph Burton, in a suit in widen the said Joseph Burton appears as plaintiff and Wm. Look - midge, John Lockeridge and Mary J. Camp- bell, defendants, I have seized and taken Su execution all the right, title,iutoreat and equity of redemption of the above named Joseph Barton, in, to and out of the West Half of Lot 68. running number, in the vil- lage of Brussels, County of Huron and Province of Ontario • which laude and ten- omeuts I shall offer for sale, at my office, l0 the Court Rouse, in the Town of Ood0xtoh, on Saturday, the Finirteenth day of July, 1000, at the boar of 11.80 of bbe cloak a. m. B. G. REYNOLDS 49.4 Sheriff, Huron, Sheriff'e OMoe, Goderioh, April -4, 1000, Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ANY even numbered section of Dominion Laude in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 28, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age, to Cho extent of nuc -quarter motion of 160 acres more or leas. Entry may be made personally at the local land• oillee for the dietriot in which the laud is situate. Tbe homaeteader is required to perform the eoudlt:one oo0nected therewith under oue of the followfug plans: (1) At least six menthe' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three yearn, (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the laud entered for the requirements ae to resi- dence may be setioded by such pereou re- etdbug with the father or mother. dense uponattler farming s his land owned eby bin in the vroiniby of his homestead, the re- quirements as to residenee may be Retie - bed by residence upon the amid land. Sixmonths' notion in writing should be given to the Oommiesiouer of Dominion Lauds at Ottawa of Intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of Interior, N. B. Unauthorized pnblioation of this ad- vertisement will not be paid tor. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS To Liverpool Triple Screw Steamers— VICTORIAN and VIRGINIAN Turbine Engiuee—No Vibration THE CANADIAN ROUTE From Montreal Visborfa¢ Juue21 Jnly ]9 Attg ]0 Ioalen June 28 Jnly 20 Aug. 2s' Virgllinn f July 6 Aug. 2 Aug.00 Ttruttian July 14 Aug. 0 Bop. 0 Rates of Plumage andFirs620,76.t Oaliiu—r,70 and upwards, aneording to eteamor. Second Cable—$48.50 to 347.00, aceording to steamer, Third Class— 327.00 Montreal to Glasgow Moderato Rate Service Weekly 8al11ngs For further particulate, mote and Bogota apply to W. 11. KEIRR, rigout Allan Line, Bruseols, GRAN! CHOPPNG The undersigned bog leave to notify the farming oommunity that they are now ready to do all kinds of Grain Chopping and Crushing at lowest rates. All work w,»ll be promptly and can, - fully attended to. Manitoba and Ontario Flour, Bran, Shorts, &c„ always in stock and sold at Market Prices. ThueIl Bros. Mill at Electric Light Building. H�s�liu� Business !lug Ewan &C o. are busy these days pushing the Carriage busi- ness. Il' addition to our own make of Rigs, which are A 1, we handle Buggies manufactured by the Canada Carriage Co., Brockville, and the Brantford Carriage Company, Brantford. Wood Work aid Jobbi g a Specialty Painting and Repairing attended to with neatness and dispatch. Tho celebrated Harland English Varnish used in our paint rooms. If you want a new Rig call and see us as we have a large display and sell at close margins. We OM save you money. EWAN 8c Co. BRUSSELS °tam 1 (all CD = W toiso a H