The Brussels Post, 1906-6-28, Page 1t
Vol.. 34. No. B1
W. N. KERR, Prop
New Advertisements.
Be ready—Jae. Fox.
Qomiug—Dr, Ovens,
Local—L 0, Richards,
Notioe—J. E. Speraiu.
Resolved—H, IL Brewer.
Boy wanted—Gee. Thomson.
Farm tor Bale—John Ruddick,
Piano ter sale—a. L. Jaokeon.
Voters' Het—Township of Grey.
Teacher wanted—Jae. A. Moore.
Tenders Wanted—Jas. A. Moore.
Change of bosineee—W. G. Ooombea.
ilzstritl Ors,
W roxerer.
William Douglae is at present very
Mies Lulu Rutherford is the gneet of
friendeiu Blyth.
Mre. R. Mutob returned from Gerrie
to her home here on Monday.
Odra. Graham, of Trowbridge, is visit•
ing her daughter, Mre. James Ballantyne.
Will. Sanders, of Seult Ste. Marie, and
A. Rubinson, of Blyth, were renewing
ttegnalutauaee in the village during the
!taut week,
,A1r71, iii o FLS
ie the Headquarters for
Private Garde made of your Reeklenee
also Groups.
Given Free with every
dozen Cabinet Photos,
a beautiful Veuoer Photo. Frame. Call
and see the styles—your choice of twelve.
Let me know when you want the
view of your residence taken.
Mrs. 0. McLean vieited in Toronto
last week.
Alex, Oaeomore had hie ehoalder
blade broken while playing football Fri.
day evening.
Rev. L, Perrin preaohed a sermon bo
the children in the Presbyterian intent)
Sunday morning.
Will. McLennan in laid up with a
severe attack of rheametiam at the home
of hie ramie, R. Blank, We hope be will
soon be o. It.
George Howe bite been elected, by
aaolametion, to the position of trustee of
the School Board in place of the late
Wm. Wilson,
Mre. A. Robertson had the misfortune
to fall one day lent week and break bar
thigh. As ehe in advanoed in age, it may
prove a very serious thing.
Big preparatione are being made for
the Celeratiou of Dominion Day here.
The 46th Highlanders, of Torouto, ie the
big Gard, They put np a splendid pro.
gram of mesio.
]fie 1 grave,
ADDRESS AND PRxoxno&rioN.—A very
pleaeaut farewell was tendered Rev.
and Mre. Jones last Friday evening by
the members of the Belgrave appoint-
ment who presented them with two
beautiful and costly ohaire acompanied
by the following address :—
To Rev. and Mre. Jones.—
Dna BROTRR= AND $i THR.—The time
hae eome, when according to the arrange.
mente made at bbe reoeub Conference,
the pleasing relations that have existed
between us for the putt three years moat
oome to an end. The ooegregatioo at
the Belgrave appointment feel that they
could not allow you to leave without
tendering you tome token of their esteem.
We bave listened with pleasure and profit
to our paetor'e earnest and able expos/
Bons of Divine troth and we have noted
his favorable dieoharge of duty, hie
constant activity and hie earneet pastoral
work. No department of church work
has been neglected and all have felt the
influence of the paetor'e life and effort.
We rejoice in the reenite that have been
maniteet and we true' that all eeed sown
may yet bear a harvest rioh,and abund-
ant. We ere aware that mob of a
mioieter's Buooees ie doe to the assistance
he receives from hie lite partner. In this
connection we recognize that in Mre.
ovsmitars. JON ON
Eye and Ear Surgeon
Treatment for Eye,
If you require Eye C4lasses, Spectacles or Tieat
Ear or
Nose do not fail to see DR. OVENS.
Office ; Smith's Drug Store, Brussels
Next Visit—Tuesday, duly 3rd
Hours :—.3 a. m. to 1.30 p. m.
rn,,e—o aealermvWittea`Paa�sa aeea as ginaeaWR ra'aarMNAVYCAWX,
yti�S S
Having Bought out Wm. Woods'
General Store at .
Janes, Belgrave appointment bee had a
tree hearted, earneet arid devoted worker.
To every department et ohurub work
ehe the contributed a there of Ger effort
and her life and example brave been to
us an inspiration, We Rasura her that
her ;efforts have been uppreobated and
that her reward will be rieh and abun-
dant. We ask you to ao00pt these theirs
not as the measure of our eppreoiution
bat tee a token of our re teem for you
and recognition of your oortaeorated
efforts. We trust that, as you may have
04000100 to use them, your thoughts may
revert to Belgrave appointment and the'.
many friends you are leaving behind
you. We hope and pray that in your
new field of labor, you may meet with
mach seethes and while coming years
may be full of toil, they may also be
Drowned with the aJavter'o benediotiou
and that at late you may Bath hear the
Saviour say "Well done, good and faith
ful servant enter thou into the joy of
thy Lord." May we all gather eome day
iu the sweet bye and bye where partinge
are unknown. Signed an behalf of
the Sulgrave aongreget ion,
tune. W. 0. Pttoovou,
3'IIBa PRAM, Pnocron.
Alter Mr. Jones hod leelmgly and tit.
tingly replied tea was eerved and many
good wishesexohanged.
The Ontario Farmers' Weather In•
suranoe Mutual Company, with head ot-
Soo at Grond Valley, Ontario, is doing
quite a busfuess in this nation. J. K.
Baker is the looal agent. Thoy insure
against lose from wend etorme, oyelonee
and tornadoes. Vehicles, farm im ple
menta and live stoop are ineured against
lose or damage by the blowing down of
barna, eco, Tide Co. woe organized
ie May 1904.
we intend to continue the business and
ask a fair share of patronage. We will
aim to keep in stock a
General Assortment of the
Best Lines of Staple le Goods p
and our motto will be "To sell Good
Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices;'
We will be pleased to have your trade.
O b
t ieetiertlu.
RAoRn.—The closing day of the Sea.
forth ranee was largely attended, but
was somewhat marred by heavy rams
consequently slower time was made.
Summary :
2 23 pane, puree 3350—
Oollingwood Boy, P. J.
Stone 1 5 2 1 7
Orillia Belle, G. Powell,
Orillin 3 8 1 2 3
Judge, Jae. Pries, Dunn•
villa 2 6 9 3 1
Lady Hilda, P. Borman
Stratford 6 1 5 4 8
Harry S 4 7 4 10 2
Ohriesie, M, 8. McPhail,
Porter'e Hill 9 4 6 6 5
Inaba, R. McArdle,
Stratford 5 2 8 8 6
Joe Allan, W. Simp-
Bon, Lindsay 11 9 10 7 9
Mise Peeler, W. Beuey,
Hamilton 10 11 3 5 4
Little Pete, T. Neville,
Oolliugwood 8 10 7 9
Kittie Brown, D. Hop.
kine, Detroit 7 8 dr
2.14, 2.24, 2.26, 2,24, 2.24&
2,40 trot, pnreey3800—
Othello, J. Stontard, Chatham 1 1 1
Gneeie Soon, J. J. Baron,
Toronto 2 2 2
King Jubilee, Beeson Ward,
Toronto 0 8 3
Dan, Bare, Aroibald and Cud
more, Seafortb 3 5 6
Hattie L, 0. Broadfoot, Brae•
cele 4 4 6
Gertie P. T. Piukey, Bea.
forth 6 6 4
Free for all, puree 3850—
Darkey J. Swartz, Wingbam 1 1 1
'The Myetery, G. A. Browu,
Leamington 2 2 8
Oollingwood Rooker, D.
Neville, Oollingwood 3 3 2
Fred, Mason arrived home from the
West Tueeday night. He left hie father
L. A. Melton, enjoying better health than
he the had tor some weeks,
Dr.Ovane, M, D„ London Eye and
End Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug
Store, Brueseln, on the first Tuesday in
eaob month, Hours, 8 a. ne. to 1.80 p.
m. Oabareot, equine, failing eyesight,
aesthetes and nasal catarrh treated and
glaeeee properly fitted, Next visit,
Taeaday, July 3rd,
Last Wednesday evening a foot ball
match wan played here between the boys
of the 3rd and 4th linea, Morrie, and the
home boys, The Morris boys won by a
there of 2 t0 1.
Dr. Ovene, M. D., London, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith'e Drug
Store, Ilruesela, on the Bret Tnesday in
eaob mouth, Hours, 8 a, as. bo 1,80 p.
m, Ontaraot, egoint, failing eyeeigbt,
deafness and thee' oatarrb treated and
glaeeee properly fitted. Next vieit,
T'ueedity, Jury Ord.
Tun Pose gives the news.
Schoololoses Friday of tbie week for
the holidsye.
Mise Mabel Menzies, of Oranbrook, is
visiting her neat, Mre. Haneold.
Ethel and Henfry° played a tie game
of Football here Monday evening.
,'The Womene' Institute was the centre
of attraotion here on Wednesday of this
Cborlie Davies will Bing at the straw•
berry social here Friday evening at the
Methodist church.
The brioklayere are at work on the
Cole new blook. It will be a fine build.
ing when completed.
The mutual p10•rti0 of the Presbyterian
Sabbath School will be held in Maitland
grove on Wednesday, July 4112.
Lawn Booial at the Methodist ohuroh
grounds Friday evening of tbie week. A
choice pogrom will be presented.
Twelve pupils of our school went to
Brneeele this week to try the Entrance
exame. We hope they enooeed in pave.
Keifer line the foundation ready
for hie proposed now brink reeidenoe, 1}
miles Weet of Ethel. It will be a
modern building.
Owing to tho Methodist oharob here
being repaired, next Sunday July let, the
eervioe will be held in the Township
Hall at 7 p. m.
Dr. Ferguson bee had the gas
machine taken out of the cellar of R. 0,
Davies & Co. eters end bad a Gement
building erected for it in the yard.
The Orangemen will go to Milverton
for July 1.26b, goiug on the regular morn-
ing train and returning on the regalia
evening expreae. Quite a number will
likely attend,
The meeting of the Township Connell
last Monday bronght n large number of
people to Ethel. The Connell bad a
bney day of it not getting through until
well on into the evening,
Neat Sabbath the Oommunion will
be diepeneed in the Presbyterian oberoh
here, the pastor ablating in the pulpit.
Rev. Mr. West, M. A., ot Blaevale, will
eoodaotthe preparatory service.
Some of our villagers are doing their
roadwork this week while others are pay
ing it in taxes. It ie time we had n
ohmage here either have n beat in the
village by itself or let the Conneil do it
by oontreat, an the way it is, it is not
a pteanant job for thePathmaster.;
Mre. Robert Musgrove was on the tick
list last week,
Oliver Mille, of Clinton, was bank to
Turnberry last week,
Our football boys are billed to play
Fordwiob at Wroxeter's oelebration.
Mre, Will. Mann, at Minneapolis, le
visiting her patinae, Thoe. and Mre.
Mre. Joseph Bargees and sone, Ralph
and Harold, of Woodatook, are vieitiog at
John Burgeee'.
A baker's dozen of young people from
Bluevale attended Ladies thumb Garden
Party on Tuesday evening.
The Presbyterian congregation will
picnic on Wednesday of next week and if
possible will have a band in attendance.
Joseph and Mre. Hogg attended the
wedding on Wednesday of Mre, Hogg's
brother, Wm. Mason, of Morrie, and Mies
Brigham, of Mullett.
Eightyoine tickets were sold for
Guelph last Saturday, a good many tak•
ing advantage of the exoaraion rate and
visiting neighboriug placee until Monday,
Robert MoPherson bad an anation
sale of hie harness stook and household
goods on Friday and it ie bis intentiou
to go to Calgary where be has a good
situation. R, Goatees was the auction•
3. M, Dennison is olerking in W.
Neale store.
A few of oar young people took in the
Orange piouio at Winthrop on Wednee•
Misses Annie and Jean Ferguson left
last week on a Summer's outing to
Mies Christian Rea s been at Gods.
riot for the past week visiting her eieter,
Mrs. A. R. Bolan.
The wadding i0 announced on Wed.
needay neat of J. B. Morrison and Miss
Annie Little, of Napinka, Man.
E. Smith, of Brunetti, preaohed in
the Methodist ohuroh, lath Sunday.
Rev. Mr, Carrie to expected for the
regular eervioe next Sabbath.
W. G. Neal left this week on an ex-
tended trip to the Comb. He will be me.
oompanied from Obioago by W. Goven•
look, and will return through the Cana.
dian West.
Daff'e thumb Garden Party, to be
held on the manse grounds on July 6th,
is being largely prepared for in the way
of entertainment. Brueeele Band will
be in attendauoe and the Italiana are
expected to sing.
Dont forget the Auction Sale at Angne
Mo0naig'e just West of here on Saturday
afternoon of this week. Farm stook,
implements, omeute hoaaehold r
Sale nureeefurniture,
art Mn.Mr, MoOanig &o.
leaned hie farm and is going to the
Dr. Ovens, M, D., London, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Drug
Store, Brneeele, on the drat Tuesday in
eaob month. Hours, 8 a, m. to 1.30 p. m.
Cateraot, squint, failing eyesight. deaf.
nese and nasal catarrh treated and
glaeeee properly fitted. Next visit,
Tuesday July 3rd.
Sunday afternoon Rev, Air, Ooeene
preaohed the closing sermon in a 4 year
term in the Methodist ohuroh here, be.
fore removing to Wallaoeburg, He did
good service here and hie many friende
with him and Mrs, 000ene 0000ees,
Rev, Mr. Ferguson, of Monktoo,
preached ou Friday eveniog and Bator.
day in 000neotion with Knox oharob
communion preparatory 00ra1000 in a
most acceptable manner, The pastor
000daoted the Sabbath eervioe and his
heart was gladdened by the addition of
17 new members.
Reeve Fraser was at Ethel on Monday
attending the Council meeting
Complaint is made of some meddlesome
body taking lanterns hong oat 003 the
eideroad where the new bridges are being
erected. An example will be made it
the suspected partlee try it again. I6 le
too dangerooe to be funny.
W. G. Ooombee, of Jamestown, ban
purchased the store of Wm. Woods in
Molesworth, and will oarry on the beei•
neer in the old stand. The people of
tbis locality will be glad to know that
Mr, Ooombee and family are most highly
spoken of and respected in their home
oommanity. We wish them well.
School althea Friday of this week.
If you have a tewey item 'send it 10
Tnio POST.
Townehip Treasurer Reymann attend•
ed the Oounoil meeting at Ethel on Mon•
day and handed out the ducats,
The regular eervioe in Knox ohareh
will be withdrawn next Sabbath morn.
ing owing to Communion at Ethel.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev, E. G,
Powell, the new Methodist minister, will
preaob hie drab sermon in Oranbrook,
Will. Long hae a situation at Walker.
ton in a dry goods store and will prove
himself a faithful oeeieiant we have no
Dr, T, T. Ferguson, of Toronto, is a
welcome visitor at the Manse and in the
village. Dr. Wilson, of Palmerston, was
also a visitor at Rev. D. B. MORae'e,
Da. Ovens, M. 1)., London, Eye and
Ear Surgeon, will be at Smith's Doug
Store, Brneeele, on the first Tuesday in
each month, Hoare, 8 a. m. to 1,801/ p.
m. Cabernet, squint, failing eyeetght,
deafness and nasal oatarrb treated and
glaeeee properly fitted. Next visit, Tues.
day, July 3rd,
(WM) Snoosee.—Notwithstanding the
threatening rain Friday evening Orao•
brook Garden Party was well attended,
and a0 nenal, was enooeeetul. Tea was
eerved from 6 to 8. There was an elabor•
ate& upper snob as the Oranbrook ppeople
always have, Program woe as follo8Jli :—
Singing by Delon choir, whiob was
well rendered ; solos were given by
Nice Hiugeton, Mina Bbarp and Gerry,
Mise Allis Switzer, MIN Jessie Menzies
and J. G. Jona. A000mpaniote were
Misses Wilson, Bailey and Switzer,
everyone doing their part well, The
Brunets Braes Band also took pent der•
ing the eveniog and the mucin wee or.
0ellent. "God Save the King" was given
and the prooeedingo bronght to a oloee,
Proceeds amounted to about 1675.00.
Rev, T, W. Goons occupied the chair.
Li,ato w et.
The ram whiob opened on Wednesday
of this week drew a good attendance and
the weather was flue. In the 2.60 pane
three aooidente happened, "Deltic,"
driven by H. James, of Hamilton, with
"Direotozone" fell and James bad his
collarbone broken and "Little Clink"
went in a beat without a driver. Fol-
lowing ie a summary of the ranee
2 60 Path :
Wilkes Medium, W. B. Kitchen, TiI•
eonbarg 4 1 1
College Hing, D. MoLaohlan, Chat.
ham 1.2 2
Little Harry, W. Oudmore, Sea.
forth2 4 8
Johnny Riley, T. Fitzgereld,'1'orouto6 3 9
Also started—Madge W., Lady Goth•
ard, Little Clint, Zoo Medium, Maud H.,
Lucky Jim, Deltic, Harry Moonlight,
Direobozone, Autumn King, Time -
2.201 ; 2.14;
2.11 Trot:
Darky, J. E. Swartz, Brandon 1 1 1
The Mystery, G. Brown, Leaming-
ton 222
Little Buok, J. Laeeon, Btrattord5 3 4
Kiogmore, J. Wigle, Windeor 4 6 8
Alec started — Oollingwood Rooker,
Pearl Tipping, Delbare, Missouri Ohiet
and Blackbird, Time -2.111 ; 2.15,} ;
2.40 Trot :
Othello, J. Soutar, Chatham 1 1 1
Major, H. Dreotlein, Meadville8 2 2
Lady Mary Tudor. A. MoLaren,
Buckingham 2 5 3
Gaulle Scott, J. J. Burne, Toronto4, 3 4
Also started—King Jubilee, Oro Ree,
Dan Bare and Kidd McGregor. Time -
2 214 ; 2.247) ; 2.24d.
Swoon Pro•Nro.—A Sabbath School
pie 010 will be bald at Abraham Blebop'a
grove, lob 6, ow. 8, on Friday aitern0ou
of tbie week in connection with S. S. No.
3. Refreshments to be bad on grounds,
They always have a fine time at 'hitt
annual event,
A. good share of the road work Is done,
It is of three varieties, good, bad and in•
different, the loner bolde 'h0 winning
pard. It is about time Statute labor an
at preeeot fu vogue was a thing of the
past and n better eyebolt inaugurated.
In many beaks it ie a waste of time and
Juo. Roddick, a veteran Greyito of the
18111 oon., is &Wily on & visit in Morrie
with old friends in the persona of Thos,
Miller, Wm, Shedden and others. Mr.
Roddick ie past 85 yeere of age and hoe
been a very rugged mao. He is adver•
tieing hie farm for sale, possession to be
given next Fall.
1611.0 rrlee.
Townehip Council met on Monday.
Dau. Beeley, of Elsie Mich., was here
on a visit at Thos. Rowel's, 6th line.
Morrie was well represented at the
exoaraion to the Model Farm on Sotur-
Mrs, Kernaghan, of Stratford, was
visiting old friends in this looality during
the petit week.
Jobe Miller, of the 3rd line, left on a
vieit to Soolland„eailiog from Montreal
on the Tuoieion.
Mre. Ann Smith, 6th line, hae been
ill with pleurisy but we hope she will
soon be a0 wall as ever.
Geo, and Will. Jordan and their sister,
Mies Jennie, have returned home after
a short visit with friends in Berlin.
6 or 7 pupils from S. S, No. 5 are at
Brneeele this week writing at the En•
trance Examination. We wieb them
David Raeeell, of Calgary, is spending
a oouple of weeks at his home in Morrie.
He attended the 0. 0. F. High Court
In Ottawa as a delegate from Calgary.
He's a welcome visitor.
George Garbutt, of Mullett townebip,
diepoead of a Sunlight II draft snare, 3
years old, last week, for the elegant
figure of 6800. This ie a big price for a
three year old bat ehe ie said to be a
dandy. The etre in owned by Henry
Bone, 9rd line Morrie,
Walter Forreal's roadster mare
"Lasalle,” bred by "Kaplan," has
presented him with a hue "Munbare"
foal. It pays to raise the right kind.
"Lasalle" won the sweepstakes prize
1904 and 1905 at Braeeele Fall Fair and
ie a tine animal and well prized by her
A large congregation assembled in Ban-
thine oburah last Sabbath afternoon
to bear Rev. Mr. Jones' farewell sermon.
He carries with him the good wishes, of
of the community, His eaooe0sor, Rev,
W. W. Rivers, will preach hie first die.
coarse at Sunshine next Sabbatb alter.
noon, He comes very highly spoken of
and we wieb him anemia.
The Jaokeon appointment Sabbath
Sohooi will bold a Lawn Boole' et the
home of Henry Jaokeon, 81b line, on
Wednesday evening, July 4th. After
sapper a choice program of venal and
inetrame0tal 010010 will be rendered, in
which talent from Blyth, Brueeeie and
other places will take pert. Keep the
date clear and go and have a good time.
FAUIL= RR a&Ion•--Last Saturday
atteruoon a very happy party assembled
at the oomfortable home ot Tboe. and
Mre. Raeeell, 6th line, numbering 75 in
all. A most enjoyable time watt spent by
everybody. Mania, social that, &n., were
on the program. An elegant sapper wee
eerved to whiob ample j0ettoe Was done.
A photographic group was taken of the
company by Artist Brewer, of Brussels,
Among the members of the family prole
ant were :—Robert, Miens. Minnie and
Lena, Jae. and son., Thos„ Wm„ Alex.,
Mrs. 0. Agin, daughter and eon, Mrm. J.
Haley and eon, all of Saginaw, Miob, ;
Dr. Juo., of Elide, Mich„ and Mre. Rue.
eel's sister, of Bay Oily, Miob. The only
absentee among the children of the home.
stead was Leonard, of Winnipeg, who
was unable to be present. It is not often
e0 largo ,'a family is permitted to
assemble together after attaining man-
hood and womanhood. The occasion will
not be soon forgotten. Many good wish•
es for the continued health and prosperity
of the highly esteemed boat and hostas
was expreosed.
Gr ex.
John McTaggart took in the exouroion
to Detroit last week.
George Willits hae been engaged by
Eli Smith to assist in farm work,
A number from this townebip took in
Ibe oiroue at Palmerston on Wednesday
of this week_
Grey wee well represented at the Model
Form Exonrsion last Saturday, a number
remaining over Sunday.
Joe Shaw left Tuesday of this week
for Hinton, Wis., to visit hie brother,
J. G. Shaw. We wish him an enjoyable
Mre. John Engel and eon, of Paw Paw,
Mich., are welcome visitors at the for-
mer'o parental home, Oboe. Rozell'e, 9112
The addition to Hugh Lamont's barn,
7th eon., will give him ample ao0ommo•
dation for his orop. We hope he will
often bave it well filled,
A new stage route has been eetabliebed
between Henfryn and the 3rd line
Morrie. Passengers desiring a nomfort•
able trip in a rubber tire boggy should
apply to Harry.
A straying horse found its way into
the farm of Oliver Turnbull, 15th eon.,
last week, but the owner showed up
later. The animal belonged to Horriotod
but bad scraped away from Mitchell,
Joe Bishop, who bad been visiting rata.
tivee and friends for a month, left for
his home in Obeeley, Montana, last
week. He is a eon of John Biebop, an
old and well known resident of Grey.
Grey townebip Vetere' List for 1906
has been issued and was first posted up
on Wedneaday of this week. There are
918 twine in Part I ; 95 in Part II ; and
80 in Part III -1043 in a11. No. of
Jurors 601.
We are very sorry to learn of the
demise of Mre. Palmer, whose maiden
name was Mary Agues Bray, she being a
daughter of Wm. Bray, 16th oon. She
passed away on 8nnday,June 17th, aged
25 years and 10 months. CoOmnmption
woe the oaten, She wart a fine pang
woman whose demise will be greatly
regtetted. Several from this I000lity
attended the funeral at Wroxeter. The
bereaved are deeply sympathized with,
Everything possible woe done to prolong
Mre. Pelmer'e life but it proved in vain.
TbeEvening Record of Windeor,epeake
as follows ot the decease of a nein of
John and Doagald Mo'1'aggort, 16th
eon :—After an illness extending
over the peat three months. Mrs. Cath-
erine Goldie, wile of John Goldie,
the boot and oboe merchant
of 81 Loudob [drain, Week, passed away
rat 6 o'oloolt Saturday morning, The
romaine Will bo taken to Dutton for
interment, as it woe her wieb that ehe
be buried there, Mrs, Goldie was form•
arty Mies0atbarioe McGregor, of Par•
mouth, and after her marriage to Mr.
Gotha they lived in the village of Dela.
ware, Middlesex county, until 18 years
ago, when they removed to Windsor.
Since 000110g to the oity Mrs. Goldie
made many warm Mende, who will
regret to hear of her death. She wee
02 years bid and ie survived by her 1100.
Pickering Township Connell have de.
oiled to appeal against the deoislon of
Chief Juetioe Meredith, gnaohing the
lariat option by•law.
The boiler In Jouos, Jaokeon & Mason's
obeese boxfaotory at Eldora exploded,
damaging the building and ooatdiug two
ot three 01 the men,
The annual meeting of Ent Huron
Farmers' lnetitote wait held in the Conn.
oil Chamber, Brunets, Friday after-
noon. President Mathieu In the chair.
Alter opening remarks by the President
the I5xeoutive Report was read which
showed that 11 meetings were held in the
riding at which 42 addresses were given
the total attendance being 2063. Moved
by A. Gardiner,seoonded by John Law -
non than the report be adopted. Carried,
Auditore' Report was read showing
Mat at the beginning of the year there
was on hand 322.183 and now there is on
hand 9260.80. Repurt was adopted ou
motiou of John Lawoou, seconded/ by
John MoTaggort, Following were elect-
ed direetore :—Ilowiolt, Robert Edgar,
Jae. Armstrong and A. A. Graham ;
W roxoter, R. B. Harris, T. A. Gibson,
and 1Vm. Knox ; Turuberry, Jae. Elliott,
Jno. MoNaoghton and Jae. Orr ; Grey,
John ilicT'aggart, Amos Smith, S. J.
Oampbell and Jae. MoFadzean ; Morrie,
Wen. Michie, Stewart Smillie and John
rr, Geo,
r sale H. Ke
Lemon •Bun W
Lu ,
Thomson, and W. El. McOraoken ; Mo•
Kdlop, A. Gardiner, Jas. Simpson, Robb,
Scarlett, and Jae. Leave ; Mullett, Thos.
McMillan, Jas. Watt, Boater Gibbinge,
Wm. Britton, and John Brigham. 'Thos.
R. Bennett and Alex. D. Lamont were
re -emoted Auditore.
It woe agreed to bold the teenier meet.
iuge of the Institute at Brueaele and
Wroxeter and the supplementary meet-
ings at Fordwioh, Blaeval0, Jamestown,
eloleswortb, Ethel, Walton, Winthrop,
Harlook, 1?bw,er'e Sobool house and St.
It was decided to offer prizes again for
the beet Essay written by a farmer the
eobjeot to be "The beet system of
ool.ivation in 000000010n with mixed
farming to clean and maintain the
eteaniiueea of our farms." Int. prize
85.00, 2nd 83.00, 3rd 92.00. Competition
open to me02uere of the Inetitute or
their sone who must be under 40 yearn of
age. Eaeaye to be in bands of the
Secretary not later than 1st ot October
next. Send them to P, A. MoArtbnr,
Seoretary, Brnseele P. O.
66.00 wart voted. for affiliation with the
Winter Fair, to be held at Guelph, in
Deoembor. All members, on presents.
bion of their members' ticket, e , ae admitted
tree to all the 00001000 of this Fair.
On motion the sum of $10.00 was grant.
ed to East Huron Women's Iuatitute.
Simpson Rennie, the wellknown seeds.
man, of Toronto, was present aid gave a
very praotioa! addreee on "Weeds, good
and bad eeed &a." Be hod samples of
weeds and seeds and also deals with
samples bronght by farmers to the meet.
ing. There were about 50 persona in
aoteudanoe. Every farmer should be a
member of the Iestitnte. Ib only bakes
26 twine per au00m and they receive the
Goveromeut reports, ballettna, &G. Any
director will be glad to 0005100 your
The difference existing between Sea.
forth and Stratford have been referred
to President Duff for settlement.
The Goderioh Lawn Bowling As.
sooiation have settled on August 7,
and the three following days for their
annual bowling tournament,
The Milverton intermediates lout
their protest against Listowel, booed
ou the obarge that the latter club had
played more men outside the reeidenoe
limits than the law allow[.
At Listowel on Wednesday night Pres.
ton defeated the home team in the semi•
Saab game by a more of 8-0. D. J.
MoLonohlin, of Oheeley, was referee,
The return game will be played on
Friday in Preston when the winners
will play Mildmay for the cup.
The deciding game of football between)
Listowel and Milverton juniors wan
played at Listowel last Wednesday
night and reenited 1 to 0 in favor of Mil•
verton. This pats•Lietowei out of the
running for the ohamplo0ebip. J. W,
Ward, of Stratford, was the referee,
Milverton won at home on Satur•
day from Atwood, in n junior game,
in overtime, by 1-0. Atwood is in-
vestigating the age of 00010 of Mil-
verton'e mon. It this game i0 not
replayed, it means that Milverton
and Mildmay juniors play off tot the
junior ohampionehip.
The Dominion Iron its Steel Co, have
secured a *entrain for 50,000 tone of 60
pound toile from iniac enz Ia it Mann.
A severe electrical storm vieited Oam•
beeland, N. S. Lightning stencil two or
three buildibge, and Ezra Steed, a minor,
was killed,
The annual excursion to the Model
Farm at Guelph to always a popular out-
ing for people in this locality and Met
Saturday's svae no ex0eptlon to the rule.
Some thought Saturday was an objection-
able day, but Tan POST in recommending
that elate thought otherwise owing to it
giving the 8 day limit.
The train left here at 8 a. in. with 10
ooaehos and r. baggage car. Conductor
Totten was in charge with Engineer
Brown at the throttle and Fireman
Arbell looking after the coal supply. 178
tiokots were Bold at Brussels as compared
with 164 a year ago, and the esour0ion
landed about 700 in all at Guelph without
Of course the Model Farm was the
objeotive point and as there were two •
other exoursion0 there the same day, the
three aggregating 2,400, President Oreel-
mau and stuff had their work oat ant.
But with a well defined system and
the asaietanoe of volunteer help a nicely
prepared lnuoh was eerved and the
hundreds of people Were wall pleased.'
Prosident Oreelman gave on excellent
address which wan most aoodptable and
fall of instruction. A tour of the ex-
perimental plots, hennery, &o., woe made
under the direction of Meters. Silairrot
and Graham. Thoy have 91 varieties of
oats alone. Iu the poultry department
10 makes oL4noubators are being tested.
The „meohanioal building, which is in
course of motion, will be a flue one. 1t
will be a steel structure with pressed
Mach enjoyed were the three demon-
strations in the MoDouald Building in
Domestic Science. A three months'
oonrse only 0oe10 960 and would be a life
long boon to any young lady taking it.
Farm is in splendid shape end the
visitors were delighted with what they
saw and honed.
Four breads of cattle are kept on the
farm, viz :—Aberdeen, Galloway, Short
Horn and Horeford. Nothing during the
day wag of greater intateet than the
millnug maaltfuo exhibitor, at whiob 8
cows worn milked at oboe. It posts 975
with pall, pulsator, hose oonneotiou,
engine 80,, and is manufactured at
Little Palle, N. Y.
The excursionists arrived here shortly
atter 9 p, m..being delayed some limo al
Pallnotetoo, Quito a number did not.
return until Monday, So much was the
day enjoyed thab already peoplehave
decided to go back 10 sae .i;'rootdeut Creel•
moa next year.