HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-6-14, Page 8SUMMER COMFORT
This time of year, perhaps more than at any other time, you want
to enjoy yourself—perhaps some of these things will
help to better your health and in,
crease your comfort.
Fresh Hellebore Blue Stone spraying
8OIITa0RN 00TEN8I0N W. H. & e,
Trains Leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows;
Mail 7:05 a.m I Mixed 810 a.m
Miaed.........11:25 a.m 1:44 p,m
Express...-. 3:02 p.m I Express .„8:51 p,m
fix z e. s gt.ezres
A ebiel'e amang ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent
DeLIG10CUL Weather.
THE Pon gives the uewa.
Meaux your wool at Brneeele.
A. O. U. W. Friday evening of this
Tag Vo':unteere go to London Clamp
next Monday.
DON'T omit reading page 6 of this ieene.
You'll miss if you do.
Tae School Board did not meet on
Friday evening. No quorum.
WM, JRwroT shipped a double deck of
bogs to Oolliogwood this week, He
handles a lot of ewioe.
THE Maoaabee Braes Band have eeoared
en engagement ate Garden Party to be
held at Oranbrook on Jane 22ud,
Tax grindstone method of calling sub-
scribers in the central telephoue office,
is been displaced by the push button
TENDERS for the proposed new Agri,
cultural Hall on the Grey Branoh Perk
received anti) Saturday of this week at
6 p. m. Don't forget.
A rue Band praotioe is regoeeted for
Friday night of thio week. It is expect.
ed that the Band will have about 14
membere thio Summer.
Nur, MI11005 is likely to engage in
egaioe training once more, reviving the
days of his youth when on the Guelph
track he held the ribbons over the back
ot a 2 04 goer, so Nell attys.
A JOLLY party from Liatowol pio•niok•
ed on the lawn at ''Kelvin Grove" last
Thursday and were meet hospitably enter-
tained by J. and Mre. Leokie.
The vieitore pat in a splendid time.
A Doyen man Bent a shirt to the luau•
dry and by mistake a woman's nightie
was returned to him. He looked her op,
mingled hie bluohee with here white
exoheuging the goods, and later married
her. How's that for a tumentia shirt
tale in sooie1y airalee.
Oleo OD Taeuxs.—The undersigned
desires to express bie sincerest thanks to
the many Moods for tbeir kind words
and helpful ante in 000ueotiou with the
brief illness and subsequent demise of
hie wife. Language faife to competently
eapres's hie appreciation of kindness
which can never be forgotten.
Dz, OQENe, M. D., London, Eye and
gar Burgeon, will be at Smith's Drag
tltore, Brussels, on the first Tueeday in
Math month. Hours, 8 8. m. to 1.30 p. m.
0ataraat, squint, failing eyesight,
deafness and nasal catarrh treated and
gateau properly fitted. Next viefb,
Tuesday, July 3rd.
Din WRLL.—We are pleased to state
nthe,t at the reoent Toronto Uoivereity
examinations Miee Barbara Mo$elvey,
of Brussels, took bonfire ire Italian,
English and French and gave German
oloee ran. Mies Ethel Boolt, formerly
tenoher here, was awarded a $60 scholar.
ship in Moderne and was one of three in
a tie for the Italian award, Both ladies
are in their Lit year io an boner mune.
They ore to ea aamplimeoted and eon•
Teas Heron News -Record, of Clinton,
spoke ae follows loot week :—Capbaiu
McTaggart was in Braoeele on Saturday
last ou beakless in commotion with
Oompaoy No. 5. with headquarters in
that village, He expeote to go into
tamp on the 18th with ite full eooemp-
meat of men, ap:to•date having experience -
ed leas diffiouly in reorailing than last
year. By the way hie outer Sergent (Chao,
Meadows) has been connected with No.
5 for nearly a everter of aoentary.
Rev. Mo, FINoeEINEn, writing from
Oampden. Ont., says :—We are enjoying
our new home. It was thegraodeet eight
I ever had to Gee the trait trees in bios-
0om. Taking a ride on the trolley from
Hamilton to Beameville when the peach
orchards were in bloom was eimply
something beautiful. Now, Dear Editor
I extend to you a hearty invitation to
oar home when the Trull is ripe. Straw-
berry pioking io on this week, after this
le raspberries until peeobee are ripe, Mo
the invitation holds good for any time
until the peach orop is over,
ENiov.to ,0 gamee ere being played on
the Mailand bowling green here in oon•
ne0tion with the loaal tournament. The
competition is only about hail tbrotegb
yet, In the Bret round the results are ae
followe Rowland beat MoLaoohlio, 11-
10 ; Downing beat *Smith, 14-11 ; Feild
beat *Habkirk, 13-10 ; 'Craigie beat
MacDonald, 12-11 ; W. Leatherdale beat
R. Leatherdale, 11-12 ; *Norman beat
Jackeoo, 12-13 ; Nioboleon beat *0.
Beaker, 18--13 ; Kerley beat 3. Strachan,
16-12. Those marked * reoeived 6 pointe
60 start with. There ale yet 3 eats to be
Inlayed and then the emend mud will
Model farm Reunion Saturday, Jane
23rd. Make your arrangements to at-
A N0me80 of iotereetiog matters are
crowded out of this 1880, wbioh will up.
pear next week.
Some of the likely horses fn -Brussels
will probably start in the rsoeo at Sea.
forth next week.
HURRAH for the Model Farm Excursion
Saturday of next weak, good for three
days. Speoial train me Satorday. See
the advt. in another column.
Rens AT BRuoezes.—Ii hae been de.
aided to hold the annual Sommer races
on Wednesday and Thursday, August
22nd and 23rd. Partioalare later.
J. T. Wool), of the Excelsior $pitting
Factory, left for the East last Monday
with samples of Fall and Winter goods.
We hope hie trip will result in the receipt
of large orders.
L. 0. L,—The semi anneal meeting of
the county Omega Lodge of North
Huron, will be held in the Orange Hall,
Wingham, on Tuesday June 19th at 2
o'olouk p. m., sharp. Houry Honey is
the County Secretary.
THE Toronto Daily News and Toronto
Daily Star, which for some time have
been sold to sobsoribere at 51 a year
straight, or 90a and 85a respectively
olabbed with Tan Pose, ie now raised to
51.50 a year. Suitable clubbing rates.
eau still be proo0red with Tog PoeT,
FALL FAIR DIRgCTORe.—A meeting of
the Directors of the Boat Huron and
Grey Branoh Agricultural Societies will
be held in the Oonaoil Member, Brus-
sels, on Monday of next week, 18th inat„
at 2 o'clock, to deal with matters per-
taining to the next Fall Fair, Every
Directoria asked to attend.
MATRIMONIAL. -0o Wednesday of last
week Juo. Staunton and Miee Harriet
Maude Spence, both of Goderiob, were
united in marriage. They will make
their home in Edmonton Alberta. The
bride is a niece of Simon Grant, of
Bruasele. We wish the young 000ple
happiness and prosperity.
D. BUTLER, London, will be at the
Amorioan Hotel, Brueeels, cif:—
Hoare 7:30 a. m. to 2 p. m, Eye, Ear,
Noma and Throat oousaltatione. Eyes
tested for Waimea.
Frear Gats.—Friday evening of this
week at 6.30 o'oloek the fleet game among
juveniles of Bruseele for the foot bah
offered by Tan Pose will be played on
Victoria. Park. The winners must 00008
Soot of 5 matches, and players moat be
chosen from the list now handed into
Tan Pose, Go and see the game and en-
courage the lade in clean eporb.
TRNnono are asked for the erection of a
new Agricaltaral Hall on the Grey
Branoh Park, and will be reoeived up to
Jane 16tH at 6 p. m. by Beoretary W, H.
Kerr. Building ie to have lower story of
cement concrete with cement floor and
frame upper story with ehingle roof.
Plane and epecifioatiooe may be Been at
TEE Poe Uontraotore are asked to
state price they will allow for present
Hall, The work is to be completed so ae
to have everything i0 readiness for the
Fall Fair, wbioh will be a hammer.
Building will be 40x70 feet.
DEATH TO WEnne,—Tho anneal meeting
of the Farmers' Institute will be held in
Brunie on Friday, Juoe 22nd, and will
be followed by a Pure Seed Institute to
be addreeecd by Simpson Rennie, of
Toronto, who is well known to al'elrowere
of Beed. The opening emotion will be
held at 2 p. m. on the farm of James
Burgess, East of town, after wbitb a
further emotion will be held in the Town
Hall. The speaker will be equipped with
eamplee of weed seeds, mounted spedi•
mane of weede, °smples of good and poor
Geed grain, eta. Farmere and others are
regaeated to bring weede and weed seeds,
eamplee of groin, corn, oto., to the
meows for identifloation and examine.
ttOn. The delegate will be prepared to
explain and disease the wotkinge of the
Sped Control Aot,
SPLENDIDLY DONE.—The Oratorio, "Bel-
shazzer's breast" was presented in A 1
etyle in the Town Hall here Tueeday
evening, ender the direction of George
(line, the well known and capable vocal•
let of Wingham, a large and interested
audience being present. There was not a
floor number on the program and the
whole produotioo went through without
a 51itoh of any kind. Every soloist rend
Bred their difficult parte exoelleutly while
the delete were equally well done. In
oborneee there was volume, harmony and
melody, the parte being specially well
balanced, J. E, Cameron gave the
explanatory readings. Those taking part
are to be congratulated on the enaoeeefnl
I00ua0ce of their faithful practice in the
rendering of m0eia ae difficult a0 con-
tained in the Oratorio. Mrs. (Di.)
Holmes was the effieient a000mpaniet.
An innovation at a unmet wwe a Dom.
plime0tary resolution to Mr. Olin° and
the vocalieto briefly proposed by J.
Leckie in commendatory se iteneee, The
audience expressed its acquiescence in
hie -remarks by a standing vote. "God
gave the King" followed the last grand
chorus, "Magnify, Glorify." A number
have expressed a wish to haus the
Oratorio repeated. Brueeel0 certainly
pooee0e08 a lot of extra good musical
talent an was exemplified Tuesday even-
ing. Mr, Cline le an A 1 oondaotor,
Standard, Bank of Canada
=MIX,..1..lrata.,00033812J 1E372
A, GernNrat Banking I3usineeers Traniaaoted
Accreted Interest is added to aaooanto every six months and b000meo principal.
Joint Deposit Accounts—A SPECIAL CONVENIENCE m use in our Savings De-
partment is the "Joint Depo01t" account. Motley relay 80 depoeito0 or withdrawn
by either of the two members o1 the honeehold, Thie eyetem le a groat ounvea-
Immo to many reeidlug la town, but more particularly so to farmers, as In the latter
case whether man or wife oomus 10 town shier can attend to the Banking. Au.
other feature of the eyetem is that in case of the death of Dither party the money
can be withdrawn by the survivor without matt. We will tollyou more about our
methods if you will kindly oall or write.
Married 'Women and Minors may make and withdraw deposits without the in.
terventlou of any person,
only for which no charge ie made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar oarefal and °ourteoua attention.
Wm. Mame, W. H, McCracken, W. 0,
Smith and Jae, Stewart attended an
Odd Fellows' demonstration at Teeowater
on Tuesday evening of this week.
B. GERRY has leased the premises
recently vaoated by W. E, Dunoan to
Dr. J. A, MoNsoghtoo, of London, who
soya he fotende resuming praotioe iu
Brussels and locality. The building is
being refitted in its interior arrangements
for an olio,.
G. A. BEST shipped 3 oars of export
cattle to Briutol, England, on Wednesday
all stable fed animals. The total ship.
moot amounted to 54,005. They were a
lot 01 prime ones. 2 oare of huge were
forwarded on Thereday and Mr. Beet
hae another oar of export cattle for Bat.
urday of this week. The prioe is better
than 5 aente.
THE daily press of Monday Speaks of
au uncle of Mre. Neil MoLanohlio, of
Brussels, se follows :—Ohfef Game War.
den Edwin Tinsley, who delivered an ad•
dress iu Buffalo before the Gaine
Protection Aeeooiatioo of Amerioa on
Friday last, and whose inteutiou was to
have taken part in the important die•
cueeion with regard 10 international
action in the preveubioo of Spring duck
ehootiog, reoeived a harry oall from hie
home iu Hamilton, which had been pard•
ally wreoked, by the severe wind etorm
there, and had to leave Buffalo at the
urgent regaeet of hie family on Friday
eight. Fortunately the damage to hie
hoose was not as great as it was at first
thought, but still it was quite a eerio0e
Mise GALBRAITH Goes Homs.—Atter
au extended illness Miee Oatharioe Gal.
braitb entered into rest last Saturday
afternoon, about 3.30 o'clock, peening
away at the home of her sister, Mre.
Archibald McDonald, Mill street, Brae.
eels, aged 82 years. Sbe was born in
Argyleehire, Scotland, and had lived in
Canada for the poet 30 years, 20 of which
she spent in the borne of Mr. MoNeil,
ex -M. P., of Wiarton, as domestic and
boaeekoeper, As years increased de-
oeaeed oame to Brueeele to live with her
eieter. She was a devout member of the
Presbyterian ohuruh and triumphed over
her last enemy—Death. An appropriate
service was oonduoted at the home last
Sabbath afternoon at 4 o'clock, by Rev.
Mr. Somerville, who was supplying Mel.
vine church pulpit. Burial took plaoe
ou Monday afternoon in the family plot
at Paisley, W. L. Leatherdale, under•
taker, accompanying the remains. Mre.
McDonald is two years the senior of her
departed sister and will mise her great•
ly after ten years of o0mpauionehip bat
looka forward to a happy reunion before
many years in the happy Glory Land,
Vinior M wine THR DIeTRIoT.—By
commend of the W. F. A. Exeontive the
firer game that was played in Brueeele
against Wingham was ordered to be
played again, and Friday or Saturday
evening was the ohoioe to play the game.
Wingham refused to oome Saturday
and ea the matab was called for Friday
evening with Brown Jackson of Seafortb,
as referee. The Wingham boyo mane
down minim a player and played the
Brussels team 10 men to 11 and oerteio•
ly put rip the beet defence that hae ever
been played on Victoria Park, About
6.10 the rain started and it came in
torrents during the whole game. The
Brussels team started off strong and some
good abets were pat on the visitors' goal.
In a eorimm0ge at the Brneeele goal
Aikenbead shot and the ball hit the Dor.
nee goal and went in and that was the
end of the sooting. Daring the last
halt Braseele pat shot after shot on the
goal but MaArter wee there to stop the
shote, ably assisted by. Mitabell and
Deana. During the game two footballs
were borated owing to the wet weather.
The Wingham boyedeeerve oredit ae they
have won 2 gamee, tied 1 and loot 1 ; and
play in the semi finale neat week agaitiat
Milverton We wish the Wingham team
gnome0, as the boys who played on the
team Friday night here were a gentle
manly lot. Following was the line up
Goal McArter
} Backe { Deane
Stevenson11r ( Davidson
Brown 1 k Baoke l .,Crulokshankn
Cardiff 1Wil on
Heather Autloy
teraoban Atkeuhead
Stoles' Forwards Miller
Earley A misty
ForrestMoGlll! ra
l v y
I go out to ew m" would have been a
very suitable ode to open the matob with
last Friday eveaiog.—II ie doubtful
if anything but a football game ooald
have tempted 517.00 worth of maeeoulin•
ity to undergo a whole or partial dreuoh.
ing.—The winners will strike some hot
amoebae as they progress toward the
tropby, and if they equal the reoord of
Brueeele will certainly do well.—Brae.
eels team fe as good, if not better, than
on any former years and their opp0ne0t0
have correspondingly improved. The
people of the town and locality have al.
ways been generous in their patronage
and in this way promoted the beet inter,
este of the team who did so much to
keep Brussels before the epee of the pub•
lie for 0o many yeare.—The W. F. A.
might find Dome difloalty in eeoaring
commendatory reference from our team
as by their delays and deeisione they
did a good deal toward the dieoourago•
moot of the game both here and else.
where.—lt was a 0808 of "Tbon art no
near and yet ;o far" with Brussels and
the District Obampionehip thio Anson,—
There're a tidy grist of yonngetere Dom
lug ap in town who will be able to give
pointer; to the most of them in another
year or 00.
Pink tips like velvet, rough, ohap•
pod or cracked lips can be made ae colt ae
velvet by applying at bedtime, a light
00ati0g of Dr. Shoop's green salve. The
effsot on the lips or akin of this moat
excellent ointment he alwaye immediate
and certain. Dr. Shoop', green ealvo
takes out completely the gormless of
oats, barna and bruieea and all skin
abrasions, It le sorely a wonderful and
most highly sabiBfaobory healing oint-
ment, It glass jars at 26o. Bold by F.
R. Smith.
People We Know.
Wm. MoEweo has been ou the eiokliet.
Mre. M. MoLennen, of London, ie
vieiling in Brneeele.
Mics Aimee Black, ot Wroxeter, was a
visitor in town last week,
Mime M. Oamerou, of Luaknow, is
vieitiog Mre, J. H. Cameron,
Mre. (Dr.) Burne has gone to Long
Braoob for a holiday of a few weeks.
Mre. Joo. Thomson was renewing old
friendehipe in Seafortb for a few days.
Mre. Phillipe returned to town o0
Monday after a pleasant vieit at Blyth.
-G. L. Norman, of the Metropolitan
Bank, was a visitor in Seaforth on Sun
Misses Fannie Mason and Mattie Barr,
Blyth, were visitors in Brussels on Moo -
Mre. Jno. Corrie was on the eiok list
but is improving now we are pleased to.
Robt. Hamphriee, medical student, ie
assisting Dr. Burue in hie praotioe for a
P. Munroe left on Tueeday for Sarnia
where he has taken a position in that
Dr. Will J. Cameron and Brine Soott,
of Palmereton, were visitors in town
over Sunday.
George Thomson was on the eiakliet
for a few days thie week, an unusual
thing for him.
Miee Edna Pugh has taken a position
in W. A. Grewar'e resteuranb. She
should fill the bill.
Jes. Danford, of Clinton, accompanied
by his daaghtere, were vieitore at E. 0.
Duuford'a over Sunday.
Mre. 3. 0. North and Mies Florence
Mallory, of Piston, are vieitore at J. F.
Rowland',, Tarnberry etreet,
Misses L. Bewley and Mead Jeokeoo,
of Morrie, were visitors with Mrs. Ohae.
Ritohie daring the past week.
Mra. A. McGuire was called to Wing.
ham on Tueeday owing to the eerioae
illoeee of her sister, Mre. Mollwaine.
Art. Hawkehaw, of the Standard Bank
at Markham is back to town relieving for
two weeks in the Standard Bank here.
Mre. Fie,obor Sperling does not regain
her vi,.or as quickly as Ler many friends
would desire out we hope the will soon be
Mre. T, Nicholls and Mre. W. E. Dune
Dau are away for a holiday with relatives
and old friends at Tuokeremith, Heneall
and other pointe.
George Robb, liveryman, who hae been
quite ill, ie improving bat not recruited
yet. We hope he will soon regain hie
customary good health.
Mre. W. J. Fawcett and Mies Mary
arrived in town on Monday. Mr. Few.
(tett and family will board for a time
until a meltable house can be obtained.
Frank Ardell was in Teeewater last
Friday playing baseball with the home
team against Palmerston. Teeawater won
by a score of 12-9. Frank played in the
centre garden.
Mies Mary Forbes is home from Win-
nipeg arriving Tuesday evening, She is
weloome bank, Miee Forbee takes her
old position 00 stenographer in Barrister
MaDonald'e office.
Arthur Wheatley, who bad one of hie
limbo amputated a few weeks ago, wait
able to be brought to linseeds on Wed•
nudity in a baggy and is getting
about on crutches now.
This week R, Crone, harems. maker,
left for Fergae where be bas taken a
position at hie trade. Mre. Drone and
family will continue reeidetete of Brae.
tele in the meantime we are glad to bear.
G. H. Semis, who bee been on the staff
of the Standard Bank, Drum's, for some
months, left Cale week for Platen agency.
He was a very affable young mac and
leaves with the good wishes of the town.
Miee Mina Hunter, who bee spent
nearly two years in Brandon, Manitoba,
arrived home Tuesday evening. Sbe is a
daughter of John and Mre, Hunter, John
street. The Weet evidently agreed with
A. and Herb. Lowry oeme home from
Toronto last week where they have been
employed and lett this week for'the Weet.
The former will work at Port Arthur and
Herb. will go on to Winnipeg. We wish
them euo lees.
Mies Lizzie Roes and Mrs. Jno. Mann•
ing leave neat Tueeday on a pleasure
trip to Winnipeg and the West. They
expect to be away for a maple of months,
We wieh them a safe journey and a de.
Iig51tf01 time,
A, E. Mellish is haok bo town for a few
duye' visit before going to Toronto whore
he expecte farther inetrnatione from the
bead oflioe of the Metropolitan Bank,
He hae been a popular towuemau, He
expeole to go to the Queen oily next
D. M. Stott was at the parental home
here for abort time while en r0nte to
Regina, N. W. T„ where he takes °barge
of the Ielectranoe hardness of the Northern
in the provinoe of Baeleatobewen. It is
an important appointment but from hie
experietoe we expeot Mr, Soot* will fill
It in good style.
CAPITAL—Authorized' $2,000.000
CAPITAL—Pahl up 1,000,000
'RESERVE; and Surplus Profits; 1,183,133
0,J, 1,1001118, D, D, E, momesON, E. 0.
TIM, BRADSHAW, P,L.a. 1110 100800 Mn, W. MORTIMER OLA00, 8.0, JAe, RYRI0
401111 5000Tn1Oo0
W, D. ROBS, - General Mauagor7
THE METROPOLITAN BANK Is open to receive tho acoouutmet
Farmers, Merohaote arid Madness Community generally and to give
careful oo0elderatdou to all proposals eabm,tted to it.
It -ranee upon its past regard for ooue'teoue treatment of its Cue.
tonere, and will extend every 0onelderatiou 000800tent with eouud
banking to those who may desire to traueaob buelneeo with it,
Intermit at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all same of 51 and upwards
Mre. 0. Bowerman, of Beaverton,
whoee husband was a teooher in Grey
some years ago and who ie now a dentiet,
was in Brneeele this week. It is 11 years
since they moved away but are remember.
ed by old friedde,
Business Locals.
DWELLING rooms 10 let above store.
Poeeeeeioa can be given July 25th.
100 nooND ceder poets for Bale, aleo a
single buggy. Apply to A. Ooott, Brum
eels, North.
LADIES or School pupils taken to board.
Also roomers. Apply to Mos. Time.
Osamu, Queen at., Brussels, 48-2
WASTED.—Eggs 20o. Pedlare Revised
Tariff -100 tube aboioe gram, Better
wanted at once. GEo.E. gmo, Wingham.
Edging, grinding, filing and repairing
done here, our work guaranteed for all
time at the easy figure by T. McQueen,
Mill St., Brunelle, Ont.
PRIVATE BALE. — Horse, buggy, oart,
matter, Itemises, robes, blankets, belle eta.,
will be Bold separately or together ou or
before June 25th. Apply to REV. T.
WReLEY (Josue, Brueeels.
RR J'SST.,r A M2 c=•S
Fall Wheat 78
Barley 4e
Peas 68
Oats 36
Batter, tabs and rolls14
Eggs per dozen 14
Hay per ton 6 25
Floor, per bbl 4 60
Hoge, Live 7 00
Wool 24
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00
Potatoes per bus 40
Apples (per bbl.) 1 50
7 00
5 20
7 00
ALLAN,—Ia Wroxeter, on Friday, June
8th, to Mr. end Mre. Jae.. Allan a
LAOEIi.—Iu Howbeit, on Monday, Jane
11th, tb Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leckie
a daughter. -
ORAta.—In Morrie on Jane 5151, to Mr.
and Mre. W.H. Oreig, a eon,
OLOAREY—MOL@AN.—Ab the residence of
the bride'° parents, 102 Cumberland
Bt Toronto, on Juoe 61h, by Rev.
Mr. Whitiog, Mr. Frank H. Oloaltey
to Miee Margaret E. McLean, eldest
daughter of Mr, Joseph McLean, of
OLOARnY—DYRENAM,—At the reeidenoe
of the bride's, parents, 668 Perlia•
meat Bt., Toronto, on June Ebb, Mr.
Wm. R. Oloakey to Mise Olara Dyke
DA0R—HOLLINOEn.--At the Manse, Oran•
brook, on May 291h, by Rev, D. B.
McRae, Mr, B. Dark, of Moleowortb,
to Miee Lizzie, daughter of Mr.
John Hollinger, of Grey.
GALBaAITH --.In Brussels, on Jnue 9th,
Catharine Galbraith, aged 82 years,
0000 of the undersigned, Con. 8, Morrie,
about May 24th, a big white sow with a dark
spot on 0110 front shoulder And has a short
tail. Any information that will load to her
recovery will be thankfully reoeived.
MRS. S. M. FEAR, Brueeels P.O.
L. rage of the undersigned, Lot 28, Con.
18, Grey, on or about May 1001,, a two-year-
old heifer, red and white in dolor. Owner
mvy have the same by paying expenses and
pruyl fig property. ROBAT. enfryn J. DOUGHERTY,
SALE.—The undersigned has for sale 4
improved Berkshire Bowe, bred from prime
winning stook, Due to litter about Sept.
let. Also 2 aged Serkabire Bowe due to lit-
ter in July. Bargains for quick ipurolraaers.
For iurtuer parttoulars apply to J. P. Me-
INT06B, Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey, or Oran.
brook P.O. 49.11
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Office and Reeidenoe—
Llspection of your garret or
oloeote will reveal, we think,
many a fabric that can bo made
as good es new by dyeing. The
cost is but it trifle and the mod,
ern dyes—all of wlrioh we carry
are eo simple to me that any
one can dye with perfect sne-
invested in dye will often
yield a dollar's worth of results
Fox's Drug Store
fairly good man to bolp on a farm,
must be sober. Employment for rest of
this year or longer. Apply to ELI SMITH,
Lot 4, Con, 7, Grey ; or Brnemale P. 0,
for S. 8. No.1, Grey town ship, Huron
County. Duties to aommen00 after vaba-
tion. Applications received up to Jane 80.
40.3 R. J. HOOVER,
Seoretary. Brueeele P.O.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of William
Young, late of the Township of Grey,
in the County of Huron, farmer,
Notice is hereby glven, pursuant to Revis-
ed Ntatutee of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 129, and
amended Acte, that all creditors and others
having any claims against the estate of the
said William Young, who died on or about
the let day of ,Inure, 1900. are required ou
or before the 14th day of July, 1000, to Heed
by poet, prepaid, or deliver to A.B. Mao-
donald, Brussels P. O.. eolieitor for John
Young a ud Henry Young, Exeou tore of said
estate, their Christian and euruamee Dud
addieasea with full partloulare in writing
of their olaime, the etatomout of their ac-
counts and the nature of the securities (if
any) bold by them, verified by satisfactory
And notice la further given that after the
said last mentioned date the said Execu-
tors will proceed to dietrlbute the assets
of the deueaeod amongst the parties entit-
led thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which they shall noon have
notice and that the eaid Exeontoro will
not be liable for the inmate, or any part
thereof, to any person or persona of whose
Maims notice shall not have boon reoeived
by them at the time of soon distributie'o.
Dated at Bruasele 012i8 13th day of June,
11.0., 1000,
99-3 Solicitor for Exeoutore,
Brussels Daylight Store = G. N. McLaren
r.,..re.IlrWhd:h'er•nl'tlypun4'4i Wr41r41W,hi il.. he'I,P..,I n Il a II 'I ,. nl ., al N n a . y ,, ,, , , n n r non ,I „ Inn „
II 6 L 1, Ir Ir I Ir I , , 11 Ir Ira 11 n III h14,n1* t Ir II III�111'I,Ih, Ir 1, I L 11, 11 nli Ili Illhllrl,l'llnli IIIn11'llrl,, t 1. 1, Ili p1911h,1hn'I,Ib
SeasonableGoods Less at iYess
Than Regular Prices
We have just received 26 dozen Men's Shirts, a manufacturer's clean-up,
bought away below the regular values.
1.25 & 1.00 Men's Soft Front Shirts for 75o
—26 dozen Men's fine quality Madras and Cambric Shirts, light, medium and dark'eoloringe;
all sizes from 14 to 17, with detached cuffs ; perfect fitting goods ; regular 5
prices $1.00 and $1.25. Sale price ii V
For Prickly Heat
red or
Phophate of SodathawCitrate
Use Teonm Powder.
Of Ma ne8ia
we have a apleudid
et er
are bre°era•
kind at 150, a eau,
Aromatic Cascaa
the best,
adh Man-oot
Fresh Hellebore Blue Stone spraying
8OIITa0RN 00TEN8I0N W. H. & e,
Trains Leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows;
Mail 7:05 a.m I Mixed 810 a.m
Miaed.........11:25 a.m 1:44 p,m
Express...-. 3:02 p.m I Express .„8:51 p,m
fix z e. s gt.ezres
A ebiel'e amang ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent
DeLIG10CUL Weather.
THE Pon gives the uewa.
Meaux your wool at Brneeele.
A. O. U. W. Friday evening of this
Tag Vo':unteere go to London Clamp
next Monday.
DON'T omit reading page 6 of this ieene.
You'll miss if you do.
Tae School Board did not meet on
Friday evening. No quorum.
WM, JRwroT shipped a double deck of
bogs to Oolliogwood this week, He
handles a lot of ewioe.
THE Maoaabee Braes Band have eeoared
en engagement ate Garden Party to be
held at Oranbrook on Jane 22ud,
Tax grindstone method of calling sub-
scribers in the central telephoue office,
is been displaced by the push button
TENDERS for the proposed new Agri,
cultural Hall on the Grey Branoh Perk
received anti) Saturday of this week at
6 p. m. Don't forget.
A rue Band praotioe is regoeeted for
Friday night of thio week. It is expect.
ed that the Band will have about 14
membere thio Summer.
Nur, MI11005 is likely to engage in
egaioe training once more, reviving the
days of his youth when on the Guelph
track he held the ribbons over the back
ot a 2 04 goer, so Nell attys.
A JOLLY party from Liatowol pio•niok•
ed on the lawn at ''Kelvin Grove" last
Thursday and were meet hospitably enter-
tained by J. and Mre. Leokie.
The vieitore pat in a splendid time.
A Doyen man Bent a shirt to the luau•
dry and by mistake a woman's nightie
was returned to him. He looked her op,
mingled hie bluohee with here white
exoheuging the goods, and later married
her. How's that for a tumentia shirt
tale in sooie1y airalee.
Oleo OD Taeuxs.—The undersigned
desires to express bie sincerest thanks to
the many Moods for tbeir kind words
and helpful ante in 000ueotiou with the
brief illness and subsequent demise of
hie wife. Language faife to competently
eapres's hie appreciation of kindness
which can never be forgotten.
Dz, OQENe, M. D., London, Eye and
gar Burgeon, will be at Smith's Drag
tltore, Brussels, on the first Tueeday in
Math month. Hours, 8 8. m. to 1.30 p. m.
0ataraat, squint, failing eyesight,
deafness and nasal catarrh treated and
gateau properly fitted. Next viefb,
Tuesday, July 3rd.
Din WRLL.—We are pleased to state
nthe,t at the reoent Toronto Uoivereity
examinations Miee Barbara Mo$elvey,
of Brussels, took bonfire ire Italian,
English and French and gave German
oloee ran. Mies Ethel Boolt, formerly
tenoher here, was awarded a $60 scholar.
ship in Moderne and was one of three in
a tie for the Italian award, Both ladies
are in their Lit year io an boner mune.
They ore to ea aamplimeoted and eon•
Teas Heron News -Record, of Clinton,
spoke ae follows loot week :—Capbaiu
McTaggart was in Braoeele on Saturday
last ou beakless in commotion with
Oompaoy No. 5. with headquarters in
that village, He expeote to go into
tamp on the 18th with ite full eooemp-
meat of men, ap:to•date having experience -
ed leas diffiouly in reorailing than last
year. By the way hie outer Sergent (Chao,
Meadows) has been connected with No.
5 for nearly a everter of aoentary.
Rev. Mo, FINoeEINEn, writing from
Oampden. Ont., says :—We are enjoying
our new home. It was thegraodeet eight
I ever had to Gee the trait trees in bios-
0om. Taking a ride on the trolley from
Hamilton to Beameville when the peach
orchards were in bloom was eimply
something beautiful. Now, Dear Editor
I extend to you a hearty invitation to
oar home when the Trull is ripe. Straw-
berry pioking io on this week, after this
le raspberries until peeobee are ripe, Mo
the invitation holds good for any time
until the peach orop is over,
ENiov.to ,0 gamee ere being played on
the Mailand bowling green here in oon•
ne0tion with the loaal tournament. The
competition is only about hail tbrotegb
yet, In the Bret round the results are ae
followe Rowland beat MoLaoohlio, 11-
10 ; Downing beat *Smith, 14-11 ; Feild
beat *Habkirk, 13-10 ; 'Craigie beat
MacDonald, 12-11 ; W. Leatherdale beat
R. Leatherdale, 11-12 ; *Norman beat
Jackeoo, 12-13 ; Nioboleon beat *0.
Beaker, 18--13 ; Kerley beat 3. Strachan,
16-12. Those marked * reoeived 6 pointe
60 start with. There ale yet 3 eats to be
Inlayed and then the emend mud will
Model farm Reunion Saturday, Jane
23rd. Make your arrangements to at-
A N0me80 of iotereetiog matters are
crowded out of this 1880, wbioh will up.
pear next week.
Some of the likely horses fn -Brussels
will probably start in the rsoeo at Sea.
forth next week.
HURRAH for the Model Farm Excursion
Saturday of next weak, good for three
days. Speoial train me Satorday. See
the advt. in another column.
Rens AT BRuoezes.—Ii hae been de.
aided to hold the annual Sommer races
on Wednesday and Thursday, August
22nd and 23rd. Partioalare later.
J. T. Wool), of the Excelsior $pitting
Factory, left for the East last Monday
with samples of Fall and Winter goods.
We hope hie trip will result in the receipt
of large orders.
L. 0. L,—The semi anneal meeting of
the county Omega Lodge of North
Huron, will be held in the Orange Hall,
Wingham, on Tuesday June 19th at 2
o'olouk p. m., sharp. Houry Honey is
the County Secretary.
THE Toronto Daily News and Toronto
Daily Star, which for some time have
been sold to sobsoribere at 51 a year
straight, or 90a and 85a respectively
olabbed with Tan Pose, ie now raised to
51.50 a year. Suitable clubbing rates.
eau still be proo0red with Tog PoeT,
FALL FAIR DIRgCTORe.—A meeting of
the Directors of the Boat Huron and
Grey Branoh Agricultural Societies will
be held in the Oonaoil Member, Brus-
sels, on Monday of next week, 18th inat„
at 2 o'clock, to deal with matters per-
taining to the next Fall Fair, Every
Directoria asked to attend.
MATRIMONIAL. -0o Wednesday of last
week Juo. Staunton and Miee Harriet
Maude Spence, both of Goderiob, were
united in marriage. They will make
their home in Edmonton Alberta. The
bride is a niece of Simon Grant, of
Bruasele. We wish the young 000ple
happiness and prosperity.
D. BUTLER, London, will be at the
Amorioan Hotel, Brueeels, cif:—
Hoare 7:30 a. m. to 2 p. m, Eye, Ear,
Noma and Throat oousaltatione. Eyes
tested for Waimea.
Frear Gats.—Friday evening of this
week at 6.30 o'oloek the fleet game among
juveniles of Bruseele for the foot bah
offered by Tan Pose will be played on
Victoria. Park. The winners must 00008
Soot of 5 matches, and players moat be
chosen from the list now handed into
Tan Pose, Go and see the game and en-
courage the lade in clean eporb.
TRNnono are asked for the erection of a
new Agricaltaral Hall on the Grey
Branoh Park, and will be reoeived up to
Jane 16tH at 6 p. m. by Beoretary W, H.
Kerr. Building ie to have lower story of
cement concrete with cement floor and
frame upper story with ehingle roof.
Plane and epecifioatiooe may be Been at
TEE Poe Uontraotore are asked to
state price they will allow for present
Hall, The work is to be completed so ae
to have everything i0 readiness for the
Fall Fair, wbioh will be a hammer.
Building will be 40x70 feet.
DEATH TO WEnne,—Tho anneal meeting
of the Farmers' Institute will be held in
Brunie on Friday, Juoe 22nd, and will
be followed by a Pure Seed Institute to
be addreeecd by Simpson Rennie, of
Toronto, who is well known to al'elrowere
of Beed. The opening emotion will be
held at 2 p. m. on the farm of James
Burgess, East of town, after wbitb a
further emotion will be held in the Town
Hall. The speaker will be equipped with
eamplee of weed seeds, mounted spedi•
mane of weede, °smples of good and poor
Geed grain, eta. Farmere and others are
regaeated to bring weede and weed seeds,
eamplee of groin, corn, oto., to the
meows for identifloation and examine.
ttOn. The delegate will be prepared to
explain and disease the wotkinge of the
Sped Control Aot,
SPLENDIDLY DONE.—The Oratorio, "Bel-
shazzer's breast" was presented in A 1
etyle in the Town Hall here Tueeday
evening, ender the direction of George
(line, the well known and capable vocal•
let of Wingham, a large and interested
audience being present. There was not a
floor number on the program and the
whole produotioo went through without
a 51itoh of any kind. Every soloist rend
Bred their difficult parte exoelleutly while
the delete were equally well done. In
oborneee there was volume, harmony and
melody, the parte being specially well
balanced, J. E, Cameron gave the
explanatory readings. Those taking part
are to be congratulated on the enaoeeefnl
I00ua0ce of their faithful practice in the
rendering of m0eia ae difficult a0 con-
tained in the Oratorio. Mrs. (Di.)
Holmes was the effieient a000mpaniet.
An innovation at a unmet wwe a Dom.
plime0tary resolution to Mr. Olin° and
the vocalieto briefly proposed by J.
Leckie in commendatory se iteneee, The
audience expressed its acquiescence in
hie -remarks by a standing vote. "God
gave the King" followed the last grand
chorus, "Magnify, Glorify." A number
have expressed a wish to haus the
Oratorio repeated. Brueeel0 certainly
pooee0e08 a lot of extra good musical
talent an was exemplified Tuesday even-
ing. Mr, Cline le an A 1 oondaotor,
Standard, Bank of Canada
=MIX,..1..lrata.,00033812J 1E372
A, GernNrat Banking I3usineeers Traniaaoted
Accreted Interest is added to aaooanto every six months and b000meo principal.
Joint Deposit Accounts—A SPECIAL CONVENIENCE m use in our Savings De-
partment is the "Joint Depo01t" account. Motley relay 80 depoeito0 or withdrawn
by either of the two members o1 the honeehold, Thie eyetem le a groat ounvea-
Immo to many reeidlug la town, but more particularly so to farmers, as In the latter
case whether man or wife oomus 10 town shier can attend to the Banking. Au.
other feature of the eyetem is that in case of the death of Dither party the money
can be withdrawn by the survivor without matt. We will tollyou more about our
methods if you will kindly oall or write.
Married 'Women and Minors may make and withdraw deposits without the in.
terventlou of any person,
only for which no charge ie made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar oarefal and °ourteoua attention.
Wm. Mame, W. H, McCracken, W. 0,
Smith and Jae, Stewart attended an
Odd Fellows' demonstration at Teeowater
on Tuesday evening of this week.
B. GERRY has leased the premises
recently vaoated by W. E, Dunoan to
Dr. J. A, MoNsoghtoo, of London, who
soya he fotende resuming praotioe iu
Brussels and locality. The building is
being refitted in its interior arrangements
for an olio,.
G. A. BEST shipped 3 oars of export
cattle to Briutol, England, on Wednesday
all stable fed animals. The total ship.
moot amounted to 54,005. They were a
lot 01 prime ones. 2 oare of huge were
forwarded on Thereday and Mr. Beet
hae another oar of export cattle for Bat.
urday of this week. The prioe is better
than 5 aente.
THE daily press of Monday Speaks of
au uncle of Mre. Neil MoLanohlio, of
Brussels, se follows :—Ohfef Game War.
den Edwin Tinsley, who delivered an ad•
dress iu Buffalo before the Gaine
Protection Aeeooiatioo of Amerioa on
Friday last, and whose inteutiou was to
have taken part in the important die•
cueeion with regard 10 international
action in the preveubioo of Spring duck
ehootiog, reoeived a harry oall from hie
home iu Hamilton, which had been pard•
ally wreoked, by the severe wind etorm
there, and had to leave Buffalo at the
urgent regaeet of hie family on Friday
eight. Fortunately the damage to hie
hoose was not as great as it was at first
thought, but still it was quite a eerio0e
Mise GALBRAITH Goes Homs.—Atter
au extended illness Miee Oatharioe Gal.
braitb entered into rest last Saturday
afternoon, about 3.30 o'clock, peening
away at the home of her sister, Mre.
Archibald McDonald, Mill street, Brae.
eels, aged 82 years. Sbe was born in
Argyleehire, Scotland, and had lived in
Canada for the poet 30 years, 20 of which
she spent in the borne of Mr. MoNeil,
ex -M. P., of Wiarton, as domestic and
boaeekoeper, As years increased de-
oeaeed oame to Brueeele to live with her
eieter. She was a devout member of the
Presbyterian ohuruh and triumphed over
her last enemy—Death. An appropriate
service was oonduoted at the home last
Sabbath afternoon at 4 o'clock, by Rev.
Mr. Somerville, who was supplying Mel.
vine church pulpit. Burial took plaoe
ou Monday afternoon in the family plot
at Paisley, W. L. Leatherdale, under•
taker, accompanying the remains. Mre.
McDonald is two years the senior of her
departed sister and will mise her great•
ly after ten years of o0mpauionehip bat
looka forward to a happy reunion before
many years in the happy Glory Land,
Vinior M wine THR DIeTRIoT.—By
commend of the W. F. A. Exeontive the
firer game that was played in Brueeele
against Wingham was ordered to be
played again, and Friday or Saturday
evening was the ohoioe to play the game.
Wingham refused to oome Saturday
and ea the matab was called for Friday
evening with Brown Jackson of Seafortb,
as referee. The Wingham boyo mane
down minim a player and played the
Brussels team 10 men to 11 and oerteio•
ly put rip the beet defence that hae ever
been played on Victoria Park, About
6.10 the rain started and it came in
torrents during the whole game. The
Brussels team started off strong and some
good abets were pat on the visitors' goal.
In a eorimm0ge at the Brneeele goal
Aikenbead shot and the ball hit the Dor.
nee goal and went in and that was the
end of the sooting. Daring the last
halt Braseele pat shot after shot on the
goal but MaArter wee there to stop the
shote, ably assisted by. Mitabell and
Deana. During the game two footballs
were borated owing to the wet weather.
The Wingham boyedeeerve oredit ae they
have won 2 gamee, tied 1 and loot 1 ; and
play in the semi finale neat week agaitiat
Milverton We wish the Wingham team
gnome0, as the boys who played on the
team Friday night here were a gentle
manly lot. Following was the line up
Goal McArter
} Backe { Deane
Stevenson11r ( Davidson
Brown 1 k Baoke l .,Crulokshankn
Cardiff 1Wil on
Heather Autloy
teraoban Atkeuhead
Stoles' Forwards Miller
Earley A misty
ForrestMoGlll! ra
l v y
I go out to ew m" would have been a
very suitable ode to open the matob with
last Friday eveaiog.—II ie doubtful
if anything but a football game ooald
have tempted 517.00 worth of maeeoulin•
ity to undergo a whole or partial dreuoh.
ing.—The winners will strike some hot
amoebae as they progress toward the
tropby, and if they equal the reoord of
Brueeele will certainly do well.—Brae.
eels team fe as good, if not better, than
on any former years and their opp0ne0t0
have correspondingly improved. The
people of the town and locality have al.
ways been generous in their patronage
and in this way promoted the beet inter,
este of the team who did so much to
keep Brussels before the epee of the pub•
lie for 0o many yeare.—The W. F. A.
might find Dome difloalty in eeoaring
commendatory reference from our team
as by their delays and deeisione they
did a good deal toward the dieoourago•
moot of the game both here and else.
where.—lt was a 0808 of "Tbon art no
near and yet ;o far" with Brussels and
the District Obampionehip thio Anson,—
There're a tidy grist of yonngetere Dom
lug ap in town who will be able to give
pointer; to the most of them in another
year or 00.
Pink tips like velvet, rough, ohap•
pod or cracked lips can be made ae colt ae
velvet by applying at bedtime, a light
00ati0g of Dr. Shoop's green salve. The
effsot on the lips or akin of this moat
excellent ointment he alwaye immediate
and certain. Dr. Shoop', green ealvo
takes out completely the gormless of
oats, barna and bruieea and all skin
abrasions, It le sorely a wonderful and
most highly sabiBfaobory healing oint-
ment, It glass jars at 26o. Bold by F.
R. Smith.
People We Know.
Wm. MoEweo has been ou the eiokliet.
Mre. M. MoLennen, of London, ie
vieiling in Brneeele.
Mics Aimee Black, ot Wroxeter, was a
visitor in town last week,
Mime M. Oamerou, of Luaknow, is
vieitiog Mre, J. H. Cameron,
Mre. (Dr.) Burne has gone to Long
Braoob for a holiday of a few weeks.
Mre. Joo. Thomson was renewing old
friendehipe in Seafortb for a few days.
Mre. Phillipe returned to town o0
Monday after a pleasant vieit at Blyth.
-G. L. Norman, of the Metropolitan
Bank, was a visitor in Seaforth on Sun
Misses Fannie Mason and Mattie Barr,
Blyth, were visitors in Brussels on Moo -
Mre. Jno. Corrie was on the eiok list
but is improving now we are pleased to.
Robt. Hamphriee, medical student, ie
assisting Dr. Burue in hie praotioe for a
P. Munroe left on Tueeday for Sarnia
where he has taken a position in that
Dr. Will J. Cameron and Brine Soott,
of Palmereton, were visitors in town
over Sunday.
George Thomson was on the eiakliet
for a few days thie week, an unusual
thing for him.
Miee Edna Pugh has taken a position
in W. A. Grewar'e resteuranb. She
should fill the bill.
Jes. Danford, of Clinton, accompanied
by his daaghtere, were vieitore at E. 0.
Duuford'a over Sunday.
Mre. 3. 0. North and Mies Florence
Mallory, of Piston, are vieitore at J. F.
Rowland',, Tarnberry etreet,
Misses L. Bewley and Mead Jeokeoo,
of Morrie, were visitors with Mrs. Ohae.
Ritohie daring the past week.
Mra. A. McGuire was called to Wing.
ham on Tueeday owing to the eerioae
illoeee of her sister, Mre. Mollwaine.
Art. Hawkehaw, of the Standard Bank
at Markham is back to town relieving for
two weeks in the Standard Bank here.
Mre. Fie,obor Sperling does not regain
her vi,.or as quickly as Ler many friends
would desire out we hope the will soon be
Mre. T, Nicholls and Mre. W. E. Dune
Dau are away for a holiday with relatives
and old friends at Tuokeremith, Heneall
and other pointe.
George Robb, liveryman, who hae been
quite ill, ie improving bat not recruited
yet. We hope he will soon regain hie
customary good health.
Mre. W. J. Fawcett and Mies Mary
arrived in town on Monday. Mr. Few.
(tett and family will board for a time
until a meltable house can be obtained.
Frank Ardell was in Teeewater last
Friday playing baseball with the home
team against Palmerston. Teeawater won
by a score of 12-9. Frank played in the
centre garden.
Mies Mary Forbes is home from Win-
nipeg arriving Tuesday evening, She is
weloome bank, Miee Forbee takes her
old position 00 stenographer in Barrister
MaDonald'e office.
Arthur Wheatley, who bad one of hie
limbo amputated a few weeks ago, wait
able to be brought to linseeds on Wed•
nudity in a baggy and is getting
about on crutches now.
This week R, Crone, harems. maker,
left for Fergae where be bas taken a
position at hie trade. Mre. Drone and
family will continue reeidetete of Brae.
tele in the meantime we are glad to bear.
G. H. Semis, who bee been on the staff
of the Standard Bank, Drum's, for some
months, left Cale week for Platen agency.
He was a very affable young mac and
leaves with the good wishes of the town.
Miee Mina Hunter, who bee spent
nearly two years in Brandon, Manitoba,
arrived home Tuesday evening. Sbe is a
daughter of John and Mre, Hunter, John
street. The Weet evidently agreed with
A. and Herb. Lowry oeme home from
Toronto last week where they have been
employed and lett this week for'the Weet.
The former will work at Port Arthur and
Herb. will go on to Winnipeg. We wish
them euo lees.
Mies Lizzie Roes and Mrs. Jno. Mann•
ing leave neat Tueeday on a pleasure
trip to Winnipeg and the West. They
expect to be away for a maple of months,
We wieh them a safe journey and a de.
Iig51tf01 time,
A, E. Mellish is haok bo town for a few
duye' visit before going to Toronto whore
he expecte farther inetrnatione from the
bead oflioe of the Metropolitan Bank,
He hae been a popular towuemau, He
expeole to go to the Queen oily next
D. M. Stott was at the parental home
here for abort time while en r0nte to
Regina, N. W. T„ where he takes °barge
of the Ielectranoe hardness of the Northern
in the provinoe of Baeleatobewen. It is
an important appointment but from hie
experietoe we expeot Mr, Soot* will fill
It in good style.
CAPITAL—Authorized' $2,000.000
CAPITAL—Pahl up 1,000,000
'RESERVE; and Surplus Profits; 1,183,133
0,J, 1,1001118, D, D, E, momesON, E. 0.
TIM, BRADSHAW, P,L.a. 1110 100800 Mn, W. MORTIMER OLA00, 8.0, JAe, RYRI0
401111 5000Tn1Oo0
W, D. ROBS, - General Mauagor7
THE METROPOLITAN BANK Is open to receive tho acoouutmet
Farmers, Merohaote arid Madness Community generally and to give
careful oo0elderatdou to all proposals eabm,tted to it.
It -ranee upon its past regard for ooue'teoue treatment of its Cue.
tonere, and will extend every 0onelderatiou 000800tent with eouud
banking to those who may desire to traueaob buelneeo with it,
Intermit at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all same of 51 and upwards
Mre. 0. Bowerman, of Beaverton,
whoee husband was a teooher in Grey
some years ago and who ie now a dentiet,
was in Brneeele this week. It is 11 years
since they moved away but are remember.
ed by old friedde,
Business Locals.
DWELLING rooms 10 let above store.
Poeeeeeioa can be given July 25th.
100 nooND ceder poets for Bale, aleo a
single buggy. Apply to A. Ooott, Brum
eels, North.
LADIES or School pupils taken to board.
Also roomers. Apply to Mos. Time.
Osamu, Queen at., Brussels, 48-2
WASTED.—Eggs 20o. Pedlare Revised
Tariff -100 tube aboioe gram, Better
wanted at once. GEo.E. gmo, Wingham.
Edging, grinding, filing and repairing
done here, our work guaranteed for all
time at the easy figure by T. McQueen,
Mill St., Brunelle, Ont.
PRIVATE BALE. — Horse, buggy, oart,
matter, Itemises, robes, blankets, belle eta.,
will be Bold separately or together ou or
before June 25th. Apply to REV. T.
WReLEY (Josue, Brueeels.
RR J'SST.,r A M2 c=•S
Fall Wheat 78
Barley 4e
Peas 68
Oats 36
Batter, tabs and rolls14
Eggs per dozen 14
Hay per ton 6 25
Floor, per bbl 4 60
Hoge, Live 7 00
Wool 24
Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00
Potatoes per bus 40
Apples (per bbl.) 1 50
7 00
5 20
7 00
ALLAN,—Ia Wroxeter, on Friday, June
8th, to Mr. end Mre. Jae.. Allan a
LAOEIi.—Iu Howbeit, on Monday, Jane
11th, tb Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leckie
a daughter. -
ORAta.—In Morrie on Jane 5151, to Mr.
and Mre. W.H. Oreig, a eon,
OLOAREY—MOL@AN.—Ab the residence of
the bride'° parents, 102 Cumberland
Bt Toronto, on Juoe 61h, by Rev.
Mr. Whitiog, Mr. Frank H. Oloaltey
to Miee Margaret E. McLean, eldest
daughter of Mr, Joseph McLean, of
OLOARnY—DYRENAM,—At the reeidenoe
of the bride's, parents, 668 Perlia•
meat Bt., Toronto, on June Ebb, Mr.
Wm. R. Oloakey to Mise Olara Dyke
DA0R—HOLLINOEn.--At the Manse, Oran•
brook, on May 291h, by Rev, D. B.
McRae, Mr, B. Dark, of Moleowortb,
to Miee Lizzie, daughter of Mr.
John Hollinger, of Grey.
GALBaAITH --.In Brussels, on Jnue 9th,
Catharine Galbraith, aged 82 years,
0000 of the undersigned, Con. 8, Morrie,
about May 24th, a big white sow with a dark
spot on 0110 front shoulder And has a short
tail. Any information that will load to her
recovery will be thankfully reoeived.
MRS. S. M. FEAR, Brueeels P.O.
L. rage of the undersigned, Lot 28, Con.
18, Grey, on or about May 1001,, a two-year-
old heifer, red and white in dolor. Owner
mvy have the same by paying expenses and
pruyl fig property. ROBAT. enfryn J. DOUGHERTY,
SALE.—The undersigned has for sale 4
improved Berkshire Bowe, bred from prime
winning stook, Due to litter about Sept.
let. Also 2 aged Serkabire Bowe due to lit-
ter in July. Bargains for quick ipurolraaers.
For iurtuer parttoulars apply to J. P. Me-
INT06B, Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey, or Oran.
brook P.O. 49.11
Agent Howick Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Office and Reeidenoe—
Llspection of your garret or
oloeote will reveal, we think,
many a fabric that can bo made
as good es new by dyeing. The
cost is but it trifle and the mod,
ern dyes—all of wlrioh we carry
are eo simple to me that any
one can dye with perfect sne-
invested in dye will often
yield a dollar's worth of results
Fox's Drug Store
fairly good man to bolp on a farm,
must be sober. Employment for rest of
this year or longer. Apply to ELI SMITH,
Lot 4, Con, 7, Grey ; or Brnemale P. 0,
for S. 8. No.1, Grey town ship, Huron
County. Duties to aommen00 after vaba-
tion. Applications received up to Jane 80.
40.3 R. J. HOOVER,
Seoretary. Brueeele P.O.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of William
Young, late of the Township of Grey,
in the County of Huron, farmer,
Notice is hereby glven, pursuant to Revis-
ed Ntatutee of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 129, and
amended Acte, that all creditors and others
having any claims against the estate of the
said William Young, who died on or about
the let day of ,Inure, 1900. are required ou
or before the 14th day of July, 1000, to Heed
by poet, prepaid, or deliver to A.B. Mao-
donald, Brussels P. O.. eolieitor for John
Young a ud Henry Young, Exeou tore of said
estate, their Christian and euruamee Dud
addieasea with full partloulare in writing
of their olaime, the etatomout of their ac-
counts and the nature of the securities (if
any) bold by them, verified by satisfactory
And notice la further given that after the
said last mentioned date the said Execu-
tors will proceed to dietrlbute the assets
of the deueaeod amongst the parties entit-
led thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which they shall noon have
notice and that the eaid Exeontoro will
not be liable for the inmate, or any part
thereof, to any person or persona of whose
Maims notice shall not have boon reoeived
by them at the time of soon distributie'o.
Dated at Bruasele 012i8 13th day of June,
11.0., 1000,
99-3 Solicitor for Exeoutore,
Brussels Daylight Store = G. N. McLaren
r.,..re.IlrWhd:h'er•nl'tlypun4'4i Wr41r41W,hi il.. he'I,P..,I n Il a II 'I ,. nl ., al N n a . y ,, ,, , , n n r non ,I „ Inn „
II 6 L 1, Ir Ir I Ir I , , 11 Ir Ira 11 n III h14,n1* t Ir II III�111'I,Ih, Ir 1, I L 11, 11 nli Ili Illhllrl,l'llnli IIIn11'llrl,, t 1. 1, Ili p1911h,1hn'I,Ib
SeasonableGoods Less at iYess
Than Regular Prices
We have just received 26 dozen Men's Shirts, a manufacturer's clean-up,
bought away below the regular values.
1.25 & 1.00 Men's Soft Front Shirts for 75o
—26 dozen Men's fine quality Madras and Cambric Shirts, light, medium and dark'eoloringe;
all sizes from 14 to 17, with detached cuffs ; perfect fitting goods ; regular 5
prices $1.00 and $1.25. Sale price ii V
40c Men's Balbriggan Underclothing for 25c
—10 dozen Men's fine quality Balbriggan Underclothing, Shirts and Pants, sizes
32 to 40, regular price 40c. Special at ... ... ... ,.. �+�
—120 yards Fancy Cretonnes, Crepon finish, in red. and green shades ; regular �s
value 9c. Sale price .., ... OV
—15o and 20c Fancy Cretonnes, in green, red and fawn shades ; 30 and 36 inches •121
wide ;. reversable ; regular prices up to 20e. Sale price ... ... ...2
See our New Grey Skirts—White,
Wash and Silk Waists. Styles the
Latest—Prices the Lowest.
Complete assortment of Ladies'
and Children's Summer Vests Also
Summer I3osiery—Popular Prices.
48 fairs Men's Pants, Special at $1.25 a pair
—48 pairs Men's Strong Union Tweed Pants, light and dark shades ; well made ;
well trimmed ; perfect fitting ; all sizes 38 to 42. Special at per pair ... 1.25
Special Values and Big Assortment Ladies' Parasols and Umbrellas.
We are clearing out a few lines of Lace Curtains away below Regular Prices.
We always Pay the Top Notch Price for Produce,
Pays etremo8' EISPEAWINII zis° Poe, Waver Ir.
Yours forNext Door to
Mutual Beneat ,fit American � xil Amex n Iioue