HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-6-14, Page 7X700oUo0ore?c>I�rwrsvo -O*O l FoLKS YOUNG AN ALPHABET OF INANIMATES. 'U was an Umbrella Who mourned ouo day, 'Whoa 1 um shut up, I have nothing to say,[ Useful Umbrella. V was a Vase Wlio said to ltselr, '1 must be quite old; I am placed on the shelf: Vuluablo Vase. W was a \\'heel \Vho, when they engleed Why ]te did net go, Replied he was tiredl, Woary old Wheal. X was a Xebec, A very fine boat, \\'ho said, "I can't swim, But 1. thinlc I can float" Xceliont Xebec. Y was a Yardsticks \\'ho said, "I've three feet, So I think I will take A walk down the street." Yellowish Yardsticks. 7 was a Zither Who hadn't a tongue, But he said that, he felt Completely unstrung. Zealots old Zither. SLIGHTED LOVE AVENGED HOW A J J 11D PARISIAN PUNISHED A GIRL. A Successful Rival 'Was Denounced as the Leader of a Gang of Burglars. S1ighLoll love has just been avenging itself in two cases in a vary different manner from the now stale recourse to the entre and rho revolver, writes a Paris correspondent of Lite London 'Tele- graph, In each, instance the methods have certainly not been devoid at brl- ginallly, but while the author of the one has been requested to hold himself a' the disposal of the police, the other has won himself any amount of gra- titude from the family wllch had srorn- fulty rejected his matrimonial mammies. Hero No. 1, If such a term can be ap- plied to a gay law student somewhat addicted to flirtation, had been making up to a pretty brunette in the Latin Quarter, but the girl, although not currently supposed' to be particularly hard-heurled, had for some reason or another sent him about his business, The youth's vanity had been .consider- obly wounded, he had vowed to pay her out, and when a night or two ago she s sought to repose of her downy on ' couch ,n her trim little cha.mber,high up in the house where she dwelt., and was , just composing herself to slumber, she was startled by a weird noise. She opened her eyes, and, to her dismay, he- rein a tall object attired in 0 volumin- ous white robe standing at the foot of her bed. Terror kept the fascinating brunette mute, hut when, in low deep tones, the words, "I have come to fetch you marl to bear you away from this world," were uttered by the mysterious visitor, the poor girl screamed out, "A GI•IOST! A GHOST!" and, bounding from her couch into the middle of the tiny room, fell prone on the floor. Attracted by the noise, neigh - tors rushed in lo find the chamber empty, save for the presence of its len- ant, who was lying in a slate. of , In-, sensibility. Tho police and a doctor were promptly sent for, and when af- ter an hour's interval, the heroine of this gran adventure had been restored to consciousness, she related that she had received the unwelcome visit of a spirit. The officials, however, being decidedly sceptical on this point, slanted on an investigation, with the result that the mischief was traced to the law student, who confessed that he had got up the scene to punish the lovely brunette for her rejection of his overtures, and that he had obtained entrance to her room by means of a false key. He has not been arrested, but, as said above, has to hold himself at the disposal of the commissary. Suitor No. 2 had made his advances to a lovely girl, the daughter of retired tradespeople, for what is called 'le bon n1o111; that is to say, his intentions were honorable, and he meant marriage. Un- fortunately, the young man, although bearing an excellent reputation, was poor, so the family, which indulged in ambitions projects for the settlement •of the pretty damsel, gttvo him politely to understand that he was no match ler her. Not long after lhd occurrence of this little episode there appeared on the scene A VERY SMART YOUTH, who gave himself out as having already a splendid situation, which brought him in $2,500 a year, and was only a stop- ping -stone to a far more brilliant posi- tion. • The girl and her parents wero completely dazzled, and without starl- ing on the slightest inquiry received hint with open arms. The wedding day was fixed, the trousseau purchased, and relatives and friends were' assembled at a dinner party which was to be a pre- lude to the great event. Due justice had been done to the viands, and dessert with sundry bottles of sparkling cham- pagne had been laid on the table, when the rejected suitor, who had been in- cluded in • the invitations just by Way of showing that there Was no ill -feeing, rose to his feet and asked leave to make a little speech. Flow very noble of hint, the family and the other guests ex- claimed to themselves, but their horror may well be imagined when he •do- nounced his successful rival as a burg- lar who was making a good thing by his nefarious trade, and ENT" at missives the indi- vidual �ho bride, otaword tottering vay t0 [110 the father trlcic that gator was to aha oems;' that t of jenl- ity, as he o take his tared info nd during had which he nd which ha nature On which d. 1'ho waver, so for fnta that Eo play muoh ready, !t end, atter is very oU,Jeciion the e, at Any npieasarit own Mee. Biggttn---"I notice that you havo al last got acquainted with your next deer neighbor, who has lived alongside of you for the past ten years,0 MCre, D'Avno-"Yes; we wero introdtloed to melt other at the Pyramids of Egypt, end 1 found het' e. delightful compane ion. We became vary Intimate." ses THE LITTLE RAILROAD 11E110. Andy Moore was a little country boy. Sometimes he wore a cup and sometitues he did not. ilo, perhaps, thought his shaggy hair was a good enough covering for his head. He did not caro at all about his looks. Ide knew a great deal mare about squirrels and bird's -nests than Ile did about the fashions. Andy's home was a rough 110use on the side of a hill. It was built of mud and logs, with holes for windows. Now, perhaps you may wondor how we are going to find a little hero In a poor country boy, living in a mud house. But wait a little. Tho diamond is a coarse, dull stone Lill it is cut and polished; and there was the heart of a true hero tinder Andy's Lorn jacket. Near the but cif Andy's father was a railway. The boy often watched the black engines as they came puffiing past, giving out great clouds of steam and smoke, and screeching through the valleys and under the hills like mad t i ngs. One day as Andy was crossing the line, he saw that there was something wrong. He did not know touch about railways, for lie wws very young; but somtbing was surely wrong, and Andy bad heard of cnrirages being thrown off when the rails wero out of place. Just then he heard a low, distant noise. A train was coming! He was only a boy, but perhaps'11e could stop the train in some way. He felt that he must try, for there was nobody else to tic it. Andy never thought that he might be trilled, but went and stood right in 1110 Middle o he f i u n h f t i1C st I front of ] the place I have told you about, and strotoh- ec out pus little arms as far apart as he could. On, on came the train, nearer and nearer, and louder and louder! The driver saw the boy on the line, and whis- tled for him to get out of tlls way. Andy did not stir an incih. Again the engine whistled. The boy never moved; he might have been made cd stone for all the notice he too15 of it. So the delver had to stop Lhe train. I -Io jumped down frons the engine, end ran along the track towards Andy. The train was late, and the driver was angry. But when he saw how 111e brave 111110 follow had saved his life, and the lives of all the pople In the carriages, his anger charged to gladness. Everybody got out of the train to see ('hat was the neater. Then they saw that 1f Andy had not stopped the train, the carriages would have been thrown Clown n steep bank and dashed to pieces. The ladles kissed Andy's rough, freck- led face, and Dried over him; and the gentlemen, as They looked at their wives Ind children, wiped their eyes, and said: "God bless the boyl" And that is not all, They tools out !heir purses and made up a large sum of money for him, not to pay him for what he had done -they knew they mold never do that -but to show the little lad, better than words could show him. how grateful they felt to him. Good, brave little Andyl Tile passen- rrs all wrote down his name - Andy Mnnre-end the place where he lived. Flacon years !have passed since Andy's brave deed, and if you wish to know s'here he is now, 1 will tell you. He is a driver on this very railway, SNAKES TITAT FLY. At the last meeting of the London Zo- ologlcnl Society sone' notes were read by 11, Slfelford, late of 'the Sarnwtnk Museum, on "flying snakes. These snakes are climbers, and a wonderful pprovision of nature has been made for them to break their fall in case of aaci dent when at a height frau the ground. they shave a sort of hinge line in the skin, on either side of the body, and by ntusc,ler contraction the ventral surface, of the reptile Is drawn In so as In become quite concave and the body more flattened. When falling, htslead of wriggling 55 other snakes do, they 'hold their bodies perfect/he rigid anti elide down slowly to tato ground which ihel' reach. at quite an angle front where their' fall began. DID SI•IE OFFER THTEM? A handsome English gel, recently re- lurned from Spain, was recounting her experiences to a °Ir'ate of friends, among. whom wes a Spaniard. "The thing that delighted me most,"" she said, "was that oharming praolioe they have in Spain of offering you in- stantlly what you ma.y chance to ad. mire: "DO yon approve of'the custom 'r" aslked Ute Spanish friend, "Oh, yes," wee the reply, "Senorita., you have +eery bi\etiUful lips,"'exclaimed tho.Inipulstvo Spenterd, "AS A WEDDING PRES threw on the table a bundle• addressed by accomplices to vidual In question, whom he e,• the ring leader of the gat All eyes were turned towm'd groom -elect, but ho uttered n with blanched • cheeks and steps he tried to. make his door, but he was collared by with indignation at the cruel he had played, and a moment committed to the CUSTODY OF THE POLICE, who promptly conveyed him de - rot at the Prefecture. IL s he rejected suitor, party ou Busy and partly out of curios was by no means inclined L rival at his word, had en friendly relations with him, a one of his visits to his dwelling discovered a parcel of letters, had contrived to abstract, a admitted of no doubt as to t of the very lucrative profess[ Ute young roan had embrace girl and her parents are, ho grateful to the rejected suitor hav- ing saved her from a shocktig it loolcs as if he may not have Um sorry part of a rejected suitor longer. The trammel is ally would be a pity to waste it, all, as the refired tradesman comfortably off end the only to the youth Is his lack of fortune, matter may be arranged. H rite, need not dread any u disclosures on the evo of his mar- riage, PALE, WI+AIC WOMEN Chain New Health and Sll'egglh Through Dr. 1Nilliams' Pink Pills. Anaemia Is just the deelor''s name for bloodlessness, Dr. Williams' Pink Pilin for Pule People actually make new blood, 1:,811 any mire be more direct or certain? Blood Is hotutd to nuru 1)10011- 11'+:.theSs. De. Willlufns' Pluk Pills cure anaemia just as food clues hun- get', They cured Mrs. Glare 010015, tl young English woman Who r,:1'1111y 01111111 to 11110 0nuupry from Pnrlsfiloul11, England, and le at pre•en1 inaiding tit Ptmee's Lodge, Halifax co„ N. S„ She says; "L am an enlhilsiaslic believer fa 1110 value of Dr', \\filiates' l'luls Pills as a cure 199 annowia, 1 hnd suffered from the trouble ahuost from child- hood, but a fete yours ego it developed into a severe type of the trouble. y skin was Draft rind waxy; my lips srel(- 00 bloodless, and 111y entire syuhIll was run down. I suffered from heuduehes, dizziness and weak spells, and my friends feared that f was going into a decline. I tried lobes and cunllsinns, tut without brrofli. Then a friend who had used Do. Wallows' Pink Pills for Ilse Sam0 trouble advised 1110 10 Cry them. In a short time They began to belt me and In a couple of months I was quite well, the color having re- turned to my face, my appetite Im- amv0ci and I had gained in weight. I can strongly recommend Dr, Willianis' Pink Pills to all afiaomle giels and wo- men, it" To pale 00000110 person needs only one thing -new blood, Dr, Williams' leinIc Pills make new blood. only l'110 lwvon't cure any disease That isn't originally caused hy had blood, But when Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills replace Lad !flood with gond blood they strike sltaiglit 1 lho root and cause of all common dis- eases like anaemia, Iieedeches and baekachd:s, rheumatism, indigestion nett- ralgla, St. Vitus (1rew, kidney trouble and the secret "roubles that every wa- rren knows but none of them like to talk about, even to thele doctors. Dr. Williams' PInk Pills are sold by c 11 medicine dealers or 'by mail el 50 renis a box or six Loxes for $2.50 from the Dv. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a - MARRIAGE TANGLE. Signor Zenone, of Milan, Does not Know "Where Ile Arc." Cases of persons getting married without their knowledge are foebunalely rare, which is all the more reason to sympathize with Signor Zenone Panar- anf, of Milan, Italy, who is sorely per- plexed. hl fact, 'he does not know "where ho are," and no one can tell ]tint, The circumstances Of Itis strange predicament Pro as follows: Zenone's brother, Roberto, a married man end the father of a family, became enamoured of a young woman named Poddighe, and married her, posing as his bachelor brother Zenone, whose identification papers he had in some manner managed to purloin. Thus, Roberto Panarani led a double life. Recently he died somewhat suddenly, leaving things ii1 a pretty mess. For Zenone found himself to his great sur- prise married to a young wont 00 he had never met, .and the latter discovered that she was sister -in -lav to herself -a rain-rackingcomplication happily rare in civilized countries. The question now is : Can the parties be legally divorced in Italy under these circum- stances ? Though 1110 case is a painful one, especially to Roberto Panarani's first wife, yet the comic element is not lacking, and, suitably elaborated, might serve as the central plot of a stage play. f G1flLDHOOD AILMENTS. Most of the troubles that afflict lit - Ile ones may be traced to rho stomach or bowels and if these are put right the child will get well and thrive well. Baby's Own Tablets wilt cure all sto- mach and bowel ailments, and all the clhcr minor troubles of babyhood and childhood. And the mother has the guarantee of a government analyst that this medicine contains no poison- ous opiate or harmful drug. Mrs. Wil- bert McKenzie, Chelmsford, Ont., says: "My little girl was troubled with obsti- r.ate,, constipation to such en extant that we did not think she would live. She cried almost constantly and was wasting away. I got a box of Baby's Own Tablets, and in. three days found a great improvement. I continued giv- ing her the Tablets for nearly a month, and every trace of the, trouble bas disappeared, and she has since been a bright, healthy child end has grown nicely." You can get the Tablets from any medicine dealer or by mail at 25 cents a box by evening The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, 0111, A FATHERLY LONGING. A good-sized boy was hurrying along the send, dragging his two-year old brother after him, in spite of Ute lead protests of the child, when a benevolent - looking old gentleman stopped him, "My son," said the old gentleman, ren garding 11hn with kindly lyes, "howl old are your" Twelve," answered the boy. "You're a stout, Ind for that ago. f should have taken you to be. fourteen, Never been sick much, have you?" "No sir," "I thought not. You enjoy your victuals, sleep like a top, and can play ball all day without getting tired,can't you?" "Yes, sir," "I was sure of it. I wish I had a boy like ,you," "Whet for?" "So I could turn him over my knee and spunk him. Picts up that baby and carry him, ,vote Ming savage, or i sltall be tempted to consider you my boy, for all practical purposes, right now," "I was woading an-l-aW-aaount of a woman being gored to deatih by a beast- ly cow, doncherlknow," remarked young DudeleIgh. "Weeny, 1 ca\vn't Imagine a. more how\vible Mink, can yolk,Miss s Igitd?" "No, Mr, Dud°, Weft," at; rep ed MIA CaustiquL', with 4 mighty yawn -"unless It is being bored to death by a calf 1" Most of the things that come to those who wait are a trifle stale by the time they arrive. FIVE TONS OF GOLD, Armed Guards Protect One hundred Thousand Sovereigns, Tho Cunard 81011mel' Lurania, which left Liverpool for New York recently, had on board five tons of bullion and specie valued at halt a million st01'ing A portion of this shipment was In til form of 100,000 sovereigns, which wet meted by special train from Londa to Liverpool. 'Iia most elaborate preemilions weee taken at Euston to safeguard the t'ei sure. It was brought front the Brills ].beer Bank In ten wooden boxes, bound will) great hoops of iron. Guarded by speeinlly selected detectives and con- slnblos, ft wan placed in a special bul- lion ear, which can hold (111200,000 in rid. The enc was larked and armed de- lemUves look lhelr places In a small 00rn• pertinent at the rem, of the bullion compartment, into which they could tete through small holes. The train did not slop between London and Liverpool, eft of whleh time the precious boxes were under observation. Cipher mes- sages had been sent to the more import- ant Rlitlt0n5 Oil the mulec and: every pre- caution was taken to prevent any pets - Mine holding «p of the car. Tile offi- cials of the London and North-Western. were relieved of a heavy responsibility when the boxes of gold reached the steamer in safety, for the railway company woltld have been resoonsiber if any toss had occurred during the journey. Much of the same precautions were token In the shipment of bullion valued nt £850,000 which arrived at Southamp- ton an the Widmer Castle recently. This valuable cargo was consigned to Lon- don. LABRADOR IS A PEACEFUL LAND, There is No Cour( or Jail, Magist'nto or Policeman, Sir William MacGregor, Governor Of Newfoundland of which Province La- brodor is a dependency, pias recently issued a report of scientific, and oliieial e visit which lie made to plat remote sere board last 01111111101.,', cul [0(011,0 other n aspeels of the subject he bells este' eiully of the absence of creme in that 1. region, h Labrador, Sir \Viliimm hays, has a resident pop -elution of 10,0(10, of whore 3,5110 are while, settled along its south coast. felony of the Indinns are hall - breeds, and there are 3010 lesquiniaux scattered along the northern venterfrenl. in addition it is visited duel) summer by sumo 20,000 Newfoundlanders, who en- gage In fishing, which is the relief pur- suit of these people. Yet there is no court or pail, mngistrnle or policeman or any outer officer of the lav on this 1,000 miles of seabonrd, where all these people are wresting a subsistence from the ocean. For thirty-three years there has been no session of court hold, and In fifty years the only grimenal charge which Fs recorded Is that against 5l) Esquimau whose jealousy was aroused against a rival in bps wife's affection, and who shot the man as he walked with her. Forty years ago there was a circuit court sent there every summer, but as it found nothing to do it was abolished. In the past Labrador was a famous pirate stronghold and required a French squadron to reduce It. Unusual attention hes been called to Labrador within the last year and 1111s may lead to e. change. When any see - Ions charge is made now a magistrate is sent from Newfoundland to attend to 11, 4 JAPS \VANT LONGER LEGS. Japanese scientists attribute- the su- perior stature of the Engiislrspealsing races to their meat eating habits, and the Emperor is reported to be consider- ing a scheme to put the nation on a meat diet to make his subjects grow Jailer. A native physician of Tokio, who was educated in Englund, is ad- vocating the general use of the bicycle to achieve the same purpose, In his opinion the bicycle is the most suc- cessful body builder and muscle de- 1•eloper the English people possess. Ile envies the English length of limb. Ile recommends that young laps, of both sexes, bicyclebe taug. ht early in youth to ride A Medicine Chest In Ilself.-Only the well-to-do can afford to possess a medi- cine chest, hal Dr. Thomas' Ectectric Oil, wench is 11 medicine chest in itself being a remedy for rheumatism, lum- bago, sore throat, colds, coughs, re- tarrh, asthma and a potent heeler for wounds, cuts, bruises, sprnins, etc., is within the reach of the poorest, owing to its cheapness. It should be in every house, GERMANY'S WAR CHEST, A 11er11n contemporary has discovered that Germany's holding of foreign obli- gations totals $[,000, or four limes the amount of the French war indemnity - striking instance of the enormous rate a', which the wealth, of the empire has accumulated In recent years, This fig- ure has been cited as a reply to the conlenliol that financial stress would restrain Germany from a great war ow- ing to the difficulty or realizing all this stoney. It is forgotten that the empire has a war chest fund of $30,000,000, which was set apart from the French millards against the coming of another evil day. This enormous sum in gold has .been lying in the Jullus Tower at Spandau. Cucumbers and melons are "forbidden Trutt" to many persons so constituted that the least indulgence is followed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, etc. 'These persons are not aware that they can indulge to their heart's con- tent if they have on hand a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, a medicine that -will give immediate re- l!andIsa surer re- lief, cure for all summer complaints. "You see, my son, every lime that you Pre naughty, papa gets a grey hair." "Oh 1 but you must have been naughty. Loots at grandpa 1" If a dog bites you don't be scared. Bathe the wound with cold water and cover it with a cloth on whish Weaver's Oorate hos boon trimly spread. The aerate relieves the pain paused by rho sung of insects. "I canis near •oloping once," said the sweet young thing," Indeed l" "Yee; we had quite made up our minds." "Who?" "Papa and I -but I couldn't find a man who would elope with me I" The healthy glow disappearing from the cheek and moaning and restless- ness at night are sure symptoms of worms in children. Do not fail to get a bottle of Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator; it Is an effectual medicine. "It's a strange thing," said Willie \Vislhington, "every time I try to sang my dog howls," "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne; "I have always thought that dogs ranked almost with human beings in intelligence." Aro your corns herder to remove titan those that others have road? Have they not had the same kind? Have they not been oared by using Holloway's Corn Cure? Try a bottle, "You advertise that there is a fine Wenn) of \valer on the place, but I don't see it," remarked a stranger who wanted to rent o small farm. `Just work that pump handle a little," said the land. lord, "and you will neo a fine stream f water. You don't expect to ihave the Niagara, Falls on the place for $27.50 a Month, do you?' An Irishman, who led been In a fight with a neighbor, had one of 1115 cors al- most chewed off. fIe consulted a law- yer concerning the bringing of a prose- cution, and, after a somewhat lengthy account of the diMouity, ended his stony as follows : "I wouldn't mind so m11611 for myself, lawyer; but 1'd hate like poison to raise a fancily sold one ear." Gardeners c10 a great dent of work that is beneath them. Landlady : "That new boarder is either married or a widower," Daugh- ter : "\Vhy, mamma, he says he is a bachelor I" Landlady : "Don't you be- lieve IL \Vhen he opens Itis pocket- boois to pay his bill 11e always turns this bads to me," A Carefully Prepared P111.- Much time and attention were expended in the experimenting WW1 the ingredients that enter into the composition of Parmelee's Vegetable fills before they were brought to the state in which they were first of- fered to Um public. Whatever other pills may be, Permelee's VegelablePills are the result of much expert study, and all persons suffering from dyspep- sia or disordered liver and kidneys may confidently accept thein as being what they are represented to bee' • Miss Dauber : "I can generally tell what a person's profession is by looking at his face." Miss thistle (silting for a portrait): "Now isn't that a coincidence? Do you know, the very first time I saw yam face I said to myself, 'I'll bet that woman paints' 1" A Quick Recovery from Fever and all sick- ness is always the case when "Ferrevi,n " the best tonic is used. 11 builds, it strengthens, it gives new life, Try it. Mottle : "What has became of your anti -slang society that you took so much interest in a few months ago ?" I-Ielen : "Oh, It's In the consomme. The president got nutty and imagined she was the only dent in Ute pan, so Wo gave her the willies and the dinky -clink associa- tion shot the clunes." A Successful Medicine. - Everyone wishes to be successful in any under- taking in which he may engage. 1t is therefore, extremely gratifying to the proprietors of Permolee's Vegetable Pills in know that their efforts to compound a mecliehte which would prove a bless- ing to mankind have been successful beyond their expectations. The endorse. lion of these Pills by the public is a guarantee that a pili has been pro- duced w111011 will lulu] everything claimed for it. "She didn't speak to her husband for six months." "My 1 It must have been very uncomfortable." "Yes --for her." Sunlight goat is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions. A RAFT OF BEC11. BARRELS. Terrible Voyage of 2,000 miles by Es- caped Convicts. A sensational story of the sea is re- lated by the officers of the German steamer Willelhad, which leas arrived at Sydney, Australia, from the islands of the Bismarck Archipelago. A fOW weeks 0go six French convicts from Neve Caledonia were discovered on a remote portion of the island on New Britain In a deplorable condition, and on being tluosltoned it WAS ascertained that they, with ten others, had escaped from Noumea nearly twelve months ago. They constructed several rafts from staves of beer barrels, and rigged their frail craft with sails of the most prfmie live description. Ono of the rafts, occupied by Six men, after many months, safely reach. 00 an eninhabiled portion of New 13rt- Inpn, afl.er a terrible voyage of nearly 2,000 miles. For four months the men were tramping in scorch of eiviTizatkon, and eventually they were found and brought. to 1lerbariahotle, Hicks : "There Isn't a men in town who can keep the conversational ball rolling like our friend Gayrake," Wicks : "Nonsonso 1 1 -le nover says any- thing nything worth listening to." sticks; "No; but ho docs a lot of things worth talking about" VVash oilcloths oral linoleums with warn water and Sunlight Soap, rinse clean and wipe dry, The colr'us will be preserved and the surface unharmed. Common soaps fadethe colors and injure the surface. Sunlight Soap cleans, freshens and preserves oilcloths and linoleums, Sunlight Soap washes clothes white without injury to the most delicate fabrics, or to the hands, for it contains nothing that can injure either clothes or hands, Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way (foLow directions). Equally good with hard or soft water. 050 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, Toronto Keeping Everlastingly at It Brings Success." PEDLAR'S CORRUGATED IRON is made on a 30,000 M. press (the only one in Canada) one corrugation at a t,me, and is guaranteed true and straight to size. We carry a 600 ton stock in Oslmwa, itfontreal, Ottawa, Toronto and London and can ship ordinary requirements the same day order is received. Made In 1 inch, 2 inch or 2% inch corrugations in sheets any length up to 10 feet in 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18 gauge both Painted and Galvanized. This class of material Is most suitable for fireproofing Barns, Factory, Mill and Warehouse 'loadings and is water and wind proof. Corrugated RIdges, Lead Washers and Galvanized. Nails carried in stock. Send Specifications to your nearest office for catalogues and prices. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, Momroal, Dao. Nan, Om. tomato, 0111 won, Oat, Wlaalpcg, moa. Yaocoauar,B.O. 767 Craig•1" St. -3 Suasexs S t. 1 alba 10 me st 09 Dundasa t Lombard 8 L 7 rd et. 016 Ponders . I •I t I *Write your Nearest Ofilco.-BEAD OFFICE AND WORK'S-OSHAWA,Ont Largest makers of Sheet Metal Build ing Materials under the British Flag. L , hi Western Gan da Two{aenelra ed lands n Saskatche wan, only 6.miles from two ran'o n 7 0O :P.R. it Q .T . P. Strong soi>, 90Per coat. plough land, spring creek, no sloughs. miles- N.B. of Indian Head. Price 51060 per acresWrite for map and toil particulare R. PARSONS, ei Wellesley Street, Toronto, Canada. CREEDS OF TIIE PRISONER. Interesting Statistics About Convicts in British Prisons. An interesting return was issued from the British 1lonne Office, "the de- clared religious creeds" of the prisoners in each of his Majesty's prisons in Great Britain on the 2811h March last. The prisoners on that day in England and Wales numbered 21,580 and the return classifies them according to the follow- ing denominations : Church of England 16,080, Roman Catholics 4,307, Jews 257, Wesleyan 1152, Methodist New Connexion 8, Primi- tive Methodist 65, Bible Christians 5, United Methodists 8, Methodist Free Church 2, Calvinistic Methodist 29, Congregationalist 53, Presbyterian 79, Baptist 132, Salvation Army 11, Uni- tarian 13, Quaker 1, Plymouth Breth- ren 1, Christian Brethren 1, Greek Church 4, Lutheran 19, Waldensian 1, Mahomadan and Buddhist 3, Spiritual- ist 1, Atheist 22,no religion 26, 1101 as- certained 1; total 21;580. In Scotlend there were on the 5111100 day in prisons and police cells 2,857 persons, classified Huls : Presbyterians 1,724, Roman Catholics 981, Episcopa- lians 146, Lutheran 1, and Jews 5. "Didn't the Lecturer feel hurt when so many in the audience fell asleep during the sermon?" "Oh, no; it encouraged hitt to ]seep on." "How so?" "Why, he was conceited enough to think they were nodding approval of vela[ ho said 1" WONDERFUL 46E. Here is Something that will be Welcome News to Many a Discouraged One. "For several years I have been troubled with gas around my heart, shortness of breath in fact, if I walked my usual gait my breath world get so short I would bo oompolled to make several atolls during WILLIAM Ii. Rano. my walk, " Of late my food dirt not digest properly. It turned goer in my etomaah, causing too groat distress 1 often, too, I had disagree. able attacks of boiahing gee and heartburn. "I was bothered with gevere pains across the small of my batik and the least bodies or turning would Cause me to almost orient. "I was induced to try Dr. Lconhardt's Anti -Pill and from the very first found relief, u For the iamb three months I have heti no recurrence of my former complaints, so I sin bound to nay Anti.Pill has indeed cured me." This Is the Voluntary statement of Wm, R. Reed, of 106 Queon eft„ Kin eton, Ont. Alt Druggists sell Anti -Pill. The Wilson. Fele Co„ Limited, Niagara .Falls, Ont, Tho remedy thst cured much an mammawe is sorely worth trying. GN Magistrate (to PM); "You are charged with stealing a loaf from a baker's cart. What have you to say for yourself ?" Pat : 'Nothing, sot'; except that the doc- tor lould me Oi must ate stale bread for me dyspepsy, so 01 had to stale it." Wilson' s FLY THE ONLY THING THAT KILLS THE1VS ALLY AVOID POOR IMITATIONS., Sold by all Druggists and General Storer) and by maiL TEN CENTS PERPACKET FROM ARCHDALE WILSON' HAMILTON. ONT. 200 Men Wanted at :Once In various parts of the Dominion, es. whole or spare time agents, to sell a high grade stock of hardy and well- grown trees a1d plants. Go-ahead and energetic men can make a very profit- able business of selling this stock, which is well known. Liberal terms and a complete outfit. Commission paid week- ly. Apply al once to L, D. SMiTH, Helderleigli Nurseries, Witten, "Ontario. Established over 0quarter of a century. CHENILLE CURTAINS • end oil 'hinds of house Rouging., Also OE - t OURTAI S DYED iQ °LEANN') LIKE NEM Write, to u" about yours,_ 9RIrl8H MINIMA 05111(10 00,, IMS 155, Montreal T ii E • pt�gj d BOR.oU r• LL .�. e�: of C1 ITh -Awe: "��Sxnude�noVa�Oayfs Cs+�Ca Bestandtgia�r�'�' St ossa a UMW mom pu n _ori ITE NEW COLTRIN FACE DOWN J, Dement . block machine; no levers nor cogwheels to get out of order; very rapid and simple fn operallon; .melees 8, 10 or 12 inch was, 4 or.8lsches high, 10 various designs; w•o also manufacture h lriClcmachines, sill moulds, chimney block, /Ingle and various other moulds; write for catalogue showing cuts and Math your requirements, Tho Caprin Manufacturing Co., Woikcrville, Ont. ISS7IIs NO. 20!00. ---«