HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-6-14, Page 5# P iP BusyBrussels IS $ P CONTINUED PAG. r MRS. McKINLEY keeps a very fine stock otl millinery as wee as sigmas, Her steak is well selected with great care and it is just such a store you are looking for tf you desire something neat, stylish service- able and fashionable. Mrs, McKin ley has had a lengthy experience and may be said to be up-to-date iu all lines of high grade milliuery, The people of Brussels and vicinity are aware of the high grade goods Mrs. McKinley continually offers. For bargains in fashionable millinery and fancy goods do not fail to give them a call. DR. R, P. FEILD. Among the professional men of the town we must not forget to mention the name of Dr. R. P. Feild, dentist, who began practice here in mot, in which year he graduated from the Roy- al College of Deutal Surgeons of On- tario, being one of ,five men who ob- tained first-class honors that year. His successful course of study fitted him to deal in a thoroughly practical manner with all the complex problems of mod- ern dentistry. He makes a specialty of the conservation of the natural teeth by crown and bridge work, gold and other fillings, but when extraction is necessary his knowledge of local and general anaesthetics is employed to re- lieve pain and artificial dentures are supplied with gold, aluminum or rub- ber bases, Dr. Feild's office is well equipped with all the up-to-date ap- pliances which facilitate the successful operation of a dental practice, abd no doubt this fact has had much to do with that quality of work which bas gained for him an enviable practice among the dentists of this part of On tario, Personally Dr. Feild is one of Brussels' most popular citizens. FOX'S DRUG STORE. Another one of Brus els leading busi- ness men that we must not overlook is Fox, the druggist and stationer. Iu the line of drugs everything is kept in stock from every line of proprietory medicine manufactured by the highest and most satisfactory grades of drugs. A full stock of high grade perfumery kept in stock. A specialty as made of the compounding of medical,prescript• ions and family recipes, which are carefully and accurately compounded. Everything that is comprehended in a first-class drug store is kept in stock. The nobbiest lines of stationery ever shown in town. He alio carries a fine line of Wall paper. Central office of the Bell Telephone Company, agency G. N. W. Telegraph office and agency for Dominion Express are located in his store. As a business man Mr. Fox is one of Brussels' most prominent and progressive. W M. OAKLEY If you have soles to mend take them to Wm. Oakley, who has had many years experience in the repairing and making of boots, and shoes. Mr. Oakley is noted far and near for first- class repairing of boots and shoes. He also carries a full stock of leggings, laces, liquid veneer and polish of all kinds black and white. Give him a call when wanting anything in his line. GERRY & WALKER. One of the most modern and up-to- date hardware establishments in this part of the country, is that of Gerry & Walker, of Brussels.. Their stock is new, neatly, 'arranged and comprises sporting goods, heavy and shelf hard- ware bf which they carry everything comprehended in a first-class hardware store. Paints, oils, varnishes, glass, garden tools, lawn mowers, spray Pumps, wire nettings, window and door screens, best paints, wire fencing as well as house supplies of all kinds, lamps, cutlery, silverware. stoves, tinware etc. Everything ot the best. If you are thinking of doing any them a call and building give e get their prices before you buy. Gerry & Walker take coutracts for eavetroug h- inff,ete. and theycan be relied upon for good work. Both are valuable citizens and men universally respect- ed. R. LEATHERDALE & SON Every well regulated town has fur- niture warerooms as without furniture thereould be no housekeping while w p g marriage would soon become a thing of the past. R. Leatberdalo & Son conduct one of the finest furniture establishments in this part of the country, everything in the line of high grade furniture from parlor suites to bedroom suites, odd chairs, mattresses, carpets, springs, etc. All the neatest and newest designs in every line, so that if you are thinking of furnish- ing your house and getting rid of tbe old turniture that has seen service too long give R. Leatherdale & Son a call. If you intend getting mar- ried and wish a first-class outfit give R. Leatherdale & Son a call. Their stock is one of the best ever shown in t•Iuron County. Furniture re- pairing, picture framing and every- thing in these epee Particular at- tention is directed to the extra large stock of fine carpets, linoleums, Chin- ese matting they carry, They are also extensive dealers in draperies of all kinds. All very elaborate goods. In the line ,of pianos and organs they keep the best made, such as the Heintzman, Belt, and Wormwith, and the same may bo said of the or- gans they sell. When you desire to abtain a musical instrument on easy termsgive them a call. They will geatautee to suit you in the matter of price and quality of the instrument, They Carry a good stock of under- taking supplies. Embalming, either cavity er arterial, done on the most sci- entific principles, Funerals attended in anypart of the ceentr- and taken in lebarge. s townsmen Messrs. fu barge. Leatherdale & Son are among Brits, - sale' best known and most highly es- teemed residents. McKAY & CO. are the proprietors of a first-class hard- ware store at this point, and they keep a carefully selected stock of the very best goods both iu heavy an shelf hardware, granitaware, lamps, silver- ware, carpet sweepers, cutlery, stock foods, paints, the best made, oils and varnishes of all kinds. If you are con- templating doing any building this season it may prove to your interests to consult McKay & Co. first, Their prices are always right and they can be depended upon for; first-class bar- gains. They also handle the celebrat- ed Cleveland coil spring wire for fenc- ing. As a townsman Mr. McKay is one ot Brussels most highly esteemed ettizeus. MISSES HABKIRIC. There is no place in this part of the country where you can obtain just what you want in the line of millinery as reasonable as at the Misses Habkiric's millinery emporium, Brussels. They always carry a very fine stock of the best goods in the market. The very latest ideas of the milliners' creation that are being worn in the leading cen- tres are to be found here. When you desire a nobby hat for Summer try there. Try them for your next hat. Hats trimmed on the shortest notice. GEO. CUNNINGHAM, V. S. Dr, Cunningham commenced to practice his profession as a veterinary surgeon here about a year ago and he has proven himself to be a very as- siduous and painstaking veterinary in that time and he has been successful in securing a very good practice. Dr. Cunningham came here well recom- mended as a first-class practitioner and he has amply demonstrated that there was nothing flattering in regard so the statement, Both in surgical work and in ordinary cases be has been very successful. Those who have stock ill should consult him. By the aid of scientific works touching upon Ins profession lie keeps up to the tires. At his infirmary he may be seen and consulted any time. J. J. GILPIN. Another business man here that we must not neglect to mention is j. I. Gilpin, who buys all the small machin- ery be bandies and thus is in a position to quote buyers unheard of prices, as he aims at buying it right in order that he may sell it very reasonable. In plows, sewing machines. cream separators, etc., bel can quote you special bargains. In binders, seed drills, etc., be represents the well known firm of Peter Hamilton & Co., of Peterboro, one of the best known manufacturers of high grade harvest- ing machinery in Canada. He also sells cream separator oil in bulk. Whenever you want first-class results in agricultural machinery of any kind or a first-class cream, separator or a good sewing machine give him a call. F. R. SMITH. Another of Brussels' leading busi• ness men is F. R. Smith, Druggist and Optician. In every community the relation of the druggist to the cus- tomer is of such a nature that a thorough knowledge of drugs and their properties is essential for the public welfare. This being the case we can easily comprehend the im- portance of a first-class drug store such as F. R. Smith's where everything in the lines of drugs, proprietory medi- cines; is kept in stock. Mr. Smith has recently added an optical depart- ment to his store where sight may be tested free at all times. If your eyes are bothering you now is the time to have them tested.' Mr. Smith is a graduate of the Empire College of Oph- thalmology where he took a course. tIt is unnecessary to add that their course is thoroughly up-to-date in every detail. You cannot afford to have your eyes bother you ; when they do you should consult him at onceand our word for it be will suit any sight. He cures headache, eye strain and near sight, which arenearly all caused by a dis- ordered state of the eyes. Medical prescriptions and family recipes are carefully and accurately compounded. Now is the time to have your eyes tested and if your system is rue down get Spring tonic at Smith's drug store. Books -and stationery to con- nection, As a townsmen Mr. Smith is highly esteemed and popular. FERGUSON & ROSS is another business concern here that we most not overlook in our review of the principal business places. Fergu- son & Ross conduct a hrst-class gener- al store, where everything is kept that is usually comprehended in a first-class general store—dry, goods, groceries, clothing, etc. Being careful buyers they make it a point to buy only the classes of goods that they know will sell readily in a place of Brussels' di- mensions. All their staple goods are from the best houses and for price and quality cannot be duplicated by any house here, In groceries they always aim at securing the best, all each sea- son's freshest goods. Their trade, which is an extensive one, is steadily increasing, owing to dealing fairly with all classes of the people. When you want bargains in goods that you know are right in quality and price you should try Ferguson & Ross. A very due stock of ordered clothing for mea and boys from the best houses in Can- ada ; all the latest styles and newest patterns. In gents' furnishings they undoubtedly carry one of the finest stocks ever shown here of the newest styles in hats, caps, etc. In the Lines of ordered clothing they excel and Mr. Ross, the cutter, stands at the bead of his profession as such. Their trade keeps steadily growing. When you wish to be considered well dressed or der you Summer full suit there ; the price will suit you and so will the suit, Both members of this firm are energet- ic and hustling ?business men, held in high regard in the community, MISS ROSS. Another business place here is that of Miss Ross, who eonducts'an un. -to - I date general fancy store, Everything j usually comprehended in a flrst- class fancy store can be obtain- ed there and as she buys her goods for cash she is in a position to sell most reasonable. Stte carries a very neat line of fancy cushions, Ladies' wear, silk Boss, etc. When you wish anything in tite lines she handles give her a call, you cannot fail to be stilt- ed there. WILTON & GILLESPIE, This firm carries a large and well selected stock of shelf and heavy hard- ware, stoves, tinware and house sup- plies, Since starting here their trade has steadily grown until now in their line they are not excelled in the coun- try. Fair dealing, right prices and a large stock has in a great measure accounted for the large increaee in business to this firm, Here you can always be assured of receiving full values at all times in every line of goods they handle. The arm of Wilton & Gillespie have always enjoyed the trust and confidence of those with whom they have been associated. Agents for the celebrated Sherwin- Williams paintsethat cover the earth, and without a doubt the finest paint made. GEORGE ROBB is the proprietor of a livery here that is second to none in the country and he is in the enjoynient of a good trade. Mr, Robb keeps a very fine line of drivers and an excellent assortment of rigs of the latest style both single and double. W ben you wish a good driver for a wedding party or a pleas- ure drive do not fail to give him a call. His terms will be found reason- able. Give him a call when wanting any driving done. He makes a specialty of commercial driving. As a townsman Mr. Robb is a man well and favorably known. Since starting this Spring Mr. Robb is building up a splendid trade that bids fair to still t'urther increase. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. The chartered banks are the medium through which the wheels of commerce keep revolving, The Standard Bank of Canada was established in 1872 and is one of the leading financial institu- tions of the country, having total as- sets of over $16,0oo,00o, with a reserve fund of $1,284,278. The bank is in a very strong position. stock being worth $250 and a dividend of 12 per cent. is paid. A general banking business transacted ; money loaned to farmers on approved farmers' notes ; farmers' sale notes collected and drafts issued to all parts of the world. In the sav- ings bank department sums of $1 and upwards are received and interest al- lowed at highest curreut rates. Every attention and courtesy shown deposit- ors. Since opening out the branch here some fourteen years ago a good business has been built up by sagacious aad prudent management. J. F. Row= land is the local manager and be is a gentleman most highly esteemed, M. H. MOORE, V. S, is another prominent citizen who must not be omitted. Mr. Moore is a veterinary at this point and those who are in a position to know. say that he has been successful in effecting some remarkable cures as well as performing numerous remarkable surgical opera- tions that have made for bim a good name. Mr. Moore is a diligent student keeping himself thoroughly posted by means of Veterinary Journ- als and attending the meetings of the Western Ontario Medical Association where vets. meet together to exchange items and impart information upon matters effecting their profession. Mr. Moore has an office opposite Ewan's carriage factory, where be can be con- sulted at any tune, Farmers and others desiring the services of a first-class vat, would do welt to give him a call. His success may be large- ly attributed to his thorough efficiency in bis profession and his courtesy to all classes. When any of your stock is ailing see him at once. PHILIP AMENT conducts another prominent and lead- ing industry here, viz,, a first-class planing mill, saw mill, sash and door factory, besides keeping a very large lumber yard where he has lumber, lath, shingles, posts, Chicago Airmoter windmills, tanks and cisterns for sale, His present planing mill, sash and door factory is two storeys, with brick foundation, It is 76 feet long by 64 64 wide with a 45 foot extension in the rear also two storey dry kiln. The presentbuilding is built on the site of the building destroyed by fire a few years ago. His factory is fitted up with all the newest and most modern mill machinery in the market to -day. All sorted turniug, planing, matching. etc., as well as keeping a good stock of sashes, doors, flooring, ceiling and stair stuff. He is also agent for the Chicago Airmotor Windmill, which is acknowledged by those who have them in ase to be ahead of any windmill in the eountry. The simplicity of con- struction, the general utility and cheap- ness of these windmills is what tends to make them so much in demand. -No farmer who has any quantity of stock should be without one of these incom- parable wind mills. S. T. PLUM is acknowledged to be one of the best mechanics in this part of the country. As a horseshoer there are few his equal. He cures all defects of horses' feet eaused by improper shoeing and he has achieved a reputation through- out this part of the eotiutry second to none. He also does all sort of repair- ing of buggies, wagons and machinery of alt kinds. When you want your horses shod properly or when you want any repairing clone cheap and prompt, do not fail to give S. I', Piero a call. He also makes new rigs to order and iu this line of business he enjoys a good paronage. His new work is guaranteeddrst-class in every way, Mr, Plum has been in business here now for',twenty years and has been almost a life long resident of the vil- lage. As a townstnaa Mr. Plum is a man universally esteemed by all classes. GEORGE THOMSON is the proprietor of a first class bakery, confectionery and grocery !etre, • a As a 1 � akar and conte ioi e ct t r he has the reputation of turning out a very fine grade of bread and pastry. Mr. Thomson's trade steadily increas- es owing to his always suppying the best. He also keeps full lines of con- fectionary, an up-to-date stock of groceries, canned goods, etc. If you have not tried Thomson's bread or pastry do so ; it will suit your taste, Mr. Thomson is one of Brussels' most popular and progressive citizens, McLAUCHLIN BROS. There is no elass of machinery itt the market to -day that excells the Frost & Wood, whether it be in the line of binders, mowers, or hayrakes, loaders etc, Their machines are all made from tbe very best of seasoned wood and the very finest ot iron, by thoroughly experienced and competent men. This must naturally give them an enhanced commercial value, and shrewd bnyers should not lose sight of this fact. When you want the very best in the agricultural implement line remember Frost & Wood, are a purely Canadla'if firm, their goods all being manufactured at home for home consumption. Mc- Lauchlin Bros. yearly increasing trade bears evidence of the superiority of this class of goods. They keep re- pairs for all the machinery they handle. Agents for the best Forest buggies and Woodstock wagon and the Case thrashing machines of St. Catharines, They also make a specialty of cream seperators; cyclone wire and fence and gates and agricultural implements of all kind, Wynn's old stand Brus- sels. J. G. JONES is another business man that we must not overlook in our review of the busi- ness interests here. Mr. Jones keeps everything in the line of watches, clocks and jewelry, watch, clock and jewelry repairing of all kinds, of this he makes a specially. Anyone desirous of purchasing a first-class line of jewelry, watches, clocks, etc., sbouid not fail to give Mr. Tones a call. A cordial invitation is extended to all to inspect his goods and the reasonable prices at which he sells cannot fail to meet the expectations of intending purchasers, As a townsman Mr, Jones is well and favorably known and highly esteemed. HUGH RAMSAY conducts a first-class livery at this point and keeps a well selected stock of horses as well as a good line of rigs. When you want a rig for an after- noon's drive, for a wedding party, or picnic be sure and give him a call. Commercial driving a specialty. The finest of turnouts and prices reason- able. Mr. Ramsay has this season added a number of new rigs including some rubber tired ones so that if you are looking for ease and comfort in driving you should not fail to give him a call. He has only been a short time in the business but bas been doing well. Bus line in connection.,, WILSON & HUNTER is another business firm here that we must not neglect to mention in the commercial review of Brussels. They are proprietors of the Brussels Marble Works, and as marble cutters, those who are in a position to know say, that there is not a finer line of tombstones turned out in the country than they turn out. They furnish monuments as far South as Seaforth and as far North as Mildmay. The cemetery is the interesting spot for a great many people on Sundays and it is then that the handiwork of the marble cutter shows to great advantage. This well known firm has put in many of the finest monuments and tomb- stones that grace the cemetery of this surrounding district. If you are thinking of erecting a monument to a departed friend, see their beautiful catalogue and get their prices first, It will pay you. W. A. GREWAR. This place of business is noted far and near as the spot wbere you can always depend upon receiving the choicest high grade fruits of all kinds and choice confections and Mr. Grewar has had a lengthy experience in this particular line of business and he is in a position to meet the require- ments of all intending purchasers. Mr. Gewar also handles oysters in season and it is the acknowledged headquar- ters for the very finest of old cheese and the bestof tea and coffees. You need never make a mistake by deal- ing at Grewar's, all his goods are gilt edge. He knows what to buy and how to buy and be sells reasonable wbich is the great secret of his success, - Ice cream parlors in connection and a good stock of smokers' supplies. As a townsman Mr, Grewar is one of Brus- sels most highly esteemed and popular citizens, interested in everything tend- ing to promote the town's interests. H. L. JACKSON conducts a first-class jewelry store at this point having been in business here for upwards of twenty two years. He keeps one of the finest lines of high- class diamonds, silverware, watches, clocks and jewelry of all kinds ever shown in these parts. All the goods shown at Jackson's Jewelry store are of the newest ideas and are very reasonable in price. These goods are all the creations of the jewelers' art, and are all serviceable, suitable for wedding presents, birthday gifts, eta, and he has built up a very fine business solely on the merits of his goods In watches, clocks, etc., he also shows a very fine stock. All new goods and sold at prices that are most reasonable. Whop you want the very best oe everything usually carried by a first-class jeweler give Mr. Jackson a call. Mr. Jackson makes a special.. ty of watch. clock and jewelry repair Mg: which work is invariedly execut- ed in a prompt and satisfactory man- ner, He also carries a line of violins and small musical instruments, sheet niueio, etc, As a townsman Mr. jack - eon is one of Brussels' best known and most highly esteemed citizens, W, E. DUNCAN is a barber at this point and those who arc in a position to know say that he is one of the best engaged at the busiuese When you want an easy shave as good as a barber ever gave do not fail to give W. E. Duncan, of the Antieeptie Shaving Parlor, a call. Massages, sbantpoo and hair dressing. Have none but the most competent workmen employed, Everything up- to-date. As is citizen Mr, Duncan is well and favorably known, MISSES STRACHAN. In the newest styles is all classes of Millinery the Misses Strachan are showing a very fine stock. All their goods are bought with a due regard to style and quality, and the very reasonable prices they sell are certain ly factors in building up a first-class trade, If you wish to be considered stylish in your dress you should con. suit the Misses Strachan for your next hat. They follow the fashions very closely and you may obtain the same styles as are beibg worn in New York, Toronto, Montreal, ate„ at about half the cost. The Misses Strachans' trade is well established and is steadily in- creasing, the result of always giving satisfaction. FRED. McCRACKEN, Those who are in a position to know say that there are very few men in the business to day the equal of Fred. McCracken as a painter and decorator, He carries a very fine line of the very latest designs in wall paper which he sells at from five cents per roll np, As house cleaning time is now on, now is the time to secure what you desire in the proper line there. Paints of all kinds ready mixed or any kind of stain furnished. He also carries a stock of room mouldings. But it is as a painter and decorator tbat Mr. Me. Cracken shines. In tbese lines be cannot be excelled in this Province for first-class work, and his work is to be seen all throueh this section of the country. When you want good results you should give him a call. His work stands inspection well. As a citizen Mr. McCracken is well and favorably known. FRANCIS & CO. started is business here this Spring having bought out the present busi- ness from Mr. Speirin. Mr. Fran cis is an exceptionally good carriage and wagon maker having served a long apprenticeship to the business. They make a specialty of repairing, painting and trimmiog, their work here during the short time they have been in business bas earned for them a good name, When you want a oew buggy, wagon, or anything in the repairing or painting line give them a call. Their prices are reasonable. Francis & Co. are also agents for the cele- brated McKie buggies of Platteville ; Boreland of Stratford ; Dore, of Wing - ham, and the Campbell buggies, of London. Any of these buggies, no matter which make, are exceptionally fine and no purchaser need be afraid of trying any of them as they are all reliable firms, If they were not Francis & Co. would not be found sell- ing them. When you want a new buggy go there. GEORGE STEMN. One of the most practical and scientific harness makers m this part of the country, who recently moved here from Sebringville is Geo. Stemn. He is undoubtedly not excelled by any one in this country as a harness maker, Mr. Stemn always alms at selliug the very best quality of harness, and the reputation he gained before coming bete for making only high grade hand made harness will stand bim in good stead here. Mr. Stemn carries a fine stock of heavy and light harness, and horsemen's supplies of all kinds. Trunks, valises, etc., and he can be de. pended upon to give the public good values all the time. He also does everything in the line of repairing which is executed in a neat, satis- factory manner, and very reasonable in price. THE Posr bespeaks for Mr. Stein a continuation of the generous patronage bestowed upon Mr. Donald- son, whom he bought out. CENTRAL HOTEL. This well known and well appointed into hand of Intel passed i o th e George Brown some four years ago, since which time he has made a big improvement not only in the house but in the trade he does, which bas been nearly doubled. It has been Mr. Brown's aim to improve bis place from time to time, and nothing was left un- done that should be done to make it a first-class hotel in every respect. The house is well furnished and with the dining room you are alway assured of the best money can buy. Good wet goods and the best of domestic and imported cigars. The .stabling accommodations cannot be surpassed, the, stable of the Central being with- out a doubt one of the best in the county. AS a hotelman Mr. Brown is popular with all classes, and his popularity increases with his trade. When in Brussels you are invited to give the Central a call. GEORGE N. MCLAREN, One of the landmarks of the town and one who may be said to have grown up with the town is George N. McLaren, who bas been engaged as a general merchant here for upwards of 17 years. Mr, McLaren keeps one of the best selected stocks of general merchandise ever shown in Brussels. In dry goods be keeps all the best staple lines, as well as gents' furnish• ings, ready-to-wear clothing, groceries. Hie long experience at the business, his intimate knowledge of the people, his correct'busiuess methods and al- ways giving good values is what bas helped to build tip his very successful career. Mr. McLaren gives close personal attention to his business and in thts way he secures the very best; results He thoroughly under- stands every detail of the business and as he is a prudent buyer his customers are always assured of the best bargains. Good values and honest treatment are his Mottoes. Personally he is a man well and favorably known and highly esteemed as a citizen, LAUNDRY There are laundries and laundries, but there ls 00 laundry that cap excel the ha d laundrywhere everything a Is done by hand and not burned up by acids iia Is often the ease with the steam laundries, W. Wilton is the proprietor of the Brussels hand lawn. dry, which for first-class work cannot be excelled. Mr. Wilton asks for a share of your patronage and there is no reason why any of the laundry work of the locality should be sent out of town when just as good work can be done here by people who live here, who pay taxes and bolp to support the place. Try the Brussels band laun- dry with your next parcel. W. F, STRETTON is a thorough believer in ,the efficacy of printer's ink, and tbat any- thing in the business line worth doing is worth doing well. Being thorough- ly up-to•date himself he is fully aware how first-class goods sell themselves, You are always assured of the best here and all his goods are of the very latest design and include watches, utocks, silverware, novelties suitable,for wedding presents and birthday gifts. One of the finest stocks ever exhibited iu En -meets, Mr. Stratton is a special - 1st in the line of repairing. The superiority of his work has gone abroad and the same is true of the excellency of his goods and be is in the enjoy- ment of a good trade. See his beautt- tut stock before you buy. All goods sold with a due regard to price and quality. Everything guaranteed, everything of the best. As a towns- man Mr. Stretton is alive and pro- gressive. S. H. JACKSON is acknowledged by those who are in a position to know, one of the most User - ()uglily skilled horse -sheers in this part of the country. Mr. Jackson bas cer- tainly achieved a splendid reputation as a mechanic. All defects o1 horses' feet, caused by improper shoeing, rec- tified. Mr. Jackson also does all sort of repairing of wagons, machinery, etc. His trade is certainly increasing here. As a townsman Mr. Jackson is well and favorably known. DODDS & HABKIRIC. This is another leading business firm of the town that we must not neglect to mention in our mercantile review of the business interests of the town, Dodds & Habkirk are merchant tailors and they carry an excellent stock of the best Canadian and imported suit- ings in British woollens, imported tweeds, worsteds and homespuus. Their goods have all been bought with a due regard to suit the taste of the public. Since establishing here tbey have been very successful and have worked up a splendid trade. Their aim has always been to give thorough satisfaction to the people as to the quality of their goods, the price, and to suit their patrons in the style re- quired. When ordering your Summer or Fall suit don't fail to give Dodds & Habkirk a call. They are practical cutters and tailors. Their stock is one of the best shown here. All the latest styles and newest designs. Anything bought here you can depend upon it being as represented and very reason- able in price. Their suits invariably show the well dressed man. Both members of this firm are among Brus- sels' most respected citizens. I. C,; RICHARDS, Is anoiher prominent business man here that we must not overlook in our review of Brussels. Mr, Richards is one of Brussels live energetic business men. He keeps an up-to-date boot and shoe store as well as keeping a good stock of harness. In the lines of boots and shoes he shwos a very fine stock of the best Canadian intakes, for men, women and children and the prices at which he sells are within easy reach of everyone's pocket book. In the line of harness he also carries a good stock and is in the enjoyment of a good trade in that line alone. Re- pairing of all kinds of boots and shoes as well as harness done, reasonable and satisfactory. If you are looking for the best lines of boots and sboes or harness that is warranted to give thorough satisfaction give I. C. Rich- ards a call. His business has grown so that be has decided to separate the two businesses an within. ss d that object view he will move his shoe business into the store formerly occupied by Downing Bros., while he will conduct his harness shop in the present prem- ises. As a townsman he is well and favorably known. BRUSSELS CARRIAGE WORKS. Ewan & Co, are the largest manu- facturers of buggies, wagons, sleighs, etc., utilizing fine buildings for the manufacture of the same. Their shops are well equipped for turning out the finest lines which embrace some twen- ty-two different styles. In their show room is to be seen tbe finest display of carriages ever shown in Huron county. They employ none but the most skilled and most competent workmen in turn- ing out their high grade carriages. Mr. Ewan, the head of the firm, has had a lengthy experience with his busi- ness having served twenty years at it. In the line of practical horse shoeing a specialist is engaged and the results are always satisfactory. This year alone they have thus far turned out forty buggies and seventeen wagons, which is indeed a splendid record. A very extensive business is also done in repairing, trimming and painting. In addition to their own carriages they handle The Canadian Carriage Com- pany's buggies of Brockville and the Brantford buggies. These buggies have attained an enviable reputation throughout this entire section. They are also agents for the Hamburg wagon, Mr. Ewan started in business here some twenty years ago when he was succeeded by the present firm. To accommodate his increasing trade it is Ewan & Co's. intention to erect a three story cement building on the vacant corner adjoining bis present building, when this is completed they will be in a position to turn out ever 1,coo buggies a year, This firm has a wide acquantance in this section of the country and their waggons invariably give thorough satisfaction, P. SCOTT, There are blacksmiths and black- s smiths but one of the beet In th s part of the country is P. Scott, who has had is life-long experience and is a nleehan- le of the hignest order, As a horse• Sheer he has achieved an enviable name. Repairing done on the short- est notice. When you want good re- sults don't fail to give P. Scott, the up-to-date mechanic, a call, lee will guarantee to give thorough satisfac- tion. Mr, Scott is also the owner of two very fine stallions, "[Replete" with mark of 2,08e, and "Costumer" with- out any mark. Both these horses are at their stables in Brussels where they are for service, BAEICER BROS. Started in the butcher business here about a year ago, and they have during that time developed a good paying Lade, Baeker Bros. are thoroughly experienced stook men and they in- variably aim at securing the very best class of meats for their patrons. They supply many of the leading families as well as enjoying a good trade :with the hotels. When you Want to be assured of the very best in meats of any kind you should give Baeker Bros. a call. They will guarantee to use you right as to goods and as to prices. As townsmen they are both men well and favorably known, THUELL BROS. Another leading business firm of the town that we must not overlook is that of Thuell Bros„ who in addition to handling all hinds of Manitoba .and Ontario flour, feed, bran, shorts, tetc., also are in a positon to do all sorts of choppng and crushing of grain of all kinds. Farmersibind others who wish anything along these -tines should not tail to give Thuell Bros. a call. Do you do your own baking of bread 7 It will pay you to do so, providing you get fine lions as Thuell Bros, carry, the very best of Manitoba and Ontario make, and the very reasonable, prices at which they sell has assured them s rapidly increasing trade, They also operate the electric light plant hero and give a first-ctasb service. As townsmen Messrs. Thuell Bros. are among Brussels' hustlers. E. C. DUNFORD & SON. This is the exclusive furnishing and clothing hoose :n this part of the country, where the premises combine everything in the line of clothing, gent's furnishings. such as fashionable ties, underwear, nobby hats, gloves, etc. In these they make a specialty. In fine suitings. may be mentioned a full range of cords, Berges, worsteds. Scotch, Irish, English and Canadian tweeds and clothing is another special- ty of theirs. The cutting is all execut- ed by Mr. Danford, sr., who is a practical Cutter of many years exper. ience, standing at the head of bis pro- fession as such. None but first-class workmen are employed, and their suits invariably give satisfaction. Mr. Danford bas been a resident of Brus- sels for over forty years and his busi- ness ranks among the best here. He has a wide acquaintance with the bug- ness and farming public who always have found him a man of highest quality. When you want the best results in high grade tailor made cloth- ing or ready-to-wear clothing, New York styles of suits, ties or hats do not fail to give E. C. Dunford & Son a call. Bank, of ,Hamilton ,Capital, )Pied np, 82,500,000 iteserve Fund. $2.500,000 Total Assets, 1809,000,000 80 BRANCHES !IN' CANADA Se President, - - HON, WM. GIBBON Vice President & General Manager, TAMES MUMS -OLD ETHEL AGENCY Savings Department—Ample security for Depositors. Deposits of 51.00 and upwards received. Interest allowed at Durrant rates and eomponnded half yearly. ADVANCES made to Farmers for feeding stock. Sale Notes collected and advances made thereon. Drafts bought and sold, , W. N. McKAY, B173-AoxNT. 8 s 9tr ' WOOL WANTED beior The Highest Market Price will be paid in Cash for any quantity of Wool delivered at my store, Brussels. Alf. Baeker Brussels r n G- ee hu o se PLANTS AND FLOWERS You will find at Brnesels Greenhouse any quantity of Tomato, Oauliflewer, Nies), and Cabbage Plenbe, Tomato Plants toe a box or Se a doz. loose. Five collection of Flowering Plants, A Ohoiee lot of Geraniums and Aie. nuals for bedding. Cat Flowers supplied. Floral designs made 10. order. MISS KELLY