HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-6-14, Page 4THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1906,
Lest week's tornado played havoo with
propsrtiee in is number of oitiee, towns
and villages, they taring worse than the
rural distrioto. II Hioko had not promie•
ed thio storm it might have been min.
taken for a wind storm trona the House
el Oommone at -Ottawa.
Tan Sarnia ladies wiped out the debt
of $8,000 on the general Hospital ,by the
presentation of a drama three nights,
entitled "A Trip Round the World," It
takes the ladies lo oarry through ander.
takings that the sterner sex would often
astatine to face and their sympathies are
nearly always aaaeseible for any and
every good omuse.
Onexaavrnrs is eet►io0 the pace for
other mnnioipalitiee, the Council of that
town having appealed against 200 of the
aoeeeemente affirming that they are too
low. There is room for a higher type of
rectitude than that often in evidence
wbeo the Asoeseor is performing hie
duties. It is astonishing the slump
properties take until he hae handed iu
hie roll and the peculiarity in their rapid
recovery as soon as the returns are made.
Thin sort of nominees does not weigh 16
onnoee to the pound.
Brion the enforced retirement of the
verbose, Dr. Montague, the one time re-
presentative of Haldimond Oo., who
played sharp with the Iodiane of hie
constituency by presenting a letter aaid
to be from Queen Viotoria aeking her
red children to vote for the jocular doo-
tor, the children of the forest have had
no epeoial pleader. In the absence of
this live prominent Indian chiefs from
British Columbia will leave on Domin-
ion Day for England to visit King Ed.
ward VII. They will call at Ottawa en
route to secure pointers from the Oom•
mons as to the mode of procedure morose
the briny.
®Le0T Sunday evening the Right Hon.
Richard John Sadden, Prime Miuieter of
New Zealand, died while on the home.
ward joarney on the steamer Owetrey.
Heart failure was the oanse of death
which was quite anexpeoted. He was
61 years old. Tl.. Hon. gentleman was of
English birth bat had gone to Australia
it, 1863. For years he occupied poeitione
of treat and importance and wee noted
for bie energy and ambition. Somatimee
pnblie men are oevied their seat of honor
bat not a few of these leading epirite
have ehortened their lives by the inces-
sant toil sad heavy reeponeibitiee whiob
often outweigh the honors conferred.
Softs remarkable and startling inform•
anon has been Bemired by Dr. Hadwen,
of Glouaeeter, England, who affirms that
149 persona have beau buried alive ; 219
escaped burial ; 10 were alive when
brought for dieaeation ; 2 embalmed alive
and 1 cremated. He argeo the building
of mortoreriea in which bodies, where the
leant suspicion exists, ehoold be kept
until algae of pntrelaotion are evident.
Of coarse a man hae no reason to kink
over being interred if he ie really dead
but if the above statements are true he
has remise for boping that hie next of
kin will nee that the obeegniee do not take
plasm prematurely or that the irrepressible
oollege med. has not an opportunity of
removing the epidermis before sensibility
has departed.
Alexin attendiog eeaeione of the Lon-
don Methodist Oonfereoce for a week at
Windsor, Tug Poem ie more strongly im-
pressed with the fact than aver that
Huron Oo. Council ooald give many
pointera to the former as to better
methods of transacting badness both as
to prooedure and economy of time, If
eome of tite dear brethren were placed on
enpernomerary list ae far as jumping
to their feet from once to a half dozen
tinlee in the dieoieeion of almost every
clneetiou a great kindness would be done
to the members of the Conference.
There might he an excuse whore fresh
matter le presented bat in the majority
of oaeee it is a repetition of what was
probably batter said by la preceding
speaker. A resolution was passed urg-
ing the Committee on the next Confer-
ence program to prepare an Order o!
Business for the next eee8i0n and thio in
the bands of a business -like Preeident
should came a great improvement on the
condaet of this body ae compared with
other Oonterenoes. A. trial will prove
the desirability of ire oontinuanoe we
are euro. A gathering of from 900 to
400 men regains more direction than a
Bort of pet0bwork usage in carrying out
business of lmportauoe. This should be
provided and adhered to irreepoolive of
whoever may be disposed to transgress
the rules of order laid down.
Bishop Kingdon, of Frederioton, N. B.,
ie reported to be dying.
Eight deaths resulted from the resent
storm in thio Province. WHEN gOu (MOW 01,10
A young eon of Ernest Waepe was The body needs patching—wasted
drowned while bathing at London. thanes mast be rebuilt, played out organa
Samuel Vaughan, a eeotionman, was reetored—blood mode extra nonriahment.
killed by an expreen train near Grimsby, Elderly people need Forrozone,—need it
Two brothers, Francisco and Petro Mn• beoauee ft vitalizee and rejuvenates as
earn, were smothered In landslide near no other remedy can, Ferrozone bnilde
O6aminietignia, Ont. op the kind of strength that makes one
Trinity Methodist Ohuroh, a sew $30,•
000 ethane, was dedicated at Berko, Ott.,
R. J. Elliott,
The Queen of Spain has sent the fol.
lowing meaeage to the Governor•Geu.
eral I—The King and I heartily thank
you and the loyal people of Oauada for
your kind eympatby and oongratule.
If you are tired, nervone, eleepleee,
hove headaohee and languor you need
Dr, Hamilton's Pille ; they tone the
elomaoh, aBeiet digestion, brace you up at
000e. Taken at night you're well by
morning, Bioknees and tired feeling
dieappear iuetautly. Vim, epirito, happy
health, all the joys of lite moms to every
one that oeee Dr, Hamilton's Pills today
250. per bottle atall dealers.
131v Ch.
Jolla Hartley was at Hamilton writing
on hie examinations.
Mise Zella Oarder, of London, was
called home owing to the illness of her
John Wilford attended the meeting of
the Sovereign Grand Orange Lodge in
Edward McMillan left on Toeeday of
last week for the West and will go to the
vicinity of Saskatoon.
E. 0. Wilford hoe been e000eeeful in
passing his seooud year examinations i0
medicine at Toronto University.
T. W. Scott is enjoying hie annual
vacation, and during bie absence Wm.
Reid, of Wingham, ie i0 obarge of the
Bank of Hamilton here.
The Ladies' Aid Society of St. An.
draw's cherub will hold their annual
garden party o0 Wednesday evening,
June 27th, inetead ut Juue 29th as prey.
lonely anaoanoed.
Joseph Carter bas installed a Usher
Aatomatio Boiler Cleaner et Logan &
Fraeer'a briokyard. This makes the
fourth sue in use in the village now, and
they are all giving good eatiefaatiou.
VPinehau n.
A. M. Bird has returned to town from
Toronto and has again taken a position
in the Wingitem marble works.
Workmen were putting the finishing
toochee to the standpipe in polluting it
and palling down the soaffoidiug,
At a meeting of Maitland Lodge, I. 0.
0. F., J. W. Dodd and Ohae. H. Greet,
were elected as delegates to the Grand
Lodge meeting to be held id Peterboro
in Aogast.
J. W. Dodd has parobaeed Mre. A.
Robertson's property on Oatherine street
and J. W, Fraser, of New Hamburg, has
sold his house and lot on Oherlea street
to Mre. John G. Imlay, of town,
H. Davie case in Stratford on Monday
of Iaet week attending the funeral of his
sister -in law, Mre. R. R. Davis, of Toron.
to, Deoeaeed formerly lived in Stratford
and interment was made in the Stratford
Dr, H. E. W. Tamlyn met with what
might easily have been a fatal sooident.
He had occasion to go into the National
hotel to meet a friend and in going
through the hall he walked mato the sal.
lar way, the trap door being open. He
reoeived several bruises and was badly
shaken up and was confined to bed for
eeveral daya.
Sotltlsn Recce.—The Wingham ranee,
the first of the Canadian circuit, opened
Wedneeay of last week with every raoe
well filled, a large attendance of epeotatore
and keen oontee08 in the several events.
The track woe, in the parlenoe of the turf,
"lightning fast", and from the number of
fast horees here the meeting this year
eclipsed all former onee, Summary
2.50 olaee :
Little Tim, W. Hodeon, Moatreal..1 1 1
Miee Alioy, Charles Barrett, park•
hill 2 3 8
Zito Medium, Dr. Kern, Berlin4 2 4
Old Maid, H: T. Westbrook, Brant-
ford 8 5 2
Time, 2.311-, 2.23, 2.24Aleo started :
Lady Gothard, Barry Direst, Harry
Moonlight, Hattie Fergaeon.
2,25 Olaes ;
Oollege Mug, D. McLachlan, Chat
ham 1 1 1
Oollingwood Boy, Mre. P. F. Stone,
Colliogwood 3 4 2
Dan Fiuieter, L Aldose, Fenelon
Falls 2 6 3
Davy K., R. Kettle, Sarnia 6 2 4
Time,2.20, 2,24, 2.19i. Also started:
Rob Roy, Autumn King, Minnie Bell,
Joe Alleo.
2,18 clans
Little Sandy, J. L. Bailey, Torouto,1 1 1
Mand Wilkes, Mre, Mary Locke,
Napanee 2 2 2
Princess Simon, William Graham,
London 3 3 4
Shadeland Boy, Frank Toot, Bea
forth 544
Time 2 18}, 2.20i, 217 , Also etarted
Col. Hunter and Jessie Rodgers,
The eecand day of the Wingham races
turned oat to be one of the beat in the
history of the turf in this plane, the
weather being all that oould be expected,
the track i0 good shape, making every-
thing go with a awing, and each elms
being keenly contested. A large crowd
of enthusiastic epeotators witneeeed the
2,28 elms—
Gladstone, 5, Gladstone,
Oolliugwood s 3 3 1 1 1
Hal, Chas. Barrett, Park
hill 1 5 2 6 5
Little Pet, T. Neville, Oole
lingwood 2 2 2 3 3
L000dy, D. Levie, Bartie.,4 4 3 4 2
Also started—Hazel Belle, Nettie Star.
Time -2 23}, 2.24, 2.27, 2.27i, 2,25,
2.21 class—
Billy Oole, E. J, Outran, Oil
Oity 1 1 I
Orillia Belle, Geo Howell, Or.
illia 2 2 2
Debby, 0. `1'. Oain, Lookeow,,.,3 4 8
Mies (holey, W, Hodson, Mon.
treat 7 3 9
Also started—Jdatbie Weaver, Anna V.
Brino, Happy Dreamer, Dr. 0., College
2.10 Mass—
Darky, J. E. Swartz, Winghare1 1 1
Oollingwood Rooker, T. Neville
Oollingwood 2 2 2
Statkey, Ed, Francisco, Napaoee 3 8 8
Aleo started—Greganer,
Beet time -2.17
uol WHIM!
The Highoet Market Prion paid for
any quantity of Wool.
2 oeute advance allowed in trade.
We carry a good range of Blanketo,
Yarns, Sheetiugs, Underwear, hosiery,
Tweeds, &o.
Excelsior Knitting Factory, Brussels.
feel good,—keeps book the deoxy of old
age and makes you look young and hand-
some again. Forget verve:o exhaustion,
renew your vital energy, again re enter
the life of youth. Your remedy is
Ferrozonr, only fifty matte to bottle at all
The disgusting discharges from the
nose and throat, and the foul oaturrbal
breath are quickly diepeueed with by
analog Dr. Shoop'e Catarrh Care. Satoh
eoothiug autieeptio agents ae Thymol,
011 Euoalyptue, Wild indigo, eto., have
been iuuorporated into a snow white
oream makiug a catarrhal balm unexoell.
ed. Sold by F. R, Smith.
NBWBY NOT/18.—R. L. Stewart bee
passed his third year examivatiou in
Medicine at Toronto University,—Miee
Annie Aitobesoo ie spending a month
with St. Catharines friends.—Aire. and
liise Powell visited with Bloevale friends
loot week.—John Bnrgeee ie in Ottawa
this week representing Court Douglas,
0. 0. F., at the High Conn.—Alias
Cadwallader, and William Nanny,
Robert Musgrove and W. J. Duff went to
Niagara Falls on the 0. P. R. excursion.
—R. N. Duff epent a ooaple of days last
week in Godertob.—Muoh regret ie felt
over the dangerous illness of Miee Aggie
Smillie, who is lying at the bome of her
brother, Dr. Joseph Smillie, Binbrook,
near Hamilton. Miea Smillie was operaten
upon for appendicitis. Mr. and Mre,
Smillie are both at the bedside of their
danghter,—Mre, Arah. Paterson, of
Wingham, visited her many Banvale
friends last week,—The pureo0age hae
been greatly improved by interior alter
atione. When it is all finiebed it will be
a large and oomfortable house,—Rev.
George Baker arrived home from Coo-
fereuoe on Tbnreday of last week. Ea
will oontivae here for another year we are
pleased to state.—The pond hae been
pretty well cleaned of its drift wood,
which makes it more presentable.—
Jonathan and Mre. Miller, of Goderioh,
were recent vieitore of J. O. and Mre.
Johnston.—Mies Nelson is visiting her
aunt Mre. S. Pant.—Mr. Horn, the new
Secretary of the Bible Society, addressed
a nation meeting is the Presbyterian
aharoh, on Tuesday of Iasi week.—
Phomas Ooattes hae been in poor health
lately.—H.ugh Roee was in the village
last week. Mr, and Mre. Roee have had
a hard siege of siokneee. Mr. Roee wee
in bed with typhoid fever for seven weeks
and just as he was recovering Mre. Rues
took it and was removed to Brantford
hospital. Mre, Roee is expeoted home
shortly.—Oommnoion eervioee were held
in Bloevale and Eadiee Presbyterian
churohee on June 3rd., when twelve
joined the former and thirteen new mem•
um the latter. Rev. Mr. Burnett, of
Moleawortb, preached the (preparatory
sermon here oo the previous Friday,
when there was also a aongregetioual
meeting to dimes the possibility
of building a new or remodelling
the old ohurmb. It was decided to lake a
vote of the congregation for four Sun.
days.—David Patton, arrived home
from (Tinton hospital on Monday. Mr.
Patton underwent au operation for
appendioitie three weeks ago,
LAX ETS—A candy bowel laxative.
If you have oonetipation,
If yon have a coated tongue,
If yon are dizzy, bilious, sallow,
If you have headaohee, seer etomaob,
eta., risk 5 cents o0 LAX ETB. See for
yourself. Bold by F. R. Smith.
Canadian 1Newe.
Rev. W, M. Roger was drowned at
Banorof t.
The two•year-old eon of Samuel
Plunkett, of Wood'hridge, was killed by a
Alex. MoMillan, s well-to-do farmer of
Finch townehip, committed suicide by
Berlin defeated Seatortb in football in
the former town o0 Tuesday evening by
a score of 2-1,
Queen's comity, P. E. I. voting in
favor of prohibition, brings the whole
Island ander that law.
At Nsepowa, Man., Rev. J. H. Mon'
gan was eteoted President of the Mani.
What Methodist Conference.
John Purvis, farmer near Oannington,
set fire to his barn and then committed
eoioide by swallowing poison.
At Belleville a young eon of George
Skinner was killed by the tall of an old
Mane which was being torn down.
The Transcontinental Railway Com.
mieeion have reoeived tenders for 65,000
tone of steel rails and 1,500,000 tine,
The Agrionitaral Committee at Ottawa
heard Mr. Jury's evidence and decided to
report without any recommendation.
An effort will be made in the Toronto
Counied to neoare the enforcement of the
smoke cramming bylaw after August 15.
Bishop Williams and a delegation from
the Diooeee of Huron addressed the
General Assembly at London oil Church
The Elder -Dempster liner Etolia, with
lumber, from St. John, N. B., for Barry,
England, is ashore on Oape Sable and is
leaking badly.
Thomas Mo0ormick, one of the
wealthiest maoafaotarere, of London,
Ont. died neer Kansas Oity in the train
on bie way home from California.
David Hobbs, who ae oastoms agent
for the C. P. R. at Montreal absconded
teat Ootober with a num estimated at
$60,000, is ander arrest in New York,
Mre. Arabella McGeaohie, about 80
years of age, of St. Catharines, was
etrook by a train near Queenetoo
kiideighbs,lled, on Saturday and inelaatly
..,...._ i•••••3,neFA:dirS'a'ee•... tieng sitsrffi,i •AyCay n
, _ .• «.-..-- ...—.—._ at&�ii,4aiifkvxfue. Lrf6o+143uf lmiwtW�n?:+8u?a'aY�rwinn^-•w� .kr,.._..... ».:... ___.,,.. .._.. �4 .. I.t
.On the Montreal Moots exchange L. J.
Forget b@ 00. honghk about 4,500 abates of
'Toronto Railway at 117. Nr. Forget
Bald the awls was bonghl on an invest.
went order from Franoe.
If yonr stemeoh is weak,
If your food dietroseee yon,
It you ere wean and nervous
Uae Dr, Shoop'e lieetoratives
month and nee what it does for you,
Sold by F. R. Smith.
mine eowk, from imported dam, eta
mouths old, and two hogs from Bente litter,
for Rale, 138 Lot 30,Cou. 5, Morrie.
411-tf JAS. SPEIR.
4 Rating IBnerin REDO, baud00mo fowl
and great layers. Settings from pen one
81.60, pen two 5100 after April 15011, A few
aeoherele lett yet for sale, Supply limited.
WM. J. 6HIELS,Ethe1,P, 0., Out.
to prepared to give leeeona on Pians
or Beed Organ. Terme on tu,plioattou.
Postofhoe address—Brusoele. itesideuee—
Lot 8, Con. 10, Grey. Pupils may have their
lineups at their own homes it proferred,
Salo on whish is large brook house,
e0able, drilled well, cistern, fruit garden,
&m„0/, mane of loud on John and James Bt.,
Brussels. Terme reasonable. Apply to
JOHN MOFADDEN on promises or F. S.
aOUTT, Brussels,
IJ rase of the undersigned, 01 Lot 30,
Con, 8, Morrie, o0 or about May lot, a black
2 year old heifer. Any information leading
to Ler recovery will be thooklully received.
47-tf C. POLLARD,
Brussels P.O.
nine of the undersigned, Lot 14, Oon, 3,
Grey, a steer rod in color with small strip
of white between his front lege; doborned.
Any information leading to his recovery
wi11 be thankfully received.
WM. LOWE, Brhsael9 P.O.
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
The undersigned offers 'her 100 aero
farm, being Lot 20, Con, 7, Grey, for sale or
to rent. Comfortable house, bank barn,
orchard, wells, &a, Farm in only } of a mile
from the stir:lug village of Ethel. For tor-
thor particulars !apply to F. S. 800tt, Blue•
eels, or MRS:.KA010 ROLLAND, 78 Shuler
Street, Toronto. 37.801
uudoreigued offers his houeo and lot,
situate on 01111 street, Brownie, for sa1e.
It ie well located, a convenient mud conifer
table home. P00009aion can be given at
once, Will also sell the vacant lot, corner
of Mi11 and Elizabeth etroete, which would
make a fine building site. For further par-
tfculare ae to prioe, terms, &o,, apply to
FRED. ADAMS, Hardware Dealer, Ford-
wieb. 30.4
Sheriff's Sale of Lands
County of Huron wrtBtof Fieirturi Fay ve of oa
iae issued out of
TO WIT: Hie Majesty's
High Court of
Justice and to me directed and delivered
against the lands and tenements of Joseph
Burton, in a suit in which the said Jooepb
Burton appears as plaintiff and Wm. Look-
°ridge,Jobe Lockeridge and Mary 1'. Camp-
bell, defendants, I have seized and taken 1n
execution all the right. title, intermit and
equity of redemption of lbs above named
Joseph Burton, in, to and out or the -Wont
Holt of Lot 68, running number, to the vil-
lage of Brussels, County of Burma and
Province of Ontario ; whish lauds and ten-
ements I shall offer for sale, at my otii00,
the Court House, in the Town of Goderlob,
on Saturday, the Fourteenth day of July,
1900, at the hour of 11,30 of the 01ook a. 01.
49.4 Sheriff, Huron,
Sheriff's OIRO0, Gederioh, April 4,1990,
0lfgif1:e jfMrwtiftHI
0011N JQp1111aI1iIHU11I
Tenders 1 1r1
Whole or ae t rate t d
1 a on aro will la , June 164 bh, the ptndoro r the Until Saturday, Ag.
18th, at p. 0 for the (notion of a now Ag.
Parkriaul, 13rul on Grey lower
Park, a01.0a0 w the lower story to bo eoln•
out yframe with Moment tune,01,nod upper
story to prima
:with shingle toot, 0 lumber
p aeut lInlI h0 will allow far lumhtr in
000 010 01 , Plane and nOblIohlo house
ns may
meas rt at Tun Poo¢' F 11011, l00 house,
Ifalloff Of
f W. and after J uta 8th, or at the
Contofor w1,lll mairequred toot, Lietoour-
O 9 loo' On
will b10 oil of
0 to give e�Tina
icy for Ibo iota ploWar of the work. Tho
lowest or any louder not ueooetarily 00'
W. Fi, KERB, Secretary.
Brunets, tray 28th, 1906.
QEALED TENDERS eddreeeod to the un-
deraigood, and endorsed 'Tender for
Poet Office, ea., at 8t elarys, Ont.,” will be
received ut this ofi10e until FrleLty, 'June 22,
1900, inclusive, for the construction of a
Post 011100, ,4o., at 8t, Marys, Ont.
Plana mud speoillcatious out be seen and
forme of tender obtained at dila Deport.
meta and on application to the Postmaster
St. Marge, Out.
Persons tendering are notified that tend -
ore will not be ooueidered uulae8 made o0
the printed form supplied, and signed with
their actual sigaatur00.
Each tender must he accompanied by an
0000pted ahaqueon a ohar'tot'oU hank, made
payable to rho order of the Honourable the
Minister of Piddle Works, equal 'to ten per
sent (10 p.o.) of the amount of the tender,
which will bo forfeited tf the person tender-
ing decline to enter into a ooutrnet when
milled upon to do 00,00 if beton to complete
Ea work ooutrnoted tor. If the tender be
not anew toil the antique 0111 be returned.
The Department does not bind itself to
tt0cept rue lowest or any tender.
By order,
Department of Piddle Worke,l
Ottawa, May 80, 1906.
Newspapers inserting this advertisement
without authority from the Department,
will not be paid for it.
Synopsis of Canadian Northwest
ANY oven numbered motion of Dominion
Laude in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
Alberta, excepting 8 and 26. not reserved,
may be howesteaded by any person who is
the sole head of a family, or any male over
38 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter
sootion Of 168 aoroe mora or less.
Eutry may be made personally at the
local laud) °Moe for the dietriot in whish
the land is aituata.
The homesteader is required to perform
the oouditioue oonneeted therewith under
sue of the following plane:
(1) At leaat six months' reedenee upon
and oultivatlou of the laud in each year for
three years,
(2) If the lather (or mother, 1f the father
is deceased) of the homesteader resides
upon a farm in the vicinity of the hand
entered for the requirements as to resi-
dence maybe entieflod by such person re-
siding with the father or mother.
(3) it the settler has hie permanent reei-
dence upon farming land owned by him
in the vicinity of hie homestead, the re-
quirements as to resideooemay be
and by reeideuee upon the said land.
Six thou/he' notion in writing should be
given to the Oomtniesiouer of Dominion
Lands at Ottawa Of intention to apply for
Deputy of the MWiaiWeter00RYof interior.
N. B, Ouauthoriaod publication of this ad-
vertisement will not be paid for.
undersigned will keep for service on
hie premises, North Howiok Boundary, an
Eogliahlierhehiro hog. Terme, 11.00, with
Privilege of returning if neoeseary,
44-6f Proprietor,
uoder'eignod will keep for 'service on
Lot 21, Oon.12, Grey, the Improved Berk-
shire Boar," Fairview Goldfluder,"No, 15495.
Pedigree may be Been on application.
'Perms—$1.50, or 51.25 each for two er more
13orkehire sows 81.00. All who are interest-
ed in raising the Ideal Bacon Rog and the
bog that will make the mostmoney should
see this hog before using 0uy other.
8710 J, P, MOINTOeli, Oranbrook P. O.
,))Yen's gess Shoes
must be fashionably correct. Ours are.
These shoes are comfortable because
they fit inside. The outline is handsome and
the shoes are made to keep their shape .and
appearance till worn cut.
''Prices aro right for right go.odsu'°
And the reason you will find our goods right is that W0 buy
from right Manufacturers such as the J. D. Xing Co., George. A.
Slater and firms having a reliable name, and our prices are always
the Lowest.
In our Harness Department'
will be found a fine choice of Reliable Harness, Single or Double.
Also Dusters and Rubber Rugs, 'Trunks and Satchels.
usIl!u& Business A!ollg
Ewan & Co.
are busy these days pushing the Carriage bush-
nese. In addition to our own make of Rigs,
which are A. 1, we handle Buggies manufactured
by the Canada Carriage Co., Brockville, and the
Brantford Carriage Company, Brantford.
Wood Work and Jobbing a Specialty
Painting and Repairing attended to with neatness
and dispatch. The celebrated Marland English
Varnish used in our paint rooms.
If you want a new Rig call and see 118 as we have
a large display and sell at close margins. We
can save you money.
tt}> a
Be like the Hindo who, for Pants,
made his skin do, but go to
Dodds &
and get a pair for $5 that will do
Also nice Summer Suit or Light Overcoat.
All the Latest Novelties now in stock.
We Guarantee Fit and Workmanship.
DODDS & 3A13KIRK, iamo88
Hurray far tie liotlel Farm
Model fix':.':arm
Saturday, tiune 23
The Following Low Rates will Apply :
KINCARDINE i 1 55 6.30 a. m.
RIPLEY 145 0.45
LUOKNOW 135 7.00
WINGHAM 1 25 7.35
BLUEVALE 1 20 7.45
BRUSSELS 115 8.00
ETHEL 115 8,10
HENPRYN 1 15 8.15
Arriving at Guelph al 10.45 o'olook.
Children Under Twelve Years of Age Charged Half Fare.
Will bake Speoial Excursion Train from above mentioned Orme to Guelph. Re.
burning passengers will leave Guelph by Special Train at 0.80 o'olook p. en. Tickets
will be iesaed from all stations, except Henh'yu, which will be supplied by Conduc-
tor on Train,. All tiokete good to return by Regular Trains on Monday, June 251h.
Join us and Enjoy a day's outing. Electric Cars in Full Swing
. betweon•the City of Guelph and the Model Farm.
Pres, East Huron Fanners' Instituto, Sec, Centro Bruce Farmers' One.
if, A. LAMB,
SO. South Brace Fanner.' The, ..