HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-6-14, Page 2(+):(+):(+A+ i+i4+3 +f•i):(+3 f0+ +3;f+*+SCE+3:+*++ + (+): +3(+) + f
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CHAPTER NIh pro and con, to ascertain how much
Ichance there could be of stweess IaI11ng
11 was with cunsidernhlc inter0st that to their share; duly lay before thew,
and at such a crisis the brave wan
They were in the hart of the most pushes on, eager to reach the goal.
densely populated portion of the city, The occupants of the various boats
and in one of its most picturesque, as who had been se rudely aroused had
well as renarlcahle, sections, Daylight set up a lively chorus of sharp, quor 1
would have disclosed to wondering eyes inns cries, very natural to John China -
a thousand strange features that went men when angered, and this was being
to make up a blended ptetUi'e such as constantly augmented by new voices as
nest long have haunted the memory of otters look up the shrill refrain.
On the whole, their dance across the
inlelooked boats was accompanied by
as weird and uncanny a refrain as mor-
tal ears ever harkened to.
There was much anger In the chorus
that rose and fell with such three, mon-
olnnnus fervor, but neither of those who
could count themselves the cause of the
clamor appeared to lose heart because
of it,
Indeed, strange though it may ap-
ease has ever been known to sniff the pear. they were paying little or no heed
ehaminahle odors to be detected in such 1 10 matters around them, all attention
marls with any other feeling than that' being concentrated upon the boat toward
of disgust. witch they so vigorously pushed their
Still, [autiherity Mien breeds con- tt•`ly
tempt, and people grow accustomed to By this time., more or less lights have,
almost everything in nine. ing been diffused around the immediate
Larry knew instantly that, as Lord vicinity, owing to so many curtains be -
Sackett had Intimated, their chase had ing drawn astde, they were enabled to
vessel was small
nought ahem to the regions of boats, make out that the oils l a n
ile Mid them before him --boats by slowed
the malting sails of which were
(cores—are, bolds b ' hundreds—usually soatsd usuped
in the peculiar style too those
S y y boats us0c1 Tai• general t.lrinese naviga-
af the sampan order, and lashed side by tion and coast commerce'
Me, just as coal barges may be seen ,n All Ibis tallied with what they had
American rivers. learned from the man Lord Rackolt had
Where, in alt this vast concourse, hypnotized,
were they to seek for Avis, even pro-
viding she had been brought to this spot,
which fact must still remain an open
juestion ?
It was a feature of the matter that
now began to assume appalling pro-
portions to Larry, and somehow he be-
gan to depend upon his companion for
means to bridge over the abyss.
Fortunately, Lord Racket. did not fall
The big. bluff Englishman seemed fo
lave gained complete mastery over the
`hinanan to whose engineering skill
they owed their presence here—in fact,
he appeared to have partly hypnotized
hie, and was in a position to secure
whatever information the fellow pos-
Fortunate it was that such a thing
should be so—indeed, it promised to
Drove the most valuable element in the
At least Plympton seemed to have a
fair amount of enthusiasm when he left
the native and whirled upon Larry, and
the very sight of his confidence aroused
new hope in the breast of the other.
"Then, all is not, lost yet?" he de-
manded, as though seeking a sign.
"Well, 1 should say not by a great
Sight," returned the hearty Briton, only
'ilh considerable more emphasis than I
have ventured to give; "It may look des-
perate enough, God knows, but well
change nil that in double-quick order,
and the time has come to make a move,
so follow me and fear nothing." CHAPTER XIII.
That was the sort of tallc to revive
drooping spirits and put new confidence
In a non. Larry's feelings underwent
a divided change, and rose from zero to
summer heat.
A burning desire swept over him, a
mad longing to get at those who were
responsible for This outrage; It was the
same savage feeling that the hungry
wolf experiences as it leaps at lire throat
of n buck at bay.
I.urry had been down In the depths,
bul he would not again know despon-
lency while this strange adventure
tasted, thanks to the cheery way In
which his companion bunged him up.
1L is worth notch to have such a
friend in lime of need.
Lard Beckett was es good as his
Ile began to advance,
itis course seemed to be laid nut just
es directly as ewer a skipper could mark
' his upon a cltnrL after the use of qua-
chanl end set:iant
11 lel thin ecroes n tangle of bonds
ihs1 es re lneldlee together like a bevy
r,f fri,iiiIn' 1 perlridges. The man
Tram ilriinbt stepped from one In eno-
f?er wdil:nut as much es by your leave,
and behind him skipped Larry as
blithely as his new-born hopes would
Though this was the ordinary method
of crossing to the outer }wife, there
seemed to he something out of the com-
mon run In the mode of Lord Rncketl.'s
Larry glanced around trial.
say one who cherished a love for the
Mtin(, the bizarre, the Oriental.
11 unlet be admitted, however, that et
hist ono of the senses has no love for
these animated scenes in eastern cities
.—eyes may delight in the rich group-
ing of bright colors rivaling the prisma-
tic Imes of Use rainbow, and ears even
le forced to admire the wonderful bar -
mete music to be heard on every hand,
sut no cultivated European or American
It was evident that the increasing con-
fusion among the houseboats and col-
lected sampans had ere now attracted
attention on board the junk.
Signs of life were to be seen in figures
toff, flitted past the shining sight, and
Larry also felt positive he beard loud
orders given in a foreign tongue, pre-
sumably Bossism.
The sound stirred his heart, for it an-
nounced lie fact of their having laid a
direct course through all the beastly
troubles with which they had been be-
It was also like the clear notes of a
bugle urging the charging soldiers on in
the face of stinging bullets and reerfng
bombs; only a little spurt and they
would clear the remaining distance.
There was need of the utmost haste,
for already the hempen ropes that tell
the junk to the flotilla were Thrown off,
and the vessel had commenced to open
a gap between, urged on by the current.
Lord Beckett saw this and put out a
little more energy, while behind hint
Larry was doing marvellous things in
skipping from bent to boat with the
agility of a mountain chamois.
Thus they reached the last sampan—
the open water yawned between; but
brave hearts could not be daunted, and
with n roar Lord Beckett leaped the
gulf, followed by Larry, and landed on
the deck of the floating junk.
It was a close shave.
Had they been delayed just ten
seconds in their progress, it would have
been utterly impossible for them to have
cleared the rapidly widening breach
and gained the deck of the moving junk
as they dict
Which might be considered an espe-
cial piece of good luck in their favor.
Although thus enabled to carry their
point, it could not he said that they had
won a victory—indeed, the preliminary
skirmish had only been fought, and the
real battle was yet to come.
No one realized this better than Lord
Rarl<ett, whose past life had been some-
what of the tempestuous character, a
checkered career in which there were
Teeny red crosses that narked scenes of
turmoil, where a quick wit was as Me-
cessary as the good English brawn to
Lack It up.
Possibly in lime boarding the enemy's
hurt they may have been placing them-
selves in a trap from which there was no
At any rate, it had been done, and re-
treat was now mut of the question.
In lines of old, when the legions of
Rome went against. a hostile country, It
eves the policy of their generals to burn
the bridges or the boats behind them.
This was done 10 convince the sol-
diers brew desperate was their venture,
and that they must conquer or perish.
it invariably caused them to fight with
ecdt-as e, perhaps, not being nevus- greater fierceness; even a cornered rat
toned to such work, he may have rolled will give butte, and sten who know they
the boats more than wens entirely neves- roust win or die aro desperate untag•
eery, by stepping with his weighty onists.
figure upon the gumwMes, When Plympton gained the deck o1
At any rale in many instances the the Chinese junk, such was the impetus
curtnim; Ihel contended the Covered pert of his leap that he fell forward on his
01 munrreus sampans were angrily hands end knees,
thrust aside, and the Light from within A dusky figure sprang forward and
disclosed yellow faces that expressed fostened like a human leech upon his
the utmost eslontshnumt at sight Of two back•
fowtgn devils thus crossing the siring As a great mastiff emerging from the
of Whined heals, sea shakes the water from his hide with
All this while, Lord Kunkel( kept nae a tremendous convulsion of his frame,
eye bpon a light that was beyond, as so Lord Beckett dislodged this unwel-
thongh ids hopes were centred In this come burden, and the wrolah, stunt.
stun Ker. tiling over to neer-by, lows bulwarks rf
'Lamy, too, seemed to know that this the vessel, plunged into the dark waters
eves the object of their mad admen of the river.
across end
It ens a remarkable beginning, and
cross houeebonis and sampans,
• This enthusiasm hal Soared to snail. a motet sorely give encouragement 10 any
lofty pitch that he would have followed man, since a fair start means mucic in
• Plympion anywhere in a Qufltotio a race.
clinse. As yet they had 'felon n leap in the
The suspense was eruet, but there was clerk In more, ways than One.
at' least a snlisfnetinn in knowing it 11 was not possible, In declare peel.
could not trill. long. Whether for better lively that they were- even en the right
or worse, they would presently be Mils amok, thougih nerlain indications proved
to deride the moiler, since this rapid that conjecture.
I e' '
Alf e n
c endd diminishing all their tri. was r
WAS 1 the
wn, nut Q11t
'o rens v Speedily g
progress g
s i L s o r mean
dish»cf`s between themselves and. the a �t 1 wa f TIO order- in talar,
steady 'while light b;;yond, possession of rt V55051 where filo. prow
Alrendy Larry had determined That might nninber almost any number of
tisis meet be stafinned upon n junk es evil-minded natives, reedy with the
some other vessel secured at the not- knife in defend their mil, wits an
skirts of the greet mass of floating underiakhlg tient might well appall any
Cleft. thin.
Xt was no time to discuss the 'queatlon l But Plympton came of a race noted for
its daring --he could trace his ancestry;
back to that bold mariner, Sir Francis
Drake; and while the stone class o!oN TFAplst0cc
Ing for just no vtgnlous action,weebound to preslonger themselves call i 9
Plympton, having shaken off his bur-
den, turned to discover whether Larry d"040/ss
had made the leap in safely, for as yet'
he was quite in Ignorance with regard BAiILEI' AS A NURSE CIIOP ANI) 1011
to fhb; mailer. PEED,
A shrill valve close at his elbow gave
him iuunrdiMi aarurmlee; the little n11111. Repealed failures wllh wheat tail my
' bought ton bushels
was literally ""un deck" and ready to bu,lhel 1111(4 7rle lo ins''s1tgato bn udln
say "amen" to all that he night propos!,�,ullcy nillcv Mi t_•hu` is \\uta \f Success \
or i1u.
Tho faille had chilled so far from ihsti barley, su5ed a+ a nurse ureal foe 11-
lbor waft that nothing � +vas to be feared
131 thus pinrlrr. I grew well, headed out when only a foot
Thele treuhles would all come from a Iigh, aad 1 think never mn theta u grml-
p inti closer al home, • ' cr height than `2 feet, Although it was
Even when sweeping his eyes around sown 00 our richest laud, 51,1111 W011111
In this search for his companion, Lord produce 1110 bushels ecru per acre, it
1lankett had dieeevered shadowy agues did not lodge at all. 'i'he rate of saw•
clustered near, enol knew the respite they Ing was two bushels vier' acre, and the
were enjoying was only tante nry..._lhat lust year the crop was between 10 Mill
by the time they had taken it few quick 4u busilvis per acre. It ripened about
breaths the storm would burst and they July 5, and came off the ground leOs'-
must he ready to 11110 it. ing the alfalfa in fine shape,
'l'hc Englishman had revolved baptism This first experience proved is be a
of lire in the war with Japan, end was very velunblo nurse crop, the best that
by nature gifted with kite spirit of a we hail ever soon. Subsoqutsut experf-
lladar. I (tees have confirmed this opinion so
Ike could grasp all ditnils with one attach that eve 11055' think no other nurse
comprehensive glance, and throw itis' crop compares with It end therefore
forces into a position to Meet the emer-; use no other, either for alfalfa or clover.
gsney. and this is usually reckoned then Beardless barley does not stool out as
finest trait of a master' mind in military; mucin ae oats, hes fewer leaves to shade
circles, I the young clover and conies off the
Ief ;\vis were, as they had fair reason ground before there has been time to
to believe. upon this tool, then she must injure the young glass. It. seems 10 he
of necessity ncchipy the on bill, 1 a. decided benellt to the grass, which it
This being the case, their Interests lay, does not rob as oats are sure to do. It
wholly in that quarter; the enemy shades the ground just enough 10 pro -
might have control of all else; but it tact the grass from the sun's extreme
was their' bounden duty to cover this heat, and it keeps all injurious weeds
section. 111010 choking the lender young mendmv.
Lord Beckett diel net lose one instant, Very rarely does It lodge; not at at, tun-
ed lime in drawing a weapon—despee-, less there is a great deal of satin, (aid
ate cases required like remedies, and he the ground be very fertile.
exported a hot tine must follow title' Subsequent experiments were made
boarding the junk. with other varieties, such as hullers,
Even if the vessel were not what they, Champion and others. iiulless barley
had good reason to suspect, the crew yields a great deal of grain, but is not
would look upon them as pirates, and fit for a nurse crop. Champion. hew -
feel justified in opening hostilities. I ever, has finally replaced the Success
Not an atom of doubt assailed them; with us. it yields heavier, has fully as
they could hear among the clatter of, stiff straw and if soon at the rale of
Chinese tongues that rough Russian one bushel per acre, will not choke the
voice; it might not belong to the Count meadow. It ripens by July 11, which is
himself, but, nevertheless, the presence curly enough. We think so much of
of such a man aboard was prune facie securing the best stand of alfnite, that
evidence that they had not gone amiss beardless burley would have preference,
in their search. even if it would give us only our seed
"Back alp this way," said Plympton, as back es grain. But the condition is not
he edged toward the door of 'the cabin.' a", bed as this.
Larry grasped its meaning; even int THE MAIN USE FOR BARLEY
this exciting moment his senses were of any sort, has always been in the
peculiarly clear end on the alert. I manufacture of liquor, but brewers have
Long companionship with Dr. Jnlsk objected to beardless spring varieties,
had taught him the only way to take and yet they have offered tis 50 cents a
hold of n siluntien like this and the ab -1 bushel. At any lime one ought ho se -
501(115 necessity of maintaining a per-. curs 110 cents, wv[ntoh pays lately well
teen/ cool drm0nnor, � for the use of the land, even if there
This movement on their part seemed' were no other use to which the grain
to be the signal for an attack. could be put.
They saw a sudden forward move -
12 years' experience we have
cent on the part of the hovering mass. come to value barley highly as as feed.
It was like the Plunge of the lightning t Is not safe for horses, unless fed in
express into the mountain defile—with very small amounts, ground, and as a
a hiss and a roar the deluge was upon
conditioner rather than as feed. A
them. Tint a day per heed a day will put a
At any rate those at bay seemed dis- torso into (Inc condition. We have not
posed to do their part from the start. I found it to be suitable for poultry unless
When a man Ands himself attacked mixed with other grain. The tendency
by a mob of feroeions "Chinks,' he is i s to cause scouring. Sheep do wall an
not apt to halt upon his convictions as ft They frust he accustomed to 11 very
to whether or not he is averse to the; gradually, however, as they see greedy
shedding of human gore; at such times' for it and will kill themselves if allowed
necessity drives him into defending his 10. Atter it las been fed for a short
Ute, and all law has long since decided time, the amount may be gradually in-
thnt ahuman being is justified to any creased until as much is given, nearly,
extent in thus standing up to save his to; could be fed on any other grain. It
existence. need not be ground for sheep.
On these grounds alone they felt the When ground and fed to cattle, It is
right was on their side, aven if Avis and of great value. We have fed it in con -
lar safely had not entered into the
junction with 'a hill fend of corn, and
question. 1 think it conducive to great thrift. The
So they opened upon the shadowy line animals gain considerably faster than if
fed corn alone. It is also excellent feed
for 'Mich coos. If ground or soaked
and fed to hogs, it Is rine of the best
feeds. 'Young pigs thrive on far better
than on corn and practically as well
ns on middlings. When fed to hogs,
however, the hest results are obtained
by mixing it ground w itlh oil meal or
tankage. Barley analyzes much the
sena as corn, and is considered quite
heating, hilt in its general effect upon
stock, we have not found it to be ex-
actly like corn, in some instances be-
n lMllfa, nut realizing its value es such,
c h but as an expertueut. 11 calm, up tut!
that tied pushed forward --aliened with
a vengeance and earnestness that pro-
mised speedy results.
The junk was not in absolute dark-
ness, although no lights were to be seen
SUR the one tar aft, and which had
doubtless been Intended to illuminate
the passage of some expected person
across the crowded campans and house.
bottle near by.
Titus it was feasible for our friends,
now that their eyes were no longer
blinded by this brilliant light, to par-
tially distinguish the ugly yellow faces
of the advancing Chinese sailors, and
even see the shining weapons they at least to those who held the upper
gripped so fiercely in threatening hands. hand in lite affray.
Under these conditions it wits possible Doubtless the miserable sailors could
to shoe their 11,01116 and skill, and no not sec anything worth laughing about
bullet flew without finding its billet, in the contest—but, then, they were pre-
Stil the Russian slnt'med and raved judicect, and hardly In a position to give
as he urged his deluded slaves on. an accurate opinion.
Neither Leery nor his rnmrndo mere As harry had managed to keep pace
linguists, and jointly possessed but a with his companion, the music had been
smattering of the Mission language, quite up to dale, and must ha.vo proved
but both of them were ready to wager a sore test to thr� nerves of those who
that the Cossack eves laying down Ito led. started to advance so steadily.
inhv to the accompanhnenl of the most Thele movements became slower; per.
'lusty swear words known to his haps it was becnuse those who fell
tongue., formed senething 01 a barrier at their
Tla Chinese character may hardly be feat, hut fear must hove had a deal to
looked upon as tierce end warlike; some do with the matter.
fragments of the nation, such as the' Larry saw, them going down so rapid.
Tartars of the north Mid the giant. ly that iL was utterly out of meson to
mountaineers of the snulh, known ns the believe they could have been st'ieken.
Black Fings, have indeed all Ila inher-; Then he realized that the crafty an-
ent qualities of a warrior people, but, fives were laking ,this method of saving
the mein body seen to be devoted to the their precious hides.
arts of pence and to solving file ever -I In another thirty seconds not a figure
present problem of daily existence, stood erect upon dile slippery deck of
This being the ease, They were net, net the junk, and all that remained oes the
to stanch up Vey long upon finning bete desperate assault, was the lusty
themselves turgels tar such sharp prat- voire of the unseen Boastnn that slid
lice. I continued to hurl ohjurgniicnts upon the
Lord Rackoff fried in vain to discover heads of the cowards for falling 'lo ne-
ttle owner of that bass voice. complicit wonciclrs.
He would not only have felt. justified, , Rul the Could )tat shoot a voice,end,
but innmensoly pleased could leo have for nil they cared, the fallow was wet -
sent sant lis Cnntptinlnnts in the shape of a some to bellow lmhll doomsday.
indict throttgh the stout lungs of they For the moment, then, they owned
leanw110 urged the mad rabble on, the junk, end were given en opportunity
511100 each it lucky stroke. by cutting off to slope tjinir li modtnte future.
his supply of breath, would wind up his (To he conitmued).
noisy harangue, and hhn adannoing
sellers, (lading themselves left 10 ihctr
own devices, would of necessity have
drnpped oat,
Tia 11550 win shooed was evidently
something of an old fox, and he lrnesv
enough to keep his preeinlls body se-
curely hicldpn by a nasi or some similar
Lord Rackelt was net the 01515 In let
nn oppnrfunity go by bemuse he could
With highest
not roallaa h(
ing ter )bolter 11(110 110 limed m the polies, nr
tit loaf
(11]'p- summer as in, Winter.
plied 51goi•nnsly' nfldSand J r
:tall an ho luhly kept at his (snit° free sample,
n! nllrvin tiu5 Me miseries of (he sCOT•r sc nowise, Chcmi,t,,
Torose, OnhOiu,
wretched (:1111(;1' 151111th., ns fust as ire $or. Med-dr.00; ell eitreelos,
could lull finger to 'rigger.
1t was a 11(055y 11110 while it lasted--;
Disease takes no summer
IF you need flesh and
strength use
Scott's Ert lion
sect h 0 gig
Load Packets only. 400, boo and HOU per Ib, At all Crewel's.
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A felon or whitlow is an inflammation
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jotllt of the Huger. Its Importance varies
with the seat of It; that is to say, with
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flauunallon is coniined to the skin, may
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COBALT-TheWorld's Richest Solver
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Authorized Capital Sleek, 0110,000. Shares 51 each.
LION. RICIHARDnitit00trn'1, President, J,tMES'.L'u»AOPIt, Esq„MCI',, )is ,l of
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DANIS:f, Simpson, rtsq„ M.L., Managing
001111 1iLPITT, Esq., Vico•Presidont, Mad Dirootor, Unbolt, (hot.
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The company owns as a mining claim, free from any sneumbrauoen, the favorably and
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ing not so good a feed and in others
being far better.
Any gond corn ground will raise good
barley. We plow the ground very early,
tuurrow and disk to reduce to a good,
ern' seed bed, and for a nurse crop sow
one bushel seed per acre, covering about
1 inch, and sowing al early oat seeding
time, Practically no commercial teeth
llzers are used on the farm, as we
have some 800 loads of stable manure
a year. It is important to cut early, as
the grain shatters easily. luly 12 is
about the average beeves', ihnc with us.1
The yield when one bushel per acre is
used, is usually from 20 to 40 bushels
per acre. If sown for grain alone at the
rate of two bushels per acre, it is from
S0 to 00 bushels per acre. We has iho
the greet just as wheat, both in cut-
ting and threshing.
All the varieties of clover, except al-
falfa, aro best cut for hey when 10 full
bloom, Here and theta a heed may
have turned brown. If cut earlier, the
crop is difficult to cure, nor will it con-
tain d maximum of nutriment. If alit
later it lases much in Palatability. Al-
falfa should be cut a 111110 mullet, cr
just when it is nicely coaling into bloom,
as if cut later the shedding of the leaves
in the curing is likely to be large.
All clovers tiro much injured by ex-
posure to rain or doe. They will also
lose =eh if cured in the swath, with-
out being frequently stirred with the lad-
der; that is, it will take serious injury
if awed in the swath as it fell from the
mower. If cured thus, It will lose in
aroma and palatnbilily, through the
larenking of leaves and, consequently, In
feeding value, To avoid these losses,
clover 10 more frequenlly caned in the
cock, When cured thus, it preserves the
bright green color, 1115 aroma and the
tint of the blossoms, it is less 115111,' ie
beet in the mow or sleek and is great-
ly relished by live stock when fed to
To cure 1.1. thus, it is usually [Mrded
once or twice after it hos lost Sona c f
its: moisture. IL Is then rel<ed ns soon
as it is dried enough to 10155 easily, aid
put up into cocks. When the quantify
to be cured is not large, ceps are soma -
dines used i.o cover -Ilse cocks to chid
the rain when the weather is showery.;
't'hese are simply square, strips of sonic'
Kind of material that will shed rain,'
weighted at iho corners to keep then
from blovhsg nway. The clover remains"
In the wicks Mr two or three days, cr
until 11 has gone tirorlgil the swonIlog
process, Exposure to Iwo or three 511nw-
nf relit inning at
intervals while
- pnrilMly cured In the smith or windrow
will greatly injure clever hay.
Whin thee se?n to let lanresferl Is
large, clever is snmetnlrs 1111,1(1 111 110
:;w111s. \Viva 111118 om'ert II 1 sArred
iwilh Ilan fodder often enough to art in
oerinlg quickly, It is then raked Into
windrows and drawn from these to the
place of storage. In good weather 0105.5'
may be cured thus so as to nuke fairly
good hay, but not so good as is made
by the other method of caring. It is
much more expeditiously mads, but
there is some loss in loaves, in color and
in palatability.
Some farmers cure clover by allow-
ing it to wilt a little after it is cut, and
then drawing and storing It in a largo
niow, These claim that it must be en-
tirely free from rain or dew when thus
stored. This plats of curing clover has
been successfully practised by some
farmers' for many years; others who
have tried it inave rafted, which makes
it evident that when stored -thus, close
attention must be given to all the de-
tails essential to success.
Clover may also. be cured in the
silo. While some have succeeded in
making good siingo, in many cases it
has not proved satisfactory. The time
may come when the conditions to Iso
observed in making good silage from
clover will be such that the element of
hazard in making the same will be 1e -
moved. In the meantime, 11 will usual-
ly borho mordbnore ary satsfncto.ryway. to auto clover
Grasses cure More easily and more
quickly than clove's. Consequently,
when !hese are grown together, so
that the grasses form a cnnsldoroble
proportion of the Tray, the methods Ott -
loved in curing the grasses will answer
also for the clovers. The influence Diet
grasses thus exert On the growing of
clovers furnishes a weighty reason for
growing thein together.
An old laborer who wished to rent a
pretty collage in the country ens
warned not to tell lira landlord whet he
did for a living, or Ile would certainly
not he accepted as a tenant.
Bearing this advice in mind, he cooily
infol'nied the owner of the college that
the was it gealigist, and the short-sighted
landlord, niter a lithe hesitation, granted
hien the tenancy.
"What have you let Bill Dash go into
that college far, landlord?" a bluff old
farmer nskccl hhn. "lie's n rascal, and
yell never get a single week's rent -
money out of htm.0
"13511 he told me he ',vas a geologist,"
said the dismayed landlord, "Is it•pos-
sible that he hes deceived me?"
"Well, it all ciepellds On the way you
look et 11,responded the farrier, eau-
IiOusly, "Ile cracks Stones for fifteen
s e hour' at the roadside, Hent 1 d a if
wild you call being n geologtst1„
Pinot. Diner : 'Wither is either n
011110e or n huln01'1st." 85001111 11insr
l'linI's the moiler?' First 1)15er:
ordered 0x1'art of deaf, and Ito brought
me milli."
the fibrous sheath surrounding the len-
don; and unless the Inflammation quick-
ly subsides, or the matter is let out by
the surgeon's lnitfe, the pus may bur-
row dawn through the sheath into the
milia o1 the 1(1111,1, and result In a per-
manent crippling of the. member,
'l'Iso third wa1101y--called by physi-
cians the sub f erlasleel---is that in
which nailer forms beneath the meal:
beano utile!) covers the. bone. As this
ueun'ane is tough tout inelastic, tho
tension due to the Metreslig volume of
matter becomes very great, and gives
rise to 0 throbbing, maddening pain.
The relief afforded by rt deep cut into
itis inflamed tingnr, right clown to the
butte, is ntag01)1, although the Ma
hurls. This is 111e only treatment for
this form of felon, and the incision
should he, mule enriy, for if it is too
long delayed the Lone will be killed, and
a discharging sort will remain which
will later necessitate a surgical opet'a-
tfan, even if it dons not result in the loss
of the last joint of the finger.
The superficial whitlow dons not
usually call for such radical treatment.
A cinY poultice often
affords great
lidThis may be made by making a
',este of clay, ---previously sterilized by
baking in a very hot oven, --and adding
glycerin to prevent too rapid drying; or
the clay may he obtained ready prepared
10 the drug -store. This protects Ilse lin-
ger from injury, keeps it cool, and if
applled early enough, may prevent the
formation of mailer. When once pus
has formed, however, no matter what the
variety of the felon, the safest plan of'
treatment is to cut into the, intlnmed
finger, and gh'o exit t0 the confined
matter and relieve the tension of the
parts.—Youth's Companion.
Many colds and more serious illness
will be avoided by keeping the feet per-
fectly dry.
The jute° of a roasted lemon squeezed
on sugar and taken will often prevent
a heavy cold from developing.
When bathing the sick add a small
quantity of alcohol or hay runt to the
water, to produce a refreshing sleep.
j A mixture of cantpltor, sweet nil and
turpentine applied to the affected parts
will relieve neuralgia and sore throat.
Persons who wish to gain flesh should
drink pure milli, hot or cold, in large
quantities, remembering to sip and not
• gulp it,
Round shoulders are too often the re-
sult of sleeping an pillows that are too
high, because a high pillow holds the
head at an unusual angle.
Any clothing worn during the day
should be loose in order that the air
may Pass freely through liens
People with poor digestion should
t drink no water with meals, but lake a
glassful half 1111 hour before, and drink
plentifully an hour or so after each
Fruit is a great beautifier. Fruit, such
as grapefruit, oranges, grapes and ap-
ples, aid in clearing the skin and pre-
serving the freshness of youth which
consists of bright eyes, living hair and
a vital complexion.
The following is a splendid remedy for
toothache: Saturate a piece of cotton
wool in boiling vinegar and rub the gum
around the aching tooth with it. P111
the cavity in the tooth with wool. If the
pain does not cease within five minutes
snake another application,
Do not exhaust yourself and use up
all your nervous energy over petty
cares. Remember every time you lose
Control of your nerves that you take a
fresh step down the palls Ihet leads to
premature old age. Do not potter, but
work wvisen you worlc, and rest when
you rest. Putwork sway and play when
you play. Do not fret, do not worry,
and do not nurse troubles. This is such
a pernicious habit, and one that woks
Hutch evil to 1(5 and ours to this should -
be -happy world.
Lite without restraint Is without
leousnaof liess. are made up by switch-
riging the truth.
A little great man than always be
fined with vanity.
Strength in public must have sources
In private.
Tlta futteral kind of religion is most
properly dead.
'You cannot learn to be a guide by
studying a guide book.
H° who stands for the right will not
cone .cLanclsWl,
14everestoat reasoning may be the best
kind of a revelation,
Ethics is good, and so is 'a motor; but
it a dynam,
No mneedsan gels worothy 1'101108 unless 40
is willing to be poor,
Only Ilse eland heart wants to be dead-
lseaded 10 heaven,
You Cannot sepa'nte society from sin
by. separating yourself from society,
It is never safe to trust the elan who
carries his virtues on the tip. of Ills
lone. •
Peopgule will believe in the virtues of
your character without the evidence of
TIs Vlnega', -
A man'srvoc(dtfllaay Is measured by
t tetona buthis me. s r
his.dictionary; e e den.n
g 1
Youhis do not have ho throw prudence Is
thone winds in order to prose that you
by principle.
Wises a man talks abed the necessity
of ilia divorce of reiiginn end lxi8hless
the chances arc that he is not acquainted
with 'either.