HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1906-6-7, Page 8COMFORT SUMMER This time of year, perhaps more than at any other tithe, you want to enjoy yourself -perhaps some of these things will help to better your health and in- crease your comfort. Nothing bettor for Tired or Aching Feet than Foot Rest Powder or Foot Elm Effervescent Phosphate of Socia Citrate of Magnesia are bracers. Aromatic Cascara the best. Fat' Prickly Heat Use Talcum Powder. We have a splendid kind at 15o. a can. Also have Euthymol, Oolgabe's and Men- nen'e. Fresh Hellebore Blue Stone For Spraying DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. aOUTHEBN EXTENSION W. S. & 8. Trains leave Brnnsele Station, North and South, as 8ollowe: Gomo Hamm GOING NORTH. Mall 7:05 a.m. 1 Mixed 5:10 a.m Mixed- ...... 11:25 a.m I Mail 1:44 p.m Express 8:02p,m Express 8:51 p.m Izra1 Betlas 4l,eiu A ohiel'e among ye takit' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. JUNE. Mamma your WOOl 0.1 Brueeele. JONE-look out for roses and brides. 50 CENTS pays for THE POST to January 1907. Toe rain on Tuesday evening brighten. ed things U. THE Sahool Board meets in the Board room on Friday evening of this week. THE appeals at the Dona of Revision on Monday evening were dismissed. PLAN ot Hall for the Oratorio "Fall of Babylon" ie now open at Fox's Drug Store. THE brioh work on the new Howiok Matnal building at Wroxeter was cora- meneed this week. Tag Bowlers are trying to form some rinks to go to Kincardine on the amour. ei0n on Jane 15th. Tag bowling green and lawn tennis grounds are in a floe condition and are well patronized afternoon and evening. Tas Volnnteere, Oo, No. 5, Bruseele, will leave for London Oamp on the 18th inst. A full.0ompany is expected this year. Jas. JONES is having a new verandah erected at hie home on Tarnberry street which adds greatly to the appearance of the place. WITH the rapidity of growth the town authorities have work on band ab onoe in cutting the grass alongside the sidewaike on many streets. A NUMMI from here are talking of taking in the exanreion to GOderiOh for Detroit on Tuesday, June 19th. The esoarsion ie goodifor 8 days. TOURNAMENT.- The Bowling Olab is going to hold a tournament amongst themselves when imitable prizes will be given for singles and doables, A.11 entries close on the 800. Jona QUIRE, of Wingham, Was the first railway 000daotor to ran a passenger train from Hamilton, North to Guelph. He ran on the Kincardine branch for e number of years before he went on the L. H. & B. Tan following is the Standing of the three teams in Huron Dietriat won tie loss pie Brunelle 2 1 1 10 Beyfleld 1 2 1 8 Wiogham 1 1 2 6 Wlma the defeat at Wingham last Friday the Broeeele olnb has been de• footed three times in 3 years in the W. F. A. series which is a pretty goad re. cord. Lietowel, Dundee and Wingham having the honor of doing the briok, THERE wag no Toronto mail came to Brunets on Monday afternoon owing to a wreak down ab Fergus. A double header freight ran into a horse and as a remit both engines were badly wrecked and 13 Dare heavily loaded were emaebed to pieoee. DA, BUTLER, London, will be at the American Hotel, Brueeele, on :- THURSDAY, - JUNE 21em THURSDAY, - JULY 19TH Hours 7:30 a. m. to 2 p. m. Eye, Ear, Noce and Throat oonealbations. Eyes teeted for glasses. CALEDONIAN GAMED: Camp Caledonia, B. O. 8., Wingham, will run an oxoareion to Kincardine on Friday, June 15th. A good program of 800ttioh games and lecroeee match al the lake town. Train leaves Brueeele at 9:07 a. m. Fare 86o. for adults and 45o. for children. Every• one ie invited to oome and enjoy a holi- day at the lake. TENDERS ate aeked for the ereolion of a new Agricultural Hall on the Grey Branch Park, and will be received Up to June 1611 at B p. m. by Secretary W. H. Kerr. Building le to bave lower 01o1y of cement eonorete with Dement floor and frame upper Story with shingle roof. Plane and specifications may be seen at Tax POST on and atter Jane 610. Con. traotore are naked to state price they will allow for present Hall. The work ie 10 be oompleted so ae to have everything in readiness for the Fall Fair, whioh will be a hammer. Building will be 40x70 feet. BELLSEAEEER's FEA8T,-Thio beautiful Oratorio will be tendered in the Town Hall, Braeeele, on Tuesday evening nest by a chorea of over 60 trained velem tinder the direction of G. W. Cline, sedated by 11e following eoloiete ;- BefehazzerB, King of „Babylon, Jno. Habkirk ; Nitrooie, Queen, Mies Nora Holmes ; Daniel, Jae. G. Jonen ; Jewieh Maiden, Mies Jeeoie MOLanolilin ; Hananiah, A. Strachan ; Lord of the Court, C.Rioherdeon ; Lady of the Court, Mins Daily Booker ; High Priest, Jae. Strachan ; Angel Messenger, Mien Vinie Cardiff ; Jewish maidens, kiseee Thema Gerry and Bertha Sharpe ; Guard, Ddtaeald Straohan, Plan of the Hall le rat Fax's Drag Otero, QUITE a crowd went to Wiogham to see the football game between Wingham and Braaeeie, DON'T fail to mouth your Beate early at Fox's Drag Store for the Oratorio to be given next Tuesday evening. HURON County Council meets in God. eriob this week. A report of the pro - endings will be given next week, GEo. TaorieoN found 620.00 an Mom day moraine bnt did not have it very long as he found the owner in the after - 0000. Tan lire engine was teeted at the river bank on .Elizabeth ebreet on Tneeday aftera00n and found to be in good mita dition, THE Listowel Standard appeared laet week in a new dress of body type while the Banner bas placed in their office a new preen and power, Both papere seem determined to keep op with the proms - 000. THEBE is some talk of a baseball match being played in the near future between the East and Weat sides of Main street. A good game should be had se there are a number of lively ball players in town just now. THERE Will be liftythree Sundays in this year, au 000arren0e that will not happen again for 110 years. This extra Sunday can be utilized in attending oborch, calling on your beet girl, reading the Scripture, playing with the ahildreo, boating, osuoeing, or some other way. One hundred and ten years from this date yea will probably be paying the penalty or enjoying the pleasures of the method in whioh you chose to spend this extra Sunday. THE sugar beet growing district ear• ronudiug Brueeele, oomprieing twenty• four shipping pointe for beets, 0ontalu8 365 farmers who are growing sugar beets totalling 768 sores, being one•seventh part of the whole crop grown for tbe Berlin Sugar Factory. It is to be hoped the sugar beet fielde of thio district will receive thorough cleaning and cultivation eo they may oompare favorably when inspected in Jane by Dr. Shatbleworth, with beet fields of other dietriate and bring highly profitable returns to our formers. DEATH To WsEDo.-The annual meeting of the Farmers' Institute will be held in Braseela on Friday, June 22ud, and will be followed by a Pure Seed Institute to be addressed by Simpson Rennie, of Toronto, who is well known to all growers of seed. The opening session will be held at 2 p. m. on the farm of James Bargees, East of town, after whioh o farther session will be held in the Town Hall. The epeaker will be equipped with samples Of weed seeds, mounted epeoi• mens of weeds, samples of good and poor seed grain, eta. Farmere and others are requested to bring iveede and weed seeds, eamplee of grain, Dorn, eta„ to the meeting for identification and examina- tion. The delegate will be prepared to explain and discuss the workinge of the Seed Control Aot. Tos Poetoffiue Department annonnoes that grossly vulgar and suggestive, as well as indecent, pictorial poet0ard5 are to be regarded as nou•trausmieeible in the mails, The Criminal authorities in several Provinces have given the depart- ment &esnranoee that steps will be taken to prevent the maeufaotare or male of snob cards. British postal authorities, having decided to admit to transmission in their mails correspondeooein envelopes or transparent material, originating in this ooantry, Canada hoe c000ented to make a similar 0000eeeion. Pictorial poetcarde having communications on address aide may now be Bent to Austria lia, France, Holland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunis, United Kingdom and United States, The rate to Mexico and the United States ie one cent each, To all other oountriee named it ie two menta, JUNE WEATHER. -Rev, Ill Bloke' pre, (Bottom for Jane, when very much con. danced are as follows :-About the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, there may be rain, wind and thunder ; from 3rd to the 619, cooler, with Westerly winds, Reactionary storm period is Central 61h, 7th and 8th ; rising temperature, decided eieotrioal storms, with wind and rain, About llth to 1611 ie a centre of terrestrial eleatrio excitement, nod is Bare to bring severe disturbances of the atmosphere. The orleia will tail within 48 hours of eaneet on the 12th, culminating before midnight on the 1410, In some places hail, in other places, aloud bursts and tornadoee may be expected. Violent and sudden Ohmage to Cooler will follow, and in the Northwestern mountains, snow squalls, and in the Northern States, passible frosts between the 14th and 18th. On the 21st, the moon is in conjunction with the earth and sun 1 thie is oleo the Som• mer soletioe and these things are likely t0 ranee electric distarb&nueo. From the 23rd to the 27th, may be set down ae a period of general dietnrbance, whioh may prove to be violent and dangerous. Near the great rivere, there are likely to be heavy rainfall& if not overflatve and Ronda towarde the end of June. After Jane, mtiob Of tbe great grain belt in Central, Western and Northwestern h will enaoantegreat eh to f eataer ehortage o rainfall, before the Grope (especially the cairn) have paseed ell danger of droatl, The middle and late Summer and Antrim will bring a minimum of rain to moat parte of the continent, Standard Bank =m4, osts-agimx= TOTALUASSETT'S QVEERVE FUND A Greneral T3arsk8ng 13uisineM;e Tt•an1aeted ~SAVINGS BANKJ%"- Ae.rued 1n1ereat is added to amounts every six menthe and becomes prinoipnl. Joint Deposit Acoounis-A. SPECIAL CONVENIENCE in use in our Savings Da, partmeat is the "Joint Deposit" a000unt, Money may be deposited or withdrawn by either of the twe members of the household. This system is a groat (maven- ien08 to many residing in town, but mare particularly so to tarmere, ae in the latter ease whether man or wife comes to town either eau attend to the Banking, An- other feature of the system is that in ease of the death of Dither party the money San be withdrawn by the survivor without coat. We will tell you more about our methods If you will kindly pall or write. Married Women and Minors may make and withdraw depoelte without the in. turventiou or any person. SALE NOTES GASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be left for SAFE•SEEPING only for which no oharge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and oourteoae attention. G. P. SOHOLFIELD, GEN. MANAGER. J. F. ROWLAND, Loon AGENT. !wrolormillt.IttrA tom of Canada, ',V METROPOLITAN BANK 1872 e 1,000,005 OAPITAL-Qathorizedl 62,000,000 10,000000 CAPITAL -Paid up 1,000,000 (RESERVE anis Surplus Profits; 1,188,188 D,reetors D, la THOMPSON, B. 0, Vlee.Proeldettt, Ills HONOR AIR. w, 110r40I00001 051112, 2,0, JAR, 1paRIn 00830 BIneTRRoox W, 0, ROBB, , General Maaagerl' DON'T forget the Belahazzer Oratorio next Tuesday evening. A NUA183211 from here attended the Wingham mom this week. PCOM. -A shawl in American Hotel yard. Owner may have it by proving property and paying for this looal. THE poplar trees thatearroand Victoria Park have all died. The Ooauoil ought to bave a few cords ot wood to sell now. San the advertisement "Tenders want. ed" in oonneotion with the propooed new Agrioalteral Hall, Plans and epeoifioa• tions may be eeon at THE Pon, A v0LUABLa Jeremy cow belonging t0 Thos. Moore, William street, had to be killed owing to an accident that befell her. She slipped an the cement walk and broke her bank. A ooNTIaENT Of Bruooelo Odd Fellows want to Listowel on Wednesday of this week to take part in the opening of the I. 0, 0. F. new hall, The Brussels team exemplified the 3rd degree. They report a good time, NEw MANAGER, -Thursday morning of this week W. J. Fawcett, who has been in oharge of the Brigden agency for Several years, mistimed the management of the Metropolitan Bank at Broeeele, He oomee eplendidly recommended both in and out of the bank and THE Poem weleomee him to Brueeele• Mre. Fawoebt and daughter will oome to Brussels in the course of a week. A. E. Mellish, who established this branoh of the Meiropoli. tan and who is so well and favorably known in this locality, will be mieeed iu the town, We have not learned where he will be planed. Mr. MoAlpioe, who has been supplying here daring the past month, has been appointed to Port Elgin and will leave this week for that point, lie and Mre. McAlpine made many frieode during their abort stay in town. Mr. Fawoott is au old Huron boy bay ing been born in Howiok township. We are aeked this week by a delinquent eabeoriber why we kept on Bending the paper after the eabsoription date had expired, Every weekly newspaper in towns of thio size are forced to do this. Should we stop enbeoriptioos when time expires, nine times out of ten the sub• scriber would give na a "calling down" tor ioeinnating that his aredit was not good. Rather than oast a reflection ttgeinet tbe honesty of a eabeoriber to pay a small debt, it is next to a neoeeaity for a borne paper to continue sending the paper atter the time has expired. It is not necessary for the aiby dailies or weeklies to follow this rule, ae their eab• scribers live at a dietanoe and are not personal friends, as in the0aee with a majority of our subscribers. Our cub. scribers should deem it an honor to know that we do not doubt their integrity and continue to send them the paper after the time has expired. Should any desire their paper discontinued they ahoold notify us and remit to date if they have not already done so. FOOT BALL. -Brussels team went to Wingham last Friday to play the last matob in the Heron district with the home teem Both teams had agreed upon Brown Jaaksov, Beaforth, au referee but when the Brussels team went upon the field they found that Wingham bad secured a man by the name of Clark, sap• posed to be of Stratford as referee. This is not living up to the rules for a team to get a referee without the ooasant of the other team. Brueeele played the game team an played against Bayfield and dur- ing the khat half the play was aboat even, The emend half had gone all but fifteen minutes when J. Strachan eoored for Brasilel&, but tbie was soon followed by Wingham tieing the more and then plea. ing another Weide the goal thereby giving them the game by a 000re of 2-1. Rae. Brown wore a beanbifll black eye receiv- ed from Moore, the latter neiog hie elbow to perfection on anybody going near him. The teame.lined up ao followe : BRUSSELS WINGRAM A0001000 Goat MoArter Anderson t Backe Deane McDonald! Mitchell Stevenson ( Moore Brown i Backe �.�Oruiok hank° Oardlft Wilson MoLenuan Ansley Strachan Alkeahead Bryan 10178108 Miller Barley A neley e .. McGillivray Forrest � � y Tun Stratford Beavon on Monday last has the following to say about the formal opening of the base ball season in the pity league. A. M. Kay, who held down first base ie a brother to Mre, W. 11. Kerr, and and in years gone by worked on THE POST staff. Lt•Ool, Mosorip is a eoneio of H. L. Jaakeon, of town :-The opening ot the ball season would not be oomplete without the ball being thrown by some prominent citizen and others at the bat, eco. Tbie opening wag no exception to the rale, and, as its predeeeeeore, wee marked by a formal opening, At 8.60 o'olook Lt. Ool, Mosorip donned the oatoher'e mask and other paraphernalia, and took hie plane behind the bat, Prin. oipal Mayberry, of the Collegiate Institu- te, took up his position in the pitcher's box, while Mayor Ferguson graoped the willow and sent ont a safe bit for firet base. A, 141. Kay wan at the first bag but he was enable to stop the ball that the principal sent over to him, and the mayor circled the been and messed the plate, amid the °hears of the spectators. George Malcolm stepped up to bat and bit the loreehide a neat wbaok, and R. Grawtenfanned. Then_ Mayor Fergneon made a neat epeeab, deolaring the "Stmt. ford baseball season for 1906 open," and taking the ball and bat in band be sent up a 'high skier," proving beyond a doubt he was no HoOioe at that great American game, Panama SALE, - Horse, buggy, cart, cutter, barneso, robes, blankets, belle eta., will be sold separately or together on or before Jane 25th, Apply to Rev, T. WESLEY 0o6ENa, BmOSBel9. WILL HAVE TO BE PLAYED AGAIN, -The protest game of Football between Brne• eels and Wiogham won by the former here has been thrown oat and will have to be played over. The contending teams will meet on Victoria Park, Broeeele, on Friday evening of tbie week, • Game called at 6.15 o'clock, There will no doubt be a large attendance and a red hot contest. TRADE EDITION. -Next week's issue of Tau POST will largely be devoted to a Trade Edition of Brussels setting forth the commercial interests of the town, and ae a doeirable epot for manufacturers 10 locate. It will be an authenticated summary of the diversified b08100 s in. tercets of the town ; our 'educational in• etitutione and planes of worship. A number of extra papere will be issued from this (Aloe and these will be distrib• &ted free to people who are not now regular eubearibere to this paper. The value of an edition of Chia sort covering the wide inanimate that it will and em• bracing the various bueineee interests of the town, and as a desirable location for maonfaoturera, most prove of incaloul• able benefit to advertisers here. The merohante will be °ailed upon personally and those wishing to enure apace will be given en opportunity to do so. Live ad- vertisers will not be slow to &veil them• mime of its advantages, The following note speaks of a former well known Bruseellbe in the person of T. A. Hawkins who reoently moved from here to Jamestown N. Y. -The Ladies' Aid Booiety of Pilgrim Memorial ohnroh gave a strawberry souial in the aboroh parlors Thursday evening, whioh was a 8000000 in every detail. The program comprised the following nambere :-Piano dost, Misses Ester and Ruth Lindburg ; reading, Mte. J. E. Briggs ; vooal solo, "If I Were a Roee, Mise Fern Maebert, accompanied by Mise Maude Niohole : piano solo, Love's Dream, Reverie, Prof, T. A. Hawkins ; ae am encore Prof. Hawkins gave Variations of Old Blaok Joe. ,Prof. Hawkins has 0000017 come to Jamestown from Oeneda. Hie work at the piano was most excellent and was heartily enjoyed. On the following day the convener of the musical committee aeked Mr. Hawkins if he would take the piano at the regular ohnroh services but he did not give a decided answer. HYMENEAL. -Monday morning of this week, at 10 o'olook, a pretty wedding took place in St. Ambrose R. C. church, Brussels, when Rev. Fr. Corcoran, of Seaforbh, tied the matrimonial bow between Franoie Klein, of Stratford, and Mies Hannah L., a popular yooug lady and daughter of Riohard Ryan, of Wal- ton. The bride was attended by her slater, Mies Ella, and Neil Klein support. ed his brother as groomsman. A most becoming costume ot cream silk, with oream flowers, was worn by the bride and the bridesmaid was dreeeed in point de sprite over pale bine silk. After the ceremony hearty oongratulatione were extended when the wedding party, aa. oompanied by the officiating clergyman, partook of an elaborate wedding break- fast at the residence of the bride's par. •ante. The happy twain took the evening train from Seatorth to Stratford where they oommenae homemaking with the good wiehee of many relatives and friends. Wedding gifts, useful, valuable and well assorted, beepoke the popularity of the prinoipale. Tan Pon throws an editorial slipper after Mr. and Mre, Klein. Tao Editor of THE Poem and Mrs. Kerr received an invitation to attend the Faonity and Graduating class of the Great Falls High School, of Great Fails, Montane, on June 7th to be held in the Grand Opera House from Mise Agnea. Oampbell McGeorge, accompanied by the following interesting letter ;- Mr. TV. 11. Xerr, Dna Bin ;-I am Bending you an in. vitabion to the oommencemenb of our clava, It will 000nr on the 7th of June and class night is on the 6th. The Junior Ball in our honor is to be given on the 8th and it you Dome I will see that you have a good time at all three. Perhaps yon will underetaud the reason why I mend this letter when I tell you I learned my lettere from the headlines of THE Bnm:etLe POST when I woe only three years old. That was 15 years ago when we first came to Montana but I still read Tan Poso with interest, I Wall born near Ethel and a good many of my relatives live in Grey but I am not the only Canadian in our alms. One of the other girls acme from near Lon. don, Ontario, but ot ooares we both have been pretty thoroughly Amerioan• ized. I tried to secure a program for commencement but was unable to do so as they are not published yet. Our High Sobool tae a very good reputation. A oertifiaate of a etandiog above 85% in any enbjoot will admit a graduate to many of the leading oolleges without examination. There is a four year oouree in throe different maltase of otndy, English, Scientific and Latin. Places on the commoeinent program are secured by merit, the averages for the laet two years being taken and the ten highest are given places. I was very unfortunate last year, breaking my ankle the day before nohool started and then taking whooping sough after I did get started and missing a month or more. I kept up fairly well last year, passing in everything and tbie year I raisad my average go that after Xmas Woe there was no doubt I was one 08 B. J. MOORE, Preeldent. THOS, BRADSHAW, 0,5,A., TED METROPOLITAN BANE 1e open to receive the aaeouube of Farmers, Merchants and Buoineeo Community generally and to give careful consideration to all propoealo submitted to it. It relies Upon its past record for a: nrtoone treatment of its Ous• tonere, and will extend every 0o0Bideratiou eonsletent with sound bauktog to those who may deem to tranenot bueineee with 11. gasp/!'S AWN Diffraftii'EVENT Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of 51 and upwards BRUSSELS BRANCH A. E. MELLISH, Manager. the ten. Hoping tbie little tear will be exouoed bat I put it there trying to erase and bad to leave it becaa8e a grad. oate'e time is se preoioae as a news. paperman'e, I remain. yours truly, AGNES 0. Moak:mum. 1419 Sixth Ave., North, Great Falls, Mont., May 310, 1906, Business Locals. Do not forget McGregor is tuning lawn mowers now 0n Mill 81. Braeoele. DWELLING rooms to let above store. Possession oan be given July 25th. I. 0. RIOBARDs. 100 Boutin cedar poste for sale, oleo a Dingle baggy. Apply to A. Coon, Brae. eels, North. HAIR DuEnnisG.-Switehee made out of oombinge and out bair. Mos. R. HnNGBTON, Mill et. West. LADIES or eahool pupils taken to board. Alco roomers. Apply to Moe. Trios. Oaxnu,, Queen at., Brueeele. 48-2 WANTED. -Eggs 20o. Pedlars Revised Tariff -100 tube oboiae grass Butter wanted at once. GEo.E. SING, Wingham. L000mN° obain found. Owner may have it by proving property and paying for thin notice. Apply to Jona MOONEY, Ni Lot 26, Con. 6, Morrie. Frames PLowe.-Farmers wiebing to bay the best plow made oall an the undersigned. plow repairs and points kept at Robt. Francis' work chop. Jona LONG. Bayfield defeated Wingham at Bay. field on Tuesday evening of this week by a score of 4-0 in football. Harry Bartliff, of Clinton, refereed the game. The return game of football between Lietowel cud Milverton, played at Lie - towel Monday night in W. la A. inter- mediate group No. 8, resulted in a tie 0-0. HORN_ BATSMAN. -In Clinton, on May 310, at the residence of F. Herman, a dangh• ter to Mr. and Mre. Henry Bate- man, of Waterloo Oo., formerly of Grey. FRASER-Ia Morrie, Jane 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraser, a eon. POTTER. -In Wiogham, on June 4th, to Mr. and Mre. John Potter, a eon. WALnER.-In Teeewaler, on June 6th, to Mr, and Mre. John Walker, formerly of Brame's, a eon, KL ar¢axa>:zxxan. EIN-RYAN.-At 51. Ambrose church, Brussels, on Monday, June 4th, by Rev. Fr. Corcoran, of Seafortb, Mr. Franoie Klein, of Stratford, to Mies Hannah L., daughter of Mr. and Mre. Riohard Ryan, of Walton. VANNORMAN-DOLL,-At the residence of the bride's parents, on the_5tb inst., (ain Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Charles S. VanNorman, of Wiogham, bo Mies Mary Jean Doll, of Grey, ax>✓7D. Mc0ALr.-In Morrie, on Wedoeeday, June 6th, Sara Elizabeth Marshall, beloved wife of John MoCall, aged 29 yearn, 9 months and 8 days• WALLIER.-Io Howiok, on Juae 3rd, Rob - art 0„ the infant eon of Thoe. and Mre. Walker aged 5 days., Fail Wheat 78 Barley 42 Peas 68 Cate 36 Butter, tube and rolls14 Eggs per dozen 14 Hay per ton 6 25 Flour, per bbl 4 50 doge, Live 7 00 Wool 24 Sal b, per bbl., retail 1 00 Potatoes per bus 40 Apples (per bbl.) 1 50 78 45 70 36 15 16 7 00 5 20 7 00 25 70 45 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. U ARM HELP WANTED -ONE fairly good man to help on a farm, must be sober. Employment for root of this year or longer, Apply to ELI 8MI1H, 1.00 4, Con, 7, Grey ; or Brussels P. 0. NTTANTED AT ONCE -A NUM - 1' BER of stone masons and brlok-Is9- ers to work on Wingham High Sahool. Good wages will be paid. NICHOLSON & BEN - NETT, Wingham. 47.1 BEAUTY ON YOUR WALLS Wall Payor is it dominant feature in the d00orabion of your rooms. It ie all about you and remains for years to mar or adorn. Why not have it appro- priate and beautiful ? Wall Papers that Decorate are our epooialty. Pretty papers at every pr100 are here and only pretty Papers at any pride, Boores of artistic patterns ; hun- dreds of rolls to choose from. We will be pleased to help you ohooee if you wish -AT- Fox's Drug Store QTRAYED FROM THE PREM - 1. Ions of the undersigned, Nd Lot 80, Oen. 8, Morrie, on or about May let, a black 2 year old heifer, Any Information .loading to her recovery will be thankfully received. 47-91 0. POLLARD, Braeesla P.O. STRAXED FROM THE PREM- mne of the undersigned, Lot20, Oo0, 17, Grey, on or about May 18th, a two-year. old heifer, red in Dolor with white on loge and under part of body and a white epot on forehead; dehoroed. Any information lead- ing to her recovery will be suitably reward. ed. A, OARMIOEAEL, 47-11 Oranbrook P, 0. STRAYED FROM THE PREM- IOEs of the undersigned, Lot 14, Con. 0, Grey, a steer red in 00101 with small strip of white between hie front lege; debornod. Any Information loading to hie re000ery will be thankfully received. WM. LOWE, Brueeele P.O. Tenders I Whole or separate tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Saturday, June 1601. at 6 p. m. for the erection of a new Ag- ricultural on Grey Branch Agricultural Park,Bruegela, the lower etoryt0beclem- ent concrete with cement floor, and upper story frame with sbiegle roof. Oontraotor to state price he will allow for lumber ie preeeut Hall. Plane and apeeiflcatioue may be 'deem at Tag Poem Publishing House, Brussels, on and alter June Oth, or at the office of W. E. Binning, architect, Listowel. Contractors will be required to give secur- ity for the completion of the work. The lowest or any tender not necessarily 50- °epted. W. H. REHR, Secretary. Brussels, May 2610,1006, Brussels Daylight Store G. N. McLaren 'avn'ererLN,,,.„,Pa'LI'IrM„vi.'LPWv,'W'4b'LPLAW'I„„,.,„ %,..,; L14,ULPetdtldl,'Lilie'1Ph .„,,,„ id.,'A,nm'Is'LPpr4J4, ,,,„ a;'L•QAb'e 1P1PLPid't'V� eA1PbPL'edVAMlb'le'LPLPLm Seasonable Goods at Less Than Regular Prices We have just received 26 dozen Men's Shirts, a manufacturer's clean-up, bought away below the regular values. 1.25 & 1.00 Men's Soft Front Shirts for 75c -26 dozen Men's fine quality Madras and Cambric Shirts, light, medium and darklcolorings ; all sizes from 14 to 17, with detached cuffs ; perfect fitting goods ; regular 17 prices $1.00 and $1,25. Sale price . 40c Men's Balbriggan Underclothing for 25c -10 dozen Men's fine quality Balbriggan Underclothing, Shirts and Pants, sizes 25 82 to 40, regular price 40e. Special at ... .., ... 90 F'ANCY CRETONNES FOR 60 r shades re �'a -120 yards Fancy Cretonnes, Crepon finish, in red and green e a des ; regular OV . value 9e. Sale price ... v -15c and 20e Fancy Cretonnes, in green, red and fawn shades ; 30 and 36 inches ,121 wide ; reversable ; regular prices up to 20c. Sale price 2 See our New Grey Skirts -White, Wash, and Silk Waists. . Styles the Latest -Prices the Lowest. Complete assortment of Ladies' and Children's Summer Vests. Also Summer Hosiery -Popular Prices. 48 Pairs Men's Pants, Special at $1.25 a pair -48 pairs Men's Strong Union Tweed Pants, light and dark shades ; well made ; well trimmed ; perfect fitting ; all sizes 38 to 42. Special at per pair ,„1.25 Special Values and Big Assortment Ladies' Parasols and Umbrellas. We are clearing out a few lines of Lace Curtains away below Regular Prices. We always Pay the Top Notch Price for Produce. Mitt alexin li',d,l°P P3'1.&5 P Jr rev IreM? zr. Yours forNext utual Benefit Menefi VSA A Sys Door to en American Douse