The Brussels Post, 1906-6-7, Page 4aat ilriemU, rettx +:' ^..: f urx '`•s,,,
l tbon tilled; that the tonet1 Nrito ds enointarasteoagrioulturn will
not be forgot- ,
ten, Med that as' far as' possible, tbe wol•
faro of the great cououming elegem of
THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1906. thio oommunity be respedted.
Moved by R. Holmes, seconded by W.
*orris Council Meeting,
The Council met as a Court of Rovioion
on May 28th, Towu Hell Morrie, mem•
bare all present, uud subscribed the oath
required by Statute. Appeals were
heard and diepooed of as follows: -Alfred
Button, complained of being to high
aeeeeeed, diemieeed ; .1. B. Stretton,
appealed againet beauties Assessment
dismissed ; G. T. R. 00, appealed spinet
inoreaoe in aeeoeement, amount reduced
to Dame as last year as per statute ;
Adam Halliday and Dr. Menzies, oom
plained of being to bigh amused both
diemieeed. On motion of Kelly and
Yonill the following names were added to
the Roll, namely Thos, Forbes, owner, N.
pt. lot 3, con. 1 ; Ieaao Jewitt, tenant,
S, E. lot 17, Don. 2; W. J. Duff, owner
lobe 1, 2 and 3, G. S. Bluevale ; Wm.
Meager, owner, lot 28 Blaevale ; Jas.
Nethery, owner N. E. lot 2 con. 6 ; John
Barr, owner N, 1/2 con. 5. On motion of
Campbell and McCutcheon the Court of
Revision then adjourned to meet again
on the 25th day of Jane next at ten
o'clock e. m.
Connell bneineee was then proceeded
with as follow'', Alex. Nichol appeared in
reference to having roadway widened
opposite hie gate at lot 14 ou the 6th tau
line, On motion of Campbell and Yonill
the Reeve and Coanoillor Kelly was in.
strained to examine the locality and
report at next meeting.
Wm. Fraser oompleined of a pile of
atone being thrown on road in front of
his premieee the eame being a n°ieanae.
On motion of Kelly and Yonne Mr.
Campbell was instructed to examine the
situation and report at next meeting.
Messrs. Clegg and Russell complained
of the oemetery fence et Snnehine being
nnderminded by Pathmaetere taking
gravel from theadjoiniog pit. On motion
of Kelly and Campbell the Reeve and
Oounoillor Yoaill were inetrnoted to
attend to the matters.
On motion of Kelly and Youill a grant
of $30 was made for the papule of
gravelling at lots 8 and 9 on 7th oda.
On motion of Campbell and Youill the
followiug grants were made on the
Boundary lines providing the adjoining
Mtiuioipalitiee grant equivalent eame
viz.-Eaet Boundary 5200, West $200,
North Boundary 575.00, South Boundary
Amounts were ordered to be paid as
follows R. MoMnrray, Roraima Re Wet -
eon fever Daae 54 50 ; Logan and Fraser,
tile $80.26 ; W. Clark, part eatery $40 00;
W, J. Geddes, plank 511.90 ; Municipal
World, Assessment and Colleotore Rolle
64.60 ; Juo. Casa:are, repairing approaoh
520.00 ; Juo. Weleon, Aeseesor'e salary
Oa motion of Youill and Campbell the
Reeve and Treaearer was instructed to
borrow 5500 to meet cement expeneee,
On motion of Kelly and MoOntoheou
the Council adjourned to meet again on
the llth day of Jane next at one o'clock
p. m. at whioh meeting the Engineer's
report in the proposed Kelly drain will be
read. . W. 01.41111, Clerk.
The annual meeting of the West Huron
Liberal Association was held at Dougan•
non on Taeeday of last week, there being
a good attendance, though not as large as
is eometimee the ease. Iu the °beano(' of
the President, Mr. Proadtoot, James
Young took the ohair and opened the
President, James Young, Auburn ;
let Vioe, H. J. Morris, Colborne ;
Sod Vioe, W. Baillie, Dungannon ;
3rd Vtce, John Stiles, Kingebridge ;
Treasurer, Joeeph Bell, Carlow ;
Secretary, 0. Garrow, Goderioh ;
Auditor, H. Beattie, Clinton.
Colborne, A. Young, Carlow ; Aehfieid,
Marla Stewart, Rintail ; West Wawa.
nab, Jno. McNabb, Dungannon ; Gode-
rich township, John Yoe, Holmeeville ;
Hallett, Thomas McMillan, Seatorth ;
East Wawenoeh, B. H. Taylor, Marnook ;
Blyth, W. Campbell: Wingham, A.
Comas ; Clinton, Dr. Shaw ; Goderioh,
W. L. Horton.
AMIFrRLD-No. 1, A. Dither; No. 2, A.
Finlay ; No. 3, Jae. Hackett ; No. 4,
Jamee Crawford ; No. 3, J. E. Sullivan ;
No. 6, D. McLean ; No. 7, Jno. Jamei.
OOLRORNE.—No. 1, W. Hill ; No. 2,
H. Morrie ; No. 3, W. Sallowe ; No. 4,
Jamee Chisholm,
EAST WAWANO0H -No. 1, W. Dohie, No.
2, Jno. Bowler ; No. 3, John Sheill ; No,
4, John Gilliepie.
WEST WAw .eooH.-No, 1, W. Crap
ford l No. 2, D, McKenzie ; No. 3, D. B.
Murray ; No. 4, Alex. Stewart ; No. 6,
John Sherriff.
HoLLeTT.-No, 1, G. Stephenson ; No.
2, Jae. Watt, jr. ; No. 8, A. Flynn ; No.
4, J. Kirkoonnell ; No. 5, Jno. Vodden
No, 6, H. Snell ; No. 7, John Fingland,
GODERI0H TowNeHrP.-No. 1, J. T.
Salkeld ; No. 2, Walter Hick ; No. 3,
John Torranoe ; No, 4, J. Kirkoonnell;
No. 5, H. Tebbatt ; No. 6, Wesley
BLYTH.-W. Jaokeon, O. H. Besse.
A reaolotfon expressing eonfldenoe in
Hon, G. W. Rose, and endoreing the at.
tfhude of the Opposition in the Looal
House, wee moved by G. F, Blair, in a
short epeeoh.
Mr. MoPhee moved and epoke to a
resolution oondeming the action of
Parliament in innreaeing the 'amenity,
and eepeoially in granting a pension to
ex. M inietere.
A resolution expreesing appreoiation of
the services of Mr. Proadfoot, K. 0,, as
President of the aee00iation for a number
of years, was unanimously pawed.
Moved by T. MoMillan, seoonded by R
M. Young : That we, the Liberals of
West Huron, view with marked approval
the action of oar Government in appoint•
ing a tariff eommieeion to meet and re•
oeive the testimony of people engaged in
the various linea of Canadian indaetry,
npon matters pertaining to the tariff, and
in view of etrikingrevelatione which have
recently come to light respecting un•
healthy and injarione combinations in
trade, we strongly urge that in any road•
juetment whioh may be made, the prin.
dlplo of a tariff for revenue parpoeei, and
preferential treatment of the mother
acute ; That we, the Liberals of Weet
Huron, in uonvenbton aeaembled, desire
to place on reoord our happy endorsation
of the general polioy of the government of
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, wboee edmitlistrC.
Hon has been coincident with the marvel•
lone and nnparellelled progress of the
Domiuion, end we expreoe our warm con -
Hence in his integrity and that of the
Cabinet of which he is the honored head.
Mr, McMillan made a good short
epeeoh in ecpportiog the re olution bear-
ing hie name. R. Holmee also spoke
briefly, and M. G. Cameron, M. P. P„
gave n resume of the legislation 03 the
last session of the Local Houee.
The dates on whioh the annual meet•
inge of the East and Went Baron Asso-
ciations are held being the eame, it was
deemed advisable to make a change, and
the anunal meeting of the West Huron
Aeeooietion will hereafter be held on the
tint Monday in Jane.
It your etomaoh is weak,
If your food dietreeeee you,
It you ere weak and nervous
Uee Dr, Shoop's Restorative(' one
month and see what it dose for you.
Sold by F. R. Smith.
Seatorth raoee Jaue 20 and 21e1.
Tavietook is wiuuere at Group No, 2.
Waterloo won at home from Berlin in
football by 4-2 Friday night.
Woodetook loot to New Hamburg in
football at the latter place on tbe 24111 by
Tavietook leaders in the W. F. A.
groop No. 2, defeated Woodetook by a
eoore of 1-0.
Preetou defeated Waterloo at Preston
in the intermediate W. F. A. aeries by a
eoore of 6-2.
Seatorth Laoroeee team defeated St.
Marys team at Mitoisall, on the 24th by
a score of 14-2.
At Lnokoow in the Lakeside League
the home team won from Wingham in
baseball oo Friday by 8-6.
Listowel Junior' defeated Milverton
in the former town on Monday evening
iu football by a snore of 1-0.
At Fordwich ou Saturday the home
team defeated a team from Listowel io a
game of football by a eoore of 2-0.
I° a W. F. A: match at Guelph be-
tween Waterloo and the Soots of Gcelph
the Soot' woo by a eoore of 2 to 0.
GIo an exhibition game of Football on
the 24th tbe Guelph Soots defeated the
Toronto Thistles by a more of 2-1,
Woodstock defeated London in the
latter city in football in the last match
in roup 2 in the W. F. A. by a eoore of
Tevietook defeated New Hemberg 8-0
in football Friday night and wou the
championship of the dietriot in the W.
F. A.
London tied Tavietook in the latter
town in football in No. 2 intermediate
District of the W. F. A. Bach team
eoored a goal.
Leet Friday the Beavere, of Beafortb,
defeated the Hurons of Goderich in a
scheduled match in lacrosse in the
0. L. A. by a more of 7-4.
In the second W, F. A. game, inter.
mediate groop 5, between Ayton, and
Durham, played at Ayton, the home team
won by 1 to 0. D. J. McLaughlin, of
Oheeley, was referee,
Seatorth seniors have fallen into a
little trouble in W. F. A. circles. It bas
developed that Bryan'', wbo figured ou
their line op wben they met Stratford
last Taeeday, had previouely been signed
with Brueeele, whom the latter team
played againet Bayfield, Bryant was
was afterwards signed with Seatorthiane.
Whether this wae done without a know-
ledge of the probable ooneequenoee re.
main' to be Been in the form of a atate.
went from Seatorth to the W. F. A.
Orater t)rook.
Smmoon REPORT, -The following ie
Oranbrook sahuol report for May.
Names are in order of merit :-Olaee V -
Ida Sharpe. Sr. IV -Herbert Me -
Donald, Emma Hunter. Jr. 1V -
Mary MaNiohol, Victor Sperling,
Harold Smalldon, Stella Alderson,
David Perrie, Alex. Dark, Mina Fox,
Sr, III -Lillian Dark, Lula Spading,
Beatrice MoQaarrie, Muriel Sperling,
Viola Long, Julia Baker, Jessie Menzies,
Russell Alderson. Jr, III -Orme Stelae,
Bessie Alderson, Ohriebiue Fioober,
Arthur Fox, George Smalldon, Sr. II-
Rette. Fox, Nettie Reymann, Leelie
Perrie, Christian Fieober, Jr. II -
Mamie Cameron, May Hunter, Addie
Sperling, Rumell Knight, Looy Alder.
son, Maggie McNabb, Hazel McDonald,
Gordon Cameron, Lola Stein, Edward
Smalldon. Part II -Evelyn MoNiobol
Edo Ponniugton, Elgin Porter, Fred
Fleisher. Sr. I -Gordon Knight,
Charlie Morrow, Thelma Smalldon,
Earl Reymann, Elsie Sperling, Oeoar
Gorealitz, Arnold Fischer. Jr, I -Rob.
bie Fox Maggie Perris, Lily Demray,
Alvin Hunter, Barbara Fieoher, Alfred
Knight, Madelene Baker,
L. A. Magee.,
G re as
Sonoor. Rarono.-The following is the
report of S. S. No., 9 Grey for the month
of May. Jr. IV :-A. Sperian, 1153 ; E.
MoNaoght, 1001 ; M, Bray, 882 ; P.
Hurrisoo 765 ; A. McKay, 518 ; F. Mo•
Naught, 484 ; T, Farr, 430 ; V. Noble,
278 ; M. Cummings, 228 Sr. III -G.
Sohnook, 374 ; J. Mane, 888 ; D. Tarr,
294. Jr. III. -B. McQuade, 648 ; L
Harrison, 641 ; L. Speiran, 558 ; 0,
Brown, 527 ; B. Mann, 495 ; Beth Mo•
Naught, 435 ; F. Tarr, 430 ; E. Smith,
428 ; 0. Flood, 425 ; B. Livingstone, 849
B. Snelling, 193. Jr, II-M.Livingetone,
342 ; G. Snelling, 291; N. Schnook, 286 ;
L. Malley, 273. Pt, II -J. Maliey, 122 ;
8. McQuarrie, 115: J. Machan, 105 ; W.
Smitb,90 ; B. Beery, 81 ; L. Hislop, 70 ;
M. Cummings, 68 ; W. MoNaught, 64 ;
M. Smith, 42 ; E. Me$ay, 21, Average
attendeoe for the month 49.
SCHOOL REPORT. -Report of 8. H. No.
10 Grey for the month of May. Names
in order of merit. Sr. IV. -M. Denman,
F. Wbitfteld, E. Ratbwell, S. Hutohineon
0. Buttery, J. Campbell. Jr.
Sperian R. Denman, L Speiran, W.
Speiran, (4, Evans, P. Oxtoby, B. Whit•
field. Sr, III, -M. Hutohineon, M.
Meehan, W. Whitfield, J. Doall, M.
Speiran, L, Evans, Jr. III, -13, Pick.
eta? in?"` ri?a er' - btv+lAw` w arYk+rtcawtwwLL• r rM.z w'y
d e
li 1 1JiLE,LL,.AhU
Ewan & Co.
are busy these days pushing the Carriage busi-
ness. In addition to our own make of Rigs,
which are A 1, we handle Buggies manufactured
by the Canada Carriage Co., Brookville, and the
Boreland Factory, Stratford.
Wood Work and Jobbing a Specialty
Painting and Repairing attended to with neatness
and dispatch. The celebrated Harland English
Varnish used in our paint rooms.
If you want a new Rig call and see us as we have
a large display and Bell at close margins. We
can save yon money.
rell, D. Whitfield, P. Ward. Sr. 1I. -H.
Speiran, M. Hannah, F. Cox, S. Machan,
L. Taylor, G. Whitfield, W. Ward. Jr.
II. -H. Denman, M. Love, G. Speiran,
M. Oox, E. Piokrell, F, Holleobeok, M.
Oxtoby, E. Rothwell, W. Ballantyne.
Pt. II. -L. Pratt, E. 'Taylor, B. Hellen
,beak, 0. Ward, J. Ward. Iet Claee.-E.
Hutchinson, G Hallenbeck, J. Inglis,
8. Speiran, M, Inglis, L. Lake, E. Ward.
H. MAoGterava x, teacher,
"I dropped all liniments but Nerviline
because I found Nerviline the quickest to
relieve pain," writes E. S. Benton, of
136. John's. If my obildreo are oroapy
or etok, Nerviline aurae them. If a ease
of orampe or stomach ache turns up;
Nerviline is ever ready. We use Ner-
viline for oeoralgia, and all kinds of
aches and pains ; it'e a8 good a9 any
doctor." The great Canadian remedy
for the past fifty yeare has bean Poison's
Nerviline-Nothing better made.
[Intended for last week.]
Ethel young ladies would be hard to
beat for good looks and winning ways.
Lovere of the rod and line have been
wooing some of the dwellers in the
Mrs. Laird has ereoted a nine wire
tense around the front and side of her
property here. Rory McLeod did the
Epworth League Missionary giving'' of
the Ethel °insult were 5118.00, last year
standing 2ud ou the District. The total
Missionary givi°g5 of Ethel circuit were
5276.44, giving the standing 3rd on the
District of 18 oiranfte.
EPwoRTH LEAGUE. -The following are
the name of the officers of the Ethel
Epworth League appointed at our last
burliness meeting :-Hon. Pree. Rev. E.
F. Armstrong B. A., B. D., President,
Mies Bernice dlemmon ; let Vioe Pree.,
Mise Edith Milne ; 2nd Vioe Pres., Mies
Ida Cole ; 8rd. Vice Pres., Mise A. Swit-
zer ; 4th Vioe Pree, Mise A. Meson 1
Reo.-Seo., Mies 0. Sanndere ; Cor. -Seo.,
Miee Ella Hominid ; Treasurer, Miee M,
Bateman ; Organist, Mee L. Simpson,
It was the twenty-fourth of May,I
When all the lassies blythe and ay,
Went to the Sunday School Conveution
To give their best attention
To what the teachers had to say
About teaching children the proper way,
The day was warm and patience almost
When two lassies lett and to the river went,
Andknowlug that their trip would not be
in vete
They brought back with them two nice
young swain,
And as they strolled with feelings of con -
On the subluot of versee they did comment.
The question drawer proved quite success-
And these two lassies eeemed quite restful ;
So one young man was oontent to stay
To see his lassie home in the proper way,
And as the night wore on and it grew late,
He gently whispered "my love for thee itis
so great"
Not war, more deadly than ever thie
modern botobery-but Catarrh whioh
leads to 0ooenmption and annually kills
more than famine and war combined.
The dooldre now euooeeefully fight
catarrh with a remedy that never Saila
-"Oatarrbozone," its death to every
root and branob of the disease ao
thoroughly that a relapse need never be
feared. It troubled with oolde, nasal or
throat catarrh, or subject to bronobibie
or aethma use Oathrrbozone and you'll
be oared forever.
Elizabeth McElherau, aged five years,
was killed by a area oar et Montreal.
Six new mining divieione in new On•
tario are announced by the Provincial
Rev, Cherlee W. King has resigned the
paetorate of Parliament Street Baptist
oherob Toronto,
Angus Kirkland, manager of the Bank
of Montreal in Toronto, died at hie regi•
dense, 160 St. George street,
Twenty were killed and sixty injured
in the attempted aeeaeeination of the
Spanieh King and Queen at Madrid.
E. B. Oookel,ntl, of Brantford, has
presented a bowling green to he oily.
The Sovereign Hak has purchased the
Telford banking bneineee at Owen Sound,
Sidney Hook was toned dead to bed at
his boarding -hones, 190 Wilton avenue,
Forty Mexicana are reported killed in a
strike riot at W. 0. Green's mines in
Six miners went oat in a lobster boat
from near Sidney Minee, 13. 0., and were
over twenty two thousand immigrants
have some into Toronto ein0e the begin•
ing of the year.
The Legislative excursion, whioh went
to the end of the Temiekaming Railway,
returned to Toronto.
The Leland Hotel at Winnipeg was
damaged by the fire to the extent of
510,000 or 515,000.
Abraham Stauffer was caught in a
dram at Acton Tanning Company's works
and fatally injured.
Dr. Joeeph Henry Widdifield, Sheriff
of lbs oounty of York, died at hie reef.
dense, 178 St. George street, of apoplexy
at Toronto.
It ie expected that the Cabinet changes
consequent upon the appointment of Mr.
Fitzpatrick to the Supreme Court will
be annoanoed.
Plane for the electrifying of 137 milee
of the Temiekaming Railroad are before
the Government. The coat will be one
million dollare.
The Allan Liner Virginian made a
new ocean reoord in a trip from Blaine
to Rimonek in five days twenty one
boars and fonrty minutes.
The three train robbere were found
guilty at Kamloops, B. 0, Edwards and
Dann were sentenced to life imprison.
ment, and Oalgnhon to 25 years.
Frederick A. Perry, of Big Creek loet
hit barn and about three thoneand bush•
ale of oats, a tbraebing outfit and otber
articles. The barn was struck by light.
The Grand Orange Lodge of British
Ameriaa approved of tbe proposal of
Grand Master Sproule for the formation
of a protectant Federation. The next
convention will be in Vancouver.
The expected Cabinet changes oon•
Begneooe upon the appoi"tmeut of Hou.
Charles Fuzpiitriok as Chief Juatioe of
the Supreme Court are announced at
Ottawa. Mr. Ayleeworth beoome°
Minister of Jnetioe and Mr. Lemieux
The Highest Market Price
will be paid in Cash for any
quantity of Wool delivered
at my store, Brussels.
Alf. Baeker
This SOU 00, as usual, I will
pay the Highest Market Price
for any quantity of Wool deliv-
ered at No. 1 Storehouse, Brus-
sels. Also for all kinds of Grain.
IYlobt. Graham
Popular Stallions.
Tire following w111 he the routes of the
florae* named for Neeson of 1900 t
SYLVES'TER J. (No 32799)
Sired by Mlle Wilkes by Red Wilkes by
Geo, Wilkes. Dam Lady Anglin by
Wilkes Boy by Geo. Wilke° ; Sod Dem
Roan May ; 8rd BMA Lilly Gay. Syl•
veeter J. is a dark bay horse with bleak
pointe and good feet, stands' 16 hands
high and weighs about 1200 Ibe., has good
notion and a square trotter. This horse
wae formerly owned by Mies R. L.
Wllkee, Galt, Ont„ and hie Dolle are soma
of the most promieing at the farm. Terme
516 00 to ineure. Will make a etand
every Thursday night al Central Hotel,
13t•uesele, during the season.
R. Wemesoe, Owuer, Gerrie, Out.
Scotland's Hope
No. (13180) Vol. 28
GEO. MULDOON, - Proprietor
This Imported Clydesdale Horse
will make the season of 1906 at
Terms -515.00 45-4
A. A. McMichael, Viee•Preeident of
the James Robertson Company, died
suddenly at Toronto.
Au explosion of dynamite at Brace.
bridge broke many windows in the town
and did other damage.
Find the Cause for the Weak-
,ness and Nervous Dread
That Overshadows
Your Life,
Yon can't keep op forever, ••'..i
;Sooner or later Nature will rebel again -
et the strain that ie imposed °poo your
overworked system. So far, will power
and nerve may have bided you over, bat
the end is probably near at hand.
To•day the common complaint with
weak men and women is leak of kidney
vitality. Here you have the cause of
your ill health.
Wouldn't it he wise to nee a time.
tested remedy like Dr. Hamilton's Pills -
they ours that "ailing" feeling in one
night. Next morning you feel like new
-bright, fresh and happy. Appetite
improves, dull, eellow, color grows ruddy
and clear, proving that great good is be.
tug done by tbie eoientifio medicine.
Thee writes Mrs. D. F. Fowl-
er, from Yarmouth. "I need to
-,F feel drowsy and heavy, my dolor
was Ballow, and there wee UMW.ppr ly a bad taste in my month. I
;" r, had vague paine all through my
limbs and an annoying headache
1101 a0 well.
-. Atte° one dose et Dr. Hawn.
ton's Pills there was a sudden
•ai11 ohange. I felt better, my ap.
petite inoreaeed, and that ex-
, and depression gradual.
ly left me. Lite eeemed brighter
eeeesand happier alter I need Dr.
Hamilton's Pills, so I strongly
sit recommend enoh a good medi•
Mrs. Fowler's letter is a meneage to
you and all others that are in poor
health. You oan't do be tier than follow
her advice. Dr. Hamilton's Pills you
certainly need ; then why not get them
now and enjoy the abundant good health
they ere euro to bring yon. Pride 25o.
per box or five boxes for 51.00 at all deal-
ers, or by mail from N. 0. Poleon & 00.,
Hartford, Conn., U. S. A., and Kingston,
QEALED TENDERS addressed to the un-
dersigned, and endorsed "Tender for
Post Office, &o., at Bt. Marys, Ont.," will be
received ab this °Moe until Friday, June 12,
1000, toolueive, for the oonstruotlon of a
Poet Office, Ao., at Bt. Marys, Out.
Plane and epeoifuatione eon be seen and
forme of tender obtained at this Depart•
went and on application to. the Postmaster
St, Marys, Ont,
Persona tendering are notified that tend-
ers will not be considered unless made on
the printed form supplied, and signed with
their actual eignaturoe.
Each tender must be accompanied by an
accepted cheque on a chartered bank, made
payable to the order of the Honourable the
Minister of Public Works, equal Ito ten per
cent (10 pia.) of the awount of the tender,
which will be forfeited i
to I the person tender.
tug ed deoline to enter into a ail traot when
Dulled upon to as' so, or it he tail to complete
too work ted traoted for, If the tender be
'not aoaepted the cheque will be returaad.
The Department duce not bind itself to
accept the lowest or guy tender.
By order,
Department of Publlo Worke,l 'Secretary,
Ottawa, May 80, 1006.
Newspapers inserting this advertieement
without authority from too Department,
will not be paid for it.
undersigned will keep for servloe on
his premises, North Howlek Boundary, au
English Berkehire hog, Terme, 01.00, with
privilege of returning if neeeeeary.
051)15 0. JAOKLIN, Proprietor.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 21, Con.12,Grey, the pare bred Aber-
deen Angus bell, 'Lord Thomas 8," aired
by "Goderioh Chief," the champion bull of
Canada. Pedigree may be seen 011 applica-
tion, Terms 82.00 with privilege of retnrn-
leg if neeeeerry. J. M. KNIGHT,
88.00 Proprietor.
undersigned 40110 keep for service en
Lot 21,0on.12 Gray, the Improved Berk-
shire Bear, "Fairview Goldflndor," No. 1840e,
Pedigree may bo aeon on application.
Terme-41.50, or 41,25 each for two or mord;
Berklblre solve 08.51 All *he are Interest-
ed in raisingthe Ideal Bacon Hog and the
hog that will make the moat money should
le dog P.
M5INTO8H, drsobiook P.0,
DON'T' ;
Be like the llindo who, fur Pants,
made his skin do, but go to
Dodds &
and get a pair for $5 that will do.
Also nice Sumner Suit or Light Overcoat.
All the Latest Novelties now in stock.
We Guarantee Fit and Workmanship.
alarm sows, from imported dam, six
months old, and two hogs from eame litter,
for sale. 55 Lot 80, Cou, 5, Morrls.
40.1f JAB. 8PEIR,
RHODE ISLAND RED°, bande0me fowl
and great layers. Rotting• from pen one
$I,50, pen two 31.00 after April 15th, A few
cooberele left yet for sale. Hupply Iiwlted,
WM. J. BHIELS, Ethel ,P, O„ ant,
Ie prepared to give lessons on Plane
or Reed Organ. Terme on application.
Poeboflloe addroee-Brussels. Bestuonue-
Lot 8, Con. 10, Grey. Pupils may havo their
lemons at their own homes it preferred.
Salo illedwwwell, is large
Ao., 55 scree of land on Jobu and Jamee at.,
BrJOHN at0FADDEN roe preurnteeBAor 1Fto. S.
400TT, Brussels,
Pupils prepared for the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
The uudereigned offers her 100 acre
farm, being Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey, for sale or
to rent. Comfortable house, bunk baru,
orchard, wolla, #e. Farm ie only 4 of a mile
from the stirring village of Ethel. For fur.
tsele or M100 rKA'P1il1SOLLto AN U 70 89uter
Street, Toronto. 37.0w
situate °00 01111 streetd , Brussels, for Baand le,
It is well located,a onnaontent a°dcOmfor-
table home. Possession eau be given at
of Mi11 audll Elizabetht the
° which would
make a line building site, For further par.
Neuters us to price, terms, Ao., apply to
FRED. ADAM0, Hardware Dealer, For•d-
wiah. 00.4
Synopsis o f Canadian Northwest
ANY even numbered section of Dominion
Albertanexespttmngi 8oban'd °21, notareoerod,
may be homesteaded by any person who ie
the sole heal of a family, or any male over
18 years of use, to the extent of one•quarter
eeotlou of J00 acres more or lose.
Eltnespltli°itoalandI °Mefor the dietrenwhh
the laud is situate.
The bomeeteader is required to , perform
the coedit:one oouncoted therewith under
one of the following plane :
and At cultivation fax
tmenthe' in oa h0°C a upon
three years, (or year for
Is deceased) father tehomeeteadere reotdee
upon a farm in the Vloiuity of the land
entered tor the requirements as to resi-
dence may be satisfied by such person re-
sidingwith the father or mother.
(el If the settler has his permanent reef.
dowse upon farming land owned by him
lathe vicinity of kis homestead, the re-
quirements as to t•esidenee may bo antis.
tied by reatdeoce upon the said )and.
Sixmootbe'notioe 10 writing should be
give to the Oomm10510eer of Dominlou
Lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for
DN. B. Unauthorized puublivation of thio ad'
vertieement will not be paid for.
To Liverpool
Triple 8m'ow Stoamere-
Tnrbiue Engines -No Vibration
From Montreal
Ionian tiny 01 June 28 Aug. 20
Virginian Juue 7 July 5 AUC. 2
1'uuielau June 14 July 10 Aug, 0
Viutoriau Arne 21 July 10 Aug,10
Rates of Passage
First Cabin -570 and upwards, a000rding
to steamer. Second Cabin -542,50 to 34750.
a000r,ling to steamer, Third Class- 827.50
and 828.72,
For further partioulare, ratee and tloketa
apply to
w. 11. KERR,
Agent Allen Liue, Brussels.
Toronto nag and
Metal Co'y
For Rags, Iron, Rubbers,
Wool Pickings, Horse Ilair,
Hides, &c., &c.
Highest Prices for All
Mill st. West, Brussels
Winnipeg • 532.00 Strassburg -
Souris • 83.60 Saskatoon • 87.26
Brandon • 83.66 Mem Albert 38.00
Mocsomin • 34.20 No. Battlefard 89.00
Arcola • 34.60 Macleod 40.00
Esteem 1 86.00 Calgary - 40.60
Yorkton Red Deer 41.60
Regina • 86.75 -Starrier
Moose Jaw • 36.00 Edmonton}
June 5th, good to potion until August 8th.
June 19th, " " August 20th.
July 8rd, " Sept. 8rd.
July 17th, " " Sept. 17th.
For rates to other points and complete in.
formation apply to nearest Canadian Pacific,
Agent, or write to C. B. Fosron, District
Passenger Agent, 71 Yongo St., Toronto.
When you buy a knife for instance, you
consider the quality of the steel in the
blade. The biggest and heaviest knife isnot
necessarily the best. Now there is just as
much difference in the quality and strength
of steel in fence wire as
there is in a knife blade or
razor. The Page Co. use
a high carbon steel
wire, which though it
costs you but little more,
is fifty per cent. (5o%)
stronger than wire in other
fences. The lightest PAGE
fence is as strong as the
heaviest of other makes.
Notice the lock in PAGE
may have noticed also that
Besides the extra strength and superior
workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip-
ped in a. special white paint, which on
top of the best of galvanizing, will lengthen
the life of wire for years, And, also, this
white coating makes wire
much more sightly.
Owing to the greltt
strength and elasticity of
PAGE fencing, one-
third leas posts are re-
quii•etl, thus reducing the
cost of the fencing.
As you get in PAGE
FENCES one-half
more fence etrength4
greater protection against
THE LOCK IN PAGE rust, better workmanship,
"EMPIRE" FENCES. better appearance, usd
others are imitating less posts, can you afford
it. That is a good recommend for it, to use other fences,even though you could
Where we lead others follow. buy thein for one-half the price of the
All PAGE wire is "CODED," not PAGE? But, really ours cost you
crimped. little, if any more, 408
Gat prices before placing your order for Fence Gates or Lawn Fence.
ROBT. CLOSE, ETHEL }Erected by'(' C. H. HARRIS, Pow:mann